Archive | December, 2008

A Godly Woman’s Work

“I don’t like it when I hear people say to a woman, “Do you work?” Now, I know what they probably mean is, “Do you have a job that pays you a paycheck outside of your home?” But the fact is any woman who is a godly woman, a wife and a mother, works. And a godly woman works hard. Here is a woman who takes initiative to meet the practical needs of her husband and her children. She is a hard worker. She’s diligent.”

- Nancy Leigh Demoss

Proverbs 31:13 says,  “She looks for wool and flax and works with her hands in delight.”

This virtuous woman is productive! She rejoices in being busy in her domain. While her husband is designed by God to be the primary breadwinner, she has been uniquely created to be the manager of the resources her husband brings home. Her goal is to love her family by wisely using these resources to meet their basic needs. She is not idle. She does not have time to gossip or get overly concerned in another’s matters which is often where idleness leads.

Have I embraced the domain that God has given to me as a woman? Do I rejoice and take delight in being busy at home? Have you accepted the responsibility, the privilege of caring for the physical, practical needs of your family? This does not mean I always have to love to cook three meals a day, wash laundry, clean toilets, and the like, but do I actively set my heart and mind to rejoicing in my domain? The virtuous woman is motivated by love. It is love for God and others that grant her the capacity to have joy in her home. This is her motivation!

“Only love can make such diligent service sweet and delightful. When love is lacking this work will be the worst drudgery.” - Unknown

As Nancy continues: “But that most menial and manual labor becomes holy. It becomes sanctified, consecrated, when I give it up to the Lord as an offering.”

This is ultimately how I glorify the Lord in my domain – to gladly be spent for the sake of others in my care (2 Cor. 12:15). May we make it our prayer, “Grant, O Lord, that my heart would take delight in doing your will.” (Ps. 40:8)

For more, read day 5 of the Counter-Cultural Woman series & day 6 as part of the 30 day Makeover Challenge.

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Healthy Pumpkin Pie

pumpkin-piePumpkin Pie is a must for the holidays, at least in our family! Here is our healthy homemade version for you to enjoy with natural sweeteners and whole ingredients! I used fresh pumpkin puree from a baked pumpkin for the first time – oh fun! I can’t say I noticed any difference in taste in comparison to the canned version, but it was still quite fun…

1 can pureed pumpkin (approx. 2 cups)
1 cup heavy cream (or replace the cream & milk with 1 (12 oz) can of evaporated milk)
½ cup whole milk
2 large eggs
¾ cup rapadura/sucanat
1 tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp nutmeg
¼ tsp cloves
½ tsp ginger
¼ tsp salt

Pour into a prepared pie crust. Bake at 375 degrees for 45-55 minutes. Makes  1 pie.

This post is a part of the Nourishing Sweets & Treats Carnival.

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Celebrating the Joys of Giving

christmas-carolEach Christmas we have been purchasing a classic Christmas movie for our family, and what a blessing it was to me to find a wonderful copy of A Christmas Carol this year to add to our collection for a mere $5.99. We have seen most of the different editions of this movie, and we really enjoy this version for its almost perfect accuracy with the original book by Charles Dickens.

After viewing this film, I was greatly challenged afresh to see how easily mammon can become an idol in my own life as Scrooge experiences in this story. I fall into that hording tightwad mentality as a frugal mommy so easily, especially in the current state of our economy. I fail to realize that Christmas,  and all year round for that matter, presents many glorious opportunities to communicate how deeply Christ sacrificed for us in coming to dwell among us and that true joy and satisfaction that comes by sharing that love and giving my time and resources for the benefit of those far more needy then myself. How much more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35)! It seems such a backwards truth and yet it is so true and beautifully pictured in this movie.

While reading a wonderful Christmas story in Dr. James Dobson’s book, A Family Christmas (an excellent family collection of Christmas stories), I was struck by these family-christmas-bookwords:

‘The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’ (Matt. 25:40)

There is no higher privilege, no deeper joy, than to become Jesus Christ – if only for a moment – to someone who needs Him in a moment of trouble or deep distress. It’s more than just speaking or teaching about Him. It is actually stepping into His place, becoming His hands and feet. It is allowing Him to so fill your heart and empower your life that your touch becomes His touch…your voice becomes His voice…your compassion and mercy and tenderness becomes his, poured out to a hurting world.

“And when we do these things…when we feed the hungry, take in a stranger, clothe the naked, or visit the sick or the prisoner in His name and His power, something mysterious happens. The King tells us, ‘You did that for Me. You touched My life, in My need, and I will remember it for eternity.’

On a Christmas long ago, He came as a light into a hopeless world. Through our yielded, available lives, His love continues to push back the darkness.”

Did you know that 1 in 4 Christian Protestants does not give at all? Oh Lord, change our hearts! May we be Your hands and feet to a hurting world! What a glorious opportunity we have before us. How can I become Jesus to someone today?

For an excellent sermon on giving this Christmas and during this difficult economic time for many of us, please check out Mark Driscoll’s sermon titled Generous on 2 Cor. 8-9.

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Losing Sleep

I have been using all my blogging time lately to catch up on sleep. For some reason my pregnancy hormones are going a little wild lately and I have been up a few hours each night unable to sleep. That is my excuse for not being around here over the last few days. Appreciate your prayers. It is challenging to lose sleep especially when you still have a household to maintain and a little one to care for. I am thankful that God is teaching me ever more of my dependence upon Him and the wonderful gift of sleep. I would love to hear any tips you may have to offer?

By the way, over the weekend we set up a fun little Passionate Homemaking Amazon store through which you can find many wonderful resources for your family, including books on Biblical Womanhood, the family, and resources for safe baby care, natural living and many household products I recommend. Check it out through the top navigation bar and help support this blog!

As for now…I am blogging at 2:00am…quite fun!

Blessings upon you!

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Frugal & Green Gift Wrapping Ideas

The average family will have a living room full of Christmas wrapping paper this year…all headed for the trash pile? Why not consider a more sustainable, frugal and re-usable alternative? Include the kids in being creative and giving a little more thought and love into each gift.

Alternative Wrapping Ideas

1. Brown Paper Bags – reuse brown paper bags from the grocery store. Turn them inside out, wrap your gift and decorate with your children’s hand prints, sponge paint, or various art work. If you have a larger gift, cut the paper bags flat and tape two or more together. Cut a potato in half and cut out a stencil or design, dip into paint and have fun! Write a poem or special quote on the outside. Use twine or hemp to tie it. Here is a great idea for using simple stickers to decorate the exterior of your package as displayed below.

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Causing Gain or Shame?

As I continue on in the True Woman Makeover Challenge focusing on Proverbs 31 and reading it every day for the next 30 days, I have been pondering verse 11:

The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain.

Or as the New Living Translation puts it: Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life.

Consider the alternative…

An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who shames him is like rottenness in his bones. (Proverbs 12:4)

As Nancy Leigh Demoss shares: The opposite of a virtuous woman or a woman of character is a woman “who causes shame” …she makes him feel decayed and falling apart inside. She makes him weak.

J.R. Miller in his book, Homemaking, written in the 1800′s, says, No wife can overestimate the influence she wields over her husband…How can she make sure that her influence over her husband will be for good, that he will be a better man, more successful in his career and more happy, because she is his wife? Not by . . . perpetual preaching and lecturing on a husband’s duties and on manly character.”

UPDATE/CLARIFICATION: I can bring shame or gain to my husband and ultimately shame to the Word of God by not acting in a godly manner to my husband (Titus 2:3-5). We are equally responsible before God for our own actions and decisions as we are equally co-heirs in Christ Jesus, but I am responsible for following my role of respecting and honoring him to the extent that He honors and obeys the Word of God. My first love should be to the Lord, and out of the love and obedience to Christ should flow a desire to cause gain and enrich the life of my husband. Before criticizing him in my words or actions, I need to evaluate my own heart, and take the plank out of my own eye first (Matt. 7:5).

Nancy says again: “You want your husband to be a man of virtue, to be a noble man, a man of spiritual strength and character? Then set out, not to change him, but set out to be the kind of woman with the kind of character that you want him to have. The Scripture says that kind of woman is a crown to her husband. She blesses him. She brings out the best in him.”

Am I bringing gain or shame to my husband today in my thoughts, words and actions?

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Virtuous Woman Makeover

“Who can find a virtuous woman, for her price is far above rubies?” (Proverbs 31:10)

“Perhaps one reason of the rarity of the gift is, that it is so seldom sought. Too often is the search made for accomplishments, not for virtues, for external . . . recommendations, rather than for internal godly worth.” -Charles Bridges

I am a woman in process. Becoming a woman of strong moral character (as virtuous is defined) is not something that happens overnight. It is through daily dependence upon the Lord for grace and walking in the fear of the Lord. Some days I may take two steps forward and the next day I take a step back, and yet God is faithful and will complete the work that He has begun in me (Phil. 1:6). The same is true for you! The Proverbs 31 woman is a woman that fears the Lord. She has her priorities and values in the right place…it all starts with her relationship with the Lord. From this relationship springs forth the ability to walk out the role God has called us to complete as wives, mothers and homemakers.

Join me on the True Woman Makeover Challenge presented by Nancy Leigh Demoss as we read Proverbs 31 each day over the next 30 days!

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Menu Plan – December 8-21

What a lovely weekend we have had celebrating my hubby’s birthday. My parents took the girl and Aaron and I just hung out and rested at home. We ordered take out and just enjoyed ourselves. It was one of our favorite times together without going anyway and hardly spending a thing!

Well, it has been a bit of time since I last posted my menu plan, but I am getting back into the routine as it is good accountability for me. I have been a little lazy lately and running by the seat of my pants. Thanks to Stephanie’s lead, I have decided to start posting my two week menu plan to simplify things a bit. I normally have a monthly list of ideas that I buy supplies and ingredients for, and that helps keep me in budget, but I always like throwing in a new recipe now and again. Breakfasts and lunches remain roughly the same each week.


Monday: Kefir Smoothies, Hard boiled eggs, banana crumb muffins
Tuesday: Soaked Oatmeal, apples, raisins, bananas
Wednesday: Kefir Smoothies, toast, eggs
Thursday: Soaked Oatmeal, apples, raisins, bananas
Friday: Omelets or French Toast
Saturday: Blender Pancakes, fresh fruit


Tuesday: Egg Salad Sandwiches, carrot sticks
Wednesday: Tomato Soup & grilled cheese sandwiches, carrot & celery sticks
Thursday: Baked Potato w/chili and toppings
Friday: Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches, Applesauce
Saturday: Leftovers


Monday (12/8): Aaron’s B-D dinner -Hamburgers, Green salad
(12/9): Chili & Cornbread, stemmed green beans
Wednesday (12/10):
Sweet & Sour Homemade Meatballs, Mashed potatoes, stemmed veggies, squash
Thursday (12/11):
Taco Salad
Friday (12/12)
: Christmas party dinner at friends
Saturday (12/13)
: Homemade Pizza
Monday (12/15): Spaghetti Squash w/Beef & Vegetables
(12/16): Curried Lentil Soup, Spelt Biscuits, salad
(12/17): Parmesan Chicken, quinoa, stemmed veggies
Thursday (12/18)
: Cheesy Beef & Rice
Friday (12/19):
Chicken Curry over brown rice
Saturday (12/20)
: Ragout over quinoa

For more menu plans, visit Organizing Junkie.

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Celebrating a Simpler Christmas

Over the last few weeks we have been discussing ways of keeping the holidays simple, restful and enjoyable, and most importantly, focused on the Savior’s coming. As Stephanie at Keeper of the Home invited me to participate in the special theme on this topic today for Simple Saturdays, I thought it would be nice to compile my ideas here with a few additions. Many may think it is quite impossible to simplify Christmas, but I believe deliberate planning and prayer is the key! Consider using the holiday evaluation questions to prepare for the holidays as a family!

I appreciate Stephanie’s encouragement to depend upon the Lord’s grace for pursuing a simpler Christmas! By His grace, it is possible!

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Plastic or Wooden Cutting Boards?

Cutting boards are kitchen essentials! For everything from cutting, chopping, dicing and every other food preparation. I have been a long time user of plastic cutting board, that is, until recently. Why is that? Have you every considered that using plastic cutting boards might just be the easiest way to actually eat plastic? If your cutting boards look anything like mine, they get nicked, cut and scratched. Guess where all the plastic shards end up? And those lovely little nicks and cuts are a favorite nesting spot for bacteria to grow. Hard plastics can contain bisphenol A, which makes plastic strong but can damage the reproductive system, disrupt hormones, mimics estrogen, and is linked to bread and prostate cancer. Sound appetizing?

Consider a better alternative…wooden cutting boards. My dad built me a fabulous sturdy cutting board last Christmas and I am now using it primarily. I love it! It is so much more solid, doesn’t slide around the counter as you put it to use, and cleans easily!

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