“Who can find a virtuous woman, for her price is far above rubies?” (Proverbs 31:10)
“Perhaps one reason of the rarity of the gift is, that it is so seldom sought. Too often is the search made for accomplishments, not for virtues, for external . . . recommendations, rather than for internal godly worth.” -Charles Bridges
I am a woman in process. Becoming a woman of strong moral character (as virtuous is defined) is not something that happens overnight. It is through daily dependence upon the Lord for grace and walking in the fear of the Lord. Some days I may take two steps forward and the next day I take a step back, and yet God is faithful and will complete the work that He has begun in me (Phil. 1:6). The same is true for you! The Proverbs 31 woman is a woman that fears the Lord. She has her priorities and values in the right place…it all starts with her relationship with the Lord. From this relationship springs forth the ability to walk out the role God has called us to complete as wives, mothers and homemakers.
Join me on the True Woman Makeover Challenge presented by Nancy Leigh Demoss as we read Proverbs 31 each day over the next 30 days!
I started about a week ago , its a wonderful journey and rewarding once you realize how it makes you think. It reminds you that god loves you even when you are not perfect.
Oh…thank you so much!! I just signed up and am so excited to participate. Have you heard of Proverbs 31 ministries? You would love their devotions too. They are at http://www.proverbs31.org.
I love your blog…thank you for all the wonderful tips! I’m obsessed with the Easy Living Green book too. She has wonderful recipes and shocking information. Thanks for sparking my interest!
I just happened upon your blog….I’m adding it to my favorites. What a great post, I’ll be zapping over to check it out!
Count me in too.
I signed up and am looking forward to improving as a wife, mom and homemaker…with God’s help. Thanks for the reminder that we aren’t perfect that we’re a work in progress…I needed that. Also, it reminded me of the song from when I was little “I Am A Promise”
What a great idea!
This has been on my “to do” list on the computer for ages now. Thanks for the inspiration to actually get going on this. I’m looking forward to it!
I joined in as well. Thank you
I signed up. Sounds very inspiring. Thank you for telling us about it.
Thank you Lindsay! I have been blessed in so many ways by the things I’ve read on your blog. I made soaked steel-cut oats today (soooo good!) as well as a couple of your salad dressings and they are fantastic.
I just signed up a few days ago for the True Woman makeover, I’d love to have other women to go throug it with!
I started a blog too: http://jenstjohn.blogspot.com/ Thank you for letting God use you in such wonderful ways!
Thank you for sharing this. I was doing a lot of pondering yesterday about how I needed to refocus my life. This came at the right time. I did sign up.
I’m in too. I just signed up.
I am in!! Thank you for this!!!!!
This is so what I need!!! I’ve been in a rut, and feeling like I need to break out. I’m in! Awesome!