Who wouldn’t be interested in a few recommendations that might just speed along a natural delivery? No guarantees, but it is definitely worth a try.
These vitamins are extremely helpful for preparing your body to go into labor, getting the cervix and uterus ready to go. I used these faithfully in preparation for my first delivery. I think there is no doubt that they were very helpful for me. I had a pretty smooth six hour labor, which is often unheard of for a first pregnancy. I can’t say for sure, but I am highly suspicious that these supplements were key to my early (Karis arrived at 39 weeks) and shorter delivery (considering my mom’s first delivery was 21 hours)!
Dr. Christopher’s Pre-Natal Formula - this is a 6 week formula to be taken in the last six weeks before your due date. You start by taking one a day the first week and increase to two the second week and so on, until you are taking six a day in the last week. It is formulated to aid in giving elasticity to the pelvic and vaginal area and strengthening the reproductive organs for easier delivery. My mom swears by these vitamins as she took them with her last pregnancy and low and behold the twins arrived in 2 hours! This formula contains: Squawvine Herb, Blessed Thistle Herb, Black Cohosh Root, Pennyroyal Herb, False Unicorn Root, Red Raspberry Leaf & Lobelia Herb.
Evening Primrose Oil – Evening primrose oil is an excellent source of prostaglandins, which readies your cervix for labor. My midwife and doula recommended taking this from 38 weeks on at 6 tablets a day (500 mg each). Choice a cold pressed version.Nature Made Herbs Evening Primrose Oil is available through Amazon.
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea /Pregnancy Tea -Traditional Medicinals Organic Pregnancy Tea is the highest quality option I have found for getting a good supply of raspberry leaf. It is a delicious tea! They also sell a basic raspberry leaf tea as well.
Red raspberry leaf tea is a uterine tonic used first by Native Americans. It tones your uterus and helps it do more effective exercising while you are pregnant. It does not “cause” contractions and can be safely used throughout pregnancy, although most seem to recommend waiting till 36 weeks before consuming raspberry leaf. It helps to tone the uterus after delivery as well, shrinking it back to size more quickly and reducing bleeding. It can also help strengthen cesarean scars.
As the Dr. Christopher formula has Red Raspberry leaf, I usually just stick to the Prenatal Formula and Evening Primrose Oil in the final weeks before delivery. I have already ordered by stock for this second pregnancy and am ready to go here in a few weeks!
We are at the 10 week countdown!
As always, make sure to run these ideas by your doctor or health care practitioner before consumption.