Titus Christopher Edmonds
Born at home: March 4, 2009
(now we have three birthdays on the 4th – Karis is May 4th and mine is September 4th!)
5:10 pm after a good days work!
Weighing in at 7 pounds 4 oz, 21 inches long
Birth team: Mary Bernabe (midwife), Peta (Mary’s daughter and assistant midwife), Amber Langeliers (bradley instructor & doula), Aaron (wonderful supportive husband and daddy)
Written addressed in part to my firstborn son on the occasion of his birth.
What a precious gift of life we are celebrating as we welcome our firstborn son! You would not imagine our utter delight at this privilege that God has given us to raise a boy. With tears of joy you were proudly announced. Daddy and Mommy were crying up a storm in our excitement. We loved the surprise and wouldn’t change anything for the world to the pleasure of waiting to find out your gender.
Labor began slow and steady on Tuesday afternoon with some mild but consistent contractions happening every thirty minutes. I was teaching piano at the time. I continued managing my home, making dinner, while taking brief breathing breaks. Oh the joys of laboring at home! It was incredibly restful. Ignoring the contractions with other activities is the best method.
These mild contractions increased in intensity and shortened in their distance apart throughout the night. I was able to get only 2-3 hours of sleep unfortunately. At 3:00 am I decided to just get up and do some baking. I figured if I wasn’t going to sleep, I might as well make myself productive. I had some muffins, pizza crust and tortillas soaking away in preparation to be made on Wednesday, but I realized this probably would not happen, so I better get to it. Crazily enough I was up in the kitchen at 3am baking away! I did get it all done and went back to sleep around 5:30am for an hour and a half free from contractions. Rising around 7:00 am brought regular 5 minute apart contractions.
The midwives came and checked me around 10:00am and I was at about 3 cm dilation. I decided rather than get frustrated at the slowness of this labor in comparison to my first birth that we would try to enjoy it. My parents came and took Karis for the day and Daddy and I went for a refreshing walk. I began craving some crepes (as I had been all week!), so we went to a cute little cafe and enjoyed some scrumptious crepes (there is this great little place in downtown Vancouver called Bon Ami for all you local folks). Unfortunately they were vomited up later, but the memory remains!
After lunch, starting about 1:00pm, labor really kicked in. The midwives returned after a quick trip to the grocery store to check in on me. It must have been that good lunch! I was 5-6 cm and contractions increased dramatically in intensity and frequency. I labored in various positions throughout our home including bits of time in the tub, walking around and hanging on daddy (poor guy!), in a squatting position, sitting backwards on the toilet while daddy massaged my back, etc. I am definitely into a variety of positions and trying to just let gravity bring the baby down. Standing and squatting seem the most effective for this.
We only had one major challenge. Your head position made it very difficult foryou to pass through the pelvis, requiring some more pelvic rocks, taking the stairs two at a time, and a technique called the roboza. I went through a challenging transition and was really ready to give up. I had felt the need to begin pushing when they discovered the head position needed to be adjusted first. Thankfully the Lord really comforted and strengthened me with His Word and the Scriptures I had compiled previously for this event. I was thankful for the ability to lay and rest on the best during transition and completely relax my body during transition. After resting for awhile, the time arrived.

Three generations of Edmonds men
All in all this labor was more tiring than my first (most likely due to the lack of sleep the previous night) but the actual time of pushing was far easier. I pushed through two strong contractions and he arrived at 5:10 pm after 4 hours of the intense part. The aftermath of it all was incredible. Daddy was the first to observe the gender of the baby and we practically flipped out. We were crying and praising the Lord for a safe and healthy little boy! It was awesome! It all took place in the comfort of my own home. What a blessing!

My birth team: Aaron, Mary, Peta & Amber (and little Gideon - seeing him kept me going!)
I was thrilled to be able to pull you, my little guy, immediately up to my chest and snuggle with you for awhile. The team left us to ourselves to just rejoice in the Lord. This first contact was lacking in my first delivery due to the nature of Karis’ breech birth, so I was extremely thankful to bond with my son in this way. We began nursing shortly afterward and you took to it like a champ.

Edmonds grandkids - Alita, Titus, Karis & Eva
Titus Christopher is your name and what a high calling you have. “Titus” means “of the giants” and is from the biblical character of Titus, and we chose “Christopher” in honor of your Grandpa Taylor, which means “follower of Christ”. We pray that God would make you into a mighty warrior for His kingdom and giant in the faith! We are dedicating you to the Lord for His use. We do believe being born on March 4th was significant and correlates to the meaning of your name. May you march forth to be used of God! That is our humble prayer and dedication for your life. We have chosen My Hope is Built to be your special hymn (following in our tradition to pick a hymn for each of our children).
To God be the glory for great things He has done! He sustained me through it all!
Thank you to you all for your prayers and kind congratulations! I am doing very well in recovery and Titus took to nursing immediately. We were blessed to have my mother-in-law stay with us for two nights followed by my mom for another day. My mother-in-law took the baby for a few hours each night allowing us to get some much needed rest. I am thankful for ear-plugs to help drown out all his nightly miscellaneous noises (he is a grunter)!
I will continue to be resting here and in the meantime would like to open my blog to a few guest posts. If you are interesting in sharing, please send me an email. Thanks!
For more pictures, check out our gallery. To read Karis’ homebirth story, visit here.
I relish, lead to I found just what I was taking a look for. You have ended my 4 day lengthy hunt! God Bless you man. Have a great day. Bye
I started to tear up! My son is almost a year and we will be hopefully blessed with a new spirit soon. I seem to remember the pain more than anything as I went natural but giving birth is an amazing event. Everything I read is beautiful! I am going to have my next at home. Lovely story and can’t wait to hear about your next which is soon I believe!
What a great story! When we had our little boy, Christopher, I remember when Mark (my husband) said “It’s a boy!”. He nearly choked with the emotion of it! I hope to never find out gender.
My recommendation is that you check out Christian Childbirth Handbook. It is the best all around book I have found on preparing for a natural Christ-centered birth. It will also give you resources for finding a midwife, although the best method here is to ask around your community for recommendations. Next, you will want to look into some good childbirth classes. I recommend the Bradley method for natural birthing help. Hope that helps! Congratulations by the way!
My husband and I just found out we are expecting our first child and we would love to learn more about the home birth midwife process. How did you go about natural birth? How do you find a midwife? Where do you start and where should I go after the first positive home pregnancy test. I would love your advice on the topic. Thank you for all your amazing posts.
This was so encouraging to read your story! Sounds alot like mine when I had my son at home. He was my first and now I’m expecting another in March! So please share those verses! My husband was serving in Iraq during my last labor and I look forward to having him home this time!
Do you have a list of the verses from scripture that you had gathered to sustain you during the birth of Titus? I want to be prepared and gather my strength from the only true source of strength and peace…
Yes, I have been meaning to share those but thought it a bit odd since I already had the baby…but at your request, I will definitely post them. Blessings!
Congrats on your new addition. I must say that I think you are brave and very trusting in the lord. You must be in very good shape, and mentally able to withstand the pain of labor. I think you did a wonderful job and it must have been so peaceful to be at home and not poked in the hospital. Peace and blessings are sent your way.
Congrats. He is a cutie! Reading your story brings back lots of memories. Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations to you both! What a beautiful little guy your Titus is! Praise God!
We also have a Titus, our sixth child. He comes after five girls.
It is so much fun to have a little boy, and so different. He’s such a lover, and what you see is what you get.
God bless!
Congrats! He is beautiful!
oh how simply wonderful! loved reading the story and Mazel Tov!
March Fo(u)rth, young Titus you and many like you have an amazing work to perform for the Lord!
Congratulations and what a beautiful homebirth story!
Congratulations! I just realized that our little blessings are almost the same age. I have a daughter a week or two younger than Karis and another daughter who’s about a month older than Titus.
What a beautiful birth story
Congratulations and blessings on you and your family!
I absolutely love home birth stories, and want to thank you for sharing yours. Beautiful. I grinned to picture you baking in the middle of the night!
AMAZING! Beautiful story, beautiful baby!
I absolutely LOVE that hymn…awesome choice. Congratulations…you did awesome.
Thank you so much for the wonderful story…you are such an inspiration! I had a natural hospital birth for the 1st and then decided to do a homebirth with the 2nd….the homebirth was such an amazing experience, I will never have it any other way! Nothing compares to being in your own home and being in control of the birthing process! I LOVE to hear other women doing it! Thank you for sharing your amazing story and inspiring us to be passionate homemakers! It is such a high calling from God, thank you for helping us embrace it! Can’t wait to hear what you get into next!
Yeah! March Forth Titus!
Birth stories are always so fun. Love the Hymn- Oh what lyrics!
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly trust in Jesus’ Name.
On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
How exciting! I just love birth stories–especially from mamas who have gone natural, since this is what I did with my first child and hope to do with my baby due this May. You mentioned that your daughter was breach, but that you had a homebirth…how did that work out? I am being attended by midwives at a birth center, but they do not perform breach deliveries. I’m curious what your experience was like.
What a beautiful birth story! Having a supportive birth team can truly make all the difference in having a blessed birth! I was very blessed to take Bradley classes, too. I loved having my glass of orange juice, after my 1st natural birth. (baby #3)
Congratulations Lindsay! You have a beautiful family. Thank you so much for sharing the things God has blessed you with so that you can be a blessing to others. Your series on natural pregnancy has been really insightful for me and has given me a lot to think about. Again, congratulations, Titus is beautiful!
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us – and also for the photos! He’s a handsome chap
Many congratulations and may God bless your growing family abundantly!
Many congratulations to you!! What a blessing!!! Hallelujah!!!
Hey Linds, great to read your birth story! What is a roboza technique? It was so good to see you guys at church yesterday. Congratulations again! Let me know if I can come clean or do your laundry for you.
Thank you for sharing your home birth story. Time passes so quickly, I know it feels like you will remember the vividness and excitement of Titus’ birth forever. Unfortunately, we forget. How wonderful that you took the time to blog the moment so you could look back and share it for years to come.
Congratulations! I, too, am coming out of lurking to say hello and congrats! I love reading birth stories, and yours makes me eager to do it all over again!
I love birth stories! Praise God for another beautiful blessing and a safe, blessed birth at home.
Congrats! What a beautiful birth! Praise God for him and for Godly parents! I love seeing and reading your blog, its such a joy to see “young” mothers already knowing where they should be and the importance of that!
Wow! With my first, I wanted a home birth but wasn’t able to. I just had my third on the Feb. 21st and they were all hospital births – but I like that because it is like a two day vacation at the spa! With two toddlers at home, the break is nice! I’m so glad went well for you, and what a wonderful name!!!
I would love to do a guest post for you…
yea I like the nurses caring for me and the time alone with the new one too!
Me three!!!All of my babies were c-sections (1st unplanned, 2 planned) and I loved being waited on for my 4-5 days in the hospital! (I had complications w/my last birth)
I love the little grunts, nursing every 2 hrs, I never got more than 2 hrs a sleep at night. After waiting for so long to have a baby, I didn’t mind, the noises!
Congratulations! I’m so happy for you and your family. Titus is such a cutie! We’ll pray blessings over your family.
Congratulations! He is beautiful and what a sweet story of his birth. Praise God for His goodness to you!
What a wonderful homebirth. =) Thank you so much for sharing the story. You have a beautiful family.
Congratulations!! I had to come out of my lurking to say hi. I really appreciate your blog. Very inspiring. Also, after reading your story I had to say, “Hey, I know Amber!” She goes to my church.
I have a friend who has had all four of her kids at home and loves it. Take care of yourself.
Congratulations Lindsey on the birth of sweet Titus! He is adorable!! May you coming weeks be filled with joy in the gospel, and much grace.
In His Glorious Grace,
what a wonderful birth story!! Thank you for sharing. Our first little girl (we have a son close in age to Karis) was born Feb 17th, two weeks early and we are also still riding on the high of a wonderful birth, too. It is amazing what God has created our bodies to do! God bless your family,
Thank you so much for sharing your birth story! Birth stories are so much fun to read. We’re expecting our third little boy this July. Our last little guy was born at home, but our midwife has now moved into a practice with some doctors and only delivers in the hospital now. So, this will be our first hospital birth. Kind of strange going in this direction!
I also enjoyed seeing your picture gallery. He sure is a beautiful boy!
Hey Lindsay! I heard you guys were at church on Sunday! I’m sorry to have missed you and your new little bundle:) We did not sleep well the night before and with losing an hour we just decided to stay home and rest. Anyways, thanks for sharing the story of your homebirth! I have been anxious to read about it and hear how it all went. Every birth is different for sure! What a wonderful experience you guys had and now a baby boy! Yea! We are so happy and excited for you guys! I look forward to visiting someday soon…my turn is next! Please keep us in your prayers! We hope to send out an email when the time arrives. Take care and God bless you!
wow, at church a few days later??? I stayed home the first 2 months, I didn’t want anyone getting my baby sick. Yeah, I was a little overly cautious!
Kudos to you! I’d probably be too sore.
Oh, I am rejoicing for you – what sweet victory! It girds up my faith to read your story. I had two previous c-sections, followed by a recent miscarriage. A natural home birth like this seems nearly impossible for me. So reading about it makes me dream of the future. Enjoy your little one. My 2nd baby grunted too, when she was a new born. I miss those sweet sounds!
Happy Birth Day baby Titus! What a beautiful birth story you have and a blessed mom and dad! Blessings to you as you grow into the young man of God you are destined to be!
CONGRATULATIONS! What a beautiful blessing. Homebirth is such an awesome experience. Cherish these first days together!
It was so nice to run across your blog last week. We have SO many similar interests and passions. It was exspecially a joy and a blessing to read this story and your previous posts on child birth. Thanks you for the encouragement! Blessings on you and your family!
What a beautiful story. It is lovely that you wrote to your son in this way, and shared it with the rest of us. Congratulations again!
Thannk you for sharing your story!
ok, why am I crying? lol. what a beautiful birth story! thanks for sharing, and congrats again!
Amber, looked so much like Larissa (I think that’s her name, I think she’s Stephen’s wife?), that I thought she was her, I was like when did she have another baby!
I’ve been missing your posts, but am so glad that you’re taking the time to rest and bond with little Titus. Congratulations again.
Congrats Lindsay and thank you for sharing your beautiful story!
I loved my homebirth too, and it was great to read about yours!
God is so amazingly good!!
What a wonderful event. Congratulations to you all, and welcome, young Titus!
Thanks for sharing your wonderful story, Lindsay! I relate on so many aspects!
I remember in early labor at home, with both of mine, just continuing on with doing things around the house, and how much I enjoyed the peacefulness of that time in my own home. Ryan and I also went out for a date the night before our son was before, during a bunch of pre-labor contractions, and it was such a special date for us.
I love the image of you baking up a storm during the night!
Might as well make hay while the sun shines, right?
So glad that everything went smoothly and you and sweet little Titus are doing so well! Blessings!
Congratulations on Titus! He is a beautiful boy! I’m glad everything went well for you. You are truly blessed! Wasn’t it fun to introduce Karis to her little brother? I love their little reactions! I will be praying for you in this energy zapping stage of motherhood! Accept all the help that is offered you!
How very sweet! Congratulations again.
Congratulations on your little blessing. LOVE the name Titus. And my daughter’s name is similar to Karis. It is Carissa (same meaning).
Blessings to you and family as you transition to a family of four.