Lauren asked:
I was wondering what your view is on taking prenatal vitamins during pregnancy. I know that Sally Fallon and others like her do not recommend it. But, I am still afraid of not getting all the nutrients needed. If you could let me know your thoughts, that would be great.
I have heard that the Nourishing Traditions diet does not recommend pre-natals due to the addition of synthetic vitamin A in many brands, which in overdose can led to birth defects (as described in brief here). I have chosen to take the advice of my midwife and she encourages the use of a quality pre-natal, especially for the folic acid and iron content which is so essential in early development. It is very difficult to get all the minerals and vitamins necessary for the proper development of a baby without a good supplement. She also mentioned that you will know if you have an overdose of Vitamin A – you will get sours in your mouth and around your lips and dry skin problems behind your ears!
Overall, make the decision that you feel most comfortable with and trust the Lord with the results. I highly recommend: Integrative Therapeutics Prenatal Forte. My midwife knows the Natropath that makes these vitamins and he has been doing it for some 30 years and is very knowledgeable. These prenatals can be taken throughout your child-bearing years in smaller quantities. My midwife recommended I take 4 a day while nursing and between pregnancies. She even takes them and recommends them for all women!
For an excellent article on the importance of prenatal vitamins and also addressing the vitamin A issue, visit here.
Lucy asked:
I am wondering what you have to say about taking daily supplements such as multivitamins and such. I would be grateful to know if you think supplements should be taken. THANKS!
I do think it is wise to take take a daily supplement if you can afford it, but I don’t believe it is the end of the world if you do not. I have not done a ton of research in this area, but I have been taking pre-natals for the last few years at my midwife’s recommendation as described above. This is pretty much all I personally take. My husband very rarely takes a daily multivitamin and I give a Children’s liquid multivitamin to my daughter from Fred Meyer nutrition.
Other more frugal means of adding further supplementation to our diet includes the addition of various seeds (flax seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds), cod liver oil, and apple cider vinegar to our diet. These are wonderful additions that increase overall health and boost your immune system! Overall, maintaining a balanced diet is key (quality whole grains, lots of fruits and vegetables in a variety of colors) to make sure you get the nutrients you need. I also believe that drinking a lot of fresh filtered water is one of the missing factors toward maintaining a healthy body.
Stephanie @ Keeper of the Home wrote a thoughtful series on supplements here.