Archive | October, 2008

Natural Healing for the Family

Did you know that Americans spend more each year on over-the-counter remedies for coughs and colds than the combined costs of running the governments of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador?

We were up quite a bit last night nursing my sweet feverish Karis (at 101 degrees). This was the first fever I have experienced with her, so questions of whether or not it was serious were continually going through my head. I have always been hesitant to pay the doctor a visit, primarily because of our lack of health insurance, and secondarily because they often only tell me what I already now and want to just load us up with antibiotics.

To settle my fears, I dug out my two handy little natural health manuals which are simply wonderful, especially for the first time mommy! I can’t recommend these two books more highly for every mommy desiring to prepare and preserve a natural home without all the added antibiotics that can do more harm than good.

How to Raise a Healthy Child…In Spite of Your Doctor by Robert Mendelsohn, M.D. – I love Dr. Mendelsohn’s book, due to it’s thorough coverage of topics such as circumcision, vaccinations, birth, and various childhood illnesses. I will never visit the doctor before referring to this book! He explains all you need to know as to how to evaluate the seriousness of any sickness and simple natural remedies from home. He says: “Common colds and influenza do not require medical treatment, and the medications often used to treat them, will merely relieve symptoms. The effects of doing this may be counterproductive, because they interfere with the body’s efforts to cure itself.”

Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis Balch, CNC – this is a huge reference guide covering everything from A-to-Z, with all drug free remedies using vitamins, minerals, herbs and food supplements. This covers every concern for adults and children.

I was assured to discover that the two best remedies for both cold and fever symptoms were the two H’s for both children and adults:

1) Hydration – keep drinking lots of liquids to replace the loss of fluids in your body through runny nose, cough, perspiring, etc. Try to drink 8 ounces every hour in whatever form they can be taken.
2) Humidifier – the use of a humidifier will greatly assist in maintaining a moist humid environment to assist in the ability to breath easier. Great for the lungs as in alleviating congestion.

For fevers, Dr. Mendelsohn assured me that I should only be concerned if her temperature rises above 106 degrees and there is presence of other symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhea, chills, etc. Otherwise, just let it run it’s course. There is even no need for antibiotics, as they tend to slow down the process and cause other issues as well.

Save yourself a doctor bill, which is usually around $175 for us, by picking up these two books!

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Homemade Tomato Soup (from scratch!)

Yum! This was the first time I have explored with making my own homemade tomato soup and it was delightful! I had a pile of tomatoes from the last pick of my garden and what better way to use them but to prepare a luscious tomato soup for our family!

Come on in and I will share with you my creation…

4 cups tomatoes, diced or pureed in the blender (approximately 8 small tomatoes) – I used part of my canned tomatoes and it worked great!
1 onion, chopped
4 garlic cloves, minced or a combination of cloves and garlic powder
1 cup chicken broth
1 tsp sea salt or garlic salt
1 Tbsp dry basil (or fresh if you have it!)
dash of pepper
2-3 tsp rapadura or other natural sweetener

Saute onion and garlic in a little coconut oil till tender and translucent. Add tomatoes and chicken broth and cook over medium heat for approximately 15 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly before transferring carefully to a blender. Puree until smooth. Return to pot and add the remaining ingredients to your taste. Delightful with a dalop of sour cream on the top!

It’s supper easy and delicious…I can’t imagine going back to the store bought varieties now!

Soups are a fall favorite! Here are a few others to try: Spicy Lentil Soup, Chili & Garden Chowder – all of which can be made without meat and thus very frugal, whole and nutritious!

This recipe is being shared as a part of Nourishing Fall Recipes Carnival & Kitchen Tip Tuesday!
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Mission of Motherhood: Being a Friend

What a treasure it was to have a strong friendship with my parents growing up. I look back in thankfulness at the times when my dad would tuck me in at night and just spend a few moments in conversation and prayer together, or when my mom would take me out to coffee and just talk together. There were many emotional moments during my teens when these times provided necessary stability and strength for my soul. It would often just require a listening ear to provide the support necessary to keep me going through those emotional roller coasters. Each moment of time my parents invested in building a relationship with me strengthened my respect for them and desire to imitate their faith.

Sally Clarkson in chapter 7 of Mission of Motherhood gives a call to mothers (and I would definitely include fathers in this) to establish a friendship with their children. It is not all about training, correcting, or disciplining, but must be properly balanced with the understanding that part of our eternal influence on their souls comes through simply investing quality (not necessarily quantity) time in making our children our best friends.

She shares the example of a precious tea pot full of memories that would be used time and time again as a means of sitting down with a child who needed a little love and talking together and allowing them the freedom and protective environment to open up and share their hearts. Rather than correcting every bad attitude, she discerns whether there might just be a deeper issue at hand that needs to be talked through.

“Because people will last through eternity, relationships have eternal significance. The relationships we make and cultivate and nurture will also sustain us throughout all of life’s seasons…When children have a a safe haven – a place to be protected from the storms of life; a place to be emotionally, mentally, and spiritually encouraged; a place where they enjoy the time and attention from the important people in their lives – and time in which to mature, then they will have a good opportunity to become emotionally healthy and flourishing human beings.”

Children need love, affirmation, attention, and acceptance…if they do not find it from my husband and I and in our home, they will surely search for it from other means! I want to be the one that touches, caresses and talks with each one of my children and provides them with the emotional stability and sense of well-being that they need to be godly and influential men and woman of God!

How have you cultivated strong friendships with your children? Or how can you begin today to do so? Why not establish monthly dates with each of your children?

It can be as simple as enjoying a cup of tea together!

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Pumpkin Patch & Menu Plan – October 20-25

It has been a bit of a lively week over here as of late, with the combination of a teething and sick little girl, in addition to some circumstances which led to a few gatherings of dinner guests at our home. I honestly love impromptu hospitality the best all in all! It’s fun being flexible! I have been craving pumpkin pie and thus I am desirous of experimenting making a pie from scratch this week with our pumpkins from the patch. Going to try Kimi’s recipe this week. Should be fun!

Here are some cute shots from our weekend fun at the pumpkin patch!

We had so much funny looking and touching animals, picking out pumpkins, and taking a hay ride. I love spending time as a family in these simple and delightful ways!

On to the menu plan…trying to make our grocery budget stretch this month!  I completed my usual monthly grocery shopping trip and normally I might take a brief re-stocking trip half way through the month. This month I am being adventurous again!

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Prego mommy – 19 weeks!

Here I am, and almost half way to the finish line! I have been feeling the baby moving frequently lately. What a delight to feel the life forming inside me. Enjoying every moment and blessed to be feeling so well! Past that first trimester tiredness and getting a little more energy around here. Now if I could just figure out how to get in a good sleeping position so I don’t wake up with a sore back!

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Simplifying the Holidays: Focus on Giving

Read more about Advent Conspiracy and how you can contribute to clean water this Christmas!

This video says it all! One of the most significant ways we can simplify the holidays to to first change our focus. Spend less, give more (time relationally and monetarily), celebrate true joy as we focus on worshiping Jesus! Rather than continuing in the $450 billion dollar Christmas industry, we can make a difference by first focusing on others! Why not designate a specific amount of your Christmas budget towards a giving project or two? Why not limit your gift purchases to just one gift per person this Christmas? Many readers shared last week how they liked to follow in the pattern of three gifts as the Wise Men gave Jesus. If Jesus only received three gifts, why should we receive so much more? OR consider giving away three specific gifts to Jesus and be His hands and feet?

There are many ideas out there, but here are just a few family friendly ideas for encouraging a spirit of giving this Christmas:

Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Catalog - several readers shared how these use this tool to focus on giving. Samaritan’s Purse offers a whole list of specific projects of ways you can give and contribute to those who have so much less then us around the world. Projects include anything from helping a disabled child to building a church.

Angel Tree Project – Provide a little joy for children who have a parent in prison.

Operation Christmas Child – This is a fun opportunity to send a shoe box full of love and gifts to a child in a foreign country. We have participated in this on many occasions. National Collection week is November 17-24. This year, families in our church are preparing and sending Ziploc bags filled with such gifts to the Philippines through ACTION missionaries we know there. These bags will be distributed to adults and children through their disaster relief outreach. This past week we had a shopping and packaging party to participate together. IT was such a blast!

Give a Jesus Gift – Our family chose a needy family we know in the church to whom we will give a Jesus gift this year. We are filling a basket full of baked goods, a monetary gift, and small gifts for each of the family members (mainly books and craft supplies). This has been so exciting to plan and scheme how we could bless this family most effectively.

Here is our group packaging Ziploc gifts for the Philippines!

Would you consider prayerfully joining the conspiracy with us? Pray together as a family how you can spend less this Christmas and give more! God may burden each family differently, but we can all give to carry the gift of Christ’s name to the nations around us in some small way.

Stay tuned for more ideas on how to maintain a Christ-centered focus this holiday season!

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Giveaway Winner!

Announcing the winner of

Lindsay Hill

I am greatly enjoying this resource and highly recommend the purchase of this e-book. It can be used year after year! It is assisting me in planning, organizing and just really enjoying the season more over my natural tendencies to stress out! It is a very simple step-by-step planner, allowing me to take a little time to get the creative juices flowing! Preparing in advance is giving us the ability to have more time and freedom to focus and pray together on how we might be most effective in giving to others and keeping a Christ-centered focus this Christmas!

Buy your own copy today!

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Making our House a Home – Decor!

The investment in simple decorations, table runners, cloth napkins and the like can make a house a place of warmth and refreshment for all those who enter. Part of our calling as homemakers is to make our homes that source of oasis for our families but also to extend in hospitality to friends, family, and all whom the Lord might call you to minister to. Developing those creative juices in your homemaking can be so much fun and it also doesn’t have to cost a lot of money! The addition of decor and giving it a little womanly touch can make such a difference.

I have been inspired lately to decorate my house a little with some fall colors.  Jo-Ann Fabrics is a wonderful source of decorations at great prices. Just check out their website and subscribe to their emails. About once a month I get a 50% off coupon as well as notification of sales. Ross stores also have a nice selection of household decor for great prices. I love buying my photo frames there.

I couldn’t believe how delightful it was to freshen up our home with a little love and decor. It made me enjoy being a homemaker that much more! I am not naturally gifted in creativity so it takes a little work, but the more I do it the more enjoyable and easier it gets!

We found the table arrangement pictured above at our local farmer’s market this past Saturday for $8. I added a few candles and table runner that I had on hand, and with the addition of some fun little gourds (which are very cheap at the produce stand), we were set! Gourds and candles alone can make a nice arrangement! I found the best thing is to take a little bit at a time to collect decor and once you have it you can use it again and mix and match, as I often do with my candles. Don’t invest in a huge closet of decor at one time, collect a little here and a little there.

This is a dark picture due to the light coming in, but this is a lovely fall wreath I bought for just $5 at Jo-Ann’s. IT was originally $30, but with the sale and the additional 50% off coupon, it was $5! It doesn’t have to be expensive, but it can definitely freshen up your home!

A fall garland hanging inside another window – a $4 find at Jo-Ann’s!

So have fun becoming a creative homemaker!

For further thoughts on decorating, especially on a budget, check out these posts:

Decorating on A Budget – part 1

Decorating on A Budget – part 2

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Kitchen Energy Saving Tips

Here are a few green living tips that I have been learning as of late…every little bit helps to becoming a better steward of the resources God has entrusted to us!

1. Turn your oven off ten to fifteen minutes before your cooking time runs out, as your food will continue to cook without even using the extra electricity!

2. Use your lids while cooking on the stove top with pots and pans. I always did not want hassle with the lids and getting them dirty and all (who wants extra dishes?), until I realized I can prevent an additional mess of splattered foods all over my stove top (which is harder to clean) by using the lids, as well as decreasing the cooking time. You can save electricity by simply keeping your pots covered while cooking!

3. For hard boiled eggs – bring your eggs and water to a boil and immediately turn the burner off, while leaving the lid on. Set your timer for 15 minutes and you will have hard boiled eggs without the use of so much electricity!

For more kitchen tips, visit Tammy’s Recipes.
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Mission of Motherhood: The Training Mother

Deuteronomy 6:6-9
“These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.”

Why is it so important to train our children to think biblically? Sally Clarkson in chapter 6 of The Mission of Motherhood responds by reciting Proverbs 23:7, that as a person “thinks within himself, so is he (NASB).” Our children’s thought processes and beliefs will determine, as they grow and mature, what kind of people they will be. “What we think about God is the most important thing about us” as A.W. Tozer so profoundly pointed out. How we view and comprehend God will not only affect our beliefs, but also our decision making process, our purpose, and our behavior. Therefore, ever more reason for us to heed the important call to train up our children in biblical literacy, morality, laws, theology, wisdom, and faith, which she expands upon in detail throughout the remainder of this chapter.

How can we walk this out?

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