Okay, so I am a pretty normal pregnant woman…in both of my pregnancies I have only have one or two random strange cravings (chili cheese fries, anyone?). But there has been one item that I have been obsessed with during both of my pregnancies and only during my pregnancies…and that is peanut butter! I absolutely love it on a toasted piece of bread or English muffin drizzled with a little honey or in accompaniment with apple slices. I have to have it practically every day! Good thing Costco sells organic peanut butter for such a good price!
I guess it is just another good way to get my protein count.
I am 25 weeks along and counting! Baby is healthy and growing…I feel like there is a tornado taking place in my tummy most of the time due to the activeness of this little precious life.
If there are any moms on here that live in Southern California, and are still obsessed with peanut butter even after your pregnancy, I’d love to chat with you! I’m working on a new food docu-series, and I’m interested in chatting with people who crave peanut butter constantly.
If anyone is interested in hearing more about the show, please contact Jessica at KiernanCasting(at)gmail(dot)com as soon as posisble!
Not pregnant yet, but I have recently fallen in love with peanut butter mixed with softened coconut oil, either on toast, a banana, or by itself. The two flavors complement each other so well, and I can taste the nuances of the peanut butter even more.
Thanks to all who cautioned about eating too much during pregnancy. I will try to show restraint when that time comes.
Oh yes I just remembered something else. Whenever I ate/drank alot of dairy products while nursing, my little one would come down with eczema on her skin which cleared up when I cut it out of my diet. Excess sugar (especially because of ice cream) also contributed to yeast problems in my nursling if not myself. If what one eats has such an affect on a nursing baby I believe that it would affect a baby in utero causing sensitivities later on as well.
Peanut butter seems to be a common favourite amongst my family members as well. No one has any peanut allergies but because of excessive nut eating my three and one year olds get bumpy rough skin all over their body. They both nurse and their skin clears up when I stay away from the nuts and seeds ( only flax seeds seem to not bother them. The nuts and seeds are raw ). I have also had two aquaintances who ate alot of peanut butter during their pregnancies because it was the only protein they could stomach . Their children ended up with severe peanut and nut/sesame seed allergies causing anaphylactic symptoms. It seems that we all need to exercise caution with nuts. The allergies associated with them are life threatening and nerve wracking since their oils are in so many products. Sorry to be the wet rag on the topic, but I hope this helps someone.
Have you ever made your own PB??? It is wonderful.
Let me know if you want me to tell you how. It would be such a Lindsay thing to do.
I realize that this is a two year old post, but I’m interested in case you ever read this again!
I love peanut butter,too! I also know someone who supposedly ate alot of pb during her pregnancy and her son is highly allergic. Who knows. But I guess that goes for anything-variety is best.(Not that it stopped me from eating it or anything!)
Have you tried other nut butters? I know they’re usually pricier, but maybe some variety would be good once in awhile. I love almond butter and sunbutter-made from sunflower seeds instead of peanuts-so yummy! You can check it out on sunbutter.com.
You might want to do a little research on eating peanut butter during pregnancy. I have read that pregnant women should not eat peanut butter and children should not have it until age 3 because it can affect children’s immune systems, causing peanut allergy (which is a very serious allergy). We have two relatives with peanut allergy.
Can you provide sources for your statements? I have never had any issue with peanut butter for myself or my daughter (who has been eating it since age 1) and my midwife informed me that it is perfectly fine. I would be interested to hear where you heard that information.
I read about it recently myself on the NT Yahoo Discussion group. I think the main issue for those without peanut allergies is the aflatoxin. A mold that they say is very prevalent in most Peanut Butters. I’ve read about it in a number of other places (blogs mostly), but this was the most extensive site I’ve seen on it so far.
But, we do still eat a lot of peanut butter.
I love the blog. Thanks for putting so much effort into it! It is truly a blessing.
I hear you! I’m not big on peanut butter normally either, but I’ve been eating apples with peanut butter for breakfast a lot lately! I’m craving Guacamole burgers with this pregnancy, and with Boone it was Mexican food.
And I also feel like there’s a tornado in there right now, I think this one is even more active than Boone was!
My husband and I don’t really care for peanut butter. We had jar after jar expire on us before I got the hint–Hey, maybe we just don’t want to eat it! But with this pregnancy, I have discovered the satisfaction of eating Adam’s peanut butter on a whole wheat bagel each morning before work (preferably with a banana). I really enjoyed and craved it at first, now I am really mostly tired of it and could skip it all together, except that it’s such a perfect protein packed meal to take on the go. Only a few more weeks of work left and then I can eat eggs and oatmeal every morning if I wish! Only two months ’til baby comes!
Our second child Bethany Lily was born at home on September 24
My favorite breakfast was a whole-grain waffle or pancake, spread with peanut butter, topped with bananas, wheat germ, and a drizzle of honey. YUM!
Maybe you’re having a boy…my protein cravings were stronger with my son (I got tons of protein with my daughter too but it was more of a struggle as I was more inclined toward carby things)
Praise God for a healthy pregnancy!
I craved black beans, mashed potatoes, rice pudding with bananas on top. (not all together). My husband had to do the grocery shopping when I was first pregnant. He came home with a premptive jar of pickles. So he could save a trip later. I never craved them. They remain unopened in the back of my fridge. Ha…but he did have to fun to Chipotle a couple times.
Oh and I craved curry and anything spicy too!
Amelia loves spicy food.
I craved fried chicken and mayo during my first pregnancy–and I don’t actually like either one of them. But I couldn’t stop thinking about them, so I would get fast food chicken sandwiches and close my eyes so I didn’t have to see what I was eating!! Peanut butter sounds way better!
Hey, I would research too much peanut butter during pregnancy as I too loved it with my first child and had it often because my body needed protien. After my son was born and he was about 2 (the age to give peanut butter) he had a crumb of a peanut butter cookie and started coughing and breaking out around the mouth. From what I know that was the first time he had encountered peanut butter and you usually have a reaction to it on the second encounter. My opinion is that he was over exposed in the womb and through nursing and became allergic. I have 3 other children who are not allergic, as I was very conservative in my consumption of it during pregnancy and avoided it during nursing. Something to think about! I would consume more of a variety of protien sources and quantity and I bet your craving for peanut butter would deminish. Also peanut butter is difficult to digest. Read up on it and you will be surprised at what you find. Love your site, just had to comment on this post.
Something to think about! Thanks for sharing.
Ice cream was one of my pregnancy vices along with garlicky and cheesy things. Peanut butter was good too, but I don’t remember craving it. One time, I remember having this tremendous craving for cake with buttercreme frosting – nothing else would do. I also remember having an aversion to pork products (sausage in particular) and still can’t eat them much. I figured out I was pregnant one time when coffee started tasting bad to me (uh oh). Not so anymore, thank goodness.
I was reading recently about how many peanut butters contain aflatoxins – they have something to do with pesticides and mold in peanuts. Peanuts harvested in New Mexico do not have this problem with the soil for some reason. Even many organic peanut butters can have this problem (look on mercola.com and it talks about it more in depth). I have been buying Arrowhead Mills brand and they apparently have aflatoxin-free peanut butter (very good peanut butter, by the way). I’m wondering if those kind of toxins could potentially result in a child with a peanut allergy? Something worth considering.
Very interesting information. I will have to research this further. Thanks! I did discover from the Maranatha Peanut butter website that they are virtually free of aflatoxins. They are another organic peanut butter source!
Lindsay, I just wanted to let you know that I’m linking to you in a post I’m working on on NT.
Keep up the interesting blog!
If you love pb you might like the “milkshakes” we have been making. 2c almond milk, 2 frozen bananas, 2 t natural pb, 1 T vanilla. Blend and enjoy!
Sounds yummy! Thanks for sharing!
And we had sweet potato peanut butter soup for lunch. PB is so delightfully flexible!
Yes, I definitely had the peanut butter cravings too! How funny. I think peanut butter and banana was one of my main staples during both my pregnancies.
I just finished my order through vision forum; I’m so excited. Thanks for the heads-up!
Shannon H
Peanut butter & apples slices is my absolute favorite snack! I eat it for lunch often, too.
Blessings on your pregnancy!
First let me thank you Lindsay for being a positive model for those of us who, at times, struggle with the decision to stay home and not be part of the “working” moms group. As far as peanut butter is concerned, can’t stand the stuff. That is until I am pregnant. I didn’t even suspect I was already carrying my fourth child when I found myself with a large spoonful of extra chunky pb in my mouth and realized what I was eating. Your body always knows what is best even if you don’t agree and so it was with each child. Funny to have something so small be so similar for so many.
What a surprise to see your post today since I was just rummaging around in my refrigerator to see what I can put my peanut butter on. We’re all out of my favorite pairing: PB and whole wheat tortilla for a rollup, so an apple it is.
Glad to hear things are going well. I look forward to reading your blog every day. I feel blessed to have stumbled across it one day earlier this year, so thank you for all of the work you put into it!
I couldn’t get enough peanut butter milkshake when I was pregnant with my first. Although, I would make them often and only drink a little, my hubby would finish them off and ended up gaining more weight than me! PB was also the only thing I could keep down when I hit 20 weeks and my nausea finale. For a week, I think the only thing I was able to eat without immediately being sick was toast with a paper thin layer of PB, and only if I took about half an hour to eat it.
I am also 25 weeks along and planning a homebirth! yay for new little lives! I love your blog, thank you so much for inspiring tid bits and sharing your life with us on here!
I think I’m gonna go have some peanut butter toast myself