Archive | July, 2010

6 Reasons Why I Love My Dehydrator & Giveaway

I was recently blessed to receive an Excalibur dehydrator from the generous folks over at Cultures for Health, and boy, have I been having so much fun exploring all the wonderful uses of this machine. There is no end to the creativity that can be developed as you learn to use this machine to significantly cut down on food waste in your home while making such wonderful nutritionally dense delights for your family!

Why do I love my dehydrator?

1. Get the most out of our food

I love how the dehydrator will help to preserve and protect the nutrients in our food. According to “Preserving it Naturally” (the companion guide that comes with the dehydrator), “Dehydration is the best way to preserve the essence of raw fruits and vegetables. When raw food is heated to an internal food temperature of 118 degrees or higher, for an extended period of time, its nutritional values begin to deteriorate, especially enzymes. Dehydrating does not subject food to the high temperatures associated with cooking, or traditional canning methods.”

The effects of water removal of dehydrated food is minimal except that some vitamin A and vitamin C are lost. I can also soak and dry my nuts and help break down the enzyme inhibitors that help our bodies digest them more effectively. Sprouting grains is another task that can be completed in order to break down phytates. There is an endless list of food ingredients that can be dried – fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and grains – practically anything that has water in it.

2. Create fun, healthy snacks for our family

With a few simple steps, I can create granola bars, fruit leather, and jerky and let my dehydrator go to work. Thus far we made yummy soaked granola, fruit leather, and soaked nuts for homemade trail mixes and munching. What fun!

3. Save money

After the initial investment in the machine, you can prepare goodies at half the cost of store-bought brands. Plus, the dehydrator will take significantly less electricity than an conventional oven to prepare our food, cutting back on costs and helping be a good steward of our environment. According to the manufacturer, an Excalibur Food Dehydrator only uses $.04-$.05 of electricity per hour!

4. Easy to use

The Excalibur comes with a delightful book (Preserving it Naturally) with detailed instructions, recipes, and helpful hints on how to create anything and everything my heart desires. ;) I just adjust the temperature as needed and the machine will do the rest.

5. Perfect balance in drying

Unlike many other dehydrators, the Excalibur has the fan in the back of the machine enabling balanced and even drying. All trays get the same even heat.

6. No waste!

The dehydrator helps me to avoid food waste in my home. When veggies or fruit start fading, I can simply lay them out in the dehydrator and preserve them for future use. There is definitely some nutritional lose, as it is preferred to dry fresh ingredients, but they prevent them from going in the compost or trash. Stale bread can be turned into croutons. Old crackers that are starting to get soft can be re-dried to refresh their crispiness.

I have the 9 tray Excalibur dehydrator so that I can prepare many things at once and save on electricity and time in preparation. You can prepare nearly 25 pounds of vegetables in one day in this machine! It is large, but fits nicely on a shelf in our garage. It quietly hums in the background, and fills our garage with wonderful scents. The Exalibur dehydrator is definitely very sturdy, well made, and comes with an excellent warranty. Plus it is BPA free.

The only two things I do not like about this machine:

- The door – I wish it were able to pop open and slid in, but you have to remove it entirely. Not a big deal just annoying at times.
- The lack of a timer – there is no timer on this machine, but a simple fix of purchasing a small timer that plugs into the wall is a cheap alternative.

Protecting our food budget and getting the most out of our food, make this machine a valuable addition and worthwhile investment to any homemaker’s kitchen!

Now for the exciting news!

Cultures for Health is offering you the opportunity to win a 4 tray Excalibur dehydrator for your kitchen (retail value of $150)!

To Enter:

1. Visit Cultures for Health and enter your name and email address. Come back and share why you would love to have a dehydrator and how you would use it.

2. For a second optional entry, share about this giveaway on facebook, twitter or your own personal blog and let us know in a second comment.

3. For a third optional entry, follow @cultures4health and @passionatehome on twitter, and let us know in a third entry.

Note: If the winner would prefer the larger model, Cultures for Health will offer a gift certificate for the price of the 4-tray model so you can apply it towards the bigger one.

Limited to US and Canadian entries.

Giveaway Closed.

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June at Our Home

No buyers, no clients, many sleepless nights…thus would summarize some of the struggles that have been going on in my heart over the last month. I was striving, putting my best effort forward to get the word out there. Desiring desperately to move on to the next season of our lives. It feels so peaceful to move…to be closer to Aaron’s work allowing more family time (instead of hours in traffic separating us), more opportunities to reach out to his co-workers and be more in a community of families in an actual neighborhood that we could minister to, in addition to being closer to our church family.

I wanted doula clients so I could complete my certification. I only needed three. How hard could that be? I was shocked and inwardly battling discouragement when I was refused again and again. Was I really in the Lord’s will? Was this just a sign that I wasn’t supposed to be doing this? I knew I was not desiring to pursue a career in this by any means as my mothering is a full-time ministry, so maybe this wasn’t the best time to look for outside ministry opportunities?

Many continued battles with insomnia…many nights crying out to the Lord.

The Lord spoke loud and clear through two gracious friends….”Wait on me, Lindsay. All your striving only results in heartache and disappointment. Wait. It may take 6 months to sell your house, but why would you doubt that it wasn’t My will? Do I always confirm immediately? If this were so, my perfect refining work would not be completed in you. Your fulfillment will not come if you fulfill your certification requirements by the end of the year, which was your time frame. Wait for My time frame. That is perfect. My peace I give to you, My peace I leave with you. Not as the world gives – not the immediate satisfaction of your desires that the world lays forth as confirmation. I am doing a beautiful work in you. Let My peace overwhelm you. Let My peace satisfy you. Wait and be faithful where you are.”

Peace has flooded my heart. A beautiful work that only God can do when I fully resign my desires to His timing and control. I decided to stop striving and wait. It feels so good. Are you striving today? May I encourage you with these verses:

Cease striving and know that I am God. (Psalms 46:10)

Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength, they will mount up on wings like eagles. They will run, and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31)

Praise the Lord for His good work. Praise the Lord for a rich time at the beach this past month with my wonderful family! Praise the Lord for His provisions! Praise the Lord for my two little children – two precious bundles of joy, two little disciples! That is where I will be faithful. I may stumble again, but the Lord is Faithful and True to pick me up and carry me along.

The Taylor Clan 2010 – Lincoln City, OR
L-R: Aaron, Titus, me, Karis, Mom, Christa, Kelly, Brooke, Sam, Brandon, Dad, Dan, Stephen, Micah, Larissa, Trinity and my new niece – Isabelle

In the meantime, I am taking a little blogging break. Aaron has had two intense weeks at work, and we need to rest together and be a family. See you sometime next week! Have a glorious and restful holiday weekend!

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A Tour Through My Kitchen: My Top 10 Kitchen Tools

Sue asked: I’d love it if you would give a little tour of all of your kitchen appliances. I know you have the Nutrimill grinder and some other things but that would be helpful. You could mention what you use them for in terms of your meals. I’d like to know how much you use each item or basically if you think it’s worth the investment.

So you want to know what’s in my kitchen? I’d love to walk you through what appliances we have invested in that have helped us prepare real food, homemade goodies. Take note that we did not purchase all these items at once, but it has been a journey of four years now with a lot of research to purchase all the tools that make my job so wonderfully enjoyable and easy. In fact, most of them were my birthday presents over the last few years or initially as a wedding gift. ;)

Having these tools definitely has been the real food diet more achievable for me and well worth the wait and investment! But be encouraged even if you are on a tight budget, every little penny saved helps. My priorities with each appliance we have purchased has been as follows:

1. Quality – I want tools that will last me a long time. I don’t want cheap appliances that will break under the daily wear and tear that we put them under. Quality is often found with a higher price tag.

2. Multi-Purpose – I always look for items that will accomplish more than one task, if possible. I don’t want to clutter my counters or drawers with a thousand different gadgets that I must maintain, or waste time trying to locate.

3. Simplify my kitchen experience - I want to invest in tools that will make my job easier as a homemaker. I want to be able to make homemade real food, but for it not to take all day. I have other important things to do in order to keep my home and life running smoothly, so I want to simplify. These are good investments if they keep mommy happy, sane, and maintain less time in the kitchen.

With these goals in mind, we have invested in the following basic appliances/tools for our kitchen. I’m not going to list every item in my kitchen, but rather focus on the larger tools that are used daily on my counter.

1. Bosch Mixer

I absolutely love my all-purpose Bosch Mixer and can highly recommend it and the company that states behind it. I use it practically every day for mixing up batters (cookies, cakes, muffins, etc), whipping cream (butter, sweet toppings), and bread making (up to six loaves at a time). With the kneading & whisk attachment, this mixer can handle any job! It also comes with a basic blender that does a good job for the average task. I also have the food processor attachment for this machine that receives minimal use.

Read my mini review here.

2. Blendtec Blender

We invested in the Blendtec Total Blender this past year as we were looking for something that would accomplish many tasks and do them extremely well, and this machine has stood up to the challenge. It can handle large quantities of green smoothies (which we eat every other day) and blends them nice and smooth and rapidly. I can make sauces (raw applesauce, raw jams/jellies, tomato puree, etc) regularly. It works quickly and efficiently. Love it! They now offer a 4 inch blade, 96 oz jar option which works more speedily and effectively.

Read my full review here.

3. Toaster Oven

We replaced our microwave a few years back with a toaster oven and I have been very satisfied with our decision. It prepares things on a slower more natural pace, but can keep the heat down in the kitchen instead of running the oven. I toast bread, bagels, bake casseroles, brownies, potatoes, thaw and reheat food items, and many other small tasks with this appliance. We found one for $20 on craigslist and it has served us very well. Learn more about my microwave vs. toaster oven review.

4. Nutrimill

The Nutrimill is an excellent grain grinder if you are in the market. It grinds large quantities of grain to make wonderful fresh flour in a few minutes. If I could do it again, I would recommend sticking with the Blendtec for basic grain grinding because it does the job just as well although limiting to grinding smaller quantities at a time.

5. Electric Kettle

We have a basic stainless steel electric kettle which makes for quick hot water preparation. It is wonderful for making coffee, tea, and other hot beverages and especially when you have company! We purchased it mainly for hospitality because it is fast and makes it easy to prepare large quantities of hot beverages. Not essential but if you want hot water, its a good and cheap alternative to stove top.

6. Coffee Grinder/French Press

My husband is a big coffee fan and loves his quality but simple machines – the Breville Burr Grinder and his french press. They have served him very well providing fresh coffee. The french press is a great multi-purpose tool in our kitchen – see all our uses. I am sure we could have survived with a cheaper coffee grinder, but he received this as a birthday gift from his family, and it makes the man happy.

7. Ice Cream Machine

Although the Blendtec can make ice cream, we prefer the Cuisinart ice cream maker for delicious homemade ice cream in larger quantities (or simply because we have the cuisinart first!). They are rich and creamy in comparison, and takes a matter of 25 minutes to make in this machine. Try our yummy chocolate peanut butter ice cream or coconut ice cream – quite refreshing as the weather heats up. We purchased at Bed, Bath & Beyond with the 20% off coupon, and saved $20 (a practice we have used on many ocassions for more frugal discounts on kitchen items). We store this in the garage.

8 . Stainless Steel Cookware

I have a sturdy set of Cuisinart stainless steel cookware that has served me very well. I can highly recommend this set especially for the price! I prepare everything in these pans in addition to my Cuisinart green gourmet omlette pan. I love the omlette pan for preparing eggs, pancakes, tortillas, and various items. Read more about safe cookware for your family.

9. Crockpot

My rival crockpot gets a good amount of use at our home – I make yogurt, roasts, homemade stock, and various other dishes in this appliance throughout the winter time. The crockpot is a wonderful tool because it allows me to prepare meals in the morning when I have more energy and allow them to cook all day and dinner is ready! It also does not require much electricity.

10. Dehydrator

My newest addition just came two weeks ago. I received an Exalibur dehydrator from the lovely folks at Cultures for Health. It has been on my wish list for some time and I was thrilled to receive one for my review especially in time for summer harvest. So far, I absolutely love this machine and cannot wait to explore all the possibilities for its use – everything from fruit leather, granola, yogurt, rising breads, soaking grains, crackers…stay tuned for my complete review in the next few weeks. Currently it resides on a shelf in our garage because of its large size.

The only thing I would desire in the future would be an enameled cast iron french oven – hopefully a Le Creuset oven (as it has a lifetime warranty)! I love the idea of using this on the stove and oven for roasting various meats, stews, and main dishes. It’s on my birthday wishlist!

Further Reading

My Favorite Kitchen Gadgets – the little guys that have served me well
Simplifying in the Kitchen – how I use glass jars for storage and a few simplifying and organizing tips
Safe Bakeware for Your Family - check out the research on the safe options for you
Safe Cookware for Your Family – other great options on the market

That’s a quick glimpse at my kitchen appliances!

What are your favorite tools and why?

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