I was recently blessed to receive an Excalibur dehydrator from the generous folks over at Cultures for Health, and boy, have I been having so much fun exploring all the wonderful uses of this machine. There is no end to the creativity that can be developed as you learn to use this machine to significantly cut down on food waste in your home while making such wonderful nutritionally dense delights for your family!
Why do I love my dehydrator?
1. Get the most out of our food
I love how the dehydrator will help to preserve and protect the nutrients in our food. According to “Preserving it Naturally” (the companion guide that comes with the dehydrator), “Dehydration is the best way to preserve the essence of raw fruits and vegetables. When raw food is heated to an internal food temperature of 118 degrees or higher, for an extended period of time, its nutritional values begin to deteriorate, especially enzymes. Dehydrating does not subject food to the high temperatures associated with cooking, or traditional canning methods.”
The effects of water removal of dehydrated food is minimal except that some vitamin A and vitamin C are lost. I can also soak and dry my nuts and help break down the enzyme inhibitors that help our bodies digest them more effectively. Sprouting grains is another task that can be completed in order to break down phytates. There is an endless list of food ingredients that can be dried – fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and grains – practically anything that has water in it.
2. Create fun, healthy snacks for our family
With a few simple steps, I can create granola bars, fruit leather, and jerky and let my dehydrator go to work. Thus far we made yummy soaked granola, fruit leather, and soaked nuts for homemade trail mixes and munching. What fun!
3. Save money
After the initial investment in the machine, you can prepare goodies at half the cost of store-bought brands. Plus, the dehydrator will take significantly less electricity than an conventional oven to prepare our food, cutting back on costs and helping be a good steward of our environment. According to the manufacturer, an Excalibur Food Dehydrator only uses $.04-$.05 of electricity per hour!
4. Easy to use
The Excalibur comes with a delightful book (Preserving it Naturally) with detailed instructions, recipes, and helpful hints on how to create anything and everything my heart desires. I just adjust the temperature as needed and the machine will do the rest.
5. Perfect balance in drying
Unlike many other dehydrators, the Excalibur has the fan in the back of the machine enabling balanced and even drying. All trays get the same even heat.
6. No waste!
The dehydrator helps me to avoid food waste in my home. When veggies or fruit start fading, I can simply lay them out in the dehydrator and preserve them for future use. There is definitely some nutritional lose, as it is preferred to dry fresh ingredients, but they prevent them from going in the compost or trash. Stale bread can be turned into croutons. Old crackers that are starting to get soft can be re-dried to refresh their crispiness.
I have the 9 tray Excalibur dehydrator so that I can prepare many things at once and save on electricity and time in preparation. You can prepare nearly 25 pounds of vegetables in one day in this machine! It is large, but fits nicely on a shelf in our garage. It quietly hums in the background, and fills our garage with wonderful scents. The Exalibur dehydrator is definitely very sturdy, well made, and comes with an excellent warranty. Plus it is BPA free.
The only two things I do not like about this machine:
- The door – I wish it were able to pop open and slid in, but you have to remove it entirely. Not a big deal just annoying at times.
- The lack of a timer – there is no timer on this machine, but a simple fix of purchasing a small timer that plugs into the wall is a cheap alternative.
Protecting our food budget and getting the most out of our food, make this machine a valuable addition and worthwhile investment to any homemaker’s kitchen!
Now for the exciting news!
Cultures for Health is offering you the opportunity to win a 4 tray Excalibur dehydrator for your kitchen (retail value of $150)!
To Enter:
1. Visit Cultures for Health and enter your name and email address. Come back and share why you would love to have a dehydrator and how you would use it.
2. For a second optional entry, share about this giveaway on facebook, twitter or your own personal blog and let us know in a second comment.
3. For a third optional entry, follow @cultures4health and @passionatehome on twitter, and let us know in a third entry.
Note: If the winner would prefer the larger model, Cultures for Health will offer a gift certificate for the price of the 4-tray model so you can apply it towards the bigger one.
Limited to US and Canadian entries.
Giveaway Closed.
I entered at the Cultures for Health website
I am also following passionatehome and cultures for health on twitter. Thank you!
I also “tweeted” about the giveaway
I would LOVE to win this dehyrator so that I can make all of the yummy dried fruits, veggies and meats as healthy snacks for my snack loving family! I also would like to start sprouting my grains and this would greatly help me with that!
I would love to dehydrate fruits and veggies. Have myself a garden this year and I’m afraid I won’t be able to eat all the goods before they go bad…this would save lots of home grown goodies for a later date! Entered at Cultures for Health…
I would love a dehydrator for many reasons…but mostly right now because my dear 8 year old son wants one for me and our family of 7 so bad. He just a few weeks ago secretly registered (with the help of my sister) in another dehydrator give away and wrote them a sweet note sharing his heart with them and why he wanted to surprise me with a dehydrator. They mentiond him on their blog site and said it was so hard for him not to get it (a computer decided the outcome). HOw I would love to bless my son now as he has so loved me with a beautiful heart to give and serve with something that would be so meaningful to me.
In my quest to make tasty healthier food options available to my family an dehydrator would be an amazing gift to receive. Especially as the summer crops begin to come in. What a great giveaway.
I would love to have a dehydrator to preserve the summer produce we are able to get up here in the far north of BC. It would be great to have a taste of summer in the winter.
I shared on facebook. Dehydrators are an awesome addition for any kitchen!
I would love a dehydrator because I would like to make nourishing snacks for my family. I live in a country where food is very expensive and we have a very small budget. I know that a dehydrator would help me to stretch my budget and nourish my family at the same time.
Thank you for your consideration.
I also put this on Facebook! What a great way to spread the word.
I would love this dehydrator to preserve the summer harvest and keep growing and buying locally. My youngest has many dietary needs and his snacks have to be monitored closely…this would make yummy snacks I think!
I’d love to be able to dry the extra tomatoes from our summer harvests!
would love to make jerky and suprise my honey
I would love a dehydrator to dry all these beautiful berries I am seeing here in WA while I am visiting here for the summer. Also to make my own beef jerky, fruit leathers and dried fruit…yummy
I know this machine is well made and can help us use real food to nourish our family. I would love to win one and learn how to use it well.
Thank you for your blog.
I posted this giveaway on facebook.
I would love a dehydrator. We just started getting natural, organic and healthier and this would really help incorporate fruit and veggies into my family.
I Tweeted the giveaway!
I’m following both on Twitter!!
I would love to have a dehydrator for making sprouting more practical in my home, not to mention fruit leathers and dehydrated fruit for thealthy and yummy snacks for my little ones.
I would love to have this for making fruit leathers for my kids!
Last year I made dried apple chips in a borrowed dehydrator….and they were SO GOOD. I’m anxiously waiting for this year’s crop.
What a great idea for a giveaway! I would love to have a dehydrator to save on the things that get tossed out after harvest time, to transition into a more raw food lifestyle, and for my family’s overall health. Thanks for the opportunity!
Everyone in my family over the age of 18 months loves to cook. We have been trying to decide which is the best dehydrator to get for a couple years now.
I would love to be able to have one for my personal use and share for service projects at church. It would be great to use for gifts for teachers and friends, playdates, and for our food storage.
I love dried tomatoes in my recipes! Also, there are some yummy recipes my gramma used to make with a dehydrator that I’m excited to try and replicate…
I really have been trying to figure out how to be healther with my family. I’m overweight and I don’t want my kids to be (I’ve got 4 of them!).. so making things like fruit chips would be a benefit for us!
I would love a dehydrator to make fruit leathers, veggie crackers and other yummy/healthy treats.
Following on Twitter!
Wow! I had no idea you could use a dehydrator in so many ways. I’d try everything!! Thanks for a chance to win!!
Entered, posted on FB crossed my fingers ,i’ve got veggies standing in line ready to throw themselves into the new dehydrator ,excitement is high!!!
Made a fb comment about the giveway. Thanks
Signed up on the webpage, now off to share the giveaway on fb.
I’d love to win this. It would definitely help in my family’s quest to eat healthier!
Also following on Twitter!
We would love to have a dehydrator – it would be a blessing!! We are learning to switch our eating habbits – change to all organic, support local farmers, do u-pick for items grown locally and this would enable us to buy more when they are in season and use them longer. We also enjoy hiking and trail mix type foods are sooo perfect for that type of experience – healthy yet handy. This would be awesome! Thanks for the opportunity!
I would love to try a dehydrator. I eat granola bars like no one’s business and love dried apples. This would be great!
Posted to Facebook!
I do not have an Excalibur but have borrowed a friends. I loved it! If I had one I would make fruit leathers for my kids, make crispy nuts for the whole family, and dry the extra veggies from my CSA.
Hi Lindsey,
I love reading your blog and I pray the Lord works through it and you!
A dehydrator would be excellent addition in our family. While we always try to eat fresh (if we can) it would be prudent for me to put up some spring and summer fruits (blueberries, peaches, strawberries, etc) for winter consumption. My husband is a hunter and I could also make the jerky we love! I do not have a whole lot of extra storage but I could definitely find room for a dehydrator!
I would love a dehydrator to create healthy snacks for my girls….we are trying to get off fruitsnacks and goldfish, but boy is it tough to find healthy non-messy snacks that I can grab in a hurry for those on-the-go days!
i posted it on facebook,
I would use this to make beef jerky and drying herbs! I would love this!
I shared on my facebook!
I would love to win a dehydrator, I’ve been wanting one for ages but haven’t had the funds to purchase one! I would like to use it to dry fruits and fruit leathers and other healthy snacks for myself and my toddler.
I would LOVE to have a dehydrator. We have been trying to afford one for a few months now and haven’t been able to. We have 4 adopted children (ages 3, 4, 5, and 7) with several sensitivities to preservatives and sweeteners. A dehydrator would give us the ability to make “on the go” snacks that they can take when we go out to our homeschooling co-op and other play dates. We would love to make jerky and fruit leathers and dried fruit for our children to enjoy when we’re not home to cook full meals. Winning this would be a HUGE blessing to our family.
I have three small children (all boys!) and work hard everyday to feed them the best food possible. I dream of owning a dehydrator to make healthy and fun snack for them… and for me too!!! Kale chips… yum! Thanks for this awesome giveaway!
This dehydrator looks amazing and space efficient
I’d love to have one for making sun-dried tomatoes, fruit leather (hubby would be so excited), banana chips, apple chips, and I am sure I would find a bunch of other uses as I went along as well. Thanks for the opportunity!! Giveaways sure are fun!
I used to have a dehydrator long ago, but didn’t use it much. Now we eat much healthier and I have the time to prepare so many things from scratch. Having a dehydrator now would be fantastic so I could make so many tasty snacks for my family!
i would love to make my “crispy almonds” using this- it would free up my oven! I’ve also toyed with the ideas of making soaked granola and fruit leather. this would make a great tool for that:)
I shared about this giveaway on facebook. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to win this dehydrator for seasonal fruits and veggies. The ones in the store are so expensive and I can’t justify the expense even though I love dehydrated food. I saw some dehydrated cantaloupe in the store the other day that made my mouth water! I would love to make my own.
I now follow cultures4health and you on twitter.
Shared on my FB profile! Thanks
If I won this dehydrator, I would use it to dehydrate soaked nuts, make fruit leathers, beef jerky, sprouted wheat berries, and more.
Wow, I wish there were resources like this when my kiddo’s were little!! I have never owned a dehydrator before. I would love to have a place to dry soaked nuts. I am very interested in soaking grains, instead of purchasing all the time, but there again – dehydrator!
I would be able to put up some meats and herbs for the winter, maybe make some pet treats. My husband would adore homemade jerkey the healthy way. Thanks for the opportunity.
I posted this giveaway on Facebook
Now following you and Cultures for Health on Twitter via @shelbylyn1982.
I would love to win a dehydrator! An Excalibur has been on my wish list. We love fruit leathers, granola bars, and just plain old dried fruit. DH would love to make his own venison jerky, too. So many uses on our “to do” list, once we get one.
Following Passionate Homemaking and Cultures for Health on Twitter!
Shared about this giveaway on Twitter
I am following Passionate Homemaking and Cultures for Health on Twitter
Shared your giveaway on FB
I’m relatively new to this kind of thing and I would love to try making fruit leather and dried fruits.
I would LOVE to have a dehydrator b/c I have lots of fresh fruit from the Farmer’s Market that I would like to dehydrate to use for other things and for the fruit to not go to waste! Also my husband LOVES beef jerky and would like to make it for him as part of his lunches!
I would LOVE to make fruit rolls! My mom always made these for us growing up and I really miss the homemade kind.
It also saves space to dry food and keep it in jars in a cool place in the basement. A really good dehydrator would be nice to “put up” even more food for the winter months when you want to sit back and enjoy the harvest.
OH the uses are endless! Just think of all the fun and healthy snacks the kids and I could make and no more struggling with our cheapy dehydrator. Thanks for the chance. Love your site and visit it frequently, thanks for that too!
We homestead and raise most of our own food, so for Christmas gifts we love to give dried apple slices, and beef jerky, dried herbs and other fruits and vegetables that have been home-grown. We preserve on a large scale, so the dehydrator gets a workout come harvest time. The dehydrator we have now doesn’t do the job as well as we’d like, and for quite a few years I’ve been hoping to someday have an Excalibur dehydrator, so I’m very excited about this giveaway! Thank you!
Ohhhh! Crispy nuts, herbs, fruit, veggies, jerky–what wouldn’t I use it for???!
I shared it on facebook.
Thanks again for the giveaway opportunity!
I’ve been wanting to invest in a dehydrator, but have not found one that I really like until I learned of the Excalibur from your post on it. It would perfectly suit all the things I’m hoping to use it for, and for many reasons it seems more efficient than any of the other dehydrators I’ve seen. We dry LOTS of apples from our trees in the fall, and are always looking for better ways to do it. But other vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc, would be made frequently.
Thanks for sharing all of this great information!!
I would love to win the dehydrator. I’m new to the Healthy and Green parenting and think that this tool would greatly improve the lives of my family! I would love to try making fruit leather, granola, drying herbs from our garden and much more. Thanks for the chance to enter this drawing! Blessings!
i would love this dehydrator b/c it holds more than our current one. I would like to make jerky in it
Shared on facebook
I would love a new dehydrator because my really old American Harvest one is cracking and falling apart and no longer keeps a steady temp. I have been wanting to try the Excaliber ones but they are just out of my budget range right now. I am starting to incorporate more raw foods into my diet and a lot of the recipes i have found require a dehydrator. I also dry all of my own herbs and produce and a reliable dehydrator makes it sooooo much easier.
I have wanted an excalibur for a long time! I have a different dehydrator now, but the temperature isn’t adjustable. I want it on the lower temps so I can make yogurt in it, and make “raw food” that I can’t make in my other dehydrator.
I would love to win this dehydrator because I sold one of these a few years back before realizing how valuable they can be in creating wonderful healthy foods and snacks for my family!
I shared this on facebook.
Nuts and fruit!
I am trying to incorporate healthier practices into my family’s life and a dehydrator offers endless possibilities! I love the idea of homemade fruit leather and jerkey.
I follow passionate homemaking on twitter…
I have one of these and LOVE it…I use it for granola, dried nuts, yogurt and all kinds of fruits and vegetables. This one would make a great gift for family members!
I have used the oven method for my crispy nuts and would love to have a real dehydrator to do this. I would also love to make the fruity rolls. My kids would LOVE them and i would love them eating them.
Following on twitter @lesleypeck
Shared on FB – http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/lesleypeck?v=wall&story_fbid=102143776506073
I would love to use it for fruit leather and jerky (hubby the hunter (; ) and I’d like to try to dry pumpkin seeds.
Followed both you you on Twitter. I’m CookingTF.
Posted to my facebook.
Following you both on Twitter as DuckyBunny.
I would love to have a dehydrator because I’m drowning in garden produce and I need a quicker and easier way to store some of the vegetables other than canning them.
I would love to have it to prepare snacks for my daughter. Buying natural and organic ones is SO expensive! And I could finally do more grain sprouting and granola making to go with homemade yogurt. Thanks for the chance!
following both @cultures4health and @passionatehome on twitter
shard on facebook
I would LOVE to get this dehydrator! We always have excess goods from the garden that I would love to dry, we do can but I would rather dry.
I posted the giveaway on Facebook and requested that they check out Passionate Homemaking whether they are interested in the giveaway or not!
I posted on FB!
following @cultures4health and @passionatehome on twitter! @mamatojj
I just entered my name & email address! I’d love a food dehydrator because we’re trying to eat healthier. I have a relatively large garden this year, and it would help me to preserve the harvest. My family also is participating in a CSA (community supported agriculture) this year for the first time, so I may need help with the excess veggies. I already love to can part of our harvest, and I freeze what I have room for (without an extra freezer). Dehydrating would be another great method!
I would LOVE this food dehydrator! I’ve been wanting one forever but just can’t afford it. We’ve been trying to eliminate corn syrup completely from our little family’s diets & to eat more homemade food or foods with less (& more natural) ingredients. Thanks so much for this giveaway offer!!
Now following both Cultures for health and passionate homemaking on twitter.
Shared the contest on Facebook.
shared it on facebook!
I just entered on the Cultures for Home website. I would use the dehydrator to create healthy snacks for my family. We are all trying to eat healthier with fresh fruits/veggies and lean meat. This would be perfect for us!
Cultures for Health has already helped us save a significant amount on the yogurt, kefir, kombucha and buttermilk we use by allowing us to make our own. The Excalibur is my next dream machine. I can really take advantage of our CSA and farmer’s markets to save all the fabulous fruits and veggies and meat we get in abundance in the spring and summer. I also want it to be able to take the work out of sprouting and then dehydrating our nuts.
I’d love to try it for fruit – as a start!
One more step in taking better care of my family. Thanks for all the info!!!
I’d love it for drying garden produce, and I love fruit leather and yohgurt roll-ups! I have wanted an Excalibur for a long time!
What a wonderful and generous giveaway! Please sign me up – I would love to add this great tool to my increasingly healthy kitchen. My kids will love the treats I’d be able to make for them! Thank you ☺
My husband loves to hunt in the fall and we love to turn some of that venison into healthy jerky that is nitrate and MSG free! I think fruit leathers would be a wonderful use for it as well.
two words: BEEF JERKY! That’s what I’d use it for, no question.
i would be able to make dried fruit for my allergic son…it is so expensive at the store, and with us facing layoffs again we just can’t afford them anymore.
I would like a dehydrator to dry all my garden produce that we grow. Since retiring, I have planted more garden & enjoy it immensely, usually getting more than we can use, giving away some to friends. this way I could preserve some for winter use.
I shared about the giveaway on facebook.
shared on facebook, http://www.facebook.com/watermelandrea.twiggs
i’ve had a dehydrator on my “honey please buy me this” list forever. my girls eat dried fruits allllllllll day. i swear i alone keep our local-ish trader joes in business (it’s over an hour away, so if we run out of snacks early my sweet princesses turn into gremlins)
I would love to have a dehydrator for all the garden produce I am getting now! Plus you can use them for sprouting things and nuts and fruit leather and jerky………yum.
shared this on facebook
I would make crispy nuts, dehydrated fruit bits, fruit roll ups… Oh the fun I would have come the end of summer making dehydrated cherry tomatoes to put in my pasta dishes for during the winter! Thanks for the great giveaway and I am excited to check out the other offerings from Cultures for Health!
I follow cultures for health and passionatehome on twitter (@danceandbeglad)
I would FINALLY start soaking and drying my nuts and sprouting my grains!
I love cultures for health! I would use this for fruit leather, granola, and drying out my sprouted grains to name a few.
I went ot cultures for health and i lov ethe site. I could really use this dehydrytor to pu up my garden surplus.
I am now following both @cultures4health and @passionatehome on Twitter. @Tamatha278
I shared about this giveaway on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/Tamatha278
I would love to begin exploring the world of dehydrating food. I love homemade snacks and much prefer that over buying processed foods, but I haven’t done much of it yet. I would really enjoy being able to make most of our snacks.
I grew up with my mom making strawberry/banana/raspberry fruit leather, dried apple slices, pears etc… We never knew how good we had it. Now I would love to provide that for my own children!
Following both on twitter @woozlewozzle
Filled out the form on the form on the website! I would love to have a dehydrator because I don’t purchase foods while I’m out & love to always have snacks with me where ever I go!
I have also posting on facebook I would have also followed on twitter but I don’t have an account
I have been trying for years to purchase a dehydrator ( even with my family thinking I’m weird )
I just could never find in our budget to purchase one. I have a daughter with a allergy to wheat and so I am always trying to find healthy snacks she can have, with this dehydrator I could definitely do that!!!
I think a dehydrator would be a great addition to any household, because then you can make your own delicious fruit and vegetable snacks that are healthier than store bought ones (and cheaper!).
When I was young my grandparents gave my parents their old dehydrator. We were so excited about all the wonderful foods we would get to make. Unfortunately there were a couple problems with it. First of all, my grandpa was a chain smoker so the foods had a distinct cigarette taste, and second of all, only the middle racks dried the foods effectively. Ever since that experience I have looked forward to the day when I would have my own dehydrator that didn’t make my food taste like cigarettes;-)
I would really enjoy a dehydrator like this because I have a very large garden and would like to preserve my fresh produce in a way to preserve the most nutrients I can for use when the gardening season is past. I’d also like to use it to dry soaked oats and nuts and sprouted flour for healthful eating for my family! It has been on my wish list for a while now but is not within the budget at this time.
Shared about this great appliance on FB!
I would love to have a dehydrator to be able to make homemade yogurt, granola, and dried fruit. It would also be fun to be creative and make new healthy snacks for my family!
I would love to have a dehydrator because:
my son is on a diet…cannot eat most fruits ….but loves chips and is willing to try anything crunchy…..
banana chips…..crisp apples…choices are endless………..
I follow @cultures4health and @passionatehome on twitter
I tweeted about this giveaway (@sarahronk)
I would love a dehydrator for so many reason! I feel like it’s the next step needed to add to my crunchy organic kitchen.
Drying my soaked nuts would be a breeze and I think my son (who’s almost 3) would love to try some fruit leather! Plus I love to experiment in the kitchen! I’m already thinking of some fun things I could try!
I already follow both @cultures4health and @passionatehome on twitter
Between the jerky, the dried fruits, and the dehydrated grated zuchini “crackers” that a friend showed me how to make last fall, I’m sure my husband and I and our 7 children could keep a dehydrater like that running almost constantly!
following both cultures4health and passionatehome on twitter
shared with my friends on FB
I would LOVE to have a dehydrator because:
a) we finally own our own home with enough space to store one
b) I started my first garden this year and don’t want all of the food to go to waste when it comes in
c) I want to have variety in my food choices through the winter. It can get really old eating all canned food.
d) jerky! jerky! jerky!
e) I will waste less food
f) a dehydrator would lessen my food bill because I can make more of our own fruit snacks
g) nstead of buying them (we LOVE dried fruit)
h) it wouldn’t heat up my kitchen the way canning does (The dehydrator can work in other rooms in the house like the basement)
i) I wouldn’t have to stand on my feet the whole day the way I do with canning
j) Did I say jerky! jerky! jerky! ?
k) many great Christmas presents for friends and family
I am now following you on Twitter.
I just shared this with my friends on Twitter.
Would love to use this to provide healthy snacks for our family. My husband has lost 35 lbs. and is looking for healthy snack alternatives.
I make tons and tons of dried apple slices every year during apple season and my kids eat them like candy!
I’d love to win one of these things! I’ve been growing my own herbs
For cooking and drying them on a yard sale dehydrator for a few years
now. We also dry apples every fall. I’d absolutely love to have one that
I could make fruit leathers with, and also jerkies!
I do not have a twitter account, so I signed up to follow you on fb.
I just wrote about this on facebook.
I would love to win a dehydrator for many reasons. One would be to make healthy snacks. Another would be that my kids have alot of allergies so we eat alot of dried fruit and meats. Thanks!!
Me, me. Pick me! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win this dehydrator. I want to teach my family healthy eating habits, reduce the amount of food we throw out, and then share my bountiful blessings with friends, family, and neighbors.
I shared on facebook!!!
I would love to win the food dehydrator because I am trying to save my family money. It is so much cheaper to do everything from scratch and we love dried fruits and such.
I would love this and would use it to make healthy snacks for my kids!
I shared about this on facebook!
Would LOVE to have this for drying nuts and sprouted grains! I’d also use it for drying fruits and veggies.
If i win an excalibur dehydrator I will love it up by making lovely amazing treats! Gratitude! My friend would love you too since i am always borrowing hers! hee hee!
I have always wanted an excalibur dehydrator…so many wonderful things you can do with one. I love harvesting fruit from friends trees..so would be amazing to work with..plus i have been excitted about fruit leathers…so finally i could have fun with creations if i had one…not to mention all of my friends raw food receipes i could work with! Thank you for this wonderful oportunity to receive! Ahlaya
I have been begging for one of these. I have been trying to soak nuts for some time now and trying to dry them in my oven, but they are either too wet or too dry. I love nuts but my stomach doesn’t and I just want to see if soaked dehydrated nuts will work for me. It will also be good for fruits and veggies too. Oh, by the way, try dehydrating okra pods. I just tried them (someone else had them) and they are too die for. I definitely would do those.
I started following @cultures4health and @passionatehome on twitter!
I shared on twitter!
I would use mine everyday!!!
I would use this for all my nuts (Im a vegan, so it would get a lot of use) Apples, everything!!!
What a blessing it would be to win this!! ;D
I put it on Facebook and twitter!!!
I would love to have this dehydrator for so many reasons. It would be a wonderful way to save money by purchasing and preserving food when it’s in season. Also, storing dehydrated foods is so much easier than freezing. What a great tool to help care for my family.
My parents had a dehydrator back in the day. I now have 5 kids and run a daycare. This would be wonderful!!!
Shared in FB too!
I shared about the giveaway on my facebook page!
This is in my wish list and I as many others, I consider this as a priceless tool to help our families eat better as well as save money. Unfortunately we cannot afford it right now.
And, thanks for all the great info you share here, I am so thankful my friend shared it with me!
I live in Missoula, MT, and I have an apple tree and a plum tree along with a neighbor with a pear tree. Last harvest, I learned how to can and had a blast. I would LOVE a dehydrator to be able to have another option to utilize the bountiful harvest of fruit!
I shared on Facebook – if I did Twitter, I’d follow on there too, but time is too limited for every social networking site.
Oh, well!
I have been coveting my mom-in-laws dehydrator for a few years now! She always has dried fruit for our kids when we are there, and sends them each home a special bag full of apples, strawberries or other goodies that she’s done in her dehydrator! Every time that I ask to borrow it, she’s in the middle of doing more fruit or jerky, so, alas, I have yet to use on myself! I would love to be drying apples and berries, as well as peaches, bananas and apricots. I honestly have never tried homemade fruit leather, but that would definitely be a top of the list item to try! And jerky – oh, man, would my husband love that!! We’ve just never been able to invest in one, due to self-employment keeping us on a tight budget… but someday, the dream will come true!
I just shared on facebook!!!
I would love to win the dehydrator! We wanted to purchase one last year, but had a few financial set backs. This would be a wonderful addition to our family as I am trying to incorporate more healthful eating into my two toddlers daily living.
I’ve been wanting to get an Excalibur dehydrator because of the phenominal reputation I’ve been hearing about. I would like a dehydrator because I make all of our family’s food and I could make so many more snacks with it. (My husband wants it, too!)
I have wanted one of these for a few years now for all kinds of kitchen projects!
Just shared the giveaway on Face Book!
I have wanted an Excaliber dehydrator for a while so I can sprout my own grains and soak and dry nuts. So important!!
Our family is endeavouring to eat much more raw and healthy these last couple of years and are seeing a great need to purchase a dehydrator to help out. We have tried to do our drying of grains and seeds in the oven but the oven is way too hot to keep the foods alive. We also would like to dry fruit to help for snacks for the children all year round as the most difficult thing about eating healthy for us is the healthy snacks for the little ones when fruit is too expensive or out of season for a large family. We just started researching this week for the best value and keep coming back to the Excalibur. We were so grateful for this opportunity to enter.
I would love to win this dehydrator. I would dry most of our garden produce and any I found on sale for our large family.
shared on facebook!
I would love to have a good dehydrator! There are so many healthy things I could do with it, like making fruit leather for my grandson
After having a heart attack at 39 last October, I have revolutionized the way I eat, planted a first garden and a dehydrator would enable me to be more efficient at “saving the harvest” (assuming I manage to get anything to survive that long out in my poor garden).
I don’t have a dehydrator, but I think it would be a great “tool” to own. I like the idea of having another way to preserve food for my home.
I don’t have a dehydrator, but I think this would be a fun “tool” to have in the kitchen. I like the idea of having another way to preserve food.
I have a 1970′s model dehydrator that weighs more then a full size microwave. I rarely use it since it’s so heavy. This would er great update.
I have a 1970′s model dehydrator that weighs more then a full size microwave. I rarely use it since it’s so heavy. This would br great update.
Shared on FB!
I love the idea of preserving food before it’s past the line of no return. I used to love dehydrated fruit from our neighbors growing up… i miss it. i forgot i missed it!
Now following!!
Shared on FB!!
I would love to have a dehydrator for the ease of preparing my nuts and grains for optimal use. I would also take advantage of the uses for making fruit leather and jerky as snacks for my family of five.
We have 5 kids and go on camping trips about 7 times from Memorial Day to late October. This woule be so awesome to help me prepare for making healthy snacks ‘to go’….and much more!
following on twitter
I would like to have one of these so I could try so many of the recipes I have seen for dehydrators.
on Twitter.
Simply put, ever since I first saw the Excalibur dehydrator, I have wanted one. Being disabled with a small income, I decided that it was to remain just a dream. That thing is awesome for drying flowers, herbs, fruits, veges, meats, nuts, etc. I bet you could even find a way to use it for some non-toxic art or craft projects using nature’s supplies. Hmm… the possibilities may be endless. Let me have a go of it and I bet I can come up with some interesting and unique uses.
I’ve been wanting to get a good dehydrator for a while but haven’t been able to afford it. I really want to make healthy snacks to have on hand for my family—especially grass-fed beef jerky as that is incredibly difficult to find for a reasonable price. Thanks for considering my entry!
I would love this! I would like to begin making more healthy snacks for my family and to learn more about using a dehydrator in general. Thanks!
on Facebook!
I live in the Central Valley of California…considered the bread basket of the world. We have a surplus of peaches, apricots, strawberries and other berries, tomatoes, squash, peppers, etc.
I have owned two very sad excuses for dehydrators and yet we used them often and enjoyed the fruit leather and dried product that we produced from those units. I have always wanted a really nice dehydrator that would make this process easier and give us better product.
I would absolutely LOVE a dehydrator. I adore veggie chips, but hate wasting all the energy to dry them in the oven. Also, I would like to start soaking nuts and drying them for optimal nutrition! Such a great giveaway =)
I would love to win this so that I can make healthy snacks for my family and be able to sprout grains and ry them so that I can make my family’s food healthier.
I would use one for dehydrating placenta’s as well as snacks for our family. We currently can not afford one and have used our oven in the past and didn’t do too well. We have six children so this is also a great way for us to save some money!!!
Shared on FB!
Following on Twitter!
shared on FB
Shared about on FB!
I love the idea of not wasting food. I also have very fond memories of dried bananas my parents used to make….and you can’t buy them the way I remember them!
I would love to be able to have more options for making healthy snacks for my family and prevent the waste of our food. Thanks for posting the giveaway!
It’s just the best dehydrator and I would use it for everything! Defrosting stuff like tortillas and bread, making raw crunchy sprouted nuts, flax crackers, fruit leathers and dried fruit, Kale Chips! Just to name a few!
Hi, I have been on a journey of healing naturally for about a year now… I have 5 of the 7 molds still left in my body, my immune system was so low, I am at 77lbs, now and going through this process of detoxing and healing my body so I can be healthy and strong very soon
I would love to have this dehydrator so that I can add more nutrition into my diet, it would be used on a daily basis thats for sure
I would love to start dehydrating food for my family. I am trying to make all my food from scratch, and feeding my family healthier foods. This would be a wonderful opportunity to move towards that goal.
I blogged about the giveaway here: http://heartfelthomemaking.blogspot.com/2010/07/strawberry-fruit-leather-and-giveaway.html
Blessings, Elizabeth
I follow passionatehomemaking and cultures4health on twitter
I facebooked about the giveaway
I would love a dehydrator. I am still recovering from chronic lyme disease and being able to prepare food with the enzymes still intact would be just plain awesome!
How exciting!! I can’t wait to hear who gets picked for the dehydrator
Just shared it on Facebook!! http://www.facebook.com/jenncharrell
Thanks again!
Hi! I have always wanted one of these dehydrators, but we can’t afford it. I would love to provide healthy snacks for my family of 6. Especially dried fruit. I would also like drying veggies for soups in the winter. Thank you!!
Shared on FB!
I would absolutely love to have a dehydrator because I’m tired of eating burnt almonds from out of the oven ; )
I am moving more and more towards eliminating all processed foods from our diet, and would absolutely LOVE to add such a great tool to my kitchen!
I would love to have more options for preserving the harvest. Thanks for the info!
What a great kitchen tool! We recently planted several fruit trees and blueberry bushes. Our plan by fall is to have planned and plated our one acre with self reliance in mind. I have been researching food dehydrators as I know it will help us to preserve the harvest. Thanks for the info!
I really want to use a dehydrator to store excess veggies and fruit from the summer for the winter months. Dried fruit makes such yummy snacks!
What a wonderful tool in the kitchen. We recently planted several fruit trees and blueberry bushes. Our plan by fall is to have our 1 acre planned and planted with self reliance in mind. I have been researching food dehydrators so that we can better preserve our harvest. Thanks for the info!
I would use a dehydrator to make affordable, delicious foods for my family to eat!
I would use it to keep up with the very hearty appetites of my five children and very active husband!
I would love to win to preserve harvest from my garden!
Following on twitter!
Shared on facebook
I get a CSA basket each week and I would love to start dehydrating some of my veggies to enjoy later in the year.
Just posted this on my facebook
I miss having a dehydrator. We used to make our own beef jerky and dry fruits as a kid. I’d love to be able to dry our own foods again!
Thank you for the chance to win this! Fun opportunity. I entered on their website. It would be great to have this to make healthy snacks for my children and DH:) I know the children would really love being Mommy’s helper!:)
We have always wanted a food dehydrator!! There are so many things I’d love to make. I never thought of fruit roll ups. Yours look so good! I might go buy one if I don’t win. I’m glad it comes with a recipe book, because I would have no idea where to start.
Oh my! We have been dreaming of one of these for years! Countless ways we would put this to use! But my children love fruit leather (we make in the oven!)…..also just love the idea of dehydrating and food taking up less space!
Thanks for the post!
I just borrowed an Excaliber from a friend
….dehydrated for the first time and it was FABULOUS! I can’t wait for all my tomatoes to ripen at once so I can dry them…..and plums, and figs, and…….
Entered at Cultures for Health (who I just LOVE!), and will share on my FB and on my FB page at http:///www.facebook.com/thegoddessinthegroove
Heike Sharp
this would be such a help in our home!
I would love this dehydrator, because i know that the Excalibur comes very highly rated. I would use it to make crispy nuts, dried oats for granola, veggies, fruit leather, jerky and, hopefully, much more! Thanks for the chance to win.
I really like the square trays and that you can remove them individually.
I would love to have a dehydrator to dehydrate different fruits and vegetables for healthy snacks! Plus fruit leather would be a bonus…
I posted about this drawing on facebook
I shared this on Facebook as well!
I would love to win this. I would use it to dehydrate fruit from our garden/trees and also for nuts/granola. I have been looking at these
My husband and I have talked before about how a dehydrator would be nice to have! I would love to use this for fruits and vegetables! Fruits especially!
I would truly LOVE this incredible dehydrator! The reason I would is because my husband has diabetes and High blood pressure One of my sons has high blood pressure also. I would use the dehydrator daily to bring good healthy things into my home! It’s not just that I want it…It’s that I really need it! It i an essential tool for the journey to healing. This home needs so much healing! I know this dehydrator would be a start in my family’s climb toward good health! Your site offers so many awesome recipes! I’m so excited just thinking about the fact that I have a chance to win!!
Thank You!!!!
Shared your site with my facebook friends!
I’d love a dehydrator!
I would truly LOVE this incredible dehydrator! The reason I would is because my husband has diabetes and High blood pressure One of my sons has high blood pressure also. I would use the dehydrator daily to bring good healthy things into my home! It’s not just that I want it…It’s that I really need it! It i an essential tool for the journey to healing. This home needs so much healing! I know this dehydrator would be a start in my family’s climb toward good health! Your site offers so many awesome recipes! I’m so excited just thinking about the fact that I have a chance to win!!
Thank You!!!!
THanks for the Twitter connection on Cultrures for health!
I would truly LOVE this incredible dehydrator! The reason I would is because my husband has diabetes and High blood pressure One of my sons has high blood pressure also. I would use the dehydrator daily to bring good healthy things into my home! It’s not just that I want it…It’s that I really need it! It i an essential tool for the journey to healing. This home needs so much healing! I know this dehydrator would be a start in my family’s climb toward good health! Your site offers so many awesome recipes! I’m so excited just thinking about the fact that I have a chance to win!!
Thank You!!!!
And Thanks for the connection on Twitter <3
I would truly LOVE this incredible dehydrator! The reason I would is because my husband has diabetes and High blood pressure One of my sons has high blood pressure also. I would use the dehydrator daily to bring good healthy things into my home! It’s not just that I want it…It’s that I really need it! It i an essential tool for the journey to healing. This home needs so much healing! I know this dehydrator would be a start in my family’s climb toward good health! Your site offers so many awesome recipes! I’m so excited just thinking about the fact that I have a chance to win!!
Thank You!!!!
What an awesome tool! I would certainly love to dry some of the blueberries I currently have in something like this. Delish!
Who wouldn’t love to win a FREE dehydrator ?!? This one is BPA-free!!
Oh my goodness, I’d LOVE to have a dehydrator! I want to sprout nuts & grains, I want to make jerky & fruit leather, and so much more….. What an AWESOME giveaway!!! Thank you!
What an awesome kitchen tool! I would love to have one to make healthy snacks for my family, especially fruit chips. I have found that there are usually sweeteners in things like banana chips even when purchased from healthier stores. It would be so nice to be able to make our own!
I’m now following on twitter!
I would LOVE a dehydrator! I’d make dried fruits, dry onions for cooking with, and probably fruit leather (never thought about that – great idea).
I have a tiny dryer that takes so long to dry anything… I would love to have one that could keep up with making snacks for our family of 6!
This dehydrator would sure come in handy prepping food for our big hike down the Grand Canyon this fall!
I entered at cultures for health. I would use a dehydrator for drying cherry tomatoes. We grow lots of them and love them dried.
I would love a dehydrator like this! My main reason would be for fruit leather and drying soaked nuts.
I shared this on facebook!
I would love to have a dehydrator for my kids to enjoy dried snacks throughout the year. This would be great especially during spring and summer.
would love to do homemade fruit leathers!
Would love to win! My husband has been saying he would enjoy more dried fruits/fruit leather and sounds like there are so many more possibilities.
oh gosh i would love one of these! my sister has one and makes the most delicious dried cinnamon-apple slices in the world. i would love to try making some of my own and creating my own homemade oatmeal packets. thanks so much for the contest!
I would love to have an Excalibur dehydrator, because I have heard so many great reviews about them. I have a cheap dehydrator that I use a lot, but it is poor quality. I know I would get great use out of a high-quality dehydrator. My kids’ favourite snack is “Mix”, putting lots of dried fruit, seeds, and nuts together. We dehydrate bushels of peaches each year, but my dehydrator is very inconsistent, so it takes a lot of fiddling and supervision.
I would love a dehydrator to make healthy snacks for my kids!
I would love a dehydrator. My girls & I love healthy cooking, living, etc. This would allow us to make so many things much easier and would be much less time consuming than using my oven!
I entered at cultures for health… I’d love a dehydrator to make banana chips… my kids eat TONS of those!
I have been looking at the 5 tray dehydrator from CFH for awhile now. I would use it to make a more healthy jerky and dry the fruit from my fruit trees. I make homemade yogurt and would like to try using the dehydrator. If I win, I would like the gift certificate, so that I can upgrade to the larger and pay the difference. Thank you!
I posted on my fb wall!
We love fruit leathers and dried fruits. I’ve read your posts about the nuts and would like to try them, as well. Thanks for the chance to win. Blessings!
I would love a dehydrator for making snacks for my daughter. She is very picky about what she eats, but she loves dehydrated fruits and veggies!
I have been wanting a dehydrator forever! I want to make crackers and dried fruit leather, my own dried fruit, cookies and so many other things.
I just posted this on my fb.
I would use the dehydrator to dry the extra produce from our garden.
I would love to have an excalibur! I would use it to dry my herbs, make fruit leather, jerky from our wild game, and so much more, I’m sure!!
i would love to make beef jerky and fried fruit snacks
I would love this! I am trying to works towards feeding my family better, and would love more options for preserving, other than just canning and freezing. Variety is great!
I would love to win a dehydrator to help kick my habit of buying pre packaged organic snacks for my kids!
My family of 7 is very busy and we love to have dried fruit, veggies and granola bars on the go!! We would use the dehydrator to make our own nutritious snacks!
I work in a public school with special needs children. We feed our children live and wholesome foods because of their condition they cannot have any more chemicals pump into their little systems. sooo many of them are already taking up to 6 medications a day so feeding them process foods is a biiig NO NO for myself and the other aides. Having a dehydrator will be a blessing for all us because we will be able to feed them fruit roll ups, homemade corn chips and the other healthy goodies that we make them.
I am now following @passionatehome and @cultures4health on twitter!
I tweeted about this giveaway!
I would love to have a dehydrator for drying tomatoes and other fruits and making fruit leather!
I have a small freezer and I would like to be able to preserve more foods than will fit in my freezer!
I would love to do any fruits with it.
I am following on Twitter too!
I’d love to make dried fruit and nuts to snack on and preserve. I’d so love to have it as I continue on the path of healthy nutritious eating for me and my family. And we are seeing the benefits of it all!
I would love to try making healthy fruit leathers! Also I would love to be able to preserve my herbs this way.
My daughter has food allergies, so I have to home make a lot of foods. This would be very helpful in making snacks for her.
I would love a dehydrator to provide healthy snacks for my family! I would love to use this to experiment with our food more! My friends and I are into canning and trying to throwback to the old days before processed foods! So far so good. This would really fit in well with my plans!
I’ve posted on facebook and will blog about it as well!
i would love to have this dehydrator! i especially would like it for drying sprouted grains and soaked oats. and also to dry fruits and veggies.
I posted and linked it on Facebook.
I would love to have a dehydrator. I am trying to move my diet to raw for health reason and it would make my options available to me that I don’t have right now.
Posted this giveaway on FB!
Would love this dehydrator to preserve my garden bounty!
Would love to make yummy healthy snacks for my family. I just made apricot jam that should last us a year (if I don’t keep giving it all away), it would be fun to have a dehydrator for the delicious and nutritious opportunities (fruit leather, dried fruit…) from the farmers market.
Following both on Twitter now! I REALLY REALLY hope I win this. I’m just starting to try to feed my family healthier food and this would be a great money saver!
I posted the giveaway on my FACEBOOK! I got lots of healthy mama friends who would love a chance to win.
I entered my name/email at the website. I would love to win so I can make some fruit leather. Not sure what else but I’m excited to learn.
Already following @passionatehome now I’m following @cultures4health too!
I done, did tweeted.
Entered to win-here’s hopin’!! Would be such a blessing to be able to preserve our apples from our apple trees. Then we could enjoy apples year-round! Plus the kiddos would love it if I could make them homemade fruit leather.
Following both on twitter!
I tweeted about this!
My family is really interested in adding more raw food into our diets, but so many of the tasty recipes involve a dehydrator! It’s quite out of our budget right now though.
Healthy snacks for our three boys would be so much easier with a dehydrator!
Shared on FB!
Mmmmm… dried apples, dried plums, and yogurt!!!
I would make fruit leathers! and how about some vegetable or fruit chips?
I’m following on @cultures4health on twitter!
I was recently diagnosed with a medical condition in ewhich my Dr. Is allowing me to use alternative treatment Is wholefoods being one. This has become a family decision as it will impact our growing familyand a dehydrator would indeed help catapult us into preserving our foods nutrients as we focus on improving and maintaining optimal organ health. We would love sharing our results and great news with others as we continue on thus journey of healthy wholefoods living.
Posted to Facebook.
I was recently diagnosed with a medical condition in which my doctor is allowing me to use alternative treatments- wholefoods being one of them for the time being. In the last three weeks we have seen incredible changes inside and out and would love to preserve our foods nutrients as we battle to improve our own lives. As our family journeys together the addition of a dehydrator would help catapult our health and well being along with raise awareness in our own community.
Posted on my blog.
i’m now following on twitter
i posted about the contest on facebook
if i won the dehydrator i would use it to make jerky, and i would also use it to dry some fruits and veggies and put them in storage.
Following on twitter.
I am a stay at home mom of a 5, 3 & 1 year old. I would love to have a dehydrator to preserve the fresh produce we get in the summer. I would use the produce and meats in soups in the winter and add them to my husbands work cooler so that he has some nutritious snacks.
I would love the dehydrator to make crispy nuts. My 2 yo LOVES cashews and goes through a ton each week. This would be such a time saver
I would like to win so that I can dry fruits and veggies for the winter.
I’d love to have a dehydrator to help me deal with all of my fresh, organic garden produce. I hate to see any of it go to waste.
I would love this dehydrator as we are trying to eat clean foods not only for our general health but also to promote our youngest daughter’s health. She has a very rare syndrome (Dravet Syndrome) and many aspects of her health we cannot control. However, we can try to provide healthiest diet we can for her. Due to her overwhelming medical bills, this is not an item that we could afford.
You are now being followed on twitter by bethanyb_22 (aka me!)
I have wanted one of these for so long to dry out my nuts and seeds after soaking. Our house gets so hot during the summer months and leaving the oven on low for 24 hours is just not an option!
If I were to win the dehydrator I would definitely put it to good use. I am a stay-at-home mother of three children, 5, 4 and 6 months. I am looking for ways to feed my family healthy foods and snacks while being frugal. I am not really pleased with the choices on the grocery store shelves and want to feed my family wholesome foods from our garden and uprocessed foods! Being blessed with this food dehydrator would answer a prayer to continue on this path of a healthy lifestyle.
Added on Facebook.
I am a poor college student who is also a prepper. I don’t have a stove in my house and I only have a mini fridge. I’d love a way to purchase fruits and veggies while they are on sale and preserve them so that I can save my dimes for my tuition @ nursing school. I’m already as frugal as I can be. My monthly income is only $800, $400 of which is spent on my rent and utilities. Any where that I can pinch pennies is helpful.
I also shared this on facebook!
I’ve been wanting a dehdrator for a while and decided on this model after reading your review. I’ll use it to make yogurt and to dehdrate nuts and fruit.
I would love to make my own fruit leather!
I am so excited about the prospect of winning a new dehydrator! Thank you for this fantastic giveaway! I would love to have one for drying fruits and veggies, as well as making fruit leather. We have always made efforts to live naturally/frugally and this would only serve to further our efforts. The kids love fruits and veggies, so this would be a big help in always having yummy, healthy treats around the house.
I’ve been wanting a dehydrator for several years and was recently doing some research in hopes of making a purchase sometime in the future, this is the dehydrator that made my list!
A few years ago I got a different kind of dehydrator and although I love dehydrating, I’ve always wanted to have the excalibur instead! It’s more compact and fruit leather would be way easier in the excalibur than in a round dehydrator like I have. We live full time in an RV and have 4 kids 5 and under and space saving is a must! That’s why I would love an excalibur instead of the one I have. Plus, using it to prepare awesome snacks and jerky is a favorite for our family!!
I have always wants a food dehydrator. My uncle has one, and he absolutely loves it. Also, saving money and eating healthy snacks is a plus!!
added on facebook
I would love a dehydrator for many reasons, most importantly to avoid food waste, and to prepare healthy snacks for my daughter and husband.
I follow passtionatehome and cultures4heath on twitter
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i follow passtionatehome and cultures4heath on twitter
shared on face book
I follow passtionatehome and cultures4heath on twitter
I added it on facebook!
I can think of so many things that I could use a dehydrator for!! The main ones would be to make healthy, nutritious snacks for my 3 kids, sister and husband that live here. Also, to preserve food, to save money and wastage of foods that are left over in my fridge etc. And lastly, I would love to make yoghurt in it!!! I would LOVE to win this
It’s on my FB profile page too!
I just entered at Cultures for Health. I would love one to dry fruit and veggies from my garden.
Great Giveaway, i would love to have one of these..
My mother-in-law raves about her dehydrator. I would love one of my own to make healthy frugal snack foods!
I follow passtionatehome and cultures4heath on twitter
I tweeted about the giveaway!
I would love to be able to make fruit leather, dry my soaked oats, dry nuts… the options are endless!
I would love to make fruit leathers for my kids.
I follow @cultures4health on twitter & passionatehome on twitter !
Thank you.
I’d love to have this dehydrator because of Oral Allergy Syndrome. There are quite a few raw fruits and veggies I can’t eat, but I can eat some of those if they’re dried. Having a dehydrator would also help me save money because I could dry the produce that is on the verge of spoiling.
I would love a dehydrator – I would dry all kinds of fruit like I used to when I was growing up, strawberries, apples, pears, peaches, bananas etc.!
I would also make crackers and fruit leathers mmmmmmmmm
Hi tweeted about the giveaway (@seasideliz)
I just entered over at Cultures for health.
I have been wanting a dehydrator for a long time and would really love to win this dehydrator! There are so many different things I would use it for! Like making dried fruit snacks, dehydrating nuts, making jerky, many other raw recipes that I am aching to try.
As a momma of a growing family, I am committed to teaching my children about healthy eating practices and since we are on a tight budget this dehydrator would be such a blessing. I love love love that I could save so many things from wasting as they go bad! The thought of that just makes me happy! : )
I have heard so many great things about this brand of dehydrator! I am on a strict diet that excludes most prepackaged/bottled products, so dehydrating fruits and other things is a great way for me to have snacks on hand. I also really want to try dehydrating zucchini slices to make a substitute for lasagna noodles!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I’m now following @cultures4health and @passionatehome on twitter!
I just tweeted about the giveaway!
I just entered over at Cultures for Health. I would love to have this dehydrator to make sprouted grain, our own dried herbs, soak and dehydrate nuts, make jerky, dried fruits, and the list goes on and on! This is one of those things on my “hope to maybe have the money for someday” list so it’d be an amazing blessing!!!
I just entered over at Cultures for health.
I would really love to have a dehydrator. I’m learning a lot about traditional foods. ONe thing that has me worried is the cost of things like grass-fed beef and organic produce. These are VERY expensive here and we have a very low food budget. A dehydrator would be a good way to preserve things I manage to find on sale.
Thank you so much for your site and the giveaway!
Bright Blessings,
I would love to have this dehydrator. I have 2 kids that I am always trying to teach them how to eat healthy and make smart choice. While there would be may uses for this appliance, the best one I can think of is fro fruit leather. A lovely neighborhood child and parents have introduces my kids to Fruit Roll Ups. I cringe at the thought of all the junk that is in them. Making fruit leather would be a healthy, less expensive, and fun way of getting a similar snack that is SO much better for my kids….and me.
Signed up to follow both on twitter
i followed both links on twitter!
I shared about this blog on my own blog for a second entry
i blogged about it!
i would love to win this and make some fruit leather!
I entered at the website, and would love to add a brand new dehydrator to my kitchen arsenal! My mom is loaning me her ancient dehydrator for now, which happens to be temperamental… but I have found it so helpful when it does work – we use it to dry herbs, make fruit snacks, and prepare nuts for flour and almond milk.
I also shared on Facebook!
There are so many things I would make with this!! My son would love granola and fruit leather. I would like to dry sprouted grains and make raw “cheese” slices – I have a recipe I really want to try.
I entered on their website. I would love to have a dehydrator as another option for making yummy snacks for my family! We had one of the older round styles when I was growing up and I remember enjoying apple chips, jerky etc…
I’m excited for the opportunity to win a dehydrator! I enjoy preparing my own foods and with our first baby due in September, I would love to try dehydrating foods for snacks for us and the baby as a healthy alternative to store-bought snacks. Our budget won’t allow us to purchase one on our own but I have always been interested in dehydrating foods, especially fruits and herbs/vegetables from the garden. Thanks again for this opportunity!
I entered on the website! I would love this!!
Following both on twitter!
I’m now following cultures4health and passionatehome on twitter!
I posted about the giveway on my twitter!
Shared on FB!!
I would love to win a dehydrator because we don’t buy any boxed or packaged snacks and I’m sick of not having anything wonderful to snack on during the day! We make everything from scratch. A dehydrator would be PERFECT for making my own snacks and my family will love it! Plus with our baby just about to start eating solids some yummy dried fruit will be perfect in a couple months instead of those yucky Gerber treat things that everyone tells me to buy. :-p
I entered my name & email address on their website. I would love to have their dehydrator! My husband likes to take lots of snacks to work and I like to snack in between meals all the time and I know I could make many different healthy snacks using a dehydrator and it would save a lot of money. We love dried fruit, fruit leathers, nuts, etc…
Oh my, I am a humble mom trying my best to feed my family healthy foods. I was recently let go from work and praise the Lord now that I can concentrate on feeding them. I would love to win this as it isn’t in the budget and it would be WONDERFUL for snacks on the go! My 1 year old can not have milk or eggs so this option would open up a lot of options. Plus.. no sulfites! Thank you so much for your inspiration. P.S. I posted this on my Facebook and am praying if it is God’s will, we will win this!
Oh my! I would love to have one more way to preserve yummy fruits and vegetables when they are in season, but I think i’m most eager to make some fruit leather.
I would love to win one for my daughter who has Crohn’s disease. She and her husband have become vegatarian and I can’t think of a better way for them to make healthy snacks for themselves than with a dehydrator.
They have a small apartment are not able to garden or store many things in the freezer, but if they could dehydrate the produce they buy at the farmer’s market or the organic produce they buy they could store it and have it year round and buy things when the prices are best.
Thanks for the chance.
Following both on twitter!
I posted on my twitter page about how I would love a dehydrator!
Following both on twitter
Tweeted this giveaway (twitter name: HomeEconHowTo)
I would love to have a dehydrator like this so I can make crispy snacks for my husband and son without overheating all the nutrients
I would love to make healthy snacks for my daughter so she does not end up with ulcerative colitis as a young child like I did.
I made a post on my blog keensensefortheobvious.wordpress.com about the Excalibur Dehydrator giveaway.
I would love to win the Excalibur dehydrator for a number of reasons. Eating my healthiest has become necessary to my health and well being. I suffer from Fibromyalgia and have found that the healthier I eat the better I feel. I also have a daughter that suffers with migraines as well as allergies. Although I am newly learning many things I never knew about healthy eating habits, such as soaking nuts and grains and sprouting, I am in this to live. Learning to eat what is best for my and my family is my mission as a frugal homemaker.
I would love to be able to make healthy snacks for my kids and to dry herbs.
Living in my husband’s grandparents’ house means my kitchen toys are in storage. But a dehydrator is probably the one appliance that neither of our kitchens have had, and I’ve been wishing for one to make granola, jerky, and dried herbs from my patio garden and dried fruits when the farmers’ market is overrun with ripe stuff and selling it by the bushel. Also have just discovered the concept of soaking foods and would love to experiment with that.
What a great giveaway! I would love to win this so I can make my homemade granola bars even healthier. I’ve never soaked and dehydrated the nuts and oats, but I definitely would I had this handy appliance!
I have just begun taking steps to feed my family real foods. I get so tired of all of the processed foods that my children are fed (and they love, unfortunately.) They are huge fans of dried fruit, and I would LOVE to be able to make my own with a food dehydrator. Thanks for a great giveaway – someone will be very blessed!
I posted on FB about it.
I also shared on Facebook!
Until February, I had a double wall oven that’s lowest temp was 150… perfect for making Crispy Nuts and drying sprouted grain. But after a flood in our basement moved us out for repairs, my husband decided it was time to sell our townhouse and find a single family home. I’m delighted with the home God has provided, but the new ovens start at 170. I would love to have a dehydrator to make my jobs easier and to save on our electric bills!
I have been wanting an Excalibur Food Dehydrator for a long time and for many reasons. I have a 3 1/2 year old and a 1 year old and would love to be able to make healthy snacks for them at home (we love crispy nuts!). My 3 1/2 year old is a very picky eater (so is my husband!) and I am constantly trying to find ways to incorporate fruits and vegetables into her diet. She is currently on a gluten-free, dairy-free diet, which has been very difficult because the only things she likes to eat are foods containing gluten and/or dairy. I am hoping to use the dehydrator to provide her a more balanced diet and hopefully get her in better health. Then maybe I can reintroduce dairy and use the dehydrator to make yoghurt
So many uses, I would love to have it!
I would love that!!! I went to their website and put my name and email. I would like one to dry fruit….it is one of our fave snacks!
That fruit leather looks so yummy! I can just see my girls going wild over it! That’s one of the first things I would try!
I shared on FB
I have always wanted an Excalibur dehydrator! For so many reasons. One is that I have a great market that is a little far…I could go to the market and dehydrate my fruits and veggies so that they last longer…and my kids and myself Love fruit leathers!
I follow Cultures for Health and Passionate Homemaking on Twitter!
I shared this giveaway info on Facebook and Twitter!
I am brand new on my real food journey. I have been milling my own flour for about 4 years, but just learned that I need to be soaking or sprouting my wheat first! Owning an Excalibur dehydrator would allow me to dry sprouted grain to use in my family’s favorite foods!!
What a great giveaway oppportunity! I am a new mom to a 6 month old, and we have always eaten very healthy, however I recently found this site and have been tweaking our diet even more. I remember my parents using a dehydrator when I was younger to dry apples and make fruit leather. Yum! I would LOVE to get an excallibur and would use it to make all sorts of goodies from our garden. I recently dried some soaked oatmeal in my oven and that took FOREVER. The Excalibur would be much more efficient for both time and money. Thanks!
And it’s shared on Facebook… Thanks!
Hi! My name is Savannah, I am 24 years old, working 2 jobs and about to start classes at Nutrition Therapy Institute of Denver. I am the nanny of 3 precious little kids, Emily-4, Tiffany-3, and Noah-10 months. Their mother is a manager at a hotel and works long hours, and their father is a Chaplain in the Air Force and just deployed to Iraq for the next 6 months. They are three of the pickiest I have ever met, and since their mother doesn’t have a lot of time to try new, fresh, nutritious foods with them, that is a responsibility I have taken seriously. They do love fruit leather, and anything they make themselves. We love cooking together, and they have 2 apples trees and an apricot tree that we cannot wait to harvest! I would love to be able to show them, even at such young ages, how great it is to make our own treats that, “make us strong and healthy!” How exciting it would be to have our own special machine to cook with, especially during the summer when have the oven on all day is not so pleasant.
I would also love to use it along with my studies in herbology and nutrional cooking. It would be a well used tool for many!
I shared about the contest on facebook! And I am a fan of the passionate homemaking page on facebook
I would use it to make yummy, healthy treats!!
home=made fruit leather- that’s reason enough!
I am married with a 13 month old daughter and I am always looking for more ways to incorporate healthy eating into my family’s diet. It is very important to me to give my daughter a knowledge of whole foods and nutrition from an early age. I think the more food has a “fun factor,” the more a toddler is willing to eat it, and dehydrated fruits and veggie are definitely fun! I can think of a million and one ways to use the Excalibur food dehydrator to preserve and prepare foods, and I know it would serve as an asset to my family’s health and wellness!
Thanks for the chance to win this very nice food dehydrater~
I would love to dehydrate fruit and herbs!
Make fruit leather and learn other thing to do with it.
Over all I want to use it to aide in healthy eating of my family!
Make healthy snacks for hikes and walks!
Peace and Love,
I remember my Mom using a dehydrator to dry fruits, beef jerky, and making fruit leather. It was so good! We love to backpack and I think this would be an excellent way to make cheap, easy meals for the trail!
Goodness, what WOULDN’T I dehydrate in such a fine dehydrator? We really enjoy fruit, so I can just see my family and me dehydrating all of that lovely fruit that is around now and not later in the year. Also, we enjoy fruitcake with REAL fruit, so dehydrating our own fruit would add that goodness to our fruitcakes. Thank you.
Shared on facebook…
I love my current dehydrator and have been shopping for a big square one justlike this!
I actually have an excalibur dehydrator, but I have a friend who would love one! I’d love to win it for her.
I would love a dehydrator to make nutrious snacks for my family and to save money.
I already have a a cheap dehydrator and I would love to start drying soaked granola and fruit leathers.
just shared on FB Michele Pineda
I signed up! I would love to use this to dehydrated fruits and nuts and make jerky for my hubby.
I have followed/liked both Passionate Homemaking and Cultures For Health on Facebook
I have posted about this on Facebook
I would LOVE this dehydrator. I have been looking into these for quite a while but it isn’t in the budget right now.
Forgot to add that I already do alot of canning and have experimented with a cheap dehydrator that doesn’t work anymore. I LOVE to dehydrate food and would use it to put up almost everything possible.
What a great giveaway! I am interested in making dried fruits for snacking – and then exploring other options from there!
Ohh, I would love to win this for my family! We currently have a very old and worn out (it has had to have numerous repairs and makes weird noises sometimes) dehydrator and as we use it a lot for drying all kinds of things, this would be perfect!
Apple rings and jerky are our favorite thing to dry. It saves money and makes good on the go snacks.
I have a friend in VA who really enjoys using her dehydrator and raves about the taste of the foods she had dried. The fruit leather photo in your article looked scrumpious. With our family of growing children, I know that we would have fun trying different foods in the dehydrator. We’d definitely start with fruit!;)
I would love to win this for making kale chips, drying nuts, things from my CSA box, making granola and trying new raw recipes like crackers.
In approximately 5 years I will turn 40. To celebrate my life thus far, I am “dragging” my dear husband on a 40 mile hike of the Appalacian Trail! I would LOVE, love, love a dehydrator so that I can spend the next 5 years learning how to dehydrate healthy food for our trip.
After being in Africa for nearly a year, my husband and I are trying to a make a conscious effort to live more naturally and frugally while cutting down on waste. I had no idea a dehydrator could be used for so many things!
I follow on Twitter.
It would be great to have another way to prepare/preserve the food from my garden.
I would like to be able to dry nuts &soaked wheat berries.
I can’t stand waste! After collecting many beautiful glass jars to use instead of plastic, I would love to fill the jars with dried fruits and vegetables. I think it would bring simple beauty and lasting function to my kitchen.
I am a homesteading, homeschooling mom of 6 kids under the age of 9. Our family is on a 5 year goal to get off the grid. Hubby and I have been unhealthy eaters all our lives, and now that I have type 2 diabetes(even while not pregnant)..we have decided to make a change. Our family is going “raw”…..It is a slow change for us as we have 30+ years of habits to change, but we are doing it!! Hubby has already lost about 75 pounds and 6 pants sizes!!! Now that I’ve had the baby…it’s my turn to catch up!!! This dehydrator is a tool that we desperately need to create some of the healthy raw meals for our family!! As you likely well know…6 kids doesn’t make for a hefty budget!!
I would love to make snacks for my husband and I to take to work. We both work very long days and need something that is easy to eat at our desks.
morel mushrooms…berries…peas…endless ideas are flooding my mind for the dehydrator! what a beautiful addition this would be to my simple kitchen.
I would love to win the dehydrater! I have terrible food allergies which don’t allow me to eat raw fruits and vegetables (oral allergy syndrome) but I can eat them when they are cooked or dried! To be able to make my own dried fruits, etc. would be such a blessing!
I would love to try this with my family…especially my young kids! Thanks for the offer!
Following you both on Twitter!
My family is trying to focus on seasonal eating- I am so inspired to try drying as a way to preserve our summer and fall harvests!
I would like to try soaking and dehydrating nuts.
I would love one in order to create healthier snacks for my son and husband!
I have longed for a dehydrator every since I started following your blog and others that talk about being a better steward of what we are given and how to take better care of our families and to eat better and yet still do it on a budget. It just seems that yet I am not able to purchase one for cash so I have not yet acquired one, so this is an awesome give-away for our family. Thank you for the review and for the opportunity. God bless.
Wow You are such an inspiration, I would have never thought about so many creative uses! I once tried to toast some hazelnuts in the oven… needless to say my husband was very disappointed to find out I’d destroyed an entire bag! I’d love to never have to do that again! And the fruit leather sounds amazing.
I have been wanting a dehydrator for ages but it is not in the budget. There is just mom and I and buying a variety of fruit is hard as it goes bad before we can eat it all. Using a dehydrator would help that along a lot…I already use a lot of purchased dried fruit, but they are so expensive on a tight budget. This would really help us!
I would love to have a dehydrator to make jerky and fruit snacks…and for so many other things!
following you both on twitter
shared on facebook
Have been looking at dehydrators as I want to create more raw foods instead of buying them (love raw flax crackers)
I would dry all kinds of fruit for snacks for my kids!
Id LOVE the Excalibur for making jerky, drying sprouted grains, and dehyrdrated all sorts of goodies from the garden! Id also love to try out removing the shelves and making yogurt or raising some bread. So many uses!
following both of you
shared on twitter!
I have been looking at this very dehydrator for weeks now! I have so many recipes I have found and want to make… raw crackers, kale chips… the list goes on!
I’m following on twitter @ingramhollyann
I have a yardsale dehydrator that is definitely bottom-of-the-line. While it does work eventually, one that has an adjustable thermostat would be wonderful. Since my plum tree ripens everything all at once the dehydrator is a necessity. I want to branch out and try many more things.
I just posted about the giveaway on my facebook!
I would love to have a dehydrator for the reasons you listed and that I don’t currently have one!
following you both on Twitter! Thanks.
shared on Facebook—- Peggy —check out this great giveaway!! http:/2010/07/6-reasons-why-i-love-my-dehydrator-giveaway.html/comment-page-16#comment-30622
I already have an Excalibur that I was blessed to be gifted by a friend. I would give this one to my other dear friend who loves eating healthy food! We use ours to make backpacking foods for family backpacking trips! Thanks!!
Would love to win this to help me make my own snacks!
Would love to get a dehydrator to help me make my own snacks! I’ve wanted one for a long time and I would love to win this one!
Following both accounts on twitter. @witchchild
Shared on twitter.
I’ve been wanting a dehydrator for a while now so I can make crispy nuts, and more specifically to make crispy hazelnuts and make cookies with them with less phytic acid.
Just shared on Facebook!!!
This has been on my list for a long time! My husband and I have a garden and I would use it to dehydrate so many different things from there. I especially want to try to dehydrate tomatoes as I have heard it is a great way to store them. I would also use it to dry soaked nuts, sprouted wheat berries, make fruit leather….the list is endless.
Now following both on Twitter
I’m a mom of three wonderful girls, one of whom has severe food allergies. Due to her allergies we have very limited options for buying pre-packaged and/or restaurant foods. Having a food dehydrator in our home would open up endless possibilities to explore more food options. We have a garden in our backyard and grow our own organic, healthy produce and a food dehydrator would be the perfect addition to our kitchen. This would truly be a blessing for our family.
Followed @cultures4health and @passionatehome on twitter… #3… check.
I just shared on Facebook
Liked and commented on FB about this… #2… check.
This particular dehydrator has been on my wish list because of the temp control… I want to make flax crackers, fruit roll-ups and lots of other healthy and raw snacks!
Entered my info on cfh… I’ve been wanting an Excalibur for my raw diet like banana coated nuts or banana/lemon “taco” shells for a berry & cashew “cream” desert taco. The list goes on and on…
I would love this. My husband and I do a lot of gardening with the intention of putting most of it up for the winter. We have a dehydrator, but its not nearly as nice as this one appears to be. We’ve talked about getting another one, since we do dry lots of food (and I air dry our herbs, teas and flowers for crafts), and this would be an awesome treat to win. I also shared it on facebook. Thanks for the chance!
I would love a dehydrator so I could make those yummy fruit roll ups my Mom used to make for us growing up.
Shared on Facebook, but no idea how to tweet! Oh well!
I would love a food dehydrator so that I can make healthy snacks for my picky toddler.
Subscribed to the newsletter……can’t wait to start using the dehydrator to make fruit leather, dry veges and herbs! Pick me!
My mom has a dehydrator, and I would love one of my own.
I like dried bananas, apples, pears, and nuts. Also, drying mint leaves makes for delicious tea!
Oh wow, I SOOO need this dehydrator (or the gift card for a bigger one) I would use it for so many things. I am trying to switch us over to all natural, whole foods and this would help in so many ways-preserving, making snacks, a warm place to let yogurt, sourdough, kefir, etc etc ferment…..
This dehydrator would be a wonderful tool for our kitchen to aide us on our journey to healthier eating. So many healthy snacks can be made! And the waste reduction is a big benefit.
I would love to own a food dehydrator. I am the mom of 7, and very busy. Having the ability to dry food for snacks would be a huge help to my pocketbook, as well a help in providing nutritious snacks and food for my family.
I entered my name and email. I would love this because I to want to be able to help eliminate waste in my home. I want to be more frugal. This is a great giveaway:)
I share this on Facebook.
I hope I win!!! We have the most amazing asian fruit trees in our yard from previous owners, including some Chinese dates. You can really only make fruit butter or dehydrate these, and I don’t have a dehydrator. Yet…
Yea! This would really help this ‘trying to be frugal and natural’ family of 7 get the most of their garden!!
Posted on FB.
I’ve borrowed my mom’s dehydrator to dry pears and make peach and cherry fruit leather. I would love to have my own!
This dehydrator looks so much better than the one I have! Would love it!
A dehydrator would be so useful and would aid significantly on our journey to better eating and health. There are so many uses and I’d love to be able to have another alternative to canning and freezing.
following both on twitter!
Shared on FB as well!
I remember my mom using her dehydrator to make homemade turkey jerky, fruit chips, etc. I would love the opportunity to make my own with this (sounds like) incredible dehydrator!
I would use this for before workout snacks for hubby and myself.
Posted on Facebook! Thanks so much for the opportunity!
As a single mom to two young kiddos, we are always looking for ways to 1) stretch our food to the maximum 2) eat good healthy foods that seem to cost a bundle in the stores. We love fruit leather and various types of meat leathers. We would love to make crackers and dehydrate veggies for pouch snacks.
I would love to win the dehydrator! I would use to make lots of healthy snacks for my family and to preserve fruits and veggies!
I am also following on twitter and will tweet.
I posted on facebook.
Just re-tweeted and added both @cultures4health and @passionatehome on twitter. Good luck to all entering to win and thank you for offering this as a give away! You are awesome and love your blogs!
I subscribed to the newsletter. I would use an dehydrator as a way to preserve veggies and fruit for later use (thinking mostly soup options for the veggies). Another way to be frugal.
Would love to have an Excalibur dehydrator! Just posted the link to this article on my Facebook account
Thanks so much!
I subscribe in a RSS feed!
Ooooh this would be great! Fruit leathers are a favorite around here.
I posted about this on Facebook!
I would love a dehydrator! I would love to be able to make raw crackers, fruit leathers, and all sorts of other raw goodies that require a dehydrator. Currently, I just go with out
I would love to have a dehydrator to make healthier snacks for my kids and to get the most out of food. I love the idea of using produce that is overripe.
I would love this! When I read that you are able to cut back waste from using fruits and vegetables that are fading, that really hit me. A lot of times…sadly to say, I end up throwing them away. This would help so much!
This is so exciting! I would love to win this, I would really like to start sprouting my own bread. I buy ezekiel bread every week and it is just so expensive. So I would really love to win this so I could start making my own sprouted grain bread, it would also be great for healthy snacks.
I’m now following you and CFH on twitter too!
I just shared this on facebook!
I am learning to cook more traditional foods with sprouted nuts and have been wanting a dehydrator for a LONG time! This would be fantastic!
Totally psyched about owning one of these. Please can I win to prepare fun healthy snack for the family?
I shared on facebook!
Snacks! It would be great for snacks for the kiddos.
I would love to win this!! Praying and putting it in God’s hands!
Oh yeah, I would use it for healthy snacks for my growing family! Very much in need of ways to add healthy and convenient snacks and foods to our family’s days. AND for my husband’s lunch so he doesn’t give in to junk food!
Posted on my blog Loppy & Pip!
Thank you again!
now following the two twitter feeds!
shared on my twitter!
This would be such an amazing win! I am a new vegan and have been working a lot of raw foods into my diet and this would be so perfect for making all sorts of breads and snacks (for me) and healthy treats for my Papillon Pip.
Thanks for the giveaway! These are always fun!
I have been dreaming of a dehydrator lately… my mother in law made us some delicious snacks with hers and the kids loved them! I would use it to make fruit and veggie snacks and jerky for when my husband goes on his AT hikes. I also <3 tomatoes from a dehydrator! They make pasta pop and pizza sing!
i shared the good news on facebook!
i would love to have this dehydrator to make all the yummy treats and be able to do it without running my oven!
Glad to see another give away for this! I enter each time I see it. Maybe this time I’ll get lucky!
A friend of mine has one of these dehydrators. She makes the best stuff with it. I’d love one.
If I had one I’d use it to dry fruits and veggies, make all the raw food goodies that I can’t make right now as I do not have a dehydrator and dry soaked and flavoured nuts. Yum! I hope I win :0)
I’m doing all the options.. I would LOVE this dehydrator!!
A dehydrator is on my wish list! I would love it for making crispy nuts and fruit leather, instead of running the oven. Thanks for the giveaway!!
Posted on facebook
I have wanted an Excalibur for SO long but have been making do with borrowing my mom’s when I dry things. We dehydrate a lot of stuff (nuts, fruit, jerky) and would do so much more with one of these. We have a modest income and any way we can make food stretch counts.
What a wonderful giveaway. I am trying very hard to utilize good prices this summer on fruits and vegetables. Since we live on a tight budget I’ve been working hard to not waste and to put things away for later. Dehydrating would be the next step (something I’ve been really wanting to do). Thank you for the opportunity!
I would love a dehydrator. I make all sorts of fruit chews and crackers. It’s also so good to used in order to “cook” food while still keeping the food “live.”
I would love to win this to make my own dried fruit WITHOUT sugar, beef and turkey jerky, soaked/dried nuts, fruit leather… The possibilities are endless. It is so hard to find real dried bananas, instead of those sugary fried chip things.
I shared the giveaway on Facebook.
I’d love to win! This is our first year attempting a garden and with over 50 tomato plants, I’d love to give dehydrated tomatoes a shot.
I would love to win this and make dried apples with all that we have available each fall. Thanks!
I shared about this giveaway on Facebook.
Snacks that are good for you and frugal have been my biggest challenge as a mother of young children. I would love to have this to make healthy snacks for my growing family!
I would love to get a dehydrator and try drying fruits and veggies for healthy snacks.
Wow, I’d love to have a dehydrator, it would help so much in preparing our grains, beans and spices before grinding as well as the cool tasty and healthy snacks that would be so much fun and easy to make! My husband keeps telling me how we need a section of rooftop (and perpetually hot sunny days) to get the true flavor of India he misses, I think we’d just need a dehydrator. heh.
I would use this to preserve some of our garden harvest and to make DELICIOUS dehydrated fruit. The pears taste like candy, without all the unnatural sugars. This would be so great to win!
Following both on Twitter!
Shared on my Facebook page!
My husband and I just purchased a small homestead last year and have planted peaches, figs, apples, and blackberries. The Excalibur dehydrator would be just what I need to preserve all that wonderful produce!
I would love one to dry tomatoes,peppers,onions things like that.They are so expensive to buy in the store.I would show pictures of my experments too
I would love one of these dehydrators because they are the best on the market! I currently own another brand, but would love an Excalibur to make yogurt in. Thanks for the opportunity!
I borrowed a friend’s dehydrator several years ago and make LARGE amounts of dried fruit. It got me eating fruits on a daily basis. I wanted one but just couldn’t bring myself to spend money on it. I would LOVE to win this!
I would love a dehydrator because I have many fruit trees and vegetables that are producing more than I can store or use right now (I live in California). I would love to save as much of this harvest to use at a later date.
I follow both on Twitter.
I shared on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/laurenmwarner
I’d love to have to have one to make fruit leather for my daughters!
I’ve been dreaming of a dehydrator lately! My girls are big fans of fruit leather, and my husband loves jerky. It would be so much fun to use it for those things, as well as granola.
Just posted on my facebook page.
I have recently gone gluten-free, and snacks have been the hardest thing to figure out. Dried fruit and jerky are great snacks for me, but they can be expensive, and I don’t love all the ingredients in the store-bought jerky. This would be a great way to make my own healthy snacks, and get our money’s worth out of our grocery budget, by being able to dehydrate fruit before it goes bad and we have to throw it out.
I use to dehydrate food as a teenager, but when I went away to college my dehydrator was sold at a garage sale. Would LOVE to get back into preserving food in this way!
I now follow @cultures4health and @passionatehome on twitter!
I shared about this giveaway on twitter.
I love dehydrating! I have a very cheep old unit and this would be so much better! I have even resortrd to using my kitchen oven when mine doesn’t cooperate. We dry fruit, herbs and make jerky. I would love to do more. Thanks for the givaway.
I would love to win this to feed my kiddos and husband healthy snacks! Thanks!
Thanks for the opportunity! I would use this in drying soaked nuts as well. Dehydrating chili peppers from the garden and to make fruit snacks would be great.
I shared about your giveaway at facebook as well!
I would LOVE to win a dehydrator! We already do our best to waste nothing, but i am thrilled about more opportunities to make fruit & veg leathers, healthy raw crackers, flavored jerky from the wild meats my husband hunts, granolas, soup mixes, and more that hasn’t even occurred to me yet. The cost of one has been a little prohibitive honestly, but i know we would use it so often!
Posted to my facebook profile too…
I would love to win the dehydrator because my family is on a quest for good health. I have already lost 12 lbs. and wish to lose 20 more. I know a dehydrator is one of the best things I could buy but just can’t afford one at this time.
i follow cfh and ph on twitter
Posted on fb
I would love a dehydrator. I want to make dry fruits and nuts myself.
AND added to my twitter – as well as signing up for FB pages for Passionate Homemaking!
Posted on Facebook!
I follow passionate homemaking and cultures 4 health on twitter.
I am an “old hippie” and have used food dehydrators for years. When downsizing several years ago, I got rid of mine, thinking that I wouldn’t need it again. Boy was I wrong! I miss making fruit leathers for my grandkids, drying fruit for later baking, and knowing that by drying my own I know exactly what the ingredients are! Sure hope I win!
OH, I thought of another good reason! I raw-feed my dogs, and I could make natural dried treats for them! Yippee!
I would love a dehydrator to prepare nutritious jerky and fruit leather for my family. I signed up on their website.
I also signed up at the Cultures for Health site.
I’m trying to transition to a raw foods diet. A dehydrator would be a perfect kitchen addition!!
I would love a dehydrator to prepare nutritious jerky and fruit leather for my family! I signed up on their website.
Yay! I tweeted 2!!!
I would love to have an Excalibur because my very picky daughter loves apple chips and it would be so nice to make her some homemade ones along with some fruit roll-ups.
Following both on Twitter!
Shared on facebook!
I’ve been wanting one of these for the past year when we started learning more about making good food choices, buying locally grown food from farms that use sustainable practices. Learning to preserve food is the second step for me in this process- when I have an urge for blueberries in the middle of winter, rather than buying some that were grown half way around the world, I would rather dig into a stash of dried berries that were grown 10 miles from home and dried in my own kitchen.
I’m now following both on Twitter. I am @SaveOurDucks . Thanks again for hosting such a wonderful giveaway! I am sure someone is going to be very happy!
I shared on my facebook page!
I would love to have this dehydrator, because i am learning how to sprout my own grains, & would love to learn how to dry them correctly in a dehydrator, before i grind them into my flour! Thx for the opprotunity!
I just shared this on Facebook. Thanks for the awesome give-away!
I did them all! http://twitter.com/Cynamar & http://www.facebook.com/Cynamartin .
I have 4 little boys and we will add a 5th little boy in the fall to our family. We are really trying to raise them right and live more sustainably. A dehydrator would really help us to preserve a lot of the bounty from our home garden and from our local farmer’s market. Thanks so much for hosting such a great give-away!
I’ve been looking at dehydrators for awhile. I love, love, love my fruit, but its hard to get in the winter and I really enjoy putting dried fruit in my cereal for an interesting twist. It would be great to have a dehydrator around to cut back on food spoilage.
I have wanted a food dehydrator for years. I struggle to keep good food around as I’m a single parent and a student. I would love to be able to preserve more things from my garden in new ways. My freezer space is limited and you can only can so much. This would be such an awesome solution! Plus, we love jerkeys. How nice to control exactly what is in them!
I am a friend of @passionatehome and @cultures4health on twitter and facebook!
I shared on facebook and tweeted this!
Just signed up at cultures for health’s website! Would LOVE to be able to preserve our harvest and esp. Use this to dry herbs for medicinal use and herbal remedies!
I would love to win the Excalibur dehydrator, since my Nesco model bit the dust recently!
I am now fallowing Cultures4health on Twitter!
Put my name in on the website… and would LOVE to have that dehydrator! Would be great to make more variations on the food that we eat.
I just posted about this giveaway on my FB page!
I’ve been thinking about purchasing a dehydrator for quite some time now. It would be so handy to use for soaked granola, sprouting grains, and making fruit leathers and other snacks for my little ones!
Also shared on FB.
I would LOVE this dehydrator!! I would use it to make crispy nuts and to dehydrate soaked oatmeal for granola! I would also use it to dry fruit. I am so excited about the possibilities!
I would love to have a dehydrator to prepare some yummy snacks for my family that are homemade and healthy! I loved your idea to use some older fruits and veggies too. I always feel like I waste so mcuh sometimes and this would be a great way to extend the life!
I am really longing for a dehydrator these days! I buy fruit leathers from Trader Joe’s but would LOVE to make our own as we have the fruit and I just need an effective way to dry it out. I also LOVE homemade granola!
Thanks for the giveaway offer. My husband and I plan to move to the country soon and want to have a large garden, and grow many kinds of fresh fruit. My husband is a very healthy eater and I am trying to be. We would love to make our own fresh, healthy snacks from our own harvests – and share them with others, too!
i tweeted the giveaway/
i have a cheapie dehydrator, and we have loved drying our garden’s produce on it. i’d love to upgrade to an excalibur and dry more stuff.
This is something I want to start using. I’m all about wanting healthy snacks for my family.
I signed up at Cultures for health. I love that idea of making fruit leather, drying nuts and grains that have been soaked and learning some new things to make using a dehydrator. Thanks so much for the chance to win.
Dehydrators are pretty much awesome and I have been wanting one for a while (we actually almost purchased one the other day, and now here I am seeing this giveaway– perfect timing). I would love one to make dried fruit and jerky with. My husband and I seem to always be on the go and a dehydrator would be wonderful for grab and go snacks.
Shared this on my facebook too!
I entered at C for H!
My husband and I have been working really hard to eat healthy since the birth of our daughter (and thus far we’ve been quite sucessful by losing 20+ pounds each). Now that my daughter is almost 1, we are striving to stay more on track than ever!
This would be another way for us to make natural, healthy snacks to enjoy as a family! Thank you for offering this giveaway!
I shared about this giveaway on my blog’s Facebook page!
I follow Passionate Homemaking and Cultures for Health on Twitter!
Oops, I did the last one wrong. I entered my name and email address on their website. I have three young boys and cooking/preparing ahead and in “bulk” is not only helpful, doing it this way would be fun and easy!
I entered my name and email address on their website.
I would love to have a dehydrator! I have an OLD decrepit circular model, and we use it to make fruit leather and dry other fruits. I would do crispy nuts and many other things if I had a more modern one.
I just entered on the website to win! I can’t wait to see if I do. My family loves fruit, granola, nutrigrain bars and the such. I would love to make my own fruit leather, as my hubby and daughter both love fruit and prefer it to junk food.
I entered on the site and shated on my facebook account!
I love cultures for health and I’ve really been wanting a dehydrator! I would use it to dry nuts and help preserve some of the bounty our CSA brings! I would also like to be able to have a warm place to store my sourdough that I purchased from cultures for health
I would love a new dehydrator!!! I have a smaller, less costly model that is not very efficient or robust. I would love to make healthy dried fruit snacks for my little girl (almost 2 yrs old)! She loves dried papaya, pineapples, raisins and dates. If I had a more efficient and less expensive way to make them it would be fantastic!
I shared this on facebook!
I am following both Passionate Homemaking and Cultures for Health on Twitter! THanks!
I tweeted about your giveaway! I love your blog and my water kefir grains are from Cultures for Health!!! (and my piima starter and a few other yogurts we have in our house!) http://twitter.com/GranolaMom4God/status/18211615444
I would heart to have a dehydrator because (first) I have heard so many amazing things about this particular dehydrator. I have borrowed my mom’s dehydrator for far too long and need to give it back to her. I really want to use one regularly–for more than just drying my almonds. I would love to make beef jerky!!!
I am a single, retired diabetic woman who has taken control of my health by giving up all of the convenient, junky, unhealthful stuff that used to find its way into my home. I’m lucky to have several farm stands and markets in my area that provide wonderfully fresh fruits and vegetables, but I surely could use a system to help me put by what I can’t use immediately. A food dehydrator would help me to make healthful snacks and keep my retiree’s budget on track. Here’s hoping!
I’ve been working toward feeding my family more whole, natural, organic foods. I never thought I’d use a dehydrator enough to make it worth the money–then my friend showed me something amazing! The other day she was drying sprouted grains to use for bread. I had never even thought of that! In the past I thought of dehydrators as tools to dry fruits and veggies…and since my children eat plenty of these–and we live in a place where good, fresh produce is available year round, I didn’t quite get it…now I know there are so many other uses for a dehydrator…it’s one more thing on my “must have” list for healthier eating.
This would be such a blessing to win!!
We are traveling to West Africa this November and I would use this to dehydrate fruits and vegetables my grandparents (missionaries there for 60+ years) are not able to purchase – like strawberries, peaches, apples, etc. I can’t take fresh, but dried is the second best and I would love to do my own so as to avoid the preservatives and sugars and price tag of store bought!
Of course beyond that practical application we would enjoy the snacks as a family too
Following on twitter!
I just signed up for the mailing list. I need a dehydrator so badly. My husband and I are gluten intolerant, so we really need a dehydrator to make almond flour. We have apple trees at our disposal, so I’d make lots of dried apples and fruit leather, and I also really want to stock up on more dehydrated food for emergency purposes!
I am pretty sure I would use this about every day in the summer! So much great produce to store away
Of course the winter would probably get great usage too when I could focus on beef jerky when there isnt so much fresh local produce.
First of all I just want to say that I absolutely love your website! Thank you so much for providing such a wealth of information! Because I was living with psoriasis for 20 years, I decided to see a naturopathic doctor, and with his awesome guidance I went through a cleansing program and learned how to eat more healthy food. My psoriasis has improved 80% in the past 2 months! We are what we eat! A dehydrator is the next appliance that I would absolutely love to have, not only for myself, but for my family. Since I learned that I had candida albicans, I have had to avoid yeast, gluten, milk, sugar, processed food, and many other foods in the past 2 months, and a dehydrator would be something I could use to make crackers, wraps and flat bread to eat with healthy dips/spreads and veggies. I would also like to learn how to make my own yogurt using a dehydrator as well as healthy snacks for my kids! I’m slowly reducing the amount of processed food they eat, but it would be much easier if I had a dehydrator to help encourage healthier eating!
I would love to have a dehydrator. Canning is not for me for health reasons and this would be the second best way for me to preserve our food. Thanks for the chance to try to win one.
I would love a food dehydrator b/c its so hard to keep things fresh when you’re constantly on the go and sometimes you forget what you have until its too late!
I have been wanting a dehydrator to make healthy snacks for awhile!
I’ve been wanting an Excalibur for a while so I could take snack preparation for my family to the next level.
I’m following you and cultures for health on twitter!
I would love one of these. I have been looking at one for a long time but, I currently have a round dehydrator and them temp just isn’t very even. I would love one of these as I eat alot of raw fruits and veggies and love to make raw desserts on the dehydrator. This would allow me to make more at a time and trays that slide out would be easier than trays that stack upon one another.
I posted back on facebook about your giveaway too! I sure hope i win!
I would love to have the dehydrator because it would make preparing sprouted flour much easier. Also, I’d love to try my hand at making jerky and it would be great to have some dried fruit on hand for on-the-go snacks!
I would love a dehydrator to put away some of our summer garden bounty! I love to make soup mixes with dried veggies in it for winter! And, fruit leather! we have so many abundant summer fruits around new jersey! blackberry fruit leather makes my heart skip a beat! my kids love healthy snacks and my hubby loves my creativity! i adore the kitchen! what a fabulous kitchen tool!
I have been dreaming of the Excalibur Food Dehydrator for so long… It will be a blessing to any family! I would use it to feed my family nutritious and yummy gluten-free snacks, homemade raw yogurt, and our favorite snack from our years in Japan “hoshi imo” dried sweet potatoes. Oh, my mouth is watering already! Thank you for this opportunity and thank you for always being so generous in sharing your knowledge, wisdom, and family with the rest of us.
P.S. I don’t have a facebook or twitter account or a blog of my own but I have told my friends about your extremely helpful site.
I tweeted about the giveaway!
Great post and sweet giveaway! I would love to try to make beef jerky as well as all the other things I do with my round dehydrator. The extra space would be incredible!
I entered at Cultures for health!
I shared on FB
This would be great to use in drying herbs. We just tried fresh plantain on swimmers itch and it worked wonderful. Living up north, our growing season is short for everything. A dehydrator would help preserve those herbs and other things when things are frozen up here! Oh, some of us love our Swedish Fruit Soup which is made from dried fruit. It’s one of our Christmas traditions.
I would LOVE a dehydrator to help me build up my food storage.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I have an old dehydrator from a rummage sale 10 yrs ago. It’s awful and doesn’t have a timer, temp guage nor does it dehydrate evenly. I’m ready for a new one to make my boys some good snacks. this would be such a blessing
I follow both on Twitter. My Twitter ID is @mom2kchmwr2001
I would use this for my daughter. I’m trying to only feed her healthy foods. So far it’s working but as she gets older I know it wil be harder and I think this would be a great tool for that.
I would love to have a dehydrator and make my children healthy fruit and nut snacks and more instead of spending all the money to buy them at the health food stores. The first thing I would make would be cinnamon apples rings! I would also be a lot of fun to make snack bags for friends and family for gifts.
I entered my information. I would love to dry fruit for us.
I just posted your link on my blog!!
We would love a dehydrator. We have transformed our lives to become self sustaining. Our goal is to support us soley on what we can produce. With so much gardening poducts we are looking for another way to preserve food and feed our family throughout the winter months. Thank you for the opportunity to win a dehydrator. What a great idea!
I’ve been wanting a dehydrator mainly for drying nuts after I’ve soaked them. My oven won’t go lower than 200 degrees, which is okay b/c I can crack it and keep it at 150 degrees. But, it sure would make things a bit easier, and I could do a lot of dehydrating at one time. I also want to try making fruit leathers so I can control the type of sweetener and how much of it I use!
This would be great! I have wanted one for awhile. That fruit leather looks lovely! I’d try that first.
I have wanted one for a LONG time. I am not into canning but would love to dry fruits and make jerky!
Thanks for the opportunity.
I’m following you both now on Twitter!
Blessings, Elizabeth
I am following Cultures for Health and Passionate Homemaking on Twitter.
I shared on facebook!
Like many many other wives and moms, I too started on the journey of providing better, more nourishing foods for my family of 5 about a year and a half ago. I keep a running list in my notebook titled “Nice to haves” and of course a dehydrator is among the many. I have made the Soaked Granola recipe once before in the oven, which my Husband loved, but not again since we live in Texas and I can’t imagine adding to the suns heat. For now its a seasonal recipe:) I am sure whoever receives this handy tool will be blessed.
Hi! I have been reading your blog for about 5 months now and this is the first giveaway that I have entered (entered on Cultures for health)! It is exciting. The dehydrator would be an excellent tool for me to have. I have joined a CSA for the first time this year and find that I have veggies and fruits that are left over by the end of the week. The dehydrator would help me to limit waste and help me to continue to enjoy the harvest at later times. If I were to win, there is no way that I could keep this to myself, sharing with my parents, who dehydrate a lot now, would love to use a machine like this.
What a wonderful giveaway! I have been wanting a dehydrator! I have been borrowing a friend’s round models a during apple season to make dried apples. I would love one to make fruit leather, we have been doing this in the oven or on the picnic table on really hot days. I can’t even begin to list all the things I would do with a dehydrator of my own! My finger are crossed!
Blessings, Elizabeth
I joined on Cultures for Health. I would love a dehydrator! This is our first year with a real garden harvest and I’d love to put some food by for this winter when we’ll have a new baby around! It would be so much easier!
I also shared this on Facebook.
I posted this to facebook….I want to get the word out!
I am excited about this giveaway!!! I would LOVE a dehydrator! I would like to be able to make healthy snacks for my family – especially fruit leather.
I took a food preservation class last fall and I was amazed at all the wonderful things you could do with a dehydrator. I have been on a quest to feed my family better and tighten the budget at the same time. I don’t want my kids growing up thinking a healthy dinner is fish sticks and a salad.
My daughter loves dried fruit and fruit snacks, but they are very expensive and often have added sugar. I would love to make mine at home.
I would love to try making fruit roll ups! a dehydrator would be great, espcially for summer when the coal stove isn’t on to dry things for me…
I posted about the giveaway on Facebook. Also, I’m a new subscriber to your blog and have been so blessed by it. God brought it to my attention at just the right time in my life. Thank you for taking your time, energy, and love for God and family to our homes via blogging.
I signed up on Cultures for Health because I’ve been trying to make the slow changes in our family towards eating real food. A friend has told me all about the yummy jerky her husband would make using their dehydrator. I’d love to make jerky for my hubby and fruit leather for my kids.
I’ve wanted a dehydrator for so long, and for all the reasons you’ve mentioned! I’ve been trying to work one into our very tight budget for the past year, and just haven’t been able to save up enough yet.
I shared this on my facebook page.
I am following Passionate home and cultures 4 health on twitter @jenbrandes.
I just visited their site. There is a lot there but the dehydrator would have to be one of the best. With a large family, I do lots of preserving but the dehydrator I have well it’s not great and new one would be a wonderful help. thanks
I tweeted about this give a way.
I would love to win this because my family and I love to make our own beef jerkey and dehydrated fruit. The fruit roll ups I have never tackled but they sure look delicious.
Keeping my fingers crossed!
I have a dehydrator, but purchased the bottom of the barrel one. It was very cheap and does not work very well.
I would love to be able to make fruit chips and fruit leather for my children!! Also I’ve heard of people making potato chips.
I would love to win this – my family loved dehydrated fruit and fruit roll ups (leather) – it’s so much healthier to make it yourself – no added sugar, and affordable. Thanks for posting this opportunity!
What an amazing thing to possibly win! I’ve been wanting one for quite some time now, but finances have not allowed for us to purchase one, yet. The ability to create healthy dried fruit snacks for my kids, without added sugars and oils would be so amazing
Just visited their site….what a marvelous thing to win! It would be nice to make healthier alternatives to sugar filled, expensive snacks…thanks for the opportunity~
I already follow you on twitter and now am following cultures for health.
I would love to win this dehydrator. I entered on the Cultures for Health website. I would love to make use of summer produce by dehydrating it for yummy snacks for our family. thanks
Just tweeted about the giveaway.
I was just saying this past weekend how a dehydrator would come in handy as I bought some dehydrated fruit at the store. I would love one of these! Thanks for sharing!
I would love to win this dehydrator as a way to: save money, create healthy snacks for my family (the fruit leather looks so yummy!) and as a way new way to cook! This looks great! Thanks for the giveaway!
Oh my goodness! What WOULDN’T I want a dehydrator. I learned how to make “raw” tortilla chips and would love to have those on hand for my family – and also fruit leather would be GREAT…as we have 4 kids three and under and they are always begging for fruit snacks/fruit roll-ups. The good stuff (sans sugar and preservatives) is EXPENSIVE! This would be an awesome addition to our kitchen!
I already follow passionatehome on Twitter and now I follow Cultures4health!
I announced your give-away on my Twitter and Facebook statuses!
following both of you on twitter
This dehydrator sounds like just the thing I need to help save money by not wasting any food! I am all about saving money and would love this product!!
Tweeted the giveaway!
I would loooove to make jerky and dried fruit not only for my family, but what great gifts!
I would love an Excalibur dehydrator to use for my crispy nuts. It’s hard to do all my bulk nuts in my little round dehydrator and seems to take forever. Having a larger, rectangular dehydrator would save me a lot of grief!
Followed you both on twitter!
Tweeted the giveaway
Following on twitter!!!
My kids would love the fruit leather and nuts! I’m amazed with the knowledge you have, as the nut/enzyme thing never occured to me:-)
Shared this on facebook
I shared on about this giveaway on facebook!
I would love a dehydrator so much! I would use it to make granola, granola bars, fruit leather and our family favorite–jerky!!! This would be an incredible addition to our family…..
I would absolutely LOVE to have a dehydrator to make crispy nuts without killing all the enzymes. My regular oven’s lowest temperature is 170F, not low enough! I would also love to experiment with sprouting and drying grains to grind them into flour, and I’m sure my daughter wouldn’t mind some home made fruit leathers!
Oh I want one of these so bad, I think I almost have my husband talked into it- but I’m sure he’d be much happier if I won one! I really want to make fruit leather, but want to try everything!
I would love to try the dehydrator. We love dried fruit for snacks in the car and at ballet, but the ones with no additives are so expensive. It would be great to make our own. I also would to try it for soaked nuts, vegetables, fruit leathers and granola.
I entered on the Cultures for Health site.
I would be soooooo thrilled to be able to try a dehydrater! I think I would use it for most everything like you! Granola bars, granola, fruit snacks and veggies! With 3 little ones, this would be fantastic! Thank you for the opportunity for the give away!!
Exciting give away! I entered at Cultures for Health and let my friends know about it through Facebook.
I would be most excited to try to make jerky first and then dried fruit. It would allow another healthy alternative for on-the-go snacks
I entered my name and email at Cultures for Health website.
Posted about this giveaway on Facebook!
Posted about this giveaway on Facebook!
I joined on to Cultures for Health!
I would love to see what I can do with a dehydrator. I’m sure the possibilities are endless. It’d be a lot simpler and more energy-efficient than using our oven.
To save on electricity. Using my oven costs a great deal, this would cut down on that.
Also shared about you on facebook!
K, following you BOTH on twitter! This sounds great! Hope I win, please please please!
Wahoo! I just tweeted this! 2nd entry please. Thanks, Alida at RansomedRedeemed/BeautyForAshes5
I signed up . I would LOVE to win this! i would use my dehydrator to make healthful snacks. I have a friend that makes tasty kale chips. I’d love to try that to get my kids to eat more dinosaur chips. ( kale) . Pick me, pick me!
Signed up! This would be wonderful since I love fruit leather.
I have been looking into getting one of these! Would love to learn how to make crispy almonds!
I follow you both on Twitter.
We tend to avoid candy in our family, so I would use the dehydrator to dry fruit and give it to my kids as a special treat.
I have been dying for one of these for awhile. Would love to make fruit leather and also not have to use my oven with the door open for nuts
I would use it for drying nuts and fruits for snacks for my family!
Posted to Facebook.
shared on facebook too
I have a hand-me-down dehydrator from my MIL which has seen some use but I would love an upgrade to something better & this is perfect. Fruit leathers, jerky, you name it… I have big dreams of making my own & with food sensitivities & cross contamination issues requiring me to make most everything from scratch now a new dehydrator would be a huge blessing.
My mom had a dehydrator when I was growing up and I just loved the homemade jerky and dried fruit for snacks. I would love to be able to share the same things with my kids.
posted to facebook
thanks for the contest!
oh man this would be the funnest thing in my kitchen! i’d love to make my own fruit leather for my son and dried banana chips…bananas just can’t get eaten fast enough in our house but if they were made into homemade banana chips…oh man. we might have to start getting our own shipment! hahaha!
Shared on facebook
I’ve heard great things about this dehydrator and have been wanting one for awhile! I would love to dry fruit/veggies, make fruit leather, crispie nuts, crackers, sprouted grain flour and all sorts of yummy, healthy snacks! I have been wanting to do more raw foods and having a great dehydrator would help a lot!
just learning about the principles behind “nourishing traditions,” and it seems like a dehydrator would be a perfect tool to be able to implement some of those principles for better nutrition in our home!
I have wanted a dehydrator for a long time! I would use this all the time to make tons of healthy snacks for my hubby, me, my friends, family, and strangers! My hubby and I LOVE having people over and hosting parties… this seems like it would be a good addition to my kitchen to help me make more FOOD for all the people we love (food=love in my mind =)).
Following both on twitter
I tweeted about the giveaway
I think a dehydrator would be wonderful for making more healthy snacks for my familiy.
I’d use a dehydrator to dry soaked nuts and grains, make fruit leather, and dry fruits and veggies…It’d be great.
Shared giveaway on facebook
The dehydrator would be perfect for crisping my nuts after soaking. I also have heard you can make yogurt in them.
My parents had a dehydrator growing up and we all loved it! I would love to win this so I could make lots of fruits and jerky, would be so excited to learn what else can be made with it too
i posted about this on facebook
i think i would mostly use this for fruits and meats, not sure how the nuts or veggies would work, but would love to find out!
I’d use it to dry fruit, tomatoes & herbs; make beef jerky & yogurt; and experiment with more recipes!
I posted the contest on FB!
I would use it to make apple chips, peach chips for healthy snacking. Fruit roll ups.
And I would save whatever fresh produce I could in season! I would love to make veggie soup packages of veggies I dehydrated myself!
I’d use it for healthy snacks!
As a busy mom of 5 I’m always looking for healthy and delicious snacks for my hungry brood. A dehydrator would help me make that happen!
Yay! I am now following on twitter, so 3 entries for me!
I shared this giveaway on my Facebook page.
I would like a dehydrator for dried fruits. The organic dried fruits are often a bulk product, so I can’t by them for my nut allergic child due to the risk of cross-contamination. So, this would allow me to make safe dried fruits for my children. Thanks!
I signed up! I would love one of these for many of the reasons you listed. I just started canning- this would be a fun way to expand on that:)
I shared on fb about this great giveaway!
My daughter would love us to win a dehydrator,since she wants us to make our own dried fruit.
I would love an Excaliber so I can continue this path of intentional health with my family.
I am following both of you on twitter! Thank you!
I would love an excalibur for dehydrating almonds!!! Right now my sister in law dehydrates them for me!!! She would be happy if I got a dehydrator too! LOL! Thanks for the chance to win!
I would like to have this to make fruit leather (children), jerky (husband), and soaked granola (all of us). My little ones always want their cousins’ fruit leather, and jerky is so expensive.
I’d love a dehydrator for peanuts, garden peas, fruit leather, and for making fresh dried fruits. Yum!
signed up at CFH!
i would LOVE an excalibur primarily for drying sprouted grains and nuts. Once I have one, though, I know I’ll explore all of the possibilities.
I just signed up. I’ve been looking for a new dehydrator for a little while, but the expense has been slowing me down. I’ve tried canning, but really wish I could dehydrate my produce to get more use out of it. It’s easier to slice and dry veggies “a little past their prime” then it is to find more of the same to can. Thanks for offering a great giveaway!!
I’m following both now on twitter! Thanks again!
I tweeted about it @Partains
Posted to Facebook! Thanks!
following you both on twitter
I would love a dehydrator because I have 5 children and as a family, we are trying to produce more and more of our own food to live on. I want to be able to dehydrate fruit from our fruit trees and make yummy snacks for all of us. I also want to try using it with herbs. It’s a great way to get them eating healthy!
My husband has been wanting one of these so we can dry the left over or excess garden food and to make venison jerky! This would be the best thing in the world for me to win!!
I have been changing the way my family & I eat and we have been enjoying the fresh/real food. We are still learning a lot. We love croutons & dried fruits. Strawberry, my! A dehydrator will be a huge plus in our kitchen. It will encourage us to dry our own foods and much cheaper and better.
Thank you for doing this awesome giveaway!
I tweeted about it!
I’d love to make some healthy snacks for my kids!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I’m now following @cultures4health and @passionatehome on Twitter!
I’d love to use this to make fruit leather. It is so time consuming in the oven and takes a lot of electricity.
I posted about this giveaway on Facebook!
I’ve never used a dehydrator but my mom used to do bananas and cinnamon apples. I’d love to learn to make healthy snacks for my kids, especially fruit leather! Have you seen all the sugar and stuff they put in gummy fruit and the like?? Ewwwww!
And am following you both on Twitter! Thanks!!
I shared this giveaway on my Twitter (@MandiMorgan)
Posted to facebook. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to win the food dehydrator! I would make fruit leather and try your other ideas which I have never made!
I just purchased one using some cash I got as birthday gifts. It arrived in the mail a few days ago, so I haven’t been able to do too much yet, but I am super excited! I got the 5-tray and my husband is laughing at how big it is!
I would love to win another to bless someone in a gift!
I have been searching for a good dehydrator for MONTHS (trying to find an affordable one)! But I hadn’t seen this one and it looks incredible!
Oops, I didn’t follow the rules exactly – I would love this dehydrator and would use it for my favorites: dried banana chips, strawberry chips, apple chips, and “fruit roll ups”!! It’s a great way to get my kids to eat more fruits too (other than the green smoothies I already make them) and they’re fun AND healthy snacks!
O how I would love to have this. I would proabably try to dehydarte anything and everything.
Following you on twitter.
I would love to sprout nuts and make fruit leather and dry fruits and veggies for my family.
I am following both Passionate Homemaking and Cultures for Health on Twitter (atlantagalknows)
I entered my name at Cultures for Health, and would love a dehydrator because I don’t have one at ALL and love fruit leather. Getting one this nice would be better than my wildest dreams!
I would like a dehydrator so I can finally make Crispy Nuts! And the fruit leather you made looks delicious!!!!
Posted on my facebook too! =)
I’d love to start making our own snacks like raisins, fruit leathers, etc. Also, it would making drying soaked nuts an easier process, as opposed to leaving an oven door propped with little ones running around!
One step closer to the goal of healthy eating and ‘intentional’ living.
I follow you both!
Would love to use the Excalibur Dehydrator for drying soaked nuts and sprouted grains. My oven doesn’t go below 170 degrees! =)
Tweeted this!
I entered at the site. I’ve been wanting one si bad for a couple of years now. I’d love one to preserve the stuff from my garden, and to make crispy nuts! All I have now is my oven
I’m following @cultures4health and @passionatehome on twitter!!
I shared about this giveaway on facebook!
I would LOVE to have a dehydrator so that I could make healthy raw snacks for my family. The kids love fruit and veggies!
This looks nice and small to fit in my small kitchen so that I can make homemade onion powder, garlic powder and other items to reduce preservatives and binders in our foods.
and fruit snacks.
I would love to have a dehydrator to make healthy snacks for our family!
We love jerky. I have wanted a dehydrator forever! This is such an awesome giveaway. je2kids(at)yahoo(dot)com
I would LOVE to make healthy snacks for my kids, and to preserve nutrients in my food. Fruit leather sounds fantastic!
Twitter following!
posted on Facebook
YESSSS! My parents had a dehydrator when I was younger and I LOVED it. I’m such a sucker for jerky and dried fruit! I love the idea of drying some of our produce that is starting to get a little tired, too.
I would like to try drying soaked nuts and sprouted grains. Also, I would like to dry blueberries, my hubbies favorite fruit.
Shared this on facebook
I had a dehydrator years ago and keep saying I need to get a new one (last one’s lid broke). I would use it to dry fruit for my son who will eat dried berries all day every day if he could!
linked to my facebook page too!!
have borrowed a neighbors dehydrator for drying granola that I soaked, fruit for fruit leathers and nuts….so much fun! It was great to teach my children about preserving food, being good stewards with the resources we have been given and also about healthy eating! I would love to have one of my own for SO MANY reasons! to make healthy snacks, to make granola for my husband, to dry herbs, etc….thanks for the opportunity!
I’d love to be able to more easily dry soaked nuts and sprouted grains while preserving the enzymes.
I would love the alternative to roasting for nuts and our own fruit leather. Not to mention dried fruit for granola and snacks.
I shared the giveaway on my facebook page.
We grow almost all of our own food. We can and freeze what we don’t eat fresh. It would be great to be able to dehydrate some of the fruits and vegetables and make things like fruit leather.
Also shared on my Facebook page!
I would love to try making raw breads and wraps with a dehydrator. It would also give me another way to preserve local produce for the winter (I live in a northern climate where local produce is not available year round) rather than just freezing.
Good luck everyone!
Following you both on twitter!
I am a 6 year breast cancer survivor desperately trying to live a healthier life and would LOVE this machine but cannot afford one. This would be the extra jump start we need! Please please please please please!!!!!
I just shared the dehydrator giveaway on my Facebook page!
I would love to win this for making fruit leather, soaked granola bars, crispy nuts, as a place for bread to rise and for yogurt making. The possibilities for camping would be endless! My own dried fruits for trail mixes would be awesome!
I would love to make apple chips & veggie chips with a dehydrator. I would also love it for making croutons, as my oven doesn’t go low enough and sometimes they get burned!
I would love to have this dehydrator! I want to start incorporating more raw foods into our diet and really want to try making raw bread.
I also just twittered the link to this giveaway!
I was already following @passionatehome on Twitter but I also started following @cultures4health.
I put it on FB.
I would LOVE to win a dehydrator because we have tons of extra veggies from our backyard garden that we need to preserve on a regular basis! I’d use it to dehydrate pretty much all of the extras we have.
I’d love to make fruit roll-ups. We also like dehydrated bananas!
I can only imagine an endless supply of banana and apple chips (and all of the other things that I’ve never tried but would love to)! Thanks for a great giveaway!
I’ve been wanting a dehydrator for years now but have never been able to afford it! Because I know it preserves nutritional content, I would use it for so many things, such as drying soaked nuts, seeds, and grains, drying fruit and vegetables to preserve for later use, making “raw” granola and granola bars, making “raw” crackers…the possibilities are endless. I believe I would use it practically around the clock! I entered my name for the giveaway at Cultures for Health
P.S. Thanks for doing this terrific giveaway!
I really would like to try this to make some hormone free beef jerky!!!
I love making our own granola and would love to learn how to not let our fresh veggies go to waste! Sounds exciting!
Signed up at Cultures for Health and would love a dehydrator! Why? 4 kids, 4 kids, 4 kids.
What a great giveaway!
I would love to win this so I could make my sweet 2 yr old some healthy treats! She loves granola bars and fruit leather treats. When other kids are digging in to candy, like at the 4th of July parade last week, we enjoy a fruit leather instead!
I’ve never done anything with a dehydrator but I would sure love to learn how. The fruit leather looks especially amazing.
I’ve never done any dehydrating, but I remember my mom dehydrating fruits and veggies and making fruit leather when I was a kid. I’d love to do the same- especially the fruit leather!
I would love to not have to throw bananas out.
i would love this to incorporate more raw foods into our diets. thanks!
I would love to use this dehydrator for nuts, fruits, fruit leathers and so much more. I’m a young wife and mother of one so far and am trying to pursue a healthier lifestyle for our family. I would also love to use the dehydrator to make trail mixes and other inexpensive healthy snacks for trips, hiking, etc. I would also like to use the Excalibur to bless others in particular a group of young ladies that I am discipling.
We would use a dehydrator for drying fruits and vegetables and for trying some recipes I have for raw treats.
I entered to win the dehydrator at Cultures for Health. I would love to win this. I live in Lancaster County PA, where the produce available is amazing, and I would put the dehydrator to good use preserving the summer harvest for enjoying the rest of the year.
I am now following you both on twitter!
I shared this on twitter!
Ariana Anderson
I have wanted one of these forever! I think they are so neat because they would help me save money and make healthy treats!
Definitely for fruit leather and the other ideas that you posted about sound and look delish. My husband would really love the jerky. Thanks so much for the chance to win:)
I am borrowing a dehydrator from my mom and would love to have my own. We do dried apples, fruit leather, herbs, and veges. Last year I dried all my left over peppers, all kinds, and then ran them through my coffee grinder and made mixed pepper. It was really hot cause of all the habenaros but has really good flavor. It also used up the peppers!
I’ve had my eye on this dehydrator for a while as mine has the motor on top and doesn’t heat evenly. The first thing I would make is fruit leather. I want to try it with cantaloupe since it’s been on sale lately. Maybe I will mix it with mangos or strawberries…
I shared it on facebook!
I’ve been wanting to explore food dehydrating again. I would love to have a “real” dehydrator.
I shared about it on facebook!
I’m also following passionatehome and cultures4health on Twitter
I’ve been wanting one for a while now, but it just isn’t in the budget. I would use it for almonds, granola, and fruit leather, as well as new recipes I’ve been wanting to try
We have made great strides in the last three years in our eating and lifestyle. Our home has 4 wonderful mature fruit trees (fig, apricot, pear and apple) as well as blueberries, tomatoes, and vegetables in out garden. I air dry outside when I can as well as try to dry in our conventional oven, so drying for preservation is a habit we are already in. A food dehydrator would help me so much with soaked nuts, fruit, vegetables, food for backpacking…. and next month we are purchasing a local sustainably farmed 1/2 beef. What a wonderful treat to make jerky (like others here have suggested) My son and I struggle with food allergies, so home made foods have become a must. We would love the chance at this luxury appliance!
I signed up and would love to win this for the health benefit type recipes. =0)
I also posted about this giveaway on both Facebook and Twitter.
How exciting! I’ve been eyeballing dehydrators for a few months now. I already can and freeze, so dehydrating seems like another excellent step toward providing my family with healthy food. It also sounds a lot easier and time consuming than canning – but like canning, I wouldn’t have to worry about power outages. I also love the fact that this machine uses so little energy! THANK YOU for the giveaway!
Also – now following you AND Cultures for Health on Twitter. yeah!!
Wow! I’ve never seen this one before.
I would love this dehydrator for the ease of making fruit leather for me and the rest of my family. We love those kind of things. I need all the help I can get with meals and snacks and this would totally rock!
Thanks for the opportunity.
Wow! This just sounds so fun! I have fond memories of dehydrating fruits with my mom growing up- but am excited for all the other uses too! Thanks!
And now I’m following you on Twitta ;]
As we move to a more healthful lifestyle, I’d love a dehydrator to being doing sprouted grains, fruit leathers and dried food from our abundance, jerky! It’s been a dream to put away in this fashion!
Posted to facebook. Thank you!
Wow! My husband and I were just talking about a dehydrator a few days ago! I love fruit leather but am allergic to apples and apples are in everything! It would be so nice to be able to make our own fruit leather and other dehydrated fruit for snacks.
HOLY MOLY! I love my dehydrator, but have been eyeing this one for QUITE SOME TIME! Thanks for the giveaway!
I have posted on my FACEBOOK! Thanks again!
I am diabetic, have high blood pressure and currently overweight. I have been learning so much about the things I have done to my body and how I can make changes in my health, weight and want (and need) the proper tools to do so.
Having a dehydrator will help me with healthy snacks, home made cereals, drying herbs and vegatables…and improve my life and my husbands!
Thanks you for this opportunity!
I also posted about your giveaway on my blog.
I put a status update up on fb about the give away and how cool your blog is too! Wish me luck!
I have wanted a dehydrator for years, but I am concerned about the plastic models with BPA, so finding out that the Excaliber dehydrator is BPA free is great! I have heard so much about the health benefits of soaking and drying nuts, and I would love to do that, and much more. Thanks so much for the great giveaway.
Kid snacks!!
Wow, why would I love a dehydrator? Because I’ve had one on my “list” for two years or so. I am a mother of three, soon to be 4, and have definitely gotten more granola. We currently in our freezer have local, blueberries, strawberries (both we picked), peaches, plums and pumpkin. I love banana chips and would love to be able to actually make them at home, making a healthier version as well. I would love love love love love a dehydrator. My aunt has even said she’d like to get me one. This would be great. Not to mention the money we could save, plus it would be more uses for all the fruit and veggies we have. Oh, it would be great! Especially after the last two days I’ve had. I spilled chilli in my van yesterday, dropped my cell phone in a pot of water yesterday and today the van got a flat tire. Winning a dehydrator would just ROCK!
Following both of you on twitter!
Following on Twitter, kariann83.
I would love to make dried fruit and fruit leathers and who knows what else? I think it would be a great way to have homemade snacks and save money on groceries.
Tweeted the giveaway!
Following on Twitter NinaDuck.
Tweeted NinaDuck
I have been looking into buying one but winning one would be even better. I would love to make my own fruit leathers….my husband lives on them and I would love to make my own. I also would love to try sprouting grain…this is all new to me but I am learning!
I’d love to have it for kid snacks.
I would like the dehydrator so I could practice what I learn on raw food web sites!
I would love to dry fruits! Bananas in particular! It would be wonderful to win!
I would love to win one of these. I have a friend who only eats raw food and she mentions all kinds of things that she makes – nut burgers, etc. I’d love to explore all of the things you could do with this machine from the obvious (fruit leather, jerkey, etc.) to all new ideas!
Shared on FB!
I am following you both on twitter
I tweeted about this giveaway
I would love to win one of these, as I know on our current journey to be debt free, I wouldn’t be getting one anytime soon…I would use it for dried fruits, and meats.
I have been wanting one of these for months. I want it for drying seeds, nuts and figs
I would love to use a dehydrator for making some fruit/veggie leathers. They are so pricey in the grocery stores, and we would save a TON!!!
And I just found you on twitter!
Shared this with my facebook friends!
Shared on facebook!
My new favorite way to use the crazy amount of zucchini from the garden is to make zucchini chips, I’d make even more of this great snack if I had this dehydrator!
I’m trying to make the switch to whole foods for my family and this would be WAY helpful! Thanks for doing this!
I want to be able to easily make healthier snacks. Especially with my first child on the way!
It would be so much easier than the oven. I like preserving my harvest.
this would be great. i’ve always wanted a dehydrator.
i shared about this giveaway on facebook.
Our family would be blessed by this dehydrator! I’d like to try drying soaked nuts, making fruit leather, and drying all sorts of fruits and veggies.
Happily posted on fb!
PS Someone else’s fb post is where I learned about Passionate Homemaking in the 1st place & how glad I am!
Me too!
I’m now following both and I checked back to the Cultures 4 Health website – I had no idea there were so many types of yogurt starters!
OH WOW I would just love this for so many reasons. To help me preserve food and keep to a low budget. To keep moving forward in giving my family healthy homemade food. Thanks
I would LOVE to have a new dehydrator because the one I’m currently using yields unreliable results (bought at a yard sale a decade ago!) This is the BEST way to introduce new foods & new textures to my toddler who is allergic to so many foods that his current nutrition is nearly 100% derived from a prescription formula (the unknown contents of which I’d like to avoid thinking about). We need to get him accustomed to healthy living ASAP but ½ the time it feels like such a waste to painstakingly prepare the perfect food perfectly just to have him spit it in our faces because of something as trivial texture preference! I’d cherish the ability to be able to preserve our hard-earned produce, etc with minimal nutrient loss!
It’s definitely on my Christmas wish list! Thanks for the trusted ‘consumer reports’ you provide!
Wow, a dehydrator would be such a big help. Last year we had to rush to eat all the tomatoes from the garden because I didn’t have a way to preserve them. This would work wonders with my herbs, too… both culinary and medicinal. I have a large family, and this would really help keep them fed when the garden isn’t producing in the winter. Thanks for offering it as a giveaway!
I’m posting this on Facebook, also.
I’ve just twittered and Facebooked this…
Following both on Twitter! donnachapin
I’d love to be able to soak and dehydrate nuts–veggies—fruits!
I reposted to Facebook.
I went to Cultures 4 Health. I would use it to make healthy snacks for my husband to take to work and school, like fruit leathers and soaked nuts. I would also use it to make sprouted grain flour.
I would dry soaked almonds for one thing. And dry excess produce from the garden for use throughout the year. The freezers get pretty full, and drying would just give us an added source of food….. our own food! The ultimate local food all year long!
What a beautiful looking dehydrator! I’ve still got a bag of ground almonds in the freezer waiting for me to use…leftovers from homemade almond milk. A dehydrator would help me make some healthy treats for the family. I would also love having a dehydrator for my anticipated crop of cherry tomatoes. It’s been a while since I’ve cruised your site, I’m glad I did – as usual informative and timely articles.
I just shared on my facebook!
a dehydrator in on my “dream” list…i have fruit trees that provide me with abundant fruit. i would love to have dehydrated peaches in the winter!!
I would love to win this for the endless possibilites of making snacks, etc for my family. I would especially like it to make soaked granola and fruit leathers.
I would love to have a dehydrator to toast nuts after I soak them. My oven doesn’t go to a low enough temperature, so a dehydrator would be such a blessing!
I would love to have a dehydrator because of the endless possibilites to preserve food and the added benefit of providing food that is healthier and more cost effective than store bought products. I would make fruit leathers, dry soaked nuts, granola bars, and dry vegetables from the garden and I am sure much more!
We have a good sized garden that is blessing us with an over abundance of tomatoes, squash, kale, many different types of herbs, black berries, watermelons cucumbers and more! Please Help! I COULD SURE USE A DEHYDRATOR!
I would love to make watermelon fruit roll-ups, kale chips, dried tomatoes, dried fruit, and so much more!
Thank you Lindsay and Cultures for Health for this opportunity! What a blessing!
We have 6 boys and 1 girl at our house and we eat ALOT of food..It would be so much fun to be able to make healthy and affordable food for my crew
I would love to have a dehydrator because I believe that it will allow me to make the most out of my food budget as well as help me keep with my goals of living a healthier, more wholesome life. I am getting ready to start a family and want us to be as healthy as possible. I love making things from scratch and having a dehydrator will allow me to make lots of healthy snacks that I currently can’t. I’ve been saving up for an Excalibur for a little while now………I REALLY WANT ONE OF THESE!!!!!!!!!
I would love to make fruit leathers for my toddler!
We have three babies age two and under and we keep very busy living in So. Cal. I’d love to have this tool for making lots of portable snacks. Thanks!
I would LOVE to have a dehydrator since I have an autoimmune illness, and I find it’s SO important to prepare nuts properly. The anti-nutrients can cause inflammation and block proper absorption of nutrients. And…since I live in hot and humid GA…I really hate using my oven for 12 hours!
I follow you on twitter (@christidarty)
I’ve shared this on facebook.
I’ve been eyeing one of these forever for fruit leather and jerky.
I shared on FB too!
What a wonderful giveaway! I entered my name an email.
I shared about this on FB!
I would love a dehydrator to make dried herbs and tomatoes! I would also love one to dry my soaked nuts and oats and to make fruit leather. I guess I really do need one and should buy if I don’t win!
My previous post didn’t show up for some reason – I would love a dehydrator. Jerky & fruit leather would top my list of things to do!
I would love a dehydrator to dry my herbs, make fruit leather, dry my soaked nuts and oat, I could go on and on what I could do with it! I guess I’ll have to get one if I don’t win!
I would love to use it for bread rising, fruit “roll ups” and drying fruit.
I shared this on facebook. I forgot to add in my first post that our new favorite thing to make is kale chips and they are especially annoying in the oven since the dressing drips to the bottom.
I’d use this for sooo many things. I just love fruit leathers! Homemade jerky sounds great too!
I would love to have this dehydrator because mine melted this year! We dehydrate a lot of things and I don’t like doing it in the oven because it makes the house so hot!
I shared on FB!
I’d like to have a dehydrator to make raw recipes and dehydrate soaked nuts
I’d love to have this so I could make soaked granola, jerky, fruit leather, etc.
What a great giveaway! I would do so much experimenting with a dehydrator. I think making granola would be top on my list!
I would make dried fruit and use it to dehydrate meals for camping!
I would love to be able to dry fruit from our apple and peach trees and other foods so that we could enjoy them longer.
I would love to win! I enjoy making healthy snacks for my kids. This would be a great help.
Shared the link on my fb! Thanks!
I want one so I can make “tomato roll ups” in lieu of tomato paste… here’s hoping!!
Would love to win! I would love to sprout grain and then dehydrate it.
Followed you two on Twitter
Tweeted&Facebooked it
I would love to make granola without having to heat up my whole oven. Not to mention those fruit leather roll ups. YUM!
How fabulous! Told my FB friends and hope one I know wins!
Oh goodness. Only 6?? There are SOOO many things you can do with this amazing machine. I was given mine when my Mom passed and I absolutely love it. I dry herbs (spearmint for winter teas, etc), make jerky, raise bread, culture my jar of yogurt in a controlled temperature, dry the inside of freshly washed Legoes, dry canning jar rings so they don’t rust, dry fruit (apple rings and banana chips), dry veggies (celery and green peppers, then blend them for amazingly flavorful powders to add to soups, chillis, and casseroles in the winter), make crispy nuts (soaked in salt brine overnight), and sooooo many more. Not entering because I already have the large one, just passing on some ideas for those who do. If you don’t already have one, it is worth budgeting for to add to your kitchen. I highly recommend it.
I would love to use this dehydrator for tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes!
I would love a dehydrator to be able to do all the things you mentioned and more!
I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to have this dehydrator so that I could make healthy snacks for our family. My kids are little munchers and I would love to have dried fruits and vegetables available all the time for them. We’ve been trying to slowly add quality investments like this to our kitchen to help facilitate the switch to real food and this would REALLY help us out!!!
I’ve been wanting to get a dehydrator for some time, now, and the Excalibur is like the Cadillac of all dehydrators! lol There are so many things I would like to try! From fruit to jerky, and dried veggies to homemade fruit leather.
Oh, how I would love a food dehydrator!! I have been telling my sweet husband for a while now that it’s pretty much the only kitchen appliance we don’t have that I actually want. I would use it for fruit leather, which I now make in the oven, but in our extremely humid climate, it sometimes takes literally a week to dry completely. I would also use it to dry any fruit or veggies that we buy (in bulk) and start to get away from us before we can use them all.
Also, I’m pretty sure I could come up with a real-foods friendly alternative to those store-bought baby food puffs…;)
Would love to win this to make homemade fruit leather and jerky!
Shared on FB!
I would love to get a dehydrator. I currently use my Mom’s but the round design, as well as the uneven heating as been an issue in the past. I love the design on this one! We have many food allergies and I need to make pretty much everything from scratch. This would be such a blessing!
I would use it for everything and anything. Currently, I can and freeze a LOT of seasonal fruits and veggies and would love to have another option for “storing the harvest.”
may I ask… what fruits do you use to make your fruit leathers, like the ones you have in the photo?
I have wanted this dehydrator (the larger one) for a while – My son’s would LOVE (cannot make that BIG enough!!) to make homemade jerky! (I won’t let them eat the processed stuff) But your idea of fruit leather is AWESOME!!! I would have tons of peach (we LOVE peaches) fruit leather as well as the ones that we normally freeze. :O) And finally real raw nuts!!! I can’t even imagine!!!
:O) even the thought makes me happy!
thank you so much for offering this
I “liked” this on facebook.
I would love to have this dehydrator for dehydrating bananas and for fruit I get on sale.
I’d also love making homemade jerky.
I “liked” it on facebook.
I would enjoy having a dehydrator to dry foods I get on sale. Also, I love chewy homedried banana. YUM!
My family is on the road a lot for my husband’s job. I am always looking for healthy, kid friendly portable snacks! Thank you!
I’d love the dehydrator because I like dried fruit but never buy it for the cost. In addition, the ability to soak and then dry the oatmeal would be so delicious and nourishing.
My wife has been wanting one of these for a long time. She dehydrates a lot of our garden produce by borrowing a friend’s dehydrator.
And, I just shared this on Facebook! My fingers are crossed!
I am following both on twitter
I would LOVE to win this! My son loves dried bananas and apples, I love to make jerky, fruit leather, and dried fruits and veggies!
Oh my!!!! This exact dehydrator (well, actually the larger model….thanks for the awesome offer to apply the credit towards the larger one) has been on my wish list for the past two years! I keep borrowing a friends of mine. But I really could use my own. I would use it for everything! Fruits, veggies……and a lot of my herbs need drying from my own herb garden for the winter months.
Thanks for the chance to win one!
I would love to have a dehydrator! Especially one that would be able to more than one thing at once. My husband is in Paramedic school right now,so between all of his clinicals, school, and working as an EMT on 24 hour shifts, he is missing out on a lot of sleep and homemade food. I try to send him with things,but when he gets the calls in the middle of the night he ends up having to resort to packaged foods that keep well in the ambulance. I would love to make him some beef jerky. and try some of those fruit leathers! What a neat thing.
I just shared about the giveaway on Facebook.
I’d love this dehydrator so that I can make soaked, dried oatmeal!
I would love to have this dehydrator to make healthy snacks for my family!
I am now following @cultures4health and @passionatehome on twitter!
I posted this giveaway on Facebook!!
I actually already own this dehydrator… the 9 shelf one, and I love it! I use it for everything from making fruit roll ups to soup mixes!
I would like to bless my sister in law with this dehydrator, as she really wants one!
Just shared on Facebook!
I have dreamed about a dehydrator for a couple of years now, but have never made the initial investment. I love to dry produce in the summer to preserve it, but using the oven is so energy-in-efficient! I dry tomatoes, fruit, zucchini slices, and vegetable mixes to make dips.
Also just Tweeted it.
I also posted this on my Facebook page.
OK, Facebooked about it. This is my second entry.
What a great giveaway! I would love to win this to make healthy treats for my picky son. He loves dried fruit, so this would save us a lot of money! :0)
I would love to make the dehydrated fruit snacks and also would love to learn to make the jerky. That stuff is too expensive but my family loves it.
I LOVE my dehydrator and use it all the time, but it is a small one. In the summer it runs 24-7 and I still don’t get everything I want done. But one of these little beauts (which I have been wanting for a long time) would be wonderful!
Posted about this on facebook.
I wanted a dehydrator for my birthday in April but decided to wait until I could get a high quality one like this. This is the exact one from my wish list. I use my mom’s dehydrator just the other day to make some delicious crackers!
The biggest reason I would love a dehydrator is to try my hand at fruit leathers and preserve the goodness of my own garden and local produce, in season.
Dried apples are great snacks for kids! Would love it.
I really enjoyed the Cultures for Health site. I joined their email list and look forward to learning more about culturing food.
In the past I have dehydrated food in the oven on a low setting overnight, but that seems a bit much- so a dehydrator would be great for making jerky and all manners of dried fruit treats. Fun!
I put this on my facebook page also. I would love to make healthy, nourishing foods with this, for my family.
I would love to own this dehydrator and learn to make yummy healthy treats and foods for my family.
I now follow culturesfor health on twitter!
I follow you on twitter!
I retweeted!
I’d really love to be able to make fruit leathers and my own dried cranberries.
I would love this! There are so many wonderful things I would do with it…but making some healthy snacks is what I look forward to the most.
I have been wanting to try one out for a few years but never seem to have the money lying around. My husband loves dehydrated food but I hate buying it at the store because it’s so expensive. I would love to have one of my own as would my husband and daughter.
Our fruit always goes bad before we finish it. This would be wonderful.
I borrowed my friend’s and made fruit leather and loved it. I have 4 kids and I think I would make fruit leather constantly!
Wow, I’ve been wanting to explore more raw food recipes and food and would really enjoy using the dehydrator. A few other friends and families in my neighborhood and house church are also interested in natural food but are on extremely tight budgets. I would love to be able to share this tool with them as well!
I make all kinds of home made fruit items for my husband lunches, and This would be a great addition to that.
Would love to make some healthy snacks for the kids! =)
I remember my mom preserving food in this way, we would wait as it dehydrated banana’s and eat them up before they were even done. I remember them being delightful. I would love to try this for my kids!
Following both on twitter.
Tweeted about it! (@nydancerchic)
I would love to be able to make healthy snacks for my kids!
Hi Lindsay! My family is looking to move to a place in the country where we hope to grow more of our own food. This dehydrator will be a great way for us to preserve some of the food and to make great snacks for all of us.
We would use it for jerky and healthy snacks. Our youngest boy has a peanut and tree nut allergy and there are so many snacks that are contaminated. I would love to be able to make homemade healthy snacks for our kids!
I would love to use a dehydrator for drying nuts. I think I would also take the drawers out to ferment things like sourdough, soaking oats, making kefir. I would love to learn more to make like dried raw crackers!
sined up and would love to dehydrate
Signed up with my newsletter email (nydancerchic(at)yahoo(dot)com).
Why WOULDN’T I want a dehydrator? As a poor college student I need to get the most out of my foods. I buy fresh at a local, weekly farmer’s market and sometimes buy more than I can eat while it’s still fresh.
I love that you mentioned croutons. It’d be way easier to make gluten free croutons for my sister. We have so many recipes we want to try (she has celiac) and no patience to let her gluten-free bread stale and toast to get croutons. This would open up a whole new world for us!
I also shared on Facebook.
Signed up! Thanks so much
Tweeted about the giveaway!
I would love to use a dehydrator for many things…..but most importantly would be for sprouted grains. I have not bought a loaf of bread in years, but grind my own wheat and soak it. But I would LOVE to add sprouted grains to our bread, but have not had luck drying it in my oven. I would also use it for yogurt, kefir, drying fruits, vegetables, and for soaked granola. This is already on my Christmas list….would LOVE for Christmas to come early…..;-)
Following you both on Twitter.
I would like to use the dehydrator to make more things at home for me and my family. I’ve always wanted to make my own beef jerky, and dehydrated fruit.
Following you both on twitter.
Tweeted about the giveaway.
Dried fruit kind of makes my world go ’round. Add crispy nuts to the deal, and you have one happy girl.
I would love to learn more about making yummy treats with way! I will be starting a new job this fall as a teacher and this would be great in the classroom as well as in my home. I will be posting this on my bolg tonight! :0)
We have started growing our own fruit and vegetables for our family of 7 and right now, our only option is freezing or canning our excess. I would love to be able to dry some of the berries or make fruit leather!
Following you both on Twitter.:)
i’d love to have one! it’ll help make it easier to make nourishing foods. and fruit leather! i love fruit leather!
I would love to have the dehydrator to make homemade jerky for my dogs.
Following passionate homemaking & cultures4health on twitter!
I would like to learn more about preserving food by drying. I already can and freeze garden produce but I don’t do much drying.
I shared about this giveaway on facebook too!
Because it beats drying fruit on the roof.
Facebook and Twitter, here I come!
I would love love LOVE a dehydrator!!! Fruit leather is a favorite snack in our household (adults AND kids) but the whole fruit packaged varieties are so incredibly expensive! I’d love to be able to make my own. I’d also be interested in making jerky since the hubs loves that stuff. Just to name a couple things…
I follow you both on Twitter and I put it on facebook!
I have been wanting one for forever!! My soon to be husband and I both have talked about one but not being able to buy it is a problem! We would use it everyday since we both work it would help give us more snack to take to work and less food going in the garbage because we run out of time.
I would LOVE to have this dehydrator! I have been trying to make fruit leather and other dried fruits and veggies in my oven but this would make it sooo much easier!
I would love to make the fruit leather. It looks soooo good!
My husband and I are currently expecting our first child. In efforts to prepare, we are trying to clean out and clean up our habits – from cleaning solutions to organic foods. We would use the dehydrator to help with snacks and not letting fruit and veggies go to waste.
i would love to try the fruit leather!
I would use it to dry fruit and nuts for my family!
My husband has Ulcerative Colitis and we’ve been looking everywhere for a GREAT dehydrator that we could use to help make his diet less than boring. We bought a yogurt maker and he loves the yogurt for “treats” but I know a dehydrator would help us be able to fix more healthy treats that he would love!
I have allergies to many foods, and am trying to find ways to bring healthy snacks (that I’m not allergic to!) to work. I’ve been wanting a food dehydrator for quite some time, but just don’t have the funds available to get one. I trust Passionate Homemaking’s research and reviews, and I think this would be a great new kitchen tool to have!
Thank you for this drawing opportunity!!
I blogged about your great giveaway. http://thecozynook.blogspot.com/2010/07/and-another-giveaway-dehydrator.html
I’m very intrigued by the uses of a dehydrator and think it would help convert my husband and son to a healthier (even healthier!) lifestyle. Thanks for the info!
I would love the dehydrator, because I am not very good at canning and would like to preserve food by drying. I especially would love to make “sundried” tomatoes!
We are a family full of allergies, and we are wanting to eat more raw foods and foods full of nutrients. I think a dehydrator would accomplish this. The kids also need plenty of snacks on hand, which is something we are having a hard time acquiring with their allergies. We would love to win one of these dehydrators for our new life on the road. We are moving into our RV, by choice, starting next week. Thanks for the opportunity!
I would greatly appreciate a dehydrator as it would be very helpful to take back with us to Cameroon, Africa where we’re serving as missionaries. I am building a small arsenal of helpful, money-saving items to bring back with us so that I can continue to “look over the affairs of my household” as well as serve the Lord through ministry! Thanks for the opportunity to register for this give-away!
I would so love this dehydrator!!!!! I would love to start making some raw recipes with it if I won!
I would love a hydrator especially to use with our abundant garden that is coming in at a fast rate! My kids love fruit snacks, and I’d also like to use one in the winter months to prepare venison jerky. Thanks for the opportunity to enter this giveaway!
I registered my email. Thanks for the chance!
I would love a dehydrator. I’ve thought about getting one over the years but have never invested in it. Winning one would be the perfect opportunity to try dehydrating!
I have been wanting a dehydrator for awhile now, it would be perfect timing if I won one!
I would love to have one of these so that I could make healthy homemade snacks for my family. I’ve just started discovering the amazing world of “real” food in the last month or so and have consequently thrown out all of our junk food snacks
. The only snacks we eat are granola, yogurt, and fruit, with occasional baked goods. Dehydrated fruits and veggies would be so much more portable and wouldn’t spoil so easy! And home-made beef jerky sounds AMAZING!!!
I also posted it on facebook.
I have wanted one for a while now. I love the idea of eating food without preservatives.
I entered on Cultures for Health! I am about to have 3 children so I could use this a lot!
I have been dying for a food dehydrator! I was so happy to see this giveaway! I would use it to make trail mix and dried fruit to snack on…healthy for our whole family and a much better option than leaving the oven on low for hours on end to achieve a similar end. Hope to win!
I also facebooked about this!
I twittered about it
Plus, now I’m following @passionatehome
Just visited their website – I would love to make jerky, dried fruit, and maybe some fruit roll-ups or something similar!
me, me!!! i want one!!! plus, i’d love to know if you’ve tried crackers yet!!
I shared this awesome giveaway on Facebook too!!!
I would love to have a food dehydrator so that I can make healthy snacks for my family!
I am a homeschooling mom of four young children. I have really trying to get my family to eat healthier and also save money. This would be really cool!!!
I signed up for this. My mother-in-law has this same dehydrator and we have borrowed it before. Dried apples are one of our favorites. Would love to find a good fruit leather recipe to try out, though.
A dehydrator has been on my “must have kitchen gadget” list for a while. It just seems so versatile..the possibilities are endless!! my husband is a hunter so we eat venison – i would love to make venison jerky. i would love to make homemade dried fruit!! croutons, veggies, nuts…oh my!!
I also am following on twitter.:)
I would probably use it for fruit, nuts, and snacks.:)
I posted the contest on my facebook acct.
I registered. I would make all kinds of dried fruit with it.
I have just starting wanting to use a dehydrator and I am pretty excited about making snacks for my kids that are pre processed, unnatural, colored and unhealthy. I have to send them to school with many snacks, and it’s pretty hard to have a variety of choices that are healthy.
I follow you both on Twitter. Thanks!!
I tweeted about this giveaway.
ohh how badly do i want one of these. i had a pathetic one that broke after a few uses. boo. i loved making crispy nuts!
Also, I followed you both on twitter. Thanks!
I facebooked about the giveaway!
I’d love to have a dehydrator to make healthier snacks – my son loves dried fruit!
I would LOVE to make snacks for my babies and my husband!
Well….we actually have a sort of “ministry” I guess you could say. A friend of mine and I get a natural living group together and teach and share with at least 13 ladies every month. So…I would give this to one of them to use. I have the larger model and could share with them all the wonderful benefits of making your own yogurt to rising bread to dehydrating yummy crispy nuts….endless possibilities!
facebooked about it.
WOW! that would be soooo cool to win a dehydrator as they are not cheap! We were on a raw food diet for a while and I borrowed the -in-law’s while we were on it. I got pregnant and we had to quite because parts of the diet made me nauseous.
but, now I would like to incorporate some of that diet back into our lives. The dehydrator would be great for that as I can longer borrow the in-laws. My husband really enjoyed all the different things I made with it such as bread, crackers, dried fruits and veggies…anyway, thanks for the opportunity to win! God bless! I am off to try one of your bread recipes!
i would love to be able to make healthy and affordable snacks for my family.
My wife has been wanting one of these forever. It would be nice if I could win one for her. I shared it on facebook.
I facebooked it!
And I’m following you on twitter. I’m so sorry your little guy ate sand! Amazing what kids will eat.
The concept of a dehydrator fascinates me! I hear of some friends who love theirs, and would LOVE to give it a try…but can’t put the money out for one right now =o)
I shared this on facebook, along with how much I like your blog. It’s very encouraging.
I would love to dry fruit! My son would love banana chips!
Thank you -
If I had a dehydrator I would use it for some of my favorite snacks – dried apples in particular. I think this would go a long way towards healthy eating habits in my household. As my son gets older I could use it for home crafts too. Sounds fun all the way around!
Signed up at Cultures for Health. I would love to make fruit leathers and dehydrate fruits and nut for trail mixes!
I would love to win one of these so I could make tons and tons of yummy fruit leather!
I would love to be able to dehydrate fruit and nuts without having to waste energy using the oven.
I shared this on facebook.
This has been on my wishlist for some time! I would get right to experimenting with some long bookmarked raw diet recipes (like onion loaf) and then some beef jerky with our grass fed pastured beef.
I recently became a stay at home mom and I’m always looking for ways to cut back on our grocery budget. My mom always used to dry fruits for quick easy snacks and I would love to be able to do the same for my kids! (and explore all the other things a dehydrator can do too!)
I submitted my email and am following. I would love the dehydrator because I have one but it’s not a very good one and it makes my house really hot so I don’t use it much. I have very picky eaters so I would like to be able to dehydrate fruit, fruit leathers, jerky, nuts, granola, etc. for healthy snacks.
Follow you on twitter!
I have been looking into getting a dehydrator!! I would love to make my own dried fruit to feed the kids!!
I buy fresh fruit in bulk every year and it takes a long time to preserve it all by canning! I’d love to be able to dry some of it and have dried fruit to use. Plus, it’d take up less space in the cupboard that way!
I’m following you and C4H on Twitter!
I blogged about your giveaway!
I already follow you on Twitter,and just went to follow cultures4health.Love it:)
I went and entered my info:) I would love to have a dehydrator because I know it could save me alot of money,the dried fruit alone would be devoured.Not to mention all the other things I would be trying,LOL:)
I have been following Passionate Homemaking for a few months…but, I followed Cultures for Life on twitter!
I need a dehydrator because my old cheap, low-quality one (that I bought off Craigslist) broke the second time I used it!
would love to have this to make fruit leather, my kids love that stuff!
I tweeted this giveaway, and shared it on facebook!
i would love to make dried fruit without sulphur and added sugars in it as is very common. And I would like to win one since we are a student family from South Africa on a very limited budget!
I would LOOOOVE to have that dehydrator, because, a) I’ve had my eye on one for MONTHS, and we don’t have extra moola, right now. b) my husband and I are beginning our journey toward sustainability and preparedness through nourishing food, and c) I can’t wait to make snacks and things for my family, so that we can have health AND convenience:)
I would love a dehydrator for nuts and seeds!
Would love this to dry fruit!
I shared about this giveaway on Facebook, too!
What a generous giveaway! I would love to have this for making sun dried tomatoes from my garden as well as using it to preserve other fruits and vegetables from my garden for use throughout the year, and for making fruit leather and dried vegetables for camping trips. I’m sure I’d find many more uses for it as well. What a great product.
Oh, and did I mention my birthday is on July 15th?
Shared on facebook
I would use it for lots of different things – fruit leather, nuts, granola and much more!
I think it would be so fun to make fruit leather! It looks so tasty!
Shared about the giveaway on twitter!
Following you both on twitter!
I have been needing an excalibur. I got a different dehydrator off of freecycle, but discovered that it is not very effective in this humid climate, without a heater in it. It works a little, but most of the time, it’s faster and more effective just to stick stuff in the oven. I like to dry herbs, and i would love to dehydrate fruit for snacking during the winter.
Would love a dehydrator for drying various fruits and veggies, making fruit leather, crispy nuts, etc. I’m also a cake decorator and I have a very small, old dehydrator that I use for drying gumpaste decorations. This would be SO great!
I would love to win this so that we can make our own healthy snacks at home. I would start by making the fruit leathers, yummy!
I just shared on Facebook too
I’d love to have a dehydrator mostly for healthy snacks for my girls. They LOVE “fruit bars” as they call them and I’d love to make them fruit leather for snacks, long trips, etc… as well as our other fruits that just end up getting old on the counter
I’m now following you and cultures for health on twitter!
I follow you both on twitter. (soapsbysonia)
Shared it on facebook.
We have our own garden and I would love to have a dehydrator to preserve our harvests! Especially tomatoes and strawberries.
After reading about your kitchen appliances I did buy the Excalibur 9 tray. Found out it can be used to make the Greek yogurt and all! We did go a little shopping crazy and get the 9 tray with a timer. We only found the one with the timer sold on the Excalibur website: http://www.excaliburdehydrator.com/about.htm. I am so excited to get it and start using it!! Thanks for all of your input Lindsay!
I’ve wanted one of these since I tried drying out various things in the oven and not having the best results. I began making bread about two years ago and this is the next thing on my list!
I’m also following you on Twitter. Thanks Lindsey.
Just posted the blog to my Facebook page.Thanks
I have always wanted one of these but the hefty price tag is just something I can’t afford. I’ve entered my name and email at the website. Hopefully, I’ll win.
I shared this giveaway on my facebook account.
I entered my name and email at Cultures for Health. I have been wanting this dehydrator for awhile now. I would make granola, nuts and sprouted wheat in it for starters. I have been interested in learning more about the benefits of dehydrating and this would give me the chance!
I posted to FB as well! : )
I would love to win this for 2 reasons: to be able to make yummy trail mix & to savor all the wonderful vegetables in the winter time.
Hope to win!!
I would love this dehydrater so I can make my own sprouted grain flour.
Recently 4-5 months ago discovered WAP Foundation. Started drinking local raw milk pastured eggs, raw butter, grass fed beef, and received a Nutrimill for my birthday last month. I believe all of these things have made a huge impact on my family. I just discovered I am pregnant and I believe this nutrition path is a big factor. So, just before I read about this giveaway my husband and I agreed our next kitchen item should be a dehydrator. How fateful. Love Passionate Homemaking.
I signed up on the site! I would love a dehydrator and would use it for all sorts of healthy-food experiments
I would love to use this…my kids love dried fruit and I would love to experiment with other ways to use it.
I’ve been making a more concerted effort to avoid any packaged snacks. My kids love the clifkids twisted fruit snacks. An Excalibur Dehydrator would be perfect for dehydrated fruit snacks.
I would really love to win this because I think it would help me get back on track. I have really been slacking lately in both my food budget and healthy eating. While I know I need to just buckle down and get back on track, I think this dehydrator would really help in both areas. I would be able to make nutritional snacks at home, which are cheaper and healthier. And, I have always wanted a dehydrator!
i posted to my facebook
I am always having trouble with sending nutritious snacks to school in the lunchbox and to work with my husband- I think this is just the answer!! I would make all sorts of goodies from nuts to fruit leather and jerky to fill those lunch boxes! Yum!!
I entered and shared the link on facebook! This would be so awesome to win. I’ve been wanting one for a LONG time. It would save us so much money to be able to make dried fruits and veggies not to mention GREAT snacks for the kids!!
I reposted and shared this on my facebook page!
OOh! I would love to have this for my family. My kids are real troopers about eating dried fruits and nuts – but buying them can be so expensive. Getting local produce and our own would be so much more cost effective. Big daddy would probably enjoy doing jerky too!
We love to camp and camp cook! A dehydrator would be perfect for packing camp snacks and supplies as well as preserving everyday foods.
I’d love to win because I love yummy fruit snacks like pineapple and apples, I’d love to make my own creations!
I miss having a dehydrator. I had an old thrift store clunker that died about 8 years ago and haven’t been able to afford to replace it. We are farmers and I try to can and freeze as much of our food as I can from our gardens. I *dehydrate* on cookie sheets in my car in the sun, but it is just not the same. They come out more cooked into rocks than perfectly dried for storage. Onions, herbs, squash chips, all of my peppers for chili powder.. Oh, I would love to win this!
I have always wanted one, because we love dried fruit snacks. What an easy healthy way to make snacks and get the whole family involved!!!!
I blogged about it over at my little family blog – http://www.babypaigemurphy.blogspot.com. Love your site, and thanks to Excalibur for such a great giveaway!
I’ve been wanting to get a dehyrdator for so long! Since money is tight I’m going to have to wait.
My dehydrator is an old Wal-Mart version that I bought years ago before I really had a true appreciation for it. It has one element that is cracked, and it never worked the way I thought it would. Now that I’ve learned more about the benefits of having one, I’d love to have a better model; but I’ve not made it a priority. I feel guilty buying one.
It would be cool to make our own jerky and banana chips.
I have been wanting a dehydrator for quite awhile! We have a lot of home-grown produce & I would love to be able to preserve them for during the winter, as well as make healthy snacks the entire family can enjoy! Love your blog!
I shared about the giveaway on facebook!
This is so exciting!! I was thinking this very morning how much I would love one of these, but don’t see it in our future any time soon. I think I would use this everyday. We don’t have snacks in our house unless it is something whole (like fruit or nuts) or something that we can make. This would be such a great way to give my family some variety!
I would love a dehydrator! We love dried fruit and fruit leather around here and I would love the chance to try some raw food recipes using a dehydrator that I have seen. Thanks for the info and giveaway!
Signed up on Cultures for Health website! My household is trying the raw diet this summer for a few weeks and would love to have a dehydrator to play with!
I would LOVE this to use to make fruit leathers. My husband has to drive to meetings every day and I’m always trying to find healthy snacks for him and the kids to have on the go. This would get a lot of use. Thanks!
I just entered on the website. I have been living an unhealthy lifestyle for far too long, and I am taking steps to improve my health as well as the health of my family. I feel that a food dehydrator would be a great addition to this plan. My children love the taste of dehydrated fruits, and I have just discovered dehydrated mangoes, which are incredible! I would love to save money by using our local fresh fruits and help promote a healthier lifestyle for my family. Thank you!
We’re in the process of adopting 2 children from Rwanda and I would love to have a way to take nutritious snacks (esp. fruit and veggies) with us when we travel to bring them home. We won’t be eating many local raw fruits and veggies b/c of the risk of picking up a stomach bug with them, so a dehydrator would be a huge blessing!
Shared on facebook!!
I would love this dehydrator to serve healthy, wholesome snacks to my family while being able to control what produce I am using, the amounts of sugar, and the costs of those snacks. What a great way to “put up” food for the year as well!
Shared on my facebook!
I would use it to dry my herbs, fruit, and tomato’s.
This dehydrator would just be perfect for my kitchen. I love making homemade granola, fruit leather, etc., but I do not love the electricity used by my oven.. I would also like to start sprouting grains as I often forget to soak flour.
Submitted name & email. I’d love a dehydrator to make delicious snacks. Many friends have brought homemade dehydrated snacks to summer parties and I want in on the fun!
I would LOVE to make snacks for my family
Am following both @cultures4health and @passionatehome on twitter
I have been thinking about getting a dehydrator recently but just haven’t been able to justify the purchase right now with our tight budget. I remember my mom making snacks in our dehydrator when I was a kid and I would love to do that for my own family.
Following on twitter!
Submitted email & name!
I’d LOVE a dehydrator to introduce more raw foods into my families diet. I’d especially love to make some of the raw cookie recipes I’ve found, and blueberry fruit leather.
I would like to win so I can dry my own produce and nuts, without worry of cross-contamination by gluten.
My tweet http://twitter.com/pelletposy/status/18138994712
I would love to have this so I can preserve even more of our garden produce. I love the fruit leather idea, too.
I am always stealing my Aunt’s dehydrator – which is difficult now that I live in the US and she lives in Canada. We’ve dehydrated all sorts of things but I think that my fav is mango! It simply tastes like candy!
I would love to have one of these!
I just shared on Facebook too. :O)
I would love to have the dehydrator to make food for my kids! My three boys and I have struggled with health all our lives. We have been working on it for four years now through natural diet and healing their guts and immune systems. We recently discovered we all have Lyme disease and that is the root cause of our sickness. I am so thankful to know now what to work on! We started a grain free, as raw as possible diet 3 weeks ago and the dehydrator would make such a huge difference in our eating. My husband was injured at work recently so it’s not financially feasible for us to purchase one at this time. Thanks for the opportunity to win one!
I would love to make fruit leathers and granola bars. I also love dehydrated fruit for a healthy snack alternative. Yummy.
I shared on Facebook!
I would love to make snacks “to go” for our 5 little ones. It seems like everything in the store that’s transportation friendly, isn’t health/budget friendly. Plus, I think the kids would dig helping make their own snacks!
I would love to have this dehydrator because I have recently started gardening again and it would be perfect for making tasty veggie & strawberry chips, nice way to preserve and gift extra veggies also. Thanks for the chance ro win.
I shared it on facebook. I’d love to have this dehydrator!
I have been wanting to get (and use) a dehydrator since I read about this brand in one of the Renee Loux books.
I would definitely be drying fruits and nuts for use in all sorts of stuff and for yummy healthy snacks.
Oh!! I LOVE fruit leather! I think my 14 month old would love all the yummy snacks I could make him!!
i would love a dehydrator so i could make more fancy treats for my raw diet!
following on twitter, too!
I have a little round dehydrator and would love to upgrade- we love fruit leathers, jerky, and dried tomatoes and herbs. My next thing to learn is how to dry nuts!
This link is up on my blog!
I would LOVE to win this dehydrator because I bought a cheap one and it doesn’t really work very well but can’t afford the excalibur. However, I have been eyeing it constantly!
Posted to my Blog.
Thank you
I shared on Facebook
I blogged about this.
I would love to make healthy snacks – yum!
@heathermagness tweeted about your giveaway.
I would love to use the dehydrator to make zucchini chips since they’re in season. I’d also like to try my hand at banana chips again. I still haven’t gotten those to come out right yet. And I’d love to have something to make my yogurt that’s a little more reliable than my little cooler.
I’d love to have a dehydrator to make healthy snacks for my son. I’d like to try making fruit leather!
I would love this dehydrator! I have been gradually making the change from a ‘normal’ American diet to a real, whole foods diet. My kids are young and love snacks, so I would use it to make healthy snacks for them, as well as dry herbs, fruits for water kefir, and veggies and meats to include in an emergency preparedness kit.
shared it on FaceBook.
WOW I would love one of these, we have owned the cheap dehydrators…. but I am sure this one would be a better option! One of my fondest childhood memories is eating bananna chips we would soak them in honey for a day or two and then dehydrate them!!! My kids would love thoese fruit rolls too!!!
I have been wanting one of these for years! Although I don’t have much of a garden, we get wonderful deals from our food co-op, and I would love to dry some of the fruit we get. Also, we have loads of beef liver in the freezer. I can only eat so much, but dried strips would make great treats for our dog…
I would preserve… Well… Everything. My favorite though is yummy dried apricots. They taste like candy!
Submitted info. @ Cultures
My kids were recently identified with intolerances and sensitivities. Since we are already on a tight food budget, this would help to offset the costs associated with these special foods.
Our 4yr old would be excited to get involved in the dehydrating too
I would love this for drying soaked ingredients, and fruits and veggies of course.
I follow you both on twitter, itscindisworld
shared on facebook.
And I am now following both Cultures for Health and Passionate Homemaking on Twitter. I really, really, REALLY would love to have one of these!
I already follow both of you on twitter, too! Woohoo!
Sarah M (#3)
I commented on Facebook about the giveaway.
I use to have a dehydrator & I used every single chance I had until it cracked. They are amazing plus their was no food ever that went to waste that I couldn’t dried & stored. I am a fixen to be a full time Homesteader & really could use one of these to help preserve our foods.
I am so excited! If I would win I could save money just like you do. This would be especially great for those items that will spoil if not dehydrated. I could take those items in my lunch. The options are endless. Thanks for a chance.
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/itscindisworld/statuses/18138115580
Also shared abotu this giveaway via twitter (@ssmast)
Sarah M (#2)
Posted about this great give away on my Facebook page!
I would love to have a dehydrator to dry fruit I find on sale.
Just signed up over there! I have been eye-balling one of these beauties for a LONG time. I currently make granola bars + fruit leather in our oven, but of course that uses up tons of energy for hours on end, and makes our house so HOT. I would LOVE to have a dehydrator for those two items…plus all 3 of my other family members think dried fruit is better than candy….!
Sarah M (#1)
just tweeted about the giveaway!
I just posted on facebook about this, with the link. I told everyone to enter but that I was really hoping I would be the one to win. : )
I would love to win this dehydrator as we have veggie gardens, and fruit trees and we are working on living self sufficiently so being able to dehydrate our harvest, not only will benefit my family, but my small home day care also!
now following @cultures4health and @passionatehome on twitter!
I would love the dehydrator for making jerky. My husband keeps asking me to try it.
I would love to get this dehydrator as my old one doesn’t dry evenly!
I would LOVE to have this dehydrator. Financial times are so tough for us right now and having kids with food allergies makes the grocery bill much higher than normal.
I’m just about to become a mom so I’m looking for ways to save money now that I’ll be home! this would be a great thing to have to help make food and snacks at home.
I just shared this link on facebook! Yay!
Following you and @cultures4health on twitter.
I entered my name at the Cultures for Health site. I would DEARLY love to have a dehydrator to help with my family of seven. We have a lot of allergies and making fruit roll-ups myself would be a Godsend. : )
I am now following cultures for health and passionate homemaking on twitter! :~)
Would love to have a dehydrator for all the blueberries I picked last week! This is a top notch dehydrator. Lucky you to get one for free! Here’s to hoping I win one too! Thanks for the giveaway.
I have been wanting a dehydrator for some time but I haven’t been able to afford one. I would love to use a dehydrator for healthy snacks for my twins and for preserving our garden vegetables. It would be perfect to win one of these!!!
follow @cultures4health and @passionatehome on twitter (@matt4melis)
I’ve shared this with my friends on FB! Thanks again!
shared on twitter
I am following culture 4 health AND passionate homemaking on twitter now.
I would LOVE to win this! We are trying to be as self sufficient and organic as possible and I will use it to preserve our garden’s bounty year round
I don’t have a dehydrator and would love to win this. I would use it for crispy nuts, processing/preserving things in my garden, and to make crackers.
I would love to make fruit leather and other healthy snack options for my kids. This would be a great addition to my kitchen! THanks for the opportunity.
I shared this on facebook too
I would LOVE to win this dehydrator to be able to help our budget and our health! I would love to be able to make fruit strips, dried fruit and veggies, and jerky myself instead of having to purchase it. With this, I would be able to control the ingredients/process of how my food is made, keeping it as close to possible, real food! That is exciting to me! Thanks for the opportunity!
Are you going to post some of your recipes? I would love to know more about fruit leather, jerky, and granola bars in the dehydrator.
I would love a dehydrator to prepare healthy snacks for my husband and son. Our jobs have us traveling a lot right now, and it would be so helpful to be able to prepare dried fruit and vegetables, toasted nuts, and jerky for on the go healthy snacks at a frugal cost for all of us!
I’d love to have one for the abundance of fruit and veg. we have in SC this time of year. The farmer’s market is bursting with goodies, but my freezer is only so big…!
I would love to have this dehydrator. We dried cherries in the oven last year and they were so good throughout the winter in salads. I am going to do it again this year and was trying to figure out how to be able to afford a dehydrator. The cherries took a few days in the oven, annoying, but doable.
This sounds like so much fun. I never realized how much a dehydrator could do. I’d love to try making fruit leather and jerky. I’d also like to experiment with dried veggies since cooking them loses so many of the nutrients and my son doesn’t care for raw veggies (I’m not much of a fan either).
I have a cheap dehydrator. I’d love a new/better one! I love to dry fruit, nuts and jerky.
Oops. Sorry about the duplicate.
We’re grocery budgeting around here and I would love to be able to create healthy snack that don’t fry the ingredients.
I have a cheap dehyrdrator. I’d love a new/better one! I love drying fruit, nuts and jerky.
tweeted/facebooked this!!!
follow both of you on twitter/facebook
How would I use this nifty machine? Same as you are using it
Plus, I’d be assured that all my preserved goodies were gluten-free and safe for me to eat in my new gluten-free life! Now a huge issue in my life and I’m finding the gluten-free prepared foods to be completely horribly high priced!
I would love this to dry sprouted grain for milling, and for drying fruit when it’s in season!
I follow you both on twitter now!
I am exploring the world of raw food and would love to be able to use a dehydrator to make some wraps for lunches, raw crackers and snacks.
I would LOVE an Excalibur dehydrator! With a large family of 10 blessings, to be able to preserve our food quickly, economically, and keep the nutrition levels high would be a dream come true!!
Shared this on Facebook, too!
I also shared about this on facebook!
Wow! Soaked granola! That would be my favorite
And to dry some of these amazing tomatoes I’m getting out of my garden.
I would love to have a dehydrator to make fruit leather for my girls and beef jerky for my husband and myself. Not to mention dry some veggies to add to my cooking! My parents had one when I was growing up, and they used it to dry the bounty from the garden every year. These are wonderful!
A dehydrator is at the top of my wishlist! We moved to the country almost a year ago and have a HUGE garden this year. It’d be nice to have some dried veggies for soups and to be able to make fruit leathers and banana and apple chips. Among other things!
I’m following you on twitter too!
Hi! I would love to win a dehydrator! I am a mommy to a one-year-old and I try to eat whole foods and hug a tree (be environmentally friendly), and I would love to try making my own snacks for our family!
I shared the giveaway on facebook.
I’d love to have this to make beef jerky for my husband, he loves it but can’t have all the salt in the store bought ones.
We’re moving in a week, and I’m pretty sure our new house NEEDS a new food dehydrator, wouldn’t you agree? Plus I’m so sick of the amount of food my kids waste. One day they are never ending garbage disposals, and the next they squish everything I give them and toss it on the floor. Yes, I need this.
I would LOVE a food dehydrator. It’s actually on my wish list right now. My mom had one when we were kids and I want to make the same healthy snacks for my son, Coen,(21 mos) and husband. I am struggling to get my husband to eat healthy, nutrient rich foods and I think this machine would really help me accomplish that goal. Thanks for posting about one!!
I shared the giveaway on my facebook.
I would love to have a dehydrator so I can preserve fruits and veggies. Yum
Following both on Twitter.
I’d love to start dehydrating fruits for healthy snacks. Thanks!
Would love to make fruit leather and dry veggies from the garden in summer.
I would love to try making fruit leather!
A dehydrator has been on my want list for some time now. I would love to make dried fruits, jerky, and spices.
Shared the giveaway on FB.
Nuts, grains, fruits – would love to win!
Gave info at Cultures for Health.
Would love to have a dehydrator to try and toast nuts for the first time.