Welcome to the first in my series of posts on gift ideas for the family with a focus on natural, nourishing, and green. Today, I would like to share some recommended picks for the nourishing mama – simple kitchen and household accessories that will help you provide good healthy cooking for your family, but at the same time not adding additional clutter. I avoid gadgets at all costs, but I love receiving gifts that are very practical and multi-purpose.
Adjustable Measuring Spoons – I don’t know about you, but I love having only two spoons in my kitchen drawer for all my baking needs! Pampered Chefs sells this wonderful set (Tablespoon & teaspoon collection) for only $8. Easy to clean, and easy to use!
Wooden/Bamboo Kitchen Utensils – Wooden or bamboo kitchen utensils are simply wonderful for natural home cooking. You will find wooden tools work so much better and no fear of plastics or scratches! Amazon sells a great variety of wooden utensils for your kitchen. The pasta tool is on my wishlist this Christmas! These bamboo salad tongs are awesome! Check out this cool maple soup ladle! Wooden utensils are usually cheaper than their plastic competition, $4-7 each!
Wooden Cutting Boards – I absolutely love wooden cutting boards! They are long-lasting, durable, and wonderfully useful for all your cutting needs! Check out Totally Bamboo for great quality and sustainability in various sizes and prices.
Stoneware – Since receiving a few items of stoneware from Pampered Chef after hosting a show this summer, I cannot say enough as to how wonderful they work in the kitchen. Completely natural cooking surfices that provide well balanced heat distribution. No chemical linings or glazes, and always produces beautiful results! I have the pizza stone, muffin tin, and square baker and they are used all the time now in my kitchen! Check out the Pampered Chef stoneware.
Cuisinart Safe Non-Stick Pan – I received this pan last year for Christmas and highly recommend it! Safe non-stick surface that works perfectly for crepes, omelets, eggs, and many other uses.
Blendtec Total Blender – This machine does it all! A great way to get quality but simplicity in your kitchen. The Blendtec Blender is a commercial-quality 1,560-watt countertop blender with 3 HP direct-drive motorcan that can grind grain, make ice cream, knead dough, function as a basic food processor, and most importantly a very high powered blender. Vitamix is in the same line as the Blendtec and another great alternative, but I choice the Blendtec because it fits under your counter top cupboards, shuts off automatically, and has easy digital touchpad controls, making it easier to use while juggling other kitchen tasks! This a true multi-purposing kitchen item that will last! At $400 it is spendy but worth every penny, especially if you are wanting a mixer, grinder, food processor and cannot afford each of these items individually. I use it several times a day making homemade raw apple sauce, peanut butter, salsa, protein bars, muffins, green smoothies (yes, it blends those greens so smoothly you never know they are there!), and numerous other uses.
Bare Minerals Get Started Make-Up Kit – This basic set of natural mineral makeup has lasted me for two years now!
Beyond buying another container of warmth (their variety of blush) I still have plenty of all the other items in this well-rounded make up collection set. I highly recommend it! For my full review, visit here.
Make some homemade deodorant or homemade perfume for some nice natural skin care!
Vegetable/Soy Wax or Beeswax Candles - Candles made from beeswax are very natural and safe for your home. Paraffin is a substance that is rather toxic and is the standard ingredient in most candles. I love candles! Look for 100% beeswax or soy wax…they like to combine them with paraffin to trick you!
Sewing Green: 25 Projects Made with Repurposed & Organic Materials – Do you like sewing? Check out this fun book with lots of ideas for repurposing items around your home into fun, new, inventive clothing and household items.
Home Cheese Making: Recipes for 75 Delicious Cheeses – want to learn how to make cheese? Check out this fun book! Also check out the Mozzarella/Ricotta cheese making kit from Cultures for Health.
Womanly Dominion: More Than A Gentle and Quiet Spirit by Mark Chanski- my favorite read this year on Biblical womanhood. Highly recommended!
From Clutter to Clarity: Simplifying Life from the Inside Out by Nancy Twigg – my favorite read this year on simplifying! I love it!
The Mission of Motherhood: Touching Your Child’s Heart for Eternity – my favorite book on seeing mothering as a mission from God!
The Kindle Wireless Reading Device is an amazing gift idea. It’s on my wishlist (maybe someday -for now I am happy with the free Kindle edition for the I-phone)!
Books require a lot of paper and energy to make. Reading digitally saves on resources and saves us money. It is a portable reading device with the ability to wirelessly download books, blogs, magazines, and newspapers. Kindle is also easy on the fingertips. With Whispernet, you can be anywhere, think of a book, and get it in one minute. I love the idea of having a book with me at all times without wasting paper and is also easy on the eyes! Not too bad at $259.
What is on your wishlist? Have any good natural gift ideas for her that you might recommend?
Have you every used your blendtech to grind coffee? Will it “mill” all that the nutrigrain mill does? I’m in need for a new food processor for making baby food and for canning, also a coffee grinder for my husband and i’ve been researching the bosch mixer with blender and nutrigrain mill… so i guess my question is, what do you think would be the best set up for me to start soaking and making things from scratch I also would like to get the sue gregg cook books. Would the bosch blender be able to handle her recipes and also be able to grind coffee? Christmas is closing in and my hubby wants a list this year it would be great to hear what you have to say since you have so much experience with these products; I just figure if it’s going to bless my family in turn asking for something a little spendy for christmas (and my Bday;) couldn’t hurt… When God blessed you with this site he blessed all of us as well. Thank you so much for all the time you put into this, trust me, I know with 3 little ones spare time is a rarity!
The Blendtec is a great option for baby food and all Sue Gregg’s blender recipes. I also do all my canning prep with it (preparing applesauce, tomato sauce, salsa). It is far superior to the Bosch blender. I have not tried coffee beans in it, but I’m sure it would work if you grind a fair amount at a time…but may not be as fine as a coffee grinder.
Love your site !!!
Do you have any recommendations for places/sites that sell Vegetable/Soy Wax or Beeswax Candles ? I’m looking for some reasonable options.
I found a bunch through amazon. Check them out <a href="here.
Lindsay, what would you say to use for someone saving for a nice blender, for in the meantime?
Oster brand served me pretty well, or the Bosch blender is good quality.
How long have you owned the Blendtec blender? I recall reading in one of your blog entries about your blender breaking and how thrilled you were when you got it back from repair. Was that the Blendtec? If so, what was it that broke on it? Another question I have about the Blendtec concerns items getting stuck at the bottom of the canister, around the blade. We tried out our friend’s Vitamix last summer (we’re researching and saving for a heavy-duty blender, but are indecisive) and found that when we made mayo or nut butter it was very hard to get it out of the canister around the blades. We were frustrated by the percentage of waste we experienced simply because of the blender’s design. What is your experience with the Blendtec? Costco is selling them in the warehouse right now for $379.00. Thanks for any info. you can offer as we attempt to make a decision. ~Sharon
I received the Blendtec for my birthday in early September, so I have been using it for three months now, at least once a day. The blog entry that you are referring to was in regards to my bosch blender (the attachment that goes with the bosch mixer). The Blendtec handles everything like a pro! The blendtec jar is alot more square at the base than the Vitamix, so there is definitely not as much of a problem with stuff getting stuck under the blade. I find I can get everything out with a spatula amazingly well. The narrower the base of the jar, the harder it is to remove all the mixture from.
You have a great blog, Lindsey. I really enjoy it.
I love most of your Christmas list…but I must disagree with you on the Kindle. In my eyes, it’s not wasting paper to enjoy books that have already been printed. I think it would be less “green” to get rid of a paper library and switch to a Kindle.
I also have a hard time agreeing with you on the price not being bad. $250 is more than I will spend on any gift this Christmas. Most of the books I buy are at thrift stores or garage sales, which is definitely cheaper than downloading a book for Kindle.
Just wanted to point out that I don’t think it’s being a bad steward to own paper books.
I also agree that the kindle and other online devices are not necessarily the “green” way to go. If it keeps up. it will put my husband and many others in the printing business out of a job. We will have to be totally green by living in a tent!
Thank’s for the great gift ideas
I will have to keep these in mind.
Erin H.
Wow! Those are excellent gift selections. I already use wooden spoons and have a wooden cutting board. I especially like the measuring spoons. I’ve been wondering about makeup options because I’ve stopped using what I have but am now getting tired of the plain look. I’ll have to look into the Bare Minerals.
Love this list and the measuring spoons in particular!! Those will be on my list this year
I saw your post about Seeds Family Worship – we LOVE them here!! I have a coupon code for 20% off your purchase here if you’re interested: http://paulsbride.blogspot.com/2009/11/seeds-family-worship-coupon.html
Also, I will be giving away one of their cds (since each pack comes with 2 cds) sometime this week if you’re interested
Another e-reader people may want to look into is The Nook. Some people are calling it the Kindle Killer. The added perk that I can see, over the Kindle, is that you can share books with other Nook users. So, my neighbor and I will be lending books. This is a frugal option that I love. As more of my friends get The Nook, the more books we can lend out and that way, maybe I’ll only be buying a rare book here or there.
I’m getting 100% all natural soaps, candles, and body butters for the fam this year, from http://www.thecleanhippie.com. I can make gift baskets out of the body products I buy and I figure it’s about 12-25 dollars per person, depending on the person. I love the smell and feel of these soaps and they are all essential oils, no petro derived fragrance oils, and no unnatural dyes. Knowing my family is safe from harmful chemicals like sodium laureth sulfate, and paraffin free candles eases my mind! They also offer a shaver bar for men (well I use it too, hehe), a stainstick that gets out everything, (wonderful if you grate it up and use as a pre-soak for whites), a doggie bar, and freakin’ awesome massage candles (the ones that melt into a warm oil that you can use on your skin). You can also feel good that all the packaging they use is either biodegradable, recycled, or recyclable, even down to the tape!
I am also trying to buy this year, in the sight of looking out for my family, getting at least 1 oz. of fine .999 silver for each of my family members as a notion of good fortune and investment. I figured I could buy or make some cute coin bags to place them in and attach a printed note on the string that explains the current forecast of silver prices, and the importance of looking out for family in hard economic times.
Great list! I can personally vouch for the blendtec blender and would even like to add that their bowl mixer/blender and grain mill are also fabulous! They even have a great recipe page! (http://www.blendtec.com/recipes.aspx?maincatagory=1) Have a wonderful holiday!
Wow! What a great list! I know that I will be able to get one new appliance for Christmas/birthday this year (my birthday is in early January so every now and then I can get one big something for both). We’ve been trying to decide if I should get a KitchenAid mixer or the blendtec blender that you recommended here. Which would be more useful? I’m just starting learning to cook from scratch and feeding more nourishing meals to my family so I’d love to hear what you think!
I would definitely say that the Blendtec would be more useful. It can function as a simple mixer, although not at the capacity of the KitchenAid. You can make a batch of muffins, one loaf of bread, and various other things like a kitchenaid. But again, the Blendtec can also grind grain, make ice cream, make hot soup, make butter, etc….too many things to list!
Just wanted to let you know about another make-up line that is much less expensive than Bare Minerals but works just as well. It’s called Southern Magnolia Minerals. I’ve tried the foundation, concealer, mineral veil, and blush. Check out their website – oh, and they offer free shipping on all orders
Wonderful list.
I was wondering how the blendtec and the nutramill compare for grinding grain. Does the blendtec work as well as the Nutramill? I am considering purchasing a grain mill, but may consider the blendtec instead. Thanks.
I was blown away to see that the Blendtec can grind grains just as well as the Nutrimill. Seriously, it blew me away!
Thanks for your input.
ooh, this is good to know. I was coming to ask the same question–was planning on asking for a grain mill for Christmas, but am intrigued by this blender. hard to believe it would be as good as a dedicated grain mill…but if you have used both and can testify firsthand that it does…
I would love to get into green smoothies, too, but the last time I tried them with my current (cheap) blender, I was not a fan. maybe it really just makes a difference how good the blender is, huh?
Yes, the Blendtec makes a huge difference in making green smoothies! It is incredibly smooth, you cannot even tell you are eating greens.
so I’m still researching this…and just ran across this info on Blendtec’s website (under FAQ):
Does the blender grind wheat?
Yes. For best results add wheat 1/4 cup at a time, emptying the jar after 2 cups have been added. Wheat grinds at a higher temperature in the blender jar than when using the Kitchen Mill. To get a very fine grind and to keep the nutrients, always use the Kitchen Mill.
Hmm. You really are getting a super fine grind with the Blendtec, just like the Nutrimill?
And I still don’t get the whole temperature thing. Why on earth does the temperature of the grinder matter, when you are going to bake the flour at a much higher temperature anyway?
Let’s just say…I don’t know why the temperature thing matters. I would direct that question to Nutrimill. If you are wanting to grind a lot of grain at a time (for bread making ,etc), you will definitely want to use a Nutrimill or other grain grinder…but for everyday use, the Blendtec works beautifully. I was blown away myself!
I loved bare minerals, but it was so expensive! My sister found a new company that also makes all natural mineral makeup, but is much more reasonable! And, you can order a sample pack (to find your colors) for only the cost of shipping! The website is http://www.everydayminerals.com/. I use this makeup every day and love the natural look I get with it. Thanks so much for your list!!!
I also love Bare Minerals, but find it very affordable. This is because you only need a few basic items for the whole make-up routine. I only use the Foundation and Warmth and I’m set for the day (along with some mascara). I bought the starter kit along with a few eye shadows 3 years ago for my wedding day. I still have the eye shadow’s and other items the kit came up and they will probably last a lifetime. I have purchased 2 Foundations and 1 Warmth in the last three years, but talk about cheap! I have spent less than $100 for make-up in 3 years.
Can you just forward this list to my family and friends so they know what to get me?!
Happy Thanksgiving! I’m thankful for you this year.
This is a great list with some wonderful companies! Another great place for gifts is Sustainable Sourcing https://secure.sustainablesourcing.com. They have these beautiful organic gift sets (I found one with Himalayan sea salt and organic peppercorns and another with massage stones and bath crystals) that are all made by Green-e certified wind power and they donate 5% of their profits to environmental causes. Another bonus is they are offering free shipping in November!
I love my adjustable measuring spoons and bamboo spoons! I would love to help you out with any of your pampered chef needs…check out my website!
I simply love your blog, I cannot say enough how often I anticipate your new posts. I wanted to recommend a book to you that we have been reading in Church that you might like. Its called Premeditated Parenting. You can find it online here. http://www.premeditatedparenting.net/ Let me know what you think.
Great list! One question – do you have any tips for using the Pampered Chef muffin pan? I find my muffins do not cook in the recipe’s specified times with the ceramic pan. What’s the trick/rule/adjustment? Otherwise, I love all the stoneware – amazing stuff! (And once I get this muffin thng sorted, I know I will love that pan too.) Thank you!
Honestly, I have just used my muffin tin exactly the same way I used my previous metal pans. I use a toothpick to check the center and when it comes out clean they are done. They cook up in the same time. I did find that it works best to let them cool in the pans for 5 minutes before removing, and then they come out beautifully! The muffin tin is probably my favorite stoneware just because it is so easy to clean – no extensive scraping like my previous metal pans. Love them!
funny…I am HATING my new stoneware, for exactly the opposite reason–I am having to grease like CRAZY and still the muffins don’t seem to come out as smoothly, and then I have to scrape a lot. it’s not that I have to scrape HARD–the stuff comes off easily–but I do have to scrape tediously every single cup–where as my nonstick muffin pans came clean with a quick wipe. I want to use stoneware and not the toxic nonstick…but oh boy, it’s been an adjustment. I’m not thrilled with the stoneware so far. hoping it will get better.
What brand do you have? They do take some time to become non-stick. I have also found that olive oil works the best in greasing them. Just try soaking it in water before washing or make sure to wipe them clean immediately after using.
oh, I’ve got the Pampered Chef ones. I’ve been using butter to grease because aren’t there concerns about olive oil at higher temps? regardless, I just hate having to use so much fat–and it’s a tedious extra step, when I’m used to using cooking spray or paper muffin cups. I’m hoping they will get better. I bought two loaf pans at the same time, and I hate those, too. whole wheat bread is finally coming out smoothly, if I liberally grease the pan, but the last time I made pumpkin bread? DISASTER. half the loaf stuck to the bottom, even though I greased it a lot.
Number one on my wish list is The Green Bible – I read daily and love going through different versions – this one is a devotional with essays to be of support and encouragement while I work on being as green as I can.
Not sure how to hint strongly enough about this wish for Christmas – I know my Sweet Husband and kids want to gift me with things I use and enjoy and this would be that! They always get such happiness when they see me reading a book they’ve given me
Hey Lindsey,
BareMinerals has a new product in their foundation line called “Matte.” I just recently had to purchase more of the foundation and saw this one in the Bare Escentuals boutique. The Matte product does not have Bismuth Oxychloride since it has a flat finish. I live in Virginia, so in warm weather I’d have seriously itchy skin! Next time you purchase makeup you may want to look into this!
This year I put an amber necklace on my wish list. I also requested a sample of neroli essential oil (25 drops for $7) because neroli is pricey and I wanted to give it a test drive before I invest a lot of money in a larger amount. Another frugal gift idea (for anyone who might knit or crochet): I like to buy a cone of the Peaches ‘n’ Creme ecru cotton yarn at Walmart and make washcloths for miscellaneous gifts (you know, teachers, babysitters, obscure relatives, etc.). I can usually get about a dozen washcloths 8×8 crocheted cloths per cone. Each cone goes for a little less than seven dollars, so it’s pretty inexpensivel and goes nicely with homemade or natural store-bought soap. The yarn is 100% cotton–it’s not organic, but it is made in the U.S.A, which nice.
How do you knit your dishcloths? I have made them before but would like to try a new style
Thanks, Erin H.
Hi, Erin! When I knit them as gifts, I like to use the pattern for the hexagonal dishcloth in the first Mason-Dixon knitting book (sorry, but I don’t know how to make links). I made these for my son’s preschool teachers last year. I put a nice bar of soap in the center of each cloth, wove some ribbon through the eyelets that run the perimeter of the cloth, and tied it into a bow. Lately, though I’ve been pressed for time, so I’ve been crocheting washcloths instead (much faster for me). I use the neat ripple pattern I found at a blog called Attic24 (again, sorry no link!). The pattern uses a multiple of 14 stitches, so I chained 28 and did 14 rows of the pattern. This year I’ll tie the washcloths and homemade soap into little bundles with raffia. I prefer to use a crocheted cloth, but I think a lot of people prefer the knitted ones.
Good list! Lindsay, do you still have your iphone? You can read books via the Kindle using the Amazon Kindle iphone app (so you don’t need another electronic/plastic). I’m not sure whether you have to buy an account or how it works. I do know that if you know someone who has a kindle, they can buy you (ie, on their account) books that you’ll both be able to read on your iphone. My generous mom does this for my husband and me!
Yes, I do use the Kindle version for the Iphone. It is free. I just find it hurts my eyes and it is really small. I like the idea of a bigger model…but it is definitely not a necessity, so I happy with the Iphone version.