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Lotion, Aftershave – Natural Alternatives

There is one product that meets all of these needs without doing a thing, except rubbing it on! Can you guess what it is? This product is fabulous for you health both on the outside and the inside. It feels wonderful, without being too greasy or messy. It is all natural! When purchased in bulk and used for other things (listed below), it can be quite reasonable!

What is it?

Coconut Oil!

Lotion/Moisturizer - a little dab will do you! Scoop out and rub on your skin. Sweet fragrance as well. I have replaced all my miscellaneous lotions with this one product!

Aftershave – I told my husband he just had to try it as an aftershave, and low and behold it worked. I love using it as well after shaving those sensitive areas. Calms and refreshes.

For Married Women -It also works well for that special hubby and wife time.

Other uses I have had success with:Deodorant

Cooking uses:

replacing oil/butter/shortening in baked goods
melting and adding to smoothies
greasing pans with it
any other ideas?

I am a huge fan of coconut oil (if you haven’t noticed already)! The more products I can cover with just this simple natural alternative, the more I save and the more I rejoice! I just found a recipe for toothpaste that uses it as well. Can’t wait to try it and share the results (if successful)! The way I am going, pretty soon this will be the only product in the bathroom! ;)

Buy it here at:

Mountain Rose Herbs

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Sprouting Seeds


My sunflower sprouts – aren’t they cute?

Sprouts are a wonderfully nutritious and frugal way to incorporate good nutrition into your diet! They are a great alternative to expensive nuts or to replace lettuce when the greens are not in season. Sprouts can be added to so many dishes with great success, including salads, soups, sandwiches, omelets, and breads. Seeds actually increase in nutritional content when sprouted! Sprouting is a simple, indoor method of gardening…for anyone!

Lately, I have been exploring sprouting sunflower seeds (read more about the wonders of these seeds here), and it has been so much fun! These are packed with all the nutrients we need for survival, and receive vitamin C when sprouted. They are so cheap and easy to sprout! My frugal tip of the day: learn how to sprout seeds!
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Energy Efficiency in the Kitchen


Studies are showing more and more that, when used to maximize energy-saving features, modern dishwashers can outperform all but the most frugal hand washers. Studies show that most people pre-rinse dishes before loading them into the dishwasher, even though dishwashers purchased within the last 5-10 years do a superb job of cleaning even heavily soiled dishes. If you find you must rinse dishes first, get in the habit of using cold water.

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Homemade Natural Deodorant

For the updated version of this recipe, FAQ, along with demonstration video, please click here.

Did you know you can make your own wonderful deodorant with just a few completely natural ingredients? This recipe is awesome! It is frugal and very effective! Aaron & I have been using it for over a year now, and it has worked wonders. It smells wonderful, but very faint, so the hubby does not mind! We have tried all natural brands without much success, until we tried this! It is especially important for women to take thought to the harmful aluminum materials in deodorant as it has been linked to breast cancer, being that the armpits are so close to the chest.


5-6 Tbsp Coconut oil
1/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup arrowroot powder or cornstarch

Combine equal portions of baking soda & arrowroot powder. Then slowly add coconut oil and work it in with a spoon until it maintains the substance you desire. It should be about the same texture as the store bought kind, solid but able to be applied easily. You can either scoop this into your old dispensers or place in a small container with lid and apply with fingers with each use. After applying the product, you can just rub the remains into your hands as a lotion! This recipe lasts about 3 months for two people with regular daily use.

Read here and here for more wonderful uses of coconut oil!

For the best price around on organic quality coconut oil, check out Mountain Rose Herbs. Delicious for so many uses!

Bulk organic herbs, spices and essential oils. Sin

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Resources for Beginning a Healthy Lifestyle

Getting started on a more nutritious lifestyle can be a little overwhelming! Trust me…I have been there. Here are a few resources that I recommend to send you successfully on your way. Remember…take one step at a time. Read and learn a little here and a little there. Read here for the little steps I took to pursuing a more nutritious lifestyle.

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Nutritional Eating: What is most important?


The longer I live the less confidence I have in drugs and the greater is my confidence in the regulation and administration of diet and regimen. ~John Redman Coxe, 1800

“To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.”
La Rochefoucauld

How do we discern what is most important, especially when we are on a tighter budget? The word “natural” can be quite deceiving!

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Cloth Diapering: Is it worth it?


Karis in her BumGenius!

Cloth diapers! There are so many cute diapers out there now and it’s so simple! No dunking necessary! Why in the world would I pursue this route? My main reason for cloth diapering was so I could spend more of our budget on good wholesome food (prioritizing my spending). But there are several other benefits…

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Nutritional Eating on a Budget


Why do we think it is impossible to live nutritiously and organically on a budget? It is because we are buying everything in a box or can! These pre-made packages of so called “organic” goodness are not as healthy as I originally thought and they jack up the food budget. The simple solution: make them yourself! It really is not as hard as you think.

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Decorating on A Budget – Part 2


Welcome back for part 2 in Decorating on A Budget. Check out part 1 for further ideas that I am expanding upon here…a post in my Natural Living on A Budget series.

Remember that above all you are seeking to make your own a haven of rest and comfort for your family and guests! This is your embassy to extend the Kingdom of God! Make it comfortable and relaxing and above all…keep Christ the center!

Again, I thank my sister, Christa, for her input, creative juices, and inspiration! She has pretty much taught me everything I know!

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Decorating on A Budget – Part 1


Did you know that your home is an embassy of Christ’s kingdom? It is especially designed by God to be a place for others to find refreshment, encouragement, a haven of rest to their souls from the weariness and trials of this world. This haven must be a welcoming place to display the glory of God! This should always be our chief goal in our decorating. How can I make my home more of a testimony to the work of Christ in my life? How can I seek to refresh others as they enter into my home?

Now I am no decorating expert. In fact, I am not quite sure why I am talking about this topic right now. The gift of creativity passed me by and was given to my younger sister…so most of what I have written below come from her creative juices! My house is far from being decorated as I would like…but maintaining a simple home is my goal anyway!

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