
Resources for Beginning a Healthy Lifestyle

Getting started on a more nutritious lifestyle can be a little overwhelming! Trust me…I have been there. Here are a few resources that I recommend to send you successfully on your way. Remember…take one step at a time. Read and learn a little here and a little there. Read here for the little steps I took to pursuing a more nutritious lifestyle.

sue-gregg.JPGBaking with Whole Grains Course by Sue Gregg – This course is full of simple information on pursuing a more nutritious lifestyle. I love Sue Gregg because she maintains such a balanced and biblical approach to food and keeping our bodies fit as the temple of the Holy Spirit. I appreciate all the Scripture that she ties into it as well. This book covers all topics of whole grains, the two stage soaking process, dairy, salt, oils, sweeteners, with the addition of of recipes in the back. My mom and sisters used this book as a study before I got married and it was extremely useful (without the grading and stuff). Her cookbooks are a wonderful place to start as well. You can preview portions of the book online. This is well worth the purchase!

Breakfasts…with Blender Batter Baking Allegry Alternatives by Sue Gregg- this is another wonderful resource by Sue Gregg explaining all the different wonderful whole grains at our disposal and how to start using them in your recipes. This has a lot of information that is taught in the course above. I love this book! You can also preview it here.

Sue Gregg has a wealth of information and sample recipes available for you on her website. I greatly appreciate the Talking Food Pages which she is updating all the time. She has articles on coconut oil, raw milk, sprouting bread, etc.

green-kitchen.JPGThe Green Kitchen Handbook by Annie Berthold-Bond – a simple and clear book with a wealth of information and practical advice, references, and sources for turning your kitchen into a healthful, livable space. It contains simple tips for immediate use: how to buy organic foods as inexpensively and conveniently as supermarket foods, what to look for on food labels, and how to reduce packaging. This is a basic how-to for many aspects of the kitchen. Helpful in pursuing good stewardship and nutrition in your life.

nourishing-traditions.JPGI do enjoy Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon, but I will give a disclaimer. The book overall is very detailed and almost a little too complicated in part for the beginner. Her recipes tend to be more complex and gourmet. I prefer the simple real food cooking, adapting my favorite recipes to make them more nutritious. I would definitely not recommend starting here, but rather with the other books listed above. I have used many of Sally’s recipes, but I believe in a more balanced approach as Sue Gregg offers, coming from a believer’s perspective.

God bless you as you pursue preparing food for the glory of God!

About Lindsay

Lindsay Edmonds is first a lover of Jesus, wife, mother of four, homemaker, and writer. She loves inspiring women around the world toward simple, natural, and intentional living for the glory of God.

10 Responses to Resources for Beginning a Healthy Lifestyle

  1. termite detection dog August 16, 2012 at 2:01 pm #

    I’m going to bookmark your site for the future. Keep up the great work!

  2. Jody June 18, 2012 at 6:14 am #

    I had a quick question when you have time. We have been following many of your nutritional guidelines for several years now, soaking, whole grains, whole foods, etc. Recently, I have been hearing more and more abou t “wheat belly”, not a diet so much as the concern about whole wheat and the likelihood that almost all wheat flours available now have been genetically modified……..have you researched this at all and do you know a flour company that is safe from this? I have always used Bobs Red Mill. Thanks for your time!

  3. Karen March 24, 2009 at 5:54 pm #

    How do I get that cookbook set?!!?! I’m SO very interested in cooking better for my family. I’m trying to buy more organic foods (but they are expensive and am LOVING this site). I’m also trying to cook better and buy less processed foods (please don’t cringe too much- I’m trying!). I’m thinking these cookbooks would be a good place for me to start. Where do I get the set?!

    • Lindsay March 24, 2009 at 7:24 pm #

      Check out suegregg.com.. I highly recommend the main dish and breakfasts cookbooks, but I think you would find the yeast breads one to be very helpful as well. Hope that helps!

  4. Samara Root February 16, 2009 at 11:58 am #

    broken link??? I clicked on the “resources for the healthy Momma” and it took me to “Resources for beginning a healthy lifestyle”….Or it might just be me…

    • Lindsay February 16, 2009 at 4:38 pm #

      No, I just had it titled wrong. ;)

  5. Stacy February 27, 2008 at 4:25 pm #

    I know I haven’t given you a chance to respond to my comment – but I thought you would share in my joy…

    My mom just called me for my birthday (it’s today) and she bought me the Sue Gregg Cookbook set!! How blessed am I?


    • Lindsay February 27, 2008 at 9:11 pm #

      What a wonderful blessing Stacy! I am so excited for you. To answer your question though, I actually only own the Breakfasts and Main Dishes cookbooks and have greatly enjoyed them. I think these are the most useful of the set. Have lots of fun with it!

  6. lylah ledner February 27, 2008 at 2:45 pm #

    LOVE that NT…it’s the NT Rad book….great post…

  7. Stacy February 27, 2008 at 2:17 pm #

    I have Nourishing Traditions and have sampled a bunch of Sue Gregg’s recipes – I have to agree that Sue Gregg does make it much more simple.

    Have you loked at any of her other books (besides the ones you mentioned)? I want to get them ALL! I am looking around online but have not found the set for less than $70 I think. I could buy them one at a time, but in the long run I will end up spending quite a bit more. So perhaps it is better to save and then buy the set…

    If I had to choose it would be the two you mentioned and also Main Dishes, Lunches and Snacks and Meals in Minutes. Hmmm, that’s almost the whole set isn’t it?

    Also, thanks for replying to my question/comment regarding where to purchase chicken (a few days ago). I appreciate it!

    Have a great day,