Archive | December, 2007

Input Request: Exercise Ideas

My sister-in-law and I were talking the other night about how we can get exercise as stay-at-home mommy’s, especially during the winter chilly months, and we need your input.

Growing up, my mom, sisters and I would get out our Stormie Omartian exercise videos and keep each other accountable by working out together. I appreciated Stormie’s videos because she was a believer and the music and dress were God-centered. Unfortunately, these videos do not seem to be produced any longer…at least I cannot locate them. Workout videos can definitely be on the cheesy side, but it is a great workout for indoors this time of year. Each session was only 30 minutes or so too.

During my pregnancy, I greatly benefited from Denise Austin’s Fit & Firm Pregnancy Workout. I would recommend it! A simple 20 minute workout and additional segments for more focused toning. She also has a post-pardon workout that is helpful. In the summer months after Karis was born I walked quite frequently with the help and accountability of my neighbor (who conveniently had also just had a baby and wanted to get back to her pre-pregnancy weight as well). Accountability is definitely a key!

Any good and simple ideas that you have found helpful for getting in regular exercise? Do you have a good exercise video recommendation? How did you fit it into your schedule?

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How Rich are You?

Revelations 2:8-9
“And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write: ‘The first and the last, who was dead, and has come to life, says this: ‘I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich)…’”

While reading through the book of Revelation, I was struck by this simple phrase that John records the angel saying in parenthesis: “But you are rich!” Profound. The Smyrna church is suffering tribulation and poverty and yet John brings to their attention the fact that they are rich. Rich in what? They are suffering and withstanding much persecution and John adds a simple reminder in the midst of it all for the church to reflect on how they are rich. Rich in the eyes of the world would mean possessing many worldly goods, but this rich means that we are rich because of our faith.

In whatever state we are in…whether we think we are in poverty by our lack of resources, or actually suffering the loss of all things, or simply anxious about the lack of things, or suffering under trials and struggles…the truth that stands forth is this command to reflect upon how truly indeed you are rich. We must counteract the negative thinking in regards to our circumstances with this reflection upon the truly positive events and blessings that have been poured out upon us.

How am I truly rich today?

  1. I have been given the grace of God! Forgiveness and everlasting love from the Maker of the Universe.
  2. I have been given everything I need to fulfill the will of God for my life at the present moment.
  3. I have shelter over my head and a wonderful husband that is providing so diligently for me and our baby.

To name a few.

It may not appear rich in the eyes of the world, but before God, the precious blood of Christ makes us perfectly clean and righteous before Him, eternity is being prepared for us, making us rich indeed!

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Calendars at the Dollar Store!

While out and about doing our errand shopping on Saturday, I stumbled across a great find at our local Dollar Tree. Of course I am in need of a new 2008 calendar for my kitchen and regular planning, and low and behold they sell calendars for $1! These were the large kitchen calendars you can hang anywhere.

Normally I have spent anywhere from $10-$15 on a decent calendar, and would have never thought to buy one there. Even the price on the back was listed as $10. Stop by your local dollar store today and save!

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Menu Planning Monday

Okay, so I decided to post my menu this week.on Monday to join in on the fun over at Organizing Junkie!

MONDAY: STIR FRY – Mondays are normally my stir fry night! I try to make a simple stir-fry once a week with lots of vegi’s over brown rice. Hubby is not too much a fan of stir fry but he can handle it once a week.

TUESDAY: LEFTOVER SOUP – as Tuesdays are my soup night, I have some frozen leftover soup in the freezer from last week. Soups freeze so nicely and since I always make a large batch, putting it in the freezer for another meal works great.

WEDNESDAY: CHICKEN ENCHILADAS – Tip: most enchiladas recipes call for condensed soup of some sort. Because most canned soups contain MSG, I always substitute the soup for sour cream. Works great! As we didn’t end of having it last week, I will be using some of the cooked chicken to make a pan of enchiladas (chicken from the whole chicken I cooked up this weekend). I use enchiladas sauce, chilis, olives, whole wheat tortillas and sour cream and layer in a pan. Easy! I will probably serve it with refried beans, corn, and green beans.

THURSDAY: CROCK POT RAGOUT – I love this simple dinner recipe from Sue Gregg. You simply saute 1 lb. ground turkey and then layer in in a dutch oven or crockpot with 1 onion, 6 carrots and 4 potatoes (all thinly sliced). You can also add green beans, corn, peas, as I usually do as well. Throw in a little seasonings (garlic powder, salt, pepper) and 1/2 – 1 cup water and let it cook for 30 minutes. I serve it with some ketchup on top! Excellent and oh so easy for a busy day. In the crockpot, you cook on low for 6 hours, or on high for 2 1/2-3 hours. I will serve with a fresh salad.



My breakfast menu is normally the same each week:

MONDAY – Eggs or Omelet, or French Toast (using homemade bread)
TUESDAY - Oatmeal (see below)
WEDNESDAYKefir Smoothie
THURSDAY – Oatmeal
FRIDAY – Smoothie
SATURDAYPancakes or something special

OATMEAL (for the updated recipe, visit here)
For our regular twice a week breakfast of oatmeal, I soak 1 cup of rolled oats with 1 cup of water and 2 Tbls of kefir (or more!). I let it sit covered overnight. In the morning I put 1 cup of water to boil on the stove. When it is rolling, I add the soaked oats and let it simmer for 15 minutes or so. We then add ground flax seeds, dried cranberries, chopped apples and sometimes a little mashed bananas and there you have an excellent high fiber breakfast.

Got any healthy breakfast recipes to share?

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Health Booster: Apple Cider Vinegar

Would you ever consider apple cider vinegar as a natural health booster? Who doesn’t have a jar of this valuable ingredient in your cupboard?

While in the process of solving my hubby’s high cholesterol problem, I have stumbled across this valuable vinegar and learned of its amazing health benefits. Apple Cider Vinegar excels in potassium.

Here are some of the reasons:

~Balances pH (acid-alkaline balance in the blood)
~Helps control cholesterol levels
~Increases muscular and nerve strength and vitality
~Fights viruses and bacteria
~Improves brain function
~Promotes healthy hair and skin tone (more on this in my next post on Friday in the Natural Living on a Budget series!)
~Softener of the artery walls
~Increases efficiency of all body processes and elimination
~Pain reducer

When the pH balance of the body becomes too acid, the body becomes susceptible to wide variety of disease conditions and break-down. The typical American diet supplies an over-abudance of acid-producing foods. In addition to potassium, apple cider vinegar contains the full range of major and trace minerals, and malic acid, which assists in removing toxins from the body.

Rather than taking all those additional supplements at high costs, try this natural substance! You only need to take 2 teaspoons a day to enjoy its full health benefits. It is a powerful fermented vinegar, so definitely take it with juice! We just started doing this at the beginning of the day. It is supposed to give you more energy…and I can use all the help I can get!

Or try this recipe:

Potassium Tonic
Drink first thing in the morning before breakfast.

1 glass warm or cool water
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
1-2 tsp honey, to taste

Also, try using ACV in your salad dressings! Try covering it up in a smoothie!

To receive all the benefits of this vinegar try buying it in a raw-unfiltered brand. It will appear clouded, as it contains the “mother”. This cloudy mixture of beneficial enzymes and bacteria is usually removed by heat or filtering. Why not get the full benefit? Most health food stores have at least one brand with the mother in it. Spectrum Naturals is one brand. I get mine at Trader Joe’s. Bragg’s brand, as pictured in the above photo, is another excellent brand, and is also a Christian company.

Enjoy, or at least try to, but your body will greatly enjoy the benefits if you don’t like the taste!

Most of the above information is supplied through Sue Gregg “Breakfasts” cookbook.

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Housecleaning on a Budget- Part 2

My desire through this Friday series (Natural Living on A Budget) is to provide you with ideas and resources to encourage you in more natural living but without paying the extravagant prices out there now a days for organic and natural products. As Christians, we are also responsible to be good stewards of the environment as well…this is not just something left for the world around us to be concerned about.

As far as housecleaning goes, there are many natural products available on the market today that are worthy of your support, but does it have to cost that much? No! Making your own products can serve the needs of your family and household far more naturally and cost effective. Check out Housecleaning on A Budget – part 1 for good recipes for making your own cleaners. Start simplifying your cupboards and your cleaning bucket today!

Here is an even simpler list of ingredients that are environmentally friendly alternatives that are inexpensive and readily available:

All-Purpose: 1/2 c. vinegar, 1/4 c. baking soda, 1/2 gal water
Window cleaner: vinegar, club soda, or the all-purpose cleaner
Disinfectant: 4 Tbls vinegar, 3 cups hot water
Scouring powder: baking soda
Natural Abrasive: salt & toothpaste, apply to scrubby or directly on surface
Dusting powder: vinegar, olive oil
Furniture polish: vinegar, food-grade lemon oil, or 1 c. olive oil and 1/2 c lemon juice
Fabric softener: vinegar
Silver polish: baking soda, salt, toothpaste
Mold/mildew: vinegar or lemon juice at full strength, with small amount of salt
Bleach replacement: spray one coat of vinegar, followed by one coat of hydrogen peroxide (these can not be mixed, so they have to be layered separately). Scrub and wash as desired. Works just as well as bleach without the chemicals.

You can add essential oils to all of these recipes for added scent, cleaning power, and to preserve them. For preservation purposes, try out citric acid, tea tree oil, rosemary oil/extract, and/or grapefruit seed extract.

Did you know you can even make a simple recipe for laundry soap and dishwasher soap?

Laundry Soap: See my homemade recipe here.

Dishwasher Soap: See my homemade recipe here.

Dishwashing Soap: Use baking soda and liquid soap, add 2-4 Tbls of vinegar to the warm, soapy water for though jobs. Dr. Bronner’s liquid soap diluted along with some vinegar and tea tree oil works as well.

Wow! Isn’t that easy. If you have vinegar, baking soda, and some essential oils you are pretty much set to go! You can buy 1 gallon of vinegar for around $4 (which is the price of one small container of all-purpose cleanser), which will extend very far for you.

Try using t-shirts or cloth diapers for all your cleaning needs! Eliminate the need for paper towels. I stopped using these a few months back and I have not missed them. I just have a pile of rags in the kitchen and in the closet at easy reach for any messes.

I just found this website recently which has a huge supply of more ideas for homemade cleaning products: Clean and Green.

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Buying into the Materialist Lifestyle

I have been struck recently by how easy it is to buy into the consumerist mentality that this world offers to make us happy. When I first became pregnant with my daughter, I was amazed at all the fancy gadgets that were available to satisfy every need that your child might have. Everything was so colorful, and fancy! Deluxe toys for your tiny baby…is that necessary? What is this encouraging? I thought to myself, why do we need all these fancy items for our children? Why do we feel like we have to entertain them? Do we not know that God has given them creative instincts to creative, think and develop their own entertainment without the need of computers, televisions, etc?

I have been surprised at how far I have slipped from this belief I held during my pregnancy. I bought or was given so many different little toys for my girl to play with. I thought since I was always buying the items used, we were being wise and frugal. What she really needs is relationship! She needs my love and attention. She is so happy to be doing what mommy’s doing in the ergo or just watching me from the laundry basket (thanks to Stephanie over at Keeper the Home for that idea!). The things I bought didn’t make her happy. She preferred just sitting up on her own with daddy’s water bottle, or my watch, or a little book. Wow! How eye opening!

I remember while growing up, my brothers would thrive in making up games of their own. They would build board games, etc. and be entertained for hours. They were so much fun! Building wise habits now in our entertainment decisions for my daughter will help greatly as she grows older.

My eyes have been opened to how easily these purchases have been increasing this worldly materialist idea in my head that we need an abundance of possessions in order to be happy or make our children happy. It’s a false hope! Only Christ Jesus can satisfy that deep desire for happiness. Not sucumming to this mindset also saves money and builds up the family life as we spend more time together!

Well, I am clearing things out today! That is my step for today in making my home a haven! I am returning to a simpler lifestyle!

And no, that picture does not come from my house, thank goodness!

What steps can you take to simplify your home? Here are a few ideas:

  1. We are only doing stockings for Christmas this year. So all the gifts will be small and practical. It has to fit in the stocking! This has really simplified my shopping and kept our focus on the true meaning of Christmas…we don’t need a lot of stuff that is going to take up room and come between us and the Savior whose birthday it really is!
  2. I have a friend with boys that only allows them to pick out 2-3 cars to play with for a certain period of time. The rest are stored away. When the end of the time comes they are excited to pick out 2-3 other cars to trade them in for. This keeps them with something new and fresh and yet not overloaded with too much toys at one time. Keeps the house more clean and organized as well. I was amazed at how content they were. I thought this was a great idea and can be used for any number of items in your home or your children’s toys!
  3. Clear out your stuff and donate to charity or another family. When we were first married another family gave us a collection of toys they were clearing out. It was definitely a random collection but it was very useful to have on hand for our hospitality.

God bless!

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A Glorious Work: The Home

The household is the God-ordained seat of education. It the first place where we are to develop and communicate a distinctly Christian aesthetic for culture. The home is not to be relegated to a mere place for consumption, but transformed into a powerful tool for industry and production…The home…has always been the God-ordained primary locus for daily worship. Our homes not only provide us with a platform to honor God’s non-optional commands for one-anothering and hospitality, but they are designed to be the most powerful forums for evangelism and discipleship in the Christian’s arsenal.”
- Doug Phillips

“Ladies, we have a great and glorious work before us. Keeping the home has been entrusted to us by God…Using our gifts and talents to glorify God in our role as helpers to our husbands, all within the well-choreographed dance of home life, imparts a quiet lesson to a watching world and communicates true contentment in the loveliness of womanhood. It declares ‘His glory among the heathen, His wonders among all people’ (Psalm 96:3).”
- Stacy McDonald

Quotes taken from “Passionate Housewives: Deseperate for God” by Jennie Chancey & Stacy McDonald. An excellent book to refresh your vision for your role in the home.

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Music & Marriage: Harmonizing the Roles

While teaching piano this past week I was prompted by a little analogy in our music session that really stood out to me. We were working on the importance of balance between the hands, as there are normally two distinct parts to music, melody and accompaniment. We are always searching the music and tones to discover which hand has the melody at any given time, as it should come out singing above the accompaniment in the other hand.

They are both very important parts to convey the full harmony of the song. Although the melody is often more prominent than the accompaniment, without the accompaniment and background harmonies the melody has no support or fullness. It does not sound as rich and beautiful without this proper balance.

Likewise, in comparison, in a marriage relationship we have two very equally important roles between a husband and a wife, but each has a completely different function. Without one or the other we do not have the full array of beauty and design that God created to be displayed in the marriage relationship, which is then a reflection of the Father and Son’s relationship in the Trinity. If the roles are reversed and the woman is showing disrespect in her attitude towards her husband to such an extend that he feels unworthy and unable to lead his family, we have a conflict of balance. It will sound more like a train wreck than sweet music.

Now every analogy has its falling point, but I do believe God has designed the husband to be the leader and protector of the family, a role that will be more prominent as the melody in music. He is the leader, he is the man of the house. He is to be known in the gates! But without the proper support of the accompaniment, his bride, serving to be his helpmate, encouraging him in his calling, and meeting his needs, he will not find such greatness. He must have a good woman behind him cheering him on.

The irony of this relationship is that being the accompaniment as a woman sounds like such a low position in the eyes of the world. But again, the symphony behind the solo instrument may appear small and insignificant on the recording but when you see it in live performance you couldn’t image the solo instrument sounding like anything without the background of all the different instruments and tones supporting it.The woman and any children that may spring from this relationship are called to a high position of supporting and believing in the man they are following. With this support, that man will go for.

It is only when I fully surrender to God’s beautiful design and harmony for marriage that I find the greatest delight in fulfilling my role as the accompaniment. It is there at Christ’s feet in submission to my husband that I find my greatest joy and purpose. There is no better place for me than to support and serve my husband!

When we work together in God’s design, our marriage will be as music to the world!

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Making Our Home a Haven – Day 7


Day 7 has arrived for the Making Our Home a Haven Challenge, and I am going to finish that one bathroom that did not get cleaned as of yesterday (and going back to last week!). I will be using my natural cleaning supplies, along with my handy dandy t-shirts, and toothbrush to get do to the core of the dirt and mess that as accumulated.Here is my list: I am keeping it simple today to because my girl is also pushing out her first tooth and you never know when she will need my attention!

1. Master bathroom
- Clean mirrors -DONE!
- Countertop – DONE!
- Toilet – DONE!
- bathtub -DONE!
- sweep & mop floor – DONE!
2. Clean out and organize my kitchen drawer (do you have one of those drawers that is just there to accumulate paper, pencils, money, envelopes, and misc junk? Well I do, and it could use my attention today!) -DONE!


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