Calendars at the Dollar Store!

While out and about doing our errand shopping on Saturday, I stumbled across a great find at our local Dollar Tree. Of course I am in need of a new 2008 calendar for my kitchen and regular planning, and low and behold they sell calendars for $1! These were the large kitchen calendars you can hang anywhere.

Normally I have spent anywhere from $10-$15 on a decent calendar, and would have never thought to buy one there. Even the price on the back was listed as $10. Stop by your local dollar store today and save!

About Lindsay

Lindsay Edmonds is first a lover of Jesus, wife, mother of four, homemaker, and writer. She loves inspiring women around the world toward simple, natural, and intentional living for the glory of God.

4 Responses to Calendars at the Dollar Store!

  1. Jamasina July 15, 2012 at 9:52 pm #

    I don’t know if you’ve seen these, but I have a dry-erase calendar so I don’t have to keep buying new ones (not that a dollar a year is going to break the bank, but I thought I’d throw out the suggestion). :-) The only down side is that you can’t really plan more than a month ahead.

  2. Lindsay Edmonds December 18, 2007 at 9:12 am #


    You are so incredibly sweet! That was such a nice post of me and my blog on your site. Thanks! I was very encouraged by your kind words.

    In regards to a bread maker, I do not have an auto one, but I do have a bosch mixer, that I love! I reviewed it here.

    Take care,


  3. Lylah December 17, 2007 at 8:58 pm #

    Hi there! $1…such a deal. and, i might need to try your crock pot ragout..that sounds great!

    question: do you have a bread maker? i see you do some home made bread :-)

    and, thanks for the post over at the ‘lylah’ blog :-) blessings..

  4. Mrs. T December 17, 2007 at 5:23 pm #

    Great idea! I’ll have to check into that!