Babywearing with Gretchen & Trina
I have just returned from a fabulous weekend retreat at the Relevant conference and find myself at a loss of words. My spirit was so refreshed and revitalized by the fellowship I shared with the wonderful gathering of sisters from all over the country. Ladies from different walks of life, different cultures, different standards, and yet we shared one core value of uniting together in being a writing force that builds the Kingdom of God. It was truly beautiful to see the community that blossomed in our midst.
This is the message that came loud and clear to my heart. You and I are together in the fight to be women that build our homes rather than tear them down with our own hands. We each have been gifted uniquely to bring something different to compliment the meal at the table before us, in our homes, our churches, and our lives.
I am just as messy as the next, as I battle to be a joyful mother and yet stumble once again in anger in response to my little boy wetting his pants (shouldn’t we be done with this?), or when these two little people fight over who gets to pull the silly suitcase from mommy’s trip around the house while they play camping. Or when I groan and complain because my body craves sleep and God has other plans for me.
I can’t remember the last time I made my own bread or toothpaste. We had canned soup last night for dinner. I sit here with a tangled mess of hair in my bathrobe. I don’t have my act together. We each have a voice…we each have a unique story. We are called to encourage one another. To tear down the masks of perfectionism. To admit that we are messy.
A fun reunion with my fellow sisters and bloggers from the Philippines trip: Stephanie, Tsh, Kat & Emily
I can compare myself to another and seep in bitterness and a fruitless life, or I can rejoice when another succeeds and together we can be fruitful in our own mission field in the home, church, work, and community. It is easy to compare yourself when you only look at yourself. But when you look at God, there is such freedom. (Thanks Joy for that message!) Comparison steals our unity.
Remember, our God “rejoices over you!”
“For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty Savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” (Zeph. 3:17)
HE rejoices over YOU, just the way you are.
Can you tell I like to laugh?
Am I willing to be honest in showing my messy self before others? What is my greatest hindrance to being real with others? Am I finding my identity in Him?
Let’s overlook our differences. “Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.” (Eph. 4:2). Let’s embrace the fact that we are truly loved by an amazing God. Let’s give grace to one another. Let’s be humble and honest to share our stories and encourage one another in our faith.
When we let go of comparing ourselves, throw aside our own insecurities, and simply embrace the way God has created us…beautiful, unique, and loved by an awesome Father, we can make a huge difference for His kingdom. Hand in hand…heart to heart. Let’s go!
These are the truths that have been ruminating in my heart…and I can’t help passing them on, my dear sisters.
Eden and I with my sweet friend Kat
Hear more about what others gleaned from the conference here.
Ok, I haven’t even read through this whole post yet, but wow! What a God thing. I have never even read the book of Zephaniah and today as I was reading my Bible I came across a study index in the back describing God as our Comforter and the verse to go along with it was Zephaniah 3:17. First time I ever read it and it brought peace to my soul as we are going through a really rough time. I just came across this post and saw you had that verse posted. Thank you!
Thank you for writing this post and for willing to be so real, Lindsay. I’ve been following your blog for a while, and I love all the natural living and homemaking advice. And sometimes I feel like a bad mama because I don’t make my own toothpaste and bake my bread from scratch.
Your post just encouraged me so much. None of us have it totally together, but thank God for his infinite grace!
In Christ,
Can you let me know what kind of wrap you are wearing with Eden. She looks so darn comfortable.
I am wearing a Moby Wrap. Love it!
What a blessing it was to me to read this paragraph: “I can’t remember the last time I made my own bread or toothpaste. We had canned soup last night for dinner. I sit here with a tangled mess of hair in my bathrobe. I don’t have my act together. We each have a voice…we each have a unique story. We are called to encourage one another. To tear down the masks of perfectionism. To admit that we are messy.”
As everyone else has said, the honesty is so appreciated.
I needed this post!! So great! thanks for sharing! Im in the middle of school, moving and lots of good change so, my house is just MESSY! and I need a shower haha this was so very encouraging.
One day I will get the first response. Sweet post poohie….
Thank you for sharing! We are so blessed to have a God who rejoices in us, despite our mess. Praise Jesus.
Thanks for sharing this:
“I can’t remember the last time I made my own bread or toothpaste. We had canned soup last night for dinner. I sit here with a tangled mess of hair in my bathrobe. I don’t have my act together. We each have a voice…we each have a unique story. We are called to encourage one another. To tear down the masks of perfectionism. To admit that we are messy.”
I really related to that and appreciate your honesty and transparency! Yesterday, I ate canned soup too and actually felt like I was failing in some way, but at the same time wondering “why do I think that way? This soup is good and its cheap! I should do this more often!”
I think the more we are transparent and real about our imperfections, the more others will be drawn to us and can relate to us.
Thanks so much for your honesty. It’s amazing to me how the Lord can strengthen us when we take off our masks and share with each other honestly. It is such a brave and courageous thing to do to share the messiness of your life, but we are so encouraged by it!!
That verse from Zephaniah just happened to be the memory verse for the 5 and 6 year-old ballet class I taught tonight (I work at at a Christian dance studio and we have a memory verse each week). I guess God wants me to know that he rejoices over me – no matter how messy my house is, how many dirty dishes are in my sink, how much clean laundry sits in baskets waiting to be put away. I compare myself far too often to those around me and to those bloggers who seem to have it all together. They post their meal plans and I think “how in the world do they cook that much!?! i can barely get dinner on the table!” Thank you for your honesty about canned soup and not making bread! That is where we are as a family right now, too. I’m pregnant with number 2, our toddler is in a phase where he pulls everything out of the kitchen cabinets and hasn’t learned how to clean it up (probably because I haven’t taught him!), I teach dance three nights a week, and my husband is in seminary and doesn’t have much time or energy to put into housework. It is a balancing act for sure! I have been struggling to be at peace about the way things are and to rest in God’s love. But there he is rejoicing over me! I needed to hear that. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. I gain so much from what you write – spiritually, emotionally, and physically. God has given you a gift and you are definitely using it for His glory. Your honesty about your imperfections spoke straight to my heart today. I seem to put pretty much every other woman on a pedestal, believing that they have it all together and I’m the only one who can barely keep it together at least enough to look like I’m surviving on the outside. Thank you for reminding me that I’m not the only one and that all God wants is for me to do my best.
You are truly beautiful and I am so grateful God has led you to create this blog/website!
What a beautiful post! And so absolutely true. I think one of the hardest things between women is stopping the comparison, because we’re so caught up in appearing to be less/more than we are. We have it so ingrained in us that others are judging us and that we don’t measure up. If we just let it go, and Let God.
Your tasteful authenticity really is what allows others to join you on your inspiring journey. Thank you so much for this post and the time we spent at Relevant getting to know each other. I’m so blessed that we had that chance to laugh together and make a memory. I thank God for you.
Amen and amen! God ha been showing me similar things as I learn how to be a mother and wife! You are not alone! God bless!
I’m starting a mom’s group this Friday and this is exactly what I was hoping to express to them, but didn’t have the right words! Thanks for sharing!
Dear Lindsay, thanks for this honest and really encouraging post! Sometimes reading your blog I feel ashamed that I have such a lack of energy with just one baby! My household is a mess since the birth of 10 weeks old Elisabeth and I feel so often tired and overwhelmed. The pictures you post are always so beautiful and you look so really good! Thanks for sharing that you are struggling with the same problems, you made my day. Esther
I loved this. It’s just what I needed to hear today. Thank you so much for being genuine and always pointing us to God. I want to embrace this and lift other Mother’s up instead of wallow in self pity over my insecurities. I will trust in the Lord and move forward. Thank you.
Thank you for the wonderful post. I struggle so often with comparing myself to other moms, who seem to have it so much more together than I do. I have to constantly remind myself just to do the job that God set before me. I really appreciate your honesty; it is so encouraging that there are other moms who struggle with comparing and are working to focus on being who God called them to be.
Awesome!! I so needed to hear these words today! Thanks so much!
thank you for posting this! I aspire to be more and so many times end up feeling defeated because I see these wonderful women who seem to do it all, and so many times I am just trying to make it day by day with my two little ones! It’s refreshing to be reminded we must be real and just do the best we can. I love your posts and watching your little ones grow up.
Lindsay–this is a beautiful reflection of your heart. I’m glad you wrote what you did & that you shared your heart (even the messy parts, because it makes you even more real). I enjoyed being able to talk with you briefly at the conference & I too walked away with a heart full. Blessings to you & I hope your trip back was semi-easy.
I got to meet you for all of about two seconds at the conference. It was nice to say hello to you in the flesh.
I love what you have shared here and am struggling along as many others are, striving to be brave enough to let others see the messy me and remain steadfast in the knowledge that the One who matters most loves me anyway.
Hi Lindsay,
I am so glad you had a wonderfully uplifting time at Relevant. And, as always, thank you for your words. I too, hope to use my blog as a ministry, to help in building up the home. So very, very important. You help to minister to me and so many others, which in turn helps us to lift up more mamas, and so on, and so on. Thank you for letting God use you in this way!
Do you happen to know of any transcripts available online of the speakers? If so, wondered if you had a moment to pass on to us that info.
Thank you in advance,
New blog reader here. I loved your post! Very up lifting
Such a beautiful post, Lindsay! And the pictures are just GREAT!
Your transparency is so refreshing! Photos and posts of you & your family LOOK like you have it all together, but how nice to hear that I’m not the only one that doesn’t have my act together! Thanks for your encouragement!
You are such an encouragement Lindsay! Thank you for posting about your canned soup and bath robe. It’s just what I needed to hear today. Thank you for doing what you do!
Thank you for encouraging words! It brought tears of gratefulness to my heart that as I have been struggling with lamenting over how “good” of a job I am doing, you reminded me that God has me here for a reason &I he gave me my wonderful children. I need to work o please him and persevere because God definitely knows I am messy and don’t have it all worked out!
thanks for sharing! what an encouragement. even more encouraging as i was just reading Eph 4 last night with the highlights of being an encouragement. blessings!
As always, thank you for your encouragement. I praise God for allowing me to be apart of His family so I have fellow sisters who walk in the same light. You truly have no idea how encouraging this is for me.
The world looks at us like we’re crazy, sometimes even our own family. Finding this, even though it’s just surface & online, still encourages me and reminds me to press on because it’s worth the fight to live the life God has called us to live.
Thank you & God bless!
Thanks for the reminder, because truly, I have joy when I blog in a honest way that glorifies Him. And I appreciate your heart-felt blogging.
Beautiful and encouraging, thank you!
Thanks for sharing these encouraging words. Very good food for thought – I may even read it a second time to glean more. Thanks much, Kim
So encouraging to remember that no one is perfect, and God is sanctifying each of us in His own way and perfect timing.
So encouraging. I would love to go to Relevant one day… just not the season for me right now. Looks like a lovely, uplifting time! (And I love the tops you’re wearing!)
I just love you Lindsay.
Ahh…You have become such a dear friend, Kat! God is so good!