My hormones have been seemingly on strike these past weeks while my baby has been weaning, sleep lacking, my emotions creeping out of control, and my spirit has been tempted to wallow in self-pity, discouragement, and despair. Why is it so easy to loose my joy at the bad attitude of a child, or a seeming unproductive day where nothing was checked off my to-do list, or at the late hours required of my husband to get a business off the ground?
Because I keep forgetting what is true and real (Philippians 4:8), and not loving God with all my mind.
Our God is the author and creator of laughter. He rules in the heavens in perfect control of the future. He controls the striving of the wicked who arrogantly fight for their own glory and success. Psalms 2 reminds us of this truth. The nations are raging war against the Lord, and yet “the One who rules in heaven laughs, the Lord scoffs at them” (Psalms 2:4).
Our God sees and knows all, and yet He laughs.
I am His daughter, created and fashioned in His very image (Genesis 1:27). Laughter is a part of my design! One of the ways I can imitate God is by practicing and walking in a spirit of laughter. Laughter is a distinguishing mark of a strong godly woman.
Proverbs 31:10, 25 describes this woman. “Who can find a virtuous woman? She is more precious than rubies…She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.”
She can laugh, because she is confident that God is fighting for her (Exodus 14:14).
She can laugh, because she has rejected fear, and has cast every care upon the God who desires to carry her burdens (2 Timothy 1:7, 1 Peter 5:7).
She can laugh, because she is confident of God’s control over all events and circumstances past, present, and future (Isaiah 14:26-27).
She can laugh, because she is confident of God’s everlasting and adoring love for her (Jeremiah 31:3).
She can face tomorrow with a smile, because she knows without doubt that her God and Father will always be working all things together for her good (Romans 8:28).
She can delight, because her future is secure. Her eternal future is being prepared for her. (Psalms 16:5, Psalms 23:6, Jeremiah 29:11, John 14:1-3, Philippians 3:20-21).
She can rejoice, because she will never face condemnation, and can boldly reject every lie, guilty fear, and condemning thought from the enemy (Romans 8:1, 33-34).
She can laugh, because she is assured that her God is always watching over her and His ears are ever attentive to her prayers (Psalms 34:16, Philippians 4:6-7).
She can smile, because she has chosen to turn every wandering or negative thought about herself, her God, or her circumstances and turned them rather towards what is true, real, right, pure and beautiful (Philippians 4:8-9).
She can laugh, because she has been given the gift and privilege of God’s peace and she has embraced it (John 14:27).
She can smile at the future, because her hope is anchored in Christ (Hebrews 6:19-20).
“For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. And you are her children, if you do good and do not fear anything that is frightening” (1 Peter 3:5-6).
In a recent sermon, our pastor, Matt Cunningham, shared the following challenge: “A Christian woman is not one who puts her hope in her husband, and she’s not one who puts her hope in getting her husband. She is not one who puts her hope in looks, but she’s one who puts her hope in the promises of God…[quotes Prov 31:25]..The future doesn’t make her fearful. The future doesn’t cause her to be afraid. She looks at the future not with anxiety. She looks at the future and she laughs at it. She trusts in God so much, her hope in God is so secure, that she looks at the future, the uncertainty of it, and she laughs at it. Now that is a strong woman! That is a woman who finds her hope and her identity in Jesus Christ alone. She looks away from the troubles and the obstacles of life. She focuses her attention on the sovereign power and love of God. She looks at the one who rules in the heavens and does whatever he pleases. Whose favor is towards her, whose favor is towards her family, and she laughs at the future. How God longs for these kinds of women to be in His church!”
Oh Lord, help this to be true of us, your daughters! May we be known as women of God who laugh at times to come because we are confident in our identity in Christ, and are resting in a firm and unshakeable knowledge of God’s control of all things, including each one of our children, every penny and possession, every moment of our future, every circumstance, and every success or failure.
What beautiful women we can and will be by the power of the Holy Spirit! Who knows how it may impact a watching world around us? I believe without a doubt that they will be attracted to Christ as they witness our joy and confidence in the Lord!
That is the kind of strong woman I want to be!
Footnote: One of the resources that has really helped me through this journey of overcoming fear and my identity struggles, teaching me instead to take my thoughts captive to the obedience to Christ, is Elizabeth George’s Loving God with All Your Mind. I highly recommend this book along with the study guide to take it to a deeper heart level. It really has been life-changing for me. Really useful book for a one-on-one accountability relationship or small group study.
I am so glad you are back! Your blog has always been such an encouragement.. I have been struggling with life a bit these past few months, and two days ago was thinking about your site, and all the posts about struggling and finding rest and peace in God. What a wonderful surprise to see new articles and an update! God works in many ways, and I believe he has used you to encourage me many a difficult day.
I couldn’t comment on your “Three Years” post but I just wanted to say I’m so glad you’re back and you’ve been missed! I so admired your willingness to step away and focus on your family a few years ago. But I’m just thrilled to see you back and how big your children are (I started reading your blog before Titus was born) and to see your new baby. You have a precious heart and so much worth sharing. You are a blessing to this ever-growing online community and even though I know you’ve got a LOT of balls in the air, it will be wonderful to see your posts when you have something to share. Blessings to you and your family~
It’s so good to see this blog up and running again
I used to follow you way back in the day after my first kiddo. I just googled encouraging scripture for moms and this post popped up. So refreshing! These were exactly what I needed to hear! Thank you.
I just discovered you’re writing again – with such joy I read your update. I’ve been on a similar journey (laying similar idols to rest) and I know its challenging and scary sometimes. (Fear has played a huge role in my idols like healthy eating and I’ve learned to rest more in God’s peace…) Our children are the same exact ages 9, 7, 4 and 1. They are fun ages – but really tiring at times. I’m going through the same thing weaning my little one right now. I had forgotten what hormonal changes felt like since I had been breastfeeding for so long! Well its wonderful to see you blogging again – I pray that you are able to strike a wonderful balance with it. BTW, thank you sooooo much for keeping it live during this time. I came back many times looking for articles, recipes, etc. during your break.
Hi Lindsey. I’ve been suffering from insomnia this past week, and remembered that you had mentioned it on your blog. (I started reading back in 2009 after my first born, but have never commented). I came to search for back posts, and was so excited to see that you are blogging again. And, not only that, but this was exactly what I needed to hear today. God is good, and I am grateful for the work he is doing through you!
I’m so excited that you’re back! Yours was one of the first blogs I started following and I’ve still checked it occasionally over the years. If you get a chance, I would absolutely love to see a post on your daily/weekly routines these days and what you’re using for school
. Beautiful family by the way!
I always love it when you share things like this – I feel like our journeys/struggles are similar … your encouragement and wisdom is always so well timed too.
Thank you!
Lindsay, I think this may be the first time I’ve ever commented. I am so glad that the Spirit is leading you to write again! Your blog has blessed me so much over the years! Whether you are writing or taking a break, we’ll be here!
Dear Lindsey,
I have been reading your blog many years ago and am from Singapore. Recently I was searching and decided to revisit your blog and am so glad that you are back. Well I m not a mother yet but your article are very interesting and I found myself followup each time! This article about laughed is so useful and rare. Keep it up! Thanks for the sharing with fellow sisters in christ.
Lindsay, this is my first time commenting, but I’ve been following your blog since the beginning and have learned much from your writing; from lacto-fermenting, to the benefits of coconut oil, to heart lessons. I’m excited God has brought you back to blogging and it is clear He is doing amazing things in your heart and life. I so appreciate your raw honesty and that you always bring us back to Jesus and His Word. Thank you for being an encouragement!
This really encouraged me, Lindsay. Thank you SO very much! Going to check out the book now.
Oh, thank you! A beautiful message that I needed to hear.
There are times when I’ve felt that worrying is somehow the responsible thing to do–a way of showing that I care and am invested in the situation. Laughter seemed cold and detached, heartless. Thank you for putting things into perspective and reminding me of the warmth of carefree, trusting laughter.
I’ve had some of those exact thoughts, but then I have to remind myself that the Lord promises that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. He hasn’t designed me to carry the heavy yoke of fear and anxiety. He is the one who carries those for us, and calls us to cast them upon Him. There is such a sweet gift of peace for those who keep casting their cares and not over bearing them on their own. I love how in Timothy Lane’s book, Living without Worry, he defines worry as over-concern and says, “Jesus is not telling us not to be concerned about things. He is telling us not to be over-concerned. The two are not the same, and you can recognize the difference because concern takes wise action and prays dependently. Worry or over-concern, thinks and acts as though everything is up to you, or completely out of control and prays desperately, if at all.” Blessings on you as you fight for joy and a spirit of dependent laughter!
I really needed to hear this…….this morning! Thank you so much Lindsay!
Thank you! Glad you’re back
This is the kind of post I’ve been missing while you’ve been gone for 3 years, Lindsay – there’s nothing else like PH
I’ve been dealing with uncontrolled anxiety the last few months and am now receiving medication and therapy – but it has been a blessing in disguise, as I’ve really come to depend more on God than I ever have and I am spending more time reading His Word than I ever have.
I will try to remind myself of what you have posted and will probably read it over and over again. Thank you.
Thanks dear for your sweet words. Sink your roots down deep in the Word. You are doing the very best thing. I also recommend memorizing Scripture as well so you have the weapons ready to attack the lies of the enemy that enter your thoughts and cause you to fear. It has been such a sweet journey for me as well. Blessings!
Thank you! This was great timing for me. I’ve been fighting the blues which has taken me off guard because I’m usually pretty positive, slow to worry and easy to laugh. Our bible study JUST finished “Loving God With All Your Mind,” so I’m probably being tested. Ha!
This is wonderful!! Thank you!