I have been richly blessed by all the feedback and encouragement I have received since I wrote my announcement early in January about how God has been leading me to take a sabbatical from blogging for an undetermined amount of time. It was a great delight to re-share some of the TOP 10 posts that have been published here over the last five and half years, and to see many more comments come in from ladies blessed again by these words. I hope you were blessed and encouraged and I pray that God will continue to use these simple messy words shared here to bring glory to His name! Be assured that the blog isn’t going anywhere, so you will have full access to all the archives and recipes for your personal use. Please utilize them to your hearts content! I don’t know what the future holds for now, but I’m excited to see what is the next step in this journey that God is taking me on. I will be disabling the comments sometime this weekend. You will still be able to view old comments, we just will not be accepting new comments for the time being, as they require moderation. Thank you for understanding.
Thank you for sharing this space with me and for coming back again and again, and for sharing your life, your heart, your tears, and your encouragement. This has been an amazing experience and I have treasured every moment spent here! Till we meet again – whether here or in eternity! May God richly bless and sustain you and may you strive each and every day to live your life with intentionality for His glory and the furtherance of His kingdom in whatever season of life He has you in! Know that I am here striving to be faithful right along side you though we may be worlds apart!
Pressing on to know the Lord,
Hi Lindsay! Just checking back to see if you are back! Missing you and your wonderful posts! May your 2014 be blessed! Thank you for allowing God to use you! You are a blessing to many!
Will you ever be coming back to blogging? Missing you!
I was wondering the same thing!
You are an amazing person and I LOVED your posts! I haven’t been in a while but love your deodorant recipe and come back often. You taught me a lot and will be ever grateful for that! <3 I wish you the best of luck on your adventures and Hope to see you back sooner than later
Thank you so much for sharing your heart and thoughts through this blog. I only learned about this blog yesterday, but it already has been a blessing. I thank God for helping me to renew my heart for motherhood and discern what He wants from me. Thank you once again, and may God be with you and your family day by day, moment by moment, as He always has been.
Thank you so much for all of the wonderful information you have shared! I pray you are as fulfilled by the next journey God has for you as you have obviously been by this one.
Thank you so much Linsay! May the Lord bless your family!
Best wishes to you and your family. Thank you for the great, informative blog!
Your blog has been a great blessing to me too! I make your whole wheat bread recipe almost every week, after years trial and error I finally found one that worked for me and that my family likes. God Bless you and your family.
I’ve been reading your blog almost since you started. You have blessed me many times with your posts, but especially with your honesty and integrity. It was here that I discovered one of my favourite books ever: Mission of Motherhood, and many more things. Thank you ever so much! May God bless you and your family always! xx
The Lord lead you into His heart’s desire as you continue your journey of following Him. Much grace.
I have *loved* reading your blog over the past few years — it has been an encouragement as I have been in the same season of life and have been soooo encouraged in ministry, motherhood and missions by your inspiring, uplifting words. Just wanted to asy **thank you** for taking the time to invest in others’ lives through your blog!
Dearest Lindsay,
I have never commented on a blog before (at least someone outside of my family!), but I couldn’t let this last opportunity to communicate with you pass by. I’m a middle-aged wife and mom and have read your blog for years. I’m not into social media and read very few blogs, but yours has been a daily favorite and I have forwarded your link or certain posts to many over the years! The Lord has used you to encourage so many at such a young age as you are walking through life alongside them, as well as those coming along behind, and even many of us who could be your mom! God has gifted you and you have faithfully served Him and the body of Christ. I have been thankful for the encouragement, exhortation, and edification in many areas of life. I’ve marveled at your maturity and all you accomplish, as well as your honesty and humility. You are wise to listen to the Lord and step away in obedience at this time, even though I selfishly hope He will lead you back to blogging in another season of life! Please know that this wife, mom, and fellow sister in Christ, has been richly blessed by your efforts and will be praying for you and your family as you press on toward the upward call of Christ! Thank you so much for leaving your blog up for us. I’m sure I will refer to it time and again. Grace upon grace to you, dear sister!
Wow! I see that you are loved dearly and blessed immensely!
Very inspirational!
Pueblo CO Water Damage
You will be missed dearly! It takes courage to give up something that you love, but if it’s what God requires, the blessings always far outweigh the sacrifice! Thank you for the service this blog has been to me. Will it be staying up as a reference or will we not be able to access it anymore? If not..I have some serious recording that needs to happen before you disappear (esp. the DELICIOUS recipes). Let me know! Thanks again and God bless!
Lindsay, Your blog was the first one I started to read before I really knew what a blog was. Thank you just doesn’t seem to be enough but thank you none the less! You have touched my life more than you will ever know thanks for your wonderful spirit and example! With much love! Tammie
Lindsey, Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us. Your blog has been speaking God’s truth in to my life since I started reading back in 2009. I am blessed to have found my way to your website. Your deodorant recipe, homemade diaper rash cream, newborn essentials, cloth diaper reviews, posts on deliberate motherhood, and so much more have been shared by me to friends around the world! What an impact God has made through you! I will miss new posts, but have no doubt that I will be coming back around the get filled up on the old ones.
A few tears, but many more smiles coming your way from Boulder, CO.
Thank you so much for the past 3 years (for me!) of log posts. I can’t tell you the number of times you would post about the very topic/issue with which I was currently engaged, whether a spiritual struggle or a mundane mommy-type issue. You have certainly blessed our family with your honest and God-centered writings. You and your family will be in my prayers as you embark on your extended sabbatical, though I must admit I hope you will return (at least occassionally – love reading your family updates and seeing your family change and grow!)
Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart and your passion. You have truly helped and inspired me in so many ways in recent years. I’m excited for you and praying for the next chapter in your journey. You will be greatly missed, dear one. Blessings and peace to you and your precious family!
Lindsay, you are such a blessing. I’ve been reading your blog pretty much since the beginning, and it has been a huge encouragement. When I started reading, I was newly married with no children and no homemaking skills, and no idea what God intended for homemakers. I’m now a mother of three,a great cook who loves the kitchen, and my heart for homemaking has grown considerably, and you and your blog have been hugely instrumental in that. I’m so sad to see you take a sabbatical, but I understand, as life can get unnecessarily overwhelming with three children and plates full of other things. You have been such a blessing, and I pray that God richly blesses you! I hope we will meet again.
God bless Lindsay and family! You’ve always been an encouragement to me.
Simple & Sweet: Your blog has been such an amazing resource & source of inspiration to me! I’m a firm believer that God is always preparing us for what is next. After 5 years pouring out your soul, I am excited to see what He has in store for you next! Enjoy this time with your family. May it cultivate a deeper understanding of who you are in Him!!!
Many Thanks & Blessings!!
Your blog has been such a blessing to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your hard work and sacrifice to serve us. I found you about 3 years ago when I had my 2nd son and had no idea how to meal plan or run a home. I now have 3 boys all under 6 and the Lord has used you to help teach me to be an on my knees, joy seeking, homeschooling, cloth-diapering, healthy cooking, meal planning kind of woman. I have learned to find joy in serving my family not perfectly but passionately.
Praying you and yours are richly blessed! With much love & affection to you!
Thank you for all your time over the years.
my Lindsay,
I love you precious one. I am so glad you have had this experience. I have read your blog many times over the years and have been so blessed at your wisdom. I think my favorite is the video on home-made deodorant.. not sure if I have gotten there yet. Have a happy rest. I know you won’t sit for long. Pops
Typing with one finger on my phone while nursing my newborn precludes me from typing too long..you’re such a great model! Thanks for sharing your life with us, your blog is such a Treasure chest x Moms like me!
I have meant to let you know how much I have been blessed by you for quite some time now and just haven’t taken the time yet to let you know. So it’s now or possibly never:). I have been so blessed by your heart, by your insights, and by your practical tips. I gave birth to my first son this past summer and I utilized your blog more than you can possibly know. I found your posts about labour, newborn essentials, cloth diapers, feeding solid foods, and so many more incredibly helpful and have followed your suggestions a ton! You’d be amazed, actually. I’ve also found your honesty, openness and genuine love for Jesus tremendously encouraging and inspiring. I truly feel that you are one of the most kindred spirits I have ever “met” and I do truly look forward to meeting you when Jesus returns. I pray sincere blessings on your sabbatical. I trust God will meet you in a fresh, deep and intimate way.
Why am I crying!? LOL. Thanks for sharing your life with us. Thanks for all of the advice, encouragement and recipes
You have truly enriched the lives of many, many people.
Praying God’s blessings over you and your family!!!
Dear Lindsey,
I have been so blessed by this blog! I started following it about two and a half years ago. It is the first blog I’ve followed. As a wife and young mother of two who has just started homeschooling, it has helped guide me. Thank you for sharing your life and pointing us to Christ as we walk this journey. I am glad the posts will still be accessible. The resources are much appreciated! May God bless you and your family as you serve Him earnestly.
God bless you, will miss your sharing!
I just want to thank you for all you have shared here. Your blog has been such a wonderful resource for me and will continue to be. Thank you for sharing your recipes and ideas for your family. May God bless you richly and I hope we do meet again here as well as in eternity!
Thank you, Lindsey. I have to say that I have been most blessed and encouraged by the spirit you have of truly seeking the Lord first, and bringing glory to His name. I’m probably about your age with 4 little ones, and I have shared your journey of motherhood, and being a wife with a lot of understanding. Sometimes I have cried as I read your posts, as they have convicted my heart, or just blessed me so much in pointing me to the Lord. May you be encouraged that this blog has born fruit to God’s glory!
May you be blessed in your labors at home also, and I will remember you and your family in prayer.
Thank you for your ministry to us Lindsay. May you enjoy every moment with your little ones, and find joy and contentment at a deeper level this year and beyond. You’re a special lady. – Victoria
I have been so encouraged by your blog and will continue to come back and read through the archives. Thanks for being such a role model; may you be richly blessed!
Thank you so much for all that you have done here, Lindsay. I wish you and your family all of the best and safe travels! May God make himself known to you in every place you dwell.
Many many MANY blessings, Lindsay! May God bless you immeasurably!
Lindsay, thank you for blessing my life with your spiritual insight and healthful living tips. I discovered your blog 4 yrs ago when I was going through tough times … lost our home and most of our finances. I didn’t know what a blog was (lol) but started getting to know the rest of the blog world in due time
. I pray for you and your family to be blessed in your continued journey with your and our King and Savior. Thank you again for your sweet influence in my life and walk with God. Will miss you <3
Oh my goodness! I just read this and am so surprised! Your blog is one of the few that I look forward to and actually follow! I will miss you even though you do not know me! I have read various posts of yours and listened. I understand that God must be pulling you elsewhere right now for the right reason but I will miss you and your thoughts and faith in the Lord which has been an encouragement for me. Wishing you and your family all the best,
God Bless! Thank you for all the wonderful resources. I’ll miss anything new that you could offer but perhaps it won’t be until eternity when we meet again. At least I hope that isn’t the case
Thank you for how you have served so many women through the years, Lindsey, as I know you will continue doing! You blog was also the first blog I’ve read consistently starting over 3 years ago…pretty much the only one actually. You have encouraged and inspired me over these last 3 years. I’m so sad not to be able to read your posts!! But thoroughly understand. You are an amazing, wife, mom, and women!
God bless you, dear Lindsay, in whatever God leads you to pursue. You have been a huge inspiration to me. Thank you so much!
Than you! Thank you! Thank you! Your blog was the first one I ever started reading (4 years ago when my daughter was born). You have been such an inspiration to me (seriously, you’ll never know the impact you’ve made on my life). Thank you for leaving the site up, and I do hope to see you around some.
Thanks for sharing your heart, your practical advice, and much more. Your blog has blessed me. God bless you for doing what He is leading you to do at this time – your obedience is an encouragement to us just as your writing has been.
Lindsay, thank you, again, for this blog, and for your words of wisdom! You’ve helped me in so many ways in being a mom and a woman of God. I pray God will richly bless you as you as you go about what God has for you next! And thank you for keeping your blog available! There are so many things that I will continue to reference.
Thank you Lindsay!
Your blog has been such a blessing to me!!! It has been so neat how The Lord has used it so many times to speak such life into me as I journey thru homemaking and motherhood and Christ following. I think we live parallel lives… Even this year of rest. Thank you so much for being so faithful to God’s leading!!! I have learned soooo much and been so encouraged!!! So thankful!!!
Thank you so much for all you’ve done for me and so many others. You and your family will continue to be in my prayers. And hey, if I ever make the long trek from New York to the west coast, I may look you up
. God bless!
will you still post for PH on Facebook?
Thank you for all of your posts through the years. They have certainly been a blessing & encouragement to me and many friends! God bless you & your family during this exciting time of transition!
I will miss you that’s for sure! Thank you for having blessed my life so much!
I’m so grateful for the encouragement, inspiration, and gentle challenges I have found in your words over the last few years. Yours is one of the first blogs that I found and latched onto at a time when I was starving for a great increase in Truth in my life. It was the beginning of the period where I went from believing in and loving God to making Him The Lord of my life. I will miss your posts, but am grateful for your obedience! The work you have done here is mighty, friend. Thank you for letting Him use you to serve so many!
Thanks so much for all of your honest and heartfelt insight! In a world where less and less believe in God, I am so thankful for people like you who share and stand up for your beliefs regardless of what others think! I am thankful for the upliftment I’ve received from your blog and I’m a better person because of it. Good luck with your next step in life, and your focus on your family! You are doing the right thing
Precious Lindsay,
You have blessed His name, Magnified His Power, Glorified His Works, and brought holiness back to what many feel is mundane. In the short time I have spent here, I have seen women truly open up to you, be honest with themselves, be challenged and encouraged. Your work here in this space has blessed many.
I pray you would be built up and strengthened in the Lord and His mighty power. That He would make clear His path for you and that you would have the endurance and perseverance to obey Him.
May your family be strengthened and built up during your time away!
Your Sister in Christ & Friend In-Real Life
Angie Tolpin
I agree. May God bless you during this time! Hugs
You have been such a blessing, Lindsay. Thank you for all your work here.
May God richly bless you as you seek to serve your young family and raise them in His way!