Wow. Where do I begin? It had been an entire year and then some since I sat down and wrote words on this page. And then I didn’t feel ready yet, so it was saved in the drafts. I started it again last fall, and was all ready to publish, but then felt a check in my spirit once again. Now three years have passed. Three years of resting. Three years of stepping back. Three years of letting go of so many idols and strongholds in my heart, and seeing God move it and transform in ways no words can express. Of letting go and giving God freedom to prune. My eyes were opened to how I had tied so much of my identity into my blog and the approval received here and in my various ministries in our church body. Tis so sweet to see what God can do when you follow His lead in simply letting it all go completely without holding onto what might happen in the future. But it is now time for an update at the very least!
2013-2016 have included a new job for Aaron at a local web development firm. Then the courage gained to launch out again in starting his own business in the same field. He has now been running his own business for about one year. It included an awesome vacation with my entire side of the family to Mexico, and multiple trips to the Oregon coast and camping in between. Our little ones have turned 9, 7 & 4, and we have nearly completed another year of homeschooling with my Karis girl in 3rd grade, and my son Titus in 1st grade, and Eden joining in for the ride, and adopting a more flexible Charlotte Mason educational philosophy in our home. We love circle time, studying famous artists and composers, poetry tea times, and lots and lots of read alouds. We are coming up quickly upon our 10th anniversary (in May 2016), and we both turned 30 in the past year! It included finding true community in our church, with a godly mentorship and accountability relationship with another woman, meeting weekly and hashing through my strongholds of identity, anxiety, and performance mentality.
It included a difficult miscarriage in the Spring of 2014…where the physical issues carried on and on. My heart was stripped bare like it had never been done before. But God’s mercy is new every morning, and two more little feet were added to our numbers on March 2, 2015, with the arrival of Helen Shalom (“peaceful light bearer”). She is now one year old!
These past years I have been experiencing more of God’s peace and trusting in Christ’s finished work on my behalf instead of putting my hope in my performance and striving for His approval through my perfectionistic tendencies.
A few of the lessons learned in brief (stated here for my own remembrance):
1. Never stop investing in your marriage. We are learning to think outside the box, finding creative things to do together on date nights on the town or at home. But most of all, I’ve learned to stop trying to change my husband. That’s God’s job and not mine. With the embracing of that simple truth, I have found my love increase for this man and just enjoying him for who he is. It’s been beautiful and freeing!
2. Stop being a worrier and become a warrior for God instead. My soul has been meditating on Exodus 14:14 for many moons, “The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at REST.”
3. Make community a priority. Getting in weekly accountability with other sisters in Christ has been incredibly fruitful. If you want to see growth and freedom, this is one of God’s means of grace.
4. Cease striving and know that He is God. He requires nothing, absolutely nothing, that I bring, but simple faith and believing that He made the perfect performance so that t I wouldn’t have to. Don’t forget the gospel and who you really are in Christ.
5. God makes no mistakes. Even in my past failures, suffering, and business disasters, God has made no mistakes. My life and story to date is not plan B. Even my shortcomings are a gift, pointing me to the strength that God uniquely supplies for me. He has only good in store for you (Jer 29:11). The pain that is right before you is part of the beautiful tapestry He is weaving of our lives.
God is good.
I’ve been praying a lot about his blog for quite some time now. I have felt a longing in my heart to begin again off and on. But I kept waiting. I honestly don’t know what it will look like from here. So many interests and passions have changed or been tweaked in my life. I no longer soak my grains or am stickler for real food 100% of the time. I still love cooking healthy whole food meals from scratch…but its no longer my top priority. Relationships are far more important. Last year I applied myself to loosing my baby weight and adopted a Trim Healthy Mama lifestyle and really enjoyed that journey and found it effective. I have loosened up in the last few months after reaching my pre-prego weight, but still love experimenting with sugar free desserts! I just hope to post little snip-its here and there of our journey faithfully embracing this simple, ordinary life. I’m going to let if flow naturally as the Lord leads and hold passionately to my boundaries. Maybe a sprinkling of topics on homeschooling (since that takes up most of my life right now , book reviews (since I’m still a huge reader!), sharing recommended resources (my pet peeve is being a researcher!), and simple healthy recipes and home routines. But there won’t be any set schedule. Not sure if there is anyone still listening, but I’ll be waiting on the Lord and see how He leads.
You are still loved! Glad you are back! Your journey is so similar to mine. Aren’t you thankful that the Lord is in control of our lives?! Your family is beautiful. Thank you for being real!!
So glad to see you back, i’ve missed your blog! Can’t wait to see what you post in the future!
Aw!! Yes just adding to the “so so glad you’re back” chant! Your blog has been a constant resource for me for the past five years, and I now have three littles of my own. I’ve found looking back on your posts so much encouragement, so much truth, and it’s been a blessing in my mothering journey. Congratulations on your sweet daughter, and my heart is with you as you long for your heaven baby as well. Looking forward to hearing more from you as you are able!
Ahhh I was so excited to see this in my blogger feed! Your was the first blog I ever started reading and, odd as it may seem, I have thought of you and your family a lot over the years. I wondered if you had more babies it started blogging again. I started my own blog a few months ago. I also had s mc in spring 2014 and then my 4th baby in 2015 (August) so glad to hear from you and I hope to see more!!
Thank you for the update! Your blog has blessed and been great encouragement to me in the past, and from time to time I’ve checked back in to see if there might be an update, or to re-read a post from the past. Tonight I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with the responsiblities in being a mama to 3, 5 and under. I don’t have much time even to be online or read blogs, but thought maybe I could glean something from a list of blogs I remember you gave when you were taking a break. How special to see an update! I appreciate your honesty and how real you are. Praise to our Lord for His faithful workings! I feel my need for Him in this journey of mothering while seeking to maintain a sweet marriage like I’ve never quite felt it before! Grace be with you!
Glad to read your update! Blessings on you in this new season.
I’m so glad God has called you back! Over the years I have gone back to your blog for your nursing tea recipe and some homeschooling stuff. I can’t wait to read your new stuff as we’re just starting some homeschool with our older in a classical/charlotte mason hybrid. Also, in the past 4-5 years God has freed me from the idol of healthy eating also although I still like to dabble. Thm is a very balanced approach. I use to read way too many blogs and now I have just 1-2 that I keep up with and I’ll be adding this one!
Oh YAY! I’m so happy to hear you’re back! Your website has been my favorite for so long! I kept coming back to check to see if you were back! So happy! Congrats on your new little one, and hugs for the grief of a miscarriage, we too have experienced several miscarriages…my heart hurts for you.
Looking forward to what is to come! God’s blessings to you and your family!
Alberta, Canada
Welcome back!
Glad to see a new post here and read all of the beautiful work God has been doing in your life! Thank you for sharing- Looking forward to more!
I’m so glad you’re back! I’ve been waiting for three years!
Thank you for this post, especially. Many points you mentioned seemed to touch places where God has been whispering in my life. It’s good to feel them reiterated and affirmed. I hope you are led to continue posting regularly.
Wow…I shared an article from you several years ago and today it popped up in my Facebook memories. I’m so excited that I clicked over to reread it and saw this update! Thank you for sharing so much of what God has been doing in your life. Congrats on your newest baby girl too! Helen is a lovely name for a very adorable baby girl. God bless you all!!
Lindsay, I am so glad you are back! Loved hearing about what you’ve been learning. Could you expand sometime on #1-investing in your marriage and how your attittude changed to letting God change your husband instead of you? I would love to hear more of that story!
Yes! I would love to share more of that story.
I’ll add it to my list of post ideas. One of the main things I am continuing to learn is that I need to stop putting false expectations on my husband. The Holy Spirit is the one who is called and promises to sanctify my husband, not me. I am his helper, his partner, co-laborer, and not the Holy Spirit. I have struggled so much with focusing on everything he wasn’t doing, when my eyes should first be on my own heart, and how I need to change and love and serve him more. Its so much easier to walk in peace, joy, and contentment in our marriage if I am staying focused on my own sanctification. My goal has been to seek my happiness in making him happy, rather than the other way around. Praying for him every day has really helped, along with making intimacy a real priority. I have found that our greatest struggles have risen when we weren’t spending that quality time together on a very consistent basis (I even recommend making a schedule!
. And lastly, making sure to ask specifically when I need his help. He is more than willing to help when I simply ask. I have found so much frustration growing in my heart when I wanted him to see and take the initiative to meet my needs or various needs around the house or with the children, when really he just needed to be asked. They can’t read our minds.
Blessings on you sister!
Thank you for this, its something I really needed to hear! This is a big struggle for me. I am grateful to see this encouragement.
Thank you so much for the update and the encouragement you offered. You have a beautiful family. All glory to God!
I am so thankful you’re back but even more thankful that you’re doing it with and through the Spirit’s leading
Excited to follow along again!!
Hi! I’ve been reading your blog for many years and also come back to re-read posts and check in. Thank you for the update!
My heart is overflowing with joy and tears are welling in my eyes. It feels as if a reunion with a dear friend has taken place…What a beautiful place it is when Jesus is our all in all. I am returned time and again to your blog in hopes of a new posting and have never given up hope! God is so faithful and SO good. I look forward to what is to come and am blessed by this ministry he has set before you. Yes! share about homeschooling! share about your favorite ways to connect with others being a busy wife and Mama. Write of the journey of surrender to Jesus everyday. I will definitely be listening <3 Love and friendship, Havilah
I did not expect to see a new post from you! I have loved your blog for years. I have often referred it to people and looked back on it myself. You’re such an encouragement to me.
I used to read your blog for years and found it very helpful in a variety of ways. When you stopped blogging I was sad as I enjoyed reading your posts. We live in Mexico and are missionaries there, but are originally from Oregon. We have a family of 7 recently adopting 3 kids from Mexico. I spend a lot of time home schooling them their ages 8,9,10,12 and 13. I enjoy reading blogs from those that are seeking the Lord in all they do and living it out. Yet I also have found myself wondering how these women can do all that they say their doing and still have time to write. For that I find it truly inspiring and honorable that you had taken a break to find your identity in the Lord first and foremost. May the Lord continue to direct you and bless as you seek to serve him
I appreciate your desire to honor God above all else in regards to how you live your life and also with this blog. I will pray that you are able to follow God’s leading in the days to come! When you do post, I will definitely read.
Wow! I have never visited your blog before today. A very precious friend emailed me and said I might find encouragement here. Boy, was she right. She has been a long time reader of yours. You speak truths that are lessons already learned for you and are gentle warnings from the Lord for me. I am just beginning my blogging journey (it’s not even live yet) and I am so glad you shared this. I could almost hear God whispering to my heart to learn from your experiences. I am praying that I will remain cautious so I won’t lose sight of what He has called me to and why. Thank you for serving the Lord. You bless many with your willingness.
I too have read you for years and since you left have check in occasionally. I just had my first, a son, 5 weeks ago and was returning to take another look at some me of your old posts. I have enjoyed reading about your struggles and growth, I was able to find a lot of grace and patience for myself in your sharing. And of course I loved sharing in you daily joys and creative endeavors. Please continue to blog or not but you will always have a audience and friend in me. Blessings
So glad to hear from you again! Congrats on the addition to your family!
HI Lindsay,
I was so pleased and surprised to see a “1″ next to your blog in my reader. I’ve kept it in case you ever did reappear. I always enjoyed your blog and would be happy to have you write whenever and about whatever. If the Lord gives you peace and freedom in something you enjoy, go for it! I admire though your willingness to let something go, to give up something good for something better. But perhaps the Lord is allowing you the space to pursue it again! Bless you!
Thank you for posting an update, Lindsay! It’s a blessing to hear what God has been teaching you, and I’m glad that you’ve had a wonderful mentor. Congrats on little Helen’s arrival in your family. I’m looking forward to whatever you have to share, whenever you choose. Hugs and blessings!
It’s great to “see” you again, Lindsay!
How wonderful to see your new post and a little catch up of your life. The interesting thing is I also have just started blogging again on April 18th, after three years as well! I was going through my bookmark right now and thought to click over to your blog to see if you are still taking a break before deleting it. What a pleasant surprise! Your blog was my first blog reading experience years ago and I am so glad you posted an entry. Hope to see more of your writing! God is good!
I don’t usually leave comments, but I want to thank you for your transparency in all that God is teaching you. Praise Him!!! I am glad you took a sabbatical, but I am so excited to hear from you again now and then, especially if you have book recommendations! Thank you for seeking God first!
haven’t checked your blog in ages, did today (i don’t think i subscribed) and found a new post! Just wanted to say thank you for sharing. yesterday and about the blog before because it has been helpful in my walk with jesus as a mom and wife. I am thankful for the LARGE body of christ- even online- that i connect with and am part of. Please do share what God leads you to and may his grace give you discernment and wisdom in this. Thank you again. noelle
If I could only give you a big hug and thank you for allowing God to work through you on this blog. You have no idea how many times I have read and re-read some of your articles. I’m overjoyed to see your update, because to me you almost seem like the long lost friend I never met in person. Haha. I look forward to anything you will write, but I’m so glad you are following the lords leading. From one sister in Christ to’ve been missed!
Ohhh so thrilled to “hear” from you again! I’ve occasionally checked your blog in the past few yrs to see if you’d posted an update, and upon seeing no news, figured you were busy living life, and would lift you and your family in prayer. Was thinking about you so much today, and thought I would check in again (why don’t I simply subscribe?!) and yay there you were. First thing I did was a head count on that first pic, and thought, nope, no more littles. How precious to see that beautiful baby girl added last year (her name is lovely). And how I feel for you and and your experience with the little one who waits for you in heaven. Blessings to you sister in Christ, as you wait for God’s direction. Will love to read whatever you post. I have 5 under 8, and the days have become so busy with homeschooling. I too have adopted a Charlotte Mason type curricula, and while a second-gen homeschooler, this method is new to me, so would love to hear anything you have to share about that. Am really enjoying it.
I clicked onto your site about a month ago for the first time in a couple years, just because I was so hoping that you were back to blogging. I really enjoy what you have to share, and I think we can all understand you making God and family a priority. I was so excited to see you show up in my feed today! Thanks for checking in, and I will definitely be checking back in
So glad to hear from you again!! I feared up a bit reading this. God has been saying some of th same Inge to my heart as well. I appreciate you sharing and letting Him speak through you.
Excited to see what will be coming up.
Hi Lindsay, I discovered your blog AFTER you had put it to rest, but have really enjoyed perusing your recipes and perspectives over the past couple of years. Nice to see you’re back, and letting it unfold organically…
So excited your back and that you feel the freedom to write as your schedule allows. I love that…makes me feel more free as a young mom to remember that I can’t do everything and that is okay! Looking forward to reading your thoughts as they come!
Welcome back! I have thought of your blog several times in these past years. I found you online when my first born (Elijah) was just 6 months old. That was over 4 years ago! You were such an encouragement to me at that time when I had no supportive people on my life. We had moved to Wi from MN to get away from my abusive family thinking that my in-laws would welcome us. We were wrong. I read everything you wrote! We also suffered a miscarriage (Abel), in 2013. Then the Lord blessed us with another son (Josiah Abel) in April 2014. Life is good, God is great!
I’d love to see any and all posts about THM. I’ve been doing trim healthy mama for almost a year and am down 30 pounds. Love the program.
Still listening! Please keep writing!
So happy to have you back! I’ve missed your voice in the blogosphere. Look forward to future reading recommendations, as you’ve often inspired my reading list in the past
Loved your update! I started reading your blog before I became a mother and now I have 3 littles ages 4, 2, and 6 mo. It encourages me to see your obedience to give up certain things and sow into your family and relationships. What a testimony! I look forward to more posts!
Lindsay, it is so good to read this update! Praise God for the work He has done in your heart. My last 3.5 years have taught me all those same things, in ways for me. You were wise to keep your blog during your time of rest. When I stopped in 2011 with Traditional Simplicity, I let it completely go. Foolish, I know now. But God, He knew I needed to let it go. I just started writing again once last month and now had a Holy Spirit power session. Posts are schedule through May. Who knows when He will lead the writing again. I lay down striving and rules with you. As my site says, I am now “God First. Heart Surrendered. Freedom Fighter.” Press on and into the One who knows you best!!
I was pleasantly surprised to see an update from you in my blog reader this morning. Congratulations on your baby girl! Whenever you get a chance to post, I will enjoy reading your words.
Such a beautiful post! I also follow you through Bloglovin, and I have returned many times to reference some of your posts. I have learned so much from what you have written here even without you adding more to it. Thank you for following God’s lead, sharing what you have learned, and always pointing your readers to the Lord.
Hello! It is so nice to see you back! We do not know eachother but your writing and vulnerability has always created a heart connection along with our similar ages children and lifestyles. My heart lightened at your update and I pray you find the balance God has brought you to as you open your blog sharing. Your life lessons over the last few years resonate with mine and your happy addition is adorable! Congratulations!
Yay! I’ve stopped by several times over the past few years to see if you were blogging again. Happy to read the update! Welcome back!
So glad you are back! I love your blog and have used it as a resource often!!! Encouraged by your post!
I am very glad to read your update. Over the past few years I have wondered what you were up to. I had hoped life was treating you well and that you were where you wanted to be. Since I follow all my blogs on Bloglovin, I don’t have to keep checking when someone writes or when they don’t. I was pleasantly surprised to see you in my feed today. Whenever it moves you to write, know I will be here listening.
Lindsay!! So good to hear from you — I’ve thought of you often these past years, and followed snippets on IG or elsewhere. Praise God for his faithfulness to you and your family, what a 3 years it has been. However the Lord leads on this blog, I hope you find MORE of Him through it all.
I love, love what you wrote — “I’m holding passionately to my boundaries”. Beautiful!
Grace and blessings to you sister….
What a blessing you have been to me! I am very grateful to read from you again.
I came across your blog at the perfect time as a newlywed, after you had already taken your sabbatical. Nonetheless, I’d browse your old posts and find such encouragement and insight! I was hoping you’d come back.
Looking forward to more posts, Lord willing!
I missed your blog a lot but I’m glad you had good intentional time away. I so need to lose my baby weight so I am looking forward to those tips! We homeschool in the CM style also and I love it.
Hi, again! Glad to hear from you again – it was a nice surprise seeing you pop up in my feed reader. Congratulations on the new baby! I love hearing how God has been working in your life. I never realized that we were so close in age.
I’d love to hear about your camping trips! My husband and I would like to start camping but we don’t have a lot of experience.
YESSSSS!!!!! I am reading!!!
So excited to see your post today! Looking forward to your refreshing tid bits, articles on life, homeschool, and sharing what the Lord is showing you. Even if they are far between, all of it blesses me! Thank you for taking time to take care of you and your family! Hard to do, but necessary. I too, have started Trim Healthy Mama… Hugs!!!
I am so glad that you are healthy again! Even though I don’t know you personally, I could easily relate to the need for approval from everyone else besides God. I struggled for years to “do” things to gain the approval and acceptance from others. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that you’re not alone in the struggle! May you stay healthy and may the Lord lead you in whatever you decide to do!
So thankful for your blog!
I’m so happy to read this! How wonderful about Helen (and what a beautiful name)! I’ve missed your updates
So wonderful to see an update.
So good to see an update from you! I still have your blog in my favorites list and wonder from time to time how you guys are doing. Congratulations on your newest addition.
Yay!! So glad to see you back in this space, and praise Him for all that He’s taken you through these past three years. I think just scanning and seeing so many others comment before me, we are all glad you’re doing so well and gave us an update. Blessings on your family!! (and yes please to the homeschooling and reading reviews–that’s what I love to talk about, too!
Sarah M
i am sooooo happy to see this!! I have utilized your website tons in your absence and still share it with others. So happy to hear from your heart again as it encourages me in Christ so much. Thank you!!!
I’m thrilled you’re back even if that’s a once a month post!
Crazy-town…..I started Trim Healthy Mama in January. Glad to hear it worked for you. I’m really enjoying the food freedom.
Congratulations on your daughter.
I’m also homeschooling. I’ve had 3 miscarriages in a year. It is very hard…….
Boundaries are more important than ever as I’m now 36 and realize how healthy relationships need boundaries.
Still love reading.
………………..Glad you’re back!
How beautiful
I found your blog about 3 years ago and it was so encouraging to me as I prepared to become a mama myself. I’ve been hoping to hear more, but knew you were following God’s lead and that He must have something so wonderful for you that you needed to be focused for. I am very impressed that you have the honesty to say things change, you have changed, and your interests have too. Things change over time, and they should! That is a reality many, many people are so unwilling to accept; especially bloggers. I bet I’m not the only one who will be happily waiting to read more- soaking grains or not! It’s your heart that draws people to your blog, not your works.
What a joy to happen to see your post on FB! I truly miss your blog and found it so authentic and inspiring. God Bless on your new precious addition to your family and as always thank you for sharing so openly on your journey, it is truly an inspiration and blessing. I look forward to reading more whenever you blog.
So glad you’re back!! Your blog has been one of my favorites! When I was first married, I would scour your blog posts and got so much useful information…everything from lists of pantry staples to your recommendation of a fabric shower curtain!!
I just got out one of your muffin recipes this evening to make! Thanks for sharing an update with us!
Lindsay, you are one of my favorite bloggers because of your love for God and for your family. God Bless you as you follow the Lord’s will and timing!
I was a faithful reader of your blog and it’s so nice to get an update.
So sweet to hear from you again! You were the first blog I really followed and I loved reading about your experiences and being encouraged with my young family as we both walked through similar times of our lives. Thank you for being real. It is a beautiful thing to be broken and surrendered to the Lord and pruned for his glory.
I’m so happy to see you’re writing again, Lindsay! I’m always encouraged after a visit with you–be it virtually or in your living room. Thank you for sharing your heart.
Thank you so much for a family update! I have often wondered how you were doing, and congrats on your new addition! I hope you continue to post on your blog as time & inspiration allows. Not only would I love to keep learning the snippets you mentioned above, but also thoughts on faith would be wonderful as well. Very excited to read whatever you decide to post
-Victoria (Boise, Idaho)
Yay! Welcome back! It’s fun to hear from you again!
Yay! I’m so excited! I think you were one of the first blogs I ever followed and truly loved. Just recently I thought I should unfollow since you didn’t post. I’m so glad I didn’t! I look forward to reading!
Lindsay, you have always inspired me and I am so happy to see a new post from you!!!
So glad to see you back! !
I’m SO happy to see you’re doing well!!! We’re here listening and waiting and routing for your family. Keep writing:) xo, Hannah
So glad to hear from you!! You’ve been missed. I’m looking forward to reading more
(I’m beginning homeschooling my two children in 4k and 5k this year!).
I’m so glad you’re back! You’ve been on my heart lately.
I’m still listening! I check back regularly at different posts I have bookmarked. Often wondered how your fam was doing now- thanks for the update! I started following your blog when I was first married five years ago and was blessed very much by your perspective. Thank you for sharing!
It’s great to read your update! I have checked back over the last few years to your blog to see if you had written anything new! I always loved reading your articles, and will look forward to hearing from you again! Congrats on the newest addition!
I am definitely still here!! Your voice has been missed, for me, in the blog world. Good to see you back. Glad you took time for yourself.
I’m listening! Nice to see you back on your sweet blog.
Welcome back, however it looks! At the risk of sounding silly, I’ve missed you! So glad your break has been fruitful. God is so good!
Welcome back! I do remember reading your blog before and I’m glad to see you writing again. It sounds like your break was something you really needed. I think sometimes it helps not to have a set schedule for blog posting, but just to write when you feel the urge. Without a posting schedule you have flexibility and freedom to write what is on your heart when you are ready not when the schedule says.
May God bless you as you continue to make relationships important and I’ll be happy to read whenever you write. Blessings to you!
Oh my goodness, welcome back! I have missed your sweet voice and tremendous encouragement. And I was greatly impacted by your decision to leave the blog for a bit and honor that still, small voice. I am saying a prayer for you and yours right this second, as you navigate what’s next.
With love,
Welcome back Lindsay!!! Oh, have I missed your blog!! You were the first one who told me all about whole foods, coconut oil, soaking grains. And the first to tell me the horrors of BPA! Years before the “world” knew about it.
I love your wisdom, and look forward to reading more from you! From the bottom of my heart, I have missed you!!
I’ve kept you and your family in my prayers, looking forward to the day you would return!
Hi Lindsay,
So happy to see your update – I have checked in here regularly over the last 3 years, because I found no other blog like it, that covered so many subjects dear to my heart.
I am glad to hear it has been a good time for you & your family – congratulations on little Helen and great to see Karis, Titus & Eden growing up fast as well!
Yay! I still reference your site so often for recipes…esp chili and banana muffins
. So glad to hear from you and excited to see where the Lord leads you, whether to the blog or away from it.
Wow, seeing this pop up in my Feedly list was like seeing an old friend. I found your blog when I was trying to figure out how to run a home and be a Mom. My oldest is now 7! Glad to see your family is doing well and growing!
I want to preface this by saying this was the first blog I really began to read regularly. You’re recipes taught me how to cook and I still make your meatloaf annually for my son’s birthday (it’s his favorite!). So seeing this post was so nice. God is good for how He is working in your life. This post ministered to me immensely.
I was JUST thinking about your blog and how I miss it. I’m looking forward to whatever you decide to share!
Welcome back, Lindsay!! And congratulations on your littlest blessing!!! We are due with #5 any day now. Time does fly.
Yay! I so loved to read the update about your family. I really hope you are able to post more!
I was so happy to read your post! I’ve hoped you’d come back to blogging, as it used to be one of my favorite blogs.
Praising God for His mercy and guidance in your life thru the years you’ve been “quiet”. He is always good. We are also celebrating 10 yrs of marriage coming up in May. Congratulations!
Thank you so much for the update on where the Lord has you at this stage of life! I always loved reading your posts. I’ve come back to your blog over these last years for recipes and homeschooling information. I really look forward to reading whatever you post within the time the Lord permits
Dear Lindsay,
Thank you for sharing this update and congratulations on Helen’s arrival! I am so happy to hear that you are growing ever closer to God – I am in a period of stepping back in my life (and it is hard!), so I understand the strength it takes to focus on faith, family, and community. May God continue to bless you are your family with peace, joy, and wisdom.
I want to let you know that one of your last posts about idolizing green living was integral in helping me delineate where true worth lay a few years ago, and has a good lasting affect in my life. I look forward to whatever updates you may feel led to publish. Thank you!
So glad to hear from you! And as always, you have humbly presented yourself in a way that urges me to a deeper faith journey! I read you before I even became a mom and now, with young kiddos, I think back on all the seeds you planted for my motherhood. That and the homemade deodorant
Wow. It’s like hearing from an old friend. Welcome back!
Welcome back! I remember reading your blog a lot just before your break, and I’m so happy to see you writing here again.
Your family is beautiful. Blessings as you continue the good work set before you.
Thanks for sharing how God has been working in your life and heart these past years. Many times I have pulled out one of your recipes to cook for dinner and have thought about you and prayed for you and your family. I am a busy momma to three girls and have had to find balance and re-examine my priorities at times. There are so many “good” things to be doing and I want to do them all perfectly. However, God hasn’t called us to be perfect, but to rely on Him in our weakness. I pray that you will continue to seek Him through the daily tasks of homemaking and mothering! I think your idea to share on the blog as the Lord leads is wonderful and I look forward to hearing from you.
I am overjoyed that you have posted again! I was in highschool when you were last posting and I found your blog extremely beneficial to my growing faith and life. You’re my favourite blog I read
I will hope and wait to see how many more of your posts there are to come!
I’m still reading and I’m so glad to hear an update! It’s refreshing to hear how God has been working in your life. I would love to hear your snippets on homeschooling since I’m going to be starting this upcoming year with my oldest
So happy to hear an update from you! You’re family is beautiful and I look forward to more posts.
I sometimes still check back to see if you updated. So thankful for the lessons the Lord has taught you. Blessings to you and your family.
Thankful to hear how God has been working in your life. Praying God will lead you in wisdom as you decide how to go forward with your blog. Glad to hear from you.
Soooo fun to see you back. I’ve followed your blog since the beginning. I’m a THM as well!
I’m still listening! I completely get why you took a break, but I am so happy to see you back! You were always one of my favorite bloggers, and I still have some of your posts bookmarked. The lessons of my last several years have been similar to yours – finding a mentor, working through strongholds, battling a miscarriage, homeschooling 3/4 kiddos. I’m looking forward to hearing from you again.