Archive | October, 2009

Simple Home Decorating on A Budget

Screen shot 2009-10-08 at 4.18.52 PMPhoto by Cottonblue.
Originally published in January 2008 under the title Decorating on A Budget – part 1 & 2.
Updated with current pictures.

Did you know that your home is an embassy of Christ’s kingdom? It is especially designed by God to be a place for others to find refreshment, encouragement, a haven of rest to their souls from the weariness and trials of this world. This haven must be a welcoming place to display the glory of God! This should always be our chief goal in our decorating. How can I make my home more of a testimony to the work of Christ in my life? How can I seek to refresh others as they enter into my home?

Furniture Layout

Make conversational areas. The key is to arrange your furniture so that the line of traffic from door to door is not passing right through the conversation area. You want to keep the furniture facing each other in smaller, intimate conversation areas without having people walk right through the center and taking away from the relaxed setting. You do not want this flow to hurt your fellowship. Arrange your future close enough that you don’t have to shout to have a conversation. The closer the better.

Choose a purposeful focal point. Each room will have a focal point of some sort. Most American homes have the furniture arranged so that the focal point is the television. This does not serve to invite conversation, but only distracts from it. Use your windows and fireplaces for this purpose.

Re-arrange your furniture with the seasons. Re-arranging adds fresh variety and change! It gives the feel of a whole new look without adding anything! For example, if you have a large window in your living room, you might make turn your furniture to make that the focal point in the summer as it is bright and cheery to look at. In the winter, the outdoors may not look so attractive so turn your furniture inwards to your fireplace. I recently angled my dining room table for a change in the corner, and I was amazed how appealing it was.

Keep furniture away from the walls. Arrange your furniture on an angle or in a unique fashion so it is not flat against a wall, or simply pull it away from the wall a bit (if possible). This adds a variety and creativity to your layout! We have placed our bed frame on an angle in the corner of our bedroom. It does take up more room in this way, but it is different and variety is the spice of life.

Have a place nearby to rest the arms or place a cup or mug. It is important to have a coffee table or end table near every seat, so your guests don’t have to stretch too far to relax themselves or place their beverage.

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Simple & Frugal Children’s Bedroom Decor

IMG_6614We have finally completed our decorating of Karis & Titus’ bedroom! What a fun project it was of practicing making my home lovely! My goal was to complete this in August…but hey, at least it was completed before the end of the year. ;)

We started decorating the kids’ bedroom by choosing a gender neutral vintage green color. We added red highlights through the curtains, kid’s table, and rocking chair. We also spray painted our picture frames for a photo collection. These colors were selected from our gender neutral crib bedding set. All the furniture was found on craigslist, gifted, or loaned to us. I don’t think we have ever bought a new piece of furniture as there is so much available through used sources.

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Making Your Home Lovely

Screen shot 2009-10-06 at 11.48.53 PMPhoto by berly816

Lately, as we have been finishing some final decorating touches on our children’s bedroom, I have been pondering the idea of making our homes lovely. We have each been fashioned uniquely by a creative God in His image and likeness. We likewise have been made creative like He is! I don’t feel naturally creative myself, but I do know that when I set my mind, thought and heart to it, I can definitely express creativity in beautifying my home. It may take a little extra effort, but as you practice it becomes more natural and delightful. It is one of my favorite aspects of homemaking because I feel God’s pleasure when I take delight in the domain He has assigned to me!

Nicole at GirlTalk says it this way, “Little touches of creativity in our home can create an atmosphere of beauty, worship, love, and care. This God-glorifying atmosphere can promote a shared joy and conversation. And that communication can strengthen our relationships.”

Nicole also shared this insightful quote from Edith Shaeffer,

“I feel very strongly that this modern fear of the home becoming non-existent can be countered only if those of us who want to be sure our little spot is really a home take very practical measures to be sure that it is just that, and not a collection of furniture sitting in some sort of enclosure being protected from wind and storm. Of course, human relationships make a house into a home: either the relationships within the house, or the welcome and understanding that guests find. Human relationships depend on communication. But this communication takes time. It is also helped by atmosphere, and the atmosphere is helped by the ‘things’ which are arranged with love and with an expression of creativity in a visible form. p. 99

I love how June put it in her article titled The Making of a Home, “One of the most rewarding endeavors a homemaker can partake of is making her home lovely for those who live in it…Know that it is not perfection we are striving for–instead we are doing this to bless and be attentive to those we love. It doesn’t have to be glamorous, just practical.”

Making our homes a lovely place to be is not only a blessing to our families, but is an effort to provide a place of rest, refreshment and joy to all who enter! It makes our homes more welcoming for conversation, building relationships, and growing our love for one another. It does not have to be extravagant…just simple expressions of creativity!

Stay tuned for some home decorating posts this week!

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Homemade Pizza Supreme – Tips for the Best Pizza

IMG_6099Pizza is a family favorite at our house…especially when you load it up with lots of delicious, fresh and hearty toppings! Here are my favorite tips for the best pizza:

Pizza Stone

I must say that I love my Pampered Chef pizza stone (thanks to hosting a PC show, I got this for free!). It makes the best crispy crust. It is never soggy or undercooked. It is easy to cut on and clean (no soap is necessary or recommended). Stoneware gives it a fine even baking to your crust. No burning your pizza here! After several uses, stoneware becomes non-stick as well, but until then, a thin layer of olive oil does the trick. Although a pizza stone is not essential, it is a nice addition! I highly recommend it if you like pizza at your house! Amazon also sells one, but I cannot say how good it is.

Sauce – Less is more!

The more sauce you put on your crust the more soggy your dough will become. A very thin layer will do you just fine (about 1/4 cup is all). Just remember…less is more! You don’t need any fancy pizza sauce either. Just some simple spaghetti sauce pureed in the blender will do. Spread it thin it spatula.


Dust your pizza stone or pan with ground cornmeal before laying our your crust. This helps give it a nice crisp crust!

Combine your Cheeses

I use a combination of mozzarella and white cheddar cheese on my pizzas, with a final thin topping of Parmesan on the very top. It gives the pizza a ton of flavor. A sprinkling of Parmesan on the top gives it a yummy crunchy texture as well!

Spice it Up!

Sprinkle a good layer of Italian seasoning and garlic salt or basic garlic powder on the top of your pizza. Yum!

Here is our favorite collection, topped in this order:

Homemade Whole Wheat Pizza Dough (soaked or regular as you desire)
Spaghetti/Pizza sauce, 1/4 cup pureed (I like to freeze my homemade sauce in small portions to pull out for this purpose.)
Mozzerella, sliced (about 1/3 cup)
Cheddar Cheese, grated (about 1/3 cup)
Pepperoni (Applegate Farm’s Nitrate Free pepperoni is wonderful! 1/2 package covers one pizza.)
1/2 pound Chicken Sausage, cooked & crumbled
1/2 (15 oz) can olives, chopped
1/4 cup onion (red or yellow), chopped
1/2 Green/Red Pepper, chopped
Mushrooms, chopped
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, grated

Dipping sauce: 1/4 cup butter, 1/2 tsp garlic powder. Melt together in a pan over low heat. We love to dip our crust into this sauce! Just like Papa John’s.

Bake at 475 degrees for 12-15 minutes. Enjoy!

This post is a part of Kitchen Tip Tuesdays.

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Motherhood: My Only Gems

Screen shot 2009-10-05 at 8.11.27 AM“She came tonight as I sat alone, the girl I used to be…
And she gazed at me with her earnest eye and questioned reproachfully;

Have you forgotten the many plans and hopes that I had for you?
The career, the splendid fame, and all the wonderful things to do?
Where is the mansion of stately height with all of its gardens rare?
The silken robes that I dreamed for you and the jewels in your hair?

And as she spoke, I was very sad for I wanted her please with me…
This slender girl from the shadowy past the girl that I used to be
So gently rising, I took her hand, and guided her up the stair
Where peacefully sleeping, my babies lay innocent, sweet, and fair.

And I told her that these are my only gems, and precious they are to me;
That silken robe is my motherhood of costly simplicity.
And my mansion of stately height is love, and the only career I know
Is serving each day in these sheltered walls for the dear ones who come and go.

And as I spoke to my shadowy guest, she smiled through her tears at me.
And I saw that the woman that I am now, pleased the girl I used to be.

- Author Unknown
Quoted in Womanly Dominion by Mark Chanski

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Training Children to Be Included in Church

Screen shot 2009-09-30 at 6.40.27 AMWelcome back for part two on our discussion about the why’s and how’s of including children in church. If you missed part 1, read it here.

Training my little ones to sit with us during the church service definitely takes some work. Sometimes I only get to hear small snippets of the sermon. But this has motivated me to be more purposeful during the week and listen to the weekly sermon or download various podcasts to encourage and strengthen my faith (Revive Our Hearts is my favorite!). Aaron and I try to watch a sermon together (Mark Driscoll at Mars Hill Church offers video feed) while the kids are in bed or napping some other time during the week. Currently our church service is in the afternoon, so we do this on Sunday mornings. This gives us time alone to really focus on the Word and discuss it together. This allows us to continue to grow in our faith even if we can’t get the whole sermon on Sunday. We realize that it can be a sacrifice, but it is worth it!

1. Begin at home. Training my children to sit with the church service always begins at home. We started with small increments of time sitting quietly and listening to a sermon. We would let Karis look at a book while we listened together. If she refused to sit still, discipline was in order. We began with just ten minutes and worked up from there. When we have family devotions, we have Karis look at a little picture Bible while we read together. This is practice time as well. We started this process around 1 year of age after she stopped napping during the sermon.

2. Train baby to nap during sermon. I always try to time the baby’s nap to take place during the sermon time. I will either bring a pack n play and lay the baby down in a back room or bring a baby carrier (my favorite moby or Ergo) and rock them to sleep in the back of the sanctuary. This way I can listen to the sermon with a sleeping baby. I know of others who have trained their babies to just sleep in a stroller, car seat, or on the pew next to them during this time as well.

3. Bring a snack. We like to bring raisins and nuts with us in a small baggy for a quick protein snack during the service.

4. Don’t push it. Give your children room to be kids! We require Karis to worship with us during the worship services and then sit quietly with us for 30 minutes of the sermon. At 2 1/2 years old, I don’t really feel it is necessary to push it longer than that (others may have varying opinions). After 30 minutes or so when she starts getting restless, we take her to the back and let her quietly walk around in the back of the sanctuary or lobby and occasionally play with some of the other little children that also may be present there. As she gets older, we will stretch the amount of time she is to sit with us.

5. Bring 1-2 simple activities. We usually bring an etch-a-sketch with us to church. No mess and it allows Karis to draw a bit during the sermon. We usually have a mix of sitting quietly and then doing some coloring/drawing. Our church also offers a coloring page that is related to the sermon for some of the older children to use. There have fill in the blank questions and cross word puzzles that correspond with the sermon as well. This helps the children listen carefully for the answers. (If your church does not offer something like this, talk to the leadership and see if it is something that could be developed). Growing up, my mom would keep a special church bag for the little ones. It was a small plastic manila folder container that had a elastic strap that kept all the contents in. It contained a bag of coloring pencils, a coloring book, and a few other small items. Each of the younger children had their own special container and we would just keep them in the car throughout the week.

6. Be willing to ask for help. We are blessed to attend services with extended family and they are always willing to hold a child if needed, but there are often older ladies or young single gals who would love to hold a baby for awhile. Don’t be afraid to ask for an extra helping hand. If the child needs discipline, carry them to a quiet place to discipline or talk with them.

Now for some tips from the other ladies on our panel…

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Why Children in Church?

Screen shot 2009-09-30 at 6.40.27 AM In the past I have mentioned that Aaron & I like to keep our children with us in church. I have received several inquiries as to why and how we go about this. I have finally gotten around to addressing this topic here today. I know it may be controversial, but I pray you would hear my heart and our family’s vision in this area.

I was 12 years old. Our family was taking a family vacation around the United States, expanding our knowledge of history, geography, and most importantly building family relationships. It was Sunday morning. We decided to visit a church where an old friend of my mom’s was pastoring. The moment all eight of us children walked into the sanctuary we were quickly stopped by a lady. She kindly directed us to the multiple children’s services taking place down the hallway. There was one room for each of us. We were not allowed in the service. What would you expect went through my 12 year old head? Children were not wanted. Children were noisy. Children would get in the way. Children need entertainment. They cannot sit quietly for a sermon. Children would not understand a sermon.

Statistically, as many as 88% of teens who profess Christianity walk away from their faith by the end of their freshman year in college. Could this be one of the reasons? The question begs to be asked. If children are quickly escorted off to Sunday School to be entertained from birth through high school, can we really expect them to be able to adjust well into the adult services after youth group? Families are immediately separated at the commencement of services for each to go their own direction. Sally to nursery. Thomas to youth group. Is this really helping build family relationships?

As a mother of small children who knows the challenges of training infants and toddlers to sit quietly, I definitely think there is a place for having a nursery or child care for small children. As we are involved in a new church plant, we are hoping to establish a nursery for children under five. I believe this can be very valuable, especially for new moms (whether newly saved or not) coming into the church or people just acquainted with this idea and need help adjusting. It is nice to have this option for a mother (like myself) who would like to be able to hear the sermon every once in a while. ;) In the meantime, Aaron and I often listen to sermons during the week if we are not able to catch the full sermon on Sundays while juggling the little ones. I will also add that not all Sunday school programs are watered down, entertainment based, but those that are solid and doctrinally based are few and far between.

My husband Aaron and I have been blessed to have been raised in a church where children were gladly welcomed in the services at all times. It was actually age-integrated and did not offer any Sunday school programs. I have asked a few ladies to share their thoughts on the why’s and how’s of keeping children in church.

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