Thanks to Laura at Heavenly Homemakers for sharing these sweet thoughts on the joys of raising boys! It blessed me greatly!
When our first baby was born a boy…I was very happy knowing that any other children we would have in the future would be under the protection of an older brother.
When our second baby was born a boy…I was glad our oldest son now had a brother to play with.
When our third baby was born a boy…I decided that God must have something special in mind for our family. THREE boys?
When I was pregnant with our fourth baby…you can just guess what everyone around me was saying.
“Going for a girl this time?” “Finally going to have a sister for all those boys?” “You’re having a girl, right?” “I bet you’re sure hoping for a girl this time!”
With each of my pregnancies…we waited to find out whether the baby was a boy or a girl. We loved the surprise…though no one around us did. ESPECIALLY when I was pregnant with our fourth! Everyone was dying to know if we were finally going to have a girl!
When our fourth baby was born a boy…they laid him on my chest…and all my husband and I could do was laugh for joy that God had given us yet another son!
Boys are so sweet. Boys love their Mamas like crazy. Boys think their Daddys are the best. Boys….ah boys. Boys bring such joy.
Whoever said that only little girl clothes are cute…and that you can never find any cute little boy clothes…never saw all the adorable outfits at my blue baby showers.
And I dare say…there’s a little something to be said for being able to run a comb through their hair real quick before dashing out the door. No bows or braids or hair doo-dads to keep track of.
I love how boys play (now that I’m used to it!). Our house is usually noisy, rough and fast…there’s not a lot of tip-toeing or sitting down quietly to color pictures at the table.
Generally…I find that the male greeting (between my boys and all of their friends who come over to play) has little to do with words…and a lot to do with grabbing onto and pulling one another down to the floor into an immediate wrestling match.
I’ve learned to look the other way…smile…and shake my head about so many things that I used to fear would turn into a trip to the Emergency Room. Boys play rough…they can’t help it. They make noise…it oozes out of their pores.
Rolls of wrapping paper become swords or light sabers. Toast and grilled cheese sandwiches are chewed into the shape of little guns. Math books become drums. Little pink erasers become race cars.
Everything (everything) becomes a competition…who can finish their milk first…who can put their jammies on the fastest…who can get from the kitchen to the living room without touching the floor.
It’s one big, loud, ball game at our house all day long…and I wouldn’t trade it for all tea parties in Boston.
I consider it a huge honor to be the mama of boys. Boys who we pray will grow up and be Godly leaders some day. Boys who we pray will be Godly husbands and daddys some day.
Oh…and some day…I’ll have daughters. Some day…four of your daughters will grow into godly young ladies who will marry my sons. I’ll take them shopping and we’ll cook and do hair together.
Until then…I’ll just continue to feed mountains of mashed potatoes and huge stacks of pancakes to all these boys while they make all the noises with their armpits that they are so good at making and while they laugh at all the things boys can’t help but think are funny.
They are…boys.
Boys who have completely and totally won my heart.
God bless you Lindsay, as you begin your journey as Mama to a boy.
What a great post! My story is the other way-we have 4 girls and each time I was pregnant, after the first, everyone asked about whether we wanted a boy. Well, now we have 2 sons-in-law that are very precious to us and such a wonderful edition to our family. God bless you and your boys.
A funny about boys. Last week I had a ‘high tea’ party for my daughter and her friends. My younger boys saw all the goodies and said they wanted a tea party. I gave them a ‘coffee’ party to be more manly. The girls spent over an hour at their tea party being prim and proper. The boys spent maybe 20 minutes gobbling down their goodies and discussing how the silverware would be great for a sword fight! What a difference in parties! lol
I really enjoyed reading your post. My sweet daughter-in-law, Cynthia (MoreMuffinsPlease) sent me here. At first, I thought you were describing my home! I’m not sure how old your sons are. Our 4 are all married now, and I miss those times you describe. However, I have gotten my 4 daughters. I also have 2 granddaughters (and 2 grandsons) so my cup runneth over!
As a mom of 8 boys, I heartily agree that boys are fun and protect/love their mom! It always sadden me when people would pity me that I had ‘all those boys.’ I love my boys.
As a mama of 3 boys, this post really spoke to me, too! My home is filled with noise, Legos, and little wadded up socks. All my lamps have been glued together in at least one spot. And beware in the bathroom! But I wouldn’t have it any other way. Love my boys!
Oh, I too love my boys. We have such a great time here. I would love to have more boys. Even just going “potty” is so much easier. We have ladders for trees here, swings for jumping out of, and dogs to help wrestle with here. We end up with worms in my home, lizards in the tub, and even bugs on the couches, thanks to the boys. But, they are wonderful, loving and great boys!
Thank God for boys!
I am the mother of 3 boys. Two teens and one 20 year-old. Of course I wanted a little girl, but I wouldn’t trade my boys for anything! And, just watch out. You think it is noisy now? Just wait until they are teens. It gets louder, with video games and music blaring, along with their guitars…but I absolutely love it (most of the time).
I love his expression here. “Is this my good side, Mom?”
What a wonderful post! There is just nothing like the bond between a little boy and his Mamma. When I’m completely perplexed as to why he is doing something he’ll look at me so sweetly and say “I’m just being a boy. I can’t help it.” Just wait, Lindsay! Dirt, bugs, burps, and flatulence will one day soon be celebrated aspects of your little boy’s life! Oh, and the tip about using kleenex to protect your face from spray – I used a dry baby washcloth. Worked like a charm!
I don’t usually post on sites, but I couldn’t resist this thread. I have two GROWN boys – age 21 and 25. I absolutely loved raising them. My house was always full of sports equipment, dirty & muddy shoes, rowdying, and lots of other boys! I got used to cooking for an army because friends always just seemed to drop in at dinner time! I also got used to waking up on Saturday morning walking over sleeping bags filled with boys!
I now have an empty nest, and I miss all those kids like crazy. We have just been invited to the wedding of one of their friends. It’s hard to believe, when I remember him playing video games at our house as a junior high kid.
I’m also a retired elementary school teacher, and boys in class were very nice to have, too! Active – yes. But easy to get along with!
God bless them!
I love having my three boys..and I don’t plan on having more just to “try for a girl” like so many have asked me. I’m so grateful for God’s blessings he’s given me!
I have three boys and the Lord is working a wonderful redemptive work in my life through them
This post almost made me cry! I will never know the love of a son. We have 3 precious girls. Should we just do an arranged marriage thing now?
I had a miscarriage and am convinced that’s my little boy up in heaven waiting to meet me! I hope at least one of my future son-in-laws will love me like a mom! Thanks for a cute glimpse into the world of boys!
That was really beautiful Laura…but I would expect nothing less from you! What an awesome perspective on having all boys…something I know a little bit about! Who knows…maybe someday I will have three boys!! And you are so right…they are SO sweet. Having boys is such a blessing.
For those first time moms to little boys…this tip might help (from my sister since I haven’t had boys). When changing the diapers, put a kleenex over their you-know-what and you won’t get sprayed in the face with pee! I also read that there is a plastic cone you can buy that will achieve the same effect. I hope this makes it past the moderators!
aww! I can’t wait to have kids when I marry! That’s such an encouraging post!
Thank you for this sweet post. I have two boys (as well as two girls) and they have brought so much joy to my life. I feel that they have made me a better, more well-rounded person, and given me a better understanding of the other half of the population!
I don’t know how I got to your blog, but I’m glad I found my way here. I’m expecting my third boy in July and this post was just what I needed to read. Thank you for the encouragement.
Awww… we were so hoping for twin boys. Instead we got girls. But now that I have girls I’m not even sure what I would do with a son. I’m sure I’d love him to pieces.
That made me cry! I have one boy and agree they are so wonderful. (I have two girls, and they are too, of course!)
My husband and I have four boys as well. From ages 12 to 6. I totally agree with the blog and then some. There is never a dull moment in our house, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
I, too, have houseful of boys and absolutely love every minute of it! When I was in college I was a nanny to 3 boys (they had a 4th once I was gone that is the same age as my 2nd son) and i prayed that God would see fit to bless me with boys…I wouldn’t know what to do with girls! My prayers were answered and I thank God every day for the crazy, loud, messy, rambunctious life I lead! Your post made me laugh as I realize that perhaps God picked the mothers that he did for boys because we are all so laid back and don’t mind the zaniness that comes along with being the only female in a house full of testosterone!
Thank you…thank you…thank you…for that beautiful post!! I am the mother to 4 amazing…LOUD…lovely boys ages 8, 6, 3, and 1 (he’s still coming into his little personality…but LOUD already LOL) and one beautiful daughter age 5. I too think I cried all the way through this at the thought of raising these beautiful children for the Lord!! What a blessing it is
. We are due in 5 weeks with our 6th and it will be a surprise…we can’t wait!! Of course EVERYONE seems to assume…it better be a girl…a sister for Abby. She would love a sister…we know how special little ladies are…but we also know the amazing honor it is to be given a boy to raise for Gods kingdom! Our boys are so special (here I go crying again…it may just be the pregnancy hormones LOL) and I would never ever trade raising a house full of boys for anything in the whold world. It’s awesome! Lindsay and Aaron…you’re going to have the best time raising your beautiful children. They’re all so special. Take care :0.
Beautiful post, Laura! We long to have more little boys in our house. Oops! That was supposed to be a secret.
(and no, it’s not an announcement)
Amen, sister! As a mommy of 4 boys also, I couldn’t agree more…I love my boys! And, I got those same questions about “going for the girl.” I always just wanted to say, “No! I’m going for whatever God blesses us with b/c I know He has a plan for this little baby’s life!”
I am truly excited for you Lindsay and the birth of Titus. I don’t know you for real, but God has really used you in my life through your blog! I cried reading his birth story…rejoicing with you as a sister in Christ! Many blessings to you and your family of 4!
Love it! I know so many mothers of ALL boys, that I can attest to the truth of this. There is just something special and unique about a houseful of BOYS (plus mom, of course)…
A thought provoking post – thank you!
I have three boys, and I haven’t figured out so many things yet. The noise and physical play are my hardest things to deal with…I am learning to let go (of things that are not dangerous, etc.,) and let them be, well – BOYS!
Such a cute, hilarious & true post! My second is on the way and we know it’s a boy (we have a daughter also) and this post will help me keep it all in perspective
what a beautiful post, I think i cried all the way through it.
Thanks for that, it reminded that even though I am hoping for a girl with my current pregnancy that if we recieve a baby boy it will be a great blessing just as our first son.
I loved this. As a mama of three boys, and maybe more someday, I know the joy & unique experience of raising males.
May our sons become strong men of God!
Thank you for sharing this! My friend is the mother of 4 boys as well and I will definitely pass this along to her.
I love boys and their adorable quirks
We were blessed with 5 boys, and we heard all the same comments every pregnancy. Our oldest has been married a year now and we love spending time with our new daughter. Your post sounds just like our home, and we love it. God knew that we’d do best with a house full of boys, and that’s just fine with us! Hand-me-downs work much better when there all the same anyway. Thank you for this post, it made my day!
I have 4 boys and you forgot one delightful joy of boys…with a house full of men, I get to remain the unchallenged queen! (I do look forward to future daughters in daughter-in-laws and pray for them now even though my boys are young.)
I want to second that boys love their mamas like crazy. My son thinks the sun rises and sets on his mama. His affection for me is a constant blessing. I have noticed God has given me a very special love for him also. My little girl is a delight also. Have fun Lindsay! Being a mama is the best, and thank you for your blog and all that you have done here, it is making me a better one.
Amen and amen! We have three precious sons and I couldn’t imagine life any other way. Congratulations Lindsay!
When I first learned I was having a boy, I was a little panicked. What would I do with a boy? I was an only child, and not used to the rough and tumble I saw in my nephews. But I have fallen in love . . . I hope I have more boys to bless my life in the future. Thank you for your beautiful post! And I agree, there are cute boy clothes out there!
That was really amazing. Thanks so much for posting that! There is so much truth to everything. I’d share this with every mother of boys.
That was a wonderful post Laura!!
Thank-you so much!
Boys are wash and wear – you hose them off in the garage and bring them in. Though my home did have the unique locker room smell until I required all gyms bags and sports equipment bags to be left in the garage, sons are a whirlwind of fun. They are also hollow inside – you keep pouring in groceries, they keep growing.
My sons are now 27, 24, 22.
I have been so blessed by what Laura has had to say about raising boys – both in this post, and on her site.
May your life be richly blessed with your own little boy as well!
This was such a wonderful post!!!! Thank you!