
Archive | September, 2008

Simplifying Entertainment

This week in our simplifying series I wanted to delve into the topic of entertainment. I want to make it clear from the start that this is definitely a liberty issue (2 Cor. 3:17). Each of us is responsible to pray and make wise decisions for our own families, and thus Aaron and I have sought to do in our household. We have freedom in Christ, but let us not use it as an opportunity for the flesh or as an excuse for doing evil, but rather to serve one another (Gal 5:13, 1 Pet. 2:16). Our standards may seem strict to some, but maybe we all should re-evaluate the long term impact that our choices of entertainment can have in the home.

You very well may observe in the modern American home the presence of a television in each room of the house for every family member to have ample opportunity to watch their own shows without the conflict of other opinions. You also may notice a significant absence in family gatherings around the dinner table to share at least one meal a day. Rather, everyone would prefer being in their own corner, entertaining themselves, or else absent from the home all together. I believe the increase in technology and entertainment pieces around our homes has made a significant impact on the degradation of the Biblical family structure…and where there is no family community and fellowship, we see the falling apart of families nationwide.

1 John 2:15-16 “Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.”

What is the purpose of entertainment?

More often than not, entertainment is an idol in our nation. Just take a look at Hollywood. Millions of dollars a year are poured into making the most entertaining, dramatic, awe-inspiring films. Biblically speaking there is certainly room to relax and take time to rest, as the Word reminds us frequently of the importance of resting (Exodus 35:2). Entertainment should serve the purpose of resting in moderation, as this also can become an idol and lead to poverty (Prov. 6:10). It can also be used effectively in building the family, strengthening communication and relationships, as well as whether or not it is developing skills and knowledge.

But with every entertainment possibility we should prayerfully evaluate the following questions:

1. Is this entertainment choice serving a meaningful purpose? Is it a wise investment of our money, time or resources?

2. Is it building our family in some way (developing relationships, strengthening communication)? Or will this item tear our family down?

3. Is it helping to build skills or strengthen knowledge and learning that can be used for the glory of God?

In an effort to build our family, strengthening family relationships, and simplify the entertainment choices in our lives, in addition to choosing frugal options for entertainment, we have come to a few conclusions…

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Modern Art at our House

I have found the best way as of late to dry and re-use my Ziplocs is to hang them on the clothsline in my hallway! They dry effectively and quickly in this manner. Why waste them? Get lots of use out of those handy bags and make a little modern art at the same time!

In order to get the most use and value out of Ziplocs, choice the Ziploc freezer version – it can be used for everything and holds up alot better than any cheaper brand! I tried the cheaper brands only for them to fall apart on me and thus increasing waste! I only buy one big box of Ziplocs annually at Costco (costing a little over $7) and it lasts me the whole year.

For more tips on re-using ziplocs, check out this post.

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Mission of Motherhood: Chapter 1

Today we begin discussing our book study on The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson. It is not too late to join in!

What rich encouragement this book has been providing me with in my pursuit of establishing a godly legacy!

I loved this quote from the first chapter:

God designed motherhood to be a deeply meaningful role. We mothers have the opportunity to influence eternity by building a spiritual legacy in the lives of our children. Through our teaching and influence, morality can be learned and modeled, love and kindness are taught and received, purpose and vision are ignited and passed on. The real ability of a mother to secure such a spiritual legacy is based on the strength of her relationship with her child.

That just excites my spirit! What an amazing task lies before me. Motherhood is a means of glorifying God as we seek to give ourselves to our primary mission field. It is a journey like no other!

Here are some thoughts from the application section at the end of the chapter. I love how she draws me again and again to the Word of God and the ultimate truth on this topic.

Psalms 127:1Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it. Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.”

Sally shares that in the Old Testament, the word house often implied the same concept of the English words family or home. This struck me powerfully. Unless I fully rely upon the Lord to build, strengthen and establish our family, all my efforts will be in vain. I could have a perfectly managed family and yet still be a waste because Christ Jesus is not the center and source of all things. It’s not about me in the first place…it’s not about having the perfect training techniques, books or knowledge on hand. It’s about acknowledging my dependence upon the Lord and taking steps of faith with each investment into their lives…praying every step of the way that He would build my house and my family – for they are His first and foremost!

1 Thess. 2:7 But we proved to be gentle among you, as a nursing mother tenderly cares for her own children.

The heart attitude of this mother is that she is tenderly loving and caring for the needs of her child. She is not consumed with her own needs, plans, to-do’s, but she first focuses on graciously, compassionately nuturing her children. My prayer is that the Lord would change my hard heart. I don’t want my child to be a burden because my plans are on the throne. I want to have fresh vision to see each denial of self to be a means of nuturing her soul into the Kingdom of heaven. My focus has been more often on ministry to others. when my first primary ministry is to my husband and child.

What stood out to you in this first chapter? Please feel free to share a quote, a prayer, or anything that the Lord has been challenging you with thus far.

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Our weekend getaway

I want to start off by thanking everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes that you sent me this past weekend! I was incredibly blessed and quite overwhelmed by the significant response and all the encouraging thoughts and notes. Thank you! Thank you for thinking of me!I I am still catching up here and haven’t read all of them yet, but I surely will!

Aaron and I had a wonderful weekend away at Lincoln City (along the Oregon Coast)…which is our favorite place to relax and vacation! Karis did amazingly well with the grandparents, and they loved having her. In fact, she did better for them then she does for us at home. Imagine that and yet what a blessing! We spent two lovely days walking on the beach, taking pictures (my hubby’s favorite pastime as of late!), enjoying Moe’s clam chowder (a classic on the Oregon coast), reading and praying together, and strengthening our marriage. It was refreshing!

Today we are getting reorganized, doing laundry, getting the fall schedule put into place, and settling down. I need to go finish up my menu plan for the week…Blessings!

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Happy Birthday Lindsay!

Now before you think, “How conceited of her”… this is Aaron, Lindsay’s husband, the guy on the right in the photo. And no, she didn’t give me the idea. :)

We have a tradition in both of our families for birthdays (and I’m sure we’re not the only ones) to go around the table and share what we appreciate about the birthday boy/girl. In a way, all you readers have been part of our family by either praying for our recent car situation, making your own homemade deodorant, or just trying out soaking your grains. So now I ask, can you share something you appreciate about Lindsay? It could be as simple as a specific post, but I want you to know that Lindsay reads every single comment that is posted on her blog and reads every email that comes in too and she appreciates them all.

She has really tried to keep her blog simple and uncluttered therefore it’s been ad free (no, it’s not your ad-blocking software at work) and so she receives no monetary benefit at all. So please share your encouraging words with Lindsay and bless her socks off!

Thanks in advance…


P.S. – If you’d really like to bless her, check out her Amazon Wishlist. :D

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Karis’ Homebirth Story

Karis Ruth Edmonds

May 4, 2007
Arrival time: 2:50 am
Weight: 7 lbs. 6 oz.
Length: 20 ½ in.
Written addressed to my daughter following her home birth.

My dear Karis came just as beautiful as could be but bright and early on Friday morning, May 4th. Not only early in the morning but a week prior to your due date. One of the many miracles surrounding your birth. If you had weighed any more than you did, it would have been a lot more difficult. But overall, I really did not feel like it was that difficult. I felt the Lord’s presence throughout the whole process. Many have said I am a super mom, but I have been continually reminded that God is to be praised. I couldn’t have done it without His all sustaining grace.

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What are you producing?

“Busyness is not godliness. God is not impressed with your production capacity as much as He is concerned that the product of your home – your own children – be chiseled and molded and perfected to the best of your ability. You may tire of this mundane task, but the Lord admonishes you not to grow weary and promises to supply the energy and strength as needed in this all-important task (Isa. 40:28-31). God’s strength is for what He plans for you to do – not stamina for everything you might want to do!”

~Dorothy Patterson, Handbook for Ministers’ Wives

Painting from allposters.com
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Simplifying Your Purchases

“But who am I and who are my people that we should be able to offer as generously as this? For all things come from You, and from Your hand we have given You…O Lord our God, all this abundance that we have provided to build You a house for Your holy name, it is from Your hand, and all is Yours.”

1 Chron. 29:14, 16

I have been a recipient of the Lord’s wonderful provisions…He continually provides all that we need, fulfilling His promise in His word to never allow the righteous to suffer hunger. And yet in His merciful provision, how often do I reflect upon the truth that all that He entrusts into our hands is first and foremost from His hand and ultimately belongs to Him?

He has entrusted it into our hands to be His hands and feet in distributing it for His glory. I have been asking myself lately, “If I truly grasped this truth that all belongs to Him, would I take greater care in how each dollar is spent?” Indeed, yes! He promises in His word to care for our basic needs (with food, clothing, and shelter we should be content – Matt 7), and these are to be met with the supply that He entrusts to us. Above and beyond this should be given back to Him!

How can we purposefully keep this truth in the forefront of our minds? The Lord has been challenging me to ask these questions before each purchase, however small or great, evaluating them together with my husband. I am talking to myself here!

1. How will this item be a tool in the furtherance of His kingdom? Will this purchase make my home more welcoming, warm, and loving for my family, and ultimately to bless others in hospitality?

2. Is this purchase above and beyond supplying our basic needs?

3. Does this purchase help build relationships, strengthen our minds in Christ, or encourage godly, purposeful habits and hobbies?

I don’t want to haphazardly spend these resources just because I found a wonderful sale! Nor do I want to just assume that because we may have extra resources above and beyond supplying our basic needs (as most of us honestly have compared to other nations), that we can justify spending it all on ourselves (although there is certainly room for strengthening the family by spending fun times together, as in question 3). I don’t want to buy into the consumerist mentality of this age, but rather I want to simplify and ultimately see all these resources as His and use them for the furtherance of His glory and not my own.

Each of us is accountable before the Lord in how we use these resources and we must all prayerfully seek His face, evaluating if each purchase is a faithful use or not. We will stand before the judgment seat one day and be asked, as in the parable of the talents (Matt. 25:14-30), “were you faithful with the talents I entrusted to you?”

Live simply in order that others may simply live.

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Our new car!

I was hoping beyond hope that I would be able to share of the Lord’s provisions for us today in the realm of a car for Gratituesday, and low and behold…here we are!

The Lord has provided a wonderful “new” to us Subaru outback! We are so thankful to be able to have found a good deal on one so quickly, as Saturday was really our first shopping day. It needs a little work but the owner was willing to discount the price to cover the cost of the repairs…and after they are completed we should be good for a long time! Praise the Lord!

Thank you for your prayers! God is good! Now…just pray we would find a good buyer for our old vehicle…

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Menu Plan – September 1-6 & Canning Fun!

We had a lot of fun this past weekend canning away! On Thursday, I sliced up and froze one 25 lb box of peaches for smoothies over the winter. For the frozen ones, I kept it simple and just sliced them up, unpeeled, into eighths and laid them out in Ziploc bags. I also canned another 25 lb box to make 25 pints of canned peaches for Karis, fruit salads, peach cobblers, etc. It was so fun and my first experience with canning peaches. It was so simple and they turned out delicious! I followed these basic instructions and simplified it by leaving all the peels on (hoping to preserve some of the nutrition in the peel and save me time!), and I made the syrup out of honey and water to make it more natural (also explained on the site). I also barely cooked them in the syrup – maybe a minute or two just to heat them up for hot packing, in an effort not to lose a lot of nutrients which can result from canning.

On Friday, my mom, some of my siblings and I made a large batch of applesauce! 50 quarts all together. What a blessing to enjoy the apples my parents have grown in their backyard for so long and produce a good harvest of applesauce. We sweetened these with rapadura and cinnamon and it was definitely yummy! Canning is so much fun!

Saturday was spent car shopping and getting our current vehicle all cleaned up and posted for sale. Oh the joys of searching for a used car on craigslist! It is definitely the best way to go, and after switching gears several times, we think we may have found a good vehicle for us, Lord willing. It will be taken to our family mechanic tomorrow to get checked out before we proceed further. Thanks for your prayers in this process! Now to get a buyer for our current vehicle!

We will be taking some time of this week to celebrate my birthday…Aaron and I are going away for the weekend all by ourselves! Praise the Lord! Karis will be spending some extended time with my family. I am so greatly looking forward to this little outing to the beach!

Now on to our menu plan…

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