Now before you think, “How conceited of her”… this is Aaron, Lindsay’s husband, the guy on the right in the photo. And no, she didn’t give me the idea.
We have a tradition in both of our families for birthdays (and I’m sure we’re not the only ones) to go around the table and share what we appreciate about the birthday boy/girl. In a way, all you readers have been part of our family by either praying for our recent car situation, making your own homemade deodorant, or just trying out soaking your grains. So now I ask, can you share something you appreciate about Lindsay? It could be as simple as a specific post, but I want you to know that Lindsay reads every single comment that is posted on her blog and reads every email that comes in too and she appreciates them all.
She has really tried to keep her blog simple and uncluttered therefore it’s been ad free (no, it’s not your ad-blocking software at work) and so she receives no monetary benefit at all. So please share your encouraging words with Lindsay and bless her socks off!
Thanks in advance…
P.S. – If you’d really like to bless her, check out her Amazon Wishlist.
This is definitely a much needed reminder in our lives. We have a typical morning routine but it often gets crunched and the things that should be priorities get shoved off the list for those essential things like feeding the kids breakfast and getting out the door.
I don’t know how I missed this, but happy very belated birthday, merry Christmas AND happy new year! I love your heart, honesty and how your life is an open book. I’m ALWAYS encouraged after reading your blog. Thank you! God bless you RICHLY this year.
Kristy from Calgary
Happy Belated Birthday!
Many blessings in this wonderful season of your life.
Babies are a blessing!!!
Happy Birthday! I am a new reader, but have been blessed by your blog. It is nice to know that there are more health nuts out there than just me. I tried the cobbler recipe and it was really good. It is so amazing how you can feel connected to another Daughter of the King of kings just via the internet. Keep loving Jesus!
Happy Belated Birthday to you – I was just reading several of your recent posts, and reflecting on the peaceful spirit in them. I don’t remember how I first found your blog – I know it was from another frugal living site. In any case, I’ve stayed because I so enjoy reading about the way you live so simply, and how that simplicity is adding richness to your life. Hope it’s a wonderful year ahead for you all…
Happy Birthday Lindsay! Thank you so much for being both a blessing and an inspiration to me and my family. It takes a lot of courage to put your struggles in the spotlight, but it is a wonderful eye opening experience for those who read it! I’m grateful to you, for opening my eyes and giving me a new outlook every day. Thank you so much for doing this!
Happy, happy birthday!!
YES! i’m joining the chorus to wish you a BIG HAPPY BELATED ONE! you’re awesome woman….
Hi Lindsay-
May the Lord continue to bless your growing family. I have enjoyed your blog and it’s one of my favorite “breaks” during the day.
Happy Birthday!! I am blessed through you. Thank you for your obedience to the Lord and willingness to be open. I like so many others, would love for you to live right next door. But, until we get to heaven I will settle for visiting you via the internet.
Trish Shanahan
Happy Birthday Lindsay!! Hope your day is blessed!
I am a fairly new reader, but I would say I appreciate your being real! You may share your struggles, but you always give glory to God!
God Bless,
Shannon in NC
Happy Birthday, Lindsay. I am so glad you get some time alone with your hubby!! Hope it was relaxing and your had some time to reflect on the goodness of the Lord. We are enjoying our time in Florida, thus far. We have been here almost 4 weeks now. God continues to prove His faithfulness every day. Blessings to you as you step out in obedience and do what the Lord has laid on your heart to do.
In His service, Pamela (Oregonian turned Floridian)
Happy Birthday! I stumbled upon your blog a few months ago and it is so encouraging to read. I am not a lot older than you but it is so encouraging and inspiring to read your entries and see how you try to live so frugally. It is SO HARD these days to resist wanting things you do not really need. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
Hi Miss Lindsay!
Hope you had a wonderful birthday!It’s so fun to look back on the previous years and see how much the Lord has done. He is so good to us!
Just wanted to thank you for how faithful you are to update you blog. I’m 15 years old and I absolutley love getting on here and reading about all your helpful tips etc. Even though I’m not in that season of life where I have my own home, I love doing the stuff you recommend around our house for my family. My mom just loves to see me on here reading all your posts:)
Anyway, hope that you have a blessed day! Thanks again…
Hannah Hulme
I wanted to say that I am a 15 year old to and like you I really enjoy learning all these things for my own home one day if that is the Lords will for me.My brothers love when I try all these things out on them!!
My Mom really enjoys reading all the posts with me as well.
That’s great! It’s always so encouraging to know that the’re are still young teenage girls that enjoy being homemakers: Especially when our culture does nothing to encourage it! Glad to know I’m not alone;)
I hope you had a wonderful day,
Happy Birthday!
Although, I am much older than you, I so enjoy your blog and read it daily. You bless me by your godly spirit that shines through in all you share on your blog. Keep up the good work and may the Lord continue to bless you and your sweet family abundantly. Happy Birthday from Arkansas!!!
Happy Birthday! Your words and the time you spend preparing your heart and home to share wisdom with the rest of us are truly a blessing. I have been inspired by your heart, your sincerity and your spirit. Thanks for all you do!
Happy Birthday Lindsay! I love your blog (it my favorite website!!!). It has been a great blessing and encouragement to me! I check for new posts almost everyday =) I found your blog a few months ago when I was doing a google search for simplifying. Your simplifying series are incredibly encouraging. I especially like your heart for helping others and simplifying so that you can be more generous! I like all your health articles too. May God continue to bless you and use you to encourage others!!! I hope you have a great birthday with your family =)
Happy birthday. I appreciate your sincerity and, when I read your posts, I never feel judged or inadequate. I’m older than you but, when I’ve asked questions, you always answer in detail and never make me feel stupid for not knowing and asking.
Happy belated birthday! I pray God continues to bless your family. I’ve enjoyed following your blog for the past month or so.
Happy Birthday! I’ve been lurking around your blog for a while and really enjoy it. Have a wonderful birthday and a great time with your family.
~Jennifer Ott
Happy Birthday, Lindsay! I know I’m late. I think it’s so sweet that your husband got on to post about you. You are such a sweet crown to your husband, and I know he cherishes you.
Thank you for your constant inspiration for healthy and godly living. You are so talented, and I know that your mother taught you well. I still have a lot to learn, but I see you as my inspirtation for where my daughters can be when they move off to start homes of their own. Thank you for sharing your ideas, recipes, convictions, and blessings. You broaden my horizons and teach me something new almost every time I get on your blog.
God bless you.
Dear Lindsay,
Happy Birthday! May God continue to bless you and your family as you seek to serve Him!
“Make a joyful shout to God, all the earth! Sing out the honor of His name; make His praise glorious.” ~Psalm 66:1-2
“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you serarch for Me with all your heart.” ~Jeremiah 29:11-13
Thank you for sharing your heart on your blog Lindsay! You have been a blessing to me!
Scarlett and Family
You challenge me to try new things, to examine the way I live and be the very best mother/wife/homemaker I can be. You have great influence!
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Lindsay!
I’ve been reading your blog for about 6 months. Totally feel like I know you all:-) Just wanted to encourage you on your b-day that you have been an amazing resource to me as a new(er) mom (my daughter, Sophia, just turned 2) who wants to honor the Lord in my role as a wife, raising our daughter, how I feed my family, how I dress, the books I read, the ways I serve those in need, being a good steward of our resources and environment and many of the other issues you deal with each week on your blog. When I open up your blog, I feel like I’m sitting down with a friend over tea to talk about what’s on the “agenda” for today. You’ve brought much wisdom and joy into my current role as a wife & mom and I’m often inspired and spurred on by the “overflow of your heart”. Thanks for all the time you put into your “blog ministry” (can we call it that?!?!). I know it’s a lot of work to do this EVERY day. But keep it up…it means so much to so many. Thanks for allowing the Lord to use you in this way. Hope your day is extra special as you celebrate with your family!
Happy birthday! I have been so blessed by your blog. It is always nice to know that there are other mama’s out there striving for the same things. Your diligence and faithfulness are an encouragement to me. May this coming year be full of many more blessings and learning opportunities.
Cammie Bray
Happy Birthday to you!!!
Happy Birthday Lindsay! I am thankful I found your website as I have learned so much from it already in the past 2 weeks since I discovered it. I am sharing it with all my friends as well. Thanks for all the work you put into your site. Yours is one of my favorites now.
You have a sweet, thoughtful husband! Many blessings to you and your family.
Happy Birthday!! I really enjoy your blog — the simplicity of your life, your joy in being a mom and wife, your desire to help others is really refreshing (and, alas, all too rare). Enjoy your special day.
Happy birthday from New Zealand!! I discovered your blog about a month ago, and ever since then have read daily, including all your recipe archives! Thank you so much for taking the time to detail your healthy living tips and recipes, and glorify God in your joyful service at home! You are a big encouragement to this unmarried homemaker in training! Have a blessed day!
I just noticed you mentioned you were an unmarried homemaker in training. Have you checked out the “Girl Talk” blog on Lindsy’s blog roll? I think the last couple of weeks they’ve been talking about homemaking and preparing our girls to be good homemakers etc. Well, one of the days in their archives was about being a single homemaker. It was such a great article. Single homemakers are equally as important as married ones. Check it out if you haven’t already! Blessings to you in New Zealand!
Happy Birthday, Lindsay! I have been reading your blog for around 3 months now. I believe it was the Lord’s leading when I “stumbled” across your blog while looking for information on Northern Essense Diaper Rash Salve. You have been a blessing and encouragement to me in so many ways. I’ve been enjoying your recipes, frugal tips, simplicity series, and other posts. I appreciate most and have been blessed by your writings and example of living a life pleasing to the Lord and being a blessing as a mother and wife.
You have inspired me to change the way I feed my family. You really have helped me make so much more things from scratch. I enjoy your blog and read it almost everyday! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Your blog is one that I visit daily. Some of your recipes have become family favorites! Thank you for opening up your heart and your home to all of us.
A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lindsay! I am not sure how long I have been reading your blog (but it’s been awhile!)but during the time that I have, I have changed dramatically as a homemaker and have such passion now to live simply and honor God with all that he gives me. I can honestly say that your blog has been life-changing for me! Also, congrats on your new little one!
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear sweet Lindsay.
I just have to tell you that your blog has been such a blessing and inspiration to me over and over and over again. I stumbled upon your blog several months ago from a link on biblical womanhood on a frugal friday post and since then I am hooked. I check your blog several times weekly. Please keep up the good work. I just LOVE your blog. I really like all the natural info you put on here.
God Bless
Happy Birthday Lindsay! I have only been reading your blog for a few months but I have truly been encouraged by your content. Your love for the Lord and your family is obvious and pushes me in my own walk. Thank you for taking the time to put yourself out there daily.
Happy Birthday Lindsay! I know the Lord allowed me to locate your website because I have truly been blessed by all your hard work. Thank you so much for taking time to do this. If you ever feel like it’s not making a difference, please think again because I have continually been inspired and challenged.
Misty from North Carolina
(I’m joining your Book Study this time)
Dear Lindsay,
All the way from Chile, please receive a big hug and may God continue to use you and give you wisdom and courage in all areas of your life.
You are a tremendoues inspiration.
Thank you for answering my email a couple of weeks ago.
May God abundantly bless you today and forever,
Happy Birthday! I find your blog very interesting and I am all of the things you are not–not religous, a working woman all of my life, not a cook, not frugal, but I am a good person and a good mother. I have one question–why don’t you have any animals?
Happy Birthday Lindsay! I appreciate all the knowledge you share on your blog. Thank you!
Happy Birthday, Sweet one!
I truly believe your blog is a ministry that the Lord is blessing daily in the way that you are sharing your life, your discoveries for better living, and your testimony of the Lord’s goodness in your family. Thank you for being a wonderful blessing – I look forward to reading what you have to share each day.
Happy Birthday Lindsay! Thanks for all the wonderful information and encouragement! Your blog is truly a blessing to me…it’s always my treat to read while my girls are taking their naps!
Your openess about your relationship with the Lord is the most encouraging to me. You truly desire to serve and honor Him in all you do. Thank you!
Happy Birthday, Lindsay! I love your blog and learn so much from it, but what impresses me the most is your enthusiasm and joy for every day. Many blessings to you and yours.
Have a great day-I so appreciate your positive attitude in every post! (and i love my homemade deodorant so thanks for that too)…
Lindsay, your whole blog has been a true blessing to me. Keep up the great work and may God Bless you and your beautiful family today and always!
Happy Birthday, Lindsay! I enjoy reading your blog. I’ve learned many new things. Thank you for sharing your wisdom through this blog.
Happy Birthday! I just wanted to say that I appreciate your testimonies and all the hard work you put into this blog with the recipes for food and homemade cleaners, etc. My family loves the bagels
You’re an inspiration! Hope you have a wonderful day!
I came to this website as a frustrated homemaker needing encouragement. A few months later I am understanding my purpose and role working at home as a homemaker like never before in my life. Your website started me on the path to whole foods, green living, and cloth diapers. The best advice you’ve ever given is to add things slowly. Thank you for that advice and the freedom it gave me to pursue this simplifying life for His glory. I appreciate all of your time and effort that goes into this blog!! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to a friend I’ve never met but feel I know and have more in common with than my ‘real’ friends!!
May the Lord continue to bless you as you and your family pursue His will for your lives!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Lindsay! I have been so blessed by your cheerful spirit and desire to know God above all else. It is truly an encouragement to me, and I’m sure many others. May God bless you as you enter another year of His plan for you!
Happy Birthday Lindsay! I am also just a lurker but this is a great day to post my first comment. I love your blog. You have taught me so much and given me so many great ideas. My family is healthier, simpler and happier because of your blog.
Happy birthday! I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate what you do. I look forward to reading your blog everyday. You have such a sweet spirit. Your site is one of the first I go to when I am looking for a recipe. I try to feed my family only healthy food. You make it easy and affordable. Thank you
Happy Birthday Lindsay!! I love reading your blog and have tried a few of your recipes – many more are just waiting to be tried!
Thank you for reminding me that I am not the only wife and new mom out there that wants to live a Godly life that will, in turn, enrich the lives of my family. Have a blessed day!
HOORAY!!! We can praise the Lord today for the day you were born
I am so blessed by your website and have learned so much from you. I wish I lived by you so I could learn right there beside you! As a wife of 3 years and a first time expectant mother, know that I greatly value your imput on loving the Lord, serving and rejoicing in your husband, and raising/training your daughter (and next kiddo to come). I am happy your husband gave us an opportunity to say thanks and that we care for you! Have a great one!!!
Dear sweet Lindsay,
It is so lovely seeing how you have grown and become a woman of God since we first met your family 10 years ago. You are a harbinger of changes to come, of a fundamental shift in perspective and world view of Godly young women, wives, and mothers. I hope you have an amazing birthday which leaves refreshed and full of joy.
Happy Birthday Lindsay, I too love reading about your simple life and early motherhood. I love reading of the delight you find in your life, it adds to the delight I find in mine, Blessings Julia
Happy Birthday, Lindsay!!! I just want to say thank you for sharing your life with us readers. It does my heart good to see a young person so in love with God the way you are. What an inspiration you are in so many area’s of your life. I have learned so much from you and I’m almost twice your age! Goes to show you… lol You are such a blessing to me. Have a wonderful day sweet girl.
Hauoli la hanau (Happy Birthday)! I enjoy reading your blog for all of your tips and genuine writing style from a Christian perspective. I hope you have a lovely day today
Happy Birthday, Lindsay! I really appreciate your sharing of yourself on this blog – I’m living a very different life than yours (I’m not a Christian, and I’m very politically liberal), and it’s really a gift to be able to get a detailed look at things from your perspective. Being able to see how you approach the world really makes me think about the assumptions that we all make in life, and (to borrow a phrase that you use more often than I) it’s a blessing. (The frugal advice is great, too!)
To show our gratitude, and appreciation for the encouragement and money Lindsay and Aaron have saved us all, are any of you willing to pitch in to help pay for the blender on her list? Email me… [email protected]. If nothing works out, then Edmonds, still know that we all love you, and appreciate all the impact you’ve had on our lives.
Happy Birthday! Aaron is so sweet to put a post on your site for you! You have been a constant encouragement to me since I discovered your site about 5 months ago. Thank you for all your encouragement, recipes and frugal tips! I pray that the Lord blesses this day in a special way for you.
I love Linds because we have soooo many things in common. (Linds, you know exactly what I am talking about.)
Happy Birthday, thank you for a lovely and informative blog. I am so greatful to find such great resources online from a christian perspective. God bless your family and congrats on baby number two.
Happy Birthday Lindsay! Your blog has been my intro to Biblical womanhood, and I can’t thank you enough for the impact that it has had on my family! I am so grateful for the time and energy (which I’m sure is in short supply with a little one on the way) you put in to this ministry.
Cumpleanos Feliz! Thank you for all of the time and effort you have put into this blog. I also have enjoyed reading it and have benefited from your various ideas and suggestions–so has my family in my cooking. It is very informative and I have appreciated your desire to live simply in order to give generously. Soli Deo Gloria!
Much love ~Megan
Happy Birthday Lindsay! I don’t think that I have even ever left you a comment before, but I honestly feel like you are a dear friend.
Your blog is my absolute favorite. I am honestly here every day either looking for a recipe or refreshing my memory on how exactly to soak my grains! I have learned so much from you and been so encouraged by the glimpses of your life and family that you share with your readers.
I pray that you will be blessed today and everyday, as you continue to pursue godliness and encourage others to do the same.
Hi Lindsay, Happy Birthday. I’ve never left a comment but, have been appreciating your blog for some time. I wanted to let you know it has been a blessing. I love your heart to dig deeper into things, simplicity, healthy living, family. Thanks, have a great day!
Hey, Happy Birthday! I love both your blog and your writing style and have gleaned so many ideas from you. Thanks for all you do!
Happy Birthday Lindsay! Have a most wonderful day being blessed. I hope the Lord blesses this next year as much as He did the last year for you. I visit your blog almost every day and am so thankful for your sincere enthusiasm to help us moms in such a crazy world. Thank you for using your precious time and talents the Lord has given you to help us. Now get off the computer and go celebrate!
Happy Birthday Lindsay! At the risk of sounding freaky or desperate, I appreciate you and your blog because it’s the source of natural/alternative/unorthodox information in my life that I can’t seem to find anywhere else. I in turn share what I learn to my local friends. Thank you for all the writing and time you spend on the blog.
Have a great time with family today!
Okay, not that’s funny. Just this morning, I was flipping my daily calendar, thinking, it’s someone’s birthday… I wonder who? I didn’t know it was you, Lindsay. I don’t actually know you, but i’ve been stalking your blog every day since I found it about a week ago. (I even tell my husband what I’ve read at night, when he gets home.) Well, Happy Birthday – from over hear in southeast Texas!
p.s. you have a really thoughtful husband!
Hmmm… should have checked my spelling on that before I posted it. After thinking about it more, Lindsay, I wanted to say that I really appreciate that you are not ashamed of going against the “norm” and striving to be great at what God has designed you to be as a wife and mother – keeper of the home. This is a very important role that is not glorified by the world – even by many Christians. In a day and time where pressure is put on young women to “be all that they can be” – career and everything, you gently but boldly give young women a different role model to follow – to “be all GOD designed you to be.” Thank you for that. Have a blessed birthday.
I love how you are so dedicated to what you believe in, always serving, and always giving your family your best. Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! I just found your blog today, so I am sure that I will come to appreciate you more and more as I continue reading (which I definitely will!) In the hour that I’ve spent reading your blog so far today, I have come to appreciate a couple of things: your organization (its so easy to find articles on your blog, your tireless documentation of your life (I had a blog – its hard to keep up with!) and most of all for all of the times that you reminded me today to be grateful to God for all of my many blessings. Have a very, very happy birthday!
Happy Birthday, Lindsay! I hope you have a wonderful time with Aaron, Karis AND the little one to come!
You’re desire to please the Lord is refreshing.
Happy Birthday! From a NW girl born and raised and now here in Nashville for the last year I feel a little piece of home when I read you posts and I have been very blessed by it! I love how the Holy Spirit is using you to minister to so many…
By the way your deodorant rocks and I have so many people using it! I sent my mom home with a ziplock baggie full after her visit! Thanks for sharing! Have a special day with your family!
Willow from Nashville
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I have been really blessed by your site; it’s great that we can meet like-minded people from all over via the internet:) My mom just recently gave me “Nourishing Traditions” and I have found your recipes explained so clearly and easy to follow – it has made my transition to soaking so much smoother. Thank you! I have referred others to your site for these informative directions I like them so much:)
I appreciate your uplifting blogs and the passion you have for your family and Christ. I hope your day is filled with many happy moments and blessings:)
Happy Birthday Lindsay! I stumbled upon your blog while searching for information on making soaked-flour bread. Hours later, I think that I had your blog all read, and had made notes! Your blog is so wonderful that I put it on my blog roll to that I can check in. I struggle with homekeeping in a way that I can not really articulate, but each time I walk away from your blog, I feel refreshed in my attempts and go to do more. Your manner of speaking is respectful, honest and sincere. I am so glad that I found you, and hope your day is full of Sonshine!
Happy Birthday Lindsay! I hope you have a wonderful day, and I want to thank you for all the wonderful things you have talked about, and all the time I am sure it has taken to do the research:)
Happy, Happy Birthday Lindsay! You are a blessing to so many and have such a wonderful ministry through this blog. You are so very wise beyond your years and are such a woman after the heart of God. I pray God’s blessings on you today and every day. I’m glad your husband obviously knows what a treasure he has in you (and you in him!)! Blessings….
Aww, how sweet is your husband?
Happy Birthday Lindsay!
There are many things I appreciate about you, but I think I most appreciate your smile. And I’m not just talking about the smiley pictures! There is a sweetness and a joy about you that comes through in your writing. I imagine that if we were having coffee together and you were saying the same thing, you’d be smiling. Even your more sober posts are encouraging and smiley, and I love that about you!
Hey, Lindsay! Happy Birthday! Your birthday falls on my husband and I’s wedding anniversary- kinda cool! I’m newer to reading your blog but our family has already been blessed by the many yummy recipes that I have tried. (My husband actually liked the grilled veggies sandwiches w/ feta & pesto- he was skeptical at first but liked it once he tried it!) Thank you for your blog- it has been a joy to read!
You are in inspiration to me!! Thanks for writing and keeping this blog up, it certainly inspires!
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a truly blessed day! We are birthday twins. Isn’t it a great day to be born on?
Happy Birthday Lindsay! I love your simple blog and all your ideas for being frugal and simplifying things around the house.
Blessing and Peace,
Happy Birthday, Lindsay! I hope you have a wonderful day and how nice of your husband to recognize your day on here for you!
We used to always do the thing where we went around the table and family members said what they appreciated, SO, since it’s my turn:
It’s refreshing to read about your effort to live a simple, Godly life. I have to tell you, your blog title “Passionate Homemaking” keeps calling me back. So many women are stay at home moms and I think most of us like it. But to be truly passionate about it and to live to bless our families gives it a whole new meaning. God bless you!
Happy Birthday!!
I just came across this journal today, and so am not familiar with Lindsay or your lovely family. But i want to wish her a happy birthday and add that i appreciate online journals like hers that document the lives of homemakers and families living simply. Have a beautiful day!
Happy Birthday, Lindsay! I hope you have a wonderful day. I really enjoy your blog – and I am so happy I have found it. I have learned so much! Thank you so much for taking the time to teach, guide, and encourage other ladies.
Happy Birthday, Lindsay! I appreciate all of the time and effort you put into your blog. You are fabulous!
Happy Birthday! I am so thankful for your blog because I have learned so much from your simplifying series to your frugal recipes. Thanks for sharing all of your ideas.
Happy Birthday Lindsay! I have been reading your blog for about 3 months now and I absolutely love it! You have inspired me to try so many things I hadn’t thought of before (from homemade deoderant to soaking my flour) and I would still like to try more things you have suggested (like grinding my own flour). You have inspired me to simplify my life and I am having a great time doing it!
May God bless and keep you and your family!
Happy Birthday Lindsey thank you so much for all your hard work on this great blog may God Bless you and your family as you have truely blessed mine.Rena in Oregon City.
Happy Birthday! I appreciate the honesty you write with, opening up your home to random readers like me. I am inspired by your dedication to your family, to a healthy lifestyle and to service to others. Many blessings to you and your family.
Happy Birthday, Lindsay! I was definitely praying for y’all regarding your vehicle; it’s great to see the Lord’s provision.
It was a blessing to have you both join us for our team retreat last month. Blessings to ya! -Greg
Happy Birthday, Lindsay! I am just so appreciate of your desire to live simply and glorify the Lord in all you do. It comes shining through in what you write, and is a testimony to His grace at work in your life.
Thank you for all the time that you pour into sharing on your blog (I understand full well the time that it takes!).
I’m just a lurker, but I liked your husband’s sweet post, so I thought I’d leave a comment to tell you how much I appreciate your sincerity. You seem like a genuine, committed person and I respect that so much. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, dear Lindsay! I was just thinking of you, and praying for your new little one last night, and dreaming up what to give you for a gift.
Hope you have a wonderful day!
happy birthday and i hope that God blesses you and your family on your special day. I have enjoyed the recipes and even though i spend WAY to much time on the computer, thank you anyway. I thought after our adoption was complete that i would get over my computer addiction but some how here i am stuck while i should be upstairs. so, here i go, off to duties of a homemaker.
Your friend,
down in Georgia