“But who am I and who are my people that we should be able to offer as generously as this? For all things come from You, and from Your hand we have given You…O Lord our God, all this abundance that we have provided to build You a house for Your holy name, it is from Your hand, and all is Yours.”
1 Chron. 29:14, 16
I have been a recipient of the Lord’s wonderful provisions…He continually provides all that we need, fulfilling His promise in His word to never allow the righteous to suffer hunger. And yet in His merciful provision, how often do I reflect upon the truth that all that He entrusts into our hands is first and foremost from His hand and ultimately belongs to Him?
He has entrusted it into our hands to be His hands and feet in distributing it for His glory. I have been asking myself lately, “If I truly grasped this truth that all belongs to Him, would I take greater care in how each dollar is spent?” Indeed, yes! He promises in His word to care for our basic needs (with food, clothing, and shelter we should be content – Matt 7), and these are to be met with the supply that He entrusts to us. Above and beyond this should be given back to Him!
How can we purposefully keep this truth in the forefront of our minds? The Lord has been challenging me to ask these questions before each purchase, however small or great, evaluating them together with my husband. I am talking to myself here!
1. How will this item be a tool in the furtherance of His kingdom? Will this purchase make my home more welcoming, warm, and loving for my family, and ultimately to bless others in hospitality?
2. Is this purchase above and beyond supplying our basic needs?
3. Does this purchase help build relationships, strengthen our minds in Christ, or encourage godly, purposeful habits and hobbies?
I don’t want to haphazardly spend these resources just because I found a wonderful sale! Nor do I want to just assume that because we may have extra resources above and beyond supplying our basic needs (as most of us honestly have compared to other nations), that we can justify spending it all on ourselves (although there is certainly room for strengthening the family by spending fun times together, as in question 3). I don’t want to buy into the consumerist mentality of this age, but rather I want to simplify and ultimately see all these resources as His and use them for the furtherance of His glory and not my own.
Each of us is accountable before the Lord in how we use these resources and we must all prayerfully seek His face, evaluating if each purchase is a faithful use or not. We will stand before the judgment seat one day and be asked, as in the parable of the talents (Matt. 25:14-30), “were you faithful with the talents I entrusted to you?”
Live simply in order that others may simply live.
I appreciate your words of encouragement on this issue, Lindsay. In this day and age, it can be so hard to distinguish between needs and wants. I really have to resist sometimes when I see a great sale. Who can argue with this viewpoint, especially when you site Scripture?!
I too strive to live simply and be a wise steward of our time and money. Easier said than done in this world. Teaching kids this responsibility is overwhelming too. Thank the the Lord I don’t have to do this alone! We can never hear enough about God’s wisdom on this subject. Thank you for passing it on!
Hey Lindsay
You shouldn’t have said anything about the car’s issues and maybe one of your blog readers would have bought it
We’re looking for a car too. The mechanic pretty much told us that it would cost more to fix it than to replace it…so we’re trying to replace…
See you later on!