Archive | April, 2008

Titus2Talk: Interview with Dorene – Part 2

For Part 1, visit here, where Dorene shared on family ministry. Part 2 delves into the topic of home business.

Dorene is very gifted in sewing and thus started her own business from home making wedding veils. I was blessed to have her make my wedding veil, which you will see a picture of below. I have asked Dorene to share some thoughts on starting a home business.

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The True Woman: Chapter 3

Chapter 3 of The True Woman by Susan Hunt is brought to us graciously by Kimi Harris. Thanks Kimi for the thorough recap!

If you are just joining us, view chapter 1, and chapter 2.

In chapter three, Susan Hunts discusses where we should find our identity. In a culture that talks a lot about self-image and finding our own identity, this is truly an important chapter to consider. How should we define ourselves?

“As a redeemed daughter of the King of kings, the Christian woman has a new identity. Her identity is not determined by her situation nor by her relationships with men, as feminists believe we are saying, but by her Savior. Her concern is not self-image but being an image-bearer of the Lord God. ” pg 62

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Do not be afraid

I have been meditating on fear and worry lately, while delving into Edward Welch’s book, Running Scared: Fear, Worry, and the God of rest. Why do we worry? We want control! We have this inward realization that we are in danger. Ed Welch describes worriers as visionaries minus the optimism. He points out the fact that the phrase, “Do not be afraid” is the most repeated command in the Bible! Did you know that?

“‘Do not be afraid’ are not the words of a flesh-and-blood friend, a mere human like yourself. They are not the hollow words of a fellow passenger on a sinking ship, who has no experience in shipwrecks, can’t swim, and has no plan…’Do not be afraid’ are the words of the One who can match speech with action. He is the sovereign King who really is in control. The efficacy of the words is directly related to the authority, power, and love of the One speaking them.”

Josh Harris presented an excellent sermon this week at Covenant Life on the topic of fear as well. Listen to it here.

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Uses for Stale Bread

Here’s my miscellaneous collection of random slices of homemade bread!

Ever had extra crust or random pieces of bread lying around getting stale? I sure have! It hasn’t been till lately that I have been learning the value of not letting things go to waste, and to find a creative use for it! Here are a few uses that have been very successful for us! The cost…practically nothing, considering they would have been thrown out previously. When your bread starts getting stale, put in a Ziploc in the freezer until you have accumulated enough for the following recipes!

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Homemade Super Baby Porridge

Karis’ cereal in preparation today, including: cooked brown rice & millet, egg yolk, sprouted sunflower seeds, and tahini – to be combined with my mason jar on the blender trick!

Making wholesome baby cereal for my little girl has been such a fun experiment learning how to incorporate nutritious supplements that are cheap and give a well rounded breakfast. This is called “Super” Baby porridge because it has all the ingredients needed to provide good nutrition to your little one. Thanks to Super Baby Food for all the wonderful ideas of making my own homemade cereal! You can’t beat the frugal cost and nutritional value of this concoction!

I like to wait till one year before introducing grains. Grain is not digestible, especially if it has not been soaked. Grain is a poor source of protein, iron and zinc. The starch-digesting enzymes in a child’s body do not kick in for one or two years.

According to nutritionist Jen Allbritton, “Babies do not produce the needed enzymes to handle cereals, especially gluten-containing grains like wheat, before the age of one year. Even then, it is common traditional practice to soak grains in water and a little yogurt or buttermilk for up to 24 hours. This process jump-starts the enzymatic activity in the food and begins breaking down some of the harder-to-digest components.”

That being said, I did introduce soaked brown rice cereal for my daughter around 10 months of age! ;) Soaked is key!

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Our Favorite Dinner: Pizza!

Kimi, at The Nourishing Gourmet, invited me to share on my favorite dinner for her series, and she posted it today on her blog. Check it out here, and enjoy the wonders of homemade pizza in a healthy manner! (She accidentally used my maiden name! ;) No big deal…Kimi and I go way back!)

I have updated my pizza recipe with the changes described here. You can soak and make it with all whole wheat!


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Giving Largely & Ministering Mercy

While reading Ministries of Mercy by Tim Keller together with my husband this evening, we came across these thought provoking quotes:

“Mercy to the full range of human needs is such an essential mark of being a Christian that it can be used as a test of true faith. Mercy is not optional or an addition to being a Christian. Rather, a life poured out in deeds of mercy is the inevitable sign of true faith.” - Tim Keller

Am I walking out my faith in demonstrations of mercy to those in need? Is this shining forth as a sign of my salvation?

“To give largely and liberally, not grudging at all, requires a new heart; an old heart would rather part with its life-blood than its money. Oh my friends! Enjoy your money, make the most of it; give none away; enjoy it quickly for I can tell you, you will be beggars throughout eternity.” ~ Robert Murray M’Cheyne

Do I have that new heart that gives largely and liberally without grumbling? Lord, that is my prayer!

“The gospel is the gospel of the kingdom, and unless we give our hearts to Jesus as king, we have not given them at all. The ministry of mercy is expensive and our willingness to carry it out is a critical sign of our submission to the lordship of Christ.” ~Tim Keller

Every Christian is called to be a deacon, who is to wash the feet of others in humble service. How can I be a deaconess/minister of mercy in some way this week?

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