Titus2Talk: Interview with Dorene – Part 1

dorene.JPGDorene is a lovely woman of grace, devoted to the Lord and her family. She is the wife of John and mother to triplets. She has inspired me countless times through her devotion to prayer and the word! I am excited to share an interview with her on a few different topics that I admire in her life. These include: prayer, ministry as a family, and her home business. Join us!

1. Tell us about your family.

I have been married 18 years and have 11-year-old triplets. The triplets are each completely different. I have one girl in the mix with two very energetic boys. When the triplets were 7 we found out that one of our sons was autistic. His gift is called Aspergers. Even though this was difficult news to receive it made everything so clear. We knew he had a gift and once we were able to guide him in it he began to thrive. The triplets are a cord of three strands that we constantly marvel at. John and I thank God for the all they have brought to our lives. We never imagined that after 7 years of infertility that God would pour out such a LARGE blessing all at once!

2. How have you sought to point your children to God?

John and I desire to live our walk in front of our children. This means not hiding our love for Christ. We worship Him and pray to him openly. John leads us faithfully in a daily devotional unpacking for us the deep truths of redemption, sanctification etc. There are times of intimate “alone” time with our Savior but it is wonderful to share openly with them our love for God. We enjoy spending time with them just as God enjoys spending time with us. Another very important thing we have done since the triplets were very little is to have them listen to the word on tape at night while they are unwinding. The fruit that God is instilling in their hearts is amazing. They are falling in love with God and find His Word to be alive.

Mostly we deeply depend on God to draw our children unto Him. They see that He is real, and that He is not someone to be adored only on Sunday. Their hearts are in God’s hands and we cling to Him, petitioning God for their hearts, asking Him to turn their hearts to the King of Kings.

3. In what ways have you been able to minister to others as a family?

We try to look around us and minister to the ones God has placed in our lives. That would be our neighbors, friends, family, brides, and the needy among us. We have gone next door to lay hands on a dying neighbor. The triplets touched this man and he was so encouraged before he passed on. We have taken the triplets with us to feed the homeless, and we encourage them to see the homes around us as a mission full of lives to share the gospel with. There are many ways we minister to those around us and the kids are always excited when a new face comes into our lives. This usually means God has placed them there and we will get to share with them the love of God.

Stay tuned…

About Lindsay

Lindsay Edmonds is first a lover of Jesus, wife, mother of four, homemaker, and writer. She loves inspiring women around the world toward simple, natural, and intentional living for the glory of God.
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