Hope in the Face of Discouragement

I wrote this note to someone very near and dear to my heart this morning who is struggling with depression, and wanted to share it with you, in hopes that it might edify us all.

Dear Friend,

I wanted to share with you a verse that has greatly encouraged my soul when I have gone through bouts of depression, lacking joy and purposefulness. Sometimes I just wake up in the morning and feel this overwhelming weight of discouragement. I don’t want to get up and face the challenges of the day. Or when challenges come my way with fussy babies, disasters in the kitchen, financial worries, etc. No matter what they be, this verse has been a source of great encouragement to my soul.

Ps. 42:5
“Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence.”

The encouragement I have found over and over again has come from taking this verse and literally talking to my soul. Probing my soul, and asking myself, “why are you in despair, o my soul? why are you depressed and discouraged? Is this an attack of the enemy? Or am I just wallowing in self-pity?” I have found it so helpful after probing my soul, to reflect on the next portion, “Hope in God!” We are not to dwell too long on this despair or depression, but rather turn our eyes to the Savior and command our souls to hope in Him!

We must take a hold of our feelings, as they can change, and meditate upon rock solid truth, He is our hope and our help! He will not let you wallow in despair, but will bring you up again from this pit! Tell your soul to praise the Lord! Turn those thoughts of depression into purposeful words of praise to our God! I have found talking to myself in this manner has lifted me up from overwhelming thoughts of despair and hopelessness. Keep talking and speaking the gospel to yourself….even out loud! Speak out the truth and do not let the enemy fill your mind with thoughts that will not lead you anywhere but further despair.

Praise God that He uses such means to fill us once again with His praise!

I am praying for you…


It is funny…after writing this the Lord tested me. I had a long list of things to do today, and they were not starting out right. The smoothie I made for breakfast tasted nasty (come to find out my coconut milk had gone sour in the frig…), I was feeling sick from tasting it, and I was in a rush to get over to my dad’s house and help him with some bookkeeping, and plans keep changing as to timing, working out the schedule for the use of our one car, in addition to doing my errands, grocery shopping, etc. The day had barely started and I was already starting to go hay wired! The Lord brought these thoughts again into my mind, and I was compelled to practice what I preached. I confessed my frustration to the Lord and spoke the truth to myself…taking hold of my feelings, and directing them to hope in God! How much more peaceful this is!

About Lindsay

Lindsay Edmonds is first a lover of Jesus, wife, mother of four, homemaker, and writer. She loves inspiring women around the world toward simple, natural, and intentional living for the glory of God.

4 Responses to Hope in the Face of Discouragement

  1. KP September 5, 2010 at 1:23 pm #

    Saw a friend Facebooking about your blog a lot lately. Searching for encouragement during my postpartum depression. Thanks. Trying to meditate on His Word but I’m just really struggling…

  2. Tera May 28, 2009 at 12:07 pm #

    I have been reading your blog often this last month… mostly recipes and such, but the Lord just led me to this right when I needed it. Praise God and thank you for your encouragement.

  3. Heather February 26, 2008 at 12:17 pm #

    Thank you for being so honest and encouraging in this post. I struggle (almost daily right now) with moments of struggle in this area. For me a big part is the time of year… MAJOR bout of CABIN fever… here in Indiana we just got another snow storm today… we have had a long snowy winter. This too shall pass and soon I will be out in the garden soaking up the sunshine! I need to constantly remember to put my hope in GOD!!! I enjoy your blog very much!

  4. Mrs. Taft February 22, 2008 at 10:34 pm #

    Encouraging, and thank you for sharing your “practical” application at the end. <3 I need to hear things like this in the season of life I am in, so I appreciate it.