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3 Mission-Minded Family Dynamics

by Passionate Homemaking’s monthly contributor, Ann Dunagan.

God has a destiny for you and for your family. He has an individual plan for each member, as well as a “corporate” purpose for you as a family unit. As a mom, God will help you to train each child toward God’s mission for his or her life, and He will help you to focus your family toward making a strong impact for His kingdom — in your community, in your church, among your children’s friends, and in the world.

In a mission-minded family, there’s a God-infused energy. There’s a focus on God’s worldwide purpose. There’s a passion for the lost. There’s a spiritual depth and hunger that reaches beyond the maintenance mode of cultural Christianity. A mission-minded family emphasizes leadership, calling, and destiny. There’s a prevailing attitude of self-sacrifice. And there’s an unmistakable and contagious joy.

I believe these qualities can be identified and summarized in three powerful dynamics.

Dynamic #1: A mission-minded family lives in SUB-mission.

A mission-minded family is totally submitted to God and to His purposes. Like a submarine advancing to its underwater target, it’s under the surface that counts.

It may sound more important to board an overseas-bound 747 or to have the opportunity to influence a huge crowd of people, but these activities may not be God’s best plan for this particular moment (or season) in our lives. We’re all called, as believers, to be a part of God’s worldwide plan; but His expectations for us, as individuals and as a family, may be much smaller, yet possibly even more challenging to obey. Today’s mission-for-the-moment simply may be to open our Bible and read a few chapters or to take a minute to pray for a friend. Maybe right now all God wants is for us to snuggle up on the couch with a little one and read a fun storybook. Or perhaps God’s perfect will is merely for us to quit procrastinating, turn off the computer, and go finish those loads of laundry!

Living in SUB-mission to God involves every area of our lives: our personal maturity (spiritually, mentally, physically, and financially), our attitude toward our marriage, our family priorities, our disciplines in home management — along with our ministry callings. As we allow God to refine those sub areas in our lives, we can trust that He will fulfill all of His mission promises to us, in His timing.

Dynamic #2: A mission-minded family is focused on eternity.

Mission-minded families have a focused purpose for life.

It’s good to consider the godly legacy we will leave for the next generation and important to realize that our day-to-day decisions can leave a lasting example, for good or for evil. But as Christians, and as members of mission-minded families, our godly legacy is not the end. Our ultimate life evaluation will not be determined by the opinions of those we leave behind. Instead, our life will be judged by the One we go to meet—our almighty God in heaven.

A mission-minded family keeps God’s focus in mind. A powerful dynamic is present when you raise your children to walk daily in the fear of the Lord. It’s not about preparing kids to be successful, or to get into a good college, or to make a lot of money to give to missions, or even to do something “famous” for God. Our mission is to love and please God—to live every day in complete obedience.

How this plays out for each mission-minded family will be different. God has unique purposes and callings. But we begin with the end in mind. As we’re raising each of our children—from cuddling our babies, to disciplining our toddlers, to teaching and training our school-age children, to encouraging and motivating our teens, to aiming and releasing our young adults to God’s call for their lives—we keep the target in focus.

Dynamic #3: A mission-minded family is strategically aimed.

Each person in your family has specific gifts and callings, and you also have a destiny as a family.

God has placed you together as a powerful mission-minded unit, so it is important to seek the Lord for His purpose for you as a team.

Our goal is not to raise kids to be popular, famous, or wealthy. The goal is not to somehow get our teenagers to “survive” their youth without tasting a drop of alcohol, puffing on a cigarette, or experimenting with illegal drugs. It’s not enough to “hope” that each child will turn out okay or “trust” that they won’t be “too bad.” As we influence tomorrow’s world changers, our vision must be infinitely higher.

Instead of focusing on the “NO” side of human legalism (emphasizing our never-ending rules), it’s much more fulfilling and productive to challenge young people to live on the “YES” side of God’s life (emphasizing His eternal plans).

As we keep each of our children focused on God’s long-term goals, today’s short-term decisions will make sense. And today’s temptations, by God’s grace, will be easier to withstand.

As mission-minded families, we can seek God’s direction and then begin to serve as God’s facilitators and motivators. If we can encourage our children to discover God’s plans and want to develop specific God-given abilities, it will totally change everything. Instead of dealing with surface issues, we begin to train our children’s hearts and to focus on staying aimed toward God’s purpose. A change at this root level alters everything, from grades in studies and success in activities to confidence in leadership and a spiritual desire to develop God-glorifying friendships.

Mentor Families for World Missions

The post is adapted from my book, The Mission-Minded Family. Right now, our mission outreach, Harvest Ministry, is running a special on my two-book-set (The Mission-Minded Child & The Mission-Minded Family — at our COST!). We also have a new FREE 30-page study guideusing these books (to mentor your family or small group in a 4-week study).

If you’re interested in learning more, please CONTACT me through our website, and put “MM-FAMILIES SUMMER SPECIAL” in the subject line, and I’ll send you more information (with no obligation). My heart is to motivate families for missions — right now, right where you’re at!!!

Missionary David Livingstone said, “The mission of the church is missions.”
I say, “God’s mission for the family is expanding His family!”

Blessings to you and yours!!!

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Hosting an Ice Cream Social & All the Health(ier) Recipes!

Aaron and I had a blast hosting our first ice cream social this past Sunday evening as a way to reach out and befriend co-workers and other folks we’ve been getting to know in the area. I didn’t want to take on too much this summer while being late in my pregnancy (37 weeks!), but still wanted to take advantage of the lovely backyard we’ve been blessed with and all the sweet friends the Lord is sending our way! So we decided to host an ice cream social. It was a great success and was relatively simple to coordinate. If you don’t have a lot of time or energy or financial resources, but still want to reach out and be hospitable this summer, I highly recommend this idea!

The menu was simple: vanilla, strawberry, and varieties of chocolate ice cream (cookies & cream, mint chocolate chip). I also added my own homemade concoctions of coffee ice cream and banana ice cream (recipes below) with healthier ingredients to meet the needs of those health conscious among my guests. And who doesn’t like homemade ice cream? And lastly, I had a dairy free coconut water sorbet available. For toppings, I assembled bananas, fresh whipped cream, nuts, reese’s peanut butter, m & m’s, and homemade berry sauce and chocolate sauce. We also asked our guests to bring their favorite topping to share, so we had a plentiful supply!

It was so much fun and the ice cream was scrumptious! Did I say that my homemade versions turned out splendidly? Here are my recipes to get you inspired for your own homemade ice cream makings this summer!

Stumptown Coffee Ice Cream

I made this with our locally roasted Stumptown coffee beans, but you can definitely use any coffee beans. This tasted like a Starbucks frapaccino without all the junk and would make a great summer coffee beverage as well if you cut out freezing process. Yum! You can replace all the milk with all cream for a more creamy texture on any ice cream recipe. Homemade ice cream is also best made the day of within a few hours of serving so it maintains a more creamy texture. The longer it sits in the freezer the more icy it will become.

2 cups strongly brewed coffee, cooled (decaf was my choice in case anyone was sensitive to caffeine)
2 cups whole milk
2 cups heavy whipping cream
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 1/4 cup sucanat/rapadura (I used sucanat, but you can experiment with any natural sweetener here!)

Combine ingredients together in a blender until smooth. Transfer to your ice cream machine and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. You can also place in a freezer safe covered container and freeze for several hours till frozen.

Yield: 2 quarts.

Banana Ice Cream

Do you like something fresh and flavorful, yet light and relaxing? Try this banana ice cream. It will satisfy that sweet tooth and still be naturally healthy for you.

2 cups whole milk
2 cups heavy whipping cream
5 bananas
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup raw honey

Combine ingredients together in a blender until smooth. Transfer to your ice cream machine and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Yield: 2 quarts.

Want some healthy toppings?

Chocolate Syrup

1/2 cup cocoa powder
1 cup water
1 1/2-2 cups sucanat/rapadura
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
dash of salt

In a medium saucepan, whisk the cocoa powder, water, and sweetener until well blended. Bring to a gentle boil and boil for 6-10 minutes, until mixture becomes thick. Store in an airtight container in the fridge if not consumed in one setting.

Yield: 1 cup.

We use and highly recommend the cuisinart ice cream maker! It has served us so well in preparing more healthy treats for our family with real food ingredients! It whips up a batch of homemade ice cream in 20 minutes!

Fresh/Frozen Berry Sauce

This topping is a favorite at our home from pancakes, waffles, to ice cream! It can be used as a berry syrup for your breakfast topped with some fresh whipped cream!

1/2-1 cup water
2 Tablespoons arrowroot powder or cornstarch
2-4 Tablespoons honey (raw is preferred)
2 cups berries (fresh or frozen raspberries, blackberries or blueberries)

Blend 1/2 cup water, arrowroot powder, honey, and 1/2 cup berries. Cook and stir over medium heat until thickened and clear. Gradually add the remaining berries and enough water to reach the consistency you desire.

Yield: 2 cups.

There is nothing like hospitality to get you motivated to get cleaned and organized. I was amazed how much we were able to get done this weekend in preparation for our party!

Take advantage of the wonderful summer weather and invite a few friends, co-workers, neighbors, or family over for an ice cream social! You won’t regret it!

Other homemade Ice Cream Recipes from my kitchen:

Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream
Coconut Ice Cream
Strawberry Ice Cream

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Written by monthly contributing writer, Ann Dunagan.

How can you glorify God in your kitchen?

Proclaim Your Purpose on the Fridge!

The refrigerator is a perfect place for us as moms to declare our FAMILY MISSION. We can post our prayer needs and praise reports, pictures of loved ones, recent missionary newsletters, and Bible verses to meditate on. Our fridge gives a glimpse of who we are, both to our family and to others!

Here's a glimpse of our mission-minded refrigerator!

. . . and a few Bible verses I've been thinking about!

See Your Kitchen as an Embassy Center for Kingdom-Advancement

I’m in our kitchen a lot; but it’s much more than a place to cook food. Our kitchen is our Grand-Central Station for coordinating and leading our family’s kingdom-advancing purposes.

Our homes are like God’s heavenly embassy in a foreign land; the kitchen is the command center and the HUB of our home. I think of all the LIFE that happens in our kitchen! Morning discussions with kids. Weekly home groups with church friends. Times of self-discipline (saying “NO” to a cookie or praying for more grace). And yes, lots of cooking, eating, and cleaning.

Disciple Yourself, Your Kids, & Others . . . in Your Kitchen!

Our kitchen is probably my biggest place for discipleship — of my kids, of myself, and of others.

I think about all the homeschooling-drills, dream-times with teens, world-issue discussions, or down-time with cup of coffee as I’m planning for an effective day.

My kitchen counter is where I frequently lay my writing projects and ministry work (to think about for a while, scribbling notes in-between stirring soup or taking bread out of the oven). Right now, it’s covered with papers — speaking notes for an upcoming family camp, copies of a possible new project for overseeing village churches, plus a random assortment of homeschooling books, Bibles, and missionary biographies.  The other day, my daughter and I were right there sharing Jesus with two sweet neighbor girls (while eating cookies and playing with a puppy).

We’ve also have great kitchen times mentoring for missions. Sometimes this is done in the midst of a fun potluck or party. Other times, our “discipleship-moments” are more intentional. Recently, we had two families join us for dinner and a delightful evening. In the midst of our food and fellowship, we shared stories of how we stepped out into ministry, started our orphanages, and learned to trust God for His provision. One of these families are now totally switching-gears. This month, the husband and wife are heading on a short-term mission to Tanzania, as they’re preparing to MOVE their family to Africa, long-term, to work with orphan children and to minister the Gospel. A few months ago, we were just dreaming about these possibilities; today, their family’s first missionary newsletter is displayed on our fridge!!! WOOHOO!!! That’s what I’m talking about!!!

Our kitchen is a reflection of who we are. It’s the center of where we live and enjoy LIFE. Our kitchen is a hub of our home and where we live-out our family’s MISSION for God. As the Bible says in Joshua 24:15, “As for me and my house [and my "kitchen'], we will serve the Lord.”

Our kitchen decorations can also convey our passions and family mission. I specifically picked a fruit theme for our kitchen, as I was praying for a life of increased "fruitfulness" for God's Kingdom.

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The Hands and Feet of the Gospel

Our Philippines experience comes to a close today. It is a bittersweet moment, for I have truly seen the love of Christ in action and don’t want to forget the beauty of this work. Since the age of sixteen, I have dreamed of coming to the Philippines after reading my first missionary account of a nineteen year old girl who served here. One door opened after graduation only to be quickly shut. And now, this week, that dream was fulfilled and I got to witness firsthand the dreams of others being fulfilled.

I have witnessed extreme poverty, simple faith, joyful worship and abundant laughter.

I have seen children given hope, the love of Jesus, and the ability to grow, flourish, and make a difference in their nation.

I have seen solid national churches partner together with the work of Compassion to bring the hands of Christ to their communities.

I have seen numerous volunteers within the church who tirelessly serve (the majority of which are unpaid) to serve for the benefit of these children. They are passionate for the well-being of these children and willingly give numerous hours per week to their care.

I have seen empowered young people flourish through their youth and into their adulthood who want to love Jesus and in turn pass on the gift to other children. Four beautiful girls that graduated from the sponsorship program and currently students in the Leadership Development Program who are on fire for the Lord partner together to sponsor another and volunteer in the program. It is the gift that keeps on giving.

I have heard the power of the gospel in the life of Maan:

I have seen families come to Christ as their children are helped through Compassion. Mothers, fathers, siblings.

I have experienced impoverished family’s warmly welcome us into their homes and the sharing of their lives.

I have seen Jesus as I’ve entered the homes of Maan…


Mary Rose…

and Florence and Rosa…

…all of which exhibited a glorious beauty, a peacefulness, a joy amidst their obvious poverty.

I have seen Jesus as I have prayed over these families and have received the blessing of these children’s prayers.

I have seen Jesus as I have danced, played games, sang, and worshiped alongside these precious people.These children are not removed from their poverty situation, but rather given a fresh perspective. They are given the tools to be instruments for change and transformation within their community. Ultimately, it is all Jesus!

I am blessed that this child in my womb was able to come along and be blessed by so many hands.

There is no doubt in my heart that this is a good work. The eternal difference made by sending our resources on ahead to our eternal home by loving on little children. It’s beautiful. The transforming affect of the gospel is taking place through the ministry of Compassion and the power of Jesus’ love.

And to top it all off…I had a orangutan pet my belly as if she knew there was baby there in the most unique third world zoo experience. Yes, I will agree that dressing up a monkey is just not humane…but it was sure funny!

My life is changed. Why? Because I want to make a difference. I want my life to count for something. I want to be a blessing to the nations with my time, money, and resources. I don’t want to waste this precious life that I have been given. I have been entrusted with a gift – the ability to love and be loved. I want to live simply in order that I might give generously.

I will go home tomorrow and look forward to sharing with my own four year old daughter about the precious journey we are embarking on in sponsoring Angel. We will commit to praying for her, loving her, and cheering her own, Lord willing, throughout the duration of her experience in the sponsorship program. I pray for the complete 16 years of her time in the program! She will be our adopted daughter. She will be a part of our family. She will grow up with my daughter. My daughter will have a tangible way to pass on the gift of God’s grace to a child in need even when we are world’s apart.

I will go home tomorrow empowered with fresh vision to pursue our family mission of living simply in order to give generously. I want to add more children to our international family!

Compassion is just one way to make a difference. It does not have to be limited to this. But may we all take a step forward today in going forth in Jesus’ name to the nations.

Now that you know…what will you do?

As much as you’ve done to the least of these…you’ve done it unto me. (Matthew 25:40)

Live simply in order that others might simply live.

Only one life, twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.

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The Power of a Letter

Who would imagine the power of a written letter? When I was preparing to move a few months back, I remember digging out my memory box. I uncovered all the letters from my childhood received from my father, mother, and friends. They were so special to me. I had stored them all in a manila folder for years. I had kept these cards for a reason. Why? Here is a glimpse into their contents:

“I’m so proud of you.”
“I love to see how you are growing in virtue.”
“Thank you for being so reliable. We count on you. You are a huge help to our family.”

Such sweet encouragement that I am so loved. They inspire me to this day.

On Day 4 in the Philippines, Mrya sits across from us at the lunch table, a sweet young lady of 19, a member of the Leadership Development Program of Compassion International, and shares about her greatest struggle:

“My struggle is that my sponsor is not replying on my letters. It’s really hard. I want to know them more and more. I want to share our journey and what happens in our lives.”

Her face aches with longing. She wants to know about her sponsored family. She wants to hear about their lives, their dreams, their home, their family. Myra graduated from the Child Sponsorship Program and was selected to be in the Leadership Development Program, which is in an aggressive, advanced academic, and leadership training course. She has overcome incredible odds and needs the support and encouragement to thrive in this challenging stage.

Out of 57,000 sponsored children in the Philippines, only 7,000 receive a letter from their sponsor in a month’s time.

Meann (pictured above), on the other hand, had a satchel full of letters and photos and she beamed from ear to ear as she displayed them to us. Each one she had treasured and kept secure in her memory box to review for years to come. She proudly told us about each of her past sponsors and identified them by name.

The financial aspect of sponsorship is obviously essential, but the written letter goes beyond the physical and offers that emotional affirmation that encourages a child to persevere, to dream, to press on towards completing their goals, to know they are loved by you and by the truly Important One, King Jesus.

A letter offers hope, encouragement, affirmation, spiritual inspiration, and friendship. All of which are instrumental to the holistic healthy development of a child.

A study in Ethiopia revealed an improvement academically of 20-30% growth from children who received just two letters a year over those who received none.

How long does it take to write a letter? In our day and age of technology, we have lost touch with the beauty of the written word.

Verbal affirmation is valuable, but the written word is a keepsake. It is something that can be reviewed again and again. When they are discouraged they can look back upon your words to lift them up again. When they are scared they can see that you are praying for them and they are loved from afar.

What Can You Do?

If you sponsor a child through Compassion, I want to thank you for your commitment to this child. It does make a world of difference as we have witnessed first hand. But would you stop and take a moment today and write your child a letter? Include your children in the process. Let them write a letter. Let them experience the impact of corresponding with a child in a foreign country. What a sweet way to expand your child’s worldview, culture, geography and heart for others.

It only requires a piece of paper, pen, a stamp, envelope, and thirty minutes of your time. Include verses, tell about your family, ask about their life, cheer them on. Compassion even makes it easier for those who prefer email. You can write online and it will be forwarded on to your child.

If you don’t sponsor a child, may I encourage you to do so today. Start building a relationship that could impact a child for a lifetime. Or consider the opportunity of being a child correspondent. You can sign up to be a friend to a child around the world.

Lastly, who might appreciate a written card or note of encouragement in your life right now?

Take a moment and write a note and drop it in the mail. Write a gift of grace to another. You never know the long term impact your encouraging words can have. Write to your children. Even if they are too young to read. These will be such a gift to your children when they are grown and gone.

“But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called “Today,” so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.” Hebrews 13:3

For further help on writing letters to your sponsored child, visit the FAQ page. You can write online and/or print stationary from the Compassion website.

Hear more stories of our adventures in the Philippines on the Compassion Bloggers site. You don’t want to miss it!

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The Beauty of Third World Hospitality

Day 3 in the Philippines sees us riding upon a pedicab being escorted down the narrow streets of a community in a large wet marshland with ponds of water scattered about on either side. It is an area succumb to frequent flooding in the rainy season. Houses all around lie a foot deep in dirty slim water with tires and strips of wood to provide stepping stones into their homes. Clothes hang to dry over the water by thin strands of rope.

In one spot the entire road is covered with water with no passage through beyond a cement sledge border running the length of the road upon which people hobble along to reach their homes. Fishing (called milk fish) is the livelihood of the community along with pedicabs escorting people from here to there.

We come to a small wooden tin roofed house built upon two foot high stilts. Underneath lays a sludge of wet marsh. Outside their door is a pile of paper trash of receipts from which the children sort and recycle for supplementary income.

Upon entering the approximately 12 foot by 15 foot home, divided into three small rooms, we are warmly greeted by a vibrant mother and her three young children. There is no furniture besides a bunk bed, dresser and kitchen counter with one office chair for seating.

The father works insane hours as a driver in a distant village. He leaves at 4 o’clock in the early hours of the morning and often does not return till midnight or 1 am the next day. Yet they express thanks to have the extended family and help of neighbors living next door. They share community meals together.

Their home flooded in October of 2009 when a three foot high wave of water filled their home. They were completely stranded and slept upon the upper level of the dilapidated bunk-beds that the children slept upon. They simply had to wait it out. But in their struggle the expression on their faces is one of thankfulness. “We were blessed because we had milk fish swimming through out home that we were able to catch and eat.”

Mary Rose is the oldest daughter at fourteen who thrilled us with her love for singing earlier in the day. Her love for Jesus was clearly displayed on her countenance. She entered the Compassion Child Sponsorship program at age five and testifies of the impact it has made upon her life. She heard about Jesus and chose to give her life to Him. She can now dream. Medals and certificates cover the wall displaying the family pride in their daughter for her success in school and church. She dreams of becoming a teacher and loving on children in the way she was loved. She loves the exuberance of children and wants to help them. Even at the tender age of fourteen, she is already serving by teaching other children in her community through volunteer teaching in the Compassion program. She is a beautiful young lady rescued from her poverty and given an opportunity for a future, and she wants to pass on the gift she has received.

Throughout the duration of telling us their story, the smiles never leave their faces. They are so beautifully content. They thank us incessantly for coming to their home. They spent the day talking among their neighbors of how greatly they anticipated our arrival.

Yesterday, we visited another amazing family of 15 (extended family all living under one roof) cramped into a 250 square foot home. When we asked our host what she had been doing that day, she excited expressed, “Nothing really. We were just waiting for you to come. We were so excited for you to come.”

This family could offer us no more than a simple wood floor or old office chair to sit upon and yet they gave it so freely. They have nothing to give beyond their love and welcoming smiles. How can I ever again be intimidated by the thought of extending hospitality to others in my own home when I see such joyful love extended amidst such poverty? We reside in a culture with such abundance and yet we shrink back at the thought of the uncomfortable nature of opening our homes and lives to others. Here are families that greatly anticipate our arrival and thank us repeatedly for visiting their homes while I stand as one who stresses over the fear and details of welcoming in another.

Today I was loved upon in a way that I will never soon forget. Even in their poverty, they freely gave us their love. Isn’t that what true hospitality is all about? The simple extension of our hearts and hands to show the love of Christ to others? We might not have huge resources to give, and yet we all have a home, a heart, and hands to extent to others. Eight of us sat crowded around their floor but no one gave it second thought.

We have been given so many gifts. How can we pass on what we have without thought to size or substance?

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I Just Want My Child to Be Healthy

“I just want my child to be healthy,” is a most frequent prayer request among the mothers and families we have visited with here in the Philippines. With 24,000 babies under the age of 5 dying each year around the world from common childhood diseases, most of which are preventable in our day and age…this is reality. With the enormous cost of health care in these developing countries, the burden is enormous. Tuberculosis affects families all over the Philippines…and with large extended families living under a tin roof it spreads in rapid succession from adult to child.

Before us stand nearly 20 different young mothers, on Day 2 in the Philippines, with a wealth of small children that come weekly to participate in the Child Survival Program of Compassion International where mothers with children in utero to age 3-5 years are given the skills necessary to develop and thrive in a poverty stricken nation. They ran up to us, greeting us with such exuberance, and wrapped cute bracelets around our wrists. What an overwhelming blessing to be so warmly welcomed despite the fact that we are foreigners. We who intended on being a blessing are instead recipients of Jesus’ love that is not limited by color or nationality.

How frequently I take for granted the simple knowledge we have as mothers into the importance of basic child development and health. We have such easy access to health care that my children’s health is rarely a concern. We have such enormous access to hands on materials to help equip our children, even the simple things of crayons and paper to allow them to develop their creative instincts. These simple blessings are foreign to these women before they enter this program.

These precious mothers have no knowledge as to the impact of lovingly touching and holding their babies, to the hands on experience of developing hand and eye coordination through drawing and other creative play to basic health knowledge of nutrition. I was dumbfounded to hear that in some countries, mothers will not even name their babies for the first year, nor look them in the eye, or really love on them in the likely event that they will die within that time period. Fear of health is so consuming to them and understandably so.

At this program we witnessed mothers learning basic health and nutrition skills. They were given hands on instruction on how to prepare a healthy meal and the gift of the raw materials to take home to prepare it for their family.  Homemade clay was assembled to give them opportunity to sit down and play with their little children in their basic development. Mothers are taught how to start income generating skills of opening their own little storefront at the entrance of their homes to sell snacks, small sanitary supplies, and other cheap items. Through this means they can help support their families. They also have access to health services with regular child check-ups and vaccinations.

They have the same basic needs as our own family. They love their children and desire the best for them. Our children need love, nurturing, health, and developmental play experiences and most importantly the love of God in just the same manner.  These mothers long for support and community. They need fellow mothers to come alongside them and encourage them in their role. They desire companions in the journey. And here in this place they are joining forces in becoming more empowered and knowledgeable mothers in nurturing their children.

One mother of four young children shared how their family was struggling to survive financially when her young infant son came down with pneumonia. With tears filling her eyes she shared how Compassion came alongside her and offered her medication. Through their involvement in her life, she began attending Bible studies that they offered. Her husband was very anger at first but as he witnessed the transforming changes taking place in her life, he wanted it to. They both came to a saving knowledge in Christ Jesus. All from simply extending a hand in offering a little health care for a child.

The children we observed were thriving. They were healthy and happy. They snuggled with their mommies. They delighted in doodling and coloring. Thankfulness abounds on these mothers faces. Just to have a little support, to be a recipient of love extended, to be taught and have the ability to learn. They are simple gifts. Simple needs. And we can be the hands and feet to meet them. What a joy to observe the national church mobilized to meet these needs in their community.

Don’t miss out on hearing the stories of all the Compassion bloggers here. Do you desire the opportunity to be the hands and feet? Sponsor a child for just $38 per month or help rescue a mother and child with a $20 monthly gift.

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Achy Bones & Beautiful Faces

My body aches from lack of sleep in relation to jet lag, swollen pregnant feet from the heat and frequent standing, and my physical body is screaming at me, “what were you thinking traveling overseas at 30 weeks pregnant? Didn’t you realize you wouldn’t have as much energy with your 3rd pregnancy as you had with your previous ones?” I lay sprawled out on the sidewalk awaiting our taxi ride to our hotel. I was seriously starting to question my intelligence. 15+ hours in flight had certainly taken its toll. Every time we landed I had this crazy sensation that I was going into labor. Such strange tightening, spasms, and dizziness.

I questioned…“why am I here?” It was at this moment that I looked up.

All around me I saw faces. Petite, oval, dark, beautiful faces. Beautiful unique faces. Each one fashioned with such intricateness. Each one filled with such yearning. I am shocked to see the huge smiles and welcomes etched across them. I am filled with such a love for these precious people. God loves each and every one of them. He has a plan for their lives and wants me to love them too. I see the longing. I see the hunger. The mad rush of bodies outside the airport communicates the rush and speed of life. Nothing slows down. It rapidly speeds on towards death and separation from God apart from the manifold grace of God. These faces need Jesus.

Her tears are etched across my soul. A poor Grandma, retired and aged without possible income beyond the $28 monthly pension her husband receives. Here she sits before me struggling to raise their only grandchild. Angel is an adorable girl of four with pigtails in her hair and a cute little ballerina skirt around her waist. A precious life that was abandoned at 2 months old by her mother on the doorstep of her Grandparents home. She hides her face in her Grandma’s skirt as we greet her. She is shy, reserved, and quiet and we hardly heard a peep out of her throughout our time together. But slowly…the smiles started to imerge. Playing with sand, going down a slide, savoring a small cup of strawberry ice cream, and enjoying her favorite chicken and gravy. Here she was…four years old. Just like my own precious daughter. Angel loves playing house, hide-and-seek, and babies. Sounds like my own Karis.

Grandma Ida keeps calling us Angel’s new Papa and Mama. At first I am turned off by her declarations of us…but then I begin to see more clearly. This little girl needs lots of love and nurturing. And though we may be thousands of miles away, we have adopted her in some way today. She has stolen a place in our hearts. We have the awesome opportunity to pray for her by name. We can express God’s love for her again and again in our letters. Letters that have power to communicate love, affirmation, and a friendship across the miles. We learned that such letters can improve their educational wellbeing as well as their over overall development. Grandma Ida’s eyes filled with tears as we prayed over them in our parting and partnered with Grandma in the loving nurturing of Angel.

The Lord has graciously given us the opportunity to invest in her life. To provide the means for giving her the holistic services in her emotional, physical, economical and spiritual well-being in order that one day, Lord willing, she might become a responsible and fulfilled Christian adult. That falls right in line with our desires for our own children. Why not adopt her as our own? This is why Compassion International exists. I look forward to exploring how Compassion fulfills that in 56,000 children here in the Philippines as the  week continues.

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Q & A’s for Mission-Minded Families: LOCAL OUTREACH

by monthly contributor, Ann Dunagan.

Before we close this month’s HOSPITALITY discussion about sharing the love of JESUS from our homes, Lindsay asked if I would share a quick post with a few recent examples of easy real-life local family outreach (in the midst of raising our 7 children and being passionately involved in world missions).


Reaching out into our local area with the love of Jesus doesn’t have to be difficult. With a little focused effort, a couple hours of designated time, and a few family friends, we can make a BIG impact for God’s Kingdom, right in our own neighborhoods and in our local cities.

Let me just share what our family’s been doing. Recently, our newlywed son and his bride (Josh & Anna) have been leading a brand-new local outreach. Their heart is to do random-acts-of-kindness in our community, in Jesus’ Name, and to share God’s love in creative ways. It’s called REACH OUT!

We’ve been doing REACH OUT as a local church-outreach, but it’s mostly been a few key families. And as Alex & Brett Harris wrote in DO HARD THINGS, about not forgetting the “Home Team Advantage,” younger brothers and sisters make great consistent volunteers!

Nearly every Saturday morning, we meet in our church parking lot at 9:00 AM. Josh & Anna open up the back of their car, which is equipped with very important REACH OUT supplies: coffee, hot cocoa, and donuts (now I realize that many of you Passionate Homemakers are health conscious, but we’ve found this “ingredient” quite helpful for fellowship and keeping our volunteers happy). Josh welcomes everyone (that’s him in the black jacket, above). He and Anna present a simple plan for the next few hours (sometimes with a local map to show different teams where we’ll be going), there’s a brief Bible word of encouragement; then, we gather hands and PRAY for God’s GRACE!!!

Other than this short time together, there are NO planning meetings, and everyone (of all ages and all levels of Christian maturity) are welcome. By 9:20 to 9:30 AM, we’re done with our donuts, and we’re out into our community — on the streets or door-to-door.

Here’s a few examples of what we’ve done…

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Hospitality: The Demonstration of the Gospel

Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give.

I received the following comment this week on one of our posts on this topic of hospitality, and it really struck a cord in my heart. I felt I could not let it pass without addressing a key issue here.

Ugh…hospitality. I am THE WORST at it. I really detest it. Just being honest. I’m a stressed-out wreck, blowing up at my husband and kids. It’s just a giant culmination of everything that I’m horrible at – keeping our house clean, prepping meals, conversation, everything. It’s my number one surefire way to have a panic attack….

My heart really goes out to this sister. I know firsthand the struggles and challenges that come our way when faced with the uncomfortable situation of stepping outside our comfort zone to extend a spirit of hospitality. I know how easily it is to focus on the details rather than the heart of the matter. But, let us focus first of all on God’s amazing grace is which is totally accessible to us all. He commissions and equips us for the task and gives us the grace to step forth in faith to respond in action. It cannot be done on our own strength, but only through His sustaining grace.

But the truth is…cultivating a lifestyle of hospitality is what we were made for. We miss the point when we view hospitality simply as a culmination of cleaning our house, making a meal, leading in conversation, etc. What really is the giant culmination of hospitality?

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