I’m excited to bring you today a wonderful giveaway from my favorite cloth diapering store and sponsor, Sweet Bottoms Baby Boutique! This online store is awesome! They offer a huge selection of cloth diapering products, baby carriers, mommy care products, natural safe toys, and everything is offered with free shipping, plus you can accumulate rewards with each purchase providing savings on future orders. Each order comes very quickly to your door packaged with love and a sweet array of samples. (My last order was shipped two hours after I ordered it!)
I have used cloth diapers for all three of our little ones and have absolutely loved the experience not to mention how much the cost savings in comparison to disposable. There are so many wonderful styles and colors to choose from which makes it tons of fun.
My two favorite cloth diapers are the Bum Genius stay-dry one size pocket diapers and the more reasonably priced Kawaii one size pockets. These two diapers compile the entirety of our cloth diapering stash because they are high quality, rarely leak (and if they do it is usually a good sign that they need to stripped which solves the problem), dry quickly, and with their adjustable sizing can last me through the whole period of diapering for each child. I have used my stash of Bum Genius through three children and have only needed to replace elastic one time, which is really easy to do with the new styles. Bum Genius have a fabulous one year warranty on their diapers as well. Kawaii while not as high of quality, lacks warranty, and more difficult to replace elastic, they have really surprised me with their durability. If on a tighter budget, these dipes are the way to go, as they retail between $8-10 per diaper. Kawaii tend to be a bit more bulky than the Bum Genius, but otherwise they have held up remarkably well. For my extensive review, visit here.
I highly recommend snap diapers as they last so much longer than any style of Velcro. Velcro just accumulates tons of hair and string which can be a challenge to clean out, and also the Velcro losses its strength in ability to cling over time, which never happens with snaps. I used Velcro style with my first baby, and then quickly switched to snaps with my second baby, and have been thrilled with the ease and durability. Sweet Bottoms Baby offers a Fix & Fasten Guarantee on their diapers, providing free repair of snaps for the lifetime of the diaper! That’s quality customer service.
So today, we bring you a special gift package of one Kawaii and one Bum Genius pocket style one size diaper (your choice of color and style) for two lovely winners for your sampling pleasure! This is a retail value of $27.50 per gift set.
To Enter:
1. Visit Sweet Bottoms Baby Boutique and check out their selection. Pick out your favorite style and color of the Bum Genius and Kawaii diapers and come back and share with us!
2. For a second optional entry, tell us your favorite money saving baby care tip in a second comment.
Follow them on Facebook for specials, giveaways, and more! Check out their Fall Festival Sale now and save 10% by entering “fallfestival’ at checkout on most items!
Giveaway closed.
And the winners are….
Lauren & Melissa! (you will be contacted shortly if you won!)
Winner will be randomly selected and announced on the day following the close of the giveaway.
No purchase necessary to participate.
Giveaway limited to US participants only.
Email subscribers must click through to the original post and leave a comment in order to be entered. Replying to the email in your inbox does not qualify. Sorry!
This is a sponsored giveaway from a company that I love and support!
And money saving tips: make your own baby food, get hand-me-down clothes from others, and breast feed!
Am I too late?! I like the kawaii square tab sky blue!
Whoops, I meant “money saving tip with babies”…not “baby saving trick”. That’s what happens when you attempt to type something with a 12 month old in your lap punching all the keys – I was trying to type quickly because of it! haha
I would love to try the BumGenious All in One in Blossom/the Kawaii Green Baby One-Size Bamboo Pocket. I have never used cloth diapers, but would love to start. I save by breastfeeding and going to local baby consignment sales.
my money saving tip is to use cloth wipes as well as cloth diapers. I also make my own solution for them!
I have never tried either the bum genius or the kawaii. But I think I would like the Bum Genius 4.0 one size stay dry pocket snap in grasshopper and the kawaii one size snap closure square in light blue.
I like the Kawaii mom label in yellow and the bumgenius 4.0 lovelace.
Money saving tip: BREASTFEED!
I have heard the bum genius stay dry’s are great and I would pick grasshopper as the color. I love the kawaii bamboo. I really want the dino print!
I have two favorite baby saving tricks. Homemade baby food and garage sale clothes! I love making her baby food myself and knowing that it is much better for her, and I absolutely love paying next to nothing for like-new clothes!
Bum Genius 4.0 OS Stay Dry is my favorite! I would love to have the mirror all in one color. I have never tried Kawaii, but I have been wanting to for so long! I think the Kawaii Green Baby OS Bamboo in burgundy would be my pick
A money saving trick I use is, for my baby wash/shampoo, I use an empty foaming container (like an old hand soap container) and pour in about 30-40% baby castile soap and 60-70% water. It lasts forever!
This was hard but I think my favorites are the KAWAII GREEN BABY ONE-SIZE BAMBOO POCKET – BLUE LABEL in Navy blue and the BUMGENIUS 4.0 ONE-SIZE STAY-DRY POCKET in Sassy
Best money-saving tip: Cloth Diaper your kids of course!
AND sew up some soft cloth wipes too, so you don’t have to buy those.
And honestly, the best money saving tip: PRAY. You never know where God will lead you (garage sales, consignment, friends giving things away…) to get you what you need instead of paying the high prices of brand new items at the store. He provides everything we need, yes, with money to buy what we need, but also without money sometimes, in ways we don’t expect!
Hi! What an amazing giveaway and I would be blown away if I were to be blessed to win! The diapers are all so cute, but I like the BumGenius one size stay-dry pocket with Snaps, color: ALBERT (SO ADORABLE!), and I like the Kawaii Diapers Snazzy Minky Pocket diapers, in the Red Circles print- it is so cute!
Thanks for the chance to enter!
I like the BUMGENIUS 4.0 ONE-SIZE STAY-DRY POCKET with Snaps (color: butternut) and I like the KAWAII DIAPERS – ONE SIZE SNAP CLOSURE POCKET DIAPER (color: Fern Green)
To save $$ with our kiddos, we breastfed, cloth diapered (and wipes!), got rid of paper towels and paper napkins, buy consignment for clothing, and made our own baby food.
Love the BG in Mirror or Ribbit, and the Kawaii in Fern Green.
One of my favorite money-saving tips is to participate in clothes and toy swaps with friends! What a great way to share gently used items!
I love the Bum Genius Lovelace – Snap. SO cute!! And the Kawaii Green Animal Print for the Overnight/Heavy Wetters.
Some of the things we do to save money are: breastfeed, use cloth diapers and wipes, make our own baby food, buy second hand or from craigslist, accept hand me downs, and don’t get every piece of baby equipment or toy out there! A few items such as a swing, play pen, graco entertainer (given to us by a friend), bouncy seat, and stroller are what we got for our son, all from friends, craigslist or garage sales.
I would love to try the bumGenius 4.0 one size stay dry pocket in moonbeam and the Kawaii green baby – blue label one size pocket in silver grey!
For money saving we cloth diapered, breast fed, and didn’t buy baby food. Used/clearanced clothes help a lot too.
Love the BumGenius in Moonbeam and Mirror. I haven’t tried BumGenius yet. I just bout a Kawaii Pocket and we love it. The Green Polka Bot Minky one is super cute!
I would love to try the bumGenius 4.0 in Moonbeam
I just LOVE that color
To save $$ I usually use essential oils to help with cold symptoms to avoid unhealthy medicines or expensive trips to the doctors!
I’d like to try the BumGenius Freetime and the bamboo Kawaii because bamboo fabric is always SO soft!
My favorite money saving tip is to not buy things that you don’t really need – and to look for the ones you do need on craigslist & in consignment stores.
It’s hard to choose…but I like the Kawaiii ultrasoft saphire and the BumGenius Albert snap.
Honestly, we use freecycle for most all our needs/desires. Since it is free- this is the best way to supplement your home with baby items!
I like the bumGenius one size snap diaper in Lovelace
To save money I use cloth wipes. Just hem up small squares of flannel material. Then mix 1T of natural baby soap (I use Burt’s Bees) with 2c water. Dip the wipe in the that before wiping. Wash the wipes with your diapers.
I like the bumGenius one size snap diaper in Lovelace. I like the Snazzy Minky Kawaii one size diaper in the snap Brown Frieze.
To save money, I make my own laundry detergent (go through so much laundry with little ones), breastfeed, and swap maternity and baby clothes with my sister and friends!
I love the Bum GEnious 4.0 stay dry diapers in the Ribbit Green color. I love greens and earthy colors
The Kawaii Diapers Fun Print One Size Pocket Diaper in the blue shining star. I would love to win this! I have a 1 week old boy and we are have already gone thru soooo many disposable diapers
I like the bumGenius 4.0 one-size stay dry pocket with snaps in Mirror and the Kawaii one size snap closure pocket diaper in buttermilk. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Best money-saving tip other than breatfeeding would be making my own diaper wipes with paper towel, a used diaper wipe container, baby soap, and essential oils of lavender, Gentle baby, Lemon, etc.
I like the bumGenius 4.0 One-Size Stay-Dry Pocket in Mirror and the
Kawaii Diapers – One Size Snap Closure Pocket Diaper in Green. What a great give-away!
Best babycare tip is to make cloth wipes! This is such an easy money saver. If you are washing cloth diapers anyway, throw in the wipes—so simple! and I actual think they are more effective in wiping.
My favorite money-saving tip for babies is to borrow what you can from friends and neighbors!
I like:
Apple Green, April Baby Kawaii Dual Closure Pocket Diaper
bumGenius 4.0 One-Size Stay-Dry Pocket in Zinnia, Snap
My best money saving tip is BREASTFEED!!! Cloth diapering is probably my second!
I love the BG 4.0 One Size Stay Dry Lovelace Snap!! Also the Kawaii OS Bamboo pocket Purple and Red flowers!
My favorite babycare tip is to not believe that having a baby means you need a newer, bigger car and newer, bigger home. You don’t have to upsize your lifestyle for a baby.
My favorite bumGenius colors are ribbit, moonbeam, and mirror and my favorite of the Kawaii are the dark blue, phthalo green and lemon.
So, my favorite money saving baby care tip is breast feeding!
It’s free! But I also love using cloth diapers and wipes!
I like the one size sky blue kawaii and the Bumgenius 4.0 moonbeam with the snap closure! I actually have some of the Bumgenius and love them!
My money saving tip is to use super thin terry wash cloths instead of wipes at home. I fill the wipe container with water and dip them as needed.
Had never heard of the kawaii diapers before! I like their dual closure ones in apple!
and I had considered using umGenius…but have used the Flip ones instead…love all their colors!
The blueberry trainers are cute and a great idea.
My best money saving tip is breastfeeding! Formula is expensive and with the amount babies eat .. You will be spending more $$$$$$$
I like the: BUMGENIUS 4.0 ONE-SIZE STAY-DRY POCKET in Dazzle color snap closure, KAWAII BABY ONE-SIZE HEAVY DUTY POCKET – HD2 in Red color
And for the money saving tip…it’s basically what everyone else is saying. The three Rs!
Reduce: As in don’t buy toys. We haven’t bought a single toy yet and between grandparents, kitchen utensils and a first birthday party…we have more than enough toys!
Reuse: We’ve borrowed a bassinet, infant car seat, jogger stroller, bumbo, etc. Just ask around! Guarantee your friends have stuff they used for a couple months and would love to see be used again.
Recycle: Our little man just turned one and the only piece of clothing we have bought him so far was a cloth swim diaper. People are happy to see their old kids clothes go to a friend rather than the Goodwill. Ask around.
Best money saving tip…your kids don’t need that many clothes! They are cute but too many clothes means too much time and money (plastic bins…) wasted organizing them , and too much money spent buying them. Do laundry when you have enough for one load to avoid “laundry day” and to keep on top of things! You won’t need as many clothes this way.
I would get the Bumgenious in mirror (with snaps) and the Kawaii one in light blue. AND since my cloth diaper stash is solid at 19 dipes…I would give them to my sister and bro-in-law who are working on their cloth diaper stash in preparation for their adoption of a baby girl in December!
I love the Bum Genius 4.0 One Size Snap Pocket diapers in Zinnia and the Kawaii Green Baby One Size Pocket Blue Label in the Teddy Bear Print!
I really like both of these pocket cloth diapers! I like the fun prints (star pattern) from Kawaii. As for the bumgenius, I like all the colors but the moonbeam would be on the top of my list. The 4.0 one size stay dry pocket with snaps looks like a winner!! Thank You for this great giveaway.
Borrow a large ticket item before you decide to purchase. Much of the stuff I had for my first was barely used. Luckily I had not spent money on most of it. If you decide it is a must-have item and you are no longer able to borrow then buy used.
Hand-me-downs are wonderful, especially in the first few years when things are hardly worn.
Of course breastfeeding is a huge money saver if you are able to do it.
With my third child we never did baby foods which can get really expensive. I had done homemade with the second and that was still fairly time consuming and could get costly depending on the season. With the third we just waited a little longer to introduce solids, about 8-9 months, and gave him small bits of soft foods which he quickly learned to pick up on his own. We also used the meshed food teethers. His main diet was still nursing so it was more about exposure than nutrition. It was so easy and inexpensive. Never had any major food issues and I didn’t have to sit forever with a spoon waiting for him to open his mouth. He is 2 1/2 now and a great eater!
My favorite colors are the Zinnia in the Bum Genius and the Lavender in the Kawaii. I am having my first girl in February after having three boys (yeah!!!!) so I need some girly colors
My money saving tip is to avoid all the excessive junk that people usually get for babies. Simplify, ask family and friends for things you really need, and find the rest on craigslist, or thrift stores!
Thank you for the awesome giveaway! I like the: KAWAII GREEN BABY ONE-SIZE BAMBOO POCKET – BLUE LABEL in Indigo, and the BUMGENIUS 4.0 ONE-SIZE STAY-DRY POCKET with snaps in Dazzle.
My favorite money saving tip is breastfeeding! Also, getting to know people with a baby slightly older than mine so I can get hand-me-downs
I like the Bumgenius 4.0 one-size stay-dry pocket diaper with snaps in Albert and the Kawaii dual closure one-size pocket diaper in apple green.
Also, to save money we’re planning to buy as much as we can used for our first baby!
Bum Genius in Mirror and the Kawaii in Snazzy Minky!
Baby care tip: go with minimalistic. They like to be naked (so when you’re at home, save a onesie!) They don’t get really dirty (so don’t use any soap in the bathtub!) They don’t NEED a swing or a bumbo or a playset or any of that stuff. And neither do you!
I like the Kawaii olive one size and the bum genius 4.0 dazzle with snaps!
I am a fan of the BG One size all in one diaper in Moonbeam. Burgundy for the Kawaii!
Money saving tip: We use cloth wipes and wash them with our cloth diapers. This way we are not buying boxes and boxes of wipes.
Go minimalist on the nursery. Paint is inexpensive and goes a long way toward adding flare! Besides wall color, we went with neutrals – whites, creams, grays, tans, etc. – that we will be able to use other places in our home after the nursery has been converted to a child’s bedroom! Use the surface of mid height dresser (that they will use throughout childhood!) as a changing table rather than purchasing a single purpose piece of furniture. Rethink purchasing a glider. Do you have a rocker somewhere else in the house that you can re-purpose for a while?
Also, I really liked the look of a faux sheepskin rug but one that had a quality look (not yellow or scraggly) was out of my price range. I went to a fabric store and bought 1 1/2 yards of very pretty, very soft, very white faux sheepskin for $15. It looks great in the nursery!
I’m so excited about this give away! Our first is due in three months and we are brand new to cloth diapers. I love the Bum Genius in Mirror and the Kawaii in Snazzy Minky – so fun!
It’s hard to come up with a frugal idea that Lindsey hasn’t mentioned yet in her posts, but I like to use vinegar to clean up the carpet in case of accidents during potty training. After cleaning the spot with some natural detergent I just spray the spot with vinegar and it takes care of the odor.
I like bumGenius one size stay-dry pocket diaper. I am a fan of pocket diapers overall!
My money saving tip…share your stuff with fellow moms. If you lend your items and borrow what you need, it eliminates the need to buy. My MOPS group does this and a few friends of mine have passed things back and forth.
I love that my newborn diapers have been used 5 times so far! 3 times with my kids and 2 with my friend’s babies.
I like the BG diaper in Moonbeam. The Kawaii in dark burgundy.
The biggest money saving tip that I’ve started using with my second daughter is cloth wipes – and it’s soo much better for her skin!
As for a money saving tip: After our baby showers we returned and got credit on a gift card most items that we weren’t even sure we would need or small gift like items. We ended up with over $400 and was able to buy our high chair, her toddler car seat and other bigger items. And we didn’t even miss the small items b/c we never went back and purchased them.
I love cloth diapers! I like the BumGenius snap in Dazzle (love the purple!) and the Kawaii bamboo – blue label in indigo (again, purple!).
My money saving tip would be breast feeding! I’m so thankful I was able to nurse my first one and am hoping it will go just as smoothly with this second one!
I like the bumGenius 4.0 one size stay dry pocket with snap closure in Noodle and the Kawaii diapers one size pocket diaper with snap closure in the apple green.
I’m about to start using my same bumgenius diapers on my third child. That is saving a lot of $$$$! I love getting diaper coupons in the mail and throwing them in the trash because I don’t need them!
My favorite Kawaii diaper is the good night heavy wetter diaper blue dotty. My favorite bumgenius is 4.0 one size stay dry pocket in the lovelace design.
My best tip to save money, is simply to not buy something if you don’t need it. It is surprising how often I have something on hand that could work.
Also, the younger you potty train, the less expense you have that goes with diapering.
A few of my favorite money savers are: breastfeeding, cloth diapers and cloth wipes!
BumGenius 4.0 one size pocket diaper with snaps in mirror and the Kawaii one size pocket diaper with snaps in green!
My best money saving tip (as I am on baby #4) reuse as much as you can, breastfeed as long as possible and skip baby food (if you feel you need baby food make your own).
I really like the Bum Genius one-size pocket mirror with snaps and the Kawaii one-size pocket diaper in many of the prints including soccer balls, denim and camouflage.
I highly recommend seeing what you can live without and only purchasing (or better yet – borrowing) the few items that are really needed. The only thing that needs to be new to you is a car seat (and you can reuse it with subsequent kiddos). We’ve gotten free cribs, high chairs, swings, strollers…while used items tend not to last as long – maybe only one or two children – we’ve always been able to replace a broken item with another free one! So blessed!
I’d love to try the BumGenius with snaps! I had velcro with my last one, but it wore out quickly and we gave them all away thinking we were done with diapers. Now with another little one on the way, I’d like to rebuild my stash!
And my favorite money saving tip? Simplify – babies don’t need stuff, they need time and affection. Make do with what you already have, cloth diaper and breastfeed if you can!
I cloth diaper my three month old daughter and would love to try these two! I like the Bum Genius pocket in Clementine and the Kawaii Fun Print One-Size Pocket in Circle Dot.
Thanks Lindsay!
To save money, I recommend breastfeeding, making your own baby food, and buying used kids clothing!
What a wonderful post! I started cloth diapering my first child when he was 1 and we have saved so much money that way. I also think I was also able to potty train him earlier because of it! Now we’re using cloth with our second son. BumGenius is my favorite brand.
These are the ones I love:
BumGenius 4.0 one size diaper in Twilight (with snaps)
Kawaii one size snap closure pocket diaper in Blue Water
I LOVE the BG 4.0 Lovelace print. So cute!And the Kawaii blue monkey is co cute too!
Oops – guess that last comment was supposed to be 2 separate ones.
I use and love the bumGenius 4.0 snaps diapers. The Lovelace design is super cute. I also liked the Kawaii HD2 in Green. My money saving tip is using cloth wipes along with the cloth diapers. So easy to just squirt a bit of water with lavender essential oil (I use the peri bottle the birthing center gave me) on the cloth and then throw the whole thing into the wet bag. No need to separate out disposable wipe from washable diaper.
This is not exactly a money saver but here is my tip:
I would have to say that leave yourself wiggle room in saving money–it helps reduce stess. I find spills will happen, clothes will stain, diapers will wear out. Budget for it.
I love the bumGenius Elemental (Organic)One size and then also
Kawaii Diapers Snazzy Minky One-Size Pocket Diaper in green polka dot snap.
For the Kawaii ones – Original Cross-Over Squared Tab Snap in orange
For the BumGenius – bumGenius 4.0 One-Size Stay-Dry Pocket in butternut (snap)
To save money, my favorite things are cloth diapering/nursing pads, thrift store purchases, nursing, and baby-led weaning (which has nothing to do with weaning. It’s a style of feeding baby that allows them to feed themselves whole foods instead of being fed purées).
I love the Kawaii good night/heavy wetter in cow print with snap closure.
I also love the BumGenius Elemental in sassy with snap closure.
Don’t buy what you ABSOLUTELY don’t need. As well as try re-loving things that are used
Bumgenious 4.0 one size diaper in Mirror and Kawaii one size snap closure pocket diaper in Ruby
My favorite money saving tip is going to be to buy everything used. It is our plan go get everything used or borrowed. This is help us cut down greatly on the new baby expenses.
I’m really excited to try the bumGenius 4.0 One-Size Stay-Dry Pocket in Sassy snap. I am 3 months pregnant with my first child and can’t wait to use those cute cloth diapers. Thanks!
My favorite way to save money? Breast-feeding! It’s a great way to bond with my new son, protects him during flu season, reduces his risk of SIDS, reduces my risk of breast cancer, helps me lose weight, is easy on his tummy AND it’s free! Not to mention being environmentally friendly and organic!
Kawaii Diapers One Size Heavy Duty Pocket Diaper (Red – Microfleece)
bumGenius 4.0 One-Size Stay-Dry Pocket (Butternut – Snap)
BumGenius Elemental (Organic) One-Size All-In-One in green, and the Kawaii Diapers Baby Pure & Natural Pocket (0-15 months), in any color
money-saving tip: dry clothes and diapers outside on the clothes line. Saves on energy and they smell so nice!
bumGenius 4.0 One-Size Stay-Dry Pocket in Sassy snap
Kawaii Diapers Snazzy Minky One-Size Pocket Diaper in green polka dot snap
My saving tip is a little different since so many moms have said cloth wipes, buy used, make your own food, etc. All great tips, by the way!
I’ve found that pottying my baby starting at a young age saves money and diapers. Sounds weird, but it actually works. At least once a day, I support my young (2-4mo) baby over the toilet or a small potty to let her relieve herself. It doesn’t happen every day, but eventually, if I’m consistent, they’ll start to go when I let them at the same time every day. First thing in the morning or right after a nap is the best time. After a couple weeks, at about 3 months old, my second child never pooped in her diaper, but always did when I let her use the potty. It saves diapers because you don’t have to change them as often, and children can potty train earlier and easier because they are already aware of their bodily functions and are used to “going” when a diaper comes off.
I don’t really buy into the whole “they do it in poor countries so it’s inherently better and we should do it here” philosophy, but this particular practice really makes sense to me. In the US it’s called Elimination Communication.
Love the Bum Genius in Zinnia and the Kawaii One Size Snap Closure Pocket Diaper in Periwinkle!
BumGenius in Grasshopper and Kawaii in Light Blue. . .love AIO’s!
Money-saving tip? We already use cloth wipes (why not? One bucket for diapers, might as well), but I’m going to make diaper detergent from borax and oxy-clean plus a few drips of essential oil. Crazy cheap!
I love our bumgenius collection, too! We use the 4.0 all-in-one one-size. I would love another girl color…Zinnia is pretty! And the kawaii one-size pocket in Peachy pink!
One thing that I found that saved money was having cloth wipes. I made my solution from baby wash, baby oil, and water and just spray the wipes off then I use them. I don’t have to worry about having to throw away unused wipes because they dried up. I have the solution in my diaper bag so if we go to restaurants, it can also clean off the table as well!
My favorite bumGenius diaper is the 4.0 One-Size pocket diaper Ribbit snap. My favorite Kawaii diaper is the one-size square tab in electric yellow!
i must say that our biggest money saver (besides cloth diapers) is using cloth wipes. if i’m already washing diapers i might as well throw in the wipes. it is so easy and saves us SO much money.
I love cloth diapers as well! i have never tried bumGenius but always hear great reviews about them. I would definitely pick the bumGenius 4.0 One Size Stay Dry Pocket Diaper in Ribbit (snaps) and the Kawaii One Size Snap Pocket Diaper in Heather Gray.
As for a money-saving tip… I had started buying those organic baby foods for my daughter when she was eating meat because I didn’t want her to eat non-organic, but they were so expensive. I looked at the ingredients and just decided to start making my own in bulk and freezing! Now, I’ll buy a whole organic chicken from kroger and cook it in the crock pot with veggies (which she loves), then save some of the chicken out to put in a puree for her, and make chicken soup with the rest (which she also loves). Such an economical, healthy, and time-saving deal for the whole family!
I really appreciate your blog, btw… It has been such a blessing to me multiple times. As for cloth diapers, I would love to try the bumgenius elemental (organic) one-size AIO in the “Mirror” color and also the Kawaii green baby one-size bamboo pocket blue label in “california golden” color. Whew! That was a mouth full!
My best money saving baby tip is to buy used. The only things we got new for our daughter were the car seat, crib and breast pump (all for safety reasons). Everything else we purchased in excellent used condition for 75%-90% of what we would have paid to buy it new.
I like the Bumgenius is the Mirror color with snaps and the Kawaii in the light yellow color with snaps.
Money-saving baby care tip: Take up the attachment parenting lifestyle. Cloth diapering, extended breastfeeding, and co-sleeping will save you thousands of dollars per year, and the payoff is an amazingly compassionate & healthy relationship with your children.
Never having used a Kawaii, I’d be interested in trying the basic one-size snap square tab closure in lavender.
BumGenius is cornering the cloth diaper market for great reasons. I’d prefer an Elemental in any color, but since you’re focusing on their one-size pockets, Zinnia with snaps would be wonderful!
For a money saving tip…so many good ones have been mentioned so this one is a little different…REI Used Gear Sales. Hear me out. This is not only baby care (maybe gear) but mama and family care.
We have purchased our jogging stroller, bike trailer and of course other outdoor gear like camping stuff for sometimes 80% off the retail price. The items being sold are used but often in like new condition. The main thing is getting there early. Or should I say late, like the night before.
Its redundant but my favorite way to save money is making your own baby food
Bumgenius 4.0 butternut snap . Kawaii Green Baby One-Size Bamboo Pocket – Mom Label Ice cream.
Favorite Bum Genius: Dazzle because I currently have a baby girl but the practical side of me says the Ribbit or Grasshopper since it could be cute on a girl or boy.
Kawaii: My goodness, they have soooo many options! The Minky Moo Cow is so adorable.
And, I just can’t avoid saying, Sweet Bottoms is such a great online store! I have ordered from them before and have only had great experiences!
My money saving tip is when you buy pear or prune juice for a constipated baby/kiddo freeze the leftovers right away in ice cube trays so it doesn’t go bad in the fridge. We’ve dumped, probably 20 almost full jugs of juice over the last 5 years because we didn’t do this.
Bumgenius 4.0 one-size stay-dry pocket in Mirror – snap, Kawaii Green baby one size bamboo pocket blue label in ocean blue
Sweet Bottoms has a great store. Love the free sample section! I like the one size all in one BumGenius Elemental in the Sassy color and Kawaii’s one size pocket snap in Raspberry.
My favorite ways to save money on baby care are
*Clothing re-purposing (making baby clothes out of larger, unwanted clothing)
*Co Sleeping (No crib or nursery costs)
*Making my prefolds
*Making ALL baby food.
My favorite Bum Genius is the Elemental Organic AIO in Clementine…and Mirror…AND Ribbit.
I used Kawaii with my last baby, then gave all my diapers away thinking she was my last. Big mistake, as baby #4 is due in May. My favorite Kawaii’s are OS Snap closure pockets in green and Orange!
Money saving baby tip? Besides skipping formula and going with breastfeeding and besides skipping disposables and doing cloth….hmm…I would say shopping for used children’s clothing and toys. I was grossed out by this idea before I was a mom and thought I wanted everything new, but after I hit my first consignment sale and bought half of the baby gear I own and a full year of clothing for my daughter for $200, I was sold on buying used for kids. They grow so fast so it is easy to get great deals on used baby clothes. Plus it cuts down on waste (REUSE) and I like that since the clothing has been worn and washed a good bit it has helped to wash out all the formaldahyde, pesitides, harsh dyes that are in brand new clothing.
LOVE Sweetbottoms! They have been my go-to store for Cloth Diapering for almost 2 years now. Very military friendly and I love free shipping and tax free.
I love the Albert print in BG…I would probably go with Elemental 4.0. I also really love the Kawaii Cow print for the Goodnight Heavy wetter, which I bought from SBBB
Last year I dressed my baby up in it for cow appreciation day at chick-fil-a! Winning!
Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
My favorite money saving baby care tip is probably what most of the others have said as well. Making my own baby food or just feeding them as much table food as possible!
I like the bumGenius one size, snap closure in Lovelace and the Kawaii dual closure. Any color works with boy and girl twins on the way!
My favorite is the Kawaii one size snap in Fluorescent Green & Bumgenius One-size Snap in Moonbeam.
So many great money saving tips have been mentioned and I’m sure these have been too but they really worked for me!!
One is making my own baby food-it was great, easy and why I’m sure my toddler will eat almost anything, even the green stuff! Two, Target Up & Up brand items are significantly cheaper then name brands and all the things I tried (baby shampoo, wipes, diapers, training pants, diaper cream) have been wonderful. Last one I’ll mention is plastic bibs. Sounds silly but they wipe clean and it’s one less thing to throw in the washer!
This is great! I heart cloth diapers, especially since I have 2 in diapers at the moment…my favorites are BG4.0(snap) in “Ribbit” and Kawaii one size squared tab snap in “Electric Yellow”!
bumGenius 4.0 in Moonbeam
Bum Genius Elemental One size All-in-one in Moonbeam
Kawaii Green One size bamboo pocket in My cup of coffee
money saving tip: making my own baby wipes..we have 2 in diapers, so making wipes saves a lot since we are using so many of them!
favorites: bum genius, snap, one size stay dry pocket in mirror, kawaii one size, snap, pocket in fern green.
Money saving tips? Obviously cloth diapering
but a close second: we buy all of our baby clothes on consignment! Huge savings!!!
I agree with the food, but don’t want to repeat! And I thought about saying cloth wipes, but I see that in there too!
So, I guess that I’m making laundry detergent. I’ve only done it very recently, but all the comments about it were great! It was pretty quick and easy to make and has been easy to use so far. I did the first wash of the cloth diapers I have in it, but haven’t had a chance to use them yet and see how they came out.
I also am making general sanitizers and cleaners for the apartment to save money and to keep more chemicals away.
Loooove Bumgenius freetime in SASSY! And the Kawaii One Sizes in midnight black!
bumGenius: 4.0 one-size stay dry pocket diaper with snap closure in Clementine
Kawaii: goodnight heavy wetter one-size pocket with snap closure in green animal print
My money saving baby care tip is to use a soap bar that the whole family can use. We have loved the Shea Moisture baby eczema bar! It has worked great on our sensitive skin and is only $4/bar and lasts quite a while! http://www.amazon.com/Shea-Moisture-Soap-Eczema-Baby/dp/B005C2NABM/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1350958432&sr=8-6&keywords=Shea+Moisture+baby
Ireally like the Kawaii style in baby blur
My favorite bumGenius is the 4.0 One-Size Stay Dry Pocket in the Ribbit-Snap version. My favorite Kawaii is the Green Baby One Size Bamboo Pocket – Blue label in the California Golden. Adding # 3 in the spring and would love some new diapers as ours have been used for 2 already!
We haven’t bought our son much yet… we’ve received a lot of the necessary things as gifts, but have chosen not to buy many extras. (Although living in a foreign country did influence some of our choices.) But the biggest money saver has been buying used clothes… my son’s only new clothes have been gifts.
This is pretty simple, but I make all my baby food, and it is super easy, freeze it in ice cube trays, and pull out the right amount for baby (no half used jar!!)
When we go out, I just put the frozen cubes in a snack size bag (or you could use a reusable container to save money)
We’ve had problems with nighttime, so I would love a Kawaii Goodnight Heavy Wetter one size pocket or a bumGenius 4.0 One size!
I think my favorite is the Kawaii One-size snap Round tabs.
I think my favorite money saving baby tip would be breast feeding and then feeding baby as much table food as possible, just pureeing it if necessary. Baby food is so expensive and not nearly as nutrient filled as home made real food!
Bum Genius 4.0 snap in Clementine and Kawaii Green Baby One-Size Bamboo Pocket in Indigo. I actually have a couple of Kawaii and have been hugely impressed with their performance!
Forgot to say my favorite Kawaii diaper. The Goodnight Heavy Wetter in the green animal print looks fabulous. Would love to try that!
I would say nursing is a huge money saver as well as being the best for your baby. I also make homemade wipes, using prefolds that didn’t work for us. I cut them up and put them in a wipes container with a lil bit of warm water and baby soap.
BG Elemental Organic AIO in Twilight! Love BG diapers!
Money saving tips: Consignment shops, Goodwill, and homemade baby food! Consignment shops have saved me a fortune in clothes and toys, Goodwill saves me in books, and neither of my boys have ever eaten store bought baby food. These things have saved so much money, especially the baby food!
This may be a silly tip but I’ve found I’ve saved tons of money breastfeeding my babies. It seems obvious and I know not everyone can breastfeed but if I had to formula feed I definetly couldn’t afford it.
my favorite money saving baby tip would be to go minimalist at first, until you see what you actually need. Especially if your baby is born during warmer months, they don’t need very many clothes!
My fab diaper on site is the bum genius organic in moonbeam.
I like the Kawaii pocket bamboo diapers, the Mom Label and the Blue Label. I would love to try the bamboo diapers!
Baby money saving tip would be to buy baby clothes and furniture (changing table, etc.) used in consignment stores and off Craigslist.
I’d like to try the bumGenius 4.0 One-Size stay dry pocket diaper in “ribbit” and the Kawaii Diapers – One Size Snap Closure Pocket Diaper in “light yellow”. Awesome giveaway!
Money saving tip- I saved a variety of colors and sizes of plastic lids (larger that a half a dollar). They are a great toy for toddlers to stack, dump, and sort.
I like the BumGenius Freetime in Lovelace!
I like the Kawaii Dapers Baby Pure & Natural Pocket (0-15 months)in the comfy baby color and the bumGenius 4.0 One-Size Stay-Dry Pocket in the Butternut color.
I have been researching cloth diapers quite a bit. My first child will be here around the end of January.
I like the Kawaii one size snap closure. It would be fun to try round tab black and white.
Baby money saving tip- Buy baby clothes at consignment stores! You can get better brands for better prices and after you wash them once they look the same as if you had bought brand new clothes !
I like the Kawaii Baby pocket diapers! I love all the fun colors!
I like the Noodle Aplix style of Sweet Bottoms and the White One Size Heavy Duty diaper. Would love to try these! Thanks for having the drawing!
I like the Lovelace BumGenius 4.0, and the Navy Blue Kawaii green baby blue label one size Bamboo pocket diaper.
My money-saving tip:
My hometown has a Facebook page for families to post used baby/kiddo items they would like to sell at garage-sale prices. Alternatively, individuals can post items they are searching for. I purchased 10 barely-used Rumparoo diapers this way!
If your hometown doesn’t have this set up, you could initiate one yourself or simply post your sale items on your own Facebook page for friends to see.
I use cloth diapers for my 14-month old son. I would LOVE to try the bumGenius Freetime AIO (Moonbeam Snap closure) especially because you do not need to stuff the diaper.
We’d really benefit from the Kawaii Baby Goodnight Heavy Wetter One-Size Pocket. My baby boy is a heavy wetter and we put on a AIO AND a diaper cover to get him through the night. I’d love to see if the Kawaii diaper could work all on its own!
My favorite money saving tip is to shop garage sales and consignment stores for children’s clothing!
Bum Genius in Dazzle and Kawaii in light purple!!! Fun!!
Money saving baby tip… kitchen utensils make great baby toys! My 9 month old loves playing with my measuring cups and spatulas.
My favorite BumGenius diaper is the Elemental snap in the new color Mirror. And for Kawaii I like the Copper in snaps.
Money saving tip? Make your own baby wipes.
Money saving idea- hire a “mothers helper” instead of baby-sitter or house cleaner. I know a responsible 9 year old with 4 younger siblings. I can pay her a smaller amount to entertain my two toddlers for a couple of hours while I get time to clean and prep for baby # 3! And my kids are much happier than being stuck in their room or in front of the tv.
Well, I liked the Kawaii Baby Pure and Natural Milk time print. Cuteness.
Bum genius 4.0 one size pocket in noodle and kawaii one size snap closure in lime. I’m due in 6 weeks so this would be awesome!
Money saving tip is cloth wipes!
BG 4.0 in mirror
Kawaii snazzy minky one size in little maru
Money Saving Tip (that I haven’t seen posted above): do a babysitting swap with another couple. Pick a night during the week and every other week take turns watching eachothers children. The cost of a babysitter really adds up, so this takes care of the cost and makes hubby date night a calendar priorty. Happy/healthy marriages = happy/healthy children too
Do we have to pick one BumGenius color?
I love the bright Dazzle! And the green sunflower is a great pick from the Kawaii diaper line.
I found making baby food to be much easier than I thought and was a great money saver.
We didn’t start out with cloth diapers but will with our next one. So I’ve been looking into them…so thanks for your input!! I love the mirror, dazzle, zinnia Bumgenious. And actually love the black, copper and gray Kawaii!
My favorite styles are:
bumGenius 4.0 One-Size Stay-Dry Pocket, color: moonbeam
Kawaii Baby One-Size Snap Closure Pocket, color: ultrasoft baby blue
I LOVE the BumGenius AIO organic cloth diaper and I love the ribbit and dazzle colors
We’ve loved our BG diapers too! And in the Kawaii I love the green apple color.
My best money saving baby care tip that I share with new moms is to make your own baby food! It’s so much healthier and cheaper and so easy to do.
Money saving tips: neutral baby carrier (Ergo or Tula are awesome) so Dad can wear it too. No need for a stroller. Fisher Price booster chair ($20-25) instead of a high chair. If you have or get a pak n play you do not need a bassinet/cradle. Babies do not wear out clothing–find a good thrift store! If you are gun shy about cloth diapering just buy a few and use them after the baby has gone #2. Once you see it is no big deal to wash them, you will gain confidence. I think I am done.
My best baby money saving tip is to share! Get together with some mamas that have littles a little older and an little younger than yours. Share those things that are useful for a short time, like baby bathtubs, tummy time mats, bumbos, jumpers, etc. Use it for awhile then pass it on to the next mom when your LO is done with it. That way you don’t have to waste money on all the baby stuff but you can still enjoy the convenience at the stage your baby is in!
I love the bumGenius 4.0 One-Size Stay-Dry Pocket with snaps in Clementine! What a fun color!
For the Kawaii brand, the Baby Goodnight Heavy Wetter One-Size Pocket diaper really caught my eye. I can’t find anything that works all night for my little girl. It would be so fun to try that one with the black/white cow print!
I really like the Kawaii one size pocket in blue star(s). So cute!
Cloth diapers are our money saving tip! We started out after using disposables for the first two weeks to keep things easier . . . it’s so nice to know we’re saving money!!
I like the Bum Genius Organic All-in-One in Ribbit!
Babies don’t have to be as expensive as what you think. You really don’t need as much of the “baby gear” as what the stores try to sell you. Stay away from things like wipes warmers, they really aren’t necessary. And babies are often completely satisfied playing with simple things that you already have at home. Two bamboo spoons kept my first daughter playing for long periods of time while I cooked in the kitchen.
I have used cloth diapers on both of my daughters. My diaper stash includes bumGenius, FuzziBunz, SposoEasy, and even some cotton flats with covers. I enjoy the mix-up and wouldn’t mind trying some of the Kawaii. The electric yellow looks like a fun color. I am also liking the clementine and sassy oranges in the bumGenius.
I also like making my own wipes. But don’t like having to go 2 places to discard…hence, cutting cheap washcloths in 4ths, and just get wet with water or have a squirt bottle with homemade solution to clean that bum with. Then, I can toss the wipe and diaper in the wash, takes no extra time or effort.
Hm all my diapers are plane colors, so I think I’ll say the soccer ball Kawaii Baby One-Size Pocket and it would be very interesting to try an all in one Bum Genius.
I love the Bumgenius Elemental in moonbeam and the Kawaii in the oxford gray
I used to make my own baby wipes with a roll of paper towels, baby shampoo and water. With #4 on the way, we’ll be doing that again!!
Love the Kawaii Baby snazzy minky one-size pocket! So cute!
My best money saving tip for babies is to make your own baby food!
My favorite cloth diaper in the Sweet Bottoms store is the BumGenius Elemental (Organic) One-Size All-In-One diaper with snaps closures in Twilight. Thanks for doing this drawing!!!
I think the BG solid colors are all great!
Money saving tip – make your own baby food.
It’s crazy how much puree you can get out of 1 sweet potato! Plus, we like to do organic for the “dirty dozen”, and making our own gives us more bang for our buck than buying organic jars/pouches.
I love my cloth diapers! I use bumgenius on my DS. I have pockets and the elemental AIO. I haven’t tried Kawaii before, but have friends that use them and love them. For the Kawaii, I love that they have a bamboo option and like the bamboo OS pocket in the Colorful Cars print. For bumgenius, I’ve always loved the Albert print, but just haven’t splurged on it!
My favorite money saving baby tips are to borrow from friends, buy used, and buy less.
I would love the Bum Genius Clementine and the Kawaii green fern!
I love the bG 4.0 in Albert!
hello I love the mirror color diaper snap on bum genius. i don’t have any children yet and i have a friend who uses these diapers and i love them its so great.. and the money saver great organic and nature friendly thing i did for all my lovely sisters and friends who have babys i made diaper rash cream it’s fantastic i love it ……
Money saving tips, after the experience of one now-toddler:
Buy used clothes and gear. They outgrow fast!
And skip baby food pretty much altogether! It’s a pain to make, expensive to buy, and IMO, not really necessary.
My favortie money-saving baby care tip is to use cloth wipes with your cloth dipes! We found a bunch of scrap cotton fabric that we cut into squares and it works perfectly!
I would love to try the Kawaii Green Baby bamboo. I love all the colors, but the indigo is really nice! I have a few basic Kawaii and BumGenius 3.0 pockets and I have used them often.
bumGenius 4.0 poket in Clementine and Kawaii in Lavendar.
My tip is to make your own baby food. It’s a lot healthier and cheaper!!
I like the BG 4.0 in Ribbit and the Kawaii baby one-size in Sky Blue.
One of the best ways that we have been able to save money is by accepting hand me downs even in clothes that won’t fit for a year or two. I have come up with a plan of what items of clothing I will need for each baby age that will provide the most versatile wear-ability with the fewest number of items ( while still having enough clothing to only do laundry once a week). I then make an inventory of the clothes that I have and what I would like to have, and I keep that in my household binder. Whenever anyone offers hand-me-downs, I accept and pick though to find ones that are in good condition and on the list of what I still need. I put those items with the rest of my child’s clothes which are sorted by age/size and give the other hand-me-downs to another mother, or donate them to goodwill. Anything that I am unable to get through hand-me-downs I find from a thrift store. In this way I have clothed my son through his first year for a grand total of 9 dollars, for which I got: 4 hats, pjs, shoes, dress pants, dress shirt, and a vest.
I like the BumGenius 4.0 in Ribbit & the Kawaii baby one-size in Sky Blue!!
I think you can save the most money by reducing your expectations of what is needed for a babe–saves room in the house too!
I like the Bumgenius Elemental Organic One Size All in One in Butternut and the Kawaii in Heather Gray.
Butternut and lime!
I like the Kawaii April Baby Dual Closure. It’s a really pretty green.
My money saving tips: accept any hand-me downs. Also, use old glass pasta jars to store large quantities of homemade baby food.
My money saving tip is to make your own cloth wipes! I made simple 1 ply wipes out of an old flannel sheet, and use a little travel spray bottle with a drop of baby shampoo. It also help keep your baby’s behind drier!
I loved the kawaii baby snazzy minky one-size pocket diaper in Moo Cow so much that I bought one two weeks ago! I’ve never tried bum genius, but I love the ‘mirror’ color, and would love to try them out!
I like BumGenius 4.0 in Mirror
Well, since this is my first time, I don’t have many tips, but to save money we are going as simple as possible, using craigslist, and hand making what we can (possibly diapers).
I’m expecting my first baby in March, and as I’ve been looking into cloth diapering, there are way too many to choose from!!! So a sample pack would be very helpful. Kawaii diapers were recommended to me by a friend, so I would love to try them. Thanks for the giveway!
My best money saving tip is – use Craigslist!! You can find things that have only been used a few times for a fraction of buying new.
We LOVE our BG diapers! Might need to try out the Kawaii since they are so much cheaper.
Like the BG 4.0 snaps in Clementime
For the Kawaii like the One Size Fun prints in Cow
My money saving tip – breast feed and don’t buy baby foods.
I like the Kawaii in Fern Green and BUmgenius in Grasshopper.
Money saving tip: Use cloth wipes with a little Dr. Bonners – baby mild soap and a little essential oil of your choice. I received a bunch of baby washcloths so I just used those, I had planned on buying old flannel clothes from a thrift store and cutting them into squares and hemming the edges.
Square tab, Sky blue for Kawaii
Snap , Ribbit for Bum Genius
We’ve cloth diapered for 2 yrs. Love it. With a girl and a boy it sure is nice to have fun colors that aren’t so gender specific (my 2yr old son may not agree to wearing pink or purple diapers).
BGE in Mirror and Kawaii in blue.
Big money saving tip at our house is hand me downs! We ask around and trade clothes in our family and with friends, and we also have clothing swaps at church. It saves so much money!
I like the Kawaii One Size snap closure pocket in lavender and the Bum Genius 4.0 One Size Stay Dry Pocket in zinnia.
$aving tips: breastfeeding, cloth diapering, food off our plates, garage sales, criagslist, and consignment shops.
Ok I definantly love the Bum Genius diapers. I love that they fit up to 35lbs and that they are waterproof on the outside so you don’t have to buy an extra cover. I also like that they have the inserts for both infant and older child. I have been very confused about the different diapars and styles but I think that this one is right at the top of my list. I also love all the color options…I especially love the blossom for a little girl and moonbeam for a little boy.
My money saving tip– breastfeeding and cloth diapering!
Kawaii in Spring Bud snaps and BG in Mirror snaps
We’re expecting our first baby in the next month and are superrrr excited to do cloth diapers even with family members and friends thinking we’re crazy!
I love the Bumgenius 4.0 and Kawaii both in simple, classic white.
Moneysaving tip is making your own baby food or baby led weaning so they just eat what you eat!
Money saving tip? I could think of tons: Breastfeeding, using a baby food mill, shopping at garage sales and thrift sales for clothes and other baby items,…and coupons coupons coupons!!!
Favorite money saving tip is making your own baby food. SO much cheaper and healthier!
I love the Ribbit – BumGenius Elemental (Organic) and the Kawaii in periwinkle!
I like the BG 4.0 Twilight snaps and the Kawaii squared tab in sky blue! We love the Kawaii diapers around here!
Swaddlebees has a really cute diaper that has butterflies and flowers on it. I have never tried cloth diapers, but have always wanted to. I have a sweet little 3 mos old that might like them too.
I think the snaps idea is a good one though. I noticed that brand had velcro. I’d love to try one of the other brands suggested in a girlie color.
Money saving tip- breastfeeding! So much cheaper and better for baby!
I like the BumGenius Elemental (Organic) One Size All-in-One “Moonbeam.” I am in love with the Kawaii Baby Snazzy Minky One-Size Pocket “Moo Cow.” LOVE the cute patterns!
I am expecting my first baby in January and have been researching cloth diapers! It would be great to get some to try out! It’s a boy, so I love the Sky Blue color Kawaii has (in the one-size pocket) and the Twilight color for Bum Genius!
All of them seriously look great and so cute to boot!
I am expecting baby #3 in March. I have used traditional disposable diapers in the past but have become interested in trying a more natural and healthy approach for diapering this next little girl! I love the Kawaii fun prints, especially the lime flower pattern!
A favorite tip would be using a foodmill to just puree what we’re eating for our meal for baby to eat too!
I like the Bumgenius 4.0 diaper in grasshopper or mirror and the Kawaii in the oxford gray!
One of our favorite money saving tips: share baby clothes among friends! Babies go through sizes so quickly and clothes can be expensive! Sharing clothes (and other things) has been a big money saver for us and has been a major blessing as we see the body of Christ “having all things in common”.
Great giveaway! I love the Kawaii Green Baby One-size Bamboo pocket diaper in icy blue, and the bumGenius 4.0 One-size stay dry diaper in butternut!
Favorite money saving tip: Less is more. You need less clothes, less gadgets, less toys, etc for baby than everyone says you do. I have been so surprised how simple you can keep things. And we have gotten rid of alot of things we were given that we originally thought we would ‘need’ that are really just in the way!
Love the Kawaii Baby One Size Fun Print Cow diaper and the BumGenius One Size Stay Dry Pocket in Lovelace. SO cute! Thanks for the giveaway!
We’re expecting our first-born in 8 weeks, so I don’t have experience with money-saving ideas. But I am planning to breast-feed and cloth diaper and use cloth wipes. I’ll probably buy used baby clothes for the most part.
When you’re already using cloth diapers it’s just as easy to use cloth wipes as well. I made a bunch of them out of old receiving blankets, but you could use any soft flannel. Just cut up small squares the size you want and zigzag around the edges. They can go right through the wash with the cloth diapers.
I like the BumGenius 4.0 with the snap enclosure in grasshopper and the Kawaii one-size snap pockets in the fun prints.
I love the green animal print Kawaii diaper and I love the Bum Genius in Clementine! I love all of the choices of colors with cloth diapers!
For saving money, breastfeeding is huge…I am learning that cloth diapering is as well! (started when my 2nd was 14 mo. old), making your own baby food, and I make all of our care products—diaper creams, lotions, baby wash etc. I LOVE being able to control all of the ingredients and truthfully, I feel that they work better than the storebought stuff!! Love all of the tips from other moms!
I’m not sure if this is really money saving, but we use water on paper towels for wipes. That way we avoid all of the chemicals they put in wipes.
My favorite money saving tip is that you really don’t need many of the baby gadgets. So many are only used for a few months and so try to get the for free or just do without.
I love the BG 4.0 one size stay dry in twilight! We use BG 3.0 with Velcro, and now after two kids, I definitely agree with you that snaps are the way to go!
Whoops! Forgot to put my fav Kawaii dipe. I would be interested in trying the bamboo one size. The colors are so vibrate. I love that! My favorite color would have to be the ocean blue. Can you tell I like blue?!
I like EVERYTHING! But if I had to pick right now, I would go with Kawaii Baby One-Size Snap Closure Pocket, and the Bum Genius 4.0.
Thanks for the opportunity to win, Lindsay. I like the green bum genius and the Kawaii in the light blue. They will make for some adorable bottoms:)
My main money saving baby care tip is to puree my own vegetables for baby food.
I love the BUMGENIUS 4.0 ONE-SIZE STAY-DRY POCKET in the color mirror and the KAWAII BABY ONE-SIZE SNAP CLOSURE POCKET in the copper color!
My favorite BG is the 4.0 with snaps in blossom (because I have no pink cloth diapers and a little girl on the way) and favorite Kawaii is the one-sized snap in lavendar.
And my best money saving tip. Stop shopping at Target. No, just kidding! I make my own baby food, dole it out in muffin tin molds, then pop them out and store in freezer. It’s easy, efficient, and definitely saves money. Plus, I get to put exactly the fruits, veggies, and meats I want. So great!
I would love to own the bum genius lovelace snap diaper for my little gal. We have almost all boy colors so this would be so fun! I also LOVE the Kawaii goodnight heavy wetter in black and white cow for my very heavy wetter’s (toddler and baby) at night! Thanks!!
My baby is only 5 months old, but here are some things I have done so far in cost savings. Breastfeeding and cloth diapering basically mean I really don’t have to buy anything at the moment. I plan on making my own baby food, this coming month, and have read up and done enough research that this will be better for my baby and will save us money, and it’s really not all that time consuming once you’ve established a routine. I also go to a local gently used sale that’s held at our Fairgrounds twice a year to stock up on clothes that she is missing out on for the coming months, I just went a month ago and bought 2 full garbage bags full of stuff for $120. This is a great way to get super cute stuff, and to get necessities like onesies, outerwear, etc and not pay an arm and a leg for it.
I love the Bumgenius Elemental AIO, butternut color. Also, the prints for the Kawaii’s are adorable, it was hard to choose. But, the Kawaii Baby One Size Pocket, soccer print won out.
My best money saving baby tip is to breast feed. Good for mommy and for baby plus the cost savings is incredible.
To be honest, all the different varieties are a bit overwhelming and confusing to me
I just know I want to use cloth, and I like the all-in-one idea. I do like the color variety, and think moonbeam is my fave.
To save money on baby clothes, I borrow clothes from friends to fill in the clothing items I need until I move to the next size. If I still need items, I always shop at Once Upon a Child for cheap clothing that’s excellent quality. If I have anything to sell, I’ll sell some clothes to offset anything I need to buy.
I love the BG 4.0 velcro or snap closures in clementine. We are using some right now and love them, but dont have a very big stash hyet
I like the new BG color Sassy and I love the Kawaii camo diaper!
My best money saving tip is breastfeed your babies. Not only is it free and healthy your babies will get sick less meaning less cost on doctors bills!
The BG 4.0 in any of the colors would be fantasic!
Our baby had her first cold this weekend and I think breastfeeding and prayer helped keep her out of the doctor’s office and saved us the co-pay money. Praise God she is better already!
My favorite money saving tips are these 3….breastfeed, put the bottoms in cloth and make your own diaper cream. Store bought is too pricey and has too many bad things in it….
Hmm…How do you just pick one? lol….The Go Green’s look really cool!! So do the fitted, but we’ve never had luck with those.
I like bumGenius in Ribbit and Kawaii ultra soft in sapphire.
BG freetime in mirror! Kawaii in persian green
I’d have to say breastfeeding is definitely my favorite money-saving baby thing to do. I just loved the bonding.
I’d love to try these diapers! I’m really not that picky though…just like something that works! I’d pick some boy colors, since our baby boy is due in January!
Thanks for the chance!
BG 4.0 love! And Kawaii one size snaps are my fave!
one of my favorite frugal baby care tips is to use old receiving blankets to make my own cloth wipes. They save on having to buy wet wipes and they are so much softer and wipe so much better!
I love the bumgenius 4.0 in Albert and the Kawaii minky in cows
Bumgenius stay dry one size in Lovelace. Kawaii is midnight.
I love the bumgenuis one size pocket snaps in dazzle and the one size snap kawaii in black!
Great Giveaway! Thanks!!
I would say breastfeeding is a huge money saver (not to mention far more nutritious than formula!).
I like the Bum Genius stay-dry one size pocket in Lovelace… or Midnight for a something more gender neutral and the Kawaii Green Baby One Size Bamboo Pocket in Toys & Angel print.
Hi! I like the bum genius snap all in one pocket diapers and i love the color sassy. Our first baby is nine months old (soon to be ten!!) so i still have a ton to learn on how to save money and everything else:) but some ways we save are buying everything used or swapping with friends, creating toys and activities with things we already have at home, and going paperless.
I buy most things used… Your kids go through things so fast way waste. Helps the environment and the pocket book!
I need a few more diapers to complete my stash. This would SO help out.
I would like to try the Kawaii Diapers
My husband and I are all lined up to adopt a baby girl this December!!
Since this will be our first baby, I’m not an expert or anything, but so far my favorite way that I’ve saved money is by not buying any toys. It’s SO tempting to to buy them, but it saves lots of money to just use things around the house (tupperware and stuff). From what I’ve seen with my friend’s kids, babies usually prefer items around the house anyways. =)
Plus, I’m sure I’ll be getting more toys from relatives and friends than I’ll know what to do with. =)
My favorite money-saving tip… breastfeeding is a free and perfect way to keep the nutrition coming while they’re learning solids. We also really enjoyed baby-led solids, which meant I wasn’t buying jarred babyfood or spending time/energy mashing up my own.
As far as cloth diapering, the majority of my diaper stash is just plain cotton flats and PUL covers. Super-cheap, easy to clean (no extra washes, rinses, stripping), and absorbent.
I love the BumGenius 4.0 One-Size Stay-Dry Pocket and the Kawaii Baby One-Size Snap Closure Pocket. So cute!
We use cloth wipes with just water in a wipes warmer. No additional chemicals needed!
I would also second the comment on breastfeeding as a primary way to save money!
Love the BG elementals in Clementine and the Kawaii in ultra soft blue water!
I love the BG Elementals diapers–natural fibers wash up so easily. I think I’d pick Twilight for my little guy. I also loved the boyish print they have in the Kawaii Bamboo OS Pocket–the dinosaurs and cars were so cute.
We save money by borrowing and trading baby equipment with other friends. Many items are only used for a few months at a time (baby swing, bumbo seat, etc) and are not worth buying new. Also, some babies don’t even like all the equipment you’re “supposed” to use (my little guy hated the baby swing and the vibrating chair, so glad I didn’t pay for them). Finding a good consignment store helps too!
I love the soft baby green Kawaii diapers
I like the Bumgenius 4.0 in Ribbit with snaps, and the Kawaii Baby Goodnight Heavy Wetter in Brown Dotty with snaps.
My favorite money-saving baby care tip is….nursing. Not only is it free, so good for baby, and so convenient, but there’s such a special bond attached to it.
I like the bumGenious pocket diaper in mirror, and the Kawaii one-size bamboo pocket in silver grey. I have never used pocket diapers before, but am interested in trying them out. So far, I’ve gone the very economical route of using flats and folding them myself. The folding part is fun, and I like how easy it is to wash them out (and they dry sooo fast).
Money saving tip: use cloth hankerchiefs for yourself and your baby. If need be, squirt some saline on the hanky. Much cheaper than BoogieWipes.
My favorites are the BG Mirror with snaps and the Kawaii Heather Gray.
k the bumgenius ones I like the BUMGENIUS 4.0 ONE-SIZE STAY-DRY POCKET mirror color in the snap version and the KAWAII GREEN BABY ONE-SIZE BAMBOO POCKET – BLUE LABEL in ocean blue.
We are cloth diapering for the first time with our third baby. I love the Albert print in Bum Genius (Ribbit is also a favorite) and olive in the Kawaii.
Cloth diapers are a great way to save money! Although i would have to say my very favorite way to save money is probably breastfeeding
I would love to try a BG 4.0 snap in Dazzle (soo pretty!), and one of the Kawaii in bamboo, I’m not sure which color.
Cloth diapering saves money, as well as shopping at upper scale second hand thrift stores. We find all sorts of nice clothes with out spending a fortune. In addition we also were able to buy our daughters’ swing second hand as well. Breastfeeding has also saved us money!
Oh and my money saving tip is to bite the bullet and give prefolds a try. For cost and ease of care they can’t be beat. I suggest that friends who are thinking of cloth diapering buy a dozen prefolds and one each of any fitted or AIO they’re interested in trying. That way, they aren’t stuck with a stash of expensive AIOs that they don’t love. Assuming they decide to move on to AIOs, the prefolds can then be used as diapers, or burp cloths.
Bumgenius One Size Dazzle and Kawaii One Size Cherry Blossom!
I am a hardcore covers and prefolds girl but I am still searching for the perfect overnight diaper, so I’d love to try the Kawaii Baby Goodnight Heavy Wetter in Black/White Cow and the BumGenius Elemental in the adorably chic Albert print.
I love the happy bright green “ribbit” colored BumGenius diaper.
I also love the “heather grey” in the kawaii diaper! It is perfect for boys or girls
Other than cloth diapering our other way we save money as a family is making homemade baby food out of our garden. We worked together with some friends, traded produce and made all of our sons food for free!
money saving tip: don’t buy a cloth diaper laundry bag. After the baby starts solids, the soiled diapers are very smelly fast. No laundry bag is able to combat that. I was about to give up cloth diapers when a friend suggested that I ask at my grocer’s deli for an icing pail (they throw them away when empty.) These buckets come with lids and are the perfect size for 2-3 days worth of diapers, about 3 gallons. The lady at the deli counter even rinsed the majority of the icky icing out for me, so all I had to do once home was to hit it with soap and a sponge.
I cloth diapered baby #2 and am now preggo with baby #3 (Due Jan 6). I would like to try the BumGenius all in one with snaps, as I used the velcro and was disappointed with the velcro performance. A friend gave me one Kawaii diaper and liked it. I have girly colors and would like to add a few more boy colors, since the new baby is a boy.
Buy gently used or brand new children’s clothing at resale shops and garage sales!
I love the BumGenius Mirror and the Kawaii in Heather Gray!
I like the BumGenius Orange diaper and the Kawaii cow print – so cute!
Bum Genius one size in Mirror– so pretty!
Happy cloth-diapering everyone!
Kawaii ‘Smiley Flower on Red’- adorable and would look so precious on my new baby girl!
Thanks so much for the great giveaway opportunity
i love the elementals and 4.0′s. surprisingly one of my favorite colors is the sassy. in the kawaii diaper i would love to try a goodnight heavy wetter in the blue animal print
My favorite style would be the one size snap closure for the Kawaii in the light blue and the Bum Genius 4.0 One Size Stay-Dry Pocket snap closure in the grasshopper color.
making my own foaming baby wash using Castile soap!
My secret money saving tip is to borrow some cloth diaper in different styles to see what you like best before you go all out and build a stash. Ive tried several systems and disliked them! Using a trade website like Craigslist of local FB page to swap diapers is a great tool
I love the BumGenius Elemental colors. I love mirror the most! I own one and I absolutely love it. Ive never tried Kawaii but I think the ultra soft blue water color is cute!
My favorite money saving tip is to make your own sunscreen and diaper ointment. So easy and you can make a ton for the price of store bought.
I love the bum genius one size diapers and would love to try one in clementine. I’ve never used Kawaii but would love to try one out. I love the forest green!
my best money saving tip (that took till child 5 for me to figure out) is using cloth, reusable, washable butt wipes instead of those darn chemical infested money costing icks from the store…..now we’re pregnant with number 6 & I vow to never buy a one of them
the weehugsnap in jungle jam
We have cloth diapered all three of our boys. And, I agree, the bumGenius 4.0′s with snaps are my favorite, too. I would really LOVE to try out the bumGenius Flip Potty Trainer Kit on my next potty training boy!
And my favorite money-saving tip is BREASTFEED!!!
I love the plain, hot pink Kawaiis!
My friends are all talking about Kawaii diapers…they work and they are a very reasonable price! I love the one-size pockets…favourite colours are “heather grey” “fern green” “buttermilk” and “midnight black.” I LOVE cloth diapers!
I love making my own wipes- Cheaper and do a better job!
I have dabbled in cloth diapering with my first 2 and want to get into it again with my third due in Dec. So the New born styles I want to try- Kawaii Baby Pure & Natural Pocket (0-15 months) in Milk time color (don’t know if girl or boy!)
One tip I am seeing and experienced is dabbling is all you can do if you don’t have a good diapering supply or plan on spending more time laundering- either way these type of giveaways are helpful!
Favorite money saving baby tip: don’t buy everything you think you need because you don’t need everything.
BumGenius “Elemental” in Grasshopper and Kawaii “Mom Label One-sized Bamboo pocket” in Forest Green (which actually looks like more like a sage color in the pictures and I love it!) It would be so cool to win a couple of these to try! I am an on-again-off-again cloth diaper user because the initial cost is too high for us. So, I learned to make my own but they leak which means we can use them only as long as we are going to be around the house. I would like something that will stay dry when we are out and about for a couple hours.
I’m so excited you’re doing this giveaway, and thankful to hear these recommendations. I’m due with Baby Boy January 16th and discovered Sweet Bottoms Baby Boutique through your website… so I’ve been doing all my research getting ready for adventures in cloth diapering! I would be so thrilled to win.
I think the Sassy color of the bumGenius is great (although if I were having a girl I would definitely choose the zinnia!) I am also thinking about the 4.0 pocket style. (The 4.0′s are all pockets, right? Then the all in ones are called freetime I think.)
My fave color and style for Kawaii is the blue stars fun print pocket. So cute. My sis n law also uses these and likes them.
Money saving tip: make your own! Sunscreen & diaper ointment have the same active ingredient (zinc oxide) and are super easy to make. Plus, you get to know and control what is in the end product.
My favorite way to save money with my baby is following the “Baby-Led Weaning” approach. It’s a joy to have her at the table sharing meals with us.
I love my bumGenius pocket dipes with hook and loop closures. I’d love to try either brand with the snaps. BG has so many cute new colors now, especially Sassy and Mirror. I’d love to try the bamboo Kawaii diapers in Silver Grey.
My favorite money-saving tip (in addition to cloth-diapering) is making home-made wipes. They’re so easy, so good for baby’s bum, and save a ton of money!
I love the bumgenius dazzle and the Kawaii petal pink. Both are beautiful!
I’d like to try the BumGenius 4.0 in clementine and the Kawaii one size snap closure pocket in light blue.
Other than using cloth diapers, my favorite way to save money with my babies is to breastfeed. We save so much money not buying formula.
oops… forgot that I should have made that two separate comments. Here’s my second entry.
Here is my money-saving tip: As long as you are using cloth diapers…use cloth wipes! We bought 2 dozen GroVia organic cotton wipes & we are so happy with them! Just throw them in the wash with your cloth diapers. Feels good on my son’s bottom, saves tons of money, & great for the environment. Sounds like an easy decision to me
I love bumGenius Elemental diapers in ribbit color. So cute! I also looked at Kawaii & found the one-size snap pocket diapers in ultra soft blue water.
I luv the Flip one-size diaper cover. Although just one color is impossible to choose! Sassy, Mirror and Ribitt all make me smile equally. Hurray for cloth-covered baby bums!!
Hey! My favorite money saving tip is to find out if there are any schools or organizations in your area who have consignment sales. We have two schools in our area that do them throughout the school year, and I can find some clothes for my baby that are a great price.
My favorite money saving tip would be garage-saling! I get my kiddo’s toys, games, clothes, books, kitchen and household items, etc. at garage sales and save so much money. Another favorite is joining Coops to get fresh vegetables, fruits, and nuts at wholesale prices (I also get my coconut oil from a Coop and use it as baby lotion, for diaper rashes, etc).
I love BumGenius 4.0 organic in all pastel colors and I’m really digging the Kawaii Green baby with the minky outer shell! What a great cloth diaper store!
My fave money-saving tip is to not buy everything–swings, playpens, chairs, playmats, flashy toys, the newest trends, etc….babies can learn the most from simple play.
I love the green animal print!
As for my best money saving tip, I like to buy in bulk and use my deep freezer. I also try to make recipes in bulk and freeze what I can to use with ease at a later date. This keeps us eating at home on busy nights (or when I’m just tired!
). And too, I am one of those that washes Ziploc bags. I just can’t hardly throw them away after just one use!
My money saving tip was doing a lot of my Christmas shopping and clothes shopping at my favorite bi-annual consignment sale!!
I love the Bum Genius 4.0 dipes. And I’m a traditionalists I guess, because I like the white in both! Thought I do love the light blue color Bum Genius offers on my little guy.
Would love to win! Love the einstein print and fleurescent green in the kawaii!
Would love to try the one size diapers! I like the mirror and dk olive colors.
And for my money saving tip (other than cloth diapering!) is keep things minimal – and buy secondhand, or accept hand me downs! It’s easier to maintain and your house doesn’t get so full of baby “stuff” so quickly (toys, clothes, books, lotions, etc!)
I would love to try one-size pockets of both when my first gets here next Spring. My favorite colors are clementine and kuro.
I would love one of the Oxford Gray Kawaii diapers and a Clementine (snap) Bum Genius! My son could use a few more “boy” diapers, as he has to wear his share of pink diapers (that were a gift for big sis!). Would love to win these as we have the bare minimum (12 diapers!) in our rotation!
To Save Money, I don’t fall for the marketing and I only buy the necessities!!
To Save Money, I only buy the necessities! There are so many things out there that are marketed to moms and there are only a fraction of them that are really needed! Don’t give in to the marketing!!
I love the Bum Genius 4.0 in Sweet, Noodle and Love Lace!!
I really do all the same money-saving things the other Moms have mentioned: Breastfeeding, make your own baby food, don’t buy all the baby toiletries that are out there, you don’t need them. If you have boys, cut their hair at home.
I would love to try the Swaddlebees and they come in such cute patterns!
If offered used clothing from friends/relatives TAKE IT! Receiving used clothing for our boys has been the biggest blessing!
Bum Genius: moonbeam and Kawaii: green animal print. Cloth diapers are so much fun!
I love the Bumgenius All in One Organic Snap in Moonbeam and kawaii baby one size snap closure pocket in baby blue.
Cloth diapers and homemade baby food save SO much money!
My newest money saving tip for baby: DIY wool longies from thrifted wool sweaters! Warm, absorbent, and so easy to make from the sleeves sweater, even if you don’t sew. You can make diaper covers from the body of the sweater too.
Bum Genius Freetime AIO
Ooh, they are all luscious! If pressed to pick, however, I would choose the BumGenius 4.0 one size stay dry pocket (w/snaps) in Mirror, and the Kawaii baby one size heavy duty pocket in Lemon. Whew! What a mouthful!
My money-saving tip is to use cloth wipes along with your cloth diapers! They are simple to make or you can buy baby washcloths to use.
My favorite BumGenius is the BumGenius Elemental (Organic) One-Size All-In-One. I know it’s not a pocket, but I don’t use diapers with synthetic inners/inserts. I’ve had too many problems with build-up, leaking, rashes, etc. I do have one BumGenius Elemental and I *love* the cotton inner. =] For the Kawaii, I would choose the Kawaii Green Baby One-Size Bamboo Pocket. I love that the inner and the inserts are all natural materials!
Money saving tips: breastfeed; keep things simple: your baby really only needs you, carseat, diapers, and clothes (not all of the other things you see in magazines and TV); make your own baby wipes and solution; use a natural and safe laundry detergent for the whole family’s clothes so that you don’t have to buy a special detergent for baby; and stay home as much as possible!!!
I like the Kawaii baby one size pocket in light blue and bumGenius 4.0 one-size stay-dry pocket in the color ribbit. I really love this website. It has everything I need to do cloth diapering. This is all new to me but I think it is going to be easy knowing that this website is handy. Lindsay, you mentioned that the elastic is replaceable on the bumGenius diapers. Do you do that yourself and is it difficult to do?
money saving tip:
not only do I love cloth diapers but I also love cloth wipes! They save a lot of money and are much better for my little one’s skin.
My favorite bumgenius is the Clementine and my favorite Kawaii is the cow print.
My favorite money saving tips are to breastfeed, cloth diaper, and buy quality gender neutral gear that you can reuse for future babies. Also, ask for advice from other moms what they actually used, so you don’t buy extra, worthless stuff!
I love the BumGenius in Mirror and Kawaii in Moo Cow!
I think I like the bumGenius Freetime all-in-one diaper in twilight (w/snaps). For the Kawaii, I like the Green Baby One-size Bamboo Pocket diaper in ocean blue. Thank you for the chance to try these!
When it comes to baby, anything you can make yourself saves TONS! People shell out ridiculous amounts when it’s little and cute. I made burp clothes for my (pukey) bab yfor a fraction of the price in stores.
I love that Sweet Bottoms offers everything green and healthy for babies. We’re trying to get pregnant and it’s refreshing to see people really care. I have an organic skin care line that I’m doing for adults and thinking of extending that for moms and babies too. Check out http://www.lemongrassorganics.com
I love the bumGenius Elemental in Twilight because it’s organic!
I like the Kawaii bamboo diaper in the blue print.
Love the bum genius 4.0 pocket stay dry and the bamboo Kuwaiti diapers. Thanks for the chance to win these!
Thank you for sharing that great website. I am expecting my first in February and I love the idea of cloth diapering, for finances and for global responsiblitiy. There are so many options in cloth diapering to choose from! I would love to try a BumGenius in Dazzle Snap and a Kawaii squared tab in Ruby.
Oh gosh, money saving tips: breastfeed (free food!), make your own baby food, consignment and secondhand shop &/or borrow from friends, just get a few of the simple good-quality toys, use cloth wipes and make your own wipes solution, make your own detergent (and other cleaning supplies).
Hm, I’ve always liked snaps better than velcro and the bumGenius and I like the versatility of the pocket dipes better than AIOs. Ooh, the new turquoise color called “Mirror” is really pretty.
I have never tried the Kawais, but would probably choose the prefolds and covers over the other types of dipes! The animals prints on the covers are really cute.
Money-saving tips:
Use a norwex makeup remover cloth in bath (don’t have to use soap). Also, make your own baby hard lotion with mango butter, beeswax & jojoba oil.
I like the Kawaii Green Baby one-size in Indigo, and the Bum Genius one-size Stay dry snap in Dazzle.
the kawaii green baby one size bamboo pocket in rose and indigo
My favorite Kawaii is the one size pocket snap in lime sunflower and my favorite bum genius is the organic one size in zinnia.
Although I don’t have a baby myself, I do know a few that will soon. They really want cloth diapers. I would get the Kawaii baby pure and natural pocket (0-15 MONTHS). With a new baby on the way I am sure this will help. I also really like those swim diapers, so cute.
Thanks for hosting,
A money-saving thing we do is hardly ever use soap when washing our little one. Firstly we do it because many soaps are so harsh on the skin. He also doesn’t get stinky (except from his tush, of course, which definitely gets cleaned up!), and most of the mess he gets in comes off with water and a little bit of scrubbing.
We probably use soap once or twice a month, definitely not every bath. This way we can save that money to buy soap that may be more expensive, but safer for our little man AND the environment.
I love the BumGenius one size pocket snap in Albert, and the Kawaii one size pocket snap in soccer is adorable!
a money saving tip: reusable wipes. we have a basket full of thin flannel wipes that we spray with our own diaper wash solution as needed. we use the california baby diaper wash and mix it with water in a spray bottle. my daughter is almost 2 and we’re not even half way through our 2nd bottle of CA baby wash- it lasts forever! i put the dirty wipes in the diaper pail and wash them along with the diapers. super easy!
i love cloth diapering! bum genius one size pocket snap in mirror, kawaii one size pocket snap in happy puppy!
I just started cloth diapering with baby #3…still getting the hang of it, but love the $ savings. I like the the bum genius 4.0 snap Zinnia and adore the Kawaii OS pocket lime sunflower!
My first baby isn’t here yet, but I have already learned that I can find great deals at consignment sales in my area. I really plan to try to buy most of his clothes second hand — at consignment sales or shops.
My kid is due in 5 weeks! I like the BG 4.0 in Albert and the Kawaii Mom Label cow print. Love those!
Cloth diapering (& cloth wipes along with them) would be what has saved us the most money. Other than that I have to say that for me, not finding out what the sex of our child was saved me the most money. When I was pregnant I soooo wanted to nest and shop for our baby so not knowing if it was a boy or girl stopped me from buying anything!
I love my Bumgenius diapers. If I were to win, I would like the Bumgenius 4.0 One-Size in Butternut and the Kawaii Original Cross-over Squared tab snap diaper in Ruby.
Money saving tip: as another commenter mentioned, buying clothes second-hand! Saves so much money.
I really like the bumgenius 4.0 in clementine and the Kawaii Baby Green Baby one size pocket, blue label in California Golden. Awesome giveaway!
I’m intimidated of cloth diapering and would love to give them a try with baby #2 coming soon via adoption. I have no idea what the best two would be so I’m choosing by cuteness only.
Kawaii green baby one-size bamboo pocket in gray and Bumgenius elemental (organic) one-size all-in-one in lime green.
We would love to try the Bum Genius 4.0. So stoked that Sweetbottoms offers a cloth diaper trial service! What a great site.
I love the bumgenius in clementine and the kawaii in blue!!!!!
I Also use cloth wipes. It’s a bit of a transition and you have to get used to it but in the end, it SAVES $! thank you
I like the one size bum genius snap in clementine and the kawaii one size snap in lavender!
I love the color clementine in bumgenius and the tiger striped (oh yeah) in Kawaii!
The Kawaii overnight diaper. We need that!
My favorite money saving tip when it comes to babies is shopping for second hand clothes. They grow out of them so fast, and even though it is tempting to load up the cart at Target, I can usually find equally stylish options at Good Will.
We bought the Kawaii diapers last month based on your reviews and we LOVE them! Using cloth diapers was something I swore I would never do but with the Kawaii ones, the transition has been so easy. My favorite is the cow overnight prints. We have a few of them and they are so cute. Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite money-saving tip for babies (aside from using cloth diapers) would be to avoid the “baby consumerism” by making a lot of your own products (cloth wipes and wipe solution, baby soap/shampoo, lotion, food, etc) and think twice about whether a baby needs a special “baby” product – like laundry detergent – we use the same detergent (soap nuts) for our families clothes and the cloth diapers – nothing special needed.
Honestly, doing cloth diapers has been the biggest $ saver for us! That & making my own cloth wipes from the flimsy baby washcloths & storing then in a warmer has saved us bookoos of $. Breastfeeding & consignment shopping were real money savers as well!
We use the bum genius with our daughter & and intend to purchase a few more with our second who’s due in jan. I love the green color in the organic bum genius, it’s good for boys & girls
Kawaii has a turquoise color that is adorable & fun! Winning some would make diaper purchasing even more exciting! I think I’ll give this site a try for their diaps.
I like the looks of the BumGenius Elemental one-size in Sweet. I also like Kawaii one-size pocket in Heather Gray! And I loovvvee Sweet Bottoms – I’ve ordered several items from them (they were where I had my cloth diaper/baby carrier items registry) and their customer service has not been beat! Highly recommend them!
We use bum genius and I love the clementine color! All of the fun colors in kawaii looked great as well!
I love to use cloth wipes! Such an easy money saver when you’re already using cloth diapers!
My favorite money saving tip with babies is breastfeeding. It’s wayyyyy cheaper than formula and more nutritious too.
I love Bumgenius diapers too. My favorite is the Dazzle in the snaps. I had never heard of the Kawaii until this post. I like the chocolate colored one of those. I love that cloth diapers have saved our family so much money over the years! I am on my third child, and we are finding that the velcro is wearing out, so I am in need of some new ones. I am definitely going with the snaps this time.
While the main reason I do so is for the health reasons, I also love to save money by breastfeeding. Formula is pricey!!
I love Sweetbottoms Baby Boutique!
I love the Kawaii one size pockets.
There’s lots of ways to save money with a baby. I’ve cloth diapered, breastfed, made my own wipes, accepted hand me down toys and clothes, go to the library for books, skipped baby food altogether and just done baby led weaning, etc…but I was reminded again with my 6 month old that at a certain age my babies have been done with toys. They always prefer non-toy items like cell phones, cameras, blankets, straws. Both of my kids have LOVED spoons. Seriously can spend hours chewing on them, throwing them, banging them. Just a reminder that creative thinking can help most in money saving!
I love the Swaddlebees Simplex 2.0 owl design. I love the gender neutral feel of owls and they’re super cute!
I love the bumgenius 4.0 and the Kawaii good night heavy wetter
In any girly color!!
Well my babies are on the way so I’m not the most experienced yet
But I am really excited to breastfeed! Not only is it healthy for my babies but its FREE compared to formula
I love the bum genius Albert color! I am just starting my cloth diaper collection and can’t wait to start getting them for my twin boys
For money saving with babies, borrow, borrow, borrow (for big items especially)! There are always other moms wanting to get big exersaucers or swings or carriers, etc. out of their house when they aren’t being used. Making your own baby food is also a huge saver, but does take more work.
I like the BG 4.0 One size stay dry pocket in dazzle/snap closure, and Kawaii Green baby one-size bamboo pocket (blue label) in ocean blue.
The way I save is that I make my own baby wipes. I cup up a roll of paper towels in half, take out the cardboard from the center. stick the roll in a round container, like a plastic coffee or so. in a bowl I mix 2 cups of water, 1tbs of baby soap and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. and pour it in the container. I don’t buy baby lotion or cream, I use coconut or olive oil.
I like BumGenius Elemental (Organic) One-Size All-In-One in Twilight and April Baby Kawaii Dual Closure Pocket Diaper in Cherry Blossom Pink.
Heve been wanting to switch, but haven’t been able to afford them. I Love the bum genious elemental organic (Albert) and Twilight. Kawaii Baby Goodnight Heavy Wetter green with the animal print
I like bum genius 4.0 one size snap dry pocket in mirror and kawaii one size snap pocket. in midnight black.
Money saving tip: accept hand-me-downs, shop clothes second hand, keep a plastic bin for each size in storage if you plan on having more than one (and get lucky and get the same gender and born in the same season;)
I like the Kuwaiti one-size snap closure in pastel green and the bum genius 4.0 one size snap closure in Albert
Cloth wipes….on a dirty diaper, I use countless disposable wipes, but with cloth wipes I use a max of 2.
My fave money saving tip is to make your own baby food. Close second is to shop 2nd hand stores for baby clothes (or have a friend who’s same gender baby is a year older than yours!).
I like the bumGenius all-in-one one-size in Zinnia (maybe my husband would change a clother diaper then!) and the Kawaii one-size snap closure in lavender.
I love the Kawaii Baby Cow print – my hubby is in the dairy industry!
My best money saving tip is make some cloth wipes to use at home, or on the go if you’re willing! They have saved us in rashes and money in disposable wipes. They even clean up the messy diapers wayyyy better!
I love BG’s! Just had baby #2 so of course we need more. I’d love a Sassy. Haven’t tried Kawaii but love the California Golden!
my tip – less is more
buy good and then you don’t have to buy again! More and more I realize, researching and buying a good product, though perhaps initially more expensive is usually worth it in the long run!
love the organic option and so many colors to choose from, I don’t know how I’d pick
the kawlli ones are a great price – I would for sure try either of them!
Money Saving Tip: they have all been said, I think! Breastfeed, cloth diaper, make your own wipes/baby food/etc, buy everything possible used, share gear with friends, and I might add this – if you ARE buying a big piece of baby gear, do your research and try to get something quality that will last for multiple babies!
bumGenius and Kawaii are my two favorites as well! If I were to add to my (getting tattered) stash, I’d love the bumGenius 4.0 in Sassy and the Kawaii Bamboo Pocket in California Golden
Baby #3 is soon to arrive! I plan on making another Sweetbottoms order soon. They are my favorite cd site – introduced by Passionate Homemaking
money-saving baby care tip: insulated stainless steel sippy cups for fresh cold milk that lasts a long time!
My best money saving tips are breastfeeding baby for as long as possible, checking garage sales for clothing, and cloth wipes/diapers!
Kawaii Good night heavy wetter in the jungle print and Bum Genius 4.0 snaps in blue! I use Fuzzi Bunz right now but would love to try these!
My favorite bum genius diaper is the 4.0 one size in butternut and my favorite Kawaii is the one size snap in bamboo in green! I would love to have more pockets as I am due in March and will have two in cloth diapers!
One of the biggest money saving things I have done is breastfeeding my babies!!! But also agreeing with everyone else, use cloth wipes, soo much cheaper. I can’t believe how much money I used to spend on wipes. I also like to find good used clothes, big baby gear, and nice toys at yard sales.
I love ALL BumGenius diapers!! They are by far my favorite kind of cloth diaper!!!
I have 5 kids. My youngest two are almost two and 5 months. I started using cloth with my fourth. My almost two year old. I love bum genius! Love love love them. I love their diapers. I love how they donate diapers to missionaries overseas. I love bum genius! My favorite bum genius diaper is the Bum genius 4.0 one size stay dry pocket snap in dazzle. Goodness that would look really cute on my chubby thighed little 5 month old girl. Honestly I’ve never tried Kawaii diapers, but would really love to. I think my almost 2 year old boy would totally rock the – Kawaii Baby Goodnight Heavy Wetter One-Size Pocket in the cow design. That is just awesome! He’d sit there and say mooo mooo moo and so would his older brothers and sister.
My baby care tip? well, really there are a lot. Obviously I use cloth diapers, and that is a huge savings right there. I make my own soap which is good for babys skin, and very cost effective. It takes me about 1 hr and I’ve got 3 months worth of soap bars. They even have a recipe that contains breast milk!. I have cloth wipes, and that is next on my list to try, for now they are sitting in the closet until hubs is on board with that idea. I bought a majority of my cloth diapers used, so not only am I getting great diapers, which in the long run will save our family money, but I’m saving money on the front end too! I truly love cloth diapering! I almost got my sister hooked on it
To save money on baby stuff, form a co-op of sorts using Facebook, etc., of mommies (and daddies!) from church, school, etc. Every few months, bring your gently used baby stuff in one location and have a swap!
I love the Bum Genius Mirror diapers! My baby boy has creamy skin with rosy cheeks and blue eyes that go on for days. These would be so cute against his fair complexion. *love*
Make your own baby food- or better yet- feed your baby what you eat- don’t even worry about baby food.
my favorite natural tip is to use cammomile tea to spray onto a diaper rash!
I’d never heard that one, Alicia – thank you!
I read this but haven’t tried it (source: http://mockabeenews.blogspot.com/2009/04/save-bum.html; found on thankfullythrifty.com)
make two cups of chamomile tea, scoop a teaspoon of honey in it (raw is preferred, more healing enzymes!), and add some olive oil (optional). Add it to a small spray bottle and spritz the magic potion onto the cloth wipe.
I like the bum genius 4.0 in mirror, and the kawaii baby one size snap closure in light yellow.
I can’t decide what I like the most from their website! I think it is fantastic how they have so many different items like the swim diapers and training pants! What a great idea! I would love to win these diapers!
Love cloth diapering for money saving!
Love the Kawaii Baby one-size fun prints selections!! Also, the Bumgenius 4.0 in lovelace!
My favorite money-saving baby tip is cloth-diapering and cloth wipes.
I like the bumGenius 4.0 Zinnia with snaps, and Kawaii Snazzy Minky One-size Pocket with the cow print!
baby care tip: I buy and sell clothing I am not in love with at local resale boutiques. If there is nothing I love, I take the cash and go to Target! Yay!
Homemade wipes is my favorite money-saving tip. They work so much better than disposable wipes and it’s easy to throw them in the pail with the cloth diapers.
i love zinnia in the snap model! Would be great for my baby on the way!
My favorite Bumgenius is the Mirror velcro. The snazzy minky little maru diaper is intriguing because I appreciate a soft, flexible cover.
My money saving baby care tip: YARDSALES! I go every Saturday and I find everything I need! God has blessed us so much through yardsales
Baby care tip: you don’t need to buy every gadget out there. A crib, a basic stroller (I had 2 kids, so I could only wear one of them), and a good diaper bag are requirements. Save your money.
Just had my 4th baby
) I have never tried either kind before (I have only used prefolds and covers) ,so I will copy you ;o) I would love the bumGenius 4.0 One-Size Stay Dry Pocket with snaps in the color Zinnia and the Kawaii Baby One-Size Snap Closure Pocket in the color Lavender
Grasshopper for bumgenius since it appears to be unisex, and dottie moo for the other brand. So cute!
Money saving tips: share diapers with friends and family! I have a cousin with two kids whose ages are different enough from mine that we pass diapers back and forth. Yes they wear out faster, but we started viewing our stash as a shared one and would just add on when necessary. Huge blessing for our limited budget!
I just ordered my first Kawaii diaper and so far I love it! It’s a bamboo pocket blue label. I like the indigo color! And I love to BG lovelace!
Baby care tip: borrow clothes and make my own baby food!
My money saving tips – breastfeed, use cloth and also for new parents: think really hard about if you will really use a piece of baby gear before you buy it! You can always buy it later if you find that you need/want it. Thanks!
I love bumgenius!!! I bought a bunch of another brand when my first child was born because they had the snaps instead of Velcro, and then bg came out with snaps! Should have waited… I love the bg clementine and the kawaii cup of coffee!
Thanks for the giveaway! My favorite color of bumgenius is mirror. My fave of Kawaii is the one-size pocket in black.
I am moving more and more toward not buying baby items that you use for a pretty small window of time, but instead to have a few of them, but then borrow those items from others (and share ours with them) – there is just no need for all of my friends to have play mats, exersaucers, etc.
My favorite money saving baby care tip is to childcare swap with other friends with kids for date nights and to borrow and swap toys with other friends, too.
Money saving tip: get close with your neighbors! We have been inadvertently alternating who gets pregnant/has a baby so we just trade the necessary gear off and on. Works like a charm, saves tons of bucks on gender neutral stuff and baby carriers!
I like the bumGenius free time all in one with snaps in the 4.0 and the Kawaii heavy wetter (the only way to go in our house!). So cute!
I really like the bumGenius 4.0 all in one in the sassy color with snaps and I like the look of the Kawaii Baby One-Size Snap Closure Pocket with the round tab in blue.
I like the snaps (forgot to say that above
, and my money-saving baby care tip is: trade off with friends your swings, bouncers, jumperoos, and exersaucers. These are all high-priced, big- space takers, so ask around and borrow a friend’s. Chances are, they can borrow something of yours, as long as your babies are born in different years
Seek out used and/or borrowed baby gear as needed. We were fortunate to borrow a set of cloth diapers and were passed down a crib, changing table, swing, bouncy seat, infant car seat, and rocker from friends with complete families. Oh, and don’t buy baby clothes or register for them–somehow they just come.
BumGenius all-in-one in Sassy and Kawaii one-size in Bright Yellow–both look so so fun and good for a boy or girl.
A good way to save money on my baby is to try other people’s big gear first – no need to buy a swing or jumper or whatever (even used) if my baby hates it!
i love bumgenius butternut!
I’ve wanted to try a BumGenius Freetime – the Moonbeam is beautiful! And I’d love to try the Kawaii Green Baby One-Size Bamboo Pocket – Blue Label (pshew! that’s a long name!) in Bamboo Grey.
Love the Grasshopper and Latte!
Money saving baby care tip: cloth diapers of course! Also, disposable wipes can be cut in half for most diaper changes to increase the number of changes a package can go through. I am also a big fan of thrift store shopping and yard sales for baby clothes, and making baby food as opposed to buying it can be a big saver too!
To save money I sell baby/kid clothes at a large consignment sale, volunteer to get dibs on early shopping and also buy gently used clothes at a fraction of their “new” price.
I like the bumGenius free time all in one with snaps in the Albert style and I like the KAWAII BABY ONE-SIZE SNAP CLOSURE POCKET in the sky blue color.
my fav $ saving tips are to use corn starch on the tushy with a big brush if needed and of course rub a tiny bit of coconut oil on my sweet baby if he ever has any dry issues. Both staple items in most kitchens.
I like the bumGenius free time all in one with snaps in Albert, and for Kawaii, I like the white. These are also the only two brands of cloth diapers I use!
Kawaii Baby Goodnight Heavy Wetter One-Size Pocket are about the cutest things ever! and the BumGenius Elemental (Organic) is the best green color I have ever seen.
Going to yard sales and buying clothes for .25 is my favorite!
I have a 9 month old that I would love to try cloth diapers out on. I’m pretty clueless, but I have some friends that do it and say it is super easy, so I have no doubt that it is. I like the BumGenius Elemental Organic one size all in one in blossom.
Using cloth wipes has saved us a lot of money. We have a spray bottle that we use to spray our wipe solution onto simple flannel wipes that u sewed together. Works well and easy to wash with the diapers!
I love the bum genius elemental in the dazzle! So cute!
My money saving tip is to buy some of your baby/toddler clothes used. With my mom friends, they know I am willing to buy their nicer items when their kids outgrow things that will fit my kids. I have saved so much money getting nice dress clothes for only $2 a piece.
Money saving. Don’t buy new cloths. Find a friend that is done having babies and get them hand me down or buy them at a deep discount from them. Saves me a ton!
I especially like the BumGenius Elemental because it is organic. The colors look really nice too!
I like the bumGenius 4.0 One-Size Stay-Dry Pocket in Clementine with snap and Kawaii Baby One-Size Snap Closure Pocket in fern green. They are super cute!
Great giveaway! I like the green kawaii diaper and the mirror bumGenius. I have some old bumGenius 1.0 diapers still that I used with my now 6.5 year old! I have 2.0s and 3.0s, too, but no 4.0s, even though I am cloth diapering my third baby.
My favorite money saving tip is to make your own wipes solution-water, baby oil, and baby shampoo.
My favorite color for the BumGenius diaper is Sassy. My favorite Kawaii diaper is Ruby.
My money saving tip is to make your own wipes. We use baby wash clothes and keep water in a spray bottle. We just spray him down and then wipe him clean. Works great and saves us a ton of money!
Our baby saving secret is to show at thrift store for clothes. We always buy sizes in advance whenever we find good stuff so there is always something bigger to pull out!
Clementine snap and the
In Glossy Green with snaps
They are so cute! We love cloth diapers! This would be a great way to add to my small fluff stash.
Baby Care Tip: Let people know that you are ok with used clothing for your kids and you just might end up with more hand-me-downs for them than you know what to do with…all for free!
I love the Bum Genius in Albert and the kawaii in Olive.
Thanks for the giveaway! Brown is one of my colors and I don’t have any brown in my stash…so a brown Kawaii would be cool. Also I really like the BumGenius 4.0 Lovelace. So pretty!
I have never tried cloth diapers but would love to, especially now since number 3 is on the way and know it would be a great way to save money. I like bumGenius 4.0 One-Size Stay-Dry Pocket in the color sage green.
Money saving tip: start a baby clothing swap! Even in my itty bitty town, there are enough mamas having babies that we can swap clothing for our little ones. Saves a ton of money, and it feels great to see those precious clothes on my friends’ cuties when my little one grows out of them!
I make my own cloth wipes, diaper ointment and baby powder.
I like the chocolate colored kawaii. and I like the new mirror color of BG.
The Bum Genius in moonbeam/snap & the Kawaii in white would make cute, practical gifts!
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! I would love to try the BumGenius diaper in Albert for my new little baby boy.
I love the BumGenius organic elemental one size in sassy, and the Kawaii bamboo in burgundy. Thanks so much for this giveaway, I know it will bless whatever family wins!!
Money saving tip: you don’t need a crib or a changing table.
We’ve had three kids and only used a pack n’ play… which doubles in usefulness and convenience because it can be set up anywhere in the house, and can be packed away when the child grows out of it (and saved for small guests!). It’s also nice that the kids are used it it when we need them to sleep when we are away from home.
We’ve never had the space for a changing table, and I don’t think we would’ve used it much anyway. Couches, beds, floors and laps work fabulous!
) We keep all our diapers and wipes in a cute basket in the livingroom, where we spend most of our time.
Money saving tip would be make your own laundry detergent and your own baby wipes and baby food from your garden and obviously breastfeed!
My favorite way to save money is to use cloth wipes (I just use baby wash clothes with a homemade solution in a squirt bottle), and a close second (for my 2 year old’s sake) is to make our own bubble bath with baby shampoo, water, and salt in a jar-she loooooves bubble bath but I hate all of the chemicals in it, let alone paying for them,and this is basically free since I have all of the ingredients on hand anyway!
I like the Kawaii baby one size fun prints and the bum genius one size elemental. I am pregnant with our 4th and have never used cloth and really want to this time around. I have a husband who isn’t quite on board yet so this trial would be awesome.
I would love the kawaii baby one size in carnation pink and the bumGenius in Dazzle! Thank you for the opportunity to win, I am cloth diapering our second baby and always love to try new diapers!
I love the BumGenius grasshopper color!
The cow diapers are pretty awesome.
money saving baby tip – have an older sister pass down her maternity clothes!
(benefit of being younger – finally!)
This is most obvious but I am still amazed by the benefits and cost savings of breastfeeding. It blows my mind how much formula costs when God perfectly made our bodies to nourish our children
We’re expecting our first baby in April and plan to use cloth diapers – winning would be great timing! I like the BumGenius Elemental (Organic) One-Size All-In-One in Ribbit and Kawaii Baby One-Size Heavy Duty Pocket in Olive.
After having 2 babies, I have found that the tip I pass on to new mothers the most is to buy their clothes off season. I get all there clothes off of the clearence racks for the next year. (aka summer clothes in the fall, and winter clothes in the spring) Clothes for a couple bucks on clearence is a better deal then buying used for about the same price. Plus, you almost forget what all you bought and how much you saved, so when the time comes and you pull it all out you feel very proud of yourself all over again for being so “organized”, and for how much money you saved. : )
I like sassy from the bum genius
I went to Sweet Bottoms Baby Boutique but have NO idea what style I want…but I do like all of the colors
I’m pregnant with our first, and would love to win this giveaway to give us a head start!
One money-saving tip, the hard way. We just had our fourth baby, and after having gotten rid of most of our baby ‘equipment’ after the third one, we now realize that she needs very little. She has three bigger laps to hold her in, and so we opted against buying many of the larger baby toys/entertainment items this time around.
I would love to try the bumGenius snap diaper — in ‘Dazzle’ for my new baby girl.
I would love to try a kawaii one size snap in ruby, and bg 4. in mirror or butternut! thanks for thechance!!
My favorite tip that I just started is to make my own baby wipes. Not quite ready to go to cloth wipes but I’m almost there =)
I like the Kawaii Baby Goodnight Heavy Wetter One-Size Pocket in the green animal print and bumGenius Freetime All-In-One One-Size Cloth Diaper in twlight
And I’m not sure I’m exactly qualified to be giving baby care money saving tips (we are expecting our first in December)…. but I’ve managed to refrain from buying nearly everything until our baby shower next weekend. Which has been hard, because it seems SO CLOSE and we are so very not ready to welcome a baby into our home.
One way I save money is to make the cloth diaper detergent home made!
I would choose the BumGenius Freetime All-In-One Cloth Diaper in Albert! So cute!
My money-saving tip is using cloth wipes made from receiving blankets..I did have to zig-zag stitch over the edges but it’s been so worth it! You can make your own Moby wrap just by buying seven yards of jersey knit fabric…no need to sew edges, just wrap & go!
I love the bum genius albert and the kawaii jean styles.
I really like the new Lovelace & Albert prints on the BumGenius 4.0 ONE-SIZE STAY-DRY POCKET…so excited to see prints coming out from BumGenius!! My favorite of the Kawaii baby one size heavy duty pocket(I actually do like the velcro, very easy to put on) is the red one…too bad they didn’t have this one when I ordered!!!!
actually scratch that, I love the kawaii baby one-size soccer print…SO CUTE!!!
Cloth diapering would probably be my favourite money-saving baby care tip…but that’s kind of a given here!
Using cloth wipes is a big one as well. Also…remembering that babies really DON’T need all the stuff and accessories that marketed as “necessary”.
A big money saving tip for me has been to make our own baby wipes.
i’ve saved tons by using cloth diapers and wipes. I also make my own laundry detergent.
I’d like the green organic elemental bum genius and the turquoise blue Kawaii one.
bum genius albert and kawaii soccer.
I love the bG Ribbit or Lovelace…and the Kawaii square-tab Fern Green.
i use cloth wipes along with cloth diapers to cut down on waste and cost.
i like all the patterns of the snazzy minky Kawaii covers. i also like the bumgenius freestyle diapers in mirror and moonbeam and clementine the best.
I like the new mirror color bumgenius 4.0.
I think one of the best money saving things I have done with my second is to use castile soap and water in a foaming hand soap container as baby wash instead of the expensive natural baby washes. I paid 8 bucks for the first bottle of natural baby wash and it was only 8 oz! And my 2 year old used it as bubble bath soon after I bought it haha. Since then I have just used the castile soap and have only used maybe a cup of it in the past year.
Being fortunate enough to have nursed both my babies has been the biggest money saver for us! We also have cloth diapered both. Expecting #3 in May!
I love the snaps in the Bum Genius and Kawaii! Bamboo Grey in the Kawaii and Clementine in the Bum Genius.
My favorite money saving tip is to remember that babies need hardly any toys! What they really like is to hold or look at an object while an adult interacts with them about the object.
Honestly, our biggest money saver has been breastfeeding the babes. When I calculate how much formula would’ve cost for 3 babies, I am astounded at how much we’ve saved. I have been so thankful I’ve been able to breastfed.
Another big money saver for us has been buying like-new baby items (like the bouncer, swing, etc.) from Craigslist. We received a few new baby items as gifts for our firstborn and have used them with all three kids, but what we didn’t have, we checked Craigslist first.
Money Saving Tip: Don’t spend money. Don’t go shopping unless you need something. Eat out only once every other week- or less!
I really love the dazzle BG dipe but alas I still don’t have any girls
so I’d have to say the clementine would be my next fav. I also love kawaii diapers. I’d don’t have any brown dipes yet so I’d probably go with brown though I really like black too.
My favorite Bum Genius is the 4.0 one-size stay dry pocket diaper in Grasshopper. Such a fun color! My favorite Kawaii Baby is the one-size snap closure pocket. Love the purple!
For my second entry – My money saving tip: skip all the expensive baby gear (bouncers, swings, strollers, etc..) that clutter up your house and suck batteries and instead invest in a good baby wrap or mei tai carrier that can be used to wear your baby in from birth through toddler hood. You will both be happier!
I wish I could’ve read this post nearly 5 years ago when we were preparing for our first! This is the clearest, most concise diaper review post I’ve read! We’re on number 3, but would LOVE to try these diapers! The Kawaii one size fun prints (soccer balls) would be a hit with my husband.
Wish they had the dinosaur pattern in snaps instead of velcro.
My money saving tip would be to get up early on sat. mornings and hit some yard sales
That’s what I did this morning and had some good luck getting some essentials for my little one due in April!
My money saving tip is to not buy too many toys — they’ll find anything around the house to play with!
I like the Bum Genius one-size stay dry pocket diaper in sassy. Or the Kawaii one size heavy duty pocket diaper in mango.
cloth wipes and cloth diapers of course
Ohhh I want to try the snap Kawaii Electric Yellow and Heather Grey! For BumGenius the snap Sassy Color! Has anyone tried the trainer cloth diaper?
I love the bumgenius all-in-one pocket in the color mirror and the kawaii pocket snap closure square tab in orange
Lovelace pocket and dinosaurs pocket
Bum Genius stay-dry one size pocket look fantastic! I wish that we had these for my children…but they’ve come just in time for my grandchildren! Woo Hoo! I am so glad to be able to enjoy buying these healthy, longlasting treasures for my grandbabies!
Ohh what a great giveaway! I’d love the bG “sassy” and the kawaii square tab snap closure in heather gray or black!
I think the BumGenius Elemental (Organic) One-Size All-In-One in Mirror would be fun to try, and the Kawaii Baby Goodnight Heavy Wetter One-Size Pocket in Lime Dot – Snap.
We are expecting our first, and I’m just looking into cloth diapering–good timing on your post!
My money saving advice would be to go gender neutral with all your ‘big’ purchases. This included our diaper stash as well as car seat, high chair, nursery colors, etc.
We currently use Flips and love them, but the pocket diapers have always been tempting! I’d go for the butternut bum Genius and brown Kawaii.
for saving money, we like to use baby wash cloths as wipes. and baby food is what we eat processed.
love the bum genius all in one – the dazzle is nice but since we don’t know the gender of our second as we are adopting i think i would gp woth the noodle.
Best money saving tip: Make your own baby food!
For my second entry:
I love using cheap old Witch Hazel as a gentle wipey solution. I keep a spray bottle of it handy for cleaning anything dirty on any of my kids – from mouths and hands to bottoms! (never on open wounds). Easy and very inexpensive.
Thanks for this opportunity!
I like the BumGenius Elemental (Organic) One-Size All-In-One in Moonbeam and the Kawaii Baby Snazzy Minky One-Size Pocket in Moo Cow Snap.
I love the purpley-periwinkle color of the snap Kawaii Baby One Size pocket diaper! This is the second review I’ve read that’s been really positive about the Kawaii Pocket diapers. I’d love to win these, as I’ve got a new little one coming in January!
My money saving tip is to borrow from friends when you can, and buy gender neutral colors to allow for passing on to other friends and future children
In ruby
I have always made our own wipes. They have been much better than store brand and saved a ton of money. Here are the directions:
I have also cut up old receiving blankets and then just sew around the edges for washable wipes!
My money saving tip is to breastfeed your baby longer. Then you don’t have to buy or make baby food. Once they are 9 or 10 months you can simply cut up your table food at meals.
I like the Kawaii with the Round Tab – the greenish color. For BG I like their Twilight. I am having our 5th on Tues (scheduled c-section because he is breech) so this is the perfect time for this giveaway!!!
I like the BG dazzle the best.
To save money isn’t that hard. Buy used as much as possible. Make your own baby food. Breastfeed your baby. Use cloth diapers. Especially helpful if you can use them again and again for subsequent children. Pass baby clothes on to friends if you don’t need them anymore.
I like the kawaii all in ones that are one size fits all. I like all the colors. I usually use a combination of prefolds and one size diapers. I have mostly used Motherease diapers but would like to try these.
my money saving tip would be to scour yard sales and consignment sales/stores and craigslist before you pay retail for anything! it saves TONS.
my favorite bum genius is the mirror. and the kawaii i like the lavender.
make your own baby food. it’s not that hard and much cheaper!!!
I love the BumGenius in Zinnia!!! And would also like to try the Kawai in olive.
My money saving tip would be to do lots of research before buying anything. Read the reviews, compare costs and think really hard about how/why you would be using the item in your everyday life. As others have said, don’t fall for the ‘registry guides’ that tell you to buy things you will never use.
Instead of buying the overpriced covers for my changing table pad, I just lay an old towel over it. Helps soak up those diaper change mishaps better anyways. Also, I made my own cradle mattress covers, despite my almost complete lack of sewing skills. Sure, they’re a little lopsided, but they do the trick and saved me a bunch of money.
Ohh the BumGenius’ Lovelace pattern is so cute!! Definitely my favorite. And for the Kawaii, the fern green is nice. I’ve been really interested in trying both these brands, actually, but haven’t had the extra money. We currently just use Fuzzibunz and have been itching to branch out.
Money saving tip – skip the infant seat and start with a convwetible. I wear my baby anyway and those infant seats are too heavy to carry around.
I have some bg but have heard great things about kawai so id like to try a goodnight, perhaps the blue animal.
I love the bg in Albert and the kawaii in olive!
My favorite money-saving tip…you don’t need everything the “experts” say you need and the things you do need, borrow as much as possible. We have found family and friends to be so generous and wanting to get things out of their houses! On the other side, be generous with what you’ve been given too.
bumGenius in the Ribbit color and the Kawaii Minky in the Dinosaur print is super cute.
My money saving tip is to make your own laundry detergent. Also -wait to see what you REALLY need before buying everything!
I love BumGenius 4.0 Snaps in Albert
I also like Kawaii Baby Snazzy Minky One-Size Pocket in the cow print. how adorable!!!
Hmm, a money saving tip? Don’t fall for the “things you need” lists out there! Wait until your baby’s born, borrow things from friends, and THEN decide what to buy. This will help you to avoid dropping precious cash on a swing/sling/walker that your baby ends up hating… what a waste!
Buy a bottle of Dr. Bronner’s- it is shampoo, body wash, and everything you need all-in-one! We are still on our first bottle and our baby is almost 9 months old.
I love the BumGenius Elementals in Zinnia!
1) I love Kawaii Pure & Naturals!! We seem to have little, skinny babies and the P&N’s actually FIT our son when he was little – and he wore them until 22 months! My favorite was the light blue.
Bum Genius – have two of their small all-in-ones and they were also great when my son was little. So I’d say my fav on SweetBottoms would be their OS All-in-One – love the vibrant Ribbit.
Nice to have some ‘reallly easy’ nappies.
2) Money saving tip….try to get everything you need secondhand! We go to ebay, Baby & Kids’ Markets, etc for clothes, furniture, even toys. It not only saves money, it is a more sustainable solution environmentally – better to give pre-loved stuff a ‘new lease on life’ that keeps them out of the dump than to buy newly-produced goods!
I like the “Sassy” color for BumGenius… and I have to say that tiger print on the Kawaii is pretty adorable
I really like the bum genius 4.0 stay dry pocket in dazzle. I love our diapers and really enjoy saving money. I also save on buying wipes by either wetting baby washcloths and putting them in a wipes box close at hand, or making my own with paper towels, olive oil and a natural baby wash. It is super easy.
My favorite color is the twilight snap all in one. I have always used the old school diaper and would love to get a BG diaper.
money $aving tips:
cloth diapers and wipes, breastfeeding, making baby food, try to buy used,
make salves and diaper cream,if you have more than one child, try to save or get back lent baby items: carriers,car seat, clothes etc.to use again.
I love the Kawaii Mom label in oxford gray… I was just saying this morning that we could use a grey diaper to match some lil boy outfits! And Albert in bumgenius because it’s hysterical!
I like the dazzle – snap of the Bum Genius!
My money saving tip is saving clothes as hand-me-downs for the next little one (if they are the same gender).
Being a first time (expectant) mom, I don’t have any tried and true cost saving methods yet, but I already make my own laundry detergent, which I know will save a ton with cloth diapering.
I love the Kawaii Baby Goodnight Heavy Wetter One-Size Pocket in Green Animal Print!
I love sweet Bottoms for cloth diapers and accessories!
I like the twilight and grasshopper colors in the Bum Genius.
I would love to try the Kawaii heavy wetter overnight diaper for my 2 week old son!
My favorites are the bumGenius Elemental all-in-one (Sassy), and the Kawaii Baby One-Size Squared Tab (Electric Yellow). First time mom expecting in January and excited about cloth diapering!
A great way for saving money for my family has been making homemade laundry detergent!
Love the Bum Genius snaps in the Mirror color and the Kawaii one size bamboo snaps in the oxford grey color.
My other money saving baby care tip is that I make my own laundry detergent. It is very safe for my little one’s skin since both of my kiddos have had sensitive skin. I can make 10 gallons of detergent for $2.40!
I LOVE the kawaii goodnight heavy wetter with the safari animals. I also love the albert snap bumgenius. So thankful for cloth diapers for my little ones!
My baby tip is to use socks as mittens for as long as they don’t really have thumb control – even over mittens, they stay on much better and are very cheap!
I like the BG Dazzle color, in snaps, and Kawaii one-size snap in the Holstein cow print.
Besides doing cloth diapers, my best money saving tip is yard sales and borrowing stuff!!
Bum Genius, One Size snaps–love the new colors, esp Dazzle and Mirror
Kawaii–One size snaps in Lavender
The Kawaii Baby pure and Natural pocket 0 – 15 months.
The Bum Genius Organic one size All in one in the mirror color.
I would love the Bum Genius Organic One -size all in one in mirror color. I don’t have many tips since I am just pregnant with my first! But, I know from having lots of precious nieces and nephews that a great way to save money is to KEEP IT SIMPLE! Focusing on quality necessities is my goal.
I love cloth diapers! My favorites are the Kawaii in green and the Bumgenius in orange.
Bum Genius- one size stay dry pocket – with snaps – sassy
Kawaii Green Baby One-size bamboo pocket – with snaps- oxford grey
Homemade laundry soap! It is so easy and SOOO cheap.
Money saving baby tip?
Use coconut oil on bottoms instead of rash cream.
Works great, healthier, and less expensive.
Bumgenius Elemental Organics!
Gender neutral.
I am pregnant with baby #3 and am hoping to be able to try cloth! I love the one size BG snaps and it is what I have been looking at! I only have boys now, but if this little one is a girl I would love to see a little Zinnia colored bottom.
Oh forgot to say I like the Kawaii Fern Green
Well besides cloth diapering, which I love, we love to use coconut oil for lotion on our babies. Lot cheaper than the typical organic lotions.
My $$ saving tip – use a great gift registry like http://www.encorebabyregistry.com to “register” for new OR used baby clothes and gear– that way your friends who don’t need their old baby stuff feel free to give you their old stuff,…or…people feel free to buy used…. and everyone saves money! And our carbon footprint is lessened!
My favorite money saving tip is to borrow, borrow, borrow– equipment, clothes, everything!
Love Bumgenius with snaps…Mirror is a cute color! I’ve never tried Kawaii..they have some adorable patterns! Love Dotty Moo!
I love the BumGenius one-size snap diapers in Clementine and the Kawaii in Lime.
Bum Genius- one size stay dry pocket – with snaps – twighlight
Kawaii Green Baby One-size bamboo pocket – with snaps -bamboo gray
(anything that looks gender neutral!)
My money saving tip is that you should NEVER buy baby clothes brand new. They grow out of them so fast! Find a friend who is willing to share, or hit the garage sales.
My favorite money saving tip is getting hand me down clothes- just as cute and free
I love cloth diapers! The Kawaii One size bamboo diaper looks interesting, also like the convenience of a one-size BumGenius. Boy colors are what I would go for right now.
We love our stash of BG diapers, too, but I’d get a Zinnia for our new little girl. The Kawaii lime green with daisies is adorable.
To save money, skip the bubbly baby soap when bathing your baby. When they are new, their messes are nothing that can’t be washed away with water. And wouldn’t you rather your little one smell like him/herself than artificial fragrances?
Bum Genius 4.0 OS pocket, Albert, snap
Kawaii Green Baby One-Size Bamboo Pocket – Blue Label, Navy Blue
My favorite money saving baby tip is that you don’t need almost anything to have a baby! A place for them to sleep, a carseat, some clothes + diapers, and a swaddler, though a boppy and a sleep sound machine are VERY nice, too
Just don’t need all that ‘gear’ that stores like to sell to everyone!
Sarah M
I would really be quite happy with any color, but I tend to go for gender neutrals
Sarah M