I’m back! It has been a beautiful summer full of exciting adventures, new endeavors, and precious moments as a family. It also has been one of the hardest summers as I endured a bout of severe insomnia. I intentionally cut back on the blog over the last two months (did you notice the silence?) to have a period of rest and refocusing. I hardly blogged, used facebook, or any other social media. We spent a lot of time working on our summer reading list, completing activities from our summer bucket list, and getting my head screwed on to launch into a new official season of homeschooling my kindergarten girl. We launched Bourbon officially, my husband’s new online business, after over a year of endless hours and labor. We celebrated my baby Eden’s first birthday. We took a lovely week vacation to our favorite cozy spot in Lincoln City, OR.
We spent time praying together as husband and wife about the next season of our lives and what God would have us focus on. It’s so valuable to take an intentional re-evaluation of your life and priorities multiple times a year, and the end of summer serves as a perfect time. I was praying about writing a book, but just felt like this was not the season yet. Messages are ringing in my head, but other things are more important. My first priority is to the support and service of my hubby as he carries a lot of weight right now, and to the service of my children as it is a busy season of training and home schooling them. In my spare moments, you might find me reading, writing, and helping to organize women’s bible studies and discipleship groups in our church, and seeking to open our home in hospitality on at least a monthly basis. So I continue on…this simple little Mama caring for the well being of my family while striving to use my gifts to bless other women around me. I will continue blogging for the next season but will be limiting it to 1-2 times per week. You may just hear from me once a week, but I will strive to use those brief moments to offer hope and encouragement from my little mess to yours.
I am looking forward to working around some monthly blog themes again for the new year. This month, I hope to share a few inspirational posts about how to increase the passion in your homemaking. Seeing your home from God’s perspective. I am excited to see what the future will unfold.
Thanks for joining me on the journey! Bless you my sisters. What did you all do during the summer?
Hi Lindsay! Where do you stay in Lincoln City?
We have an aunt who owns a house in Lincoln City, but unfortunately, she only rents to family.
Ok thanks:)
I just wanted to stop and thank Dr Atingo for his help. You have saved my relationship twice….and all that time I used your spell. I broke up twice last year with my ex……first time we got back together…lasted a short while because I had not followed your instruction completely…second time I used your methods again and he came back. Thank you so much. I was so confused how to act when he came back, but I had to follow your instruction. We are stronger than the first time or the second time……and all because I took your well meaning spell. Thank you so much. I have a life these days, after letting go of all the drama in my life. Thank you so much for your help. contact him with email [email protected] if you need is help also.
I know this comment is a few weeks late, but I wanted to chime in on what I did this summer – I had my first baby!! She was born at the end of May and I was blessed to have 3 months of maternity leave. As hard as some days and nights were, it was hands-down the best summer of my life.
Hi Lindsay!
I am a new stay at home mom to a 1 yr old boy, Elijah. I found your blog a couple months ago and I just wanted to tell you what an encouragement you have been and continue to be to me. I struggle everyday with deporession, feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and wondering if this is really what God has called me to do. They could probably all be fixed if I just spent more time in prayer and bible study. Anyway, I believe women were ment to stay home with the children and I believe in homeschooling (having been homeschooled for a few years), and natural frugal living. It just seems so overwhelming sometimes all the things I believe in and tell myself that I need to do. I sometimes feel like I’m wasting my life just doing the same things over and over again everyday. Picking up the same toys, washing the same clothes and dishes, making the same meals, ect. However, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I can’t stand the idea of daycare or someone else raising our son. Do you ever feel like this too?
Well, I just wanted to say thank you. You have encouraged me this morning to be the best mom and wife I can be. I look forward to more of your posts. Oh and happy birthday! Thank you Lindsay for all the time you put into this blog and encouraging other women.:) you are truly wise beyond your years.
I am also blessed by your blog. It helps keep life in perspective. I find myself being easily caught up with trying to eat healthy then I “hear” you reminding me that our God-given purpose is to be the wife and mother He has called us to be (and not making healthy eating an idol). You have touched more lives than you know, Lindsay. Looking forward to new posts. Glad you had a refreshing break.
I just found your blog as I endeavor to bring my family into more natural eating. I just wanted to say thanks for all your work on this blog! I now have some good middle-of-the-night reading to do while I nurse my little one.
I especially love that you are Christ-centered and mission-minded as my husband and I (and our three girls) are full time missionaries.
Thanks again. I can (almost) hardly wait until that middle of the night feeding to read more of your posts!
I missed your lovely posts! Glad you had a refreshing break – hope you are ready for the fall swing of things. I appreciate your thoughtful posts!
I realize that this is only an update post, but I always enjoy your perspective. The world would always have women persuing career ambitions and leaving family and home on the backburner. Recently, I was at a family home where the mother was putting all her attention into her graduate education and her home was a wreck with very undisciplined kids running around. Just visiting there left me feeling anxious and stressed. I love hearing that other women are putting their family first and creating good home environments for their family and visitors. Thanks for being so inspiring. And welcome back.(-:
Thank you so much for your blog and the time you have and will invest into it. I want to let you know that God has used it to change the whole course of my life and the lives of all generations after me. I came across it while searching for real food bloggers and through it I have come to know the Lord in a way I never knew before. He has shown me His purpose for me as a mom, wife and homemaker. I accepted Christ as a child but I never understood my role and purpose as a woman, wife, mother and missionary. Thank you for the godly example you have been to me. There are no words to describe how grateful I am to you and to the Lord for using you to change my life. All glory and honor and praise to Him!
Your sister in Christ,
I am glad to ‘see you’ again! =) I am glad you had a great summer full of intentional time focusing on your family. I did miss all your blog posts, but in a way it gave me a chance to see how God wants me to be intentional about spending less time reading blogs too (in an effort to still have something to read since your blog had less posts, I read a bunch of different blogs, and through that realized that I was just reading just to read, and that I could (and would!) keep finding wonderful blogs if I kept looking, but the point is not for me to find every amazing, godly blog out there!! I felt God asking me to take it slower too, and now I’m happy to just take it easy, and read my two favorite blogs that I personally get the most out of: yours, and Ann Voskamp’s).
It’s been good to realize that it’s OKAY if I never read all of the great, inspirational blogs out there… slower is better, and I have a full plate at home too (my husband Andrew and I have our 2 month old baby girl, Audrey Elizabeth who was born in June, and 3 year old Diana Catherine, currently potty training.) Enough said! So I’m glad to be learning from the Lord how to spend some intentional time learning from other women, but the rest of the time to be spending it putting those motherhood jewels of knowledge and inspiration into practice!
God bless your family and the new season you all are in!
Thank you for using this season is your life to focus on your husband and your children! I love to read books from others moms about encouragement for the journey of motherhood, but always felt weird when I found out that they had to take time away from motherhood and their home in order to write a book to encourage others not to do that. God will bless your socks off for making yourself available full time for your husband and children during this season of your life.
Your blog is already a treasure trove of how to live every aspect of our lives for the glory of God. If you had this and didn’t ever write a book, you would still have impacted so many young women’s lives by sharing all the knowledge that you have.
Your blog is like taking college classes in simplifying, motherhood, and how to steward our bodies by preparing real food for our families.
I am sooo glad your back! You’ve been missed.
I understand only blogging once or twice a week. There’s not enough time in the day to do everything. I had my third 7 weeks ago and am finally finding some kind of groove. Lord bless you and thanks for all your dedication to encourage your readers.
I’ve never commented before, but I finally wanted to let you know that the Lord uses you to disciple me in so many ways, probably more than anyone else I know. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom, your goals, your family, your time, your journey, and your mess. It is such an indescribable blessing and encouragement to me, and it inspires and reminds me of God’s vision for my life – which I feel like I misplace from time to time. From Florida, thank you thank you thank you! And this summer we spent remodeling a new (old) house for our growing family, preparing to welcome our second little one into the world, and yes, doing some prayerful evaluating of our family’s priorities and preparing for this next season. I missed new posts, but can always go back and glean lots of wisdom from old ones.
I pray God’s richest blessings on your family, sleep for you, and may He prosper the works of your (and your husband’s) hands!
We too spent a week in Lincoln City and loved it. It wast the first time we had been there, but we absolutely loved it. The wow of the ocean:)
If you ever get a chance try a grounding sheet to see if it helps your insomnia, we have one and it really helps my husband and I sleep better and feel much more refreshed in the morning. When we travel and can’t sleep grounded we really feel the difference.
Take care!
Congratulations on the launch of Bourbon, very professional. It is lovely to hear from you again and see your little family. Here in Australia, we are just emerging from winter and planting lots of gardens for spring, and getting ready to launch my new book ‘Dad and Me in PNG’ Creation House and write a couple more.
Yay! You are back! I missed you! I’m happy you guys enjoyed your summer and used that precious time to re-evaluate your life. I agree that it is important to do that from time to time. This summer (it went so fast!) my husband and I were in a quiet season of working on our marriage and family. At first I felt guilty… aren’t we called to constantly be helping others?
But now we see the fruits of taking time for ourselves! I also went on numerous media fasts in an attempt to become more productive at home… still workin on it!
Thanks for this post. My husband and I also took our family on a ‘vision’ trip (which, in a sense, yours sounded like) recently and it was so, so good to reevaluate and pray about which things we were to invest in (or not) during this next season, as well as just ask ourselves if we had been faithful to the things/ppl God had/has entrusted to us. Good stuff. I am really look forward to your upcoming posts about becoming more passionate in homemaking, as it’s something I have been struggling with and something the Lord is working on in me right now. Thx again for your post and for your honesty – it was a blessing.
I was told about your blog by a friend, and it’s something that I have thanked the Lord for on numerous occasions! I am so encouraged by you, and I’ve gleaned so much from your wisdom. Thank you.
i hope you had a wonderful day! happy birthday!! your blog is always encouraging and uplifting, especially in this season of life, as we have 3 little ones too. you are always real and not afraid to share the struggles you’re going through, which helps so many of us to not feel alone! i wish your family the best as you adjust back into homeschooling and this new business.
First time commenter, long time follower! Just wanted to say I’m glad you’re back. This summer was spiritually fulfilling for us as well. The Lord called my husband into music ministry at our church and called us as a family to foster care. We’re so excited about our next adventure. Thanks for the encouragement you always give me, even if I haven’t spoken up before.
Happy Blessed Birthday!!! Hope your day was/is wonderful! God bless u and your family, L….thank you for all that you do…..
It’s nice to hear from you! Summer went by too fast. Managed to camp three times. Canned some salsa. Made some blueberry, raspberry, and red and black current jam. We ended our summer by going huckleberry picking. Today was the first day of homeschooling—which surprisingly went well. I know you are a homeschooler as well and I want to know if you joined a support group? I’ve heard that there are many of them—but found only one in my area (beaverton). My husband thinks there are probably more, but they don’t advertise. Since I am the only one homeschooling from my friends, I need some connections. Any advice?
Glad to see you back and happy to read that you just needed a time of refreshing. Your blog has been a source of encouragement to me for the last 3 years and I appreciate the time and effort you put into writing words to educate and uplift homemakers. You are a blessing!
This blog blesses and encourages me so much! After the Lord, your family is your top priority, and your readers understand that. Taking breaks are very necessary from time to time…however never forget what an amazing ministry you have in this blog. Be blessed!
Yay for real life!
You’ve always got our support, Edmonds family. We’ll be praying for Bourbon, as we’re sensible to the realities of having a family business. My breaks from online life are quite frequent and completely necessary for our sanity!
Grace and peace to you.
Happy birthday to you! I just celebrated my 29th over the weekend. I’m happy you’re back. I just wanted to drop a line and say how much your blog has ministered to me as a housewife and then later as I became a mom. I think reading your posts about family organizer notebooks and natural parenting actually opened my fearful heart to having a baby. You write so cheerfully and with great encouragement, whether it’s a recipe or a how-to post. Your site is an oasis on an internet filled with what can be judgemental, harsh, and inappropriate “mom blogs”. I can read your posts on anything and feel blessed and equipped. You have taught me to trust myself as a daughter of the King, wife, and mommy. Quite often when I need something I use your site as a reference and share it with others whenever I can. Thanks for your sensitivity to the Spirit as well as to your family as you’ve shared your gifts with your readers.
Glad you’re back to blogging and had a restful, focused summer with your family
I hear you on the need to take time away from blogging, refocusing priorities, etc. This summer has been somewhat of that for me as well…I currently have a 20 month old and a four month old, so my summer has been particularly busy, but of course in a good (blessed!) way.
Happy Birthday! Wishing you many more blessed years! So glad to hear of your great summer with the family. Thank you for sharing your family with us.
I had noticed the silence and assumed real life was happening. Glad you were able to refresh and look forward to your upcoming posts. we are starting kindergarten as well but nothing too rigerous after reading School Can Wait by the Moores. We are loosely using An Old Fashioned Eduction and enjoying it a lot. Gods blessings on your new business!
Typing on a Fire. Sorry for errors : P
I am so thankful that you are back and had a blessed summer!!! I stand with you in everything that you find the Lord leading you on and will always be checking in. I love this precious blog and your family. I pray God’s richest blessings upon you. You have bless my heart soo many times. Thank you for the precious woman of God you are!! I will be here checking in at all times. Thank you so much again!!
You are a wise lady! I’m encouraged to see how you are seeking to put your family first.
What great pictures! You all look so happy
Lindsay, I’m so glad to here from you again. We’ve all missed you, but I get the need for a computer break. It gives me a headache and contributes to insomnia as well. I write 3 blogs and took a break from 2 of them to get my head back on straight, while focusing on my personal thoughts blog to get everything out of my brain and figure out my life on paper (or screen). I’ve been sleeping better now…We had a really good summer here in Indiana, with lots of fishing, foraging and frolicking…I love your husbands web business, too. I’m anxious to learn more about it…best wishes for a happy, successful and restful next season.
Love your blog, missed new postings, but SO respect your boundaries. Thank you for showing your human-ness, thank you for listening to God, thank you for living intentionally for Him in front of others – because I know it’s hard in this culture that often encourages a treadmill lifestyle and expects perfection.
First of all, thank you so much for sharing your family with us! You are such an encouragement to me and I am thankful for any time you can spare to share your ideas, inspirations and struggles with us. You are truly a very special, godly young woman. Love your most current photos. And I love Eden’s new hair!
I was delighted to see your update. I really like your family photos and reading about how your family is doing.
So glad you’re back
And I’m so glad to see you striving for balance in your life and being willing to cut back in some areas in order to focus more in others. A lesson I could learn myself!
Glad you had a great summer, the weather’s been so gorgeous!!