Eden Joy Edmonds
“Joyful Delight”
August 7, 2011
9:05 pm
7 pounds 14 ounces, 20 3/4 inches
We have been blessed with another girl to raise to be a godly young woman for the Lord! I really wanted to have a daughter and companion for my Karis girl, but had fully convinced myself that it had to be a boy, considering it was extremely active in the womb, everyone predicted it was a boy, and I felt the Lord had confirmed the name of a boy in my heart. I had become really excited for a boy too. Well the Lord must have been laughing! Especially when we were confused over the gender for an hour after the birth! Wait till you hear that part…
Waiting for the arrival of my little Eden was a very challenging time for me. Having delivered my first two at least a week early, I struggled with patience over the delay, intense heat of summer, and very difficult physical pain and nausea in the last few weeks of pregnancy. Labor began late Saturday night, August 6th. I was already physically tired from lack of sleep the night before, but I was also eager to have my baby. Contractions were consistent at 5 minutes apart and pretty painful from the start. After two hours they stopped altogether and my husband and I attempted to get some rest. I experienced contractions off and on through the night along with a lingering nauseated feeling.
Sunday morning arrived and I remained sick and tired but nothing was really happening, so we all decided to go to church and conclude that baby was not coming. Surprisingly though, contractions started again as soon as I arrived. They were consistent but mild. I gently swayed back and forth with each contraction as we worshipped. It was a great distraction but difficult to keep my composure. I really didn’t want people to know I was in labor just in case this was not the real thing.
After the service, I quickly called the midwife and headed home. By 1:00pm, my midwife and birth team arrived. I began my normal labor routine of placing my arms around my husband’s neck, hanging limp, and swaying my hips side to side (my favorite labor position), and walking all around the house and yard, and up and down the stairs, letting gravity do its thing. At 3:00 pm, my midwife checked me and discovered that I was 6 cm dilated. We were all excited to see such good progress and were assured that it would be coming soon. In my mind I estimated that baby would arrive around dinner time. Hmm…that was not a good idea.
Contractions increased in intensity but continued at roughly 5 minutes apart. I went into the hot tub, and while it was relaxing it really slowed down my labor. It was a pleasant experience though being outside with midwives and mothers relaxing on our patio furniture while my little ones played in the yard. What more could you ask for? After nearly two hours in the tub without any real progress, trying to relax and rest unsuccessfully, I got out and started aggressively walking up and down the steps (two at a time) and around the house. I loved having the freedom and space to move around as needed. I was determined. But as it lagged on, I began getting pretty discouraged. The pain was extremely intense…more painful than I had ever experienced before with my previous two births. I felt like I went through transition three times with lots of tears and desperation. My midwife tried to check me on two separate occasions but couldn’t reach my cervix. What did this mean? The dinner hour came and went. The mystery of consistent contractions that were still 5 minutes apart but very difficult continued.
I returned to the hot tub around 7pm and experienced the most intense emotions. I was desperate. I came to a place of complete brokenness. I had always been strong and prideful in myself. I was an empowered homebirth mama. I could handle pain. Haha! The Lord really used this birth to humble me in more ways than one. I came to a place of complete desperation and dependence upon the Lord because only He could truly sustain and uphold me. I clung to my husband as I labored on my hands and knees in the hot tub. It was nice being in water but not really helpful in managing the pain as I had hoped. I would look into my husband’s eyes and cry…”I can’t do this!” My sweet husband patiently and graciously held on to me and encouraged me to the best of his ability.
At long last things kicked into gear. It was nearly 9:00 pm. I was so thankful for a quick finale. With two major contractions and several pushes, baby arrived. The pushing stage in water was a refreshing experience.
Baby arrived at 9:05 pm and was placed right into my arms. It turns out baby was delivered with her hand right by her face, which may have caused the extra pain in my labor. I was so incredibly weak at this point that I could barely hold my child. It was dark outside with just one overhead light on and for the first time I was the one appointed to identify the gender. Previously, my husband had always identified.
I looked at the baby…it looked like a boy. I looked down and saw the cord between the legs and swollen parts and mistook it for a boy. Hilariously enough, I had convinced myself it had to be a boy. I didn’t put much thought into it…nor was I really all there mentally after such an exhausting experience. So we all were crying once again thinking we were welcoming a boy. Because it was getting chilly outside they quickly moved us inside to shower off. Baby was wrapped up quickly without a second glance. I actually fainted on the bathroom floor from the quick transition and they carried me to the couch. The afterbirth contractions were very hard. I could hardly feel any part of my body from the loss of blood. Baby’s cord was cut and delivered again into my arms for our first nursing experience. Baby lached on immediately and I felt I had such a sweet bonding experience with my supposed son.
After over an hour from delivery, my mother-in-law offered to get baby dressed. She carried baby upstairs to clean her up a bit more. By this time my husband had announced to the world (via facebook , that it was a boy. As my mother in law cleaned up the baby getting ready to put a diaper on, she discovered that it was really a girl. She called my husband in to show him the reality. Aaron came back downstairs and said, “It’s not Eli, it’s Piper (because those were the names we liked at that point).” I was so frustrated at him since I was in such pain. “That is not funny.” I said in response. “I am in no mood for joking.” “No really…it’s a girl.” He insisted. I was in complete shock. How could I incorrectly identify my child? I felt like I had bonded with my son. For nearly two hours I was in a state of shock. Everyone was laughing. Aaron returned to facebook and announced, “Scratch that…it’s a girl!” All in all, it was an hilarious experience and I can look back now and retell the story with laughter. I had completely convinced myself. I am determined not to be the one to identify again…or maybe we will just get an ultrasound next time to avoid such confusion.
So we had a girl! I’m blessed beyond words. After two days, we finally decided on her name. Eden means “delight, paradise, luxury” and I felt it was such a good reminder of the beauty of God’s creation and His original design for mankind in the garden of Eden. We were fashioned in His image to display His glory. My vision is that my little Eden would passionately adopt God’s design for her and find her “delight” in the Lord and that He would give her the desires of her heart (Psalms 37:4). We chose “Joy” because we want her life to be characterized by a spirit of joy and thankfulness. She has brought such delight and joy to our hearts, but even more so, we pray that she would be a gift of joy and delight to others and pass on the gift. I pray that she would find her complete delight and satisfaction in our great God and Savior and live her life to make His glory known to the ends of the earth.
As I look back, I am thankful for such an intense labor. While it was the most difficult thing I have endured, God was so faithful to me. He broke me. He humbled me. I have been changed. I feel such a greater sympathy and compassion now for others. I rejoice in the fact that it was such a smooth and safe delivery and it was all accomplished in the comfort of my own home and hot tub with wonderful mothers, midwives, and my husband around me. What a huge blessing! The grace has been given to cling ever more to my Savior and Lord. And now my arms are full…three precious gifts. Each given to me to be prepared to send forth as an arrow for the Lord. God is good!
Thank you all again for your thoughts, prayers, and support! It is such a blessing having such a wonderful community of women here to love and care for one another despite the distance.
I received this post in my email inbox when it was posted, but I hadn’t gotten a chance to read it until now. I’m sitting here with my 5-day-old little boy in my lap, recovering from my own birth, and cleaning out my email inbox, and I read this when I got to it….. I can so relate! I just had my little boy on Sunday night. While it was my first home birth (I have two other children), it was a very challenging birth. My second was so easy, I was so baffled as to why this one was difficult! Physically it did not get difficult until I was pushing (my son was also born with his hand next to his face! I never knew how painful that could be until I experienced it!), but emotionally it was incredibly hard. Labor started at 9 am on Saturday morning and I was 9 cm dilated by 2:45 pm…. and that is where I stayed. My labor stopped and I had no idea why. It was being extremely stubborn and would not restart! Finally at 2 pm on Sunday my contractions started again, and he was born at 4:10 pm. I, too, feel like the Lord used this birth to humble me and bring me to a place of complete dependence on Him, and to a place of deeper trust in my husband.
Anyway, all that to say, loved reading this! And love how much I can relate!
What a beautiful birth story and a beautiful testimony of God’s work in your life. Congratulations on your precious little girl.
I have three children now, but my first labor was the longest and hardest…almost three days long. When the baby was finally born, I was so out-of-it and exhausted and surprised that a baby had actually finally come out of me that I had NO thought of checking the gender. My husband broke the news to me (a boy!) minutes later, but it still took a few times of him saying that for me to comprehend it.
Beautiful story, beautiful baby, beautiful name, beautiful family!
What a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing so openly. It is so encouraging to hear another mother speak to transparently of struggling with sin, exhaustion, and weariness and experiencing victory. I am reading The Christian Childbirth Handbook per your recommendation, and I am wondering, this is quite personal, I know, you do not have to answer, but did you have tearing? I tore with my first and it was such an excruciating recovery, my desire this time is to find any methods to prevent it if possible! That book has a very logical explanation, but I am just wondering if you have had success practicing the technique/advice?
Again, thank you for sharing so openly, and may God bless your family!
I have been extremely blessed to have a skilled midwife who uses olive oil to gently massage the perineum and have never experienced any tearing. Birthing in water was another means of helping to prevent this as well.
Thank you for posting so honestly about your labor and delivery! I think so many women will be comforted by this and can relate. Your labor and delivery sounds like my first trimester! I recently blogged many of the same feelings and experiences on my blog “True Things.”
What a unique way for us to know the strength and forbearance of our God through walking through pregnancy.
Your new family is beautiful!
Blessings to you these next few months,
Congratulations. I’ve been following your blog for a few years, and it’s interesting to see your children (and entire family) grow. What a cute bunch.
Thank you for sharing it all, Lindsay! My second was the exact same presentation (hand right at the mouth) and I feel your pain!!!
I am pregnant with our 3rd child and am planning another home birth (my first was in the hospital, second at home). I was wondering what you did with your older children while laboring. When Noah (2nd) was born in the middle of the night, Emma (1st) slept right through it. I’m worried with 2 variables now, I will be more nervous about people sleeping through all the commotion. What sorts of contingency plans did you have for your older two while you labored and birthed Eden?
Thanks so much for all that you do!
I have family in the area and was originally planning on having them watch my kiddos, but it actually worked out fine to keep them at home this time. Since baby came after bedtime, they were already tucked away, but then they came out to welcome baby. A nice fan works well for covering up the noise.
What a beautiful story Lyndsay! I’ve never commented before on your blog, but after reading this story, I had to tell you that we had a similar experience in June with the birth of our second, Hannah. It was our second home birth, and this time I used the birthing pool (what a difference it made!) While I had only a four and a half hour labor, my husband, Adam was going to be “catching” and identifying the sex of the baby. However when Hannah emerged, she was so tangled up in her cord also that Adam announced her to be a boy. In all the commotion to untangle her I guess nobody else noticed either! So she was put on my chest and covered with a blanket. When I got up to get out of the pool, I began to bleed heavily and the midwife realized I was hemorrhaging. She was unable to stop the bleeding and the squad was called. It was nearly a half hour after her birth, while I was on the floor, after baby’s cord had been cut, that my mother discovered it was a girl! It wasn’t until four hours later, after anesthesia, emergency D&C, a few units of blood and lots of fluids, that I held my little girl, in a sense, for the first time! I praise Him for all that He has shown me through the experience and for sparing my life to be able to serve and enjoy this family He has given me. Blessings to you. Enjoy EVERY moment. It truly is ALL grace. Jessica
congratulations! such a wonderful story and a beautiful little girl!
Love her name! Absolutely beautiful! I am 36 weeks pregnant with our first boy and desiring to do a natural labor. Thank you for your honesty and encouragement!
That is so funny!!
Enjoy your new one and hope recovery goes well.
Congratulations! We also have a baby Eden Noelle. Perhaps in heaven they can hang out.
Was waiting to read this! congratulations on a beautiful baby girl.
*Beautiful* baby, loved the birth story
My 2nd child came out with her hand beside her face, too, and yes, it was a much more difficult labour (and longer than my first). She actually kept her hand there most of the time for a few weeks, I guess she liked it there!
I hope this next baby doesn’t repeat that performance…
Don’t feel bad about misidentifying (although you gave me a good laugh, thank you!
). I have two girls so far and with both I was confused. I was the one to identify and I looked down with my first and said “I don’t know, what is it?” and no one would tell me…I then said “I think that is a girl, is it?” everyone laughed at me, but really, it was all swollen and not very clean and such…plus I was not used to babies at all, let alone newborns! With my second I thought I was having a boy (just my own thoughts) and so I looked down and also said “I think that its a girl, is it?” and then once they said yes, I asked again and again…maybe I was just tired!
My friend’s doctor told her she had a girl and then took the baby away to help it breathe better…then he came back like 20 min later and told her oops, its a boy…that was so hard for her, especially since she had really wanted a girl and only has boys. But she laughs about it now.
Congratulations on such a beautiful family. I am so excited to also have my third this winter.
Congrats! She is absolutely beautiful!
She is just gorgeous. And I loved her birth story. Thanks for sharing!
Ya know, with our first, we were absolutely positive it was a boy. We even had people getting us blue blankets, clothes, burp rags, etc. They never could tell on the ultrasound … she would always pull her legs up and not let anyone get a good look. We were just a tad surprised when she was born and the nurse said “It’s a GIRL!”
We’re really hoping that whenever He blesses us with another that we can have a homebirth. My husband just about insists on it!
What a beautiful thing that you share your stories of how the Lord worked in your labor! That gives me hope for my third planned homebirth (fourth baby!). None of them have been that “wow, amazing” birth experience, but they have been healing or hilarious and always intense. You also remind me to be humble that only by the grace of God do I even have the ability to have a homebirth after Caesarean.
We were “supposed” to have a girl according to the ultrasound. Due to some concerns during and immediately after birth with the baby (probably not helped by my baby’s hand being right next to his face, too), I discovered we had a boy! Since I can relate to the confusion, I really enjoyed that part of your story.
wow, loved the story of your homebirth. I wanted to do it that way but didn’t have the guts with either of my children… I couldn’t even do it without pain meds so you are my hero.
Thanks for sharing and congratulations!
I just had my firstborn the end of May after laboring hard (pushing for more than 13 hours) at home from Friday afternoon ’til Sunday mid-morning when I transferred to a nearby hospital. Contractions started Thursday night and the baby was born late Sunday afternoon. We transferred because I had thrown up everything I had eaten and drank since labor started so I was starving and dehydrated which left me so weak I could not push any more, I hadn’t slep since Thursday night and my contractions had slowed to every 15-20 minutes anyway. All praise to the Lord – He sustained my spirit through it all! but my body was giving up. The baby’s heart beat was always strong which encouraged me SO much and my husband was right with me through it all encouraging me like no other human could. We actually saw the baby’s head crowning Sat. afternoon (“Look at all that hair!”) but he was not born until Sun. afternoon. I went to the hospital Sunday morning to get me rehydrated via IV’s, get an epidural so I could rest, and a few hours later, after a tiny boost of pitocin, my contractions started up closer together and I was able to push the baby out naturally. Even though the whole ordeal was SO not what we expected, we saw the Lord’s hand working throughout in ways such as… had I started out in the hospital I would not have been allowed to labor for that long and would have been given a C-section. As we prayed and planned for the homebirth we would tell friends and family that it was our plan to try for a homebirth but we knew that God was/is in control and He knew the plans He had for us. It was not what we were expecting but we serve a loving God and He had things work out just the way He wanted. We will try for another homebirth should we get pregnant again but commit the outcome again into His hands. Of course I will cry if I get pregnant again because I threw up every day, almost all day my whole first pregnancy, labor was so very hard in my case, and breastfeeding was HORRIBLE the first month and a half. But our son is SO worth it all and yep, despite all that we still want more kids – yikes!
Congratulations on your baby girl. Everyone says that each birth after the first is easier and easier. My first labor was easy. I use a midwife run freestanding birth center. With my first I did not realize I was in labor until it was just about too late. I had her by myself standing up in our birth center parking lot. I never pushed, her head just came out and then my husband came out with our amazing midwife who caught the rest of our sweet girl.
My second labor although short, lasting 3 hours, was very, very intense. I nearly passed out many times. It was one of those experiences in which I was just praying not to pass out because I knew that might mean a transfer to the hospital. I was even seeing stars and specks of light hours after the labor but I never told anyone just in case it would have delayed our discharge home 4 hours later. I do not remember that intensity with my first. My first was 5 days early and my second 5 days late. In my case, my first was easy labor and easy baby, my second has been hard labor and hard baby!
Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your story with us!
Congratulations! We just found out that we are expecting our third baby, and I’ve been anxiously awaiting the birth story or your third! Take care and God Bless!
Blessings to you, Lindsay and family! Enjoy your little girl.
Love her name!!!! Congratulations.
Congratulations Lindsay!!! you and your (growing) family are absolutely beautiful!!! thank you for sharing! your writings, especially this one, touches me and inspires me to a depth i can’t express to you enough. i hope to be more like you esp when it comes to having faith through suffering. i tend to loose trust in the Lord and turn away from Him when it seems to me that He gives me too much to handle. i’m not proud of that, it’s something i deeply struggle with. i recently had a miscarriage (my first pregnancy) and it caused me to loose a lot of trust and love that i had for the Lord. i dealt with a lot of fears in the beginning of my pregnancy and i finally reached a point where God convinced me that everything was going to be alright and instead of focusing on things that might go wrong, to focus on holding the baby, nursing for the first time, cuddling and loving on him/her. well, ever since i lost him/her, i’ve felt as though God had tricked me. why would He tell me to trust that everything was going to be alright? why would He lead me to believe all these good things and picture an incredible life with this child (lullaby’s to sleep, daddy holding him/her on his lap, swinging him/her outside, pigtails in her hair or bugs in his pocket) just for me to loose it… just for that to be taken away?
i’m still grappling with all these questions… i want to be close to Him, i want to trust Him again… but i’m scared of the hurt and i lost the trust that i once had when i put my whole heart into believing “only goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life” and “for i know the plans, i have for you, says the lord, plans for your welfare and not for your woe,plans to give a future full of hope.” it seems like He lied to me. i know in my head that He can’t, but my heart is not convinced.
anyway, i’m writing too much. (i had a point to make, even though it’s long in coming) the point is: your birth story just called me on… your witness and the way that you handle challenges and suffering-always with faith- and never griping at God or with a self-pitying attitude really inspired me. you used all the hardship as a way to be humbled (which is what i’m also trying to do.) so you just helped me take a small step closer to Him. Thank You lindsay. may God reward you…
As a woman who also miscarried during her first pregnancy, please know that I’m praying for you and can totally understand the feelings you described. Hugs to you, Jessica, from a friend in Michigan.
Congratulations! What a beautiful, honest story. I think you have a good excuse for your gender mistake – and what a great tale to tell in the coming years! Both my kiddos were born with their hands next to their faces, too.
Congratulations! Thanks for telling the good and the difficult. My daughter was born at home, with midwives, 10 days late, with a head that did not mold. I tore and bled. I remember feeling a few hours before she was born that I could not do it anymore. And being so exhausted I couldn’t get her to latch on after. But God was definitely faithful and pulled us through! It’s so wonderful to remember labor as the most difficult (and rewarding) thing so far in life, and how God was there.
Thanks for sharing!! I know very little about birthing at this point, and am interested in natural births like yours. One question I have always had. . . what do/did you do with your older children when going through labor/birthing at home?
Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful daughter. She is blessed, being born into your family. May she never take that for granted.
Thanks for sharing!
Lindsay ~
Thank you for sharing your birth story…how the Lord uses birth to grow us and draw us out of our own strength and into relying on Him. I can truly relate to the many emotions that are involved with birthing a precious little one and many times found myself nodding and understanding your story.
May the Lord continue to bless you and your family…enjoy your little Miss Eden Joy.
In Christ ~
Jarnette @ Seasons the Life
Congratulations! You are so blessed! P.S. – I love the name!
So neat to read your story. On November 6th we gave birth to our Eden, Eden Grace at home with midwives as well. She is our fourth baby and was the most challenging to deliver because she to had her hand by her face like she was thinking about something. Birthing the head, hand, shoulder, elbow, etc. was definitely different than the others. I’ll never forget when I was pushing; with the previous births at that point I could feel a lot of the head, then they were out. With Eden, at the same stage I barely felt any of her head and thought I was birthing a 20 lb. baby or something! Now she’s almost a year & when I snuggle with her I ask her what was she thinking about with her hand up like that anyway?
First time reader…
Congratulations! With our first I was convinced it was a boy. She was born, we looked…no p**is, I was confused. Needless to say, I was happy no matter what the gender but boy was I confused!
I thought I had the guessing part down after correctly guessing #2, #3, #4 but #5 was “supposed” to be a girl.
Love her name!
Too funny.
Beautiful story {and testimony!}. Praise Father for the work He is doing in you.
What a beautiful birth story. It’s so refreshing to hear a positive and faith filled birth story. May God continue to bless your beautiful family.
Lindsay, I’m definitely rejoicing with you in God’s grace! The same Sunday morning that Eden was born I awoke with you heavily on my heart and mind, although I had no idea why. Know that even in those early hours the Lord had encouraged others to begin praying for you! I was overjoyed when I saw that same day new life was born to your family. How kind of God! Blessings to you all!
She’s beautiful. What a blessing.
This post makes me feel better! My first son was posterior, which was long and I felt like a complete wimp not being able to manage the pain very well (at home with midwives). I hoped my second would be a little easier. He had his hand by his face, and his birth was extremely painful. I’m still amazed that I didn’t tear! God’s design is amazing.
Congrats on your baby and God’s strength and grace for the busy, joyful days ahead.:)
Thanks for sharing your story! Blessings on you all!
Congrats! I found out I am pregnant for the first time today! And then I come on your blog and it’s Eden’s birth story! Wow! You have a beautiful daughter. I hope I can make it through as beautifully as you, because right now I’m freaking out!(but in a positive way)
she’s beautiful. we just had a piper in april.
I was looking forward to reading your birth story of Eden! I love sharing and listening to these! I have 5 children of my own, the last 4 I delivered naturally with a midwife. I have not delivered at home, but I am open to the idea. I know exactly what you mean when you say that you had to rely on The Lord for your strength. That is also my experience in each of my deliveries. I am forced to lean on Him. Labor and delivery is exactly that, Labor!! But, I am very thankful for the experiences, even the harder ones. God always gives me the strength to get through! Congratulations on your new little one!! I love her name!!
Congratulations! Beautiful story. Funny about the gender mix-up, thanks for sharing about that!
It’s amazing that when we feel literally at the end of our rope and that we have nothing left to give, somehow God pulls us through. I had that same experience with my third delivery. Your story is inspirational. So glad your blessing arrived safe and sound.
Such a beautiful story! Little Eden is adorable:) Too funny about the mistaken identity:)
Each child the Lord has humbled me in birth and in rasiing, and I am oh so thankful! I am humbled daily that “I ” can’t raise my kids in my power! Not possible, so i must lean on the Lord daily… I was very independant before kids, pride was a bigger problem than I ever thought! May salvation came before kids, but He saves me daily with them!!! I have grown in my dependance ont he Lord through all four of my sweet blessings- it’s hard but worth it!!
Thank you for sharing your heart and being so real!!!!
Congratulations. She’s beautiful and your story is wonderful.
Lindsay, thank you for sharing your story! What a precious experience
Isn’t that funny how with my 3rd I endured a really long and tough labor too, and I HAD to rely on God’s wisdom and literally listen to Him – and he gave my baby and I life because I put my faith in him.
God is great and I’m so glad that your experience enriched your walk with Him.
Blessings and hugs to you!
This is wonderful! Thanks for sharing!!!
Congratulations to you all on the arrival of a sweet daughter. Sorry to hear that the labor was so hard. I can relate!
Awesome story! Thanks for sharing her story. May God continue to bless you and your family.
I am rejoicing with you over Eden’s safe delivery… she is beautiful and so are you dear Mamma. Your blog is such an inspiration to me, thank you for sharing your life with us. I too had a baby born with his hand by his head (cord wrapped around his arm so his hand was stuck there by his sweet face), he was also face up (star gazer) which made for a slow and painful labor. 36 hours later he arrived. I bled a lot too and it took a long time to get my energy back but he was worth it… that was ten years ago. We are now expecting baby number four. Thanks again for sharing your story. God bless!
Lindsay, congratulations on delivering such a beautiful, precious baby into our world.
I want to thank you for sharing her birth story. Although I had a straightforward and natural delivery with my first child, but it was highly intense, painful and traumatic – I was shocked and dismayed afterward. Even now, when I hear other friends talk about their amazing births, I feel frustrated that I wasn’t ‘able’ to get into that place mentally. I felt like I did something wrong, because it was just such hard work. I was blessed by hearing you say that God used it to humble you – I think He has done the same thing with me. Blessings on you as you continue to recover and find your way in this new season.
Thank you so much for posting this. I’ve been waiting to hear Eden’s homebirth story. I’ve just learned I’m pregnant with my first and I hope to have an unmedicated birth as well. It’s so inspiring to hear other women’s stories, especially when they’ve been able to overcome difficult circumstances.
Eden’s such a little beauty and I know she will bring much happiness to your family. Congratulations.
She is beautiful! So funny that you thought she was a boy…I had a similar experience…our doctor told us from the ultrasound that we were having a girl and we never had another one to double check, but when I gave birth it was a boy! Definitely took some getting used to after expecting one thing for so long but I am so happy now to have my sweet boy! We named him Isaac, which means “laughter” and it’s so appropriate because he caused so much laughter and because he has a contagious laugh and laughs all the time. Thanks for sharing your story and pictures…she really is so beautiful!
Hi, you don’t know me, but I love following posts on this blog. Just wanted to say that your little Eden is such a beautiful baby, first of all…also, I understand what it means to have a baby born with his/her hand next to their face (a nuchal hand, I believe its called) as I just gave birth to a handsome little boy in March and had the same problem. I planned a waterbirth too, but I guess I kinda gave up on that idea when the labor slowed down so much too. Glad you still got to have one! Anyway, God’s richest blessings for you and your family.
By the way, I like the middle name. Not like I’m biased or anything though…
What an amazing story! And she is so beautiful, it seems kind of perfect that you would have a girl, then a boy, then a girl
Well done! Many blessings to you and your support team, it sounds like it was a very difficult delivery.
She is beautiful! Congratulations! How funny about whether she was a boy or a girl.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful event with us. You have a lovely family! Congratulations and welcome sweet Eden Joy.
I love reading birth stories, and this was no exception. Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby girl. May God draw her to Himself at a young age and use her for the advancement of His Kingdom!
This is the best birth story I’ve ever read!
And what a beautiful baby girl…I love her name!
Beautiful story! And welcome, little Eden.
Our first daughter’s name is Eden.. and it is fun to watch her bloom and blossom. Many blessings to you and your family! There is a beautiful song: Eden’s Garden, by Kenneth Cope. I think you will enjoy it. Welcome to our world, precious Eden!
I love the name and the birth story! She is absolutely gorgeous! That is such a funny story about mistaking the gender but that’s what kids will do to you! jk
Enjoyed your beautiful account of your precious and beautiful daughters birth. It seems that labor is a way of God showing us how out of control we really are within ourselves.
What a blessing for Karis to have a sister!
We have only experienced one birth so far… our little daughter is ten months. But after a very quick, and extremely intense first labor, five and a half weeks early, I am most definitely left feeling my need and reliance on God. We also used the Bradley Method, and were so blessed. After the birth my midwife said that even though the birth wasn’t what any of us were expecting it to be like, at least I got my natural birth (we had chosen a hospital birth for our first, and it went too fast for any interventions)! I also had “that feeling” that the baby was a boy. It took a couple months for it to sink it that we had had a girl.
I also wanted to mention how much your blog has blessed me. I came across it after doing a google search for devotions and mothering (it has been such a challenge for me to find those quiet moments now that I’m a mom!) Thank you for the sacrifice of blessing others. May our Lord bless you and your family.
Congrats! She’s beautiful
Beautiful story! Congratulations on your precious baby girl!!! Hope you can thoroughly soak up this special time
Lindsay – congratulations! I’ve been excited to hear your story. I’m so thankful you’re okay and that the Lord got you through such a difficult labor. I love Eden’s name:) Great story, too. Take care!
Congratulations! My first, a girl, was also born with her fist by her chin — it was also a long and painful labor, but God gives the grace to endure! Thankfully my second was much easier — just under 2 hours and born at home b/c we didn’t move fast enough to the hospital! Now we’re thinking about doing a homebirth if God blesses us with another.
Congratulations on a beautiful baby girl! My husband and I also welcomed our 3rd at the beginning of the summer. I, too, was convinced she was a boy, and I’m sure God was chuckling at me

This time around I decided to do a natural childbirth. I agree with what you’ve said about how you can feel so empowered by the experience. My daughter was also born with her hand up by her face and it was so painful! I was so thankful for a supportive and encouraging husband
I’ll be praying for you all as you are going through the transition to 3 children. God is good!
She’s adorable! Thank you for sharing. So glad for your sake it’s over! Labor is no fun, but having a child is amazing! My experience with the water was the same- it felt nice, but it didn’t relieve any pain.
So crazy how all births are different. I find it annoying that moms can be so convinced about how labor is, when in reality everyone has different experiences. A friend of mine is due this week, and having had 4 (though difficult) labors at home, I pray she can do it again! Another friend just had a baby whom she was hoping to have at home, but her water broke, and three days later she had to have a ceserean because she never went into labor. Isn’t that weird?
I have to say I’m surprised you went to church after laboring through the night. But then again, I understand about not knowing if you’re really in labor. I had contractions for several hours at 32 weeks before it got so painful I finally decided to call the midwife. Duh. I guess I was just in denial that it could be real- I mean, who just goes into labor 2 months early? I found out you just never know….but I’m so glad the Lord knows!
This brought both tears and laughter. I was positive my daughter was a boy before birth and absolutely stared for the longest time repeating “it’s a girl, it’s a girl” after she was born. What a beautiful baby, name and story. Blessings on all of you as you welcome this precious life into your family!
Such a beautiful home birth that resulted in such a beautiful baby! Congratulations!
What a beautiful baby! She is so pretty! You have a very lovely family.
Your story brings tears to my eyes… partly because I have been there, with 2 very difficult, very painful labors and I can relate so much, and partly because of the joy and miracle of birth – especially to Christian parents who are raising their children for the service of the Lord. Wow. I am expecting our 4th child this coming winter and anticipating the joy (and trying not to be afraid of the pain!) once again.
God bless you, your family, may your prayers for sweet little Eden be answered.
Thank you for sharing your story with us–Eden is beautiful and yes, God is good!!!
Congrats on your sweet girl! I just had to comment as I just gave birth to my third as well, a boy we named Jude. I also experienced a much longer and more painful labor than I did with my other two, and he also came out with his hand by his head which my midwife said is one of the most painful presentations! And I laughed because I also fainted after I got out of the tub (a homebirth also). Just had to share as our experiences were rather similar
Enjoy that sweet baby!
Oh my word — what a GORGEOUS baby! She looks just like a little doll! And I love the story — thanks for starting out my morning with a laugh.
What a beautiful birth story! I love the photographs, also.
I can really relate to your story of being humbled and now having greater compassion for others. Even before I married, I knew I wanted to have my babies at home. I had always been into healthy eating. So I was so shocked and discouraged when I became terribly sick with hyperemesis (uncontrolled vomiting) during my first pregnancy (for the first 5 months). I couldn’t believe this was happening to me, and despite all the different diets and cleanses I have done, I have had the same experience with each of my 5 pregnancies.
After giving birth at home (with a very quick birth) to my first baby, I had that “I’m an empowered homebirth mama” feeling, too. My first baby was born with her arm beside her face, and I got a third-degree tear from that! Thankfully, I was using a Certified Nurse Midwife who had pain medicine she could inject, and also had experience with stitching tears.
Despite the major tear from my first birth, it wasn’t really that painful. It was quick and just lots of hard work. But with each baby, my births have gotten more and more painful (excruciating pain), I think due to a varicosity in the birth canal area. And my fifth baby was also born with his arm beside his face, which created lots of pain, too.
Anyway, I’ve had that feeling of brokenness and new compassion and empathy for other mamas. I don’t enjoy the pain, but I love not feeling better than other people. And I can now understand why someone would want an epidural or other pain medications during birth (although at home there’s nothing available like that!).
Thanks for being open and honest and sharing your heart. I pray you are blessed in these days with your new precious baby!
Eden is on our list of girl names for future blessings! Love the name. We have one of each right now – my husband is pretty convinced the third should be a girl. I guess we’ll remember not to become too convinced – I’m not even pregnant yet! What an amazing story! Nothing has broken, humbled, and taught me the Lord’s grace and love more than babies.
Lindsay! I am so so happy for you and your family! What an amazing and encouraging story and what a testimony to God’s goodness and His provision.
Also, I love her name and the meaning behind it!
Beautiful birth story. My third delivery (homebirth) was very strange after my first two were quick and almost textbook (except for the quick part). I had also read that third births are unpredictable. I’m expecting my fourth this winter, so I hope now that both of us have that “wild card” third birth out of the way, things will be better next time around.
My dear friend also had a new baby this summer, and she also delivered him with his hand beside his face. She said she had NEVER gone through pain like that, and it was her fourth time, so I can only imagine how difficult that was.
However, beautiful baby and beautiful name! Eden has been on my top ten list for years. Not sure if we’ll get to use it, but I do love it! Congratulations!
Congratulations! What a beautiful birth story. You have a beautiful baby girl. I love the picture of Aaron kissing his little girl! Precious. You are so blessed.
Ha! We did the same thing at our daughter’s homebirth two years ago. My husband and I both quickly looked and thought she was a boy for the same reasons. He said, “The Lord blessed me with a son!” One of our midwives looked again and said, “No, I think He gave you a girl.” He felt silly for the mistaken ID, but we laugh about it now, too.
Congrats on your new blessing!
What a beautiful story! I too had a strange third delivery. My labor stalled out and went on for two days with no change from 4 cm. Then suddenly my water broke and my baby was born in 20 minutes! I too felt very humbled by the experience. It was a time of great patience for my husband and I but also such a special bonding time for our marriage!
Congratulations! You have such a beautiful family already, what a blessing to add one more little one
I love the name as well! So cute in her little pink hat and onesie… What a surprise and funny story on the gender id, haha… We are expecting a boy Oct. 11, and I don’t know how I’d react if he was actually a she! I bet that is very shocking and understandably confusing
Awwww! What a beautiful bundle of joy! So happy for you all! Love the birth story!
Thanks so much for sharing your birth story! And I’m sure the story of the boy/girl confusion will be a family favorite for years to come. What a beautiful little girl with a beautiful name!
It is interesting to read the birth story of your third, as it sounds similar to the birth story of my third. My midwives kept telling me that third births are strange, which I didn’t really know what to think of before the birth. My third also came much later than my first two, I had false labor for several days prior to the birth, and I had strange, inconsistent (but painful) contractions for sixteen hours (longer than my first two births). Like you, I had figured baby would come much earlier in the day, and when that time came and went, I was sorely disappointed and frustrated. It wasn’t necessarily my hardest birth physically, but it certainly was mentally and emotionally. And it wasn’t even that long, compared to what many women experience, but it was longer than I was expecting, and that was hard! Suddenly, I had several hard contractions back to back with an urge to push, and the baby arrived. I was also very weak and shaky, and it took me a bit longer to be up and moving after that birth. I’ve since heard many women tell me that their third births were weird, but that the fourth was a breeze. I’m hoping that will be my situation next time.
I’ll be praying for a smooth transition to three children for you.
What a great birth story. Thank you for sharing it. You are such a good writer!
Congratulations! I am so happy for you and your family-what a blessing!
Congratulations!! I’ll definitely be linking!
Just beautiful – the story AND your precious daughter (who most certainly looks like an Edmonds!) I love that you have a funny memory of the whole experience. Congratulations, and many blessings!!
Shannon Hazleton
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. I enjoyed the pictures of your little Eden. She’s a true beauty. I’m in awe over your connection with the Lord. You will continue to be blessed, each and every day. Blessings to you and yours and may the Lord bless and keep little Eden.
So happy to know you and baby came through safely. She is a real dollbaby!
Wonderful story! You are so brave! I recently had a c-section and we were surprised too and we had a girl. I thought it was going to be another boy as well. I love your daughter’s name and the meaning behind it! You will have so much to tell your children.
what a beautiful story!! thank you so much for sharing
your babies are absolutely precious
congratulations to you and your hubby!!
Congratulations and well done! Thank you for sharing your story with us. I pray you recover well and gather many special, memorable moments to “treasure up in your heart”, just as Mary did. And I trust the Lord will bless you with mighty strength and support. Enjoy your 3rd bundle of joy – I’m enjoying mine
Wow!!! What a beautiful, inspiring, (and funny) birth story. Your testimony gives glory to the Lord, your writing is excellent, and the photos are so precious.
Love you!!!
Sweet story. Beautiful baby . . . girl! You are blessed!