I sit outside enjoying a beautiful sunny day here in the Northwest and I rejoice at the blessings and challenges this last month has held for our family. All my sweet little ones are amazingly resting peacefully together at least for a few short minutes. We welcomed our sweet third baby, Eden Joy, into our little fold, extending our family to 5 members. Now we have three lively little ones to keep us on our toes. There is far less time for our own and yet this is truly kingdom work. Back full time into the world of diapers, balancing a colicky baby with more adventures working through heart issues, as my little 2 year old has been more clingy and weepy since the new arrival, and back tracks in his potty training. It has surely been stretching and yet I find myself more peaceful and relaxed than I have ever been. Eden is nursing very well and growing like a little weed – weighing in at 10 pounds this week as we pass the 1 month mark.
Am I growing in my ability to flex and simply enjoy the ups and downs of motherhood? I find myself being able to embrace the challenges in a new way. When I asked one sweet friend of four little ones how she managed it all, she smiled and laughing said, “someone’s always crying.” The realization struck me. We can embrace and laugh at the challenges or we can fight and whine. Which should I choose? God has assigned me to this role.
It is easy enough to focus on the difficulties…but how much better to realize that they come with the territory and God has designed them to sanctify and purify our hearts. This is reality. Or as another mother said, “I’ve come to realize that I will always be tired.” She spoke not in a negative way, but in an embracing way. Motherhood is tiring. Why complain about lack of sleep? Does it get me anywhere? Is my home more peaceful as a result? No. But when I chose to rejoice that a sleep deprived mother can depend upon the full bountiful strength of a good God, then my heart is at rest.
I will say that I believe the placenta encapsulation was a very helpful thing to do for postpartum recovery. I’ve noticed it has certainly helped the healing process. My milk has been plentiful, I have healed faster, and my emotional side has been far more balanced than my previous two recovery periods. I would highly recommend it!
So it has been a sweet month of resting, enjoying many a meal from the gift of family and friends around us, enraptured in the last few sunny days of summer. Today is my birthday (Sept 4th). What a year of adventures this year has unfolded for us with a new home, new neighborhood, new baby, and new opportunities on the horizon. Now to figure ourta new fall routine to keep this household running smoothly…is it possible?
This year my challenge is to grow in kindness as a wife and mother. I am praying for grace to cultivate it more diligently this year. Too often I speak so harshly or thoughtlessly towards my children. Lord, transform my words into kind words. Grant me creativity to perform acts of kindness towards others, but especially towards my husband and children. I don’t want to take any day for granted or regret the words of my mouth. I want them to be words of encouragement and truth – whether I discipline, teach, or encourage. “A wise woman builds her house, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands (Proverbs 14:1).” ”When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness (Proverbs 31:26).”
1000 Gifts
Another month to record the daily blessings that have surrounded me – which has been my goal from this last year of becoming a radically thankful woman. I wasn’t very faithful this month, but I will get back on track to continue my journey of recording 1000 gifts. My little moleskin notepad stores such treasures and graces from our day to day life.
#590 – Two little ones delighting in pretend play in daddy’s car
#591 – Honey bunches of oats
#592 – A free big girls bike for Karis
#594 – Coming to a place of complete brokenness before the Lord
#595- A beautiful perfect baby girl
#597 – Dear mothers that come and serve our family
#598 – Fresh cut sunflowers
#601 – Delightful light and snuggly swaddling blankets
#602 – A heartfelt prayer for the Afghan people from my 4 year old
#603 – Sharing a popsicle with two eager munckins
#604 – Kids doodling with chalk on Mommy’s legs
#605 – Sweet friends sending text messages of encouragement
#607 – A functioning kitchen sink that drains with a new disposal
#610 – Hubby biking with kids in tow
#611 – A sprinkler for water play on hot summer days
#612 – The grunts and groans of a newborn sleeping
#615 – The freedom found in decluttering
#617 – A failed test to keep me humble
#618 – 25 cent clothing
#621 – Fresh summer breeze as we stroll along the waterfront
#625 – A sweet birthday dinner with my hubby
#626 – A cute gift of bubblegum from my Karis
#628 – A new batch of pickles tucked away for winter
August Reading
A Charlotte Mason Companion: Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of Learning by Karen Andreola – I have been enthralled in reading several books on various homeschooling philosophies and I am excited to pursue a balance between Charlotte Mason philosophies and classical education in our home. This book was a true treasure to read. I love Charlotte’s insights into cultivating a true love for learning through living books, narration, nature study, poetry, and the arts. Such sweet ideas for cultivating a fun learning environment through everything we do.
Simplicity Parenting: Using the Extraordinary Power of Less to Raise Calmer, Happier, and More Secure Kids by Lisa Ross – while this is a secular title, it really intrigued me, as one of my passions is to pursue the cultivation of a peaceful and simple home. While basic and straight forward, this book has many good ideas for helping to simplify our children’s toys, books, schedules, and home environments to raise children that are content and joyful with a simple life. It motivated me to really stream line our book, clothing, and toy collections.
One Bite at A Time: 52 Projects for Making Life Simpler - by Tsh Oxenreider – I love how Tsh has compiled such a helpful step by step guide for implementing a simple and intentional lifestyle in your home. This guide provides 52 projects – one per week – to help make simple living doable for any family. This is a much needed resource in our day when we seek to live simply and intentionally for the glory of God amidst a fast moving consumeristic culture. This is a easy to read e-book that is only $5!
September Theme & Sponsors
This month at Passionate Homemaking we will be talking about child raising and cultivating a love for learning in the home. I’m excited to unfold some great articles from our contributors on creativity in this realm.
We also want to thank our September sponsors for their support of Passionate Homemaking! Together we are helping to support an orphan home in India! Check out Beyond Organic, Willow Store, Sweet Bottoms Baby Boutique, Savvy Teas & Herbs, The Modest Mom, and Graham Gardens for some great wholesome resources for your family!
I loved the picture of your husband and children reading on the couch; the baby had the sweetest smile while in the arms of her big sister. I also can totally relate to #615 “The freedom found in decluttering” It seems like such a small thing, but it really is freeing. A clean, decluttered space really does effect us in a healthy way.
Even though I am not a mom yet, I just celebrated my 1st anniversary and am really really encouraged by blogs like yours. I grew up on the border of Iowa and Illinois, where people use marriage, motherhood, and middle age as an excuse to not be healthy, and now I live in Seattle, where people are not always pro-motherhood, especially if you want to stay home with them.
So thank you again for being so open with your thoughts and life. You are an encouragement and light, Lindsay.
You have a beautiful family and are doing a wonderful job…keep up the good work!
Lindsey, I was just curious if you (or anyone really) have read Created to be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl or any of Ina May Gaskin’s books & if so what you thought about them.
I’ve followed your blog for a little over a year now. My husband and I are missionaries in Mexico City. We work discipling and mentoring as well as attempting to church plant. The Lord has been teaching us so many things in life through His ministry here, our recently added baby boy via Ethiopia and our oldest daughter starting kindergarten. He is keeping us humble and I just thought that I would take the opportunity to let you know what a blessing you are to me. I always enjoy reading your blog and have used dozens of your recipes. Thank you for balancing healthy and sustainable living with your sweet testimony and desire to be a mission-minded family. I’m sorry that I don’t write or comment more often. Please know that I haven’t missed an entry since I found your blog over a year ago. You are appreciated and loved by people around the world. Thank you and please let me know if there is any way that me or my family can serve your family.
Peace and Love,
Marissa Hess
Lovely post dear one. I just recently had my 3rd baby too, and I feel like the Lord is working on us both in the same ways. I really appreciated this post. blessings to you as you adjust to life with three. Mine are (just turned 5, just turned 2, and 8 months) and I remember my girlfriend with 3 saying that it didn’t seem like she really had three until the youngest was walking! oh my! I remember that in my stressful times these past 8 months and smile
You give me so much encouragement with your posts! It is nice to see someone else going through many of the same life lessons! Thank you dear sister in Christ, for doing what God has called you to! God bless you and your wonderful family, and congradulations on baby Eden!
You are most inspiring! i look forward to your posts.
I have a 2 year old and a 1 year old, and although people are always saying I’m mad to have had them so close it was a gift to be given my beautiful children and I’m very thankful for them. and besides! they are an absolute delight! and will grow up very close to each other
i just love the pics of daddy reading! i really need to get some new books for mine, any recommendations?
Hey Lindsey,
I noticed on Facebook (several days late) that you celebrated your birthday. I just wanted to thank you for all the hours you spend on your blog. There are many times when we are eating dinner and my husband will complement me on it and I tell him it is Lindsey’s recipe. Or I will share information that I learned from you and when I say your name he knows exactly who I am speaking about. You have saved me hours of research because I can find the information on your blog and I so highly respect your insight and trust your opinions. I and many other feel like I know you even though we have never met and lives many states apart. Thank you so much for honestly sharing your joys and struggles. You encourage me in my walk with Christ, in motherhood, in my quest for natural living and in much more. Thank you! I hope you had a wonderful birthday and wish you many more years with your husband and beautiful children. God bless you!
This is very encouraging- thank you. I am focusing on really LOVING my 2 children and focusing on NOT complaining about the way I feel pregnant with #3. Its not easy for me, since harsh words and complaining are a habit of mine, to be honest. I have saved this post in my “favourites” for encouragement especially when I have my 3rd this winter.
I am also going to try the placenta encapsulation. I am nervous since I have to do it myself and I really don’t want to but I am motivated to do it by knowing that it might help me with postpartum when I previously have had great difficulty and therefore it will serve my family to at least try it.
Thank you for your encouragement today. Off to wake my youngest, make some play dough, clean up the kitchen and try to freeze some more tomatoes!
Congratulations and thank you for sharing your birth story! I prayed for your son today. Our boys are 15 months apart, the younger being 7 weeks old. It was heartbreaking to watch our firstborn revolt at the idea of a younger baby entering the family and Mommy giving attention to someone else, especially when everyone had reassured us he was too little to care. In a very short time though, he has become Big Brother, sharing his most treasured possessions with his baby brother (bonking him on the head with them), and lavishing wet, tongue-y kisses on him. I pray that your family will adjust easily to a third, and that especially your 2 year-old will embrace Eden with a special love. God is faithful.
I have chronic fatigue syndrome, (but no children yet!) and I have to say that it was very free-ing when I finally said to myself, “I am going to be tired everyday. I need to just accept that.” Of course I try to make things better with my health, but it’s becoming obvious that this is my cross to bear, and I need to just make the best of it. I am no longer letting the constant tiredness I feel get in the way of my serving others, like visiting with the elderly, etc. I have just accepted that I am going to be exhausted, and I still make plans regardless. I no longer avoid making plans because of it.
People have even said to me, “You look exhausted. Are you sure you’ll be okay for tomorrow? Want to cancel?” And I just tell them, “I’ll be there.” My point is that I think it must be similar with being a Mom. If you accept that you aren’t always going to feel great, all of a sudden, you can see the blessings out there, because you are no longer dwelling on yourself. I have really been helping a lot of people lately, despite my condition. I think the same must apply to motherhood, so congrats to all you ladies!
I loved Simplicity Parenting. I did not find it too hard to look past the secular standpoint, and found some great ideas. I’m also intrigued by the 52 projects book… I might have to take a look at that one.
What a wonderful post! I loved reading about your birth experience with Eden Joy. I wanted to mention that I thought your pictures are so precious. They will be pictures you can enjoy of your little ones and their daddy for years to come. Your doing a great job! God Bless!
Once, years ago, I read a passage in a La Leche League book that really “stuck.” It was this: (paraphrased, of course) “Are you really exhausted by mothering, or are you exhausted from your resistance to fully giving yourself to another person? Are you tired because you refuse to surrender yourself totally to the mothering life?” I found those ideas both refreshing and convicting. I am not advising you, but just hoping to encourage other mothers who might feel overwhelmed by mothering.
I am a personality who must guard, continually, against wanting to be “more” than “just” a wife and mom. I know, wholeheartedly, the rewards of being fully “here” and the pitfalls of being distant (even emotionally) from my family. Again and again, I must remind myself of the joys of being fully present and happily immersed in each moment.
I find that cultural notions about children– that they must be independent, brilliant, challenged, perpetually happy, obedient, well-mannered, socially adept, “light to the world” and even!beautifully!dressed!– are also a drain on the very imperfect “forever learning and growing” messy, loud life at home that is such a sacred “space.”
AK – What timely words these are for me. The quote from LLL is convicting today, and I must say, I think we would be friends if I knew you in real life. haha. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one battling these mental battles. Thank you for your words!
Oh thank you for this! What a wonderful reminder that motherhood is hard yet the most amazing and fulfilling calling their is!!! It has been a very discouraging day with my three yr old as far as discipline goes and I really needed to hear your encouraging words. The Lord is good. I adore your blog and have learned so much. God bless you and your precious family!
I was asking the God this morning…how long, oh Lord, can I endure this labor of five little ones and homeschooling. My days are like waves of childbirth interrupted briefly with spells of relief and deep breaths. The everydayness of such intense training is often overwhelming, and I wonder how many times I can go through the explotion of transition. And suddenly God reminded me of the earth groaning in labor everyday, awaiting the Word to perfect it and make it new once again. (Romans 8:22). We are all in this together, even the very ground we walk on…groaning under the strain of our tasks…knowing we have an even better, eternal job waiting for us. And the Lord encouraged me finally in this…Malachi 3:1. Summed up, “Behold, He is coming.” Blessings in your long-distance training. Your sister in Christ, Jess
I am fairly new here and very excited about the topic for September!
I’m an avid reader/lurker and am “de-lurking” now because I am really curious to hear more details about the placenta encapsulation. Please share more details!
It sounds like it’s really beneficial for your body, which makes me strongly consider doing it. I’m planning a homebirth (2nd child) in the Philadelphia area in December and the company I found in that area which offers placenta encapsulation is charging $200. Is that a “normal” cost for encapsulation?
Basically, you pay someone to take your placenta, dehydrate it, and then blend it till smooth before encapsulating it. Once it is complete, you just take two capsules every day. Its so easy and simple. I paid $150 for mine to be completed, but I know the going rate in my area is $250…so that is perfectly normal rate.
Congratulations, Lindsay!! Love the name!
I just wanted to chime in and say that I have heard of people doing the encapsulation themselves. I don’t know about the safety of it or how difficult it would be, but you might want to research that, Katie.
thank you.
) who loves to wake every 2 hours at night for mama time and feeding …. i can so easily respond about *that* when talking with friends. i am over talking about it! thanks for the gentle reminder.
your words resonated … why complain about lack of sleep – is it uplifting or helpful? i needed that reminder!
as a mama of a new baby (5 months but he still feels so new
your precious eden is gorgeous!! wow.
thank you for sharing those verses. I needed to hear the latter one in particular- it was aimed directly to my heart. I wrote it on an index card and will be taping it to my kitchen wall above my counter & also in our home-school room where I often am with my 6 year old daughter
Thank you for your inspiration and encouragement. We are welcoming our own newborn this week and I appreciate your perspective as I was dreading the sleepless nights!
Happy birthday! And thanks always for sharing your story with such honesty. It’s been an encouragement to me.
Happy Belated b-day! Love the updates every month. I’m glad your recovery has gone well this time around.
A Charlotte Mason Companion is an excellent book! Have you read Karen Andreola’s book Pocket Full of Pinecones? It’s fiction but a sweet and encouraging book for a home school mom. I highly recommend Susan Schaeffer Macaulay’s book For the Childrens Sake if you haven’t read it yet.
Lindsay, thank you so much for your honesty in this post. I am a mother to two (one will be two in October and the other is one month old). I found this post so moving, and it has really given me the encouragement I need to be more patient and loving toward my children and my husband. This post was a blessing to me today
Thank you again!
Praise the Lord! I am blessed to be able to be a blessing to you.
I’m new to your post & really enjoy it. You’ve always got wonderful things to say! Plus, my sister’s name is Charis (I’m guessing pronounced the same as your Karis) & my daughter’s name is Eve, so I feel at home here.
This post was very encouraging. Being a mom (to my 17month old little bug) comes very naturally & easily for me. Being a wife on the other hand … much more of a challenge! But I believe your words can apply to both situations!
Girls, I was going to do placenta encapsulation when I was pregnant (unfortunately I ended up in the hospital instead of the birthing center & asking some doctor I’d never met before for my placenta was the last thing on my mind!). But I did all the investigation beforehand. Me & my sister were actually going to encapsulate it ourselves. I sent away for a kit & it came complete with instructions. If you’re not into doing it your self, I was also able to Google placenta encapsulation & where I live & found a list of people (not many!) around me who do it. Good luck!
I was going to write how this was incredibly convicting for my heart: my husband and I just found out we are expecting our second child, and I was (and am) scared to death, but instead I’ll just join the chorus of thank you’s for sharing your heart and mind. What a gracious reminder to see all things from a good and loving Father who has nothing but His glory and our good in mind.
Thanks for your words today! I just found out I am expecting our 3rd child…how do I go about finding someone to do placenta encapsulation for me? Should I ask my midwife?
Yes, ask your midwife and search google in your area.
Lindsay, I love your post, as always. But I especially loved you talking about your attitude towards parenting. I have five young children, and sometimes my attitude is anything but graceful, to say the least. A book was just recommended to me, Loving the Little Years, Motherhood in the Trenches, by Rachel Jankovic. What an AMAZING, ATTITUDE TRANSFORMING book. And, the best part, short and to the point. You already are leaps and bounds ahead of where I was, but still this book is great for everyone. Two to three page chapters all the way though the little book make it so attainable to read in the midst of being a wife and mother.
I have read many of the same parenting books as you, and this one ranks at the top for me, just an FYI.
Blessings to you and your family.
Yes, I have read it! A great little book!
Thanks for the encouragement Lindsay! Will you blog about what you did exactly with the placenta? I am very interested to know how it went, it makes so much sense but I’m having a hard time getting over the “ew” factor
Would love to hear more about your experience!!
Happy Birthday! Thanks for sharing about how God is helping you to be relaxed and peaceful even in the midst of could-be-stressful things. I always enjoy your book recommendations – so thanks for sharing those too! <3
Enjoyed the post. I am way past baby days and no grandchildren expected for a while. Still, I am enjoying your blogs.
Beautiful. I have been following your blog for over a year Lindsay. You have grown so much! Not just your little family, but you! Your blog is a blessing to so many of us, but I think it is mostly because it shows your heart. it is so encouraging to read about another mother growing, thinking, struggling, praying. Thank you for sharing with us and may you be encouraged as you start another year. Happy Birthday!
I do remember always feeling tired, when my children were so young, though I absolutely loved that stage. But, at least for me, it has gotten easier physically and emotionally, as the kids have gotten older. I actually feel ‘younger’ in some ways, now that my kids are entering their teen years! I get plenty of sleep and time/space to exercise, and be alone with God. It’s sort of a strange feeling, and there’s a bit of ‘letting go’ that I need to work through, but overall I am rejoicing in this stage, just as in the others. My husband and I are both going through as much change, it seems, as are our kids.
You invest huge amounts of energy in raising and training babies, toddlers and kids…and I think that really pays off later as they become teenagers who are well-adjusted, respectful, helpful and kind! We all seem to live so comfortably together now. That doesn’t mean that my role as a mother is over…but it really has changed and seems less demanding. We have wonderful long conversations, enjoy working side by side, and we can talk rationally through teenager-y issues as they come up. I am really enjoying my teenagers, and it’s very surprising since society tells us (and gives some considerable evidence!) that teenagers are awful.
It does indeed depend so much on your attitude. I am beginning to let go of my perfectionism, and just embrace and enjoy each new phase, with its challenges and surprises. This is a life-long process for sure!
Thank you for your sweet words on motherhood this morning. You and Kat (through her blog) both really spoke to me this morning. I’m anticipating the arrival of twins (my other 2 are your kids’ ages almost exactly- 4 1/2 and 2 1/2) any day and have to admit, since finding out we were having twins I have really struggled with finding joy knowing that my life will be incredibly crazy. But, your words have literally brought me to tears this morning…thank you for being a blessing to me. I desire so badly to just be able to pour my entire soul into my new role as a mother of 4 under 4 1/2 and be an excellent wife and it’s so easy to get discouraged by how crazy I think things will be. I desire to find joy in everything, even if all 4 of my kids are crying at the same time and I have no idea what I’m making for dinner!
LOVE this post. My morning started around 3:30 when my six month old decided to get restless until 6 am when I got out of bed. Then my 4 year old lost his breakfast. Today turned into a jammies, books, and movies day. And still what a great day. Baby is napping and the Lord has blessed us with cool breezes blowing through open windows. I prayed your prayer out loud and need to post it somewhere in my home to pray daily. And your 3 books are PERFECT. I just decided last month that Charlotte Mason is the route I am going for homeschooling my 4 year old. Thanks for the recommendations and great post!
Lovely post, Lindsay.