What a special gift prayer is to Christ’s disciples! It is the communication line between a Mighty Savior and a needy sinner. It is a gift of grace that supplies the strength in time of need.
This last year, Aaron & I were burdened to become more faithful in the gift of prayer. Being more purposeful in this practice and strengthening our relationship with the Lord as a result. I am so thankful that God answered our prayers, and I just wanted to share a few means that have been highly beneficial for us. We are not there yet, but it is a blessing that God does hear our cry to be more faithful prayer warriors, and supplies us with the means of grace to accomplish that.
Praying through the Psalms
I was inspired while reading Donald Whitney’s book, Simplify Your Spiritual Life, last year, to begin the practice of reading a Psalm each day and praying through it. His encouragement was:
“In my experience, the almost unfailing solution to this problem [that of always praying the same prayer, resulting in vain repetition], is to pray through a passage of Scripture – particularly one of hte psalms – instead of making up my prayer as Igo. Praying in this way is simply taking the words of Scripture and using them as my own words or as prompters for what I say to God.”
This means has not only strengthened my knowledge of Scripture, but it gives me confidence that I am praying in line with God’s will. I am praying His Word! This is greatly effective when I am at a loss for what I need to be praying for as well…which seems to be quite frequently. I just take a Psalm and pray through each verse as the Lord prompts me. Sometimes it will be praying for my husband, our church, or our nation, depending on what the focus of the Scripture is and how God leads. It just takes a few moments to strengthen my soul and pour my heart out before the Lord. It is effective.
Prayer Tools
I have recommended previously the wonderful prayer tools put out by Stormie OMartian for praying for your husbands, and she also has a wonderful little book for praying for your children. I love these tools and wish I had them sooner. It gives me such direction as to specific areas that I can pray for my husband and children each day (I am praying for my future children as well).
I have used off and on the Valley of Vision as an inspiring prayer tool. This is a collection of the puritan prayers that are rich with doctrine and truth. Praying through one of these will draw your soul nearer to the Great Savior and also lay you face down before Him as you see His holiness.
Prayer Bulletin Board
I have been slacking lately in this area, but I have posted a prayer bulletin board in our bedroom (over the changing table) a few months ago. I posted prayer photos of missionary friends, or just people that are suffering currently, and strove to pray while changing a diaper, or nursing the babe. This has been a very effective reminder.
I share these things in order to encourage you in this wonderful gift of prayer. These are a few simple ideas that have been working for me.
Check out my friend Kimi’s new carnival on Thursdays to encourage one another in the Lord. Join in on sharing what the Lord has been teaching you!
My mother-in-law gave me a copy of OMartian’s book “The Power of a Praying Woman.” I started reading it yesterday. I have high expectations!
What a great idea, praying through the psalms! I could see where it would give you the confidence to know that you are praying in God’s will, since it is the WORD. Thank you for all the wonderful ideas!
Great thoughts
I think we could all benefit from praying more, really.
Thank you for sharing yout thoughts on this most important topic. I was deeply impressed by the book “Valley of Vision”, it really can help us in prayer and growth!
What a super idea, using the Psalms! Thanks.
I love the idea of praying through the Psalms, Lindsay. What a great way to pray! I also will put up little sticky notes of people I want to be praying for and it’s so helpful in remembering to pray for them.