I was overwhelmed with my assignment today – my mothering and homemaking. My little ones have been bickering like crazy fighting over toys, food, and whatever else with piercing screams. I forgot to turn on my dishwasher, leaving me with a kitchen full of dirty dishes. A Realtor calls to show the house and gives me a 20 minute notice. I fly crazily around the house to get it picked up and then out the door with my kids, only to have her cancel just after we had loaded everyone into the car and drove away. I found myself asking myself, “How on earth can I ever train them to love each other? How can I manage all of this? How can I keep the peace when my emotions wants to stress out?” You would have seen me crying if you had been present today.
Then the Lord gently reminded me that maintaining joy in my tasks is my opportunity to worship my Creator. He has designed us, as women, to establish a peaceful home for God’s glory.
As Ginger Plowman puts it so well in her book, Heaven at Home, “God created you, the woman, with a wonderful uniqueness that enables you to build your home and family in accordance with his perfect plan. To follow his calling and accept your uniqueness is to fulfill your purpose….The Proverbs 31 woman…as productive and respected as she was, was nothing without the atoning grace of God. She delighted in serving and worshiping her Creator in all the mundane duties of life. She knew that God created her as a woman, to be a wife of noble character, a nurturing mom, and a homemaker. She glorified God in her femininity.”
Did you hear that? To be a godly woman means we worship the Creator in all the duties of life – everything from diapers, to dishes, to scrubbing toilets, to preparing meals, to decorating our homes. Each task is an act of worship to our Creator, because we are faithfully walking in His beautiful design. Worship is not limited to Sundays, or to actual singing, but it is doing all that we do for the glory of God, with a heart that desires to please Him. These are acts of worship when completed with a joyful heart. “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” (1 Cor. 10:31).
Don’t fall under the lie that your assignment in the home is worthless, or less important. You have the opportunity to bring God glory through every mundane task. Washing the dishes is an opportunity to worship my Savior! Training my children is an opportunity to radiate God’s beauty. Sing while you work, inwardly and externally, and God will be greatly glorified. The important thing is to keep your eyes on Jesus and do the next thing.
Ginger shares later, “True beauty radiates from a woman who gracefully walks the path designed uniquely for her. To walk the path of God’s will is to show others the beauty of Christ. ” God has assigned me the task of dedicating my life to nurturing my children, loving and working side by side with my husband in fulfilling the mission God has assigned us to love God and reach out in demonstrating that love to others. That is my calling and every small task will be my act of worship and He will give me wisdom to faithfully walk this path! His grace is sufficient!
Romans 12:1
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.
Thank you for such a wonderful post. Thank you for reminding me to keep my eyes on the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
This article was so encouraging! I wanted to thank you, and let you know i’ve linked to you on my site to bless other moms!
You just threw me a very timely life line! Thank you for an excellent post! : )
Thanks for your comments. I have 5 beautiful children, the oldest is 8, and many days are tough. I am so grateful when I read this – how wonderful that there are other mothers out there magnifying their callings as women and mothers! It gives me hope for the entire world.
Whew. Did I need to hear this today. Thanks — I think I’ll go read it again! kristin
Timely words. Very encouraging. Thank you for sharing!
I’m a widow at the other end of the family spectrum helping to take care of my recently widowed 88-year-old mother. Ten years ago when I was in charge of my church nursery, I told my young helpers that they could change diapers to the glory of God. And I know it’s true.
It’s good to encourage and exhort one another–and absolutely necessary!
such good words to hear! You are an encouragement to so many mamas.
You make such a good point. I am trying to keep my home and my classroom peaceful. I have nearly been brought to tears in my classroom this year by a very challenging group of kids. I keep reminding myself of my purpose in their lives. Thank you for the reminder of serving in all aspects of life.
Such a good reminder, Lindsay. Thank you! It can be so hard, but it is so worth it!
I have really enjoyed Ginger’s “Don’t Make Me Count to Three” and I have “Heaven at Home” on the to-read list
Thank you for this encouraging post! I found myself a bit stressed out today, too, so your words are very timely for me.
**LOVE** This Book!!
Hi Lindsay,
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful and moving post. I’ve been battling my own challenges lately and this post inspires me to strive harder and longer and more cheerfully.
Wow, Lindsay…thank you so much for writing this. It was so encouraging and I was moved to tears! I’ve had a very sick husband at home for the last 3 days and was beginning to feel down, but your post was just the thing God used to remind me that my humble efforts at home are not in vain if they are done for Him. Thanks again!
Mmm…after struggling to pack up for a weekend away, deal with a teething three-month-old, and nurse the most sudden and heinous head cold of my life (at least since the last one), I definitely needed to hear that even doing dishes can be an act of worship…thank you for the encouragement!
amen! this is such an awesome blog. i just love it. sorry this is the first time i’m showing up to say it, but: thank you!!
Thanks so much for this post! I needed this so much today! We have a 7, 6, 4 and 14 month old who have been at each other all day and my patience was running very thin. I feel ready to get back to it now with a good attitude and being slow to anger
Yes, Lindsay, you are so right on with this! I wrote a post about this a couple weeks ago, that speaks I think to exactly understand our purpose in our roles and that what we do at home is so valuable. I will totally need to get that book you mentioned…it sounds really good! I love the idea of bringing a little piece of heaven in my home. The word ‘peace’ seems to be ringing home for me lately. I very much want to create an environment of peace in my home. And with 5 kids, sometimes peace is a bit elusive.
Thanks again for a timely post. I had a pretty easy day today compared to sometimes, but I can totally understand where you are coming from. It’s very hard to get my 4 yr old and almost 2 yr old to get along…constant fighting over toys. I can worship in showing them how to get along….thank you so much!
We have had our house on the market for a year and a half and just sold it! I have a 4, 2 1/2, and 5 month old. Showings cancelling at the last minute happened too many times to count and it is devastating for a brief moment. I tried to rejoice in the fact that atleast I had a clean house! Having little ones is a tough time to have the house on the market. Hang in there.
Oh girl I feel for you. I have three girls ages 4,3,and 18 months. I started homeschooling this year and yesterday I told my husband that I was not sure how long I could keep it up for. I complained that it was so hard to “do it all” and that I could just see my self gray in 5 years at 30. My husband told me that it is easier to just take them to school, it is easier to be easy on your kids and let them get away with things, it is easier to go out rather than taking the time to cook a meal yourself, it is easy to get divorce, it is easy to live an unholy life. Everything that is worthwhile and good takes HARD work, including disciplining kids, keeping a house organized, leading a holy life, etc. My husband always reminds me that God never promised us an easy life but he did promise not to leave us or forsake us. Lindsay, today you had a rough start and tomorrow it might be my turn ( I hope not) but we are all humans and we experience the same things. I enjoy your blog and I think you are one cool lady. Your smart, practical, trying to be a good christian, and I know you will be OK. Thanks for the recipe for the deodorant-I love it and my husband armpits are no longer blue from all the dyes. Thank you for all you do and the time you spend writing on your blog. God Bless you and your family.
Thank you for the reminder. Sometimes I forget that choosing to stay home with my daughter is just as important as the work I left as a nurse.
Excellent article today. I mostly think this way about my role in my home. It is an honor to be a stay at home Mom, homeschooling our 3 children. Sometimes I forget to “do all to the glory of God”. Thank you for the reminder! God Bless you!
Thanks, I needed this today.
My hubs and I both work full time and don’t have kids, but somehow I still get all the “womanly” work of cooking, cleaning, decorating, and all that jazz. Oh, and I’m the handyman so I fix things, work on the cars and do the yardwork, too. You don’t even want to see my hubs try to assemble something from Ikea…
Sometimes I feel resentful because women really got jipped in all this “Equality” stuff. Now that women work full time we’re not equal…we just do a double load!
Thanks for the reminder that all the work is worship…
Hi Lindsay,
I just wanted to share this book with you. It has helped me a lot and I believe it’s biblical. It’s short, sweet, and practical.
Child Training Tips:
All the best…. bless you.
Thanks you for posting this. It is a blessing to hear such encouragement from fellow young mothers of two.
Thank you so so much for sharing! It helps to know that other moms struggle with imperfect children too! Sometimes I worry that the harder I try the more they fight!
This is definitely an encouragement for me. I am trying so hard but I am so tired. I have 3, going on 4 children
and I am just so tired lately. I am trying to raise them to need God everyday. The need to talk to Him and worship Him. But honestly sometimes it’s hard when life is so crazy and busy, you can go all day and not even aknowledge Him. But you always feel so much better when your day is filled with conversations with God. I hope I can get better at this so that my kids can see a God loving mom all the time,
I can’t move, if I don’t start my day w/worship or time in the Bible. If I don’t my flesh starts acting up, I lose my joy, my peace etc. I get annoyed w/the kids, or co-workers.
You’re correct worship isn’t suppose to be just for Sundays, or any day you to church. It should be second by second minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. I NEVER want to leave the presence of God. Only there will I be at absolute peace!
Lindsay, pull out some scriptures that will build you up. For instance, This is the day that the Lord has made I will REJOICE and be glad in it. Rejoice in the Lord always.
Just start confessing these, not just saying them, but by faith believe them.
I’ve been there Lindsay, and on occasion it still happens. the enemy LOVES to see his people down and out. But we as Christians must come against those thoughts. 2 Corinthians 10 tells us to take those thoughts into captivity. Any thought or imagination that goes against the truth of God’s word must be casted down. We don’t want a video footage of the every thing we have done wrong being played over and over again.
I’m praying for you Lindsay! Now go and REJOICE!
Thanks! This really speaks to me. I have truly been struggling the last few weeks, partly because of the exhaustion pregnancy brings.
Oh, I love that insightful quote from Heaven at Home. I just added it to my wishlist! I know we all have those kinds of days, and this is a good reminder that it’s only by the grace of God that we can achieve anything worthwhile. It’s all a gift from him. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for this post and reminder. I work full-time outside of the home and my husband and I have no children…but I so desire to be able to be a full time homemaker and mother. I often struggle with frustration and sadness (translation: self pity) about this. I so appreciate the reminder that I am called to worship and glorify God regardless of my circumstances.
Even if a huge ocean lies between us (I live in Germany), I know your feelings oh so well. In my case it’s not a realtor, it’s my mother-in-law who loves to visit “in just 10 minutes”.
Talking about fighting kids: My son used to hit my daughter from day one. The result was a baby who was afraid to sleep, who nearly “lived” the first year in a carrier and a mother who cried so many days that I can’t count them anymore. When my husband arrived from home, I often fleed to our church, just to sit in the dark and cry.
But.. now they are two and four and , believe it or not, they really love and respect each other so much. It’s such a joy to watch them now!!! In eight weeks baby no 3 will arrive and both can’t wait to get to know little Luisa (they call her “Lissy”).
Wishing you much strength all around the globe!
PS: I loved the book “Siblings without rivalry”. First I thought it doesn’t work, but now, after two years, I know better.
Hi Melanie… I also live in Germany! Where are you at? I live in Worms.
Hello Marisa,
we live near Stuttgart (pretty close to Stuttgart Airport)
Thank you for the reminder that it is God I am serving and not man.
Much needed encouragement. Thank you.
Lindsay, thank you so much for this reminder. It’s nice to knowthat I’m not the only one who struggles with maintaining joy during the hard days as a stay-at-home mama.
Thank you for being so real and for not pretending to have it all together. God’s used you to bless my heart today.
This is a wonderful post. I have had people in my life make me feel like what I am doing (staying home with my daughter) is not significant, but this post reminds me that it isn’t. Thank you for the reminder to find joy in the small moments.
*This post reminds me that it IS significant.
Thank you for this post…It came at the perfect time for me. With a 12 wk old and an almost 3 year old I feel like I spend many days running in circles. This reminder of the importance of what I do and to worship God in all I do was well needed–esp as I am up at 5 AM feeding baby G and working on a grocery list
I have a almost 9 year old and almost 3 year old and completely understand. It can feel meaningless sometimes,but when it is all done and every one is snuggled in bed I feel really satisfied and happy and that have done well by my kids. I think that is all that God wants for us. It is not perfect every day,but all we can do it try,right.