My daughter loves to sing! A dear friend prayed over her an infant that she might be a singer and worshiper of Jesus, and I believe the Lord is answering that prayer! Recently, I set out on a mission to find some good solid CD’s of music, especially Scripture verses set to music that we could fill our home with. I decided this was going to be her Christmas present: a Portable CD Player(one that she could carry around the house with her) and a few good CD’s for her enjoyment. Here are some great finds and a fun giveaway!
Songs for Saplings - Songs for Saplings is a ministry of a home school mother (who actually lives in my area), Dana Dirkson. Her vision is to supply families with solid Christian music that would teach children about God. Thus far she has released four CD’s that are simply wonderful! The Songs for Saplings ABC’s puts Scripture verses to music that can be used while you teach your children their ABC’s. It includes a Scripture verse song for every letter of the alphabet, in addition to verses that can be used throughout the year for all the holidays. Very simple verses so great for toddler and preschoolers especially. I did give this CD to Karis already and she absolutely loves it! She can sing many of the songs already and it fills my heart with such delight as she learns simple Bible verses. It is never too early to plant God’s Word in their little hearts. Her other CD’s are a series titled Question & Answers that go through God & Creation, the Fall & Salvation, Christ and His Work, teaching basic doctrine to children in a catechism of sorts. Dana also offers chord charts that are free to download from her site. Highly recommended!
Steve Green’s Hide Em in Your Heart- I loved these CD’s as a child! Steve Green sets Bible verses to music in a fun, entertaining way. I can still sing many of the songs from these CD’s from my childhood. Music is so powerful! This set includes the DVD video that are enjoyable to watch and teach the verses and character qualities more visually. Check out Hide Em in Your Heart Vol 01 & Hide’em in Your Heart Vol. 2.
To Be Like Jesus - by Sovereign Grace Ministries. A fabulous solid collection of worship songs for children. To Be Like Jesus contains twelve worship songs that teach the fruit of the Spirit in a creative and memorable way. Through these songs kids will learn that Jesus is our perfect example of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. They are theologically sound and engaging. We use alot of Sovereign Grace worship music at our church and always enjoy their albums. You can also purchase this album directly from Sovereign Grace here.
Hymns for A Kid’s Heart – by Bobbie Wolgemuth – An excellent series of books and CD’s that will help teach your children the beauty of hymns. Hymns are packed full of solid gospel truth and are such a tool to be used in teaching your children the Word of God. Each book in this series includes a story about the history behind each hymn, lyrics, verses to be discussed and prayers. We recently purchased the Christmas Carols for a Kid’s Heart to be included in our preparations for Christmas. I want my little ones to hear and understand the wonderful gospel truths that are proclaimed in some of the traditional carols and the history behind them. Also, check out Passion Hymns for a Kid’s Heart.
Seeds Family Worship - I just stumbled upon these CD’s through recommendations by the readers and after listening the samples, I just had to add these CD’s to the list! Wonderful Scripture based songs for all – adults and children alike! There is a lot of variety in style and voices, including voices of children and adults. I can definitely see myself really enjoying this music as well and learn Scripture together with my little ones. Series includes: Seeds of Courage, Seeds of Faith, Seeds of Purpose, and Seeds of Praise.
Now, for the giveaway!
Dana Dirkson has graciously donated one copy of Songs for Saplings: ABC’s for us to giveaway! You can have the chance to add this awesome CD to your family collection.
1. Simply add a comment below and share your favorite resource for teaching your children. It could be your favorite music CD, book, or resource.
Giveaway closed.
It’s not a direct-to-child resource, but I’ve enjoyed much of A Charlotte Mason companion, as far as helping me utilize the time I have with my girls.
i love the jesus storybook bible, as well as the big picture story bible. great resources for teaching little ones about jesus.
we re-use the sunday school paperwork through the week. Rather than throwing it away it gets some use first.
Oh I forgot to mention our favorite resource for teaching our kids. My husband uses Echo the Story’s chronological Bible stories to teach our boys the narrative of Scripture. Usually we read the same story from one of their kids’ Bibles as a bedtime story to reinforce the story we learned that day.
My 3 year old son loves music. While I make sure that what he’s listening to is appropriate and God-honoring, I’ve never thought to teach him Scripture through the words! I would love to win this to go with his Christmas present (also a CD player!).
I really, really enjoy the MEP math curriculum we are using. I would have spent $50 willingly, knowing how awesome it is, but it’s free online, so it’s like a super huge blessing for us!
Favorite resource: the Bible!
I started using the key verses for each week from Sunday School with my son when he was 2. He is 8 now, and devours his AWANA books (a great program for getting started with memorizing scripture!). My younger children have really picked up on it by listening to him. Even my 2yo DD can quote some of his verses!
There are so many great materials for teaching our little blessings about th savior and also character.
Some things I have learned to really appreciate is the mateials from
Another item I LOVE myself as well as my children is the your story hour stories. There are Bible stories, histor stories and character building stories we could spend hours listening to thes sories and were learning is what is great.
Thanks for offering this great giveaway.
One thing we enjoyed using were the Music Machine and other Agapeland LPs when we were raising our children. (Yes, I did say “LPs” — now I feel ancient! LOL) They used to color in the corresponding coloring books and listen to them for hours at a time.
Now for our young granddaughters, I have used Steve Green’s Hide ‘em in Your Heart CDs.
I agree with many that the “Big Picture Bible” is great for little ones teaching them the story arch of scripture. We also love the CDs “Critter County” by Christine Wyrtzen and the G.T. and the Halo Express series. Both are bunches of scripture to songs. One other resource that is awesome is the My Bible Friends Series. They are picture books to books on tape/cd. The kids get a kick out “reading” them by themselves.
Hi! We have also loved sovereign gracr’s childrens music for our kids!
Each morning we read a couple pages from “Everything a Child Should Know About God” and then a chapter in the Gospels. When we finish we go back to the beginning…in both! We also love the Jesus Storybook Bible.
I like the CD ABC Bible Verse Songs by Bekka and the Cane Creek Kids.
Honestly, just living life is my favorite resource – teaching him about people, going to church, the zoo, etc. Does that count?
We love seeds family worship. All their cds are great!
All three of my kids have loved Cedarmont Kids. My 2 year old likes to sit and watch them on dvd or video.
We love the Storybook Bible for story time and The Memory Bible with cds, narrated by Kirk Cameron for memorizing scripture.
Currently I love teaching my younger children the stories of the bible by reading from Egermeiers Bible Story book. The pictures are beautiful and the stories are the perfect length for their short attention span
This music sounds like it would be a great edition to our homeschooling
Count me in!
We really enjoyed reading Leading Little Ones to God with our 7 and 3 year olds last year, in conjunction with the Bible. This year they have been very excited about the “realistic looking” pictures in the Family-Time Bible in Pictures, again with the same story in the Bible for our now 8 year old.
I really like My ABC Bible Verses by Susan Hunt-
One of my all time favorite resources for teaching my children God’s Word is Grapevine Studies. We stick figure our way through the Old and New Testament and my children love it!
Check it out:
P.S. I am not an affiliate; just a happy mommy!
We have “The Big Picture Story Bible” that I have started reading to my daughter (16 months), and we listen to Christian children’s music. And I enjoy looking at different blogs of Godly women to get some of their ideas.
Our twins are 8 months, so not a ton of resoursec yet…but we LOVE the Jesus Storybook Bible – it’s the best one we’ve found.
Thank you so much for posting some new ideas for Children’s music! I listened to all of the samples and they’re great! They will definitely be going on our Christmas lists for the children!
My favorite resource is called Little Hands to Heaven.. it’s a homeschool preschool curriculum that I love!
The Bible for Little Eyes is awesome !!
Although my daughter is only 8 months old, I sing to her out of a hymnal I bought online. I didn’t grow up learning any hymns, so I’ve been teaching myself in hopes of encouraging my own heart as well as getting those great lysics into her little head.
My favorite resource for alphabet learning is, we also love “The Big Picture Story Bible” to teach our 2 year old boy about the story of Jesus and God’s redemptive plan for us.
I write Christian children’s songs and would love to give away a CD as a gift! I can send a few sample songs to you so you can review them.
Just found your site through Simple Mom; looks great. And I’ve been SEARCHING for great CDs for kids. We already have the Hymns for a Kid’s Heart series and I highly recommend it! Thanks for the giveaway!
we LOVE karyn henley!! she has CDs, videos, children’s bibles – even devotionals and sunday school materials. she is gifted at taking a complex spiritual concept and presenting it in a way that children can really latch on to. my kids have all grown up on “miss karyn” songs and still sing them constantly!
I love “Slow and Steady, Get Me Ready” and lots of children’s cds.
I’m 14 weeks along with my first child so I don’t have any experience yet from a mom standpoint but I loved hide em in your heart. When I read certain verses, I can’t help but start singing them. We also listened to GT and the halo express tapes. They were stories but had lots of songs and if I remember correctly, the songs were direct scripture. I’m not even sure if they still make them but they were some of our favorite car trip tapes.
My two year old loves Pilgrim’s Progress on tape. It’s the version that is dramatized and we listen in suspense! I know he can’t quite figure out what is going on yet, but he will!! Thankful he will have that in his heart so young.
I have wanted to listen to the Seeds CD. I have also heard that “Songs Jesus Said” is a great CD by the Gettys. We love Hide Em in Your Heart around here!
I believe the Bible is the best resource I have to teach my children. We read God’s word together every morning. In order to hide God’s word in our hearts we participate in AWANA at church, sing Seed’s music, and talk about scripture as often as possible.
I love the Hide Em’ In Your Heart CDs (or “Jesus Songs” as my 3 year old calls them). How fun to learn Scripture through singing!
I’m not able to read through all the other comments, but I have to recommend Colin Buchanan’s CDs!!
My mom is my best resource! She homeschooled all seven of her kids
She saved a lot of stuff, too!
I would love to win the cd. We have another ABC bible verse cd from no greater joy ministries that my kids love and know tons of verses because of it. We also have a childrens devotional called leading little ones to god which is also very good!
I just read “Raising Unselfish Chldren in a Self Absorbed Word and it had a plethora of creative ideas I can’t wait to try with my little one!
My daughter just turned 2, so my favorite resource right now are educational toys and games that teacher her to sort things, help her to learn her colors, counting and letters. For her birthday, my mom just made her a bunch of learning games to use during our learning times. I think children learn to love learning when it’s fun!
Thanks for a great giveaway!
I really like the Seeds Family Worship cds. We have the Seeds of Faith and Praise!
We love the Hide Em In Your Heart CD’s Vol. 1 & 2 by Steve Green as well. We also have his kids Praise and Worship CD. It blesses my heart to hear my 4 and 2 year old sing all of these verses and praises at such a young age. I am so thankful for these CD’s. Thanks for the other suggestions. Some variety will be nice too!
My daughter (4) also loves her Jesus Storybook Bible and we read it every night before bed. It is a blessing to us all.
We really like the Hide Em In Your Heart cd’s by Steve Green and wish he would have made more. We also like Music Machine which teaches the fruit of the Spirit.
We love the big picture bible!
“The Sign, Sing, and Play Kit” has been a huge blessing for us… Our son is 2 and started signing at just a few months, making our lives much easier and giving us a much deeper communicative level.
I have just recently started using the Hearts of Dakota, Little Hands to Heaven Preschool Unit study curriculum. Although we are using this with our first daughter, it has been so rewarding to see her enjoy and learn different Bible stories and people. It has been so great to be able to do fun little Bible focused activities with my daughter throughout our daily routine! I’d love a copy of the Songs for Saplings CD also!
My son is still very young, so we haven’t invested in a lot of resources yet. However, we have gotten a story bible that we read to our son every night. It stories the entire bible. Oh and we LOVE Praise Baby videos, they can calm him down wonderfully. The music is great, so I enjoy it too.
Friends who have already done what I am trying to do
I love the board books in this series, David and Goliath is the only one we’ve purchased so far, the other ones came from the library.
I like ZonderKids, especially the book, I Love You This Much. It teaches about God’s love and comes with the music to accompany the book.
Though my little one is only 5 weeks old, I’ve already begun his music collection. I have found great buys of Children’s Christian music at the Goodwill and other Thrift stores. It has been a great resource without having to spend alot of money.
Awesome! We have the Seeds of Courage CD, and I have enjoyed learning bible verses myself this way!
We have been using The Story of the World history, it is great, so far we have made cunieform tablets and are getting ready to have an African feast, it is a good history lesson as well as hands on activities that reinforce what we have learned.
My kids love the Steve Green CDs. I love them, too. I love that I will often pull out an appropriate Bible verse for a behavior situation, and realize there is a Steve Green song set to the verse! Recently, Elisa memorized “Do not be overcome by evil,” as a way to remind her of how to respond when others are unkind. Thanks for doing another fun giveaway!
I like to mix & match my resources to reflect our family, myself, and the traits that I am attempting to encourage within my children. I find that my oldest is best taught through music and visually, so I have to combine the two for maximum effect. One of the resources I like for this is one that I create–I find teaching songs online (like a song about the Books of the Bible, etc.), and then create my own felt board characters out of stiff, white backing used for sewing. I made a felt board at home with old, blue, flannel bed sheets. He LOVES this and can manipulate the pieces himself for hours. My biggest challenge, however, is finding fresh music!
My favourite resources for teaching God’s Word to our children are our vintage editions of Arthur Maxwell’s The Bible Story set and Uncle Arthur’s Bedtime Stories. They were published by the 7th day Adventist. and while we do have to make an occasional correction, there is not much SDA doctrine in them, and the illustrations are very reverent. I also love how Maxwell makes each story relevant to children.
I love the Big Picture Story Bible for our 2.5 year old son. We also appreciate the resources from his sunday school classes and try to take advantage of his coloring sheet by reviewing it each week!
My mother-in-law is my best resource.
She homeschooled all 4 of her kids through graduation, and is such a refreshing source of information. My current favorite purchased item is “Mommy Teach Me to Read” – I’ve been using the pre-reading activities with both my nearly 4yo and my 2yo. They are learning phonics in a fun way and are excited to learn more.
I love the seeds albums someone has given me 4 of them and I also love teaching my children right from the bible.
The Jesus Storybook Bible is an excellent Bible for little ones. I also recently added My First Hymnal to my daughter’s devotional time and she absolutely loves it.
We love the Jesus Storybook Bible. The pictures are so fun to look at, and the retelling of Bible stories is incredible – the author does a fantastic job of showing how everything is about Jesus. My 2-year-old daughter loves her “Jesus book” and likes sitting and “reading” it by herself.
I love Karyn Henley’s Playsongs DVDs for preschool-aged children. They are so sweet and cheerful and teach a lot of truths about God and encourage kids to worship Him. But get them fast…they are out-of-print and hard to find. I believe a couple of the titles may only be available now through We also have her Christmas CD, which is great, and I just ordered her Before I Dream story Bible which comes with a 1-hour CD.
I love your site! Have been following it for a little over a year now! My favorite cd’s for children songs are by Laurie Berkner. My daughter loves the songs, and I even like to sing along with them!
I would love to try out one of those CD’s! I have not purchased any CD’s for your 2 year old yet, but I will definitely be looking into some of these after your reviews of them. Thanks for sharing!
This is something we need! My daughter loves music & singing, I need to get on the ball & get her some of these to fill her mind with pure & lovely things!
I am actually on the lookout for Christian resources and right now I have The Beginner’s Bible by Karen Henly. We love it. I have heard about the Songs for Saplings and have been wanting to get it. Music is such a great way to memorize scriptures and I can’t wait to check out these other recommendations.
Thank you!
The Young Peacemakers series is a wonderful Bible study for kids! I also love the Hide ‘em in your Heart cds!
I would love to win this CD — currently, my 3 yr old is memorizing scripture using Susan Hunt’s “My ABC Bible Verses: Hiding God’s Word in Little Hearts.”
I recently wrote about some of my favorite music that puts scripture to song on my blog.
I wonder if any/all of these are word-for-word scripture or do they just communicate the idea?
We like the Seed CDs and the Wee Sing Bible songs. My husband or I get our son out of bed with the “Rise and Shine and give God the glory” song each morning. Naps end with the “Rejoice in the Lord” song. I have a little book called “God Knows” that was a gift from one of my aunts. It is great for really young kids. I think you have talked about “Hand Commands” by Ann Dunagan before, but we are having fun with that for the Ten Commandments.
Thanks for the giveaways that you run, it is always fun reading others ideas and getting the chance to win.
Also, I forgot to list “Your Story Hour with Uncle Dan and Aunt Carol.” It is on one of the radio stations here and has some fun tellings of history.
My favorite resource? But there are so many!! Some that we love, in no particular order: My Bible Friends books, Forever Stories books, My Bible First curriculum, you already mentioned Steve Green’s CDs, Leading Little Ones to God . . .and even though my girls are on the young side (6) we’re using Polished Cornerstones, and enjoying it, and I expect we will cycle through it several times before they are grown, and learn new things (them AND me) each time through.
I really love old fashioned hymns for teaching Bible doctrine- and the Bible itself, of course! We also really enjoy the music by Jamie Soles. Some of his cds are really just stories and psalms of Scripture set to music. Great, IMHO!
We love the Hide ‘em in Your Hearts, also. Did you know that there is a “Hide ‘em in Your Heart: Praise & Worship for Kids”? That one is my favorite
I also enjoy reading “Big Truths for Little Kids” to my kids.
I would love to add to our collection of godly music for the kids!
I so enjoy these as well…thanks for all your valuable resource posts, ideas and encouragements!
Thank you for posting this! I can’t wait to get these CD’s for my family!
My favorite music resource is my dad’s Psalms; he has put 60 entire Psalms to music, word for word. My sisters and church back home have grown up on them. It’s awesome to have committed entire chapters of the Bible to memory! They are available for ordering (both on CD and sheet music) on this site:
The Jesus storybook Bible is the best children’s Bible there is!
Right now we are doing a lot of School House Rock
My son is only 14 months old, so I am looking for teaching resources myself and appreciate all of the great ideas here. He LOVES music and dancing and immediately started dancing and clapping to Songs for Saplings samples on its website. I’ll have to add it to his Christmas list if I’m not fortunate enough to win the giveaway! Thanks for posting on this topic – your blog is really great.
This would be terrific for my kidos! We’ve had Steve Green’s cds for years and love them! Leading Little Ones to God has been a super devotional for my kids! Thanks for the opportunity to win this “Songs for Saplings” CD! I loved listening to the snippets.
We have both of the Hyms for a Kids Heart by Joni Erickson-Tada and we love them! Thanks for the research and the suggestions for more music with verses!! Love your site!
Thanks so much for your blog! While we don’t have many or any children’s Bible CD’s…we have to change that! we have some good books…which I think can be hard to find. As for a toddler Bible, my favorite is Zondervan’s ‘The Beginners Bible’ East to understand and fun to read and pictures on every page.
One of our favorite resources in our family is 106 Days of Creation Studies from If you are homeschooling or not this is a great resource in teaching your kids about Creation and the Power of our God. It is fun and so enjoyable for the kids. And it is simple for the young ones as well as more advanced for the older ones as well. GREAT RESOURCE!
Thanks for making this website so informative! I am so THANKFUL for your website as I reflect on thanksgiving and how God uses this site to encourage and help me in my role as a wife and mother!
We use Seeds Family worship–and love it! My 2.5 year old knows so many scriptures and sings them constantly because of these cds. I’m also blessed because my mother is a musician and has a few tapes and CDs that have wonderful scripture songs and stories that we listen to. Andy frequently requests to listen to Emmie sing (that’s what he calls my mom). I am amazed at how quickly he learns new songs and it’s so beautiful to see him sing them to anyone who will listen.
My children do not take my grandchildren to church regularly, and winning this music would be a another great way for me to bring the beauty of Christ’s love into the little ones’ lives.
I would recommend the Read and Share Bible, book and DVD combo.
Thanks so much for the recommendations.
We LOVE the Seeds collection! I began collecting them before we had kids.
We are so blessed with a 4, 2 and 1 year old. I truly believe the greatest resource is the Bible itself and a parent’s passion for it. Yes, much is over their heads at this point, but if we can take something from our daily reading with them, bring it down to their level and have a personal passion for the Word…these things will impress more upon their heart than anything. That’s not to say we don’t use other material. We love Patch the Pirate, Mrs. G., Wee Sing, Cedarmont Kids, Jonathon Park and our own singing time to name a few. Thanks for all the wonderful insights along the way. I have been so blessed by your blog.
We love Leading Little Ones to God. As for music, we love the Phil Joel cd for kids- Deliberate Kids.
A couple favorites of ours are The Jesus Storybook Bible and Big Truths for Little Kids. We also have the Sovereign Grace CD you showed, and we really love their kids CDs. I’d love to win this CD for my kids- what a great Christmas present!
Jim Weiss of Greathall Productions, Inc. is THE BEST storyteller for families. Oh the memories of long car trips or snuggling in bed listening to Jim tell of King Arthur and His Knights, Robin Hood, The Three Musketeers, Arabian Nights, and so many more! How I miss those days! Our three sons grew up on Jim Weiss stories (cassette tapes!). We even saw Mr. Weiss in person at a local library some years back. The boys have never forgotten that day, or the stories! These cassettes/CDs are keepers, to hold onto for grandchildren some day, Lord willing. Seriously, I would love to sell these CDs as they are so wonderful. There are stories for preschool on up, all of them based on classic books & stories. Mr. Weiss has a passion for getting kids interested in reading classics. See for yourself!
As for DVDs, I highly recommend The Donut Man. They are fantastic! Such wonderful Christian 1/2 hour shows with Christ-honoring themes and lots of singing. Much more spiritual “meat” in them than Veggie Tales. Of course there is Duncan, the cute donut puppet, in every show. Again, my boys grew up on The Donut Man. Last year I “upgraded” our collection to DVD, as our videos were getting worn out from use (I loan them out now that our boys are older). These are so worth keeping for grandchildren too! The DVDs came with a free “Duncan” puppet–so cute!
Enjoy your little ones Moms. They grow way too fast! God bless!
I grew up with Patch the Pirate and CEF!! I will use both with my kids! I esp. love CEF! In my personal opinion, it is the absolute BEST!! I’d love to win the CD! I am always looking for good CD’s!!
We have 10 wonderful blessings, 9 months – 20 years. My littles always enjoyed 100 Sheep and Steve Green’s cd’s. Great stuff! Anything to help make God’s Word stay with them is a blessing!!
We have some old Psalty Sing-a-long and Colby records that I can still sing along to…the kids like those quite a bit…also, my daughter likes to go get her children’s picture Bible when she sees me reading my own Bible. Her favorite story is “the Jesus story”, the story of his birth, but one day she’ll understand that all the stories are Jesus stories!
Thanks for the giveaway! (I plan to check out this CD even if I don’t win!)
We use a company called Kids’Juke Box. They take your child’s name and sings it in whatever CD you choose. There are several CD’s to choose from. We have the Christian music one, and the girls always light up when they hear their name being sung. The website is
I love Sovereign Grace’s CD “Awesome God” for kids.
I love the Steve Green cd’s as well as the Cedarmont and Wee Sing. I also really like the Alphabet Bible verse Chorus songs cd from Higher Learning Series. All work well to get the littles (and Mama too) to help hide His word in their hearts. But my favorite resource is the bible study/devotional that is part of my homeschool curriculum. I use Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory and Little Hands to Heaven from Heart of Dakota publishing and they are Fabulous!!!
Oh, I’ve been wanting some good children’s CDs for SO LONG! I have to say that my favorite resource for teaching my children is nature itself. So much about God and His love for us can be revealed through gazing upon His creation!
My daughter is 20 months and is very into music ans singing…so I have found that she learns really well when anything is put to song. a former worship leader at our church, Eric Gilbert, created a wonderful children’s cd of the shorter catechism and my daughter now knows many of the lessons! The cd is called: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? I have heard good things about the seeds cds too!
I love to use my son’s devotional bibles straight after breakfast each morning. Great giveaway!
We love and listen to lots of kinds of music. My 4 year old has loved listening to stories since she was 2. Recently, some cousins gave her “Adventures in Odyssey”. They are a bit old for her, but she loves them as do all her 17 cousins!
As a child i remember my mom and I singing along with Psalty’s Sing a Long. I am 31 and I STILL remember those songs! It is totally my hearts desire to have sweet songs about Jesus tucked into my little darling’s hearts…Great post!!!
God has blessed us with 10 children, ages 2 – 18 years. For teaching on Creation and Science we love the dvds: “Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution I, II, and III”. These are available from Our favorite books for reading aloud to the little ones are “The Story of Mr. Pippin”, “Bless the Lord”(Psalm 103), and “The Lord Builds the House” (Psalm 127) by Joannah Bluedorn. These books are full of beautiful illustrations. Our youngest daughter who just turned 2 in September has already memorized large parts of Psalm 103 because we read the book almost daily! I’m so thankful for the many godly people who have taken the time to produce these quality items so we can teach our children about God’s ways while they are young.
I love the A Beka Book Bible flash-a-cards for my students. I have even learned so many neat facts myself. =)
My daughter is only 5 months old but we love and play the Seeds cds and Hide ‘em in Your Heart alot already. One resource I can’t wait to use is the Jesus Storybook Bible. I love that all of the stories point to Jesus… we’re giving it to her for Easter next year.
We also *love* all 4 of the Seeds CDs. We rotate through them in the car and my son will request a song and tell me which color CD it’s on
I love Steve Green’s kids’ music and I also like Patch the Pirate for my kids.
Thanks for these excellent recommendations…I will put them on my Amazon wish list right away! The Steve Green CDs are classics and amazingly catchy. One other one you may enjoy is put out by Keith and Kristyn Getty, called “Songs that Jesus Said.” My kids love it. And thanks for the chance to win one of the CDs!
My son and daughter love music! Would love to preview the CD.
We love Awana here for learning Scripture verses… my son asks to review his verses everyday.
My kids love to listen to the Cedarmont kids worship cd’s as well. My two year old will ask to hear the “God” tape as soon as we get in the truck.
I love the Seeds Family Worship cds! What a great way to memorize Scripture! We also really love the Jesus Storybook Bible.
Thanks for the resources and the giveaway.
The Big Picture Story Bible by David Helm is currently one of our family’s favorite reads.
Please enter me!!!!!! Thank-you
I just love reading your blog.
My favorite resources are books, and plenty of them! I tend to do a little research before heading to the library and work on themes with my kiddos, or go off of others recommendations so that we have some solid literature to work through.
Thanks for this chance!
I love The Jesus Storybook Bible and the Catherine Vos Bible
I have been looking for some good scripture-filled CDs for the kids, this is a wonderful post, thank you! I too use the Internet so often. my oldest is always asking random and HARD questions and Im so glad I can just “google it”
We would love to win this, we are still looking for good music to teach with.
We also love the Jesus Storybook Bible!
I would love to have the Songs for Saplings for my 2yr old son (and my daughter due in Feb)! I love using hymns to teach my son. I have several hymnals at home and I will just thumb through and randomly sing songs to him. He has started singing along (his version!). Classic hymns of the faith can teach such sound theology and make it memorable.
My son LOVES music too! He is only 12 months old, but music is definitely his favorite thing in the world. (Well, in addition to our doggie!) We enjoy the Putamayo world music CDs, which aren’t religious. We will be looking for these CDs you listed. Thanks so much!
My favorite teaching resource is the yahoo montessori groups I am a member of. So many great ideas and files in the groups!
We have loved Steve Green’s music since my firstborn was little (13 years ago). The Sovereign Grace CD is also on my list, and I am happy to know about your friend’s CD now, too!
I LOVE the using the internet to find things for my son. and are our current favorites!
Right now we like the ABC Bible by Susan Hunt and My First Hymnal 75 Favorite Bible Songs and What They Mean by Karyn Henley
I really like the Praise Baby CDs for my daughter. They’re so relaxing!
My oldest is only two so my favorite resource is just letting her help in the kitchen and around the house. She loves it and she learns a lot.
The Bible is my #1 resource. Praise the Lord for his guidance and direction. I’d be lost without Him! I would LOVE to win this, but I’m sure whoever does will be greatly blessed by it! Blessing to you and your family.
We love the Jesus Storybook Bible too. It is such a valuable resource.
My son is 16mo. Ever since he was a baby while I was nursing him I would just read out loud from the bible. Now I try to just read out of the bible while he’s playing. I’ve looked at this cd before. thanks for offering it! I love scripture set to music!
A friend recently gave us 5 Seeds CDs and we LOVE them. Actually, we’ve listened to Seeds of Courage on repeat ALL day. We also love the “Hymn’s for a Child’s Heart” series. Our family works to memorize a hymn a month from those books, during family worship.
Our favorite is Colin Buchanan. He’s an autralian singer/songwriter and write great songs to teach bible verse and biblical truths. Very catchy tunes, I find myself singing them around the house. Very, very good. I pretty sure you could get them in America by now.
My baby is still under 5 months so I’m still finding resources, but so far we listen to worship music that I like such as Enter the Worship Circle and podcasts for kids. We also read a simple story Bible everyday with big pictures for her to look at… though I wish they made a spit proof one.
Thanks for the post! I’ve been looking for some good music to invest in and am really excited about the ABC’s one!!
Oh I forgot another one of our favorites is Jonathon Park.
My son loves his Tiny Bear Bible. It is sturdy enough for him and the stories are written as poems.
Thanks for doing this!!! A great book for mom’s and dad’s is Romancing your child’s heart. No Greater Joy has some wonderful resources; their Good and Evil book and Debi Pearls homeschooling ideas. I love My Fathers World cir. I am doing that right now with my 6 year old, and it has been Amazing. My girl Anna is also a worshiper. She loves to sing and dance for Jesus. We have a few bethel Cd’s from their Jesus Culture and they come with DVD’s of the worship. I put those on just for background and Anna and Zach are always dancing in front of it. We also love reading any books together that are filled with missionary stories and fathers of our faith. Sonlight and Vision Forum are Amazing resources for books. Well I could go on and on. Their is a lot of great stuff out there, just need more money to buys it all
My daugther loves music!!! Any kind of childrens worship music she treasures and we ofetn find her in her room singing it to herself. I plan on ordering some new cd’s from sorv. grace for Christmas!
Again I am amazed and delighted at how relevant your posts are to exactly what I have been looking for!
I posted just days ago on Facebook that I was looking for suggestions on Bible stories/verses set to rhyme, because Boone picks it up so well that way. He also loves music and sings around the house too!
I would love to try this CD, it sounds like the perfect thing for toddlers when they’re learning their alphabet, as Boone has.
I just clicked on the Songs for Saplings website and played the song samples. My sweet little girl began to dance and clap her hands. What a lovely cd! Thanks for the giveaway, hope to win
What a wonderful giveaway. Just wanted to take a moment to say how much I love your site and am encouraged by your pursuit to serve the Lord and pass that on to your children.
I like to read to my son (21 months old) from his Children’s story bible. It’s a board books style bible, and he will now even read it (look at it) :0) by himself. And I have also been trying to find encouraging books for him that give messages about who God is. My mom bought him some very cute Zonderkidz books about Thanksgiving, and harvest time.
Such cute ways to plant little seeds.
Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful giveaway.
We love the Read and Rhyme Bible Storybook…it’s awesome! Also, my baby girl loves to watch her Praise Baby video ocassionally .
My son is only 9 months old, but we’ve read the “My Bible Firends” books with him for morning devotions since he was a newborn, and we use the “The Bible Story” books for evening worship. For music, I’m planning to get him Steve Green’s “Hide ‘Em in Your Heart”, “Heaven is For Kids Vol. 1 & 2″, and “Songs for Saplings” – thanks for that! Since we choose not to listen to music that uses a worldly rock beat, it can be difficult to find truly good music for kids, and I appreciate Dana Dirkson’s ministry.
A resource that I use almost daily is called The Children’s Song Book, I use both the book and the music cd’s (what is it?
We love to sing/play one of these precious songs at breakfast, and recite a small scripture such as “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” Philippians 4:13. Sometimes I also tell or read a scripture story too; it is a wonderful tradition.
Hi! My oldest LOVES to sing, and learning some more Bible verses to song would be such a great resource (whether I get it free or not
). Thanks so much for sharing this list. Our current sources for the kiddos are: a Cubbies book by Awana (no local church available for it, so I got the book from the church I grew up in and my older two (4 & 2) are learning from it) and listening to my praise and worship cds – especially Chris Tomlin. His a fave of mine and my daughter.
Her current favorite song, though, is Make a Sound by Richie Fike (of Fike and Dana).
The Jesus Storybook Bible is a favorite in our house. I usually don’t really like children’s Bibles but this one is so clear in pointing to Jesus from Genesis to Revelations. I think it’s great training to help them understand the Bible when they are older. We love songs too but I’ve not yet found CDs that I really love for kids. This is a great resource though. Thanks!
We have started reading Keys for Kids and praying with our children before they go to bed. They are a little young to grasp all the concepts of the stories but we love the family time together before God!
The kids also love any cd’s of bible songs, they ask for their “moo-sic” often!
My children enjoy Patch The Pirate (Majesty Music). He has many different adventures in which the children learn more about God and Christ-like character.
I have twin boys who are almost one. Even though they don’t understand much yet, I read to them from my old children’s bible. It has lots of full-color pictures and they enjoy those very much.
We love just using the bible and then getting felt characters to act it out or fabric to do dress up and act it out. I would love to try the Hide’em in your Heart CD’s.
Thanks for this post! I had not thought of adding Scripture related items to my son’s wish list, but I’ve added the Passion Hymns, Carols & the Q&A to his list. These will be a great supplement!
I’m a big fan of Veggie Tales and any bible verse songs!
My children love the Hide ‘Em in Your Heart CDs, and we have a wonderful children’s Scripture CD from Homestead Heritage Ministries. My favorite book is the Big Picture Story Bible. With colorful pictures and short stories, it is great for the youngest child, but my favorite part is that every story points to Christ.
Well, my son is only 16mths and I don’t really have any teaching resources yet, but I think we all love to use this CD.
I love reading you blog! Thank you, it has been a gift. My 4 year and 2 year old both love Steve too but their other favorite has been Wee Sing Bible songs. I love hearing all the other ideas too.
I have really enjoyed your site since I discovered it a few weeks ago! I appreciate the CEF or Good News Club curriculum. It is a five year cycle that really teaches children their Bible and is vital in character formation.
I would love to win this, thanks!
I love the Cedermont Kids worship tapes too. We also have used “Leading Little One to God” in our family devotional time. I happen to be a musician myself so I also make up a lot of our songs around our home and put scripture in them.
We have 3 boys 3 and under and so I don’t get alot of extra reading in. One book I have read that was helpful is Shepherding a Child’s Heart. All our boys love music though and so I love playing worship music throughout the day…lots of cds from Sovereign Grace Ministires like Come Weary Saints, Sons & Daughters, etc. I’d love to try these new cds!
I grew up listening to GT and the Halo Express- I thought they were out of production, so I was so excited to find a place to buy them online so that my son can listen to them!
I am married & we’re still working on having children (i have PCOS & endometriosis), but I was brought up with the Hide ‘em In Your Heart series by Steve Green and have used it when babysitting for a bible study or teaching a Sunday School class
I’ve heard the Songs for Saplings CD and have loved it!! Whenever I get a chance to recommend cd’s to moms at church, I always recommend the Steve Green series. I even quote the Scriptures to myself whenever I’m having a rough day. My friend and I used the “Christmas Carols for a Kid’s Heart” by Joni Erickson Tada & Bobbie Wolgemuth last year for our kids Christmas program at church and it worked out very well
I love the bible story series “Read Aloud Bible Stories Vol. 1-4″ by Ella K. Lindvall, “Leading Little Ones to God” by Marian Schoolhand & “Big Truths for Little Kids” by Susan Hunt & Richie Hunt; I haven’t really gotten to experience devotions for older children yet – but am open to any suggestions
I HIGHLY recommend the Harrow Family Singers “Sing the Word” CDs. You can get them through Sonlight, Rainbow Resources, and I think other places too. Very high quality, well-done musically. I love soaking Scripture into my kid’s hearts through this. We are also HUGE fans of the To Be Like Jesus – just as good for parents as kids!!
Thank you for this post! I have been looking for some good resources to teach my 2-year-old more scripture through music. She’s learned a few just from reading a Focus on the Family book, “Todd’s Day God’s Way,” I know she’ll soak it up like a SPONGE if we could sing them!! These will be on her Christmas list for Grandma & Grandpa for sure.
I can’t wait to try out all of these suggestions!! And I actually have one for you as well now that I’m entering this giveaway.
My favorite tool comes from my own childhood, a set of 7 CDs (they were tapes back in the 90s!) called “GT and the Halo Express.” Each CD is a different “episode,” similar to a radio show, in which the two main children (brother and sister, Kristy and Michael) learn important lessons about God and faith, and how these lessons are applied in their day-to-day lives. Interspersed throughout each episode are twelve verses put to song that fit the lessons the story is illustrating.
My brother and I used to listen to these little albums over and over again when I was a child… and with twelve verses per CD, we can still sing almost every song by heart… and that’s 84 long, NIV verses! My mom recently bought us each a set of the CDs for our own children and both of us were thrilled! I have so many wonderful memories of these albums and I can’t wait to share them with my own kids! I’ve attached the link below.
I just started following your blog, and now I am even more excited! I have been wanting this CD. My favorite resource is to actually collect catalogs from different homeschool companies and scour their pages for games and ideas that I can re-create on my own.
I can’t believe nobody has mentioned the Agapeland CDs! Those were the ones (cassettes, then) that I listened to again and again until I wore them out.
My kids have the songs memorized, we need new material!
These resources will be wonderful for my 15-month-old. He loves “singing” along to music.
My son is at the age now where he loves books. So, any good Bible storybook is a good resource. My husband wrote and illustrated a book about creation back in college and my son loves it.
Great giveaway, I think something like this will be going on my little Bug’s xmas list for the grandparents! We have a few books that I bought (oddly enough?!) at a Michael’s craft store in their $1 bin…but they are big & hardcover and wonderful stories from the bible! They aren’t *cheesy* either, which I love! A great purchase, for sure!
Sarah M
Thanks for the compilation! Our kids LOVE worship music — currently their favorite CDs are the new Fee album and Sons and Daughter’s by Sovereign Grace. I love to hear them sing about the Gospel and ask to replay those songs over and over!
We have also really enjoyed the Hide Em in your Heart Series. But my daughter’s favorite is to sit on the piano with me while I play and we sing hymns together
Thanks so much for this post! I’ve been wanting to get her some more solid Cd’s.
We currently use Seeds Family Worship. It’s great! The other CDs you listed look wonderful as well.
Would love to have a copy of this. My son is 18 months old and my husband and I are trying to be creative in using this high development time to instill a God orientation in our child. Our current favorite resource is the modern classic, Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Trip.
My favorite resource would be my sister! She is a school teacher. Doesn’t get much better than that!
carlamo (at) ymail (dot) com
My kids also love Sing the Word from A to Z. It is so amazing to hear them singing Bible verses in their rooms as they play. They have started making up their own worship songs as well, which just blesses my heart. I have not heard any of these other ones, but am always looking for something new.
We love Sufjan Stevens and our kids love to sing along. We also enjoy Hide ‘Em In Your Heart.
I would love to win this, thanks for the chance! I don’t really have a favorite resource yet, but I do love having my daughter play quietly while I do a regular Bible study with some friends. It is amazing what children pick up when we think they aren’t paying attention, so I know she is gleaning some gems from our conversations!
My little guy is only 4 months old, but he already loves it when we sing hymns as a family or I play music for him. But I have homeschooling experience from teaching my younger brothers (thanks to my Mom for sharing!). My favorite resource for teaching the youngest was ‘Leading little ones to God’, a little devotional book that covers doctrine, salvation and bible overview all in a simple way for children to understand. I made up little crafts and things to go along with it, he loved it. Charlotte Mason’s books are also great. Oh and if you’ve never heard of ‘Five in a Row’ or ‘Before Five in a Row’ those are great for teaching young ones!
A simple CD with “Sunday School Songs” on it. We love it.
I was just telling my hubby that we need new cds!!! Right now my absolute favorite resource is a book called, “A Family Guide to the Biblical Holidays” by Linda Pierce. It is a curriculum based on the Feasts of Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles, etc. and you can use it as a supplement or as an entire curriculum base. It’s amazing and SO thorough! I have it on my table all the time!
I know this is really corny…but my favorite resource for my kids is the Bible. We learn character, reading, writing and history from the Bible. Aside from the Bible, my favorite school curriculum has been Tapestry of Grace. We are buying our oldest son (7) his own portable radio, too! He would love to have some music for it!
BTW- I love your site.
I have been searching for good music to help my son learn scripture. A lot of the Christian music we have bought for him he is not interested in because it is a little boring. He loves the alphabet though! He would love this cd!
We enjoy making up songs about the Bible to memorize things (like the 10 commandments, the ten plagues of Egypt, the twelve sons of Israel, etc). We use tunes that we are already familiar with to make it easy. We also like to set Scripture to music, it’s a great tool for learning God’s Word.
My daughter is 17 months and loves to sing and dance! Since she was about 10 months old she has loved “The Bible Book Bop” by Go Fish. She sings along with it in the car. And although at this young age she can’t truly say the names of Bible Books (Zachariah is a hard word lol), she tries and I love that she will soon know these by heart. We also have a bible lullaby cd that we play when we lay her down at night. I would love to add a new cd to our collection!
I Love Dana’s music. Megan, my oldest, is actually on the second Questions and Answers CD. It was so much fun for her. We use lots of music with our kids, they also really enjoy listening to Adventures in Oddessey.
We love the Cedarmont Kids Worship CDs! They are songs that I grew up listening to but they are now sung by kids. I think I enjoy listening to them as much or more than my boys!!!
My daughter is only 8 months old but I love “The Jesus Storybook Bible”. She sits in my lap and we read a story before nap. I know that for now I get way more out of it than she does, but it is important to plant the seeds of faith early on.
Hi Lindsay, what a great giveaway! I would say that my favorite resource in teaching Scripture to my oldest son (5) have been the printable Bible studies at the Hem of His Garmet website. I just got him a portable CD player as well, so this would be a great addition to the collection we are building for him.
My husband went to a Promise Keepers weekend last spring and brought back a CD for our boys. It is called Deliberate Kids by Phil Joel. My kids are 2 and 4 and love it, but I think that it is a wonderful CD for older kids because of the beat– kinda rock and rollish. Most all of the songs on the CD sing scripture verses. One goes through the whole Lord’s prayer, one the Fruits of the Spirit, another one sings about the parable of the wise man and foolish man building their houses and what that story means. My children have learned a lot from it, and the tunes are catchy enough that is does not drive myself or my husband nuts listening to it over and over again!
oh – looks wonderful! I have been wanting a CD like this………..
one of my favorite website right now is – it’s not Christian in content, but has fun coloring pages for each letter or holiday crafts and such. Easy to navigate and print from.
hi there. i’m new to your site and look forward to peeking around a bit. the cds look wonderful! as far as teaching my young ones… books, books, books! we check out any book we can about topics that i/we are interested in and learn an amazing amount together. we’ve explored making maple syrup, bees and honey making, wool and spinning, making sourdough… so fun! my favorite bible to read with them is the Jesus Storybook Bible. excellent! we also keep a gratitude journal together as a way to keep our eyes UP! thanks for the give-away! Erin
This year, my favorite resource is The Mystery of History series. We are all learning SO much!
We love this Bible We read this with our kids every night. I love how every story, even the Old Testament stories point back to Jesus, our Rescuer. This is the best children’s Bible I have ever read.
So excited about all the suggestions! I have a 3yr old girl and a 18mnth boy. I just picked up a Boz activity book for my little girl. It includes daily activities like a story, a scripture, and educational activity like early math, matching, coloring etc. I will also be started this series from Monica at The Homespun Heart. It’s all about The Fruits of the Spirit and is aimed to preschoolers. We also, like Cedarmont Kids videos, it’s just fun to dance along with them! I am also excited about the Sovereign Grace kids albums!!
I love the Donut Man tapes for teaching kids Bible stories, set to music. And Memlok for helping them hide God’s Word in their hearts!
At Christmas, we love to use the Adorenaments from Family life. There are 12 little ornaments that talk about 12 names of God that you put on your tree. Also, What God wants for Christmas is great for little ones…it’s a kind of interactive nativity. There is a pop-up nativity scene, and the kids open 7 little present boxes that each hold a different figurine to add to the scene. The 7th box has a little mirror in it show them what God wants for Christmas…them!
I would like to be entered please. One of my favorite resources is the book Leading Little Ones to God. We have read through it once and are in the process of reading through it again!!. Thank you so much and good luck to everyone!!
Melissa D. SC
I love “Hide ‘em in your Heart”! Wonderful CDs, and the DVDs are a nice treat too.
My most favorite thing I’ve found (sorry if this is a repeat) is the “Jesus StoryBook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name.” I have read a lot, and I mean a LOT of children’s Bibles, and this one is by far the best out there.
We love Hide Them in Your Heart and also CDs of children’s hymns. My brothers ask for them a lot!
We love “The Jesus Storybook Bible” becuase it points little ones to Christ all through the Old Testament as well. Thanks for the post! After buying Cedarmont Kids and the songs are so fast and really annoying I was at a loss for what to get for my little one to teach Scripture to music.
I second the kudos for the Big Picture Story Bible. It emphasizes the covenant all the way through the Bible, pointing to Jesus in a way toddlers love, without watering down the truth. My 3 year old loves making up songs to sing about the stories we have just read!
My children love to listen to music and stories in their CD players. It makes afternoon rest time enjoyable and special. Some of our favorites: First Language Lessons Audio CD, Wee Sing Bible Songs, and Build Your Baby’s Brain through the Power of Music (classical). As well as Jonathan Park, Curious George, Focus on the Family Radio Theater, and Mouse Tales. It would be great to have a new music CD to add to our collection! Thanks for offering such an encouraging and informative website.
I am 25, I don’t have children and I absolutely love the SEEDs Family worship albums.I currently only have SEEDs of Courage but I am hoping to get the rest for Christmas. I have memorized all the verses and hope to memorize more on the other CDs. The songs have been very encouraging to me as I recall the scriptures throughout the day. Glad you have found them and enjoy them as well. They are not cheesy little kid songs, but songs that adults can enjoy as well.
I use the tape player and CD player every day with my girls as they’ve been growing up (the oldest is now 17). One of our favorite resources was “Your Story Hour” (see where the heard half hour stories about bible stories, missionaries, historical figures, and more. I put one on every night as they were going to bed and then they would listen in the car or while they were playing as well. We literally wore these out!
My entire family loves SEEDS. Doesn’t matter how old you are, they’re absolutely GREAT!
My little sisters had the Steve Green. I love them. I have been made aware recently that I am not doing sucha great job at teaching my toddler new songs and verses. (How’s that for mommy guilt?) anyway, Thank you for this list. Looks like lots of good stuff. Suddenly I know what to do for Christmas. He needs no toys or even clothes. And he loves to play with the CD player… Tada!
I also love Seeds Family Worship. Awesome music that is all scripture
Love your website by the way!
we love for preschool and beginning school
I also like the Wee Sing series for my kids. I remember having the Wee Sing America and I can still recite things like the Preamble to the Constitution and parts of the Gettysburg Address. Thanks everyone for sharing all these good resources! I have been looking out especially for a good Bible stories book and now have several options to go to.
We also love the Seeds Family Worship CDs. They are great! We use ‘The Big Picture Storybook Bible’ for my daughter and we are also getting ‘The Jesus Storybook Bible.’ We’ve also enjoyed Nick Butterworth’s ‘Stories Jesus Told.’
Thanks for all the info about other resources! I am always looking for stuff ilke that to use.
Wow I would love to win a cd! You have a great idea Linsday about the portable cd player….one I might copy for my 2 year old!
One of my favorite books is “ABC Bible Verses” and the ‘Hymns for a Kids Heart’ books. We also have a friend that puts bible verses to music, but I can’t find them online anywheres. Maybe I’ll get back with ya, because they are really nice!!
I’m pregnant with twin girls right now…our first, so I can’t honestly say I have a fav resource yet, though I have been reading tons of stuff to prep (you can read all about that on my blog), but I listened to little pieces of this cd on line and would love to have a copy of it.
One of my favourite singers for my children, which we actually came across by way of my husband is The Donut Man. He was around when my hubby was small and still is now…he has fun songs about the Lord and just about everything as well as videos. My girls have loved him!
Dana Dirkson’s CD’s are awesome! We own them all! It is a great way to redeem the time in the car by hiding God’s Word in our hearts. If you live in the Vancouver-Portland area, check out her website as she frequently has concerts at various churches. We’re doing Starr Meade’s Training Hearts Teaching Minds family devotional based on the Westminster Shorter Catechism and Dana’s CD’s have been so valuable in reinforcing those truths.
Our absolute favorites are:
Leading Little Ones to God by Marian Schoolland
The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones (this book takes children through the Bible and shows how every story points to Jesus, much like the Jesse Tree concept, AND it’s written really well with humor!)
For music we love the Seeds Family Worship which is all Scripture put into music for families.
We also use music for scripture memory. Right now we are using Sing the Word’s, “A New Commandment”. It has 19 “Scripture songs” on it, and we LOVE it. The songs are so catchy, and even my 2.5 yo has learned ALL of Psalm 23! She can say it without singing it and it is PRECIOUS to me that she has that!
I really love the music by Jamie Soles. He’s a Canadian singer/songwriter and his songs are all pretty much straight out of the Bible. He has some great kids music, as well as music for adults. But, Hide ‘em in Your Heart was a favorite of mine as a kid as well, and my kids enjoy listening to it now
My favorite learning resource is “The Jesus Story Book Bible — Every story Whisters His Name” A great way to teach Bible stories and that every story points toward Christ!
Also a great resource for church/Sunday School curriculum is Great God-centerd lessons for a variety of age groups!
I’ll have to bookmark this page, both for your excellent suggestions, Lindsay, as well as everything in the comments! Wow!
My oldest is just 2.5yrs, so I’m new to some of the resources, but one thing we’re starting is Carine Mackenzie’s “1rst Book of Questions and Answers” (recommended by the Pipers). Graeme really likes question 1 (Who made you? God) – he likes to tell me how God made different things – a few minutes ago, “God made the caribou!”
my 16 month old daughter listens to a “praise baby” cd every night as she falls asleep. it’s so calm and soothing yet i love the mix of hymns and worship songs that she is learning!
Great post–as usual!
I don’t have just one favorite resource when teaching my children but here are a few that inspire/help me in that calling….”The Shaping of a Christian Family” by Elisabeth Elliott, “Treasuring God in Our Traditions” by Noel Piper and blogs like yours and I also own the Steve Green CD and agree that it is an effective method of getting God’s word in my childrens hearts.
My kids love music so I appreciate these suggestions. We have the cedarmont kids worship CDs and I find that when I’m having a bad day the lift me up as well!
ONE of my favorite resources is a book by Susan Hunt called Big Truths for Little Kids. AWESOME!! On revive our hearts with Nancy Leigh Demoss, she had the Wolgemuth family on and they did a series about the importance of teaching your children hymns. It was really good!! I recommend listening if you get a chance. Thanks!
These are great suggestions!! I recently picked up a copy of “Wee Sing Bible Songs” for my 2 year old and when we popped in the CD I couldn’t believe that I recognized all of the songs. Even the voices of the children singing were familiar. I looked on the label and it was recorded in 1985… and it turns out this was the very same album my grandmother gave to me when I was a little girl!! My grandmother always taught me scripture memory songs, and I know I have memorized certain verses just because they were set to a catchy tune! Music is such a powerful learning tool!
Thank you so much for your work here!!! My son loves, it’s a great site for free!! We also love the cd from they might be giants, here come the abc’s. The alphabet of nations and c is for conifer are a couple of favorites around here.
Again thank you, thank you for the encouragement and help you’ve given me!!
This looks like a great CD. Thanks for doing the giveaway.
We’ve used lots of different resources with our children. One of our favorites is My First Hymnal. The children learned the words to the hymns at very early ages, and they love picking out a hymn for story time. I remember my oldest singing “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Him” as we went through the store when he was only 18 months old.
My children enjoy the Gotta Have God devotion books.
The CDs sound great, we’re really trying to encourage our daughter to love music. (Not that it’s a hard thing to do)
The web site I use most often for children in an educational setting is:
Very easy to use and it has a lot of fun ideas for children at all different levels.
We love “The Big Picture Story Bible.” It shows how the Bible is one big story pointing to Christ and not a bunch of unrelated moral lessons. It’s got great pictures too!
I love Elizabeth Foss’s website, Serendipity. It has given me so much inspiration and so many great ideas.
Since C is only 3.5 months old, we are reading ABC Bible verses to him, and singing hymns. One of our favorite books is the “Jesus Storybook Bible: Every story whispers His name” by Sally Lloyd-Jones. Wonderful! I have cried many a time while reading the stories.
I would like to enter! We love all the WEE Sing CDs and children have several. They know all the old folk songs and the ‘Booster Band’ type songs that have been sung through the years.
We also have enjoyed the CDs for kids that are put out by Sovereign Grace Ministries. There are also a number of great books that we have enjoyed together including books by Susan Hunt, Catherine Vos, and others. I think my favorite resource that aids me in teaching my children in this season of life is Ginger Plowman’s Wise Words for Moms. It is a very handy reference tool.
I’d love to be entered in this give-away. I’m afraid I don’t have any good resources to share yet. My fist child, is almost 11 months old, and I am eager to check back here for some good ideas to help me teach her. Thanks!
We love the Seeds worship music. They have several CD’s out, and they are all Scripture set to music. We have all the CD’s, and they are very well put together. My kids absolutely adore the music. Even Isabella, my daughter who is Karis’ age, begs to listen to it. She loves a song from Luke 2, and as soon as we get in the car she says, “Glory to God in the Highest please!” So, I highly recommend them. They’re really catchy tunes and a great way for the little ones to hide God’s Word in their hearts. (And parents, too!)
We have really enjoyed Bruce Ware’s Big Truths For Young Hearts.
My favorite resource for teaching our two year old is her “Read with Me Bible’ story Bible. I am a stay at home mother as well, so money is tight and new Bibles can be pricey at times, but I found this one in the “free bin” at a used bookstore in our area. It has been the biggest blessing because it helps her to get excited about God’s word at such a young age. It also gives me ideas on which stories I base her weekly lessons on. You can check out to find out how we learn about God. I would LOVE to win this giveaway! I have as well been on the search for children’s praise music!
I love our Bible. The boys have The Adventure Bible NIV we use our bible daily along with Firm Foundations Bible Study/Lessons.
Thanks so much!
Music is a BIG way that I instill the word of God in my children’s hearts. I really love Scripture Songs for Children put out by Restoration International. they have little scripture songs and then after each song a little lesson to learn and incorporate into every day life. (or, you can go to the end of the CD and listen to ONLY the songs. It’s so nice!
I would love to win this CD!
Thanks for these suggestions! I have been on the hunt for great resources, and some of these I hadn’t heard of. There is also another great ministry called Seeds Family Worship ( with CDs that teach different Bible verses. I love that when you order a CD from them, they will always send you two, one to keep and one to give to a friend, to plant more seeds of the gospel in the hearts of kids.
Also, we use My First Book of Questions and Answers – it is based on the Westminster Shorter Catechism but is perfect for small kids. It is not expensive at all ( – it’s 2.99 on and I love hearing my kids say the truth of the word out loud as I ask them simple questions like, “Who made you? God! Why did God make you? To glorify Him and enjoy Him!” So precious.
I also grew up with Steve Green and still hum the songs to specific Bible verses when they come to mind. I love the idea of teaching scripture with music because it sticks! I posted on my blog about another great, Bible-based children’s music resource:
Thanks, too, for the idea of the CD player for Christmas. I’ve been wanting to get one for using with my son anyway… Why not make it his Christmas present! =)
My girls LOVE to sing! We have WEE Sing Bible Songs and they love it.
Our kids have really enjoyed “Sing the Word: A to Z” by the Harrow Family. Classical singing style (clear enunciation) with different types of music. The have CD’s for older kids which I have never heard. Our 4 and 2-year-old always ask for it specifically and sing it clearly. We’ve made it a priority to teach scripture songs in our home and it is surprising how much is out there. When all alse falls, make your own scripture song with your own tune or reusing a common song’s music. Thanks.
Piggy Monday: A Tale About Manners (Concept Books (Albert Whitman) is a good book to help older pre-schoolers and young children remember their manners. Teaching manners in our home is important as it is the foundation of being considerate and loving. Our library is our best resource and we visit weekly. I try to get mostly non fiction books. My daughter is 4 and son is 2.
These are terrific looking resources! I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how to teach my daughter scriptures in a fun and natural way and was wondering what CDs might be available, so I’m grateful for the information. My little one is only 5 months, but we were given a board book titled, “Little One’s Bible Verses” by Stephen Elkins that we’re already reading to her. The verses are short and perfectly chosen. I think they’ll be great when she’s a little bit older. Thanks for the give-away opportunity.
I would absolutely love this cd set! I just recently started to be more intentional about starting Bible teaching for my 16 month old. I have enjoyed using this website…
I do modify it some, but it is a great starting point for ideas. I prefer to change the memory verse so it is not an adapted form, but an actually word-for-word section of a verse.
I, too, have a toddler! Thanks for the great link!!
I love ‘Character Builidng For Families’ by Lee Ann Rubsam. We use it for our morning devotions. There are 2 volumes with various character traits and scripture studies to further learn how and why to apply them to our lives.
These cds looks great!
I love The Story of the World…. the audio and the book!!! This was very hard to choose just one!!!
My latest recourse is Seeds Family Worship, scripture songs. They are so fun yet not annoying, our whole family loves ‘em.
Thanks for posting these! Our favorite CDs are by Jamie Soles – The Way My Story Goes and Good Advice. My daughter (and I) learned a lot from these. Truth put to music has been one of the most helpful tools I’ve found as a parent!
Our favorite resource is Catherine F. Vos’s “The Children’s Story Bible”. It is by far the best children’s Bible that we have come across.
Before I became a Christian, I was a nanny and the children I worked with listened to Remember the Lord by Colin Buchanan. He puts tunes to scripture verses. Colin is Australian and hence has a thick Aussie accent. Many of the scriptures I have memorized are in “Australian”. It’s a whole lot of fun and educational. We also like the Little Blessings books by Kathleen Long Bostrom. She puts the truths of the Bible in kid language and rhyming poetry and includes the biblical references that the truths are based upon in the back. The illustrations by Elena Kucharik are endearing and timeless. We also have Hide Em In Your Heart as well as 100 Bible songs that we bought at the Dollar Store.
Wonderful- just needing a little something more for my preschooler’s school… thank you!
My favorite resource is I am amazed daily at the work other mama’s have put into it, and so very grateful. It makes my day so smooth, with so many resources at my fingertips- music, classics, art…
I love steve green’s hide em in your heart!
We’re also using a great book for Advent called “Family Celebrations” by Ann Hibbard. It is all about keeping Christ at the center of Holidays and Celebrations.
I’d love to win this CD for my daughter – she too loves to sing!
We have a huge selection of Patch the Pirate cd’s by Ron Hamilton. My kids love them to death. Literally.
Hi! I’d love to be entered in the drawing for this music CD! Although I do not “technically” home school, I have many favorite resources in teaching my children at home. I have tried to instill a love of reading. I often look at what the christian homeschoolers are reading and use the Sonlight curriculum suggested reading lists. I love Gladys Hunt’s book: Honey for a Childs Heart…I keep signing this out of the library. Honey for a Child’s Heart gives suggestions of wonderful books for children 0-12+. I use the library book sales to collect many of the titles or use inter-library loan to borrow some. I also use your blog as a resource for good books and love posts such as todays… Thank you!
Aside from the bible, i really like using the children’s museum as a teaching resource.
We’re big Judy Rogers fans, but we also like Jamie Soles, and occasionally Seeds Family Worship. Would love to have some new music!!
Our kids have really enjoyed “Sing the Word: A to Z” by the Harrow Family. It is classical in singing style (though with a variety of music)and well enunciated. Our two-year-old and 4-year-old always ask for it and sing the verses clearly! We have made it a great priority to teach our kids scripture, especially scripture set to song. Making up your own is a good option, too. Thanks!
One of my good friends has been telling me about Songs for Saplings, and I would love to win! My favorite children’s teaching resource is Children’s Ministries International (CMI). They have great catechism and memory verse resources!
I love the “Seeds” CD series. It’s Scripture set to music that actually sounds good to adult ears and isn’t annoying!!! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love the Seeds Family Worship CDs – Scripture set to song, easy to memorize, and I like the songs, too! I’ve learned so much through those CDs – not to mention my kids!
Please enter me in the drawing! We memorize scripture as a family after each meal we have together…we are working on Matthew chapter 5, and are currently working on verse 30…practicing scripture memorization a little bit at a time together makes it very do-able! Even our 7-year-old can quote the whole chapter!
We also enjoy the Hymn’s for a Kid’s Heart series. I’ve added it into our morning Bible time for school – we spend a week learning each hymn. I think its awesome when its the boys’ free time and they turn on the hymns just for fun – they love them!
I recently discovered a Christian acapella singing group (all Dad’s) called Go Fish! This is music for children and it is so energetic and fun. One of their songs is a Christian version of the song, If you’re happy and you know it…with these lyrics for the chorus:
If you’re happy…wave hands up in the air…
If you’re happy…jump around like you don’t care…
If you’re happy…then lift your praises high…
and tell everybody why!
I have not listened to all of their music but I know this is a Christian group, playing good music for children. I thoroughly enjoy playing this in our house, creates a positive and peaceful atmosphere in our home.
Love your website! Hope I win! My favorite homeschooling resource right now is Spelling to Write and Read. Guides you in teaching spelling, spelling rules, phonics, handwriting, and some grammar. Great course!! Really for any age. Even adults! If nothing else just try her spelling rules cards And CD. Most concise course for spelling I have seen.
Blessings In Him!
Lesley -Mom of Five