Pregnancy Update: 35 weeks!

img_5285Oh boy, I have had a few requests for a prego update, and I realized…it definitely has been awhile! ;) Here I am! 35 weeks along and in the final countdown (due March 12th)! So far I am feeling relatively well all considering. My midwife actually rotated the baby manually last week in order to get she/he head down. That was definitely painful but I am extremely thankful that it is in the correct position (I really wanted to try to avoid another breech birth, although God was extremely merciful with Karis’ birth). Now we are just bumping up the pelvic rocks to rotate the baby from the current posterior position. We are aiming for a home birth in the water this time, Lord willing.

Two things that I am thankful for (beyond the rotation of the baby)…glucosamine & a Snoogle Total Body Pillow! I was dealing with some significant muscle pain all over my body until my midwife put me on glucosamine. It helps build and repair ligaments, which can get stretched and damaged with the pregnancy. I started taking two a day in the morning and my body has greatly improved! I have renewed strength to get me through the last few weeks here.

Thanks to my loving husband, I have been sleeping very well with the use of a Snoogle Total Body Pillow. This was well worth the purchase and has given me such wonderful comfortable sleep!

We have our prefold cloth diapers ready to go! The Lord has graciously provided several needed items, including gender neutral newborn clothing, a changing table and a moby wrap (I am excited to use this carrier for the first time thanks to so many recommendations)! Thanks to the gift of craigslist for helping me find many of these used!

What am I doing in the preparation process?

- Reorganizing & simplifying (also known as nesting!) -At the beginning of the new year, I always like to go through each room and simplify and reorganize as much as possible. Since initially simplifying in every room last year, it was significantly easier this year. We sold several items on craigslist and did some spring cleaning in the process. Thank you Lord!
- Mapping out a new schedule – simply developing a basic routine that includes mommy and Karis time, simple household maintenance, etc.
- Making a few extra freezer meals (doubling a few of our regular meals and placing half in the freezer).
- Practicing relaxing, pelvic rocks, squatting and walking.
- Taking good preparation herbs & pregnancy tea!
- Trying to get extra rest and filling my soul with the Word of God and other encouraging books to carry me through some tired days and sleepless nights ahead.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers! God is so good!

About Lindsay

Lindsay Edmonds is first a lover of Jesus, wife, mother of four, homemaker, and writer. She loves inspiring women around the world toward simple, natural, and intentional living for the glory of God.

48 Responses to Pregnancy Update: 35 weeks!

  1. Bertha February 26, 2009 at 6:02 pm #

    I have 4 kids The first one was born in the hospital with midwives.
    The other were born at home in the water. I love the water birth.
    It is so much easier.
    Hope all goes well

  2. His Tender Mercies February 21, 2009 at 7:41 am #

    I’m curious about something and since I don’t know anyone else that has had a breech birth , I thought maybe you can answer my question. When I was in labor I had this back pain during each contraction that was about mid back & on both sides of the spine. I’ve had lower back pain in some of my other labors but never anything like this midback pain. Did you have that? I always figured it had something to do with her breech position….thought maybe it was her little feet or kneees causing the pain : )

    • Lindsay February 21, 2009 at 2:32 pm #

      You can experience back labor during a breech birth but also when your baby is posterior. Often times they rotate to an anterior position in birth, so your baby may have been posterior up till your delivery. I did have extreme back pain during my breech delivery, as her position caused that.

      • His Tender Mercies February 22, 2009 at 7:15 pm #

        Thank you for you reply. I figured the back pain I experienced had to do with the breech position….since I had never experienced anything like that before.

  3. L.H. February 17, 2009 at 6:31 pm #

    Congratulations! My husband and I are expecting a boy and my due date is also March 12th! At this point, I must admit I’m getting eager to have this baby! Glad you’re doing well!

  4. Alisha February 15, 2009 at 12:18 am #

    My third baby was breech at 36 weeks and my doctor suggested I try Moxibustion, it is a chinese remedy that uses mugwart to help turn the baby. I only tried it because it was my doctor’s idea and it was a do no harm solution the baby turns on its own. It did work and she stayed down, for a great birth.

    I love your blog, it is such a blessing to find other moms out there with the same goals, and beliefs.

  5. Lisa February 14, 2009 at 7:24 pm #

    You look wonderful! I wanted to encourage you about having a homebirth…I got alot of funny looks and negativity when people found out I was homebirthing. My first baby was born quickly and peacefully in a snowstorm at home. 16 months later, my second baby was born even more quickly on a beautiful summer day at home. I had some complications after my first birth, but the second time, the midwife was prepared, I had been prayed over and annointed, and even though I had the same issue, we were ready for it, and everything turned out perfectly. Blessings on your homebirth!

  6. Norma February 9, 2009 at 10:55 am #

    Wow! you look great. Thank you so much for all the wonderful info. I passed your website to a few of my friends. Many wonderful blessings. Norma

  7. jessica February 9, 2009 at 6:43 am #

    i find you so entirely inspiring and wonder when i will find the internal strength to be more that way (productive, planning, energetic, reading, researching, etc…) You have taught me so many things from your blog and i refer to it regularly when looking for inspiration or recipes/natural solutions. I think a hindrance to how well i care for my home (floors and dishes are what i always procratsitnate on!)is time spent on-line. How many hours/minutes a day do you actually spend on-line/blogging?? I’m just amazed at how much you seem to accomplish on a daily basis!:)
    In response to a couple of comments above
    1.prefolds, they really work good and aren’t expensive, but less convenient with having seperate plastic pants (which ones will you be using, do you know?) and to let you know i felt like the avg. sized prefolds grew very well with my kids from birth to 2 yrs since at a certain point they start growing “up” and quit growing “out”.
    2. chaning tables…are a GREAT idea , esp using cloth prefolds…i am very minimalist when it comes to baby gear but this is one gift that i received that i probably got more use out of than anything else (well I currently have 3 in diapers) I organized underneath the table with baskets for the clean diapers and plastic pants. It allows you to have everything organizd in one spot and not worry about staining up other surfaces/ breaking your back. If you can at all fit it in your bathroom i suggest doing so, as it makes it easy to wash your hands ( a bigger priority with prefolds), use washable wipes more easily (the sinks right there) and have the diaper pail there with the other dirty laundry, etc (depending on your set-up)!
    hope that helps, and that you’re blessed in this last month! :)

  8. Farrah February 7, 2009 at 10:23 am #


    You look amazing!!! You look like a glowing stick with a basketball. I am so happy for y’all that your pregnancy is doing so well. I pray it continues through the birth.

  9. Eryn February 6, 2009 at 10:45 pm #

    You look so great! I was wondering if you could email me your mailing address, I want to send you a little something. Eryn

  10. Rose February 6, 2009 at 10:05 pm #

    During my 3rd pregnancy, my daughter needed to be turned. I scared myself silly reading about it on the internet, and it turned out to be so simple. We came across some interesting ideas for getting the baby to turn naturally. Two of my favorites were diving into a swimming pool repeatedly and wearing a radio in my pants. I didn’t try either….

    • Kate February 7, 2009 at 11:24 am #

      Ok that’s just TOO funny! I never heard of those natural turning methods.

  11. Shelley February 6, 2009 at 9:34 pm #

    You look great, Lindsay. Indian prefolds are my favorite prefolds. I actually have come to prefer them over my bumgenius when I’m home (but bumgenius are great for out and about). If you’re in need of more prefolds, currently has quite a bit of second quality ones in their clearance section at some pretty good prices (they explain why they are second quality). The prices on the regular ones aren’t bad either. Their Indian prefolds are soft too. I personally prefer some of the Indian prefolds Green Mountain Diaper sells because of the different sizing options they offer, but they are a couple/few more dollars per dozen. Sorry to write so much about prefolds. I’ll pray for a healthly baby and good delivery.


  12. Dusty February 6, 2009 at 9:14 pm #

    You look great! You will LOVE your Moby wrap. I can still use it on my son who is 13 months and 25 lbs with ease and comfort AND my almost 3 year old can ride in it at times too. It’s wonderful!

  13. Melonie (Momma & More) February 6, 2009 at 9:14 pm #

    You look fantastic and well and the post sounds very positive. It is obvious how loved this little one is by your family already. Awesome – happy birthing! :-)

  14. Kerry February 6, 2009 at 8:52 pm #

    You look wonderful! You will love the moby wrap! I used one with my son until he was just too heavy to manage anymore (about 12 months).

  15. Emily February 6, 2009 at 5:52 pm #

    I have been so BLESSED and refreshed by your blog! THANK YOU so much … I found you via a link from another blog and am so grateful … you have such sweet insight, encouragement, ideas … I feel so “on the same page” with your passion. Blessings to you!

  16. Kate February 6, 2009 at 5:25 pm #

    Oh hey Lindsay, I didn’t realize you didn’t have a changing table. I could have suggested one VERY frugal idea. I never liked changing tables, so we just got a waist high chest of drawers, and got a changing pad to place on top. We figured we won’t always change the baby on the “changing table” etc. And the drawers will serve a bigger purpose for years to come, whereas a changing table will be in use a year or so.

    My children are bigger now, (8 and 6) but still have those dressers from when they were babies. Just a thought!

    • Lindsay February 7, 2009 at 9:15 am #

      That is actually exactly what we did for Karis! It worked great for small space, but now that she is in the other room with her dresser (and will still need it for her clothes and diaper changes for the time being), we wanted to get something simple for changing the new baby’s diapers while it is in our room. We are hanging all the clothes in our closet using those sweater organizers like we do for all Aaron & my clothes. It was only $25 and thus a whole lot cheaper than buying another dresser.

      • Kate February 7, 2009 at 11:23 am #

        Definitely a lot cheaper!!

        Ok… little late on this next point too! You could just use your bed as a changing table. Get a mat, or even just a receiving blanket to put under the baby. Put the diaper accessories in a basket by the bed or something of the like.

        I say could…because you could sell it on craigs list or something, and save the space! Just a thought of course, you’re getting me to think outside the box!

  17. MommyAmy February 6, 2009 at 5:09 pm #

    Such a cute picture! Love your jacket by the way. :)

    I was SO not cute when I was prego, you’re pulling it off with style, that’s for sure!

  18. Mommaof10 February 6, 2009 at 5:09 pm #

    Congratulations on your upcoming delivery. How exciting to be on that final leg!

    Might I suggest a chiropractor for babies who are malpositioned? If the pelvic bones are placed such that it makes it uncomfortable for the baby to be head down, then they won’t go head down and they won’t stay head down for long if they do go head down.

    Baby #9 & #10 were both breach or transverse, with baby #10 also being posterior. I had been rear-ended at 6 months into pregenancy #9 with the seatbelt pressure changing my pelvic bone structure.

    As a result of the accident I started seeing a chiropractor weekly. Every time she would adjust me, the baby would go head down for a day or so and then return to a more comfortable position. It took us awhile to put the pieces together and figure out why they were not wanting to go head down.

    I am so thankful to the Lord that with both deliveries I saw the chiropractor that morning. I felt both boys go head down about 15-30 minutes after the adjustment and was thus able to deliver them head down.

    My chiropractor never used the chiropractic technique that is meant to cause the baby to turn, but there is a manipulation specifically for that. And, it doesn’t involve the possible danger of cord problems from a manual belly manipulation. Some chiropractors will even come during delivery to assist if needed.

    May the Lord give you a blessed delivery.

    Recording the Faithfulness and Provision of God for Future Generations

    • Marliss Bombardier February 10, 2009 at 11:54 am #

      I am not surprised that no one has commented on my saying that babies recognize the God-given authority of their father in the womb and will turn at his command. This is God’s loving provision, and, as sometimes happens even with the common miracles God blesses us with, we doubt.

      Every parent who has been told this (that I know of), including myself, doubted that it would really happen but thought, “What could it hurt? God is certainly capable of doing this.” Then comes the amazement, the delight, and the glory given to God.

      To add just a few details to my experience: I was very comfortable with having another c-section, even though I wanted a trial of labor. My husband commanded my daughter twice to turn, and nothing happened. It was not until I told God that I really wanted a trial of labor, that I was yielding to Him and that uncertainty rather than going with the known quantity of a c-section, that my daughter turned on the third time my husband commanded.

      I know a couple where the father commanded the baby to turn, she turned, and then turned back. He commanded her to turn again, and she turned and stayed turned that time.

      This is not magic, and there is no guarantee that the baby will turn. But time after time, godly, yielded parents have prayed to God that He would turn the baby, and when the father commanded the child to turn, the child turned into position for a vaginal delivery.

  19. Elodie February 6, 2009 at 4:55 pm #

    Oh, I love that, you look wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing that!
    I will be praying for you to have a wonderful home birth and a healthy baby!:)

  20. autumn sager February 6, 2009 at 3:44 pm #

    Lindsay, you look amazing! Your skin is glowing you look so happy! Can’t wait to see the little one.:) Thank you so much for the note you sent me! It really helped. Came at a much needed time. I will pray you have many opportunities for rest.:)

  21. Michele @ Frugal Granola February 6, 2009 at 3:01 pm #

    You are so cute! Where are you finding those fabulous maternity clothes, by the way? I just went and bought some fabric to sew a few skirts. What wonderful news about being able to turn the baby this time!
    I’m thinking some Indian prefolds for the early days, too.

    • Lindsay February 6, 2009 at 4:30 pm #

      Actually, the top I am wearing in this picture is not maternity. I have tried to make clothing purchases that work for both. Empire waist shirts are great! The skirt is maternity, bought on the clearance rack at Motherhood Maternity. You can find some good deals there! Most of my actual maternity clothing has been found at Ross. They have great frugal prices as well. As to the prefolds, I would be more than happy to loan you ours if our baby is outgrown them by the time of your baby’s arrival. Not sure exactly when yours is due…

      • Michele @ Frugal Granola February 6, 2009 at 11:14 pm #

        Thanks, Lindsay! :) I was particularly referring to the skirt, although I love the top! I visited Motherhood a couple days ago, was told they weren’t going to be making any longer skirts this year (and there weren’t any on the clearance racks, in that location), other than denim (not my favorite fabric for warm weather, anyway). After that, I headed to the nearby Ross, and the only maternity skirts were size large “minis” (eek!). :) So, now I’m sewing…

        Our baby is due in mid-August. I’m not sure yet whether I would rather borrow or own diapers. :) Thanks for the offer!

  22. zsera February 6, 2009 at 2:30 pm #

    You are teeny!!

  23. Mrs. Dawson February 6, 2009 at 2:12 pm #

    Your due date is just 10 days after mine, and we are also having a waterbirth at home. We are so excited – this is our first baby and your blog has been a definite blessing to me during this experience. I’m also very thankful for Craigslist – God has used it to bless us with some wonderful, like-new items for the baby at huge savings. May God bless your last five weeks of pregnancy and bring you a healthy, beautiful baby!

  24. Kate February 6, 2009 at 1:26 pm #

    Yeah, thanks for the update! :-)

    I’m surprised she turned the baby so soon. All my babies were breech until 38/39 weeks then flipped, but all were born via c-section anyways!

    Hopefully the baby won’t flip back on you.

  25. Marsha February 6, 2009 at 12:57 pm #

    Aww that is so exciting! I love babies and I always wanted to have a water birth. However I recently read about a baby that drowned in Europe due to the water birth…there are several articles including about the incident. I’m not trying to scare you or say that water births are wrong. It just makes me question how natural birthing this way is and wish there were clearer answers. Thankfully I believe God leads and directs us to find the answers we need but I wish He would make it easier sometimes!
    God Bless!

  26. Marliss Bombardier February 6, 2009 at 11:52 am #

    Lindsay, I wish I had known sooner that you were concerned about another breech birth. The baby recognizes the authority of the father even in the womb. Some say that the reading of Proverbs to the baby in the womb is important for this, but I think (from what I know now) that the influence of the father’s authority is not dependent just on that. Anyway, 14 years ago, Hannah was breech and I was scheduled for yet another c-section. My husband commanded Hannah to turn, and she did. She was the one vaginal delivery of all my children. I told this story to Geneva prior to Emma’s birth, and Emma turned at the command of her father. Since then, Geneva has told two more mothers in our church with breech babies. One of the babies turned on his own at the command of his father, and the other one stayed turned at her father’s command after the MD turned her.

    It took Hannah about a day to turn, but she is a compliant child and I didn’t realize what she was doing until she was done. Another baby I know of fought turning, but over the course of about 12 hours submitted to the authority of her father.

  27. Mary February 6, 2009 at 11:44 am #

    Ah, beautiful! I just adore the look of a pregnant mama!

    My first child was a breech birth — and a c/s; second a hospital VBAC; third was a wonderful, peaceful homebirth.

    I will be sending you prayers, good wishes and homebirthing vibes….


  28. Kami February 6, 2009 at 10:40 am #

    You look great!!! How did you decide on those particular pre-folds? We’ve been using BumGenius on my son since he was about 6 weeks old. Prior to that we used disposables. Though we’re not pregnant yet, I’m trying to read up on different cloth diaper options that are more affordable than the BumGenius. Have any suggestion? Also, is Karis still in her BumGenius? We have the one-size fits all and are concerned they won’t take us up to potty training time.

    • Lindsay February 6, 2009 at 2:13 pm #

      After doing some research and talking with some friends, I discovered that chinese or indian unbleached prefolds seem to be the most durable and long lasting diapering system at the most frugal cost, and the unbleached version is far superior in softness to the bleached versions. I used the bleached version with Karis for the first few months and it was very harsh on her bottom. We started using BumGenius at about 4 months as she was rather small and I don’t think they would have fit right away. She is still in her BG but I have been surprised to see that she actually seems to be growing out of them right now (she is 21 months and 24 lbs), and most of the elastic in the legs is wearing out. I am planning to potty train after the baby, but in the meantime a friend has loaned me some large cloth diapers if we end up needing them. We plan to use the unbleached prefolds for now…and use BG when out and about…because we can’t afford to invest in a new set anytime soon. I do believe BG are still the best option beyond prefolds for convenience!

  29. Anna February 6, 2009 at 10:13 am #

    You look amazing! I can hardly tell you are almost ready to give birth (so tiny)!! I helped my sister-in-law for the first month after the birth of my first nephew. I had purchased the moby wrap for her as a baby gift. I used it almost everday to tote around my beuatiful little nephew. They are so comfortable and they make the baby feel very safe and close to his mother (or adoring auntie).

    Here’s to good health and God bless!!

  30. Melissa February 6, 2009 at 9:35 am #

    You look wonderful! Praying that the next few weeks are calm and easy and that you have a safe and happy birth experience :)

  31. Melanie February 6, 2009 at 9:15 am #

    I loved the snoogle too, but my husband was very happy to evict it from our bed when my son was born. He complained, but he suprised me with a new one last week (not pregnant yet, but my original snoogle has seen better days!). Its amazing how much better your sleep is with the proper support!

  32. Stephanie @ Keeper of the Home February 6, 2009 at 8:32 am #

    You’re so close now- how exciting!

    Thanks for the body pillow recommendation. I don’t feel like I need something like that quite yet, but I may look into it in the next month or so. I hate sleeping on my side, so anything that makes it more comfortable would be a plus!

    Your midwife sounds like such a great resource! I adore my midwife, but my only wish is that she was more knowledgeable and willing to offer suggestions in regards to supplements or herbal use, etc. She’s somewhat more “old school”, I suppose. But, I have never known anyone so experienced when it comes to safe and calm deliveries, and I can’t imagine trusting anyone else with my homebirths, so I will be grateful for what I have!

  33. mandy February 6, 2009 at 8:27 am #

    You look wonderful! Keep up the good work mama!

  34. Jennifer February 6, 2009 at 8:13 am #

    I love your blog and visit frequently! I am 36 weeks pregnant this week
    =-) My babe is also breech posterior. I have a midwife appointment tomorrow so hopefully he has moved to head down! Anyway just wanted to say hi and tell you congratulations! Jennifer

  35. Sandi February 6, 2009 at 8:05 am #

    You look great! Looking forward to those first baby pictures.

  36. Megan February 6, 2009 at 8:02 am #

    Aww, what a precious picture!! You look great :) That bit about your midwife manually moving the baby makes me squirm…I can imagine that was pretty painful. I wish I was able to have a midwife (in NC they are illegal as far as attending birth alone) and use a tub for birth. You oughta check out “Business of Being Born” dvd…very eye opening!! (Some nudity due to birth scenes, and some scant language). Only a few more weeks and you’ll see your lil one!!! :-D

    • Lindsay February 6, 2009 at 8:40 am #

      My husband and I just watched that video last week. IT was very eye opening!

  37. Tammy L February 6, 2009 at 6:51 am #

    You look wonderful! So cute!! :) I’m glad to hear that your pregnancy is going well. :)

  38. Shannon Hazleton February 6, 2009 at 6:45 am #

    Awe, Lindsey, you look so beautiful! Inspiring as always. God Bless!