Simplifying: Buying Less & Giving More

iris“Simplifying means having less, wanting less, being satisfied with what you have or less than what you have. It does not mean boredom. People with too many things are the most easily bored. St. Francis owned only his robe, yet was never melancholy or bored.” – J Matthew Sleeth, author of Serve God, Save the Planet

Simplifying Your Buying Techniques (as shared in the above quoted book):

1. If you think you want something, wait a month. One of three things will happen if you follow this sage advice. One: You will forget. Two: You will no longer need it. Or three: You will need it more. Most often, numbers one and two will happen.

2. Next, borrow and lend. How are we going to live together in heaven if we can’t even share a chain saw? One of my goals this year is to put all my books together in a loaning library database, in order that I might bless and encourage others in my church through loaning out my books or simply donating them to our local library. They are just collecting dust right now! I also have a ton of girl baby clothes. If we have a boy, my first goal will be to find someone who can benefit from the use of these clothes in the meantime.

I am growing to realize that the more I share, the less of a strong hold these possessions will have upon my heart. What things are lying around your house that someone else could use right now? There are so many ways to be generous by loaning and giving away your possessions even if you are lacking in the monetary capacity. This is an opportunity for the body of Christ to come together, especially in this slowing economy, and serve and share with one another. Remember Acts 2:44-45, which states that the believers had all their resources together and distributed them as each had a need. I think applying this principle is so applicable today.

It really comes down to changing our mindset! It starts with waiting a month, then if you still really need the item, looking into your borrowing options. If they are lacking, check out all your used options (craigslist, freecycle, consignment shop, etc). The very last alternative is buying an item new…but you most likely will not even get here if you check out the previous ideas!

It’s Living Simple Saturday!

About Lindsay

Lindsay Edmonds is first a lover of Jesus, wife, mother of four, homemaker, and writer. She loves inspiring women around the world toward simple, natural, and intentional living for the glory of God.

7 Responses to Simplifying: Buying Less & Giving More

  1. Jill March 26, 2009 at 10:26 am #

    Great advice! I hold onto things way too much. I always think I’ll have a use for them someday. But as we are so blessed to live in the rich country that we live in, if the day comes when I REALLY need something (after thinking about it for a month of course;), then I can usually borrow it, or find it at a yard sale or thrift store. Also, pursueing living the simple life can help generate a little extra income for those family’s who might need a little money lift. I am currently cleaning out my storage closet (yikes!) this week, and already have a huge pile of things to sell in a yard sale or on ebay, craigslist, etc. Whatever does not sell will be given away. For example, the baby clothes will be given to the crisis pregnancy center. Ladies, let’s really honestly do it! We all say we’re going to simplify, but we hang onto things. I loved the comment from AnnaChristie: buy not according to what you need, but by what you can do without.

  2. Katchmo February 10, 2009 at 7:05 pm #

    Thanks for posting this. I have really been working on letting go of things. I am not a packrat but I had been holding on to things for the day I finally had time to organize a garage sale. I finally realized that day might never come. So I decided that giving the things away would be a part of a lifestyle of giving. I don’t have a lot of money to give, but I can give of my time and possessions.

  3. Hi, its me, Jen February 8, 2009 at 5:53 pm #

    What a beautiful post! I couldn’t agree more.

    We have been so blessed by others, we couldn’t possibly hold onto something that would be a blessing to some else…..or could we? We have been working on going through every hidey-hole in our garage, and wow, did we find so much we had forgotten about! This weekend we cleaned it all out and now have a nice load to give away and a clutter free garage for us, beautiful!

  4. zsera February 8, 2009 at 3:07 pm #

    great post. It always a good feeling to give things to someone who really and truly NEEDS them. Have a great day :0)

  5. AnnaChristie February 7, 2009 at 2:43 pm #

    Hudson Taylor’s father had an excellent motto for his family: Buy not according to what you need, but by what you can do without. That is a perspective that has saved me alot of money over the years ;0).

  6. Michele @ Frugal Granola February 7, 2009 at 2:04 pm #

    Thanks for this encouraging post, Lindsay! What you say is so true!
    We are often so blessed by loans/hand-me-downs, that it has been such a joy to pass the blessing onto others. I have given away so many bags/boxes of baby clothes/items, loaned out kitchen equipment for canning, books, etc. I love it! :) (Freecycle is wonderful for giving things away, if I don’t know anyone who has a need of a certain item at that time.)

    My goal for this weekend has been to tackle more “weeding” that needs to be done to our belongings. This post was wonderful “fuel for the fire” of my motivation!

    Have a blessed weekend!

  7. Vehement Flame February 7, 2009 at 10:52 am #

    You have really been encouraging me in the art of simplification. Last week I worked on fine tuning toys and such. I weeded out many of my newest baby’s clothes- all were given to us- but we had an over abundance. I did the much put off task of cleaning out the cosmetic cabinet- I found a tube of lipstick I have had for over 15 yrs! (Yikes) Now that I only use natural products my old stuff just sits and sits…I was really encouraged by your posts about how a wife should dress. Since I got married I have been pregnant 18 months of the 3.5 yrs! I really decided that for the next decade of my life I will likely be pregnant or nursing a babe therefore many clothes are not even functional. I have gradually weeded out more and more clothes and shoes( I actually got rid of a small thirft store’s worth!)- after reading some of your tips I think I will weed more-no need to”hang on” to things… I really like your advice here- My husband and I had decided to do this as part of our new goals- And we also decided that whatever the “thing” is that we want, if we can’t find it made in the USA, or somewhere other than where it was likely created in slave labor- then we don’t need it!! It is absolutly wonderful to see that we are like minded- that the Body is truly working together for Christ even though we are far apart.