In conclusion to our series on being workers at home, I wanted to share some resources and final thoughts on this all important topic. I wish to thank all the ladies who have shared their thoughts on our panel and amidst the discussion over the past week.
As we have seen, being a worker at home, as described in Titus 2:4-5, means that we are called to be first and foremost homeward oriented, whatever season we are in (whether single, married, children grown, etc). We must never loss sight of this orientation even when different seasons may open up various outside opportunities. We are guardians, protectors, managers of this domain. We are to passionately seek the well-being of our husbands/father’s, children and home, prior to any other pursuit. Home building is ministry. It is our mission field. As Mark Driscoll challenges, home building is full-time ministry, why look elsewhere? This is the beautiful domain that God has placed women since creation. Nurturing and building our homes is a high and holy calling!
I personally can testify to the joys of being a worker at home. It may require sacrifice in material things, but what does that matter in eternity? Seek first the Kingdom of God, the Word commands, and all our essential needs will be supplied (Matt. 6:33). Giving up future security in retirement in order to invest in eternal souls of those of your children and others around you is worth the sacrifice. There is eternal treasures stored up for those who are willing to give up extra comforts in the present, in order to store up future treasures in heaven (Matt. 6:19-21).
I cannot have ever luxury that my selfish heart desires, but I have the time and freedom to invest in the gospel. First to my husband, by being his helpmeet, encouraging and supporting him. Secondly, to invest into my children’s lives…speaking the Word to them throughout our days (Deut. 6:4-9). Thus it requires me to be a theologian, prepared to teach and instruct my children in righteousness. And finally, in gospel ministry within the church and to the lost world around us (opening our home in hospitality is a huge ministry right there).We cannot have expensive vacations, but then again we enjoy the frugal simple ones with so much greater enjoyment.
This season is so short…my children will be grown before the blink of an eye. Living simply has been our goal…why? In order that we might be generous in furthering the work of the kingdom. Being at home has allowed me to focus on giving unto others through hospitality, and maintaining this blog. I have always seen this as a ministry, an opportunity to serve and encourage my sisters in their homeward orientation. I praise the Lord for how He has blessed and grown this ministry.
In conclusion, I want to challenge you all to take the time to hear this powerful message on the topic of Women as Homebuilders by Mark Driscoll. This message has made a huge impact on my life and this calling to see home building as beautiful full-time ministry. Please listen! The other two parts of this series on women are also very powerful: Women as Wives & Women as Mothers.
So ultimately, it is not a matter of whether you work outside or inside the home. It is asking ourselves prayerfully, where is my heart oriented?
Further Reading
I highly recommend the following books for stirring up a greater vision for living a gospel God-glorifying life and inspiring you with a greater clarity for your role as a woman and homemaker.
John Piper, – a visionary book challenging men and women alike to live purposefully and eternally
Sally Clarkson, – a call for mothers to see their primary mission field as the hearts of their children. Beautiful!
Carolyn Mahaney, - Carolyn takes a focused look at Titus 2:4-5 and how to apply it in every season of your life.
Wendy Alsup, – a wonderful resource for equiping you in understanding Biblical truth and preparing you to be a theologian for your children and those God has called you to minister to.
Pat Ennis & Lisa Tatlock, – preparing your home to be a place of ministry to others! Join us for our upcoming book study, starting February 1st.
Thank you for sharing this.
) it seems difficult to explain that I stay at home.
I am so encouraged.
People keep asking me what I am doing, where I work, etc. It seems that we have to have marketable labels to have value.
I am so excited about all that I am doing and learning everyday – it’s all homebuilding! And there is a lot to learn. Our culture just doesn’t understand right now, but our families can be a light.
Because we don’t have any children yet (Little jelly bean is still a six week secret
I love it and I feel I have discovered my calling as I seek wisdom in all areas of life.
Thank you Lindsey for being a valuable person in my life.
Oh, I wrote this right after listening to the audio message, by the way.
Excellent post and message by Mark Driscoll. I’m a little late in reading this but it’s certainly encouraging this morning!
I really loved this post. You describe this topic very well. When hiring home contractors it is necessary to select a trusted name in construction. Experienced and efficient staff should strive for excellence and pay close attention to every detail of your home.
Thank you so much for hosting this series. I absolutely loved hearing Mark’s sermon! It was just the encouragement I needed.
You are such a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. Coming to your blog feels like I’m sitting at your dinning room table!
Thank you so much for the effort you but into this site.
Yes, you are right on. It is not always easy to be home with the little ones, day in and day out. For those of us who have been doing this for a long time know that it can be hardly emotionally than financially at times. I have devoted my site to keeping the home and life organized; thus making it easier to enjoy the process.
Just a word of encouragement to the first commenter… I am a single, stay-at-home mom. I almost stayed in an abusive marriage (to a pastor) because I didn’t want to leave my daughter and go back to work. When he hurt my daughter, I knew I had to end the marriage and I took a full time job to provide. I spent two weeks in misery, crying all day every day while trying to work. I finally just told God that I knew He could provide a way for me to be with my daughter. Within a week, I had two jobs that allowed me to provide while staying at home. We’ll never be wealthy or have much more than we need, but being present in her life is worth more than anything money can buy. Neither of my jobs (apartment manager and bookkeeper) require much skill. My daughter goes to my mom’s house one afternoon per week to allow me to get the really important stuff done. I am also able to homeschool her. God has been so faithful to provide my heart’s desire (to be home with my daughter) and I know He will provide for your desire, too.
Incredible sermon by Mark. We thoroughly enjoy listening to him each week. I will definitely pass this along! Thanks for the recommendation.
how do single moms fit into this? my home is a mess and there is so little time to spend with my daughter because on the weekend is cleaning, errands, etc. and i am exhausted.
My heart goes out to the challenges that you have, and yet how beautiful to see the opportunity you have to still invest in the life of your daughter. My aunt is a single mother of five children and she continually reminds me that she wouldn’t have traded it for the world. She chose a very hard route, staying at home while still having to support her family. There is no doubt it is difficult as I have witnessed in her life, but God honored her choice and has provided all their needs (she has tutored on the side, did various lawn care and gardening for folks and sold vitamins over the years to make ends meet). She tells me it has been a miracle, but how much greater for her as her faith has grown and strengthened all the more through it.
Even as a single mom, you are still called to be homeward oriented. Your daughter is still your first ministry. It will no doubt have it’s challenges, but with God all things are possible. May I encourage you to cling all the more to the Savior and cast all your cares, struggles and exhaustion upon Him (1 Peter 5:7)? Exhaustion creeps in when we are missing out on refreshing our souls in Him. He will guide you and direct you. He will supply the grace necessary for the task as you continually cry out to Him for help. Secondly, I would encourage you to consider how you could simplify your household in order that it would be easier for you to manage. What needs to go? What responsibilities could you remove to lessen your stress? Is there any way you can cut out some expenses so you might not have to work as much? Pray for wisdom and God will faithfully guide you, dear sister. Trust in the Lord and He will lead you (Prov. 3:5-6). He is your refuge and ever present help in trouble. If you are interested, I would love to connect you with my aunt. She might be able to provide further insight for your situation from her experience.