Welcome to our first post in our mini series on the topic of being workers at home as God has beautifully created for the woman’s primary domain. I am so thankful for the array of ladies that have graciously stepped forward to share their thoughts and wisdom on this topic, and I pray you would glean much from their wisdom and insight. I have basically given each of the ladies five questions of which we will address one by one over the next few days. We also have further testimonies from women who have chosen to stay at home to raise their families and how the Lord provided through the thick in thin, which we will share at the end.
Titus 2:4-5 states, “These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God.”
1. So what does God’s Word have to say to wives and mother about working at home?
I would like to begin by sharing a few thoughts from Carolyn Mahaney’s book, Feminine Appeal:
“First, the obvious conclusion we can draw from the Titus 2 command – to be “working at home” – is that the principle place of work for wives and mothers is at home. Also in 1 Timothy Paul counseled the younger widows to marry, bear children, and manage their households (1 Tim. 5:14). Then we have the noble woman in Proverbs 31: Home was her sphere of work. Scripture is clear that men are responsible to be providers for the home (1 Tim. 5:8), while women are responsible to be the caretakers of the home. Now the Bible does not say that wives and mothers are never allowed to work outside the four walls of their houses; nor does it preclude them from receiving wages for work. Scripture provides examples of godly women who worked in other settings and earned extra income, but never to the neglect of their families and homes…Working at home must always remain a contain and ongoing priority in our lives.”
Here are a few thoughts from our panel:
Marliss (mother of 4, working a part time job from her home): The NKJV of the Bible translates that particular phrase as “homemakers.” However, I prefer “workers at home” because it seems to incorporate a greater meaning than just making a home. Working at home not is not only making a pleasant place for the family to live, but also finding better ways to do things, from nutrition to finances. In this day and age, it can also mean helping our husbands provide for the family, if necessary.
Michele (mother of 1 with another on the way, writing on the side at Frugal Granola): Titus 2 encourages me to provide a nourishing, uplifting atmosphere for my family. I know from experience, that if I am rushing to a job or filling my time with frivolous activities, my family is often neglected.
Scarlett (homeschooling mother of seven children): I believe the meaning behind workers at home as described in Titus 2 is for women to be happy working in our homes.
Michelle F (homeschooling mother of eight children): I have not given this a lot of study time but my opinion is this is literal. We are to be busy in the home. We are to do everything we can to build up and guard our homes making it a place of safety, a refuge for our husbands and children, and a lighthouse to everyone else. Proverbs 14:1 “a wise woman builds her house”. Proverbs 24:3-4 “By wisdom a house is built”. It is important that we build our homes on the Lord Jesus Christ and His wisdom. It is wisdom we want for ourselves and wisdom we want to impart to our children. We should want to “keep our homes” as a spiritual empire so that the wisdom and aroma of Christ can radiate throughout our homes and penetrate all who enter the home. We must remember sound doctrine is so important. It is the foundation upon which everything in our lives is built. Right thinking (Godly thinking) without right living (Godly living) leads to weak homes with weak believers.
The Greek word for keeper means “stayer at home.” This is a word with a militant meaning like guards keeping watch over a city. We are to do everything we can do to guard our homes especially spiritually. I believe because of the fall our hearts are easily drawn away from the home. Even good things can be to blame for this. Things like church, bible studies, meeting practical needs of others, outside the home. These are all good but if they continually pull you away from home leaving it open, unguarded, they are unprofitable and possibly part of the tearing down. God has given women very clear instructions that their strategic and primary position of influence and assistance is to their husbands and children. Remember “there is a season for every activity under the heavens”. The love of God must be her guide.
Stay tuned for part 2…
Upcoming questions for this series include: Why do you believe it is important to be a worker at home and what benefits/rewards has it provided for you? What are your thoughts on earning income from home and do you have any creative ideas for doing so? Do you have any advice for women whose husband’s have lost their jobs? Do you have any resource recommendations on this topic or that might be helpful in providing ideas on earning income from home?