Proverbs 31 Revisited-Part 2

“The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.”
Proverbs 31:11-12

flower.JPG1. Responsible & Trustworthy - He can trust a task into her hand and know she will complete it to the best of her abilities. What responsibilities has my husband or father trusted into my hands? Am I being faithful in these? Learning to serve your father is the best preparation for serving your husband in the future. She asks him, “how can I serve or help you today? Is there anything I can do to take a burden or load off your shoulders?” If you don’t know the areas of responsibility you have, ask him, “what areas of our household/lives do you want me to manage?”

2. Submissive - She seeks to follow his leadership by running events and her comings and goings by him for his approval first. This may be invitations received, household decisions, managing spending, etc. She is quick to seek his counsel and advice. In likewise manner, the Proverbs 31 daughter is seeking the direction and counsel of her father. She does not act outside of his oversight.

3. Guards her husband’s heart. She guards his time, energy, sexuality and needs. She seeks to make his time most profitable. Am I or the children distracting him from his work or study time? She satisfies his needs which gives her the greatest joy and fulfillment. What are his goals? How can I guard his time in order that he might work to accomplish them?

4. The man comes first! She is not easily distracted by things that take her focus away from serving her husband/father. Am I too wrapped up on the phone, or on the computer that I am not efficiently serving my husband? Am I easily distracted from the task at hand that he has entrusted to me?He will go far in life with a trustworthy woman by his side. He can so easily become stagnant if his woman is not near to encourage and strengthen him in his role as provider and protector.

Lastly, it is interesting to note that in the order of Proverbs 31 it begins by addressing her responsibility to her husband. He comes first! Before all household duties, he is to be first in her order of priorities! That is, our relationship with the Lord is foremost, followed by our husbands. Is my husband my first priority after the Lord in my life?

Updated…February 13, 2008

About Lindsay

Lindsay Edmonds is first a lover of Jesus, wife, mother of four, homemaker, and writer. She loves inspiring women around the world toward simple, natural, and intentional living for the glory of God.
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