This season of young motherhood with three lively little ones under foot is incredibly full and unbelievably tiring. I’ve realized that the reality is I will likely be tired for quite some time to come. Each season of our lives will have its own unique challenges but also its own unique blessings. Blessings that we may not see again in the next season of our lives. Each season will have its own trials and joys. It is easy to be in this season of busy motherhood to three young children and get stressed over the unending neediness of my children. Can I sit down for a minute, please? But what might happen if I seek to simply embrace my tiredness and focus on the passing unique blessings before me.
As Susan Yates in her book, And Then I Had Kids, so beautifully put it, “Seeing life in seasons enables us to get some perspective in our lives. In every season there will be trials and joys. Hardly anything lasts forever. We need to see our life in seasons and rejoice in the season at hand. As we relax and begin to soak up the unique blessings of this particular season, we will begin to experience and to enjoy the incredible richness of life.”
Today I am enraptured in cuddling on the couch and reading stories, exploring with paint and crafting simple creations. Moments enthralled in wonder listening to the birds in the trees and making our own garden space for my little ones. Sweet moments with these little hearts that are eager to pray for the needs of others. Or the precious time of simply walking hand in hand with my 3 year old son. His precious kisses and telling me he loves me. His fascination with cars and all things moving. His sweet surprise expressions of “that’s awesome”. My 5 year old girl delighting in tea parties and toe nail polish.
Even with stressful moments of calming sibling arguments, settling overly dramatic expressions, madly vacuuming floors repeatedly to prevent my crawler from eating every crumb or dirt piece in sight, and multiple pee-pee accidents in a little boy who is struggling with staying focused…God is giving me grace to remember that this is only a season. These things will pass and my littles ones will grow and may not be as eager to kiss me or hold my hand in the future. I know in the next season of my life, I will truly miss kissing boo-boos, wiping sweet bottoms, and putting on multiple pairs of little shoes and coats, so why not see the beauty in it now? Lord, give us grace to embrace the season you have placed us in and take time today to enjoy the blessings.
I’m going to go kiss some sweet baby cheeks right now!
What a beautiful and timely encouragement! I have honestly been dreading an upcoming season. You see, our first child is due in just a few weeks. I am looking forward to spending the summer bonding with her. The part I am dreading comes in the fall, when I officially become a working mom. It is where God has me right now and I want to embrace it, but I struggle to do so at times. Thank you for the reminder that each season is from God and brings blessings, even through tiredness!
An older lady at our church always says to me, “the days go slow, but the years go fast”. She raised 8 children, and says the house is just all too quiet most days anymore. All that work was worth the reward of joy of the children around each day. I have 4 little ones under 6, and although times are busy, I know these years will be gone all too soon. My 5 year old did ask just today though, “why is our house never quiet?” I told him that it was thanks to these 4 little blessings chattering all day long. Asking, learning, playing, yelling, singing, crying. That’s the season we’re in!
This was just what I needed to read right now! I have a 5 year old boy, a 4 year old girl, a 2 year old girl, and I’m expecting baby number 4 in September!! Some days I wonder Am I going to make it? This article was really, really encouraging to me. I love getting your emails. Please keep the encouragement coming!!!!
I definitely feel this.
At 35 weeks with #3, I am always tired.
I’ve been very encouraged by what Denise Sproul wrote in her book “Tending your Garden” about being tired~ that being tired is a good thing, and from God. Being tired comes as a result of good, hard work, and the Lord blesses those he loves with rest & sleep. And when our children make us tired, it is because we are doing good, important, hard work!
Oh, I just love those adorable little baby toes in the grass:) Thank you for an encouraging post.
Lindsay, was that you and your precious girl at the farm on Saturday? I wanted to say hi but felt like a stalker.
ha! Anyhow- just wanted to say that this blog has been such an encouragement to me (I have a 3.5yo, almost 2yo, and am 17wks pregnant) and this post is no exception! Thanks for blessing me!
Ahh…so cute! Yes. We were there and I totally remember you. I noticed your sweet little belly bump. Congrats! Thankful to be able to be a blessing. Would love to officially meet you some time.
I really enjoyed your post today. It is a wonderful reminder to enjoy this season of life. It makes me think about something I was reading recently about the need to retrain our thinking to focus on Truth instead of circumstances. Thanks!
What great words of encouragement! As the old saying goes, “a woman’s work is never done!” Lord, grant all us mothers more patience and rest.
So very true no matter what season of life you are in.
I so needed to read that today! I run a consignment shop and have an almost 2 year old VERY busy girl…and have been just feeling so overwhelmed trying to balance everything and try to do it all well. Thank you for the reminder to stop and enjoy it all…The real overwhelming thing is how lucky I am!!
this is beautiful encouragement … thank you. i am going to share on facebook
Oh wow, I really needed to hear that right now. Thanks!
Such a beautiful post. I’m just starting out on this season of small children. I find it beautiful and challenging at the same time. The part about being tired all the time and being ok with it? I love it. Actually, I love every word. Thank you so much for posting.
Beautiful post! Sometimes we’re so eager for the current phase to be over, that we forget to live in the moment.
Amen! These difficult but precious days are fleeting…slipping through our fingers so reminders often are good for us mommas!
Amazing blog post! My sister in law got me onto this blog and each time I read I am always blessed. As a mom of only one right now, and try unsuccessfully for another seasons of life seem difficult. But this blog puts a whole new perspective on it! Plus we have a faithful Father who is always watching over.
Thank you for your continued encouragement that comes through your blogs.
Thank you for this encouragement, it made me cry too! I have a really hard time being in the moment and enjoying the season I’m in. It’s something I’m praying about.
My boys are only 4 and 5, but when I look at pictures of when they were 2 and 3, all I can remember were the good times and how darn cute they were at that age. It’s hard to remember how hard things were when they were that small. Just goes to show how quickly the seasons go by!
Beautiful blog post! We are adopting again and at times I feel overwhelmed thinking about having two little ones running around. I love the thought of embracing the season and how all seasons come to an end. We definitely tried to embrace our season of infertility before adopting our first child, so it only makes sense to now embrace the season of crazy busy tired fun life that comes w/ little ones.
Thanks for this post!
thanks – I loved this post and posted about it!
Made me cry! In a good way!
Your words are so well spoken and such a great reminder. I tell myself all the time “Someday, I will miss this!” and then give my kiddos some extra love. Thanks, Lindsay!
I very much needed to read this today. Thank you.
Right on. Beautiful sentiments every mother needs to be reminded of from time to time.
What a precious post! Love your heart, Lindsay!
About 8 years ago, I had a 5-year-old, a 3-year-old, and a 1-year-old. Then, about a year later, I had a 6-year-old, a 4-year-old, a 2-year-old, and a newborn. Those were busy times! Now, our oldest is about to turn 13 in July. It’s so hard to believe! The time really does go by fast after all. It sometimes just seems to be going slowly while you’re in the midst of it.
It is so true that there are special blessings in each season. And it never seemed true to me way back then, that I might really miss some of those sweet times when they were all little. We still have a 2-year-old in the house, so we’re blessed to still enjoy a variety of ages, but yes, we should be looking for the blessings unique to each season.
Having a thankful, grateful heart is such a key to abundant living. Blessings to you in your season of little ones!
Such a sweet post! With a 3 1/2-year-old, 18-month-old and baby girl #3 on the way, I really needed to read this tonight!
It is always such a blessing to me, to hear of a young mother purposing to see the blessings of her little ones. As a mother of 11, I can assure you~ the time is fleeting, they are little so young. There are many blessings along the way and when they are adults as well..but these moments are precious and not to be missed:)
Thanks for sharing!
Blessings, Dana
Oh Lindsay, this is exactly what I believe about mothering little ones. I lose sight of it too often from day to day, but I do love these moments and will so deeply miss the cuddles when they go.
That’s good! Yesterday I accidently left the cupboard open and my 1 year old climbed in, pulled out a bag of brown rice, bit through the plastic, and dumped it all on the floor. All in about 30 seconds! I looked at her, sitting in a pile of rice, still chewing on the bag, with a “What?” expression on her face. I had had such a LONG day. Normally I would get stressed, but I had to laugh- and take a picture!
Just happened to stumble across your blog from a link on a friend’s blog. This is exactly what I needed to hear tonight. My prayer really needs to be the same….grace to embrace this season and find the joy in it. Thanks for the reminder!
Hi Lindsay,
I really enjoy reading your posts. This one was very heartwarming. I am actually a teenager and not a mother, but God has placed the hope upon my heart to become one someday and this is really encouraging and good to keep in mind for the future.
And just for everyday life… looking at trials and experiences in seasons makes them more enjoyable and where we can enjoy these times and take in their blessings.
Thankyou &
God Bless,
I literally read this with tears. We just added a new baby to the family, and I have been guilty of being so selfish. I loved the way it felt to have such freedom and control with older ones. Adding a new one has made me feel like I just can’t do it.
Truly thankful for this, and the reminder to just embrace the season. Thank you for sharing. Thanking Jesus even more for His grace that I get to experience this.
Your posts about motherhood always resonate so clearly with me because my 3 children are the same ages as your three with the same space between them. My oldest turned 5 this week, my middle one turned 3 in February, and my youngest was born the same day as your youngest last August!
Thank you so much for your encouragement!
Wow! Ours kids are nearly identical! Titus was 3 in march and Karis actually turns 5 on May 4th! We really should be friends.
bless you sister! Isn’t it a blessing that we are in it together?
Yes, it has been such a blessing to me to find your blog along with other blogs that have been such an encouragement to me since becoming a mother! And if we weren’t practically on opposite sides of the country, I’m sure our crews would have a fabulous time together!
I *just* complained to my 4yo today about how he really could wipe is own butt and joked that at 45, he was either going to call me or his wife to come help him.
praying for the grace to see these blessings in every day, while they last.
I can totally relate to this Jessica! How often we long for the days when these “annoying” tasks will be long gone, and yet, when they are, we will long for them again!
I’m there with you! I’ve been trying to get my 5 yr old to do the same! Loved this!
Yes, I still wipe my 5 yo’s! I don’t mind this though as I would rather get her clean than have poopy underwear!
This reminds me so much of when the book I just finished…1,000 gifts. Partially due to your recommendation…thank you! When we are giving thanks…it is very difficult to be stressed or angry at the same time. Thankful for a houseful of noise can be difficult at times…especially in our home with 5 children age 1 to almost.
However, when you compare that to having an empty and lonely home….well, it doesn’t seem such a burden at all.
Thank you for a beautiful article, Lindsay!
So true and so wonderfully put. It is so easy to look to the future and not focus and accept the hear and now. What a blessing we have NOW with our precious little ones!