Archive | November, 2011

5 Meaningful Things to Do In Preparation for Thanksgiving

Photo courtesy of Simply Vintage Girl

 “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”
Colossians 2:6-7

“Thankfulness puts us in God’s living room. It paves the way to His presence.” – Nancy Leigh Demoss

Do you need a little inspiration for celebrating Thanksgiving this year? Here are a few fun ideas I have stumbled upon (thanks in part to Pinterest) that we are including in our simple celebrations this year. Why five? It’s doable. Simple. And yet rich with meaning.

1. Read the history of Thanksgiving. A great resource is Thanksgiving: A Time to Remember by Barbara Rainey. It retells the story in two different formats to enable you to adapt easily to a younger or mixed audience.

2. Make a Thanksgiving Tree (pictured above). Use a lovely arrangement of branches with little tags to record daily your blessings through this month of November. To keep it easy, I found little pre-made blank craft tags (under $2 for 25 tags) at Fred Meyer’s for our tree (here’s a picture of what we are using). Not as colorful as the one pictured above but doable for us and beautiful in its own way. Or try this even simpler version of cultivating thankfulness and giving by making the Thanks & Giving Trees.

3. Include others in your celebration. Is there any individuals (i.e. international students) or families that don’t have relatives in the area? Include others as a way of reaching out in your community. If you look around, there are many lonely people during the season.

4. Let your kids tell the story. Walk through the story of the pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving with this fun hands on telling of the Thanksgiving story in a series of crafts. Make it together and then allow your kids to present it during your thanksgiving celebrations.

5. Read One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. It’s the perfect time of year to buy your copy of this book and be blown away by the beauty and power of this woman’s writing. She is truly a gift. Start recording your gifts one by one as you begin to see the precious daily gifts that surround us in the everyday mundane moments of life. This book is a treasure and the journey to record one thousand gifts is life changing. We shared many quotes from this book around the Thanksgiving table last year and it was very inspiring.

As Ann Voskamp so elegantly says: “The holy grail of joy is not in some exotic location or some emotional mountain peak experience. The joy wonder could be here! Here, in the messy, piercing ache of now, joy might be — unbelievably- possible! The only place we need to see before we die is this place of seeing God, here and now.”

A few other fun projects for families:

Thanksgiving Craft Ideas- a pdf full of fun purposeful Thanksgiving crafts offered from Vision Forum. Includes a little menu craft for your thanksgiving celebration in which to write the 5 Kernels of Corn Poem.
Thanksgiving Corn Craft

Free Thanksgiving Coloring Pages

Printable Native American Headdress
Thanksgiving Paper Chain

“The greatest thing is to give thanks for everything. He who has learned this knows what it means to live…He has penetrated the whole mystery of life: giving thanks for everything.” – Albert Schweitzer

The floor is open to hear your thoughts and creative ideas for Thanksgiving!

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Operation Christmas Child – Meryl’s Story

Just a few short months ago, I received a note via twitter with this image attached. She said, “A long time ago you sent me a gift. I just wanted to say thank you.” It was a short note that I had quickly added to my Operation Christmas Child shoe box over ten years ago. The recipient, a sweet young lady named Meryl had found me. I was completely baffled. I had never heard from someone who had received my shoe box before, and now, here stood a sweet young lady who just wanted to say thank you, even after so many years. She was graciously willing to share her story with me of the powerful impact of a simple gift.

- Tell me a little bit about yourself and your family.

    I’m from Lima, Peru. I’m 23 years old and I’m a teacher. I live with my parents and I have an older sister named Sandibell. Thanks God I have a nice relationship with my family. I attend to Way of Life Church (Iglesia Camino de Vida) and I serve in children’s ministry.

- How did you receive a OCC shoe box?

I received it in a Christmas event for children which took place in my church, in which the Pastor’s wife told us that she had a special surprise for us and then she gave every child a OCC shoe box. She also told us that those gifts were sent with love from USA through the Operation Christmas Child Ministry.

- What was it like to receive a OCC shoe box?

   When I received the OCC shoe box I was 12 years old and I felt happy and thankful. I also felt surprised that someone who didn’t know me and didn’t speak the same language than me could send me a Christmas present from a far country. I remember when I opened the box I found your letter; at that time I didn’t speak English so I asked a friend to translate me the letter, and there is a part in your letter that touched my heart, which reads as follows: “May you see the love that Jesus has for you through this gift that I send with all my love and prayers.”.  I could definitely see God’s love through your gift and it made me feel special. Thank you! :)

- What difference did receiving a shoe box make in your life?

    To receive the OCC shoe box showed me one more time how wonderful is the love of God that touches people’s hearts to bring joy to children and make an impact in their lives as well as your gift did in my life. It encouraged me to continue sharing more about God’s love and mercy.

What led you to find me so many years later?

   I always wanted to thank you for the gift which was a blessing to me. A few months ago I found your letter among my things and I decided to look for you in order to get to know you and thank you for the nice gesture of sending a gift which God had designated it was for me.

- Do you have any other thoughts about this ministry that you would like to share?

I consider that OCC is a ministry of blessing to many people, not only for children who receive the gifts but also for people who send them because they have the opportunity to make many children smile, show them more about Jesus love and more about the wonderful plan He has for each of them.

I was so blessed and encouraged to hear Meryl share her story. I am motivated once again to partner with this ministry!

How can you get involved?

Pack a shoe box. The holidays are upon us, and the perfect time of year to minister to the hungry, lost, and hurting. We have a wonderful opportunity to send a simple shoe box gift through the ministry of Operation Christmas Child to a needy child around the world this Christmas. It is as simple as gathering a shoe box, collecting some fun goodies and treats, and sending the message of God’s love to the nations. OCC is one practical, hands-on way to participate with your family in cultivating a love for giving, and receiving unimaginable joy in return this Christmas! Learn how to pack a shoe box and find a drop off spot in your area. Collection week is November 14-21, 2011!

Please watch this video describing the mission of Operation Christmas Child:

Pray! Whether you can give a shoe box or not, don’t neglect to participate with this ministry through the power of prayer. Pray for the country, community, and family that will receive these shoe boxes. Pray for the Lord to redeem and change the lives of these children around the world. Join the prayer network.

Track your package! OCC has a awesome new feature of following your shoe box which allows you to see where your shoe box goes. Make your shipping cost donation online and receive a special tracking label to attach to your shoe box and be amazed how God directs it.

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Unity of the Sisterhood

Babywearing with Gretchen & Trina

I have just returned from a fabulous weekend retreat at the Relevant conference and find myself at a loss of words. My spirit was so refreshed and revitalized by the fellowship I shared with the wonderful gathering of sisters from all over the country. Ladies from different walks of life, different cultures, different standards, and yet we shared one core value of uniting together in being a writing force that builds the Kingdom of God. It was truly beautiful to see the community that blossomed in our midst.

This is the message that came loud and clear to my heart. You and I are together in the fight to be women that build our homes rather than tear them down with our own hands. We each have been gifted uniquely to bring something different to compliment the meal at the table before us, in our homes, our churches, and our lives.

I am just as messy as the next, as I battle to be a joyful mother and yet stumble once again in anger in response to my little boy wetting his pants (shouldn’t we be done with this?), or when these two little people fight over who gets to pull the silly suitcase from mommy’s trip around the house while they play camping. Or when I groan and complain because my body craves sleep and God has other plans for me.

I can’t remember the last time I made my own bread or toothpaste. We had canned soup last night for dinner. I sit here with a tangled mess of hair in my bathrobe. I don’t have my act together. We each have a voice…we each have a unique story. We are called to encourage one another. To tear down the masks of perfectionism. To admit that we are messy.

A fun reunion with my fellow sisters and bloggers from the Philippines trip: Stephanie, Tsh, Kat & Emily

I can compare myself to another and seep in bitterness and a fruitless life, or I can rejoice when another succeeds and together we can be fruitful in our own mission field in the home, church, work, and community. It is easy to compare yourself when you only look at yourself. But when you look at God, there is such freedom. (Thanks Joy for that message!) Comparison steals our unity.

Remember, our God “rejoices over you!”

“For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty Savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” (Zeph. 3:17)

HE rejoices over YOU, just the way you are.

Can you tell I like to laugh?

Am I willing to be honest in showing my messy self before others? What is my greatest hindrance to being real with others? Am I finding my identity in Him?

Let’s overlook our differences. “Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.” (Eph. 4:2). Let’s embrace the fact that we are truly loved by an amazing God. Let’s give grace to one another. Let’s be humble and honest to share our stories and encourage one another in our faith.

When we let go of comparing ourselves, throw aside our own insecurities, and simply embrace the way God has created us…beautiful, unique, and loved by an awesome Father, we can make a huge difference for His kingdom. Hand in hand…heart to heart. Let’s go!

These are the truths that have been ruminating in my heart…and I can’t help passing them on, my dear sisters.

Eden and I with my sweet friend Kat

Hear more about what others gleaned from the conference here.

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