Setting up a simple chore system for my little ones was on the agenda this past month in our home and what a fun delight it has been to establish a little routine for my little ones to reinforce responsibility and service to one another in maintaining our home and cultivating good stewardship of the resources God has blessed us with. We have kept it very basic but doable for their levels.
Since they are not able to read at this level, we took pictures of each task, printed them out, glued them on construction paper (color coded for easy identification – blue for boy, pink for girl), and then laminated them. I cut them out and put them in envelopes on our refrigerator. We labeled one envelope with “do” for all the tasks yet to be completed, and the second envelope is labeled “done”, to which they can transfer the task card when it is completed. At the end of the day (twice a week or so), I will reward them with a nickle to put in their piggy bank.
Here are the tasks we assigned:
2 year old:
- Pick up library books and place in basket/shelves
- Carry plate to the sink after each meal
- Pick up personal clothes and put in hamper
- Pick up toys
4 year old:
- Make bed
- Pick up personal clothes and put in hamper
- Empty dishwasher
- Clear table after dinner
- Fold towels
Thus far we have incorporated the majority of these chores into our morning routine as we get ready for the day after breakfast. They will complete their chores while I clean up the breakfast dishes. We love to sing while we work – “Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere. Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share.” Keeps us all going when we work together and sing while we work!
Oh my goodness, that is the same exact song we sing when we clean up! LOL
Sounds great, but just wondering what you do when they refuse to do their chores?
This hasn’t been all that much of an issue yet, but we sit down and talk about it (obeying mommy with a joyful heart, what the Bible says about obedience, etc), and if the attitudes are not changed, then some form of discipline is in order.
I really like how you used the images of the tasks for younger kids and am right there with you in teaching my kids how they can help around the house. Keep up the good work and thanks for the tips!
I seriously love this idea!! Might even use it for myself! lol!
I love your ideas and the photos of your cards! I might try this with my 33 mo soon. We just made her a weekly calendar where we put pictures on each day (church on Sunday, the logo of our grocery store on Tuesday, farmer market on Saturday, etc.)
I do have one question, or concern. Is it working out well to only give them the nickels twice a week? That just seems a little spread out for such small kids. Maybe it would make the connection stronger for them if they got a penny each day? I really don’t know the answer, I’m just wondering how it is going for you. Thanks for sharing!
I honestly just give them a nickle when I remember…but it seems like it is motivation enough. The encouragement from mommy and daddy in telling them how proud we are of them and what a good job they are doing seems to have the most significant impact on their performance right now.
One thing we did was make a special little piggy bank for Gospel for Asia (where my girls love to buy animals to help the poor). So then when they earn money for helping around the house, they put it in their savings to help others. And they get really excited about helping buy animals for the poor! It has been neat to teach my children to help around the house and to help others less fortunate. Just another idea!
That is such a simple & creative idea!
Wow! Seriously LOVE this idea and will plan on doing this in our home! Thanks!
Thanks for the idea! I love that it is so simple and uses everyday materials–(read: I don’t have to go out and spend money–yay!) I so agree with incorporating chores into young children’s everyday lives. Along with learning all the great skills and lessons, it also makes them feel a valued member of the family. So necessary for building self-worth!
I love this idea…I haven’t given my child chores yet, but he is at the age where he needs them…what a great way to show him how much he can accomplish!
Thanks for the great idea!
Seriously want to hug you.
I’m working on creating a realistic (i.e., sustainable) chore system for the children that can grow as they do. This has helped me with some ideas for my non-reader – thank you!
This is so simple and so precious! I’ll file this away for when we have little ones of our own that aren’t furry or feathered
I also love that piggy bank!
You should check out We use this system, and it is a great way to manage chores for children of all ages. Pictures for the little ones and words for the older children. The system uses little plastic pockets that the kids actually clip on their clothes. Clever! My kids think it is great.
I’ll have to take note of this system! I’m always looking for ways to be prepared once our little one reaches “chore” age!
AH! We do the same thing and we LOVE it! Here’s a link to our “cards”:
That song sounds like the one in “Dora the Explorer”
Our children don’t actually watch the show, but they did have access to a CD of Dora songs for awhile, and that one made it into our repertoire. Thank you for sharing your chores! My children are just a few months younger than yours, and I have been wondering if we are expecting too much (or too little) of them. It’s nice to have a gauge.
What great and simple ideas! Thanks for sharing, I’m thinking of doing something like that for my 3yo boy. He likes to help but he helps along me rather than doing his own things.