Written by monthly contributing writer, Kat at Inspired to Action.
It was 102 degrees outside.
“Mama? Can we go for a run?”
“Sure sweetie. Let’s go.”
We ran, we walked, we sweat buckets and we guzzled water.
Nine year olds don’t naturally want to go running in triple digit weather. So what made her do it?
She wanted to run because I run. She drinks tea (and tries to convince herself she likes it) because I drink tea. She rolls her eyes because I roll my eyes. Her closet is messy because my closet is messy.
For better or worse, our children are mirrors. They learn from our actions more than our words. One good example is worth more than a thousand good books, curriculum’s or sermons.
The best way to train our children is to imagine what we want them to be…
…and be that.
Note from Lindsay: This is Kat’s last post with us as a contributing writer. I just want to say a huge thank you for this dear friend and her faithful contributions over the last year and a half! Check out her awesome ministry over at Inspired to Action.
Kat, thanks for all your time and energy writing these beautiful lessons! I’m 21 and just hit my 1 year anniversary with the hubby. Reading these blogs gets me fired up to (when God wills
) be a mom like you and Lindsay-Living for Christ with humility and a gentle heart
Thanks for all your authenticity.
Thank you. Great post, sorry it is your final.
Great post! Reminds me of a quote by Jill Rigby: “We will reproduce in our children who we are.”
I loved this post. It actually made me feel a little better about what I don’t get done….Like read all those parenting books (to make me a better parent
) and read all the sermon blogs and subscribe to all the familytime magazines. You are so right that it’s all about being a good example. If my children see me reading the bible, I pray they will want to. If my children don’t hear me scream, but calmly speak to them to resolve something…they will speak to each other the same way! If they see my passion for orphans around the world, I pray they will catch the passion and move it forward! Maybe adopt children because they were adopted!
I get to take my 12 yr old DD on a Cancer walk on Sunday with me! I pray she will be motivated to make a difference in her world! Thank you for reminding me that being an good example is so very powerful!
OUCH! I/We have been struggling big. time. with our preschoolers.
Thank you for this…needed to hear this today!!
I couldn’t have said it better…. 85% of the time the only reason I trudge downstairs to do my exercise DVD is because my 3year old has come tugging on me and asking if we can Walk Away the Pounds. LOL Train them right and they can be an amazing (if unexpected) source of encouragement to do the right thing, sometimes when you least feel like it.
Great and challenging as always Kat! I am pregnant with our first baby right now and this was such a good thought as I reflect on all the things I still do in my life that the only reason I do them is because my mom did them (it’s almost frightening when we’re together
). Challenging as I reflect on this life growing inside of me. Thanks so much!
So true! Thanks for all of your great posts here at PH!
That was a great post. I wish it weren’t your last
This is so true
I’ve become so aware of all of my short comings … by watching them manifest in my kids as they watch me. It is making grow so much faster than just about anything has in my life — I want MORE, BETTER, the BEST for my kids … so I must strive to live in a way that honors God and is totally reproducible.
I’m always amazed at how my idiosyncrasies and habits do show up in my daughter. She had chocolate for supper last night, while I was out, and at first I wanted to scold. Then I realized: I had eaten chocolate for lunch that day! Luckily she’s picking up some of my good traits, and not just my bad ones.
This post is a lovely reminder of how parenting is modelling more on actions then words
Thank you
When young and single my Sunday School teacher would always tell us that the younger children and youth were watching us. I never really believed her. Then one evening at the skating rink a little girl came up to me and said, “I’ve been watching you all night. Can you tell me how you do that turn?” I was floored. And I’ve never forgotten it, either.
What a great reminder to remember how we are acting around our children. My daughter mirrors everything that I do as well, right down to my attitude and how I react to certain things.