Archive | August, 2011

Simple Snacks for Busy Mamas

Post by Contributing Writer, Michele of Frugal Granola

Although it’s nice to have healthy snacks available for everyone in the family, there are certain seasons of motherhood where they’re pretty essential.

During early pregnancy, small protein-dense snacks can help with morning sickness. Later on in pregnancy, snacks can fuel you through the day, when you feel like your tummy is too “full” with a baby to eat much of a meal. Then during seasons of breastfeeding- especially those early days, when you’re always nursing- it’s important to keep up those extra calories as you nourish a little one and maintain a milk supply.

Busy mamas are likely often munching “one-handed,” as they juggle a nursing baby, a toddler on the run, a stroller, or other tasks. Hopefully, you’ll have a chance to sit down and rest, but you might still be holding a little one with one arm (and maybe sharing a bite or two of that snack, too).

Here are a few of my “one handed” snack favorites.

(Some take a bit more prep-work than others, so choose what works best for you. If you have help available at times, hand them this list! If you have a chance, make a big batch ahead of time & stash it in the fridge.)

  • Hard-Boiled Eggs + a bit of Sea Salt (If you have an extra moment, you can mix them into egg salad.)
  • Crockpot Oatmeal or Brown Rice + a little Whole Milk and/or Peanut Butter or Cheese (My husband would measure it into the pot in the morning, and I just had to flip the “on” switch and stir in any additions. Hint: It’s easier to eat one-handed out of a mug than a bowl.)
  • Homemade Fruit & Nut Snack Bars (I like Katie’s Reverse LaraBar recipe), or if you’re really desperate, buy a box of packaged bars at a bulk discount. I like to stash a couple bars in car compartments or diaper bags.
  • Healthy Fudge Balls (similar to the snack bars)
  • Homemade Trail Mix, with nutrient-dense nuts, dried fruit, coconut, & a bit of good dark chocolate or a savory-seasoned mixture (Buy ingredients in bulk for best cost economy; your toddler will be glad to help pour into a mixing bowl for you.)
  • Smoothies (Frozen berries or pre-diced fruit pieces are easiest, so you don’t have to chop up anything; just pour ingredients into a blender. When my baby was afraid of the blender noise, I used to run to the garage & turn it on really quick!)
  • Natural Jerky (Grass-fed meats are most nourishing; dehydrate your own or purchase from your favorite local farm or meat market.)
  • Cheese Slices/Cubes (You don’t have to buy special cheese stick packages; a regular block of mozzarella will tear into pieces just the same.) 
  • Prepared Sandwich (A friend shared this tip with me: prepare a sandwich or two ahead of time, cut it into quarters, and then just grab a piece from the fridge when you need a small bite to eat.)
  • Cooked Salad Shrimp (You can often find this in the freezer section or at the butcher/deli cases. Look for seafood from safe, sustainable sources. Mix with a bit of mayo or yogurt, and salad greens if desired.)
  • Avocado + a bit of Sea Salt (Scoop out with a spoon, and slice if desired.)
  • Baked Yam + a sprinkle of Walnuts, Butter, & Sea Salt or Raw Honey (For simplicity, bake it whole in a baking dish or crockpot.)
  • A bowl of Cultured Cottage Cheese Eat plain or stir in some fresh berries. (A mere 1/2 cup contains a whopping 14 grams of protein, plus good probiotics!)
  • A glass of Coconut Water for rehydration and nourishment

What are your favorite “Mama Snacks?”

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Ways to Bless a New Mom

Guest post by Jessica Fisher at Life as Mom.

Fifteen years ago I was a young wife dreaming of the day we would turn two into three. Even though I had helped my mom with my four younger siblings, I had no clue what motherhood really entailed. I know that – now.
What a surprise I was in for!

Six children later I have a learned a few things about adding a baby to the family. Thanks to generous family and friends I’ve discovered some amazingly helpful ways to bless a new mom – because they blessed me so abundantly.
Taking my cues from them, I offer these suggestions for you as you help friends and family greet their new little bundles of joy:

Bring a meal.

Food is a great way to bless others, especially those who’ve just had a baby. My newborn days were always ravenous ones. With breastfeeding, baby duties, and a healing body, I found it hard to find time or motivation to cook, but it seems like I was always hungry. I loved it when others brought us a meal.

Consider bringing a meal or two, preferably early in the day so that the family can eat when their schedules – and sleeping baby – allow.

Some tips for meals on wheels?
:: Bring kid-friendly foods for families with older children. Meals that can be served “not touching” are always appreciated. Offering meat, starch, and vegetables as separate dishes allows picky eaters to fill up on what they like. (Tired moms with new babies don’t need to fight food battles in the early days.)
:: Consider bringing a few extras like muffins, scones, or even an egg dish that can serve as a quick breakfast the next day.
:: Use dishes that you don’t need back so that the family has fewer dishes to keep track of and return.
:: Observe food preferences and allergies.
:: If your budget allows, bring two meals, one to eat and one to freeze and enjoy later.

Offer childcare.

As I added to my new family, I was very conscious of not neglecting my older children. I didn’t want them to feel left out or ignored. Yet, sometimes I was just too exhausted for much play. It was so nice when friends fill in the gap. If the new baby has older siblings, offer to come play or even take the bigger children to your house for the afternoon. In this way, Mama can rest (providing that Baby cooperates) and not worry about the older kids.

A caveat: Please be mindful of exposing Baby’s family to illness. Worried about offending others, new moms may be hesitant to say, “Keep your cooties to yourself.” However, it’s no service to your friend if her kids all get sick. Even if it’s “just the sniffles” steer clear of the new baby’s home for the first few weeks.

Clean house.

An offer to mop floors or scrub a bathroom is sometimes hard to extend – or accept. But the newborn days are ones during which Mom should be enjoying her baby and resting in stead of cleaning house. Offer to fill in the gap.Something as simple as vacuuming or pulling a few weeds can help the new mom rest more easily, knowing that there aren’t nagging tasks to tackle.

Just hang out.

While rest and seclusion from outside illnesses are important during the early weeks, fellowship with the outside world is vital to combating a new mom’s cabin fever. I have great memories of friends coming to visit — with food in hand. Their (healthy) kids played in my backyard with my older children while we moms chatted and caught up. And in many cases, I had a clean bathroom when they left!

It doesn’t take much time or money to bless a new mom. It takes effort and love, though. But the results are well worth it. You and your friend will both be blessed.

What do YOU do to bless a new mom?

Mother of six, Jessica Fisher writes about parenting hacks at LifeasMOM and posts delicious ways to act your wage at Good Cheap Eats. She is also the author of Organizing Life as MOM – a 125+ page e-guide complete with customizable planning pages and inspiration for home management.

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July at Our Home

Waiting…waiting…this past week has been a challenging week of striving to stay focused while anxiously awaiting our third little one to arrive. I admit I have been very impatient. After my previous two little ones came 6 and 8 days early respectively, I was half expecting this one to arrive in a nice early fashion as well. God had some lessons in patience to teach me. I’ve noticed more grumpy tendencies creeping out of me. I’m large. It’s hot. My body hurts. My plumbing overflowed in the kitchen. I can’t do much even if I wanted to. ;)

The Lord is gracious despite my weakness. His grace is sufficient for me. I have much to be thankful for. This month I hung curtains in my living room making it more comfy and inviting, we hosted a fun ice cream social reaching out to friends and neighbors, I learned all about infant massage and the benefits to baby, I had a lovely personal retreat preparing my heart for our new addition, I started reading all about classical education and became so excited for the potential of educating our children, and so much more. It has been a blessed month filled with lots of family time investing in our two littles ones before we expand again – picnics, summer reading, and tea parties.

Tea time with Karis

3 in 30 Challenge: August

I have really been enjoying recording three goals for each month following the inspiration of the 3 in 30 Challenge.

My goals for August include becoming more faithful in daily prayer for my husband and children. I was really challenged to see these precious individuals as my primary ministry more so and what better way to serve them then through prayer. So I set up a little nook in my bedroom with my nursing chair, a small lamp, table, and my Bible and journals. I taped the 31 days of prayer chart for your children and the 31 days of prayer chart for your husband to the wall next to my chair. I plan to use this not only as my nursing nook, but it will certainly double as my prayer/Bible study corner during those hours of nursing that I will be entering soon.

Secondly, I want to develop a basic chore chart for my little ones. I have been inspired by the materials provided by Preschoolers and Peace and plan to develop a chart along these lines for my 2 and 4 year olds. As we welcome number 3, I can see it being even more essential to begin training them in being useful helpers to mommy!

Lastly, I want to make a simple plan of learning activities for my 2 year old as we begin early Kindergarten lessons with my daughter in September. He is pretty independent and enjoys his own play, but I really want to make sure I have some scheduled quality time with him each day. I want to make a list of fun ideas and such that will help keep him busy during our lesson times. I recently found a new simple curriculum called Flowering Baby that I will be reviewing and sampling. I’m really excited to try it out!

Any tips you might have to offer on these things would be greatly appreciated!

1000 Gifts – My Thankfulness List

What a blessing to continue on in the pursuit of recording 1000 gifts of everyday blessings in our lives. This has been such a rich and rewarding experience. My little moleskin notepad stores such treasures and graces from our day to day life.

#568- Cool weather for a summer pregnancy

#569- Selling furniture for a good price

#570 – Chai milkshakes

#571- Hot tub family time in the morning

#572 – Neighborhood parades with free goodies

#573 – Karis’ excitement over science experiments with daddy

#574 - Summer picnics at the park

#575 – My own little reading/nursing nook

#576- Kids digging in the dirt

#577- Play dates with cousins

#578- Delicious lunch salad

#579- Impromptu family dinner out to support a friend

#580- Kiddos making a slide out of daddy’s legs

#581- Craigslist deal for last minute baby needs

#582- Girls night hot tub and foot massages with dear friends

#583- Catching up with a long absent friend

#584- Homemade mint chocolate ice cream

#585- A new comforter for our bed

#586- Pregnant mommy toes soaking in cold water with fresh air and a good book in hand

Summer beauty from our backyard

Book Reviews

The Core: Teaching Your Child the Foundations of Classical Education by Leigh Bortins – I have been enthralled in this book over the last week. The classical method has been opening my eyes to the potential for training our children to be equipped to make such a difference in our nation. The pattern for studying chronological history, using real living books, and following the pattern of learning makes a lot of logical sense. I read the Well Trained Mind earlier this year and highly recommend these resources if you are beginning your homeschool journey like me.

King’s Cross: The Story of the World in the Life of Jesus by Tim Keller – This is one of my favorite books by Tim Keller presenting the power of the story of Christ through the book of Mark and how it relates to our day and age. My eyes have been open to the beauty of the gospel in a new way through the powerful insight presented in this book. I will have to read it again and again to glean it all!

August Sponsors

I will be taking a maternity break from blogging this month, but you’ll still find a wealth of fun articles from our contributors and guest posts to fill in during my absence. I am excited to take some time to be able to rest and enjoy our new little one (once it decides to show up!).

We would like to thank our wonderful selection of sponsors for the month of August, including:

Beyond Organic - a newly launched company founded by Jordan Rubin desiring to provide you with organic and raw delicious food products delivered to your door! Set to begin deliveries in October 2011.

Fertility Flower - Fertility Flower helps you build your family or practice natural birth control using the sympto-thermal method.

Graham Gardens - Wonderful natural soaps, bug repellent, and more from this wonderful company!

Willow Store - So many wonderful options for using natural cloth alternative in your home instead of disposables!

Sweet Bottoms Baby Boutique - My all time favorite cloth diaper and natural baby/mom products company with free shipping, wonderful customer service, and a fantastic rewards program!

Have a blessed August! May you be encouraged and strengthened in your homemaking and mothering!

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