Our new abode
Change, transition, emotions, and lots of blessings. That would described this past month at our home. We moved into our own sweet little home on December 30th and have been gradually making the transition of unpacking, cleaning, and making it our home. It has been a sweet time. We have had a generous crowd of friends and family assisting us in the transition, making it such a peaceful event. We now have a yard, patio, and even a hot tub (it came with the house of course, but who would refuse?) all on a quiet little cul-da-sac.We really believe God granted us this larger home so we could be purposeful and strategic in extending hospitality, and what a joy it has been to have our home overflowing with guests over the last few weeks.
So I have been spending my time during this blogging break simply getting my life in order, planning and setting goals for the new year, and getting the supplies necessary to maintain our new abode. Yes, I seriously needed a mop system! Never had hard wood floors to clean. The community in our neighborhood has also been a blessing. We met 5-6 of our neighbors the first day we moved in as they came over and welcomed us, and one family even brought us a meal. I was overwhelmed! Living in the city is such a contrast to a condo development. We anticipate great things as we begin to be able to reach out to our neighbors, co-workers, and others in this new season.

Announcing our new little one to our families over Christmas
We also discovered that a new little life has been forming in my womb over the last 10 weeks. We are thrilled to announce that Edmonds baby #3 is coming in August 2011! I am feeling very well, just experiencing normal tiredness, and wild emotions. It is a sweet time of life to be able to enjoy the blessings of new life.
Here at Passionate Homemaking, we will be having a focused theme for each month of this year – one that will help inspire and encourage you in your homemaking, womanhood, walk with the Lord, and relationships with others. Our January focus is on simplifying, organization, and goal setting for the new year. February will bring lots of ideas for helping strengthen your marriage, and so much more. I am excited to see all that God will do in and through our team of writers.
We covet your prayers as we seek to be faithful stewards of our time, balancing our priorities, and seeking first the Kingdom!
To God be the glory!
Love your blog…we’re also expecting #3 in Aug 2011 (around the 23rd). This will be our first home birth. I’ve enjoyed reading about your home birth experiences. Congratulations. (BTW-Risha Bates sent me to your blog.)
Congrats on the new home and new baby!! We are also expecting our second in August 2011
. I have just recently started following your blog and it has been such a blessing to me! It’s easy to feel alone in my way of living and my beliefs so it’s just great to see that other people live the way my husband and I do. God bless!!
Congrats!!!! I am pregnant with my fifth child. Although, this is the first time pregnant while living a more natural/organic lifestyle. I really hope you will share more on pregnancy in these coming months!! The last time I was pregnant, was three years ago and a lot has changed in our lifestyle since then.
Congrats on the new baby!!
We just moved into a new home with wood floors too…and I’m looking for a good mopping system as well…let me know what you’re doing.
And congrats on your pregnancy!
Congratulations, Lindsay and family!! God bless!
Congratulations on your little one to come! I’m expecting as well (my fourth), and look forward to your thoughts on pregnancy and birth in the coming months.
Your new home is beautiful! Hope you have fun settling in and getting to know your neighbours better.
Congratulations on your new addition! Your blog is my homepage and I’m always inspired by the posts. Thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord and your family.
Congratulations on your new addition! It’s always so thrilling to hear about another baby on the way! I’m due with our second child in April. I can’t wait to meet her =) I pray you have a wonderful pregnancy and delivery!
Also, your post about Order was EXACTLY what I needed to read. Things are crazy at our house right now and I know it’s not God’s plan for us. I’m slowly but surely getting things organized and simplified. Thanks for your godly encouragement!
Congratulations on the coming little one and your new home!
Congratulations on the house and the baby! What an exciting time for your family! You are in my prayers
Congratulations on the new abode and the expected baby! How wonderful!
Yay!! I’m so excited for you!!!
Congrats on all fronts. The Lord has blessed you richly!
Congratulations on all of your blessings! I just moved into a new home in August and am expecting a baby in April, so I know the joy and exhaustion you must be feeling. I don’t know how you can maintain a blog and do all that you do, but thank you for being such an encouragement for moms!
Hi Lindsey,
Congrats to you an your family. I am the dedicated follower whos 40 and expecting her second at the end of aug 2011. I will be following your posts for encouragement through this time as well. so happy for you. your new home looks so cute.
god bless,
shannon walker
I’m a little late responding but 1) hooray for you new baby! and 2) have you tried a steam mop? I have one for our hard wood floors and LOVE it. It sanitizes and dries instantly – no wringing out a mop, no waiting for floors to dry. Plus you just throw the cleaning pads in the washer! So easy! Mine is made by Haan. I highly recommend it!
Oh Congratulations!!! So excited for you!
Such a happy time! Wonderful news.
Similarly, my family & I just made our first move to a owning a house last month as well… and we refinished wood floors on the lower level! They are absolutely beautiful. I receiver the norwex mop system for Christmas, and I LOVE it! We have 2 children under 3 and a black lab (so there’s always lots of hair) and this mop performs perfectly! Highly recommend it. Best wishes to you & yours as you settle in!
Congratulations on the new baby and new home (in that order
)! I’m due with #1 in late March or early April and look forward to your pregnancy and baby posts!
Congrats on the house and more excitingly the new little one!!
Congratulations! Our two kids are about the same age and now we’re both pregnant at the same time! (I’m due in June.) I look forward to learning together about how to do this the third time. I keep saying third time’s a charm! Enjoy, and I hope you’re feeling well!
The third time has been the charm for me! I sort of wish I could have started out parenting with the mindset I started with my third child – it would have been so much easier. Granted, my third is easy-going, but I think that’s partly nature & partly nurture. Having the experience of the older two has turned this year into the terrific two’s with my little toddler! I wish I would do better with my big kids, though, because I’m still too foolish and inexperienced with them. God is gracious and I keep trying, though!
Children are so beautiful!
Congratulations! Your home looks cute as a button, and I wish you all the very best with your new little one- babies are such blessings!
YAY! Congratulations on baby #3!!
And a new house to boot! What a wonderful year you are already having!! God Bless you guys!!!
So happy for you and your family! Sounds like 2011 is already a year of abundant blessings! Thanks for all you do and inspire.
Congrats!!! SO funny! We just found out baby #4 is expected in August as well!! I am about 10 weeks as well and it was a COMPLETE surprise! Your home is beautiful and what a great time to bring another one into the world! Looking forward to a blogger friend pregnancy with you
Congratulations Lindsey! Praying for you, your family, and this ministry!
SO EXCITING! What a blessing! Yay!
Hi! Just found your blog via a recommendation from a friend and I’M LOVING digging into your archives!!! Congratulations on your little one on the way!
Congratulations to you and your family on your new home and on the announcement of the precious new life you are carrying. God’s blessings on you all!
Congratulations on the new baby!!!
Congrats Lindsay! I also just found I am pregnant… with my first! So excited!
Congratulations to your family! What a joy it is to see God lavish your family with His blessings!
Congratulations! I am so happy for you and your family both on the new home and the new baby!
Congrats Edmonds Family!! What a great start to the new year!! A new home and A new baby! Joyous Timing!!
May God Bless the new year and make it fruitful and helpful to you!!
Congrats, Lindsay! We’re expecting blessing #2 in August ourselves!
Best Wishes to you and your growing family!
Congratulations! We are expecting our first baby in July. It is fun to hear other peoples experiences since this is all new to me.
Congratulations!! How exciting!! We’re expecting our first in July as well =) ‘Tis the Season?
Congratulations Lindsey! How exciting! I am so excited for this month’s topic. I love organizing and simplifying and can’t wait to get ideas.
Congratulations Lindsay,What and exciting way to start out your new year! The Lord is good. We are so excited for you and your growing family! Blessings to you,Kristina Visser
Congratulations on the new baby and the move Lindsay. I check in everyday at least once to see what is new. As a practicing Muslim, I find your blog appealing to people of all faiths- I love all the articles, from childrearing to healthy eating to organizing to faith based. You are able to share your love of God without isolating or offending anyone. I look forward to what this year has in store.
Congratulations to you and your beautiful family on your lovely home and your baby blessing!
Looking forward to your blog this year! Love it!
Congrats on the new one! I’m excited about the next year and finding encouragement from the different themes. I’ve been following your blog now for almost 2 years now and have really been blessed. Thank you so much for all you do to encourage those that check in on your website to find encouragement for each season! Blessings-Jennifer
Congratulations on the move and the new baby, Lindsay.. Excited to see what Passionate Homemaking has in store for us as the year unfolds..
so happy for you and your family! Babies are an amazing gift from God.
Congratulations! You have such a beautiful family and Praise God that it is expanding! I am blessed to read your blog and look forward to reading this year
Congratulations Lindsay!
I am also expecting, but this time our babies won’t be due the same exact week! :p
I am due the end of May. I checked your blog when I found out I was pregnant to see if you were again too! hehe
May you have a blessed pregnancy and enjoy your lovely little home!
Congratulations on all the recent blessings in your life!!
Praise the Lord for your new blessing! I am encouraged by your blog regularly!
Congratulations Edmonds!! That’s so wonderful, a new addition to your cute little family!
Congrats!!! so many new and exciting adventures!
Your house is adorable! I’m always so excited to hear about new babies! I think each subsequent baby is more exciting than the last.
Would you consider for February’s marriage focus broaching the subject of oneness in marriage over family size & birth control? Have you seen any good resources on this?
CONGRATULATIONS!! So happy for your family~a new home and a new little blessing on its way
I am very much looking forward to following PH in 2011; ready to be encouraged, inspired, and helped in my homemaking!
Congratulations on both your blessings! One of the best things I could tell you with the hard wood floors is to get a steam mop. Shark is a good brand from what I know. They are wonderful especially with kids because it kills the germs without all the harsh chemicals. I’m praying for you guys, your new home, and your new neighbors. I’m sure you’ll be as much of a blessing to them as you’ve been to me (which is HUGE by the way!). I may not know you personally but I do thank God for bringing me to your blog. Thank you!
So glad you’re back
Congratulations on your new home and your new little one, babies are such a wonderful blessing!
We have wood floors throughout our house, I bought a shark steam mop on a black Friday sale and love it! It cleans my floors better than anything else I’ve tried and it doesn’t use any chemicals, just plain old water.
Congratulations!! What a great way to start the year! I hope your life in your new home is wonderful and your pregnancy continues to go well!! Blessings to you all!!
Wow! Double blessings..house and baby! Praise God!!
Congratulations! We’re moving at the end of this month to our first home and reading this makes me extra excited! I’m also thrilled that you will be focusing on simplifying and organizing this month as that is exactly what I desperately need to work on during this move!
What a sweet looking home! How wonderful!!! A blessing indeed to have a neighbourhood like that one. I don’t think that its all just because of moving from a condo to a single dwelling area…I think that is a unique neighbourhood and a gift from the Lord you have there. I live in a small town neighbourhood and most of our neighbours don’t say much more than hi to us (if even that). Which is really sad. I’m happy to hear a neighbourhood like that still exists! Enjoy that blessing!
Congratulations! I am thrilled for you, both for your lovely new home, and precious little addition.
Congrats on the new baby! I’m glad everything went smoothly with the move and glad to have you back. Your blog is so inspiring.
Congratulations on your new blessing! How exciting. Your new home looks lovely! Praying for strangth for you in the weeks and months ahead.
Lindsay, congratulations! Excited for you and your family.
I love washable microfiber mops on my hardwood floors. (O Cedar brand is what I’m currently using.) They look just like the “swiffers” but are thick and washable! I use it dry for a quick pet-hair pickup or wet with a little Dr Bonners castille soap for mopping. Then I just toss them in the washer with rugs or cleaning towels. I highly recommend them for anyone who wants a more eco-friendly version of a “swiffer.”
You can also put an old-version cloth diaper in a Swiffer, which is what I do. I’m still learning on it, but I like the washable / reusable part!
Congratulations on your home and definitely on this new baby! Wow! How exciting!!!
Congratulations on the house and the baby! We rented our townhome and have now been living in our new home since August. It is a wonderful feeling and so freeing! I hope you enjoy your new home too! I had my third baby, and third boy, in May. Our boys are now 4, 2 and 7 months, close to what yours will be. Life gets really wild with three little ones! Brace yourself and prepare as much in advance as you can. Of course it will be wonderful though
As always, I love your writing and your heart for God. Congratulations on the new home and new baby coming! God is SO good, what a blessing!
Wishing you all the best on your new little one in the works and may God graciously lead you both safely through the whole nine months!
Congratulations on the new home and baby!!!
Congratulations, Lindsey! It appears you and I will once again have children born close to each other. We also found out that we’re expecting our 3rd baby in late July. Our first was born April 2007 and our second was born February 2009, so they are close in age to your two little ones. Happy to hear you’re feeling well, and what a beautiful new home you have!
Wow, what a showering of blessings for the New Year! I live in SE PDX and have found a great buying club here. If you are in the area also, and would like to know more, e-mail me and I will share my info.
Congratulations on baby #3! We’re expecting baby #1 in July (at home!) My prayers will be uplifted for you and your growing family during this wonderful time! And the house looks super cute too!
So excited for your new home and new baby blessings
We just moved into our first home a year ago that also was full of hardwood floors. Very beautiful, but tricky to clean.
I was given a Eureka 313A Enviro Hard-Surface Floor Steamer as a gift and I could not be happier with it. I read this review and it was so helpful!
A great way to clean hard floors without all the chemicals.
I couldn’t hardly believe all the grime it picked up!
Thanks for taking the time to share your blessings with your blog followers
In Him,
The Robinson’s
Congratulations on your new home and your upcoming new arrival! What an exciting time in life for you!
Yay for a new home and more babies to fill it with! Congratulations! Your kids are so blessed to have you as parents. : )
It’s so great to see you back! Your new home is absolutely lovely! I have to tell you that I got chills as you said you’re expecting your third baby. I’m so very happy for you all.
May God continue to bless you all.
congrats on the new home and new baby. We too just moved – from Alabama to the Seattle area. So we are adjusting to new life in a new and different culture. I look forward to more of your writings.
Congratulations on your new home and the blessing of another child! May the Lord bless this pregnancy and give you peace in your new home.
Congratulations on the new house and baby! There’s an unwritten rule that homes and babies go together:) What an exciting time! Glad you are back.
The Eureka Enviro Steamer is a great steam mop. I’ve had mine for about 7 months now and love it. Just water, no chemicals. You can read about it here-plus it’s a great price. It’s around $20 cheaper than when I purchased mine on Amazon.
Congratulations on the new home and baby #3. Our #4 is also due in August, but we haven’t told anyone yet
Wow! What a wonderful way to start the new year! Congratulations on the new home and new life. Living in the condo for those years will surely give you a whole new appreciation for yard and space. Kiddies get to play outside more and you get to plant a garden. How exciting! May God bless your family as you continue to serve Him so faithfully. Thanks for blogging!
Congratulations! I’m going to have #2 in May this year! I look forward to your focus of each month! Blessings, Shonda
Congratulations on the new little one! So good to hear that you are all settling in. God is good.
Congratulations! That is so exciting. I’m about have my first baby in about a month, in the home. I’ve learned alot from you through this pregnancy, and I thank you for that. Praying for you!
Congratulations! I use a Shark steam mop on my hardwood floors and love it. I also have an “ergorapido” (I think it’s electrolux, it’s orange) rechargeable stick vacuum that I use daily for crumbs, got them both at Target. When we first moved into our house, I was very frustrated at keeping the floor clean but now that I have these two I feel so much better.
Congratulations on your new home and new baby to come! I’ve really been enjoying your archives this month, and have cooked two of your posted recipes for my family
. My last comment may have been lost in the shuffle, but I am another PDX mama that would love to get together to talk about the LORD and homemaking and children…. just life in general. We moved to our own little (rental) home in NE Portland a week before Christmas, and welcomed our 3rd blessing last August. Life is a whirlwind sometimes!
How exciting Lindsay! New baby, new home, new ministry opportunities! Many blessings to you as you nurture your family and reach out to so many!
Congrats! So happy for you!
Congratulations to you!!! What a darling home and so excited for your baby #3 on the way!!! You bless us tremendously with your blog and I am excited for what it holds this year. Your neighbors have no idea how blessed they will be with you all!
As for hard wood floors…love them! I second the microfiber mop. I use a spray bottle with vinegar/water, spray floor, and mop over. The microfiber mop head then Velcro’s off and into the washer it goes. It is so easy, gets the floors clean, smelling good, and is best of all is CHEAP!
Blessings on your pregnancy!
Congratulations. Here to say – Three is a blast – you will now have more children than you have arms, and that is a challenge, but it is so much fun. Our third is 5 months and I have never felt so joyful and fulfilled. My day is filled with the smiling faces of my three treasures.
Oh Congratulations!! I’m a fairly new reader of your blog and it has already been such a blessing in my life! We found out at ten weeks that we are expecting our 3rd blessing as well, “due” March 31st.
If you haven’t tried it before, ginger capsules are incredible for morning sickness!
Happy New Year!! What a great way to kick off the year! Congratulations on the wonderful news that you are expecting a new little one!! And, Congrats on the new home (and hot tub … fun!).
Blessings to you and your family.
p.s. – my vote for the mop system would be a Norwex mop (it has a removable wet and dry microfiber cloth head) works great and only uses water.
Congratulations on your new little one! How you announced it to your family was very creative. It is very exciting to have the next little one and a new home all at once. I can’t wait for the monthly themes and home to learn tons more in the new year from your wonderful site. Take care of yourself and your family and God Bless!
Congrats! What a blessing! We are expecting our third little one in June. Maybe God knew you guys would need the extra space not only for hospitality, but future warriors of God!
Congratulations!!! May God richly bless you and your family as you continue to seek to bring glory and honor to Him through your lives!!
Congratulations!! I’m so excited for you and your family! We’re hoping to expand our family soon too, and I’m looking forward to learning from your pregnancy!
Yours was one of the first blogs I followed, and you have inspired me so much – thank you.
Congratulations! What a wonderful blessing!
Also I clean my wood floors using 1/2 cup of vinegar per 1 gallon of warm water. Gets my floors so clean and they shine.
many congratulations to you!
Congrats on the new home & new little life! We’re due in August too! Tiredness, whew, I feel ya! =) It’s so worth it though!
Congratulations to you and your whole family. What a blessed time for you!!! I love your beautiful home. I am getting ready to purchase one. Did you know it was the one?
I have hard woods now and you can not beat the Shark Mop!! You don’t use any chemicals, just filtered water in the mop. No wringing, no going to the sink for more water, no pails. I just love my mop, can you tell?!!
Congratulations on ALL the new blessings in your life! God is good!
Congratulations! What a wonderful way to start the new year!
Congratulations on all the wonderful changes in your life!
Yay for a new little one!!!!! So happy for your family!
Psalm 127
1 Unless the LORD builds the house,
the builders labor in vain.
Unless the LORD watches over the city,
the guards stand watch in vain.
2 In vain you rise early
and stay up late,
toiling for food to eat—
for he grants sleep to[a] those he loves.
3 Children are a heritage from the LORD,
offspring a reward from him.
4 Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
are children born in one’s youth.
5 Blessed is the man
whose quiver is full of them.
They will not be put to shame
when they contend with their opponents in court.
Thank you for helping me focus on the Lord in building my home. I’m excited about the themes for this coming year! Congrats to you and your family on your newest reward from our Heavenly Father!
Congratulations on everything. What a fun, creative way to tell your family about your new little one. I’m also due in August! I will be praying for you as that precious little one grows inside you!! And thank you again for your website…God is using it powerfully in my life to change much of who I thought I was and how I function! It has even inspired a ladies group in our church. We`re starting this Friday on a book study of Womanly Dominion. SO excited!!!!!
wow, congrats on your newest little one! how exciting
I’m excited about the monthly themes! And congratulations on your new addition
Semalee @ Nailing Jello to a Tree
Congratulations on your new blessing!!! I pray you have a fantastic pregnancy.
Congrats on your new little blessing!
LOVE LOVE LOVE hardwood floors! Not sure if you picked it up or not but get a DRY swiffer mop. It’ll help w/the dust that accumulates on the floor—daily lol.
Congrats on the coming of the new lil one! I have a few other friends pregnant too!
Also, congrats on the new home! I hope you do a photo tour or even a video tour of your new home.
I always like to see the insides of people’s homes.. I get ideas on decorating and stuff!
Maybe when our house is actually decorated and furnished…it is currently practically empty and not much to see!
Okie doke!! I wish I lived closer… or I’d come and help!
What a blessed way to start the New Year!! Congrats on the new baby!!
Happy new year, Congratulations on you new home and baby – Yay!
Congratulations and Happy New Home and New Year! Very exciting! It all goes along with my Bible verse for the year 1 Corinthians “What no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love him”
Wow! A hearty congratulations on everything, but especially the new little one! Yay for new babies!!