Do you need a good natural milk supplementation for your nursing baby? I have struggled with maintaining a sufficient milk supply for all three of my little munchkins and I have definitely tried my best at boosting my supply as well. The evenings have always been my struggle…meeting the demand when my body was weary and the breast empty. My babies have always wanted an extra portion to fill up the tummy to sleep through the night. I wanted to find a good natural milk alternative that I could give them in a bottle to top them off for the night. We wanted to avoid commercial formulas due to the soy contents. After doing a lot of research, we have found a great supplement. I also confirmed this recommendation with my naturopath and she affirmed my findings.
Enter…Meyenberg powdered goat’s milk. (Use the subscribe and save and its only $22.90 for 3 cartons).
Goat’s milk, I believe, is the best alternative because it most closely resembles the mother’s breastmilk. It is easy to digest, and completely natural. Goat’s milk contains around ten grams of fat per eight ounces compared to 8 to 9 grams in whole cow’s milk. According to Dr. Sears’, goat’s milk contains only trace amounts of an allergenic casein protein, alpa-S1, found in cow’s milk, making it less allergenic. He adds:
“Although the mineral content of goat’s milk and cow’s milk is generally similar, goat’s milk contains 13 percent more calcium, 25 percent more vitamin B-6, 47 percent more vitamin A, 134 percent more potassium, and three times more niacin. It is also four times higher in copper. Goat’s milk also contains 27 percent more of the antioxidant selenium than cow’s milk. Cow’s milk contains five times as much vitamin B-12 as goat’s milk and ten times as much folic acid (12 mcg. in cow’s milk versus 1 mcg. for goat’s milk per eight ounces with an RDA of 75-100 mcg. for children). The fact that goat’s milk contains less than ten percent of the amount of folic acid contained in cow’s milk means that it must be supplemented with folic acid in order to be adequate as a formula or milk substitute for infants and toddlers.”
Meyenberg goat’s milk is fortified with folic acid and vitamin D, free of pesticides, chemicals, or hormones. At my naturopath’s recommendation, we added cod liver oil (for omega-3′s and vitamin A & D) and a natural liquid multi-vitamin for the nutritional benefits. Amazon is definitely the best price I have found on this product, but is also available at your local Fred Meyer Nutrition or through Azure Standard.
My babies have always taken this goat’s milk just fine. Ideally, raw goat’s milk would be the best option, since the powdered version is pasteurized. But due to the fact that goat’s milk spoils quickly, powdered is a great option. Find raw goats milk sources through Local Harvest.
Goat’s Milk Formula:
Yield: 36 ounces
4 cups goats milk (or 8 scoops Meyenburg goats milk powder & 4 cups filtered water – dilute further with water when you first start supplementing with this recipe, watch stools, and gradually increase if baby is digesting just fine)
1/4 cup liquid whey from yogurt or kefir (contains probiotics, strain from yogurt, or kefir- we start feeding our babies yogurt when they are around 7-8 months, so I stop adding it after that point)
1 -2 tsp organic blackstrap molasses (This provides B-vitamins, iron, trace minerals, and helps relieve constipation. Decrease amount if stools are too loose.)
2 tsp organic maple syrup (for carbohydrates)
1/4 tsp of bifodobacterium infantis (we use Natren Life Start for priobiotics, calcium, and other nutrients)
1/2-1 teaspoon high-vitamin cod liver oil (we use Childlife Cod Liver Oil for nutrition and to support healthy brain function, 1/2 tsp is the recommended daily allowance, so adjust as necessary.)
1 tsp unrefined sunflower oil (for vitamin E)
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
2 tsp virgin coconut oil (contains lauric acid that is important for anti-viral, antifungal properties as found in breast milk)(B Vitamins & folic acid – 1 tsp per day is the recommended daily allowance for infants, so adjust as necessary. Since they are getting many vitamins through the other nutrients here, you could just use a b vitamin liquid supplement or use a smaller amount. You can use 2 tsp of nutritional yeast as the best option, but we always had stomach issues with this, so we have stayed with the multi-vitamin. We are currently using Nature’s Plus Baby Plex.)
1/4 teaspoon acerola powder (we use Now Acerola Powder for vitamin C)
Blend all ingredients together in a blender. Pour into individual glass bottles or one large. To warm, place in a pan of simmering water. Never use a microwave. This formula is best made daily for optimal nutritional retention. It is recommended that you only use 1 tsp multi-vitamin and 1/2 tsp cod liver oil daily for infants, so you may need to adjust the recipe as needed. This recipe lasts approximately two days for my current baby, Eden, who drinks a 4 oz bottle before every nap and an 8 oz bottle at bedtime.
Note: If you are just beginning to supplement with this, it is recommended to start with a smaller portion of goat’s milk to water (9 oz water to 1.5 scoops as described by Dr. Sears) and work up to the 1 scoop recommendation above.
See Dr. Sears’ Goat Milk Formula recipe here or Organic Thrifty has done a thorough recipe that I adapted from here.
We have used this recipe for all three of our little ones, and they usually took two to four 4-8 oz bottles per day, depending upon the child and age. We use it till they are about 1 year old before switching over to raw cow’s milk.
Lastly, we like to avoid plastic baby bottles and have found Evenflo’s glass bottles to be a wonderful alternative! They are very frugal as well.
Please note: I am not a medical professional. I am just a wife and mother who cares for the health of her family. Please use your careful discernment and double check with your naturopath before using this formula, especially if desiring to use it full time.
I have been using this recipe for 5 days now on my 4-month old daughter, with fresh raw goat’s milk. I am using the full 2 tsp of blackstrap molasses but she is still pretty constipated, especially compared to how she was going on Similac formula. Am I doing something wrong? I’ve been adding an extra 1 oz water for each 4 oz of formula, but still hard-ish stools. Can someone offer advice on how to change this up a little to help her go easier?
Anyone? Please help! Its been a week and she is still very consitpated. I don’t know how I need to tweak it to make her not consitpated anymore. I shouldn’t have to give my baby prune juice every day to keep her formula from constipating her.
Hi, Thank you for the video. I am not sure if you know this or not but why does the recipe call for both whey and bifidobacterium infantis. They are both live cultures. I am wondering if I can omit the homemade whey since that would be a lot grocery store trips to get fresh yogurt.
Question I’m still ebf but can not pump, so I’m wanting to try this but does all the other stuff have to be added for say 2 bottles a day?? How many scoops per ounce of water
If you use the Multivitamin versus the coconut oil and nutritional yeast, how many drop or tsp/tbls do you add to this recipe? Thanks!
Was wondering how long the ‘bottle’ is good for consumption after it has been warmed by simmering in water? Or, if my baby does not finish her 8 oz in one setting how long is the bottle good for for her to finish later? Typical formula from the shelves says 1 hour… is this true with Goats Milk Formula? I saw you said your mixture is good for 2 days in the refrigerator.. what is the maximum time for the mixture to be in the refrigerator before spoilage? Thank you for the recipe!
hi! a good support on bresatfeeding mothers whose milk is drying of is making an infusion with normal grass…cows make it like this. i was close to drying two times, when i was 4 and 5months and managed to increase it doing this…SUPER EFFECTIVE, easy and natural.
Hi, can you please tell me more about this? I have just returned to work and my supply is dwindling, even though I am pumping.
Hi, I have just started supplementing with the goat milk formula with my 1 month old. He was have a terrible time latching on. I am able to pump but not to his demand so I am doing half/half breastmilk/goats milk formula. It’s going great and he is so much more satisfied & content:) I was wondering how many days can batch be stored in the fridge? How long does it last after a bottle has been made? Thanks so much!!
Thanks for sharing this recipe.. I was wondering how long is it okay to keep out on the counter?
I breastfeed my 5 month old all night, in the morning before work, on my lunch break and all evening when I get home from work. I also feed her organic apples and carrots. Would it be OK just to give her about three ounces of powdered goats milk a day mixed with three ounces of breast milk to keep her full when she is with the nanny? I was hoping not to have to make the formula. I also give her a probiotic daily. Please advise. Thanks!
If you are suffering from a chronic cough, it is very important that you get it treated. This is particularly the case if you are elderly or it is a young child that is suffering from a persistent cough.Whilst a cough is rarely serious, at first, if left untreated in these age groups, it soon can develop into something quite serious. For example, a cough with phlegm or green mucus can be an indicator of a deep or serious infection. A simple chest infection can quickly develop into something like pneumonia, which can take months to recover from. In the elderly, it can be even more serious and can result in death. A cough in a baby can be an early symptom of bronchiolitis. This is why if a baby has a persistent cough you should seek medical advice at an early stage.”
Most recently released post on our personal blog
Hi Lindsay, I was reading the recipe for the powdered goat milk formula. I was wondering if you needed to still use the coconut oil if you are using nutritional yeast for b vitamins?
I am so glad I found your site. I am a mother of a 11 1/2 month old. I have never given my daughter formula, she takes a bottle and I pump. She was 6 weeks premature and never able to breast feed successfully. I have been extremely fortunate with my milk supply but am beginning to need a supplement as I am having difficulty keeping up now. She does eat homemade organic food and only takes a few bottles during the day. I have SEVERAL food allergies, a strong family history of allergies especially to cows milk and I dont really like the soy options available. Do you know if I could just use the powdered goats milk with an added multi vitamin since she eats food and is almost a yr old? Or would I need to make the whole formula recipe? Any advice would be much appreciated, thank you for your time!!
Yes, I think that would be appropriate.
Hi Lindsay thank you so much for this formula. I just started trying this for my 2.5 month corrected age former preemie because he has terrible reflux and nipple aversion and nothing is helping. Could you tell me how many calories each ounce of this provides?
hiya sheila. my baby is 4.5 months old now and absolutely vetoed the homemade goats milk formula last night. she spat, blew raspberries, fake gagged, pushed it away, etc for about 15 minutes to illustrate exactly what she thought of that bottle. ive had her on variations of it for the past few days. the ones that include oils aggravate her reflux really bad. ive tried the dr sears version which she stomached better but still refused. plus i was worried about her nutrition as it only consists of goats milk, water, sugar, and multivitamins. to top it off she was really constipated with goats milk even after adding blackstrap molasses and probiotics
id try a cows milk variation but im worried shes slightly sensitive to cows milk and id still have the issue with the oils.
shes a bit underweight, refusing bottles, has bad reflux, mild excema, chronic cough, sneezing and congestion, and a perpetual diaper rash. shes a very picky eater and has a sensitive stomach.
shes tried ALL the formulas here in the usa including nutramigen, alimentum, elecare, and neocate. she failed them miserably and actually does better with normal milk based formulas. im currently special ordering an organic formula from england that she takes better, but all the above symptoms are back.
The formula mixture recipe you provided looks great. I did a lot of research and this mixture covers whatever the goat milk lacks compare to cows milk (iron and vitamin B etc. It’s totally doable. I hate to feed my baby with cows formula full of growth hormones, antibiotic, additives, preservatives and all the unhealthy stuff. Organic formulas all have brown rice syrup which means a lot of Arsenic so this recipe could really come to rescue.
I think I am gonna start with below items and give my baby the multivitamin separately by mount.
Raw or powdered goats milk (decided by choice and availability)
*To start, use 1/2 scoop of powdered milk and work up to 1 whole scoop)
-Water (4 oz.)
-Blackstrap Molasses (added as a carbohydrate + has nutritional value)
-Cod Liver Oil (added for the Omega-3′s + offers awesome nutritional value)
Now have a few questions:
1- From what age you can give this mixture to your baby as supplement to mother’s milk? My baby is going to be 3 months and a half by end of Nov. She drinks my milk all daylong but regular formula about 4 or 5 oz before sleep when i have no more milk
2- HOW MUCH Molasses per 4OZ. should I add???
3- Dose she need Multi vitamins at all since she drinks breast milk all day long?
Anybody out there know more than me???? PLEASE HELP.
About how many days worth does this recipe make?
Great formula! Is it alright for fully formula fed babies? I’m using it on my 4 month old refluxer tonight! Also, any suggestions for a fish oil replacement?
Hi. I just started giving raw goat’s milk to my 10 month old using the formula recipe, except without the vitamin c and nutritional yeast. The acerola powder (now) has corn in the ingredients, so I left it out. Have you ever noticed that a child had any reaction to the change later in infancy. She seems to really like the formula, but her activity level seems much higher than usual. Any kind of “die off” effect possible with the removal of cow protein?
Any insights would be very helpful!
My dd has always been very active and smart. I started supplementing this at 2 months and stopped breastfeeding at 6 months so she only drinks goats milk now at 8 months. She has been sitting up, standing, and crawling since 6 months.
I was wondering how do you make the whey?
I usually just strain it from a batch of kefir or yogurt. The liquid that rises to the surface is whey. You can use a cheesecloth to strain it.
Hi Lindsay! Been reading your blog for a couple years but have never posted…have gleaned to much valuable information and much encouragement from you! Thank-you for being faithful to post!
I’m from SK, Canada, I homeschool, try to be thrifty, and love Jesus too, so I find many of your posts seem to be just for me!
My 4th baby is 4 months old, and I routinely run out of milk between 4-6 months in spite of doing everything I can to keep it, so am looking ahead to possible options for feeding her. (Almost bought a goat, but after much consideration realized that was probably not going to work in our unfenced yard in a town) ;o So, I love this post! Now, I’ve looked around online, and it doesn’t seem like I can order this powder from the U.S. for a reasonable rate. Can I use any goats milk powder and add my own vitamin D or what would you recommend if I can get the same kind you use?
Thanks again so much for taking the time to post and reply. I know it’s a sacrifice and takes time away from your family, but it is so appreciated!
May God bless you Lindsay!
I think you would be able to use a different goats milk powder and make sure to add the infant multi-vitamin which should cover their need of vitamin D. I would check with your physician or naturopath to be sure though. Blessings!
My daughter never did well with the powder. She would puke and it clumps up so much. We get our milk from a farm. Its cheaper too!
Thanks, I am looking everywhere for a farm that can supply fresh goats milk, but there doesn’t seem to be any near me. Have you ever frozen the goats milk? Wondering if I found a supplier farther away could I get it frozen?!
I would imagine this would be a great option. If there is any problems with separation, the blender would solve the problem when you combine with the other ingredients.
If you go to the american dairy goat associations home page you can find a list of members. All the people listed on that site raise dairy goats. It shows addresses and phone numbers. Find a phone number in your same area code.
Goat people are extremely friendly and LOVE to help others, especially babies that need their special goats milk.
I’m a mom of an 18 yr old boy that has been on goats milk since 4 months old.
Had to try all kinds of formula, but nothing worked. He had projectile vomit for most of those first 4 months. We were fortunate enough to find a family that milked goats and switched him over. We never had a problem from that day on. (raw) NOTE: I watered it down at first, 6 oz milk, 2 oz water.
I found this site because my niece is looking at switching her daughter over to a goats milk formula, maybe a powder. We now raise goats ourselves. As my son got to be about 10 yrs old I couldn’t afford or keep enough milk on the fridge shelf, so bought the goats. She is too nervous to get goats milk from us just yet. so I was hunting for alternatives for her.
great site!
thanks for helping so many moms! I was in this spot 18 yrs ago and I don’t know what I would have done with out finding out about goats milk.
Saved my sanity.
I am a goat raiser! Yes frozen is a great idea. Because it is so similar to breast milk, its naturally homogenized, it can be stored and frozen just like breast milk.
I would say its only good for about 3-4 months. 6 months it seems to get yucky and seperate. I have customers that come and get 1 gallon fresh and 6 gallons frozen. Then they don’t have to come to the farm that often.
(of course when I say I have customers that buy my raw milk, please note they are buying it for their puppies- wink wink)
Its best to store the milk in glass containers, it seems that plastic gives it a yucky taste.
We freeze in ziploc bags, we lay it on its side in a cake pan to freeze, then they stack nice in a freezer.
I hope this helps.
HI. Very interested in this for my baby who seems to be having some digestive issues with formula, though I don’t really want to make my own whey. Is there a way I could buy this? Does Goat’s milk contain whey as well?
Unfortunately, you can only find the base powdered goats milk on the market, but not a complete formula as is described here.
Hi Lindsay,
My son is 8 months and on soy formula. I have tried introducing goats milk once already but haven’t tried making my own formula from scratch, so was very grateful to find this one! I have ordered everything listed except for liquid whey (do you order this or do you simply strain yogurt?). Might sound like a silly question but I have never done this before! I am hoping that I can order it or buy it at a health food store. Is there a substitute for this ingredient? I want to try this ASAP as my son wakes in the night for up to four hours straight and is ready to rock n roll, is absolutely restless and hyper and sometimes has trouble falling asleep. I am almost certain it is from the build up of toxins and sugar from the corn syrup that he is currently consuming in the soy based formula that he has everyday. I had him on soy as he puked up all the milk based formulas and was very fussy until I made the switch.
Thank you!
We started using goat milk and a recipe similar to this as my wife ran into some breast mastosis. It seems to fill the baby up alot quicker than breast milk. i guess it is becuase the increased calories here. Does that sound correct?
Hi Lindsey,
I also have a question. Do you feel that starting an 8 month old on just the straight goat’s milk formula from the can isn’t enough? I am just trying to think through the cost of all of this so I can decide and just wondered about going with the plain formula. Thanks!! (-:
The plain goat milk is lacking the nutrition needed for an infant. You can possibly get away with just adding a liquid multi-vitamin and cod liver oil at that age and if you are already supplementing with solid food.
I have a question. This recipe contains 2 tsp of molasses and 2 tsp of maple syrup, which according to my bottle labels is 73 calories (60 cals/tbsp for the molasses, i.e. 40 cals for 2 tsp; and 50 cals/tbsp for the syrup, i.e. 33 calories for 2 tsp). The Dr. Sears contains 6 1/2 tbsp of rice syrup which is 273 calories. Why the huge difference in carbohydrate/sweetener levels?
Thank you for posting this. This seems more accessible than the WAP recipes somehow.
I am so thankful for the information all the ladies are sharing here! My first child, I supplemented with commercial formula after she did not gain weight after 3 weeks (she lost one pound before leaving the hospital, and did not even get up to her birth weight). I was told she was a lazy suckler. It was probably the awful narcotics (pain pills) I was given from my C-section! Anyway, she puked constantly. And as many of you, we were told by her ped. to give her soy formula. It helped a little, but she still puked a lot. She quit breast feeding at 3months old. I sure wish we had known about goats milk then. She ended up getting tubes in her ears, which sounds like a symptom of a cows milk allergy that her little body could not digest, as some of you moms had experience with. It was when she was around 2 years old that we were educating ourselves on natural living.
Thirteen years later, I’m about to have our fifth child, three are adopted. So it’s only my second go at breast feeding, and I’m praying I will be more successful. But if not, I am so, so, very relieved that I have an alternative that I can welcome and live with to offer my baby girl that I know is doing good for her and not actually harming her! I just want to confirm the formula recipe with you Lyndsay to be sure I have it right, if I could.
Basically this is what you need:
-Raw or powdered goats milk (decided by choice and availability)
*To start, use 1/2 scoop of powdered milk and work up to 1 whole scoop)
-Water (4 oz.)
-Blackstrap Molasses (added as a carbohydrate + has nutritional value)
-Cod Liver Oil (added for the Omega-3′s + offers awesome nutritional value)
-Whole Foods Infant multivitamin (added for the Folate, B12 and Iron)
So basically, just be absolutely sure you add a carbohydrate, omega-3′s, folate, B12 and iron to your formula, right? I’m not sure what the nutritional yeast substitutes in this recipe, but I know you can substitute molasses for brown rice syrup. Anyway, this is what I gathered. Also, you can freeze raw goats milk and that mixing your breast milk with the goats milk is a great way to get them started. When doing that, would you need to add all that other stuff, or just go with straight goats milk? I want to thank you again, all of you ladies and Lyndsay for sharing your stories with us. These are our most precious possessions that God has entrusted us with. And we always want to give our best to them and to Him.
For other moms who have low milk supply, here’s a tip I recently discovered. When I take **Coconut Oil**, my milk supply has an immediate and noticeable increase! I recommend fresh-pressed, virgin, unrefined coconut oil (I take the Dr. Bronner’s brand). Between 1-2 tablespoons/day seems to work well– I eat it by the spoon, or blend it in a smoothie. This may not work for everyone, but it has helped me produce enough milk for my 12 month old who refuses any other milk or food.
And it’s worth a try as coconut oil has many other health benefits as well!
Human milk for human babies! – If you are low on milk this is a great alternative I wish I had known of. Click the link and find your state and get human breast milk for FREE!
Hey Lindsay!
Thank you for this info! My daughter will be 8 months old on Sunday and has been exclusively breastfed. In the past weeks she has begun solids using mainly the BLW method and is loving it! I was able to create a large store of milk in the freezer when she was little but am about to run out. We only giver her bottles of expressed milk when I am away and not able to feed her (usually about 1 time per week). I am looking for something to give her during those times when I’m not here and we do not want to give commercial formula. I was really thankful to read this post! I just wanted to see how you introduced this milk and if your babies had any trouble digesting it. I am not looking forward to giving her something besides breast milk but this looks like the most nourishing and cost-effective alternative. Thanks!
I started out by mixing it half and half with breastmilk to help introduce their bodies to it and then gradually just made it with goats milk and they have never had any problems.
My 9-month old refused this recipe until I removed the cod liver oil (she was exclusively breastfed and then I had to stop suddenly). Now she loves it (I use the powdered goat milk, brewerys yeast, coconut oil, probiotic, maple syrup, and acerola powder). I just give her a dropper of cod liver and multivitamin every day. Works for us!
It’s really a nice and helpful piece of information. I’m satisfied that you just shared this helpful info with us. Please stay us up to date like this. Thank you for sharing.
Does anyone know if the powder goats milk has corn in it? And thanks for the info on diluting the milk. I have switched my 11 month old to liquid goats milk and was giving it to her whole, and she is constipated. Thought she was having a reaction to yet another food(formula). She is corn sensitive, dairy, and soy. Very hard!
There is no mention on the container as to any inclusion of corn in this product. As far as I understand it is simply goats milk powder with no other additives.
I was wondering if you can use the same formula above in the article for a 2 moth old?
What i don’t understand is why would you go through ALL that trouble for a Goat Milk Formula yet give your children Cow’s milk (obviously not the better choice) at a year old??
Goat’s Milk Formula: Natural Supplementation for Baby….
Does anyone know if you can still get Meyenburg goat milk formula ?
And where ?
Thank you so much !
You can find Meyenburg goats milk at natural food stores. It is still available at my local Fred Meyer’s.
If you have a Harris Teeter grocery Store in your area, they carry Meyenburg at a very affordable price. The one in our area carries it for $7.99 while the local health food store carries the same thing for $12.99.
Also, I believe you can order it on for around $8 a can.
Yes you can, or at least the powder! Health food stores generally carry it, but Ive also found it at United Market Street
I was wondering if you could use liquid goats milk instead of using the powdered and re-constituting it. I am going on a ladies retreat with my church in a few weeks and I’ve been building my freezer stash to leave with my husband; but since I breastfeed exclusively I am concerned that I don’t know exactly how much he eats in a day. If for some terrible reason I was short I want my husband to have another option. He is 6 months and is happily eating solid foods, but I’m wanting to leave plenty of back up options. Is there a reason other than storage and expense that you use powdered? And is there a reason you wouldn’t use it as a short term solution?
The only reason I use powdered is because it does not go bad, and since I only used it as a supplement I needed only a small quantity every day or every other day. Fresh goats milk or even the canned liquid goats milk just goes bad in a day or two. For short term use, you could certainly use it if consumed in that time or frozen.
Fresh goat milk is good for 7-10 days upon opening… not a day a two.
From Meyenberg’s Website:
MEYENBERG®Fresh Whole Ultra Pasteurized and Low Fat Goat Milk
Stamped on Top on Carton
Shelf Life: 63 days from date of manufacture
Use within 7 to 10 days of opening.
MEYENBERG® Evaporated Goat Milk
Stamped on Bottom of Can
Shelf Life: 4 years from date of manufacture
Use within 7 to 10 days of opening.
MEYENBERG® 12 oz. Powdered Goat Milk*
Stamped on Bottom of Canister Code
Shelf Life: 4 years from date of manufacture unopened
After opening, consume within 2 mont
I too am starting my almost 4 month old daughter on the Meyenberg Powdered Goat Milk and using the Dr Sears Formula. I have purchased Organic Brown Rice Syrup from Lundenburg Farms and at your recommendation the Progena Multi-Vitamins. I also already give her Cod Liver Oil from Nordic Naturals called Babies DHA. I was only able to brestfeed her for the first 7 weeks of her life due to my thyroid disease. It ruined my milk supply and I just could not make enough for her. So, I tried her on the commercial formulas like Enfamil Premium, Gerber Good Start Gentle Ease and neither agreed with her. She does have a cows milk allergy which I have been trying to help with Enfamil’s Nutramigen. I truly hate giving her this because of all the chemicals and the fact that it is still made from COWS!! It has lessened some of her alergy symptoms, but not gotten rid of them completely. She still has bouts of diarreha and gets really phlemy and wheezy when she eats, but it has stopped a majority of the vomiting. These hypoallergenic formulas are a huge rip off. I knew goat milk is practically a superfood and in South America and Europe they do give goat ilk to infants. I did find a company in New Zealand that makes a goat based formula called Karicare made by Nutricia, but its 40 bucks a can and very expensive to have shipped to Kansas City where I live. I am frustrated with my Ped. He is SO sure the Nutramigen would not cause an allergic reaction and he insists no allergy is present. With that being said, I fired him and I am pursuing this on my own. I gave her a couple of test bottles a few weeks back and she loved it!!!
) and no wheezy baby! I know have all the supplies to start her on this regimine full time and I am considering adding Bragg’s Nutritional Yeast as well. The Progena directions claim to use 1/2 teaspoon twice a day and I split up her cod liver oil dosage to 2 times a day as well. Do you feel I am going about this the right way? My girl was a preemie and spent 3 weeks in the NICU after my emergency C-section. I feel I a doing the right thing. My girl still has respritory issues. I believe the goat milk can help her. I wish raw was an option for us here, but the farms are hard for us to get to all the time. If you have any other suggestions on what I can add to her formula or if you think my route is just fine please let me know. Like I said, I’m on my own in this matter. When I told her Ped I wanted to test her on goat milk he completely blew me off. Thank you for listening. She’s my 3rd at last baby. I want to help her. I almost lost her. Thanks again!
You might consider adding some of the nutritional boosters in the Nourishing Traditions homemade formula – like brewer’s yeast, molasses, and such. You have the Progena and cod liver oil. It sounds like you are certainly on the right track.
We have also had to supplement our children so far as I seem to have Insufficient Glandular Tissue, a fairly rare condition. We have also used goats milk but a slightly different recipe that we got from a doctor. We mostly use raw goats milk that we keep frozen till we need it and then it usually lasts less then a week (because we go through it so fast) and so have had no problems with it going bad. But we also keep plenty of the powdered meyenberg on hand for when we are on the go. We also consider it food storage for emergencies, so we buy it by the case!
Thought I’d pass on the recipe (we’ve made it so much now-we are on our second baby-that our measurements are a little rough because we can pretty much make it in our sleep, so please forgive the estimations). In a large container we put 2 cups goat milk, 1 cup filtered water, a little over a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses, and a little less than a tablespoon of cod liver oil, about 200-300 mcg of folic acid (give or take, we crush up the little pills you can buy in a mortar and pestle and put it in the milk) and then we also add about a teaspoon of probiotic powder. you can use plain acidopholus but we usually that e. reuteri for children that our doctor recommends. And then about once a day or so i’ll tip in a little of a babies multivitamin. i should maybe do that more… Anyway, hope this helps someone! You can use other sweeteners, the original recipe actually called for brown rice syrup but we decided on the blackstrap molasses because we wanted to give the most nutrition we could. it does stain, i’ll just warn you right now, lol, but so far our kids have never had any ear infections and seem to have no teeth problems, of course, i only have 2 kids so far.
Megan, thanks so much for your comments here. I’m in a situation similar to you (cannot make milk myself, daughter seems to have milk allergy, absolutely not a fan of the ingredients in the hypoallergenic formulas available). I see your posts are two years old … how did the goat’s milk formula work out for you?
I’ve recently switched brands to a cod liver oil recommended by the Weston Price foundation (for its original higher vitamins A and D content), and have found an AWSOME deal on it through, if you use their “subscribe and save” deal: no shipping, and another 15% off the already low price. The brand is called Twinlabs, and when you buy 3 bottles at a time this way, you can get each 12 ounce bottle for $5.30! An excellent deal for a brand recommended by the experts. You can read why it’s important to choose a brand that doesn’t refine out so much of the naturally occuring A and D at the Weston Price Foundation website.
Check it out!
at 11 months old my milk is starting to decrease. I breastfeed 1 to 2 times per day and I have no idea how much he is getting. This week I have started giving him 3 bottles a day of the goats milk suggested here. HOWEVER I have not added any of the recommended items. He also gets feed solids 3 times and a day and a snack or 2. Do you think he is getting enough of the things he needs or should I get the multi. vitamin??
Thanks for your help great blog that I am finding tons of hints on.
My son & I both take a multi- vitamin, simply because it’s good for you too. He is 16 months and been on fresh whole goat milk since he turned a year.
I’m new to and just want to say how impressed I am with the site. It is a wonderful resource for a Christian mom that wants to keep things as organic and natural as possible.
I want to mention I supplement my breastfeeding with goats milk and add organic carrot juice to it as well. We also use Evenflo’s glass bottles, I would recommend the siliskin silicone covers for the bottles. These covers are made of food quality silicone and protect the bottle should it happen to be dropped or fall.
Keep doing what you are doing! Blessings!
I have an 11 month old son that I have been supplementing with goat's milk since he was 8 months old. I have struggled with having a low milk supply with him all along and have taken just about everything possible to try to help with my milk supply with very little success. Now he only nurses 3-4 times a day and he gets another 24oz of goat's milk throughout the day. I am blessed to be able to get raw goat's milk and find it lasts about a week for me and I am able to freeze some too so I don't run out. However, I am wondering how to make sure my son is getting enough folic acid since the goat's milk is now his main source of milk. I don't really want to use the powdered version and I would prefer to keep him on goat's milk vs cow's milk even after the year mark because I believe it is so much easier on their little digestive systems. However, I want to make sure he doesn't become defficient in essential nutrients. Any suggestions?
If he is still nursing, you need not have any fears. He will be getting all the nutrition he needs through that source. It is perfectly suited to meet his needs. Even when I supplement with goat’s milk, I only give my kids cod liver oil beyond that.
I am soo thankful to all of your posts! I too am struggling to keep up my milk supply for a very thirsty 6mth old son. I have been taking fenugreek and blessed thistle combined for the past week, however, not seeing much of a difference. Thank you for aiding in making a decision I’m now comfortable with.
Hi everyone
I have benn reading the posts on here and it has been very helpful but I was just wondering if anyone knows when you can start using it as my son is 12 weeks (3 months) and is breastfeed and is going well but he is getting bigger and wanting more food and I run out some days so I wondered if I could give him powereded goats milk as a top up during the day so I have enough for his bedtime feed. We have tried cows powered milk but he is sick after it so if I can give him goats milk then it well be good.
Please advise me if anyone knows
Thanx alot
Lorna, as recommended above, I would just start with 1/2 scoop of goats milk powder to 4 oz of water and work up to 1 full scoop/4 oz. 4 oz would be a good amount to supplement and see how he does. Blessings!
I’m not sure if you heard back from Dr. Sears as or yet, but I was looking into the brown rice syrup and what I can tell it’s used as a simple carbohydrate in place of corn syrup or table sugar.
When my milk supply began to falter about a month or so ago, i began to panic. My baby boy is 9 mns old as of yesterday. i had planned on breast feeding him until he was no longer interested… or at least until he was 1. he woke up one day and no longer wanted to nurse. i was told this was a “nursing strike” and did all that i could to keep him interested, (as well as taking a supplement to increase my milk supply which contained blessed thistle, fenu greek, fennel and ) but he never wanted to nurse again. my real panic was that i only had a small supply of breast milk stored and knew i was going to need to find an alternative. my best friend sent me the link to this blog and it could not have come at a more opportune time!
i have been purchasing the 12 oz cans of Myenburg POWDERED Goat’s Milk powder from Amazon, but recently (accidentally) purchased the (Myenburg) EVAPORATED goat’s milk instead of the powdered. oops! Should i send it back? Or will it be ok? I am new at this (obviously). Also, i haven’t been adding the liquid multi or cod liver oil. Is it essential? Is it too late to start? I don’t know much, but i knew i wanted to stay away from soy. And my baby didn’t bat an eye at the flavor of the goat’s milk (thank God!).
Thank you so much for posting this. You are a life saver indeed
I have been using goat’s milk for my 9 month old. For the occasional feeding. I’ve been breastfeeding her this whole time, but when i started back to work, I was unable to save up enough milk. My friend knew of someone who had an over obundance of milk that she was willing to give both my friend and me. So I used her frozen milk for when my baby was at daycare. two four ounce bottles. (We reverse cycle. So she doesn’t get too much milk during the day.) But know that she has weaned her daughter I started using the goats milk. My daughter loves it!
I am pretty sure that the sugar acts as a laxative. I know corn syrup is recommended if prune/juice isn’t doing the trick. The goats milk, in full, can cause constipation. That is why it needs to be diluted and also, i think for the sugar.
I thought you might like to know that your cod liver oil probably has soy in it. I have a son who is very allergic to soy and one of the names to look for is Vitamin E or Tocopheral. Unless you call the company or it specifically says it probably has soy. FYI
Is it okay to use the canned or fresh goat’s milk (both the same brand). Wal-Mart had both of those, but not the powdered, so I went ahead and bought one of the cans. I just want to have something on hand in case I need to leave him for any reason.
I would imagine the liquid goat’s milk would probably be the superior choice, but I don’t think their is much difference. It is definitely fine to have a can on hand in case you need to leave him…but you might want to introduce him to the flavor in advance, or plan to mix it a bit with your breastmilk. I cannot guarantee that he will take it right away, especially if you have never given him a bottle.
Hi Lindsay
I too use goat’s milk formula for my little guy. He had a rough start and I am unable to breastfeed. As an infant he suffered from colic, acid reflux and a milk allergy. He was put on Zantac (which I hated!) and a hypoallergenic formula (very expensive). Many from my church recommended goat’s milk and at 6 months he was switched to raw goat’s milk formula. What a difference! He thrived on it. And now at 11 months he is a healthy, happy guy with a very good immune system. I wish my daughter had the same formula, unfortunately I didn’t know about it when she was born. I would use this formula with future babies. Thanks so much for your site, I love it!
Hi Kristy!
Your post was from quite some time ago so I hope you see this!
I have a 5 month old who sounds very similar to what you went through w/ your little boy.
Anyway, I’m LONGING to get her off of neocate, an elemental/hypoallergenic formula. It’s just full of chemicals and corn syrup. I’m thinking of starting the raw goat’s milk next week and pray it goes ok. She was very intolerant to dairy formula.
What recipe did you use and how did you introduce it? I think I’ll use the Weston Price recipe, but am not sure about the lactose and whey in it.
Do you have any thoughts? Thank you!!!
Thanks for the post about goat’s milk!
I, very sadly, was not able to breastfeed my little girl, and I felt horrible about giving her commercial formula. Not only that, but it was more than evident that it made her feel horrible as well.
My chiropractor recommended goat’s milk and I did some research and was happy with the positive feed back I learned from those who used it. Of course my pediatrician does not recommend it, but I felt like this was the direction we should take.
She has been on it since about 6-7 weeks exclusively and we saw a decrease in her acid reflux and increase in her overall happiness almost immediately. She is now 5 months old and gaining weight beautifully. She is healthy and happy.
I have used the Dr. Sears recipe from the beginning. I use a liquid multivitamin with iron and I also use Udo’s oil for some good omega 3s.
I have been reading about adding molasses for additional iron, however I know too much iron is bad. Do you think I should be using blackstrap molasses in addition to an multivitamin with iron, or do you think I should forgo the multivitamin and use the molasses?
I personally would stick with the multivitamin. I think that will cover your bases as my naturopath recommended.
Use a multivitamin in lieu of the blackstrap molasses? or in addition to?
I would recommend you continue doing what you are already. It sounds like you have a good balance.
Hi Lauren!
I responded to Kristy’s post above as well and hope that one or both of you see this despite this being from 2009!
I’m in the same boat as you were – feeling terrible about giving my 5 month old formula. She has been intolerant of about everything so I HOPE the raw goats milk will settle her. She is on a hypoallergenic formula right now – full of corn syrup – and chemicals.
Any advice? Did your wee one stay on it for quite some time?
Thank you!
Thank you for this post! It was very helpful for me! My milk supply has been waning by the end of the day as well (2 months sooner than with my son) and I’ve been noticing that my 8 month old daughter doesn’t seem satisfied after nursing. I bought the Goat milk powder at Fred Meyer and she liked it! I’ve tried formula in the past and she wants nothing to do with it. Obviously, I’d love to boost my milk supply to completely satisfy her but nothing seems to help and it didn’t with my son, either.
When I was still trying to nurse (it never did work out for us) but the lactation consultant told me to try Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle. They are herb supplements you can get at a natural food store or someplace like Super Supplements. Taken together they are supposed to increase your milk supply. Unfortunately for us my little L never did want to latch correctly to keep it coming in!
I had to wean my son early due to a breast mass years ago. I hd the blessing of being raised on a dairy goat farm and knowing well the benefits of goats milk vs. cows and formula. I switched him to goats milk and he had no problems at all.
I also want to note that as a breeder of Goldendoodles that we also use an all natural goats milk formula for supplementation. They thrive!
Have you heard of Nature’s One Baby’s Only Formula? Here are the ingredients: It’s organic and the ingredients, in my opinion, are far superior to ANY commercial formula out there (even commercial organic formulas). My son had a really hard time with commercial formulas, and did very well on this one. And, I actually buy it for $8.79 a can on, but this vitacost shows the ingredients better.
Wow…good post…informative and helpful – even the comments were helpful! I had a milk supply issue with Josefine, who is 4 mos now. I basically had to supplement early on because the Dr’s insisted…it was rough…and needless to say (and to keep the story WAY short), we’ve switched our Dr. Anyway, we looked at Goats Milk as an option. The only thing about that was people gifted us formula – and we weren’t about to turn that down! People don’t gift you goats milk – so we’re doing formula, but I really like the option of it for the future. So far, so good, though…she hardly ever spits up and she’s not a fussy baby at all. It’s def. something to think about, though. THANKS for this post!
I, too, had trouble with not having enough for my baby in the evenings. But I usually did have more than enough first thing in the morning, so I’d pump about half-way between the first 2 morning feedings (took awhile to get my schedule worked around that!). And what I pumped in the morning would usually be plenty to supplement what little was left by evening. And my hubby liked the chance to feed the baby once a day, then, too.
As an IBCLC (board certified lactation consultant) and a breastfeeding volunteer counselor for several groups, I was really pleased to read Natalie’s post with excellent suggestions in regards to seeking out breastfeeding support. Milk supply issues and night time parenting can be extremely emotional and challenging for moms! Sometimes supplementation is needed but I would always urge a mom to seek out qualified support so that she can work towards her breastfeeding goals. As with shopping around for any type of health care provider(MD vs. ND, etc, etc), you can try to find an IBCLC that is a good match for your family and views lactation as a holistic process.
I am aware that many mothers choose to use goat’s milk or a homemade formula for their babies. According to the World Health Organization, if baby needs supplementation the first choice is mother’s own expressed milk, then donor milk and then a commercially prepared formula. Human milk is species specific for human babies. If baby requires another type of milk we need to be careful to find something balanced to meet the nutritional requirements of a growing human. Having more of certain elements (vitamin, minerals, amino acids, etc) in another type of milk does not necessarily translate to a benefit for a human baby and can overload or deprive them of certain nutrients. In addition, human milk is a live product, ever-changing to meet the needs of your growing baby. It is complex and amazing! If your baby needs supplementation I would encourage you to seek quality lactation support and then make a very informed choice about what type of supplement you provide for baby (just like you’d do about any other health or parenting decision). Also for those of you opening up your hearts and homes to adopted children, consider learning more about adoptive breastfeeding. Lastly, while I am a Weston Price fan, I am not so thrilled about their breastfeeding information. If you are looking for a great book on foods that impact breastfeeding I highly suggest, “MotherFood” by Hilary Jacobsen.
As an IBCLC (board certified lactation consultant) and a breastfeeding volunteer counselor for several groups, I was really pleased to read Natalie’s post with excellent suggestions in regards to seeking out breastfeeding support. Milk supply issues and night time parenting can be extremely emotional and challenging for moms! Sometimes supplementation is needed but I would always urge a mom to seek out qualified support so that she can work towards her breastfeeding goals. As with shopping around for any type of health care provider(MD vs. ND, etc, etc), you can try to find an IBCLC that is a good match for your family and views lactation as a holistic process.
I am aware that many mother choose to use goat’s milk or a homemade formula for their babies. According to the World Health Organization, if baby needs supplementation the first choice is mother’s own expressed milk, then donor milk and then a commercially prepared formula. Human milk is species specific for human babies. If baby requires another type of milk we need to be careful to find something balanced to meet the nutritional requirements of a growing human. Having more of certain elements (vitamin, minerals, amino acids, etc) in another type of milk does not necessarily translate to a benefit for a human baby and can overload or deprive them of certain nutrients. In addition, human milk is a live product, ever-changing to meet the needs of your growing baby. It is complex and amazing! If your baby needs supplementation I would encourage you to seek quality lactation support and then make a very informed choice about what type of supplement you provide for baby (just like you’d do about any other health or parenting decision). Also for those of you opening up your hearts and homes to adopted children, consider learning more about adoptive breastfeeding. Lastly, while I am a Weston Price fan, I am not so thrilled about their breastfeeding information. If you are looking for a great book on foods that impact breastfeeding I highly suggest, “MotherFood” by Hilary Jacobsen.
I just wanted to mention that I’ve heard a lot of great things about goat’s milk. Stories like children who were very, very sick but were “cured” once they started drinking goat’s milk. My sister did have an issue with her young daughter not getting enough vitamin B-12 and becoming anemic from that, so if you are using it for full time supplementation, definitely considered doing some of the stuff that Lindsay recommends to up your B-vitamins. B
And like Lindsay mentioned, fresh is much better than powdered. As far as I know, most powered milks have oxidized cholestorol in it (not good news). I don’t know if there are exceptions or not, but it’s something to look into if you are needing to use a formula.
Lindsey, you are such a blessing, as is your blog! I can always find wonderful information that is so helpful to me here. Thank you for your diligent research that I know is helpful to so many! May the Lord bless your efforts.
p.s. I just had my 4th sweet blessing and I was wondering about the best supplementation that I might add later if needed. I came to your blog and was happy to read your recent post. Thanks again!
Lindsay, thank you so much for all of your posts of how to naturally care for babies and toddlers. My husband and I are going to be trying for our first come January and your posts have opened my eyes to all kinds of new ideas. I always knew I wanted to feed my baby homemade baby food, but I didn’t know you could skip the mushy stuff
I shared your posts with my husband and we are both on the same page with feeding, which I think is very important. Not only are these ways more healthy, but they are so much more frugal as you are not having to stock up on canned baby food. I can keep my original grocery list!
I’m so excited to our new adventures that are to start next year and all of your posts are just making me more and more excited! I can’t wait for January!!!
My family and I drink raw goat’s milk and my question is about spoiling. Does it really spoil that quickly? I get one gallon each week and have not have a problem with the milk spoiling before it’s time to pick up a fresh gallon.
However, I appreciate this post b/c the dried version may be an option I look to when our local supplier runs out of goat’s milk soon during the winter months. I think it’s great that you turned to other options, aside from regular types of formula!
Have you met with an IBCLC about your milk supply issue? In my years of breastfeeding babies into toddlerhood and attending La Leche Meetings and other support groups led by IBCLC’s, I’ve never really heard that topping a baby off before bed helps in getting a baby to sleep through the night. I, guess, if you have a true milk supply issue, it may be necessary. However, in my experience, there are several things that usually work for increasing milk supply before having to turn to supplementing. Often, supplementing decreases milk supply further. I was fortunate in that where I lived when I was nursing, in Fairbanks, Alaska, the local public department had a board certified lactation consultant. She made FREE home visits. If what you’re doing works for you, great. But, it may not hurt to talk to a lactation consultant about your milk supply, specifically, especially if you plan on more children and want to combat the supply issue once and for all.
You can also freeze a portion of the milk. I currently have a freezer almost completely full of goats milk for use during the winter after we can’t get fresh any more. ours starts to turn right around 4 days old. there’s nothing really wrong with it, it just starts tasting a little funny. Taht’s when I usually make kefir out of it or something fermented.
I use raw goats milk for my 18 mo. old. I freeze it in quart/pint jars for smaller portions. It is chunky when it thaws, but she has never minded. I used this when she was a baby to fill in when I was away and unable to nurse, and then later to get her tummy full before bed. She still drinks 1/2-1 c each morning.
For anyone struggling with milk supply while breastfeeding, I also developed a noticeable dip in supply about the time my little one started sleeping through the night. It was so important to me to continue breastfeeding that I started giving him “twilight feeds” which is just feeding him while he’s asleep. I’ve read that breastmilk is most abundant between the hours of 2-5 AM. If I had known this with my last child I wouldn’t have stopped breastfeeding so soon. I feed every 2-3 hours during the day, then feed 2 times after he’s gone to bed, for a total of 7-9 times per day. Most books and “experts” will tell you a 9 month old only “needs” 4 feedings per day. I would have completely lost my supply had I followed this advice. He doesn’t wake up, and it’s worth the little bit of sleep interruption to me to give him the best I can.
Thanks for the info on the goat’s milk. Once our little one is over 1 year, we may try that.
I have found the same thing with my four. Especially my 3rd because he sucked his thumb and was sleeping through the night even earlier than the first two I really struggled with my milk supply with him and ended up fighting a long battle and having to supplement. After much reading I realized that the night feedings were essential for my milk supply because me days were so busy etc. I now have a thriving 5 month old who, although not “fat”, has good rolls, and nurses twice at night and is putting weight on better than my others and I don’t even feel the need to have to start solids yet. Also- it can help delay your monthly cylce if you don’t go more than 6 hrs between any feeds- working so far!
I use Pediatrivite multivitamin syrup for my son. I will try to compare both the contents.
Hi there! Thanks again for this wonderful post.
I had a question…how early can you start them on the goat’s milk formula you recommended? Any time? I have a 5 month old that is exclusively breastfed right now. But, there are the occasional times (like tonight since its our anniversary) that it would be nice to skip a feeding a stay out a little longer with my hubby.
I’ve pumped in the past for these occasions, but don’t really get a whole lot out each time so I would have to plan way way way ahead to have enough.
I would love to have an occasional alternative that I could give her. Just curious if its okay to start her on this now?
Thanks so much!
I understand you can use goat’s milk formula right away. Several other readers mentioned they did it without any problems. I would just recommend you use the smaller quantity of goats milk to water and gradually increase. You may want to mix it with a little breastmilk to adapt you child to the taste as well. You shouldn’t have any problems.
This couldn’t have come at a better time! We are in the process of adopting two babies from Rwanda and I was starting to research my options for feeding them when we bring them home (hopefully late next summer.) With the poor nutrition they will have had, “real food” options are all the more crucial. I exclusively breastfed our 3 bio kids so formula is all so new to me. I researched all that it would take to relactate and for many reasons that isn’t going to be an option. I looked at the homemade formula in Nourishing Traditions, but it seemed a bit much with all the different ingredients. It will be a super busy season of life for us adjusting and bonding with these new babies, so the time involved in making it also seemed overwhelming to me. This recipe seems SO doable and easy! I look forward to hearing what Dr. Sears has to say. Thank you again for this post!
You might want to look into a Milk Bank or MilkShare…
I was a nanny for a little girl adopted from Brazil last year. Her parents gave her Goat’s Milk. It seems like an excellent option!
Thanks! Cow’s milk allergy runs in my family so I’ve been wondering what kind of milk, if any, to give my daughter after she turns a year. Sounds like the perfect solution in goat’s milk!
How interesting! It’s good to know I will have a more natural option to supplement my little one’s diet if I struggle with milk supply. This is my first time nursing, as I was not able to with my oldest and a little too nervous to try with my second. I wish I would have known about this when my oldest was a baby–at my pediatrician’s insistence I gave him soy formula. I wasn’t aware of the dangers of soy at that time.
Also, great that you posted about the glass Evenflo bottles–we use those too, and love them!
Hi All. Just to drop here some of the great benefits you can get when you take cod liver oil.
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If you want to read some more, please visit
Best wishes,
Alfredo E.
My now 16 yr old dd could not keep any formula down. We tried soy based and all. My mother told me to go and see if I could find goats milk in the grocery store. I found Meyenburg condensed. I went home and mixed it up and she never spit up again. I think that it is a great brand and was sure a life saver for me. If I had to do it again I would breast feed but when I started having babies in the 80′s everyone thought you were crazy to breast feed, you just couldn’t be bothered. I know different now and have talked to my daughter about the benefits so she will have the information when the time comes in the future. Anyway I will finish my comment by saying that I love your blog and keep up the good work.
Hi Jeanna,
My little one is almost 3 months and she spits up puddles! We have tried all kinds of formula (unfortunately, I wasn’t able to breastfeed). and finally found that a lactose free doesn’t upset her tummy as much and since we have been putting some rice cereal in it it has helped her keep it down. Did your little one have an allergy or reflux? And was she spitting up or vomiting? I am reluctant to change formulas again because we have changed so many on her already, poor thing, but am really interested in trying this out.
My youngest couldn’t keep down formula either. I was trying to nurse full-time, but we were smack in the middle of moving to another state, so I began supplementing with the bottle. He kept throwing up, so I stopped supplementing and nursed him exclusively for six months. At his check up the doctor mentioned he hadn’t gained any weight at all since his four month check up, and at his four month he’d barely gained any since his two month check up. We’d had the same issue with my daughter. We thought they were just petite, but it turns out the fat content of my breast milk ain’t so hot. We had to supplement, but knew he couldn’t keep down conventional formula. Enter Meyenberg Condensed Goat Milk. Now he’s at a healthy weight and way less cranky than he used to be. I’m going to try adding the cod liver oil, though. Thanks, Lindsay!
Have you ever tasted the formula? Just wondering. Of course, regular formula tastes really bad anyway. When my son was a baby he had a lot issues with ear infections and excema. He was also very skinny. I thought he might be allergic to cow’s milk and decided to give goat’s milk a try. He was already over a year old at this point and immeadiately rejected it. He kept making a face and giving the sippy cup back to me. Finally at the end of the day he threw the cup across the room. That was when I decided to take a sip and BLECH! It was really gross. Perhaps it was the brand I used. I don’t know but if there are ways to make it more palatable please share. And otherwise I would just suggest to make sure and start it early before they can throw cups across the room!
Yes, I have tasted this formula and it tastes fine. Not as good as cow’s milk of course, but definitely not disgusting. I would recommend you try a different brand. You may have to slowly adapt to it as well. Start with a diluted amount and then gradually increase it.
In my experience, store bought goats milk is already turning yech! Fresh Raw goats milk, however, is amazing! and you can’t tell much difference between it and cow’s milk. My kids both are allergic to the caesin in pasturized homogenized milk (cow or goat) and can only drink raw milk without getting ear infections.
Lindsay, I had the same supply issues with both my kids, they just needed a lot more than I could put out. I did end up using the Nourishing Traditions formula recipe and my kids drank that on a very regular basis, both through the supplemental nurser and through the Evenflo glass bottles. I love it and I think it’s the reason my youngest doesn’t gag on Cod Liver oil like my older does. he’s used to the taste from his formula.
Hi Sarah!
I have a 5 month old. She is currently on a hypoallergenic formula and I REALLY want her off of it…I long for something natural for her. So, I’m hoping to start her on fresh goat milk with success.
She couldn’t tolerate dairy formula – terrible colic, lack of sleep, and diarrhea.
Did you just supplement or use the nourishing traditions recipe exclusively? I’ll need to go 100% as I was not able to breastfeed her. Would you hesitate? I know that cookbook has a raw cow, goat and liver based formula. I’m torn, though, as to which to use. I HOPE she tolerates the goats milk formula even though she has dairy issues. Did you use the whey and lactose that it calls for?
Thank you for any advice!
thanks for this post. I’m struggling with a low supply and a hungry baby right now. I’ve been really praying for an answer and goat’s milk keeps coming to mind… it’s nice to know that there are other people out there who are using it as well.
I needed to supplement my son during my pregnancy with my daughter (they’re 12 months apart, so I nursed him through her pregnancy), and after some research used goat’s milk. Since he was already beginning solids by the time I started needing to use it (he was around 8 months) I just made sure to feed him egg yolks and good fats to round it out.
We were fortunate in finding a local source of raw fresh goats milk, as I have heard that powdered milk is not good for you. I’ve never done any research on that, though… if you have I’d love to hear about it as of course the powdered would be much more convenient!
Yes, raw goat’s milk is a superior option, but it spoils too quickly to be used as a supplement. If you need full time milk option, definitely go with the raw fresh choose! Powdered is pasteurized, but that is the only disadvantage.
Most (if not all?) powdered milks also have oxidized cholestorol, unfortunately. Sally Fallon believes that’s why some of the studies using powdered milk made milk seem so bad-not because the milk was bad, because it was powdered. So I agree with you fresh is best!
I also used goat’s milk with 2 of my 3 children between the time I had to wean them and the time they reached the 1 year mark (3-4 months). I added organic carrot juice to 1 or 2 bottles each day to boost their nutritional intake. Yes…they did take on an orange hue for a couple of months, but it quickly disappeared when they stopped drinking the juice. Both of these children are EXCELLENT eaters and my husband insists it is because they drank carrot juice as a baby.
Do you know about how many bottles you get from the 12 oz can?
It really depends upon the quantities that you chose of water/milk ratio. The 12 oz can usually lasts us about a month, which taking 8 oz per day approximately.
3 Cheers for Goats milk. My daughter (1) was a very sickly child– and very irratable for 10 months– till we determined she *might* have a milk allergy…
At the suggestion of a dear friend on July 5th we started making a HM goats milk formula– and with in 4 days– all her mucus issues cleared up and with in a month it was like a WHOLE NEW BABY. She was also very developmentally delayed–(was tested by the dr. for many things) but caught up with in a month and a half)!!!
I used RAW goats milk, water, nutritional yeast, black strap molassas, and also some cod liver oil.
She is over a year now and is on straight raw goats milk–
I cannot sing the praises of goats milk enough— WHAT a DIFFERENCE it made in my little one!!
Oh and my Ped (real Dr.) is FINE and even reccomends goats milk for babies with colic and other issues– what a surprise!!
Hi Denise!
I will be trying goat’s milk on my 5 month old hopefully in the next week or two. I have a source for raw/fresh. She is on a hypoallergenic formula right now and I’d like to move to the nourishing traditions recipe – although I’m not sure about the whey and lactose as well as the additional cream.
What recipe did you use? There are so many variations!
Hi Angie,
I know your post was from 2011 so I’m hoping you’ll read this. I have a 3 month old with a similar situation (milk and soy intollerance) and we are also on hypoallergenic formula (Neocate) which hasn’t worked after over 5-week trial. Our pedi GI suggested goat’s milk formula and I was curious to know how it worked for you. Did you end up trying the raw or pasteurized? Powder or liquid? Which recipe did you try? I would love to hear your experience or anyone else’s with a similar MSPI (milk and soy protein intolerance) condition. Thanks and God bless!