We are potty training at our house, thus I have been a little occupied. Karis is actually doing very well. I love the nice weather to allow her to run around naked. Now that you know a little too much of the events at our home…Stay tuned for another fun giveaway!
Chocolate chips and stickers!!! Seriously, we casually sat our 3 yr. old on the potty (one of the potty seats that fit on the big toilet) for months until he asked one day to wear “big boy underwear.” Several accidents later, we discovered that taking him every 20 minutes worked, gradually lengthening the time to two hours, and as much as I thought the chocolate would do it, what worked best was a sticker chart taped on the wall right in front of the toilet (though he still loves the chocolate for #2). Just expect accidents as part of the whole thing, and it will be much easier.
My son is 3- he’s pretty self sufficient by now, but I had a lot of help with getting started. My mom helped me when she visited by getting him excited about going (‘It’s Sam’s turn to go!), and setting the timer for every 15- 20 min. (And yelling “It’s potty time!!) Even if it was a tiny trickle, he got a treat (m&ms… he’s a chocolate fiend). We have our battles about going even now, but over all it’s good.
I wish you Godspeed and good luck. I’m sure you’ll post your experiences- I look forward to them since I have a girl coming up in a couple of years to potty time!
Lindsay – I love your site and visit often (and comment less than I should!). My daughter has been fully trained since 16 months and I wanted to recommend this resource for potty training: http://www.babycenter.com/0_potty-training-in-three-days-or-less_10310078.bc
If the link doesn’t work just search babycenter for “potty train in 3 days.” We used the naked below the waist method at home for a couple of days and loose fitting shorts after. It was so simple that I just read the outline on the site rather than buy the book. Claire’s had no accidents and I found it a very gentle method that didn’t focus on rewards or punishments. I know you have another little guy to take care of during the day, so it might be hard to devote the time to this but I would shout about this program from every rooftop I could climb on!
PS – We only went pantless for about 2 weeks not the 3 month recommendation. After that my daughter was able to get her pants off with some help and now she’s doing it independently. She’s in regular underwear now and needs a little help dropping her drawers (lol) but it’s much easier than diapers and she’ll often ask to use “mommy’s” toilet rather than her potty which is even BETTER!
My son just turned 3 and still shows no interest in potty training. I’m not pushing it, though. I have a year-old as well, and since I use cloth diapers, it doesn’t affect anything to continue to diaper him. He is just this week, for the first time, telling me when he needs to be changed and asking to be changed, so I hope that’s a good sign!
I have two boys 20mo and 3yrs and i have found pull-up are just fancy diapers(expensive too)! We have inherited lot of cousins and friends hammy down underware. Some were so worn out i was going to throw them away, but i tried putting them under my sons pull-up. And it worked, they don’t like that tight wet feeling. If they had a poopy accident we would just throw them away. One Skittle or m&m reward helped too(we keep a sealed container in one of the bathroom drawers). Hope this helps. And moms if you get frustrated always remember there are M&Ms in the bathroom!
Yeah I refused to use Pull-ups. I just bought lots of 2nd hand clothes, and those training underwear. Accidents will happen, so I’d change them and move on.
M&M’s worked in our house too. 1 m&m for #1, and 2 for #2!
I am a mother of 2 boys (4 1/2 and 2). I just started training my 2 year old a few weeks ago. He was going everyday and getting stickers and M&Ms for rewards. then, we went on vacation for a week and it was too difficult to keep up with it on vacation (lots of riding around and sightseeing). Since we have been back, he has not been motivated and is sometimes refusing to try. I stared letting him run bare-bottomed this week, and it has helpeed some but not much. I would love to hear other suggestions on what I could do.
I highly recommend Gross-Loh’s book Diaper-Free Baby! It is an EC resource but invalueable information on bonding with you children through the experience of being in-tune with their needs. Not particularly Christian but very in line with responding as God responds to us – Lovingly! Blessings!
I recently came across your blog and have been enjoying it!! You have a beautiful family, by the way!
I have 2 boys, a 3-yr old and a 17-mo old. I started working on potty training with the oldest…I don’t think he was ready…we worked on it several weeks and then stopped. I would LOVE to know more about what you’re doing and ANY other suggestions you, or anyone else, might have.
I just found your journal. Thank you for sharing info about the natural laundry soap. I also wanted to share with you about EC. Here’s a link for more info: http://www.BornPottyTrained.com/ But in a way, it sounds like you already kinda know about it. =)
We are potty training, too. Our daughter seems to be getting it, but the biggest obstacle is coordinating taking her to the potty and nursing our three month old. It seems she’s always ready and asking to go five seconds after I’ve sat down to nurse. I’ve tried taking her before I sit down, but of course nothing happens then.
We’ll get it! Are you using any type of reward system?
Yes, she gets a little gummy bear each time she goes. She loves it, especially because she can pick out the color. That’s big in her book!
That is exactly our problem also! He is starting to get to where he can go to the potty by himself though, if I tell him to go, so that is a huge blessing!
I had the same nursing situation. I finally started putting the potty chair next to my nursing spot and let him run naked just during that time. Sounds weird but it works.
Have you ever heard of EC (elimination communication)? You could go ahead and get a great head start with Titus while you are at it! I have been doing this with my youngest since he was 5 days old, and I love it! A great way to start without putting a whole lot of effort into it is by offering the potty as soon as he starts to wake up. That is when most babies pee, not while they are actually asleep. Then when he starts to go, just give a little psssss cue sound that he will learn to associate with relaxing those muscles and then you can start to learn his cues as to when he needs to go through a combination of timing, instinct, and picking up on his signals. I still use cloth diapers at night and when we go out, but usually only one or two a day, which ends up saving a lot on money and time. To me it is just one more way to try to live more naturally- maybe you could check it out!
Have fun! We’re doing #3 right now, but it’d been a while so I feel like a newbie all over again! I hear naked is the way to go.
We do training pants (not pull-ups! training pants)
that’s how I potty trained my 2! Pump the water in them.
We sure hope you will share with us your approach to potty training. Spill all the great details.
I too am potty training, would love your advice on how to stay consistent!! My 3 year old just told me today, potty mommy, after he had already gone. But at least that is a start. Before, he wouldn’t say anything at all and I would discover he was wet. I have to take him or tell him to go to the potty all day, because up till now he hasn’t taken the initiative.
yea, I would still take him to potty, even if he’s already started to go or even after a miss. Never force him. If he resists, then don’t worry about it for that time. but pick up again next time. After a while, your little one will start to come get you to take him to the potty. and he will more and more have success on the potty.
Yay! Good luck, have fun, and enjoy the wonderful weather and happy naked wee ones
Oh man, we’re gonna have to start potty training at our house pretty soon too. Not looking forward to it!
Girls are so much easier to potty train b/c they can wear a dress & be “naked.” Being naked speeds the process. I put our boys in one of Daddy’s shirts- some of them did not like this b/c they thought it looked like a dress. I have very manly little men!