At 3 months old, our little Titus man (Ty-Ty for short) is growing like a champ! My, how time flies! He is over 13 pounds now and is smiling and laughing all the way. He even is responding to being tickled. It is too cute for words. Unfortunately, teething appears to have hit us early this time, but he loves when mommy rubs his little gums. He has been sleeping through the night now since around 6 weeks. Horray! The Lord is Good! Here are some recent pictures for your enjoyment.
how did you know that Titus was teething? My little boy is 5 months (since yesterday) and has been a ¨sucker¨ since he was around for. He just eats his hands and sucks at my shoulder. How do you make a difference between teething and being hungry? any advice?
He’s just adorable!
What a handsome little man! He’s too precious!
CUTE! I can’t believe it’s been three months already!
Titus is amazingly beautiful. WOW! What a blessing he is.
I wanted to tell you that I greatly admire you… both in your parenting style and your dedication to healthy living! You have been an inspiration to me. Thank you for sharing your life!
Oh, how precious!! They are both so cute. Ty-ty… that’s cute. He really is adorable, Lindsay. And Karis looks like a proud big sis. Makes me smile.
He’s a cutie!!!! Thanks for the update!
I didn’t breastfeed… well I couldn’t. So, on the advice on my mother, I added a tsp of rice cereal to their bedtime bottle, around 2 weeks, and all my babies slept thru the night from then on. A full belly, will keep a baby asleep.
I know most (if not all) peds will tell you not too, but it worked for my mother’s children, and it worked for mine. And we are all healthy!
Titus is so super duper cute!!!! Love the picture of your two babies. How blessed you and your husband truely are:)
Just Look at those Precious Blessings~ The Heavenly Father is so Good Always~
Blessings to you and yours~
Oh, your children are so precious! Titus is look older.
Wow! Time flies!!! He is absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
He is so cute! Thanks for sharing.
So sweet! Titus looks like Aaron and Karis looks like you. What a wonderful balance.
He is incredibly cute! Children are such a blessing!
Titus is such a cutie! Isn’t it amazing how quickly they grow. My youngest (of 5) is now 13, and I can hardly believe that she isn’t a little toddler any more.
I was looking back through some of your past posts and noticed that you have read Voddie Baucham’s Family Driven Faith. We began attending his church in the last few months and are really enjoying it. Within the last month or so he began adding his sermons to Sermon Audio and I thought you might be interested in them. His sermon on Biblical Headship was really good. I usually listen to them when I clean the kitchen and cook dinner. I hope that you find them to be an encouragement.
Blessings to you & your family!
you have way cute kids. so glad to see everyone is so happy and healthy!
You have a beautiful family. Your son is soooooooooooo cute. I really enjoy your website and the you service the Lord like I do.
So fun to see the facial features developing! I have a friend who’s baby liked chewing on raw rhubarb when he was teathing:)
So, can you give me some advice? My 8 month old has only slept through the night (meaning 6 hours) 2 times in her whole little life… she is still up pretty much every 2 hours (usually wanting to nurse). I am really really tired to say the least! Thoughts??
Surprisingly enough I didn’t do anything to assist getting Titus to sleep through the night. I was pretty much nursing on demand and then he started it on his own. But with my Karis girl, I did specifically work on it. The most important thing I learned was not to respond to the baby right away. Sometimes they were in between sleep stages and not really awake at all. This is what I did: every time the baby wakes up, let them cry for a period of 10-15 minutes before responding to them or as long as you can handle it. Sometimes they will actually go back to sleep on their own, and otherwise this trains them to sleep for longer periods of time. Each night you will extend the period a little longer. I remember doing this with Karis and within a week or so she was sleeping through the night. It isn’t easy, but it worked for us very well. Hope that helps!
Thank you Lindsay! I think I am going to just have to accept that our sweet baby is not a good sleeper – every baby is different! I know that with our next one, I will not rush in with every sound! I know that I am really quick to respond with nursing when she stirs (we are co-sleeping for most of the night) simply because I am tired and half-asleep. Hopefully, we can get her to do a longer stretch in her own room before she has her first waking and comes in with us.
Also, thank you for your amazing blog. It continues to truly encourage me in many ways!
I also had a child who loved to nurse all night, and responded too quick to her cries. I read the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child and it completely changed the way she sleeps, even though she was already a year when I began implementing it. With our son, it was so much eaiser for me to let him soothe himself to sleep because I knew the rewards that would come. He gets better sleep because I am not “interrupting” him needlessly, and of course I get to sleep as well! However for it to work, I had to end the co-sleeping. Of course, everyone has different techniques that work for them, but I was tired of being tired!! What is amazing, is that as soon as stopped the instant nursing response, he also developed great napping habits. Even as a one year old now, I can count on his nap being at least two hours and him falling asleep happily without fussing when I put him in his bed, for nap OR nighttime sleep. It is a really good feeling to have a child who smiles peacefully and curls up in his crib when he’s ready to sleep! Such a difference from his sister at this age!!
Thank you Julie – I went and bought that book today!
What a cutie pie! I think he looks a lot like Aaron.
Out of curiosity, and this comes from the mama of a 16 month-old boy who has never slept through the night, did Titus accomplish this amazing feat purely “naturally” or did you help him along? And if so, what methods did you use?
I just responded to a similar question below.
Too cute! I love those dimples!
What do you mean by “sleeping through the night”? Did you do anything to encourage it? I could sure use a full night’s sleep! Clara often sleeps for 6 hours at a time, but she starts at six or seven PM and so wakes up at midnight or one for her 3 hour schedule again. She’s 4 months old (or will be on Monday). Ah well. I’m going to read “No Cry Sleep Solutions” to see if that helps at all.
Thanks for sharing pictures of your adorable little boy! What a blessing!
He is sleeping anywhere from 7-9 hours or so. I know that phrase can be confusing. 6 hours is great start for sure! I shared some thoughts below with another reader and the same question…
3 months is such a fun age!! You’ve got a beautiful little family!
You did GOOD, mama!
What a precious little man!
what a beautiful boy!
Our oldest son began teething at 3 months. He got his teeth very early. It was tough for a time, but he got them quickly and then it was all done. So, there is a blessing for the early teethers!
Hi Lindsay,
Titus is so GORGEOUS! You are blessed.