Did you know that we absorb more chlorine by showering in chlorinated water than we do by drinking it? Unless you have a well, it is very likely that your water is chlorinated. Although chlorine is deemed “safe” and a highly effective disinfectant, it is toxic to breath and damages the skin and hair. If you have a problem with dry skin and/or dandruff, this is most likely the cause of the problem!
According to Renee Loux in Easy Green Living, “Under normal exposure chlorine is a gas, which is liquefied and then mixed with water to purify it. When chlorinated water (like in a hot, steamy shower), run through a faucet, or allowed to sit in a tub, much of the chlorine vaporizes into a gas. We absorb more chlorine by showering in chlorinated water than we do by drinking it.”
But chlorine is not the only cause for concern.
Renee continues, “The water that makes its way through our shower heads also contains volatile organic compounds, chlorinated hydrocarbons that form when chlorinated water reacts with naturally occurring organic substances, such as the humic remnants of decaying vegetation that are invariably present in tap water, as well as a mess of other stuff.”
So if you have your own well, consider yourself blessed! If not, consider purchasing a shower filter!
We recently purchased a New Wave Enviro Shower Filter and have been pleasantly surprised with the results. We have far less dry skin problems. It is incredibly easy to install and will likely also help to improve the luster in our skin and hair. It is so much more relaxing to take a shower now that I know that lovely “gas” is taken care of! Shower filters are relatively inexpensive. The filter will last a good year under normal use. We also purchased the Bath filter for the kids usage. We are not sure of its effectiveness though, because whereas the shower filter runs the water through it avoiding any exposure, with the bath filter you simply swish it around after the water has already been poured into the tub. The instructions say it takes 5-8 minutes of swishing to filter out the chlorine, but that takes time when you are trying to give the kids a bath. I am on the search for a better method.
For my local friends, the chinook book has a $5 off coupon for People’s Co-op in Portland. I was able to get this shower filter for $35 with the coupon. This is the filter that several natural stores in Portland carried and recommended to me.
It works for me!
Have your tried a shower filter? Have you noticed any improvements?
Babies are the best and deserve only that! Your post has given me some great ideas, so thank you and please keep it going!
I found a bath ball filter that hangs from the faucet and thought of you, but I see that at least two people have already referred it to you.
I was wondering why you chose the New Wave Enviro shower filter? Also, do you know anything about Sprite Shower Filters?
I chose the New Wavo filter because when I asked around at a few natural local shops in my area that was the one they used, recommended, and sold as a result. I have not heard about the Sprite filters.
Sorry for the late post here. I have a child with pretty severe eczema so I have been forced to start filtering out the chlorine (it wasn’t in the budget and really still isn’t.) We haven’t got the shower filter yet (that is next when the funds are there.) I did buy a bath ball. It does work if you have time to swish it for 5-8 minutes. In a house full of 6 kids and a busy bedtime routine, there is not time for that. I had a naturopath recommend Vitamin C tablets. WOW!!! They are awesome. They work fast and they are fizzy. My 2 yod always asks for his “bubbles”. My dh splits them in half because a full tablet is meant for a very large tub of water. They are called VitaBath Vitamin C Bath Tablets (for can google that.) I can see the difference in the water before and after and can feel it when I use them.
I’m so glad to see this. I’ve been thinking about trying to filter our shower head for a while but hadn’t really done any research on how to do it. But we’re expecting a baby in a couple months and that’s the motivation I need to get going. Plus we had money set aside to fix a plumbing issue that ended up getting resolved another way so I think I can go ahead and get a shower and/or bath filter! Thanks for mentioning it
This is just the kick in the pants that I needed. I have been thinking about buying one of these since I heard Dr. Oz talk about it on Oprah. I color my hair and I’m thinking it would last a whole lot longer w/o being literally bleached each time I shower LOL! Thanks for the link to your filter.
What do you do to filter the chlorine from the many other water sources in your home (besides the shower)? All the sinks, washer, outside water hose, etc.
I have not researched that far yet.
I won an Aquasana shower filter at a Water For People event and just installed in on May 1st. They say I will notice improvements after just one week. Well, I’m on day 8 and plan to get a filter for the kids’ shower too. I’m not sure how much of a difference on the dry skin, I’m going to try the other shower for a few days to compare. But, I did notice a difference in my hair – much softer. Most noticeable was the smell of fresh water (not chlorine)! For that alone, it is worth it!
Thanks for this post…I’ve been researching for quite awhile and haven’t found one that I really like. This one seems good…
Hi Lindsay – just thought I’d pass this along… We used this bath ball filter when we lived in town. It worked WONDERFULLY. It’s pricey, but when I realized I wasn’t having to buy as many lotions/creams for the kids (and our) dry skin, it actually worked out about even.
You can find it here (although I’m sure it’s cheaper elsewhere): http://www.realgoods.com/product/home-outdoor/bathroom-bedroom/water+quality/bath+ball+faucet+filter.do
what about those of us who have pools? My children LIVE in the pool all Summer long, and chlorine is 100% necessary to kill bacteria.
Baking soda is the best alternative for chlorine in pools. Just read the back of those bags of baking soda…gives all the info!
Ok, thanks!! Baking soda huh? Wow… is there anything that baking soda doesn’t do? lol
wait, where do you get your baking soda? Mine comes in a box.
I buy a large bag at Costco that has the directions on the back.
Lindsay, you said the filter should last a good year… would you have to buy a new one then, or is there something in the filter that can be changed on a yearly basis. Even if you have to buy the whole filter yearly, I suppose $35 to $40 a year for good water is not a bad price to pay.
No, you just replace the filter on an annual basis. The filter costs around $22. You can find the filter replacement here.
Hey, maybe you should just run the shower to fill up the tub for your kids’ bath!
It would warm up the bathroom at the same time so they won’t get cold.
I didn’t think about this. Thank you for sharing.
Wow! Good to know. I never really considered that. I am definitely going to consider getting a shower filter.
Just wanted to share that I started using a shower filter a little over a year ago and noticed an immediate difference in my hair and skin. Not to mention, now when I take a shower somewhere without a filter I can REALLY smell the chlorine. I can’t believe I used to breathe that stuff in on a regular basis. I use a Multi-pure (same brand I have for my faucet, which I LOVE), and it works great. By the way, your blog is FABULOUS!
Just found your site through straight2heaven.com. Funny to read this now because I we JUST ordered a filter system for our new house. We could tell instantly that we had very hard water and someone came to test it, they said the chorine was really bad. Since, I’ve been worried just having my son near the shower while I’m in there. Hopefully our new system will come in soon!
Hi Lindsey,
What a great post! I was just about to write a similar one on my blog! We just bought a Culligan filter a few weeks ago and I can’t believe the results! My hair and skin are SOOO soft…it’s really quite amazing! I bought the hand held shower head from Bed Bath and Beyond (http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/product.asp?order_num=-1&SKU=13632596). I just unhook it and let it hang into the bathtub to fill with water for baths. It works great! I find I don’t fill the tub as full this way becuase it takes loner, so I am now indirectly saving water! It’s amazing how clear the water is! It’s such a difference. With the coupon it cost $40. The filters last around 6 months and cost $15 for 2.
Thanks for the wonderful post!
As far as bathing the kids in chlorine free water I suggest running the shower to fill up the tub. It does take longer, but you don’t have to stand there while its filling up, and you’ll probably use less water that way because it takes longer!
And those little thingy’s that you swish in the tub are EXPENSIVE! Also, where I live in Vancouver WA, there is so much sediment in our water that my shower filter which is in a shower that only I use will only last a few months rather than the year is is supposed to last for. This is because it becomes so full of sediment that the filter gets clogged. I can tell when it is happening because the water pressure changes dramatically. Last time my husband changed the filter he said it felt as heavy as a bowling ball! I have had the current filter for just 3 1/2 months and already my water pressure has gone down pretty significantly. Just something to be watching for. Don’t rely on the time they tell you it will last, pay attention to your water pressure if you live in an area where there is a lot of sediment in the water. We really only figured this out by accident this year when my husband was doing his yearly flushing out of our water heater. The area on the grass outside where he drained the water heater is now dead because the water was so full of minerals/sediment. That caused me to put two and two together with the short life of my shower filters.
I’ve got a precocious toddler who really can’t be trusted alone…she’s a climber so even a playpen doesn’t work anymore. Anyhow, to get a shower in during the day I’ll often fill the tub an inch or two and shower myself while she splashes in the tub! I’ve done this since she was 6 months old and in a bath seat…might solve your problem although your son is probably too small for this solution. LOVE your blog!
I always propped my babies up in a “johnny jump up” (and when order, not propped up) in the door way of the bathroom. They will get so enthralled w/the jump up they forget I’m in the shower.
I’m thinking of getting my Mother-in-law this for Mother’s Day, actually. Glad to read that you like it!
We’ve been talking about getting one of these for quite awhile, too. Thanks for the recommendation! We had looked at one awhile back that was quite a bit more expensive. It’s nice to know there is this other option.
We use a bath ball that just hangs on the faucet of the tub. You can find it here:http://www.healthytraders.com/cuzn-bath-ball-filter-p-3662.html or just Gooogle it to find other places to buy it. Hope this helps!
Thanks for the post! We have found that those tub water filters are a nuisance. We just fill the kids’ bath using the shower head. It takes longer, but at least it’s filtered!
What about filling the tub from the shower? Unless you have a separate tub and shower. Otherwise, just plug the drain and let the shower run to fill the tub.
I did try that but found it wasted a lot of water (vaporizing) and took forever. Maybe I’ll try it again. Thanks!
I can see how that would be wasteful. I guess perhaps it is the lesser of the two evils.
We have one of the showerheads on a hose and for some strange reason, I find that putting the showerhead into the tub wastes a lot less water than just running the shower from above. I feel so much better about our water since we added the shower filter!
Same here – it takes a big longer because the flow is reduced, but I just undress the kiddos after starting the water. It definitely wastes less – heat too. If you fill from above, the water is pretty cold by the time it hits the tub. I had incredibly high hopes for our filter, which we rec’d for Christmas. My son has a touch of eczema that I was just sure would disappear…but it didn’t. It does get worse if he has a bath at Grandma’s house across town, though, so maybe our filter is keeping more at bay than I realize. I do feel much better about giving the babies baths…now to clean up the soap issue!
I was just thinking about clorinated water yesterday. I realized that when I fill up the water pitcher that I keep in the fridge…it didn’t have that clorinated smell that makes my nose curl up.
Yep, we just moved into a house with well water. Sweet, delicious, unadulterated, well water. (And yes, the well was tested and found to be free of any ooky things we shouldn’t ingest.)
What a joy this is to us. The water is so clear and pure and sweet tasting. My eldest calls it ‘mountain water’ which is pretty accurate given the topography of the area.
Glad to know there are filters to rid public water of clorine (and other nasties.)