1 Peter 2:17 calls us to “Love the brotherhood.” I was recently praying for a practical way that I could serve other sisters in Christ in my church and community without taking me out of my home and away from my primary responsibility of nurturing and discipling my own children. I want to be intentional with every moment that the Lord gives me without over taxing myself by dragging my little ones here and there.
One of my personal favorite birthday events is to have a mommy’s day off. This means I drop off my children at the grandparents and just have some alone time to plan and prayer over the upcoming year, do some fun shopping, or whatever my heart desires. I am so thankful to have relatives close by that enables me to do this. But I know many of my friends, sisters, and neighbors, do not have this blessing. So…why couldn’t I offer to watch their little ones so these Mommy’s could get out for a little while and even get a date in with their hubby’s?
So this is exactly what I decided to do. When a friends birthday comes around (and thanks to Facebook syncing with my calendar, I always have these birthdays on my calendar), I will look for the opportunity to watch their little ones for a few hours so the Mommy’s can have some personal or date time (whichever they choose). I’ll invite the children to come over after our nap-time and stay through dinner time. I’ve done this on two separate occasions now, and it has been such a simple way to serve and a fun way to bless the recipients. It doesn’t require too much extra work because the children play together with my own. It’s also easy to let them watch a little movie if things get a little too wild or read books together or organize a little craft.
I just want to make my home available to serve and love on the lives of others! Are there friends and neighbors in your community that could use a day off? Invite these children into your home and serve in this simple tangible way. This could be a powerful way to reach out to an unsaved family in your community as well. Of course it may take time to build trust in the relationship, but it is worth the effort to share the love of Christ.
Matthew 5:16 states, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
Love this idea!
I just recently started swapping one day a month with another mom who has two boys like me. It has been GREAT!! We each very much look forward to our “day off” once a month now. We make lists during the month of errands or projects around the house that would be easier to do without kids underfoot and plan on getting those things done on our day off. I also usually try to get in a couple quiet hours at Starbucks or something just for some personal reading/reflection/planning time for my month. It is serving us so well. Our boys play well together and we each have similar standards/discipline for our kids so it also give me feedback from another mom on issues she might see with my kids. We also started swapping babysitting for date nights once a month. It is WONDERFUL!!
Another idea I have done to bless others on their birthday at times when money has been short has been to commit to pray and fast for them on their birthday for this new, upcoming year of their life. It’s always been a meaningful time to spend specific, focused time praying for a friend in this way.
The Grammar Police in me thinks you should change the title to read “Mommies” instead of Mommy’s. But not trying to be mean/rude/annoying, etc. I love your blog and I only mention this so it can be the best it possibly can be.
I’ve used this idea in lieu of Christmas gifts for friends. As a frugal way to bless my friends, over the years I’ve organized a little Christmas party in late November or early December with crafts, games, Christmas stories, and songs in order to give my friends a morning off. As moms our time away from the kids is rare and precious and I know how much I appreciate time alone so I wanted to give my friends the gift of a morning off-duty. It’s a perfect opportunity for them to shop for their kids’ gifts or wrap them up or get some pre-Christmas de-cluttering done.
This having been said, I chose NOT to do the Children’s Party this year. My circle of friends has grown a lot and I have too many friends to bless in that way. Even last year the party time was overwhelming. I had an age range from infant to 10 (homeschooled kids like mine) and there were too many and it was chaos! One of my friend’s children is autistic and can be a huge challenge to deal with. Several friends forgot about it or had sick kids, in fact one pregnant mom’s kid puked on her after she had gotten 4 kids ready to go and they were heading out the door to come to my house. For those that missed out, I felt bad that I hadn’t “given” them anything because they missed out on their gift. My kids often come down with illnesses in December, forcing a huge wrench into the plans for a party and thus, my gift! So, I LOVE your idea of doing it for birthdays, because that gives me a chance to space out the babysitting and have a bit less chaos at a busy time of year.
Thanks for this post!
This is a great idea. I’ve often thought about “trading” times like this for another mom since I don’t have any family in the area (anywhere closer than 9 hours away). We could each take a turn.
I think this is a great idea. If more people could do things like this it would allow people to feel the blessings of a good family. I know I can’t afford babysitting and if it weren’t for my family I’d never get to go out.
We have some great friends who moved far away from family and don’t have reliable sitters – I love being able to serve them in this way, especially since our little ones are the same age!
We do this with friends, especially when a baby sitter falls through. In addition, setting up a babysitting swap is a great way to get away and help each other. I will also barter with friends if I know they need income or goods when my paid babysitter falls through.
What a great idea! As we live thousands of KM from any family, I don’t anticipate being able to have a date, alone, with my hubby until our eldest is able to babysit (she is 14 months old right now!). So thoughtful of you to do this for others.
aw Do you guys have friends you could ask? Church members? All you need is a few hrs 1 x a month for a date! Praying God sends someone to you!!
Thanks Allegra, we do have some we could ask but I just feel bad when it’s not an ‘emergency’, especially as everyone here seems to have tons of family so it’s not like they need us to return the favour…
just do it! LOL. the worse they can say is no! To be honest I suffered a while before I reached out. Then I did… church friends have been amazing! Some other friends flaked or didn’t have time or whatever, but that’s ok. Then I joined a mom group (not affiliated with our church) and I asked if some of the moms wanted to start a co-op. It’s been a huge blessing.
Just be real and let them know you are desperate lol someone will say yes! And you can return the favor in other ways, if they don’t need babysitting.
I agree, Dove. Just ask! If you’re SUPER scared of being an imposition, reach out to another couple who probably hasn’t had a date in awhile and ask if they’d want to swap date/babysitting nights!
If you get 4 couples together who haven’t had a date in awhile (and honestly, you could easily find many many more than that), you could have a weekly date night! 3 weeks/month, you have a date, and 1 week/month, it’s crazy-fun kid-party at your house
I don’t have any family close by either (closest 9 hours). I always feel bad too asking unless its a “real” need like an appointment I cannot bring the kids to at all like something personal etc. But I am hoping to meet someone I can “trade” with. My oldest isn’t ready to babysit for 5 more years.
This is a GREAT idea. You guys don’t know how many moms are out there, feeling stressed and all alone. We don’t have family close by, so I used to be one of those moms. But almost a year ago I helped organize a babysitting co-op in my area. Such a blessing. There’s 13 of us now and we take turns watching each other’s kids. I don’t think us moms were meant to go it alone!! So if anyone is reading this and you feel stressed because you don’t have any help, consider reaching out and asking someone And, if you have the time, consider reaching out and asking moms you know if they need any help
What a great idea! I have to admit that I don’t like keeping other people’s children, but I will try because I know how much it would bless me if someone did this for me. (But then, most of my friends’ kids are in school, so I don’t know how much it would help them anyway.)
LOL I don’t really enjoy watching other’s kids either.
What about bartering for something else? Trading a home cooked meal, a photo shoot, garden produce or flowers, etc?
What a practical, thoughtful, generous way to bless someone!
I used to live in a college town, and there were a handful of college students who would bless the families at church like this. They’d let the parents drop the kids off at their apartment for half the day. Sometimes they’d just ask, “When was the last time you and your husband had a date?” And if it was more than a month, they’d just take the initiative to plan an evening to take their kids off their hands.
What wonderful students, huh?!
They would do things like bake, decorate, and deliver cookies; walk around the greenbelt; watch movies; build pillow forts…
It really seems like EVERYONE would win. The parents got a date night or errand-time (or just a nap!); the college students had a ball with the kids; and it was the coolest thing ever for the kids to hang out with cool, older college students, too!
Will you be my friend?!? ;o) This is a wonderful idea, especially for those of us whose parents live far away, have passed away, or don’t have close relationship. Time is such a precious and highly valued gift. Nothing comforts a mother’s heart more than to know her children are in a warm and loving place when not with her. You have inspired me to be more intentional about serving others and to seek out opportunities utilizing what I can offer during this season of life. God bless you! Sharon
Oh man, this is a miserable post. I’ve been feeling like I should help a young mom but have been dragging my feet. Thanks for giving me a boot in the backside!
Oh man. This is a miserable post. I’ve been feeling like I should help a young mom but have been dragging my feet. Thanks for the boot in the backside!!
That’s so kind of you!
I just ran into a friend today who has a toddler and a newborn, a husband who has to work til 8pm, and no family nearby, and I was just thinking I should do something for her. I have no family here either, as we are living overseas, and I know how much I would love to have someone offer to do that for me and my little one!
I love doing this for my friends! It’s the best blessing I can think of for myself as well
How funny this post was today– I just did this for a friend today, and it was a blessing to both of us! Another little addition might be sending her home with dinner (just a duplicate of what I made for us) to pop in her oven another day.
Great idea! I love your blog! Thanks for being an inspiration to all of us on what’s most important in this life!